المشاركات 1,372 |
+التقييم 0.64 |
تاريخ التسجيل Apr 2019 |
الاقامة |
نظام التشغيل |
رقم العضوية 30 |
private void WorldTournaments(int time)
#region HeroOFGame [30]
if (DateTime.Now.Minute == 30)
public HeroOfGame HeroOfGame = new HeroOfGame();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using MrHassan.Network.GamePackets;
namespace MrHassan.Game.Features.Tournaments
public class HeroOfGame
public HeroOfGame()
open = false;
public void CheakUp()
if (Emprator_Times.Start.HeroOfGame && !open)
uint Secounds = 0;
private IDisposable Subscribe;
bool open = false;
bool SendInvitation = false;
public void Start()
if (!open)
Secounds = 0;
SendInvitation = false;
open = true;
Subscribe = World.Subscribe(Work, 1000);
public void SendMapMessaj(string packet)
var data = new Network.GamePackets.Message(packet, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center);
var MapDictionary = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionary)
public int CkeckUPAlive()
int Count = 0;
var MapDictionary = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionary)
if (client.Entity.Hitpoints > 0)
return Count;
public void Close()
open = false;
public void Work(int time)
if (!SendInvitation)
foreach (var client in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
client.MessageBox("Hero OF Game has begun! Would you like to join?",
(p) => { if (open) { p.Entity.Teleport(1507, 96, 113); client.Entity.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); } }, null, 40);
SendInvitation = true;
if (open)
if (Secounds == 30)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 30 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 40)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 20 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 50)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 10 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 55)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 5 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 58)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 3 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 60)
var MapDictionary = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionary)
client.Entity.AllowToAttack = true;
SendMapMessaj("Fight !");
else if (Secounds > 60)
byte[] Messaje = new Network.GamePackets.Message("Alive Entitys : [ " + CkeckUPAlive() + " ]", System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, Network.GamePackets.Message.FirstRightCorner).ToArray();
var MapDictionar = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionar)
if (CkeckUPAlive() == 1)
var client = Kernel.GamePool.Values.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507 && p.Entity.Hitpoints > 0);
if (client != null)
Game.Statue statue = new Statue(client.Entity.SpawnPacket);
statue = new Statue(client.Entity.SpawnPacket, 105177, Enums.ConquerAction.Cool, (byte)Enums.ConquerAngle.SouthWest, 309, 244, true);
statue = new Statue(client.Entity.SpawnPacket, 105177, Enums.ConquerAction.Wave, (byte)Enums.ConquerAngle.SouthEast, 304, 372, true);
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 4000;
client.Entity.BoundCps += 2500;
client.Entity.AddTopStatus(Update.Flags2.Top3Trojan, 2, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(59));
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulation " + client.Entity.Name + " win the Hero OF Game, he receice " + rates.heroofgame + " [4000] Conquerpoints & [2.500] CpsBound ", Color.White, Message.BroadcastMessage), Program.Values);
foreach (var Entity in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (Entity.Entity.MapID == 1507)
Entity.Entity.Teleport(1002, 301, 278, false);
Entity.Entity.AllowToAttack = false;
else if (CkeckUPAlive() == 0)
public class Start
public static bool HeroOfGame
return now.Minute == 30;
public static void MessageWeb(string WebSite, GameState clienthoda)
public class rates
public static uint heroofgame;
public static void Load(IniFile IniFile)
heroofgame = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "heroofgame");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace MrHassan.Game
public class Statue : Network.Writer
public static ConcurrentDictionary<uint, Statue> Statues = new ConcurrentDictionary<uint, Statue>();
public byte[] SpawnPacket = null;
public uint UID;
public Statue(byte[] array, uint uid = 105175, uint action = Enums.ConquerAction.Sit, byte facing = (byte)Enums.ConquerAngle.South, ushort xx = 381, ushort yy = 242, bool war = false)
UID = uid;
if (war)
while (Statues.ContainsKey(UID));
SpawnPacket = new byte[array.Length];
for (ushort x = 0; x < array.Length; x++)
SpawnPacket[x] = array[x];
WriteByte(facing, Game.Entity._Facing, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(action, Game.Entity._Action, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt16(1000, Game.Entity._GuildRank, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(105175, Game.Entity._UID, SpawnPacket);
//clear all flags
WriteUInt64(0, Game.Entity._StatusFlag, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt64(0, Game.Entity._StatusFlag2, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt64(0, Game.Entity._StatusFlag2, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(0, Game.Entity._Hitpoints, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(0, Game.Entity._GuildID, SpawnPacket);
X = xx;
Y = yy;
if (array.Length > 200)
if (!Statues.ContainsKey(UID))
Statues.TryAdd(UID, this);
Statues[UID] = this;
foreach (var client in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(X, Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) < 16 && client.Entity.MapID == 1002)
ushort _x, _y;
public ushort X
return _x;
_x = value;
WriteUInt16(value, Game.Entity._X, SpawnPacket);
public ushort Y
return _y;
_y = value;
WriteUInt16(value, Game.Entity._Y, SpawnPacket);
public static bool operator >(Statue statue, Client.GameState client)
if (!client.Screen.Statue.ContainsKey(statue.UID))
if (Kernel.GetDistance(statue.X, statue.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) < 16 && client.Entity.MapID == 1002)
if (statue.SpawnPacket.Length > 200)//check if is created!
return true;
return false;
public static bool operator <(Statue statue, Client.GameState client)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(statue.X, statue.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) >= 16 && client.Entity.MapID == 1002)
return true;
return false;
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