المشاركات 127 |
+التقييم 0.06 |
تاريخ التسجيل Jul 2019 |
الاقامة https://www.facebook.com/Hossam.eldein123/ |
نظام التشغيل |
رقم العضوية 407 |
#region CommanderVip
case 764733:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Do You Want Join Commander Vip Quest ");
dialog.Option("Yes , Please", 1);
dialog.Option("No Thanks", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Entity.VIPLevel == 6)
dialog.Text("You Need Vip Level 6");
dialog.Option("No Thanks", 255);
using ResidentEvil.Client;
using ResidentEvil.Game;
using ResidentEvil.Network.GamePackets;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ResidentEvil
class CommanderVIP
public static Map dynamicMap;
static ushort tempX, tempY = 0;
public static void join(GameState client)
#region join and generatemap
dynamicMap = Kernel.Maps[(ushort)2068].MakeDynamicMap();
client.Entity.Teleport(2068, dynamicMap.ID, (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(35, 70), (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(35, 70));
#region CommanderVip [Monster]
ushort MapID = dynamicMap.ID;
uint id = 41720;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (Kernel.Maps.ContainsKey(MapID))
ushort x = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(35, 70), y = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(35, 70);
var Map = Kernel.Maps[MapID];
if (Database.MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations.ContainsKey(id))
Database.MonsterInformation mt = Database.MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations[id];
mt.BoundX = x;
mt.BoundY = y;
Entity entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false);
entity.MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster;
entity.MonsterInfo = mt.Copy();
entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = entity;
entity.Name = mt.Name;
entity.MinAttack = mt.MinAttack;
entity.MaxAttack = entity.MagicAttack = mt.MaxAttack;
entity.Hitpoints = entity.MaxHitpoints = mt.Hitpoints;
entity.Defence = mt.Defence;
entity.Body = mt.Mesh;
entity.Level = mt.Level;
entity.UID = Map.EntityUIDCounter.Next;
entity.MapID = MapID;
entity.X = x;
entity.Boss = 1;
entity.Y = y;
if (x == 0 || y == 0)
var cord = Map.RandomCoordinates();
entity.X = cord.Item1;
entity.Y = cord.Item2;
cord = Map.RandomCoordinates();
entity.X = cord.Item1;
entity.Y = cord.Item2;
while (!Map.Floor[entity.X, entity.Y, MapObjectType.Monster]);
Network.GamePackets._String stringPacket =
new Network.GamePackets._String(true);
stringPacket.UID = entity.UID;
stringPacket.Type = Network.GamePackets._String.Effect;
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = entity.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.AddEntity;
data.wParam1 = entity.X;
data.wParam2 = entity.Y;
foreach (var client23 in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (client23.Map.ID == entity.MapID)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(client23.Entity.X, client23.Entity.Y, entity.X, entity.Y) < Constants.nScreenDistance)
entity.SendSpawn(client, false);
if (entity.MaxHitpoints > 65535)
Update upd = new Update(true) { UID = entity.UID };
upd.Append(Update.MaxHitpoints, entity.MaxHitpoints);
upd.Append(Update.Hitpoints, entity.Hitpoints);
public static void BigMonster(GameState client)
#region CommanderVip [Monster]
ushort MapID = client.Entity.MapID;
uint id = 41721;
if (Kernel.Maps.ContainsKey(MapID))
ushort x = client.Entity.X, y = client.Entity.Y;
var Map = Kernel.Maps[MapID];
if (Database.MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations.ContainsKey(id))
Database.MonsterInformation mt = Database.MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations[id];
mt.BoundX = x;
mt.BoundY = y;
Entity entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false);
entity.MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster;
entity.MonsterInfo = mt.Copy();
entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = entity;
entity.Name = mt.Name;
entity.MinAttack = mt.MinAttack;
entity.MaxAttack = entity.MagicAttack = mt.MaxAttack;
entity.Hitpoints = entity.MaxHitpoints = mt.Hitpoints;
entity.Defence = mt.Defence;
entity.Body = mt.Mesh;
entity.Level = mt.Level;
entity.UID = Map.EntityUIDCounter.Next;
entity.MapID = MapID;
entity.X = x;
entity.Boss = 1;
entity.Y = y;
if (x == 0 || y == 0)
var cord = Map.RandomCoordinates();
entity.X = cord.Item1;
entity.Y = cord.Item2;
cord = Map.RandomCoordinates();
entity.X = cord.Item1;
entity.Y = cord.Item2;
while (!Map.Floor[entity.X, entity.Y, MapObjectType.Monster]);
Network.GamePackets._String stringPacket =
new Network.GamePackets._String(true);
stringPacket.UID = entity.UID;
stringPacket.Type = Network.GamePackets._String.Effect;
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = entity.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.AddEntity;
data.wParam1 = entity.X;
data.wParam2 = entity.Y;
foreach (var client23 in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (client23.Map.ID == entity.MapID)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(client23.Entity.X, client23.Entity.Y, entity.X, entity.Y) < Constants.nScreenDistance)
entity.SendSpawn(client, false);
if (entity.MaxHitpoints > 65535)
Update upd = new Update(true) { UID = entity.UID };
upd.Append(Update.MaxHitpoints, entity.MaxHitpoints);
upd.Append(Update.Hitpoints, entity.Hitpoints);
#region SnowBanshee
#region CommanderVIP
if (Name == "CommanderVip")
killer.Owner.Inventory.Add(3304325, 0, 1);
#region CommanderBigBoss
#region SnowBanshee
if (Name == "CommanderBig")
uint ItemID = 0;
byte type1 = 25;
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
type1 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 11);
switch (type1)
#region IDs
case 1:
ItemID = 3004188;//SavageBone
case 2:
ItemID = 3004188;////SavageBone
case 3:
ItemID = 3009003;//Pro
case 4:
ItemID = 3009003;//Pro
case 5:
ItemID = 3009002;//Pro
case 6:
ItemID = 3009002;//Pro
case 7:
ItemID = 3009002;//Pro
case 8:
ItemID = 3009002;//Pro
case 9:
ItemID = 3009002;//Pro
case 10:
ItemID = 723717;////5 mi
case 11:
ItemID = 723717;////5 mi
var infos = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[ItemID];
ushort X = Owner.X, Y = Owner.Y;
Game.Map Map = Kernel.Maps[Owner.MapID];
if (Map.SelectCoordonates(ref X, ref Y))
Network.GamePackets.FloorItem floorItem = new Network.GamePackets.FloorItem(true);
floorItem.Item = new Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true);
floorItem.Item.Color = (ResidentEvil.Game.Enums.Color)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 10);
floorItem.Item.ID = ItemID;
floorItem.Item.Plus = floorItem.Item.Plus;
floorItem.Item.MaximDurability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.Durability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.MobDropped = true;
floorItem.ValueType = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorValueType.Item;
floorItem.ItemID = ItemID;
floorItem.MapID = Owner.MapID;
floorItem.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Item;
floorItem.X = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(killer.X + 0, killer.X + 15);
floorItem.Y = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(killer.Y + 0, killer.Y + 15);
floorItem.Type = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.Drop;
floorItem.OnFloor = Time32.Now;
floorItem.ItemColor = floorItem.Item.Color;
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
while (Map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.UID))
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
killer.ConquerPoints += 2000000;
ResidentEvil.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new ResidentEvil.Network.GamePackets.Message("Congratulations! " + killer.Name + " has killed CommanderBigboss and Droped SavageBone To Get Random Soul Pack && 2,000,000 Cps ", Message.Center));
static void useitem
#region Commander-Bag
case 3304325:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3304325, 10))
client.Inventory.Remove(3304325, 10);
client.MessageBox("You Don't Have 10 Bag");
41720 CommanderVip 0 1 951 60000000 0 100 100 100 19 86 0 0 0 0 14 15 0 200 100 1 3 100000 0 0 3451130116 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0
41721 CommanderBig 0 1 1004 600000000 0 5000 5000 30000 19 86 0 0 0 0 14 15 0 400 100 1 3 100000 0 0 3451130116 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0
41720 CommanderVip 0 1 951 60000000 0 100 100 100 19 86 0 0 0 0 14 15 0 200 100 1 3 100000 0 0 3451130116 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0
41721 CommanderBig 0 1 1004 600000000 0 5000 5000 30000 19 86 0 0 0 0 14 15 0 400 100 1 3 100000 0 0 3451130116 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
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