قديم 2019-11-19, 08:04 AM
المشاركة 2
.:: عضو مميز ::.
  • غير متواجد
افتراضي رد: مساعد في تركيب باكتات الدخول سورس احمد فتحي 3d
هو مفيش حد عنده حل ولا ايه يرجاله ؟

قديم 2019-11-19, 12:20 PM
المشاركة 3
.:: عضو نشيط ::.
  • غير متواجد
افتراضي رد: مساعد في تركيب باكتات الدخول سورس احمد فتحي 3d
[centerنفش المشكلة عندى[/center]

قديم 2019-11-19, 01:46 PM
المشاركة 4
.:: عضو مميز ::.
  • غير متواجد
افتراضي رد: مساعد في تركيب باكتات الدخول سورس احمد فتحي 3d
نفس المشكلة يا ريت حد يساعدنا ف الحوار ده سواء احمد فتحى او حد يعمل فيديو يا ريت

قديم 2019-11-19, 02:50 PM
المشاركة 5
.:: عضو مميز ::.
  • غير متواجد
افتراضي رد: مساعد في تركيب باكتات الدخول سورس احمد فتحي 3d
مفيش حاجه اسمها عدلت شويه والكلام ده
نزل الايرورات نشوفها وللاسف انا معنديش كلينت ثري دي اجربه

قديم 2019-11-19, 03:20 PM
المشاركة 6
.:: عضو مميز ::.
  • غير متواجد
افتراضي رد: مساعد في تركيب باكتات الدخول سورس احمد فتحي 3d
مفيش حاجه اسمها عدلت شويه والكلام ده
نزل الايرورات نشوفها وللاسف انا معنديش كلينت ثري دي اجربه
طب ينفع تنزل السورس متركب فيه باكيتات الدخول لان اللى نزل السورس نزله لوحده والبيتات لوحدها فلو ينفع تنزله متركب بيه يبقا كتر خيرك

قديم 2019-11-19, 03:41 PM
المشاركة 7
.:: عضو مميز ::.
  • غير متواجد
افتراضي رد: مساعد في تركيب باكتات الدخول سورس احمد فتحي 3d
طب ينفع تنزل السورس متركب فيه باكيتات الدخول لان اللى نزل السورس نزله لوحده والبيتات لوحدها فلو ينفع تنزله متركب بيه يبقا كتر خيرك
ماشي انا ممكن اركبه بس مش هعرف اجرب عشان مش معايا كليتت ثري دي. بس هشوف حاضر

قديم 2019-11-19, 03:43 PM
المشاركة 8
.:: عضو مميز ::.
  • غير متواجد
افتراضي رد: مساعد في تركيب باكتات الدخول سورس احمد فتحي 3d
ماشي انا ممكن اركبه بس مش هعرف اجرب عشان مش معايا كليتت ثري دي. بس هشوف حاضر
انتا ركبه بس واحنا هنجرب ولو مشتغلش مكن تخش تشوفه عند اى حد انى ديسك سهلة يعنى

قديم 2019-11-19, 04:05 PM
المشاركة 9
.:: عضو مميز ::.
  • غير متواجد
افتراضي رد: مساعد في تركيب باكتات الدخول سورس احمد فتحي 3d

using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using SomailProject.Network; using SomailProject.Database; using SomailProject.Network.Sockets; using SomailProject.Network.AuthPackets; using SomailProject.Game; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using SomailProject.Network.GamePackets; using SomailProject.Client; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading; using SomailProject; using SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Union; using ProtoBuf; using SomailProject.MaTrix; using SomailProject.Game.MsgServer; namespace SomailProject { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); Time32 Start = Time32.Now; RandomSeed = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString().Remove(DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString().Length / 2)); Kernel.Random = new FastRandom(RandomSeed); StartDate = DateTime.Now; Console.Title = "Samuel-Dawod"; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("_-_-_-_-_-_ ♥ Conquer Matrix ♥ _-_-_-_-_-_"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Load server configuration"); string ConfigFileName = "SomailProject.ini"; IniFile IniFile = new IniFile(ConfigFileName); GameIP = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "IP"); GamePort = IniFile.ReadUInt16("configuration", "GamePort"); AuthPort = new List<ushort>() { IniFile.ReadUInt16("configuration", "AuthPort"), }; Constants.ServerName = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "ServerName"); TestingMode = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "TestMode", "0") == "1" ? true : false; AllTest = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "AllTest", "0") == "1" ? true : false; rates.Load(IniFile); Database.DataHolder.CreateConnection( IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Host", "localhost"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Username", "root"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Password", "az4des123"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Database", "cq")); PrestigeStars = 54; EntityUID = new Counter(0); bool x = false; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT)) { cmd.Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName); using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) { EntityUID = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("EntityID")); Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Guild.GuildCounter = new SomailProject.Counter(r.ReadUInt32("GuildID")); ConquerItem.ItemUID = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("ItemUID")); Constants.ExtraExperienceRate = r.ReadUInt32("ExperienceRate"); Constants.ExtraSpellRate = r.ReadUInt32("ProficiencyExperienceRate"); Constants.ExtraProficiencyRate = r.ReadUInt32("SpellExperienceRate"); Constants.MoneyDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("MoneyDropRate"); Constants.MoneyDropMultiple = r.ReadUInt32("MoneyDropMultiple"); if (r.ReadByte("LastDailySignReset") != DateTime.Now.Month) x = true; Constants.ConquerPointsDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("ConquerPointsDropRate"); Constants.ConquerPointsDropMultiple = r.ReadUInt32("ConquerPointsDropMultiple"); Constants.ItemDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("ItemDropRate"); Constants.ItemDropQualityRates = r.ReadString("ItemDropQualityString").Split('~'); Constants.WebAccExt = r.ReadString("AccountWebExt"); Constants.WebVoteExt = r.ReadString("VoteWebExt"); Constants.WebDonateExt = r.ReadString("DonateWebExt"); Constants.ServerWebsite = r.ReadString("ServerWebsite"); Constants.ServerGMPass = r.ReadString("ServerGMPass"); PlayerCap = r.ReadInt32("PlayerCap"); Union.UnionCounter = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("UnionID")); Database.EntityVariableTable.Load(0, out Vars); VoteSystem.Count = r.ReadInt32("VotesCount"); } } } if (EntityUID.Now == 0) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Database error. Please check your MySQL. Server will now close."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } { Console.WriteLine("Initializing Database."); Console.WriteLine("Loading The Hard Things"); Database.ConquerItemInformation.Load(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); InnerPowerTable.LoadDBInformation(); #region WardRobe WardRobe.Load_coatstorage_type(); WardRobe.Load_title_type(); #endregion InnerPowerTable.Load(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineAttribute(); if (x) MsgSignIn.Reset(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineEffect(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineEffectEX(); Database.Flowers.LoadFlowers(); Database.SignInTable.Load(); Database.MonsterInformation.Load(); Database.MapsTable.Load(); SomailProject.MaTrix.SoulProtection.Load(); World = new World(); World.Init(); Map.CreateTimerFactories(); Database.SignInTable.Load(); Database.DMaps.LoadMapPaths(); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(700); DMaps.LoadMap(2068); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(3868); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(3935); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(10137); Copra.QuestInfo.Load(); Database.VipTable.LoadAllVips(); Database.SpellTable.Load(); Database.ShopFile.Load(); Database.HonorShop.Load(); Database.RacePointShop.Load(); VoteSystem.Load(); Database.ChampionShop.Load(); new MsgUserAbilityScore().LoadWallOfPrestige(); PrestigeRank.LoadRanking(); Console.WriteLine("WallOfPrestigeRank Initilizied"); Database.EShopFile.Load(); Database.EShopV2File.Load(); Database.AddingInformationTable.Load(); Database.LotteryTable.Load(); Database.vipLottery.Load(); Copra.Roulette.Database.Roulettes.Load(); Copra.Way2Heroes.Load(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); Refinery.Load(); Values = new Client.GameState[0]; new Game.Map(1002, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1002]); new Game.Map(1038, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1038]); new Game.Map(2071, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2071]); new Game.Map(2057, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2057]); new Game.Map(4000, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4000]); new Game.Map(4003, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4003]); new Game.Map(4006, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4006]); new Game.Map(4008, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4008]); new Game.Map(4020, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4020]); if (DMaps.LoadMap(1038)) Game.GuildWar.Initiate(); if (DMaps.LoadMap(10380)) Game.SuperGuildWar.Initiate(); new Game.Map(1509, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1509]); new Game.Map(10002, 2021, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2021]); new Game.Map(8883, 1004, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1004]); Constants.PKFreeMaps.Add(8883); Game.EliteGuildWar.EliteGwint(); Database.DataHolder.ReadStats(); Database.IPBan.Load(); JiangHuTable.LoadStatus(); JiangHuTable.LoadRanks(); Database.NobilityTable.Load(); Database.ArenaTable.Load(); Database.TeamArenaTable.Load(); Database.GuildTable.Load(); UnionTable.Load(); AuctionBase.Load(); Database.ChiTable.LoadAllChi(); StorageItem.Load(); Clan.LoadClans(); Kernel.Magic.Load(); TutorInfo.Load(); Database.Disdain.Load(); Tranformation.Int(); Kernel.AtributeStatus.Load(); AtributesStatus.LoadExpInfo(); RebornInfo = new RebornInfomations(); RebornInfo.Load(); Game.Screen.CreateTimerFactories(); new MsgEquipRefineRank().UpdateRanking(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); Network.Cryptography.AuthCryptography.PrepareAuthCryptography(); World.CreateTournaments(); new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("entities").Set("Online", 0).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Initializing Sockets."); AuthServer = new ServerSocket[AuthPort.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i] = new ServerSocket(); AuthServer[i].OnClientConnect += AuthServer_OnClientConnect; AuthServer[i].OnClientReceive += AuthServer_OnClientReceive; AuthServer[i].OnClientDisconnect += AuthServer_OnClientDisconnect; AuthServer[i].Enable(AuthPort[i], ""); Console.WriteLine("Auth " + i + " server online."); } { GameServer = new ServerSocket(); GameServer.OnClientConnect += GameServer_OnClientConnect; GameServer.OnClientReceive += GameServer_OnClientReceive; GameServer.OnClientDisconnect += GameServer_OnClientDisconnect; GameServer.Enable(GamePort, ""); Console.WriteLine("Game server online."); Console.WriteLine("Web server online."); Copra.Pet.CreateTimerFactories(); AI.CreateTimerFactories(); var client = new GameState(null); client.Entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false); client.Entity.MapID = 1002; Npcs npc = new Npcs(client); var req = new NpcRequest(); req.Deserialize(new byte[28]); Npcs.GetDialog(req, client); client = null; SomailProject.Booths.Load(); } Console.WriteLine("Server loaded in " + (Time32.Now - Start) + " milliseconds."); Console.WriteLine("[********************** ♥ [Samuel.Dawod] ♥ **********************]"); SomailHandler += SomailConsole_CloseEvent; SetConsoleCtrlHandler(SomailHandler, true); GC.Collect(); WorkConsole(); } } public static int PrestigeStars = 0; public static RebornInfomations RebornInfo; public static Encoding Encoding = ASCIIEncoding.Default; [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName); [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); public static int PlayerCap = 1000; public static bool ALEXPC = false; public static bool NemesisTyrantSpanwed = false; public static long MaxOn = 0; public static long MaxEntitys = 0; public static ServerSocket[] AuthServer; public static int CpuUse = 0; public static ServerSocket GameServer; public static Counter EntityUID; public static string GameIP; public static bool SpookAlive = false; public static DayOfWeek Today; public static ushort GamePort; public static List<ushort> AuthPort; public static DateTime StartDate; public static bool reseted = false; public static uint ScreenColor = 0; public static DateTime RestartDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(24); public static bool restarted = false; public static bool WarEnd = false; public static bool uniquepk = false; public static uint mess = 0; public static World World; public static Client.GameState[] GamePool = new Client.GameState[0]; public static Client.GameState[] Values = new Client.GameState[0]; public static VariableVault Vars; public static long WeatherType = 0L; public static bool TestingMode = false; public static bool AllTest = false; public static bool SnowBa = true; public static bool Nemesis = true; public static bool ThrillingSpook = true; public static uint PhysicalDamage = 100;// + 150% public static bool SwordMaster = true; public static bool TeratoDragon = true; public static bool SnowSoul = true; public static int RandomSeed = 0; public static short GetDistance(ushort X, ushort Y, ushort X2, ushort Y2) { return (short)Math.Sqrt((X - X2) * (X - X2) + (Y - Y2) * (Y - Y2)); } #region Translate public static void SaveTranslate() { var file = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "Translate.txt"; if (File.Exists(file)) File.Delete(file); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(File.Create(file), Encoding); writer.AutoFlush = true; foreach (var item in Kernel.Translateed) writer.WriteLine(item.Key + "@@" + item.Value); writer.Close(); } public static void LoadTranslate() { var file = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "Translate.txt"; if (File.Exists(file)) { string[] text = File.ReadAllLines(file, Encoding); for (int x = 0; x < text.Length; x++) { string line = text[x]; string[] split = line.Split(new string[] { "@@" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (split.Length < 1) continue; var key = split[0]; if (split.Length < 2) continue; var value = split[1]; if (!Kernel.Translateed.ContainsKey(key)) Kernel.Translateed.Add(key, value); } } } #endregion #region VersionChecker //if (VersionChecker.IsValidVersion() == false) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has expired, Please get the Full version |Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Enter Password:"); // Program.Password = Console.ReadLine(); // if (ClassExtensions.Get64HashCode(Program.Password) != 4586181316755855993) // { // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has expired, Please get the Full version |Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Thx. For Waiting...!"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Wrong Password!"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("If Want To make this Source Work"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("You need to put the right Password. !"); // SomailProject.Console.ReadLine(); // MessageBox.Show("You Will Get Hacked. | Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; // System.Console.WindowLeft = System.Console.WindowTop = 0; // System.Console.WindowHeight = System.Console.BufferHeight = System.Console.LargestWindowHeight; // System.Console.WindowWidth = System.Console.BufferWidth = System.Console.LargestWindowWidth; // System.Console.CursorVisible = false; // int width, height; // int[] y; // int[] l; // Initialize(out width, out height, out y, out l); // int ms; // while (true) // { // DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now; // CopraStep(width, height, y, l); // ms = 10 - (int)((TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - t1)).TotalMilliseconds; // if (ms > 0) // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(ms); // if (System.Console.KeyAvailable) // if (System.Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.F5) // Initialize(out width, out height, out y, out l); // } // // Environment.Exit(0); // } // elsez // { // VersionChecker.TrialEnd(); // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has Renewed, To get the Full version"); // } // return; //} //else //{ // VersionChecker chk = new VersionChecker(); //} #endregion VersionChecker #region Closing Events private static bool SomailConsole_CloseEvent(CtrlType sig) { Save(); return true; } private static Native.ConsoleEventHandler SomailHandler; [DllImport("Kernel32")] private static extern bool SetConsoleCtrlHandler(Native.ConsoleEventHandler handler, bool add); private delegate bool EventHandler(CtrlType sig); #endregion public static bool Save(bool Exit = false) { try { using (var conn = Database.DataHolder.MySqlConnection) { conn.Open(); foreach (Client.GameState client in Program.Values) { SaveTranslate(); Database.JiangHuTable.FullSave(client); Database.EntityTable.SaveEntity(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveClientSpells(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveProficiencies(client); Database.ArenaTable.SaveArenaStatistics(client.ArenaStatistic); Database.TeamArenaTable.SaveArenaStatistics(client.TeamArenaStatistic); client.WardRobe.Save(); } } Database.InnerPowerTable.Save(); Database.Flowers.SaveFlowers(); AuctionBase.Save(); Game.ClanWarArena.Save(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName)) { using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) { new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("EntityID", EntityUID.Now).Set("ServerKingdom", Kernel.ServerKingdom).Set("GuildID", Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Guild.GuildCounter.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); if (r.ReadByte("LastDailySignReset") != DateTime.Now.Month) MsgSignIn.Reset(); } } } using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration")) cmd.Set("LastDailySignReset", DateTime.Now.Month).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Saving cmd Done."); //if (Exit) // Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); return false; } return true; } #region Exceptions & Logs public static void AddVendorLog(String vendor, string buying, string moneyamount, ConquerItem Item) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\VendorLogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("{0} HAS BOUGHT AN ITEM : {2} FROM {1} SHOP - for {3}", vendor, buying, Item.ToLog(), moneyamount); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.Close(); } } public static void AddGMCommand(string gm, string commandStr) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\GMCommandsLog\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(gm + commandStr); file.Close(); } } public static void RemoveCps(string text) { try { text = "[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "]" + text; String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\RemoveCps\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true); fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(text); file.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } public static void AddCpsWin(string text) { try { text = "[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "]" + text; String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\AddWinCps\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(text); file.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } public static void AddDropLog(String Name, ConquerItem Item) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\droplogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } string path = NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt"; if (!File.Exists(path)) File.AppendAllText(path, ""); string text = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine + string.Format("Entity {0} HAS DROPPED AN ITEM : {1} -", Name, Item.ToLog()) + Environment.NewLine + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; File.AppendAllText(path, text); } public static void AddTradeLog(Game.ConquerStructures.Trade first, String firstN, Game.ConquerStructures.Trade second, String secondN) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "database\\Security\\Trade\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine("************************************************************************************"); file.WriteLine("First Person TradeLog ({0}) -", firstN); file.WriteLine("Gold Traded: " + first.Money); file.WriteLine("Conquer Points Traded: " + first.ConquerPoints); for (int i = 0; i < first.Items.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("Item : " + first.Items[i].ToLog()); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } file.WriteLine("Second Person TradeLog ({0}) -", secondN); file.WriteLine("Gold Traded: " + second.Money); file.WriteLine("Conquer Points Traded: " + second.ConquerPoints); for (int i = 0; i < second.Items.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("Item : " + second.Items[i].ToLog()); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } file.WriteLine("************************************************************************************"); } } public static void AddMobLog(string War, string name, uint CPs = 0, uint item = 0) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\MobLogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { if (CPs != 0) file.WriteLine(name + " got " + CPs + " CPs from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); else file.WriteLine(name + " got " + item + " Item from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); } } public static void AddWarLog(string War, string CPs, string name) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\Warlogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(name + " got " + CPs + " CPs from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); } } static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { SaveException(e.ExceptionObject as Exception); } public static void SaveException(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); var dt = DateTime.Now; string date = dt.Month + "-" + dt.Day + "//"; if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath); if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date); if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name); string fullPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name + "\\"; string date2 = dt.Hour + "-" + dt.Minute; List<string> Lines = new List<string>(); Lines.Add("----Exception message----"); Lines.Add(e.Message); Lines.Add("----End of exception message----\r\n"); Lines.Add("----Stack trace----"); Lines.Add(e.StackTrace); Lines.Add("----End of stack trace----\r\n"); //Lines.Add("----Data from exception----"); //foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> data in e.Data) // Lines.Add(data.Key.ToString() + "->" + data.Value.ToString()); //Lines.Add("----End of data from exception----\r\n"); File.WriteAllLines(fullPath + date2 + ".txt", Lines.ToArray()); } #endregion private static void WorkConsole() { while (true) { try { CommandsAI(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } } public static DateTime LastRandomReset = DateTime.Now; public static Network.GamePackets.BlackSpotPacket BlackSpotPacket = new Network.GamePackets.BlackSpotPacket(); public static bool MyPC = true; public static void CommandsAI(string command) { try { if (command == null) return; string[] data = command.Split(' '); switch (data[0]) { case "@testmode": { if (TestingMode) { TestingMode = false; Console.WriteLine("Test Mode Off"); } else { TestingMode = true; Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "Server will exit for 5 min to fix some bugs, please be paitent" }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); CommandsAI("@save"); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Database.EntityVariableTable.Save(0, Vars); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Client.GameState client in WC) { if (client.Account.State != AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager) { client.Send("Server will exit for 5 min to fix some bugs, please be paitent !"); client.Disconnect(); } } if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Test Mode On"); } break; } case "@clear": { Console.Clear(); SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Consle and program Cleared "); break; } case "@sh": { Console.WriteLine(Program.SnowBa); break; } case "@sh1": { Program.SnowBa = true; break; } case "@sh2": { Program.SnowBa = false; break; } case "@Copra": case "@bigbos": SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server will restart after 10 minutes."); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 5 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 4 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 4 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 3 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 3 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 2 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 2 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 1 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 1 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server will exit after 1 minute."); CommandsAI("@save"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The Server restarted, Please log in after 5 minutes ", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); try { CommandsAI("@restart"); } catch { SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server cannot exit"); } break; case "@flushbans": { Database.IPBan.Load(); break; } case "@alivetime": { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan t2 = new TimeSpan(StartDate.ToBinary()); TimeSpan t1 = new TimeSpan(now.ToBinary()); Console.WriteLine("The server has been online " + (int)(t1.TotalHours - t2.TotalHours) + " hours, " + (int)((t1.TotalMinutes - t2.TotalMinutes) % 1) + " minutes."); break; } case "@online": { Console.WriteLine("Online Entitys count: " + Kernel.GamePool.Count); string line = ""; foreach (Client.GameState pClient in Program.Values) line += pClient.Entity.Name + ","; if (line != "") { line = line.Remove(line.Length - 1); Console.WriteLine("Entitys: " + line); } break; } case "@memoryusage": { var proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Console.WriteLine("Thread count: " + proc.Threads.Count); Console.WriteLine("Memory set(MB): " + ((double)((double)proc.WorkingSet64 / 1024)) / 1024); proc.Close(); break; } case "@save": { Save(); } break; case "@PlayerCap": { try { PlayerCap = int.Parse(data[1]); } catch { } break; } case "@skill": { Game.Features.Tournaments.SkillPk.SkillTournament.Open(); foreach (var clien in Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (clien.Team == null) clien.Team = new Game.ConquerStructures.Team(clien); Game.Features.Tournaments.SkillPk.SkillTournament.Join(clien, 3); } break; } case "@team": { Game.Features.Tournaments.TeamPk.TeamTournament.Open(); foreach (var clien in Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (clien.Team == null) clien.Team = new Game.ConquerStructures.Team(clien); Game.Features.Tournaments.TeamPk.TeamTournament.Join(clien, 3); } break; } case "@exit": { Program.Save(true); CommandsAI("@save"); GameServer.Disable(); for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i].Disable(); } new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Database.EntityVariableTable.Save(0, Vars); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); Parallel.ForEach(Program.Values, client => { client.Send(" Server will exit for 5 min to Solve The Problem, please be paitent "); client.Disconnect(); }); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { " Server will exit for 5 min to Solve The Problem, please be paitent " }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Environment.Exit(0); } break; case "serverpass": { using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT)) { cmd.Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName); using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) Constants.ServerGMPass = r.ReadString("ServerGMPass"); } } break; } case "@pressure": { Console.WriteLine("Genr: " + World.GenericThreadPool.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Send: " + World.SendPool.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Recv: " + World.ReceivePool.ToString()); break; } case "@restart": { try { Program.Save(); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "Server Will Be Restart Now !" }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Client.GameState client in WC) { client.Send(" Server Will Be Restart Now "); client.Disconnect(); } GameServer.Disable(); for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i].Disable(); } if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Application.Restart(); Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Console.ReadLine(); } } break; case "@account": { Database.AccountTable account = new AccountTable(data[1]); account.Password = data[2]; account.State = AccountTable.AccountState.Entity; account.Save(); } break; case "@process": { HandleClipboardPacket(command); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } public static void WriteLine(string Line) { try { Console.WriteLine(Line); } catch { } } public static void HandleClipboardPacket(string cmd) { string[] pData = cmd.Split(' '); long off = 0, type = 0, val = 0; if (pData.Length > 1) { string[] oData = pData[1].Split(':'); if (oData.Length == 3) { off = long.Parse(oData[0]); type = long.Parse(oData[1]); if (oData[2] == "u") val = 1337; else val = long.Parse(oData[2]); } } string Data = OSClipboard.GetText(); string[] num = Data.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); byte[] packet = new byte[num.Length + 8]; for (int i = 0; i < num.Length; i++) packet[i] = byte.Parse(num[i], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(packet.Length - 8), 0, packet); if (off != 0) { switch (type) { case 1: { packet[(int)off] = (byte)val; break; } case 2: { Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)val, (int)off, packet); break; } case 4: { Writer.WriteUInt32((uint)val, (int)off, packet); break; } case 8: { Writer.WriteUInt64((ulong)val, (int)off, packet); break; } } } foreach (var client in Program.Values) { if (val == 1337 && type == 4) Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, (int)off, packet); client.Send(packet); } } private static void GameServer_OnClientReceive(byte[] buffer, int length, ClientWrapper obj) { if (obj.Connector == null) { obj.Disconnect(); } else { GameState connector = obj.Connector as GameState; if (connector.Exchange) { connector.Exchange = false; connector.Action = (byte)1; COServer.Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography gameCryptography = new COServer.Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Constants.GameCryptographyKey)); byte[] numArray = new byte[length]; Array.Copy((Array)buffer, (Array)numArray, length); gameCryptography.Decrypt(numArray, length); bool flag = false; int offset = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 80; x++) { if (BitConverter.ToInt32(numArray, x) == 128) { if (length >= 205) { offset = x; flag = true; connector.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length - 40); } else { offset = x; connector.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length); } } } int int32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset); int index1 = offset + 4; if (int32 != 128) { connector.Disconnect(true); } else { byte[] bytes = new byte[128]; int index2 = 0; while (index2 < int32) { bytes[index2] = buffer[index1]; ++index2; ++index1; } string PublicKey = Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes); connector.Cryptography = connector.DHKeyExchange.HandleClientKeyPacket(PublicKey, connector.Cryptography); if (!flag) return; byte[] buffer1 = new byte[40]; Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)buffer, length - 40, (Array)buffer1, 0, 40); processData(buffer1, 40, connector); } } else processData(buffer, length, connector); } } private static void processData(byte[] buffer, int length, Client.GameState Client) { Client.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length); Client.Queue.Enqueue(buffer, length); if (Client.Queue.CurrentLength > 1224) { Console.WriteLine("[Disconnect]Reason:The packet size is too big. " + Client.Queue.CurrentLength); Client.Disconnect(); return; } while (Client.Queue.CanDequeue()) { byte[] data = Client.Queue.Dequeue(); try { Network.PacketHandler.HandlePacket(data, Client); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Index")) { return; } else { Network.PacketHandler.HandlePacket(data, Client); } } } } static void GameServer_OnClientConnect(ClientWrapper obj) { Client.GameState client = new Client.GameState(obj); client.Send(client.DHKeyExchange.CreateServerKeyPacket()); obj.Connector = client; } static void GameServer_OnClientDisconnect(ClientWrapper obj) { if (obj.Connector != null) (obj.Connector as Client.GameState).Disconnect(); else obj.Disconnect(); } public static void AuthServer_OnClientReceive(byte[] buffer, int length, ClientWrapper arg3) { var player = arg3.Connector as Client.AuthClient; AuthClient authClient = arg3.Connector as AuthClient; player.Cryptographer.Decrypt(buffer, length); player.Queue.Enqueue(buffer, length); while (player.Queue.CanDequeue()) { byte[] packet = player.Queue.Dequeue(); ushort len = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 0); if (len == 312) { player.Info = new Authentication(); player.Info.Deserialize(packet); player.Account = new AccountTable(player.Info.Username); if (!LoginBruteForce.AcceptJoin(arg3.IP)) { Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(new string[] { "Client > ", player.Info.Username, "was blocked address", arg3.IP, "!" })); arg3.Disconnect(); break; } Forward Fw = new Forward(); Console.WriteLine("UserName: {0} Password: {1} ServerName: {2} Online", player.Info.Username, player.Info.Password, player.Info.Server); if (player.Account.Username == player.Info.Username && player.Account.exists) { if (player.Account.Password == player.Info.Password && player.Account.exists) { Fw.Identifier = player.Account.GenerateKey(); Kernel.AwaitingPool[Fw.Identifier] = player.Account; Fw.IP = GameIP; Fw.Port = GamePort; } else { LoginBruteForce.ClientRegistred(arg3.IP); Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.InvalidInfo; } } else { Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.WrongAccount; } player.Send(Fw); } } } static void AuthServer_OnClientDisconnect(ClientWrapper obj) { obj.Disconnect(); } static void AuthServer_OnClientConnect(ClientWrapper obj) { Client.AuthClient authState; obj.Connector = (authState = new Client.AuthClient(obj)); authState.Cryptographer = new Network.Cryptography.AuthCryptography(); Network.AuthPackets.PasswordCryptographySeed pcs = new PasswordCryptographySeed(); pcs.Seed = Kernel.Random.Next(); authState.PasswordSeed = pcs.Seed; authState.Send(pcs); //Protection.LoaderProgram.CLientsPass.Clear(); //Protection.LoaderProgram.CLientsPass.Add(authState.PasswordSeed, ""); } internal static Client.GameState FindClient(string name) { return Values.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Entity.Name == name); } #region Copra Style static bool thistime = false; private static void CopraStep(int width, int height, int[] y, int[] l) { int x; thistime = !thistime; for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { if (x % 11 == 10) { if (!thistime) continue; System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.Red; } else { System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inBoxY(y[x] - 2 - (l[x] / 40 * 2), height)); System.Console.Write(R); System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.Green; } System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y[x]); System.Console.Write(R); y[x] = inBoxY(y[x] + 1, height); System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inBoxY(y[x] - l[x], height)); System.Console.Write(' '); } } private static void Initialize(out int width, out int height, out int[] y, out int[] l) { int h1; int h2 = (h1 = (height = System.Console.WindowHeight) / 2) / 2; width = System.Console.WindowWidth - 1; y = new int[width]; l = new int[width]; int x; System.Console.Clear(); for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { y[x] = r.Next(height); l[x] = r.Next(h2 * ((x % 11 != 10) ? 2 : 1), h1 * ((x % 11 != 10) ? 2 : 1)); } } static Random r = new Random(); public static DateTime KingsTime; static char R { get { int t = r.Next(10); if (t <= 2) return (char)('0' + r.Next(10)); else if (t <= 4) return (char)('a' + r.Next(27)); else if (t <= 6) return (char)('A' + r.Next(27)); else return (char)(r.Next(32, 255)); } } public static int inBoxY(int n, int height) { n = n % height; if (n < 0) return n + height; else return n; } #endregion Copra Style internal static void WriteLine(string p, ushort MsgId, short p_2) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public static int Carnaval { get; set; } public static int Carnaval2 { get; set; } public static int Carnaval3 { get; set; } public static uint NextItemID { get; set; } public static uint ExpRateSpell = 2; public static string GetString(byte[] data, int position, int count) { var str = Program.Encoding.GetString(data, position, count); str = str.Replace("\0", "").Replace("\r", ""); return str; } public static string GetString(byte[] data) { var str = Program.Encoding.GetString(data); str = str.Replace("\0", "").Replace("\r", ""); return str; } public static List<ushort> EventsMap = new List<ushort>() { 50001, 50002, 50003, 50004, 50005, 50006, 50007, 50008, 50009, 50010, 50011, 50012, 50013, 50014, 50015, 50016, 50017, 1508, 1518, 2014, 1507, }; } public class Copra_Times { public static DateTime now { get { return DateTime.Now; } } public class Start { public static bool SnowBanshee { get { return ((now.Minute == 57 || now.Minute == 27) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool ThrillingSpook { get { return ((now.Minute == 5 || now.Minute == 35) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool NemesisTyrant { get { return ((now.Minute == 15 || now.Minute == 45) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool SkyWar { get { return (now.Hour == 1 || now.Hour == 13) && now.Minute == 10 && now.Second == 1; } } public static bool TheTeam { get { return (now.Hour == 14 || now.Hour == 2) && now.Minute == 10 && now.Second == 1; } } public static bool EliteGW { get { return (now.Hour == 17 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool SkillTeam { get { return (now.Hour == 22) && now.Minute == 00; } } public static bool TeamPK { get { return (now.Hour == 19) && now.Minute == 00; } } public static bool CTF { get { return (now.Hour == 19 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 12 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool NobiltyWarPole { get { return (now.Hour == 22 && now.Minute == 30) || (now.Hour == 4 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool GuildScoreWar { get { return (now.Hour == 12 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 23 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool ClassWar { get { return (now.Hour == 18 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 8 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool HeroOfGame { get { return now.Minute == 30; } } public static bool FBSS { get { return now.Minute == 25; } } public static bool FBSS2 { get { return now.Minute >= 25 && now.Minute < 28; } } public static int hunterthief = 42; public static int dashbash = 46; public static int chase = 45; public static int dizzy = 49; public static bool Nobilty { get { return now.Minute >= 20 && now.Minute <= 24; } } } public class End { public static bool FBSS { get { return now.Minute >= 28; } } public static int hunterthief = 45; public static int dashbash = 48; public static bool Cyclone { get { return now.Minute == 29; } } public static int chase = 45; public static int dizzy2 = 50; public static bool Nobilty { get { return now.Minute >= 25; } } public static bool EliteGW { get { return now.Hour == 18; } } } } public class rates { public static uint GuildWar; public static uint ChangeName; public static uint king; public static uint prince; public static uint EliteGw; public static uint SkillTeam1; public static uint SkillTeam2; public static uint SkillTeam3; public static uint SkillTeam4; public static uint WeeklyPk; public static uint topguild; public static uint mrconquer; public static uint uniquepk; public static uint Portals; public static uint heroofgame; public static uint NobilityPrize; public static uint lastman; public static uint Daily; public static uint fbss; public static uint Poles; public static uint Clanwarday; public static uint soulp6; public static uint soulp7; public static uint changebody; public static uint ref6; public static uint Twar; public static uint stwar; public static uint ctf; public static uint cps; public static uint ClanwarCity; public static uint ClassPk; public static uint DeathMatchs; public static uint lobby; public static uint hunter; public static uint thief; public static uint housepromete; public static uint itembox; public static uint houseupgrade; public static uint MonthlyPk; public static uint TopSpouse; public static uint Bosses; public static uint Night; public static uint Broadcast; public static uint GuildFee; public static uint TeleportFee; public static uint DragonBall; public static uint Meteor; public static string VoteUrl; public static string coder = "RaMbO"; public static uint Reincarnation; public static uint donationrate; public static string servername { get { return Constants.ServerName; } } public static void Load(IniFile IniFile) { DragonBall = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "DragonBall"); Meteor = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Meteor"); GuildWar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "GuildWar"); EliteGw = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "questday"); Bosses = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Bosses"); Broadcast = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Broadcast"); TeleportFee = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "TeleportFee"); GuildFee = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "GuildFee"); king = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "king"); prince = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "prince"); Reincarnation = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Reincarnation"); MonthlyPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "MonthlyPk"); TopSpouse = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "TopSpouse"); ChangeName = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ChangeName"); housepromete = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "housepromete"); itembox = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "itembox"); Night = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Night"); VoteUrl = IniFile.ReadString("Rates", "VoteUrl"); Portals = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Portals"); coder = IniFile.ReadString("Rates", "coder"); SkillTeam1 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam1"); SkillTeam2 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam2"); SkillTeam3 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam3"); SkillTeam4 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam4"); soulp6 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "soulp6"); soulp7 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "soulp7"); ref6 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ref6"); changebody = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "changebody"); uniquepk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "uniquepk"); WeeklyPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "WeeklyPk"); fbss = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "fbss"); Poles = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Poles"); Clanwarday = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Clanwarday"); lastman = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "lastman"); Daily = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Daily"); topguild = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "topguild"); mrconquer = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "mrconquer"); NobilityPrize = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "NobilityPrize"); heroofgame = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "heroofgame"); Twar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Twar"); stwar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "stwar"); ctf = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ctf"); cps = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "cps"); ClanwarCity = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ClanwarCity"); ClassPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ClassPk"); DeathMatchs = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "DeathMatchs"); lobby = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "lobby"); hunter = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "hunter"); thief = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "thief"); donationrate = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "donationrate"); } } }

ملف باكتيتات البروجرام

private static void GameServer_OnClientReceive(byte[] buffer, int length, ClientWrapper obj)
if (obj.Connector == null)
GameState connector = obj.Connector as GameState;
if (connector.Exchange)
connector.Exchange = false;
connector.Action = (byte)1;
COServer.Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography gameCryptography = new COServer.Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography(Enc oding.Default.GetBytes(Constants.GameCryptographyK ey));
byte[] numArray = new byte[length];
Array.Copy((Array)buffer, (Array)numArray, length);
gameCryptography.Decrypt(numArray, length);
bool flag = false;
int offset = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 80; x++)
if (BitConverter.ToInt32(numArray, x) == 128)
if (length >= 205)
offset = x;
flag = true;
connector.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length - 40);
offset = x;
connector.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length);
int int32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset);
int index1 = offset + 4;
if (int32 != 128)
byte[] bytes = new byte[128];
int index2 = 0;
while (index2 < int32)
bytes[index2] = buffer[index1];
string PublicKey = Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes);
connector.Cryptography = connector.DHKeyExchange.HandleClientKeyPacket(Publ icKey, connector.Cryptography);
if (!flag)
byte[] buffer1 = new byte[40];
Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)buffer, length - 40, (Array)buffer1, 0, 40);
processData(buffer1, 40, connector);
processData(buffer, length, connector);

البروجرام بدون تعديل

using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using SomailProject.Network; using SomailProject.Database; using SomailProject.Network.Sockets; using SomailProject.Network.AuthPackets; using SomailProject.Game; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using SomailProject.Network.GamePackets; using SomailProject.Client; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading; using SomailProject; using SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Union; using ProtoBuf; using SomailProject.MaTrix; using SomailProject.Game.MsgServer; namespace SomailProject { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); Time32 Start = Time32.Now; RandomSeed = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString().Remove(DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString().Length / 2)); Kernel.Random = new FastRandom(RandomSeed); StartDate = DateTime.Now; Console.Title = "Samuel-Dawod"; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("_-_-_-_-_-_ ♥ Conquer Matrix ♥ _-_-_-_-_-_"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Load server configuration"); string ConfigFileName = "SomailProject.ini"; IniFile IniFile = new IniFile(ConfigFileName); GameIP = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "IP"); GamePort = IniFile.ReadUInt16("configuration", "GamePort"); AuthPort = new List<ushort>() { IniFile.ReadUInt16("configuration", "AuthPort"), }; Constants.ServerName = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "ServerName"); TestingMode = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "TestMode", "0") == "1" ? true : false; AllTest = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "AllTest", "0") == "1" ? true : false; rates.Load(IniFile); Database.DataHolder.CreateConnection( IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Host", "localhost"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Username", "root"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Password", "az4des123"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Database", "cq")); PrestigeStars = 54; EntityUID = new Counter(0); bool x = false; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT)) { cmd.Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName); using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) { EntityUID = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("EntityID")); Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Guild.GuildCounter = new SomailProject.Counter(r.ReadUInt32("GuildID")); ConquerItem.ItemUID = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("ItemUID")); Constants.ExtraExperienceRate = r.ReadUInt32("ExperienceRate"); Constants.ExtraSpellRate = r.ReadUInt32("ProficiencyExperienceRate"); Constants.ExtraProficiencyRate = r.ReadUInt32("SpellExperienceRate"); Constants.MoneyDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("MoneyDropRate"); Constants.MoneyDropMultiple = r.ReadUInt32("MoneyDropMultiple"); if (r.ReadByte("LastDailySignReset") != DateTime.Now.Month) x = true; Constants.ConquerPointsDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("ConquerPointsDropRate"); Constants.ConquerPointsDropMultiple = r.ReadUInt32("ConquerPointsDropMultiple"); Constants.ItemDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("ItemDropRate"); Constants.ItemDropQualityRates = r.ReadString("ItemDropQualityString").Split('~'); Constants.WebAccExt = r.ReadString("AccountWebExt"); Constants.WebVoteExt = r.ReadString("VoteWebExt"); Constants.WebDonateExt = r.ReadString("DonateWebExt"); Constants.ServerWebsite = r.ReadString("ServerWebsite"); Constants.ServerGMPass = r.ReadString("ServerGMPass"); PlayerCap = r.ReadInt32("PlayerCap"); Union.UnionCounter = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("UnionID")); Database.EntityVariableTable.Load(0, out Vars); VoteSystem.Count = r.ReadInt32("VotesCount"); } } } if (EntityUID.Now == 0) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Database error. Please check your MySQL. Server will now close."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } { Console.WriteLine("Initializing Database."); Console.WriteLine("Loading The Hard Things"); Database.ConquerItemInformation.Load(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); InnerPowerTable.LoadDBInformation(); #region WardRobe WardRobe.Load_coatstorage_type(); WardRobe.Load_title_type(); #endregion InnerPowerTable.Load(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineAttribute(); if (x) MsgSignIn.Reset(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineEffect(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineEffectEX(); Database.Flowers.LoadFlowers(); Database.SignInTable.Load(); Database.MonsterInformation.Load(); Database.MapsTable.Load(); SomailProject.MaTrix.SoulProtection.Load(); World = new World(); World.Init(); Map.CreateTimerFactories(); Database.SignInTable.Load(); Database.DMaps.LoadMapPaths(); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(700); DMaps.LoadMap(2068); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(3868); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(3935); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(10137); Copra.QuestInfo.Load(); Database.VipTable.LoadAllVips(); Database.SpellTable.Load(); Database.ShopFile.Load(); Database.HonorShop.Load(); Database.RacePointShop.Load(); VoteSystem.Load(); Database.ChampionShop.Load(); new MsgUserAbilityScore().LoadWallOfPrestige(); PrestigeRank.LoadRanking(); Console.WriteLine("WallOfPrestigeRank Initilizied"); Database.EShopFile.Load(); Database.EShopV2File.Load(); Database.AddingInformationTable.Load(); Database.LotteryTable.Load(); Database.vipLottery.Load(); Copra.Roulette.Database.Roulettes.Load(); Copra.Way2Heroes.Load(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); Refinery.Load(); Values = new Client.GameState[0]; new Game.Map(1002, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1002]); new Game.Map(1038, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1038]); new Game.Map(2071, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2071]); new Game.Map(2057, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2057]); new Game.Map(4000, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4000]); new Game.Map(4003, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4003]); new Game.Map(4006, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4006]); new Game.Map(4008, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4008]); new Game.Map(4020, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4020]); if (DMaps.LoadMap(1038)) Game.GuildWar.Initiate(); if (DMaps.LoadMap(10380)) Game.SuperGuildWar.Initiate(); new Game.Map(1509, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1509]); new Game.Map(10002, 2021, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2021]); new Game.Map(8883, 1004, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1004]); Constants.PKFreeMaps.Add(8883); Game.EliteGuildWar.EliteGwint(); Database.DataHolder.ReadStats(); Database.IPBan.Load(); JiangHuTable.LoadStatus(); JiangHuTable.LoadRanks(); Database.NobilityTable.Load(); Database.ArenaTable.Load(); Database.TeamArenaTable.Load(); Database.GuildTable.Load(); UnionTable.Load(); AuctionBase.Load(); Database.ChiTable.LoadAllChi(); StorageItem.Load(); Clan.LoadClans(); Kernel.Magic.Load(); TutorInfo.Load(); Database.Disdain.Load(); Tranformation.Int(); Kernel.AtributeStatus.Load(); AtributesStatus.LoadExpInfo(); RebornInfo = new RebornInfomations(); RebornInfo.Load(); Game.Screen.CreateTimerFactories(); new MsgEquipRefineRank().UpdateRanking(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); Network.Cryptography.AuthCryptography.PrepareAuthCryptography(); World.CreateTournaments(); new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("entities").Set("Online", 0).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Initializing Sockets."); AuthServer = new ServerSocket[AuthPort.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i] = new ServerSocket(); AuthServer[i].OnClientConnect += AuthServer_OnClientConnect; AuthServer[i].OnClientReceive += AuthServer_OnClientReceive; AuthServer[i].OnClientDisconnect += AuthServer_OnClientDisconnect; AuthServer[i].Enable(AuthPort[i], ""); Console.WriteLine("Auth " + i + " server online."); } { GameServer = new ServerSocket(); GameServer.OnClientConnect += GameServer_OnClientConnect; GameServer.OnClientReceive += GameServer_OnClientReceive; GameServer.OnClientDisconnect += GameServer_OnClientDisconnect; GameServer.Enable(GamePort, ""); Console.WriteLine("Game server online."); Console.WriteLine("Web server online."); Copra.Pet.CreateTimerFactories(); AI.CreateTimerFactories(); var client = new GameState(null); client.Entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false); client.Entity.MapID = 1002; Npcs npc = new Npcs(client); var req = new NpcRequest(); req.Deserialize(new byte[28]); Npcs.GetDialog(req, client); client = null; SomailProject.Booths.Load(); } Console.WriteLine("Server loaded in " + (Time32.Now - Start) + " milliseconds."); Console.WriteLine("[********************** ♥ [Samuel.Dawod] ♥ **********************]"); SomailHandler += SomailConsole_CloseEvent; SetConsoleCtrlHandler(SomailHandler, true); GC.Collect(); WorkConsole(); } } public static int PrestigeStars = 0; public static RebornInfomations RebornInfo; public static Encoding Encoding = ASCIIEncoding.Default; [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName); [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); public static int PlayerCap = 1000; public static bool ALEXPC = false; public static bool NemesisTyrantSpanwed = false; public static long MaxOn = 0; public static long MaxEntitys = 0; public static ServerSocket[] AuthServer; public static int CpuUse = 0; public static ServerSocket GameServer; public static Counter EntityUID; public static string GameIP; public static bool SpookAlive = false; public static DayOfWeek Today; public static ushort GamePort; public static List<ushort> AuthPort; public static DateTime StartDate; public static bool reseted = false; public static uint ScreenColor = 0; public static DateTime RestartDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(24); public static bool restarted = false; public static bool WarEnd = false; public static bool uniquepk = false; public static uint mess = 0; public static World World; public static Client.GameState[] GamePool = new Client.GameState[0]; public static Client.GameState[] Values = new Client.GameState[0]; public static VariableVault Vars; public static long WeatherType = 0L; public static bool TestingMode = false; public static bool AllTest = false; public static bool SnowBa = true; public static bool Nemesis = true; public static bool ThrillingSpook = true; public static uint PhysicalDamage = 100;// + 150% public static bool SwordMaster = true; public static bool TeratoDragon = true; public static bool SnowSoul = true; public static int RandomSeed = 0; public static short GetDistance(ushort X, ushort Y, ushort X2, ushort Y2) { return (short)Math.Sqrt((X - X2) * (X - X2) + (Y - Y2) * (Y - Y2)); } #region Translate public static void SaveTranslate() { var file = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "Translate.txt"; if (File.Exists(file)) File.Delete(file); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(File.Create(file), Encoding); writer.AutoFlush = true; foreach (var item in Kernel.Translateed) writer.WriteLine(item.Key + "@@" + item.Value); writer.Close(); } public static void LoadTranslate() { var file = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "Translate.txt"; if (File.Exists(file)) { string[] text = File.ReadAllLines(file, Encoding); for (int x = 0; x < text.Length; x++) { string line = text[x]; string[] split = line.Split(new string[] { "@@" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (split.Length < 1) continue; var key = split[0]; if (split.Length < 2) continue; var value = split[1]; if (!Kernel.Translateed.ContainsKey(key)) Kernel.Translateed.Add(key, value); } } } #endregion #region VersionChecker //if (VersionChecker.IsValidVersion() == false) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has expired, Please get the Full version |Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Enter Password:"); // Program.Password = Console.ReadLine(); // if (ClassExtensions.Get64HashCode(Program.Password) != 4586181316755855993) // { // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has expired, Please get the Full version |Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Thx. For Waiting...!"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Wrong Password!"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("If Want To make this Source Work"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("You need to put the right Password. !"); // SomailProject.Console.ReadLine(); // MessageBox.Show("You Will Get Hacked. | Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; // System.Console.WindowLeft = System.Console.WindowTop = 0; // System.Console.WindowHeight = System.Console.BufferHeight = System.Console.LargestWindowHeight; // System.Console.WindowWidth = System.Console.BufferWidth = System.Console.LargestWindowWidth; // System.Console.CursorVisible = false; // int width, height; // int[] y; // int[] l; // Initialize(out width, out height, out y, out l); // int ms; // while (true) // { // DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now; // CopraStep(width, height, y, l); // ms = 10 - (int)((TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - t1)).TotalMilliseconds; // if (ms > 0) // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(ms); // if (System.Console.KeyAvailable) // if (System.Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.F5) // Initialize(out width, out height, out y, out l); // } // // Environment.Exit(0); // } // elsez // { // VersionChecker.TrialEnd(); // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has Renewed, To get the Full version"); // } // return; //} //else //{ // VersionChecker chk = new VersionChecker(); //} #endregion VersionChecker #region Closing Events private static bool SomailConsole_CloseEvent(CtrlType sig) { Save(); return true; } private static Native.ConsoleEventHandler SomailHandler; [DllImport("Kernel32")] private static extern bool SetConsoleCtrlHandler(Native.ConsoleEventHandler handler, bool add); private delegate bool EventHandler(CtrlType sig); #endregion public static bool Save(bool Exit = false) { try { using (var conn = Database.DataHolder.MySqlConnection) { conn.Open(); foreach (Client.GameState client in Program.Values) { SaveTranslate(); Database.JiangHuTable.FullSave(client); Database.EntityTable.SaveEntity(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveClientSpells(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveProficiencies(client); Database.ArenaTable.SaveArenaStatistics(client.ArenaStatistic); Database.TeamArenaTable.SaveArenaStatistics(client.TeamArenaStatistic); client.WardRobe.Save(); } } Database.InnerPowerTable.Save(); Database.Flowers.SaveFlowers(); AuctionBase.Save(); Game.ClanWarArena.Save(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName)) { using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) { new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("EntityID", EntityUID.Now).Set("ServerKingdom", Kernel.ServerKingdom).Set("GuildID", Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Guild.GuildCounter.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); if (r.ReadByte("LastDailySignReset") != DateTime.Now.Month) MsgSignIn.Reset(); } } } using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration")) cmd.Set("LastDailySignReset", DateTime.Now.Month).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Saving cmd Done."); //if (Exit) // Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); return false; } return true; } #region Exceptions & Logs public static void AddVendorLog(String vendor, string buying, string moneyamount, ConquerItem Item) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\VendorLogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("{0} HAS BOUGHT AN ITEM : {2} FROM {1} SHOP - for {3}", vendor, buying, Item.ToLog(), moneyamount); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.Close(); } } public static void AddGMCommand(string gm, string commandStr) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\GMCommandsLog\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(gm + commandStr); file.Close(); } } public static void RemoveCps(string text) { try { text = "[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "]" + text; String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\RemoveCps\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true); fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(text); file.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } public static void AddCpsWin(string text) { try { text = "[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "]" + text; String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\AddWinCps\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(text); file.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } public static void AddDropLog(String Name, ConquerItem Item) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\droplogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } string path = NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt"; if (!File.Exists(path)) File.AppendAllText(path, ""); string text = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine + string.Format("Entity {0} HAS DROPPED AN ITEM : {1} -", Name, Item.ToLog()) + Environment.NewLine + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; File.AppendAllText(path, text); } public static void AddTradeLog(Game.ConquerStructures.Trade first, String firstN, Game.ConquerStructures.Trade second, String secondN) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "database\\Security\\Trade\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine("************************************************************************************"); file.WriteLine("First Person TradeLog ({0}) -", firstN); file.WriteLine("Gold Traded: " + first.Money); file.WriteLine("Conquer Points Traded: " + first.ConquerPoints); for (int i = 0; i < first.Items.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("Item : " + first.Items[i].ToLog()); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } file.WriteLine("Second Person TradeLog ({0}) -", secondN); file.WriteLine("Gold Traded: " + second.Money); file.WriteLine("Conquer Points Traded: " + second.ConquerPoints); for (int i = 0; i < second.Items.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("Item : " + second.Items[i].ToLog()); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } file.WriteLine("************************************************************************************"); } } public static void AddMobLog(string War, string name, uint CPs = 0, uint item = 0) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\MobLogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { if (CPs != 0) file.WriteLine(name + " got " + CPs + " CPs from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); else file.WriteLine(name + " got " + item + " Item from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); } } public static void AddWarLog(string War, string CPs, string name) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\Warlogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(name + " got " + CPs + " CPs from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); } } static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { SaveException(e.ExceptionObject as Exception); } public static void SaveException(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); var dt = DateTime.Now; string date = dt.Month + "-" + dt.Day + "//"; if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath); if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date); if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name); string fullPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name + "\\"; string date2 = dt.Hour + "-" + dt.Minute; List<string> Lines = new List<string>(); Lines.Add("----Exception message----"); Lines.Add(e.Message); Lines.Add("----End of exception message----\r\n"); Lines.Add("----Stack trace----"); Lines.Add(e.StackTrace); Lines.Add("----End of stack trace----\r\n"); //Lines.Add("----Data from exception----"); //foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> data in e.Data) // Lines.Add(data.Key.ToString() + "->" + data.Value.ToString()); //Lines.Add("----End of data from exception----\r\n"); File.WriteAllLines(fullPath + date2 + ".txt", Lines.ToArray()); } #endregion private static void WorkConsole() { while (true) { try { CommandsAI(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } } public static DateTime LastRandomReset = DateTime.Now; public static Network.GamePackets.BlackSpotPacket BlackSpotPacket = new Network.GamePackets.BlackSpotPacket(); public static bool MyPC = true; public static void CommandsAI(string command) { try { if (command == null) return; string[] data = command.Split(' '); switch (data[0]) { case "@testmode": { if (TestingMode) { TestingMode = false; Console.WriteLine("Test Mode Off"); } else { TestingMode = true; Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "Server will exit for 5 min to fix some bugs, please be paitent" }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); CommandsAI("@save"); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Database.EntityVariableTable.Save(0, Vars); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Client.GameState client in WC) { if (client.Account.State != AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager) { client.Send("Server will exit for 5 min to fix some bugs, please be paitent !"); client.Disconnect(); } } if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Test Mode On"); } break; } case "@clear": { Console.Clear(); SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Consle and program Cleared "); break; } case "@sh": { Console.WriteLine(Program.SnowBa); break; } case "@sh1": { Program.SnowBa = true; break; } case "@sh2": { Program.SnowBa = false; break; } case "@Copra": case "@bigbos": SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server will restart after 10 minutes."); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 5 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 4 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 4 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 3 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 3 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 2 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 2 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 1 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 1 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server will exit after 1 minute."); CommandsAI("@save"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The Server restarted, Please log in after 5 minutes ", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); try { CommandsAI("@restart"); } catch { SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server cannot exit"); } break; case "@flushbans": { Database.IPBan.Load(); break; } case "@alivetime": { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan t2 = new TimeSpan(StartDate.ToBinary()); TimeSpan t1 = new TimeSpan(now.ToBinary()); Console.WriteLine("The server has been online " + (int)(t1.TotalHours - t2.TotalHours) + " hours, " + (int)((t1.TotalMinutes - t2.TotalMinutes) % 1) + " minutes."); break; } case "@online": { Console.WriteLine("Online Entitys count: " + Kernel.GamePool.Count); string line = ""; foreach (Client.GameState pClient in Program.Values) line += pClient.Entity.Name + ","; if (line != "") { line = line.Remove(line.Length - 1); Console.WriteLine("Entitys: " + line); } break; } case "@memoryusage": { var proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Console.WriteLine("Thread count: " + proc.Threads.Count); Console.WriteLine("Memory set(MB): " + ((double)((double)proc.WorkingSet64 / 1024)) / 1024); proc.Close(); break; } case "@save": { Save(); } break; case "@PlayerCap": { try { PlayerCap = int.Parse(data[1]); } catch { } break; } case "@skill": { Game.Features.Tournaments.SkillPk.SkillTournament.Open(); foreach (var clien in Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (clien.Team == null) clien.Team = new Game.ConquerStructures.Team(clien); Game.Features.Tournaments.SkillPk.SkillTournament.Join(clien, 3); } break; } case "@team": { Game.Features.Tournaments.TeamPk.TeamTournament.Open(); foreach (var clien in Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (clien.Team == null) clien.Team = new Game.ConquerStructures.Team(clien); Game.Features.Tournaments.TeamPk.TeamTournament.Join(clien, 3); } break; } case "@exit": { Program.Save(true); CommandsAI("@save"); GameServer.Disable(); for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i].Disable(); } new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Database.EntityVariableTable.Save(0, Vars); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); Parallel.ForEach(Program.Values, client => { client.Send(" Server will exit for 5 min to Solve The Problem, please be paitent "); client.Disconnect(); }); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { " Server will exit for 5 min to Solve The Problem, please be paitent " }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Environment.Exit(0); } break; case "serverpass": { using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT)) { cmd.Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName); using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) Constants.ServerGMPass = r.ReadString("ServerGMPass"); } } break; } case "@pressure": { Console.WriteLine("Genr: " + World.GenericThreadPool.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Send: " + World.SendPool.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Recv: " + World.ReceivePool.ToString()); break; } case "@restart": { try { Program.Save(); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "Server Will Be Restart Now !" }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Client.GameState client in WC) { client.Send(" Server Will Be Restart Now "); client.Disconnect(); } GameServer.Disable(); for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i].Disable(); } if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Application.Restart(); Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Console.ReadLine(); } } break; case "@account": { Database.AccountTable account = new AccountTable(data[1]); account.Password = data[2]; account.State = AccountTable.AccountState.Entity; account.Save(); } break; case "@process": { HandleClipboardPacket(command); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } public static void WriteLine(string Line) { try { Console.WriteLine(Line); } catch { } } public static void HandleClipboardPacket(string cmd) { string[] pData = cmd.Split(' '); long off = 0, type = 0, val = 0; if (pData.Length > 1) { string[] oData = pData[1].Split(':'); if (oData.Length == 3) { off = long.Parse(oData[0]); type = long.Parse(oData[1]); if (oData[2] == "u") val = 1337; else val = long.Parse(oData[2]); } } string Data = OSClipboard.GetText(); string[] num = Data.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); byte[] packet = new byte[num.Length + 8]; for (int i = 0; i < num.Length; i++) packet[i] = byte.Parse(num[i], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(packet.Length - 8), 0, packet); if (off != 0) { switch (type) { case 1: { packet[(int)off] = (byte)val; break; } case 2: { Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)val, (int)off, packet); break; } case 4: { Writer.WriteUInt32((uint)val, (int)off, packet); break; } case 8: { Writer.WriteUInt64((ulong)val, (int)off, packet); break; } } } foreach (var client in Program.Values) { if (val == 1337 && type == 4) Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, (int)off, packet); client.Send(packet); } } static void GameServer_OnClientReceive(byte[] buffer, int length, ClientWrapper obj) { if (obj.Connector == null) { obj.Disconnect(); return; } Client.GameState Client = obj.Connector as Client.GameState; if (Client.Exchange) { Client.Exchange = false; Client.Action = 1; var crypto = new Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography(Program.Encoding.GetBytes(Constants.GameCryptographyKey)); if (Program.TestingMode) crypto = new Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography(Program.Encoding.GetBytes(Constants.GameCryptographyKey)); byte[] otherData = new byte[length]; Array.Copy(buffer, otherData, length); crypto.Decrypt(otherData, length); bool extra = false; int pos = 0; if (BitConverter.ToInt32(otherData, length - 140) == 128) { pos = length - 140; Client.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length); } else if (BitConverter.ToInt32(otherData, length - 176) == 128) { pos = length - 176; extra = true; Client.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length - 36); } int len = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, pos); pos += 4; if (len != 128) { Client.Disconnect(); return; } byte[] pubKey = new byte[128]; for (int x = 0; x < len; x++, pos++) pubKey[x] = buffer[pos]; string PubKey = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(pubKey); Client.Cryptography = Client.DHKeyExchange.HandleClientKeyPacket(PubKey, Client.Cryptography); if (extra) { byte[] data = new byte[36]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, length - 36, data, 0, 36); processData(data, 36, Client); } } else { processData(buffer, length, Client); } } private static void processData(byte[] buffer, int length, Client.GameState Client) { Client.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length); Client.Queue.Enqueue(buffer, length); if (Client.Queue.CurrentLength > 1224) { Console.WriteLine("[Disconnect]Reason:The packet size is too big. " + Client.Queue.CurrentLength); Client.Disconnect(); return; } while (Client.Queue.CanDequeue()) { byte[] data = Client.Queue.Dequeue(); try { Network.PacketHandler.HandlePacket(data, Client); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Index")) { return; } else { Network.PacketHandler.HandlePacket(data, Client); } } } } static void GameServer_OnClientConnect(ClientWrapper obj) { Client.GameState client = new Client.GameState(obj); client.Send(client.DHKeyExchange.CreateServerKeyPacket()); obj.Connector = client; } static void GameServer_OnClientDisconnect(ClientWrapper obj) { if (obj.Connector != null) (obj.Connector as Client.GameState).Disconnect(); else obj.Disconnect(); } static void AuthServer_OnClientReceive(byte[] buffer, int length, ClientWrapper arg3) { var Entity = arg3.Connector as Client.AuthClient; Entity.Cryptographer.Decrypt(buffer, length); Entity.Queue.Enqueue(buffer, length); while (Entity.Queue.CanDequeue()) { byte[] packet = Entity.Queue.Dequeue(); ushort len = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 0); ushort id = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 2); if (len == 312) { Entity.Info = new Authentication(); Entity.Info.Deserialize(packet); Entity.Account = new AccountTable(Entity.Info.Username); string passdone = ""; msvcrt.msvcrt.srand(Entity.PasswordSeed); Forward Fw = new Forward(); if (Entity.Account.Password == Entity.Info.Password && Entity.Account.exists) Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.Ready; else Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.InvalidInfo; //if (IPBan.IsBanned(arg3.IP)) //{ // Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.Banned; // Entity.Send(Fw); // return; //} if (Fw.Type == Network.AuthPackets.Forward.ForwardType.Ready) { Fw.Identifier = Entity.Account.GenerateKey(); Kernel.AwaitingPool[Fw.Identifier] = Entity.Account; Fw.IP = GameIP; Fw.Port = GamePort; } Entity.Send(Fw); } } } static void AuthServer_OnClientDisconnect(ClientWrapper obj) { obj.Disconnect(); } static void AuthServer_OnClientConnect(ClientWrapper obj) { Client.AuthClient authState; obj.Connector = (authState = new Client.AuthClient(obj)); authState.Cryptographer = new Network.Cryptography.AuthCryptography(); Network.AuthPackets.PasswordCryptographySeed pcs = new PasswordCryptographySeed(); pcs.Seed = Kernel.Random.Next(); authState.PasswordSeed = pcs.Seed; authState.Send(pcs); //Protection.LoaderProgram.CLientsPass.Clear(); //Protection.LoaderProgram.CLientsPass.Add(authState.PasswordSeed, ""); } internal static Client.GameState FindClient(string name) { return Values.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Entity.Name == name); } #region Copra Style static bool thistime = false; private static void CopraStep(int width, int height, int[] y, int[] l) { int x; thistime = !thistime; for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { if (x % 11 == 10) { if (!thistime) continue; System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.Red; } else { System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inBoxY(y[x] - 2 - (l[x] / 40 * 2), height)); System.Console.Write(R); System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.Green; } System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y[x]); System.Console.Write(R); y[x] = inBoxY(y[x] + 1, height); System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inBoxY(y[x] - l[x], height)); System.Console.Write(' '); } } private static void Initialize(out int width, out int height, out int[] y, out int[] l) { int h1; int h2 = (h1 = (height = System.Console.WindowHeight) / 2) / 2; width = System.Console.WindowWidth - 1; y = new int[width]; l = new int[width]; int x; System.Console.Clear(); for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { y[x] = r.Next(height); l[x] = r.Next(h2 * ((x % 11 != 10) ? 2 : 1), h1 * ((x % 11 != 10) ? 2 : 1)); } } static Random r = new Random(); public static DateTime KingsTime; static char R { get { int t = r.Next(10); if (t <= 2) return (char)('0' + r.Next(10)); else if (t <= 4) return (char)('a' + r.Next(27)); else if (t <= 6) return (char)('A' + r.Next(27)); else return (char)(r.Next(32, 255)); } } public static int inBoxY(int n, int height) { n = n % height; if (n < 0) return n + height; else return n; } #endregion Copra Style internal static void WriteLine(string p, ushort MsgId, short p_2) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public static int Carnaval { get; set; } public static int Carnaval2 { get; set; } public static int Carnaval3 { get; set; } public static uint NextItemID { get; set; } public static uint ExpRateSpell = 2; public static string GetString(byte[] data, int position, int count) { var str = Program.Encoding.GetString(data, position, count); str = str.Replace("\0", "").Replace("\r", ""); return str; } public static string GetString(byte[] data) { var str = Program.Encoding.GetString(data); str = str.Replace("\0", "").Replace("\r", ""); return str; } public static List<ushort> EventsMap = new List<ushort>() { 50001, 50002, 50003, 50004, 50005, 50006, 50007, 50008, 50009, 50010, 50011, 50012, 50013, 50014, 50015, 50016, 50017, 1508, 1518, 2014, 1507, }; } public class Copra_Times { public static DateTime now { get { return DateTime.Now; } } public class Start { public static bool SnowBanshee { get { return ((now.Minute == 57 || now.Minute == 27) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool ThrillingSpook { get { return ((now.Minute == 5 || now.Minute == 35) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool NemesisTyrant { get { return ((now.Minute == 15 || now.Minute == 45) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool SkyWar { get { return (now.Hour == 1 || now.Hour == 13) && now.Minute == 10 && now.Second == 1; } } public static bool TheTeam { get { return (now.Hour == 14 || now.Hour == 2) && now.Minute == 10 && now.Second == 1; } } public static bool EliteGW { get { return (now.Hour == 17 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool SkillTeam { get { return (now.Hour == 22) && now.Minute == 00; } } public static bool TeamPK { get { return (now.Hour == 19) && now.Minute == 00; } } public static bool CTF { get { return (now.Hour == 19 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 12 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool NobiltyWarPole { get { return (now.Hour == 22 && now.Minute == 30) || (now.Hour == 4 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool GuildScoreWar { get { return (now.Hour == 12 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 23 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool ClassWar { get { return (now.Hour == 18 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 8 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool HeroOfGame { get { return now.Minute == 30; } } public static bool FBSS { get { return now.Minute == 25; } } public static bool FBSS2 { get { return now.Minute >= 25 && now.Minute < 28; } } public static int hunterthief = 42; public static int dashbash = 46; public static int chase = 45; public static int dizzy = 49; public static bool Nobilty { get { return now.Minute >= 20 && now.Minute <= 24; } } } public class End { public static bool FBSS { get { return now.Minute >= 28; } } public static int hunterthief = 45; public static int dashbash = 48; public static bool Cyclone { get { return now.Minute == 29; } } public static int chase = 45; public static int dizzy2 = 50; public static bool Nobilty { get { return now.Minute >= 25; } } public static bool EliteGW { get { return now.Hour == 18; } } } } public class rates { public static uint GuildWar; public static uint ChangeName; public static uint king; public static uint prince; public static uint EliteGw; public static uint SkillTeam1; public static uint SkillTeam2; public static uint SkillTeam3; public static uint SkillTeam4; public static uint WeeklyPk; public static uint topguild; public static uint mrconquer; public static uint uniquepk; public static uint Portals; public static uint heroofgame; public static uint NobilityPrize; public static uint lastman; public static uint Daily; public static uint fbss; public static uint Poles; public static uint Clanwarday; public static uint soulp6; public static uint soulp7; public static uint changebody; public static uint ref6; public static uint Twar; public static uint stwar; public static uint ctf; public static uint cps; public static uint ClanwarCity; public static uint ClassPk; public static uint DeathMatchs; public static uint lobby; public static uint hunter; public static uint thief; public static uint housepromete; public static uint itembox; public static uint houseupgrade; public static uint MonthlyPk; public static uint TopSpouse; public static uint Bosses; public static uint Night; public static uint Broadcast; public static uint GuildFee; public static uint TeleportFee; public static uint DragonBall; public static uint Meteor; public static string VoteUrl; public static string coder = "RaMbO"; public static uint Reincarnation; public static uint donationrate; public static string servername { get { return Constants.ServerName; } } public static void Load(IniFile IniFile) { DragonBall = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "DragonBall"); Meteor = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Meteor"); GuildWar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "GuildWar"); EliteGw = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "questday"); Bosses = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Bosses"); Broadcast = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Broadcast"); TeleportFee = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "TeleportFee"); GuildFee = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "GuildFee"); king = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "king"); prince = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "prince"); Reincarnation = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Reincarnation"); MonthlyPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "MonthlyPk"); TopSpouse = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "TopSpouse"); ChangeName = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ChangeName"); housepromete = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "housepromete"); itembox = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "itembox"); Night = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Night"); VoteUrl = IniFile.ReadString("Rates", "VoteUrl"); Portals = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Portals"); coder = IniFile.ReadString("Rates", "coder"); SkillTeam1 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam1"); SkillTeam2 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam2"); SkillTeam3 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam3"); SkillTeam4 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam4"); soulp6 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "soulp6"); soulp7 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "soulp7"); ref6 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ref6"); changebody = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "changebody"); uniquepk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "uniquepk"); WeeklyPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "WeeklyPk"); fbss = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "fbss"); Poles = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Poles"); Clanwarday = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Clanwarday"); lastman = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "lastman"); Daily = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Daily"); topguild = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "topguild"); mrconquer = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "mrconquer"); NobilityPrize = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "NobilityPrize"); heroofgame = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "heroofgame"); Twar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Twar"); stwar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "stwar"); ctf = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ctf"); cps = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "cps"); ClanwarCity = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ClanwarCity"); ClassPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ClassPk"); DeathMatchs = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "DeathMatchs"); lobby = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "lobby"); hunter = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "hunter"); thief = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "thief"); donationrate = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "donationrate"); } } }

قديم 2019-11-19, 04:37 PM
المشاركة 10
.:: عضو مميز ::.
  • غير متواجد
افتراضي رد: مساعد في تركيب باكتات الدخول سورس احمد فتحي 3d
خدو جربوا ده وعرفوني انا مجربتش فجربوا وباذن الله يشتغل


العلامات المرجعية

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1)

الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: مساعد في تركيب باكتات الدخول سورس احمد فتحي 3d
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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الساعة الآن 05:36 AM

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