:case 92548
case 92548
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 200)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 200;
if (client.LotteryEntries < 255)
int rand = Kernel.Random.Next(ahmedfathy.Database.LotteryTable.LotteryItems.Count);
var item = ahmedfathy.Database.LotteryTable.LotteryItems[rand];
var tobesent = new newLottery(true);
tobesent.boxid = 3;//npcRequest.NpcID;// 0x10103;
tobesent.ItemID = item.ID;
client.Player.LOTOITEM = item;
if (item.Sockets > 0)
tobesent.SocketGem1 = 255;
if (item.Sockets > 1)
tobesent.SocketGem2 = 255;
client.Player.AddJade = 0;
tobesent.JadesAdded = client.Player.AddJade;
tobesent.plus = item.Plus;
client.LotteryEntries += 1;
dialog.Text("Sorry, your LotteryEntries has finished come tomorrow.");
dialog.Option("Okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry You need NewLottery to draw from the lottery in the lottery Center.");
dialog.Option("Okay", 255);
case 92548
:case 92548
case 92548
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 200)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 200;
if (client.LotteryEntries < 255)
int rand = Kernel.Random.Next(ahmedfathy.Database.LotteryTable.LotteryItems.Count);
var item = ahmedfathy.Database.LotteryTable.LotteryItems[rand];
var tobesent = new newLottery(true);
tobesent.boxid = 3;//npcRequest.NpcID;// 0x10103;
tobesent.ItemID = item.ID;
client.Player.LOTOITEM = item;
if (item.Sockets > 0)
tobesent.SocketGem1 = 255;
if (item.Sockets > 1)
tobesent.SocketGem2 = 255;
client.Player.AddJade = 0;
tobesent.JadesAdded = client.Player.AddJade;
tobesent.plus = item.Plus;
client.LotteryEntries += 1;
dialog.Text("Sorry, your LotteryEntries has finished come tomorrow.");
dialog.Option("Okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry You need NewLottery to draw from the lottery in the lottery Center.");
dialog.Option("Okay", 255);
case 92548
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