المشاركات 104 |
+التقييم 0.05 |
تاريخ التسجيل Jul 2019 |
الاقامة |
نظام التشغيل |
رقم العضوية 443 |
![]() |
جرب بدل دا بي العندك كلاس wardrobe
using ProtoBuf;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MrHassan.Network.GamePackets
public sealed class CoatStorage
public CoatStorage() { }
public bool Read(byte[] packet)
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(packet))
Info = Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix<CoatStorageProto>(memoryStream, PrefixStyle.Fixed32);
return true;
public void Handle(Client.GameState client)
switch (Info.ActionId)
case Action.Combine:
ConquerItem ItemInInventory = null;
ConquerItem ItemInSystem = null;
if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem((uint)Info.ItemId, out ItemInInventory))
if (client.Entity.StorageItems.TryGetValue((uint)Info.ItemGuid, out ItemInSystem))
ItemInSystem.Minutes += ItemInInventory.Minutes;
if (ItemInSystem.Minutes != 0)
uint num;
if (DateTime.Now >= ItemInSystem.TimeStamp.AddMinutes(ItemInSystem.Minutes))
TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(ItemInSystem.TimeStamp.AddMinutes(ItemInSystem.Minutes).Ticks);
TimeSpan span2 = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks);
num = (uint)(span.TotalSeconds - span2.TotalSeconds);
ItemInSystem.TimeLeftInMinutes = num;
client.Inventory.Remove(ItemInInventory, Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove);
var proto = new CoatStorageProto();
proto.ActionId = Action.Combine;
proto.ItemGuid = Info.ItemGuid;
proto.ItemId = (int)ItemInSystem.ID;
proto.AddItem(ItemInSystem, 1);
case Action.Equipcheck:
ConquerItem myItem;
if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(Info.ItemGuid, out myItem))
var packet = FinalizeProtoBuf(new CoatStorageProto()
ActionId = Info.ActionId,
ItemGuid = Info.ItemGuid,
case Action.Addtowardrobe:
if (!CanEquip(Info, client))
if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(Info.ItemGuid, out myItem))
if (!client.Entity.StorageItems.ContainsKey(myItem.UID))
client.Entity.StorageItems.Add(myItem.UID, myItem);
myItem.InWardrobe = true;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateWardrobe(myItem.InWardrobe, myItem.UID);
client.Inventory.Remove(myItem, Game.Enums.ItemUse.None);
if (client.Entity.StorageItems.TryGetValue(Info.ItemGuid, out myItem))
foreach (var i in client.Entity.StorageItems.Values)
if (i.Position == (byte)PacketHandler.GetPositionFromID(myItem.ID))
if (client.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)i.Position) != null)
client.Equipment.Remove((byte)i.Position, true);
i.Position = 0;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateLocation(i, client);
myItem.Position = (byte)PacketHandler.GetPositionFromID(myItem.ID);
if (!client.Equipment.Add(myItem))
client.Equipment.Remove((byte)myItem.Position, true);
var iu = new ItemUsage(true);
iu.ID = ItemUsage.Unknown5;
iu.UID = myItem.UID;
iu.dwParam = myItem.Position;
ClientEquip equips = new ClientEquip();
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateLocation(myItem, client);
client.Send(FinalizeProtoBuf(new CoatStorageProto()
ActionId = Info.ActionId,
ItemGuid = Info.ItemGuid,
ItemId = (int)myItem.ID
else if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(Info.ItemGuid, out myItem))
client.Entity.StorageItems.Add(myItem.UID, myItem);
myItem.InWardrobe = true;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateWardrobe(myItem.InWardrobe, myItem.UID);
client.Inventory.Remove(myItem, Game.Enums.ItemUse.None);
client.Send(FinalizeProtoBuf(new CoatStorageProto()
ActionId = Info.ActionId,
ItemGuid = Info.ItemGuid,
ItemId = (int)myItem.ID
foreach (var i in client.Entity.StorageItems.Values)
if (i.Position != 0 && i.Position == (byte)PacketHandler.GetPositionFromID(myItem.ID))
if (client.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)i.Position) != null)
client.Equipment.Remove((byte)i.Position, true);
i.Position = 0;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateLocation(i, client);
myItem.Position = (byte)PacketHandler.GetPositionFromID(myItem.ID);
if (!client.Equipment.Add(myItem))
client.Equipment.Remove((byte)myItem.Position, true);
var iu = new ItemUsage(true);
iu.ID = ItemUsage.Unknown5;
iu.UID = myItem.UID;
iu.dwParam = myItem.Position;
ClientEquip equips = new ClientEquip();
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateLocation(myItem, client);
case Action.Takeoff:
if (client.Entity.StorageItems.TryGetValue(Info.ItemGuid, out myItem))
client.Send(FinalizeProtoBuf(new CoatStorageProto()
ActionId = Info.ActionId,
ItemGuid = Info.ItemGuid,
ItemId = (int)myItem.ID
var pos = (byte)PacketHandler.GetPositionFromID(myItem.ID);
client.Equipment.Remove(pos, true);
ClientEquip equips = new ClientEquip();
if (pos == 17)
equips.SteedArmor = 0;
else equips.Garment = 0;
case Action.Retrieve:
if (client.Entity.StorageItems.TryGetValue(Info.ItemGuid, out myItem) && client.Inventory.Count < 40)
var pos = (byte)PacketHandler.GetPositionFromID(myItem.ID);
myItem.InWardrobe = false;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateWardrobe(myItem.InWardrobe, myItem.UID);
client.Send(FinalizeProtoBuf(new CoatStorageProto()
ActionId = Info.ActionId,
ItemGuid = Info.ItemGuid,
ItemId = (int)myItem.ID
client.Inventory.Add(myItem, Game.Enums.ItemUse.Move);
ClientEquip equips = new ClientEquip();
if (pos == 17)
equips.SteedArmor = 0;
else equips.Garment = 0;
new TitleStorage().CheckTitles(client);
private bool CanEquip(CoatStorageProto Info, Client.GameState client)
ConquerItem myItem;
if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(Info.ItemGuid, out myItem) ||
client.Entity.StorageItems.TryGetValue(Info.ItemGuid, out myItem) ||
client.Equipment.TryGetItem(Info.ItemGuid, out myItem))
var dbInfo = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.ContainsKey(myItem.ID) ?
Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[myItem.ID] : null;
if (dbInfo == null)
return false;
bool isSteedArmor = PacketHandler.GetPositionFromID(myItem.ID) == PacketHandler.Positions.SteedArmor;
bool CanEquipSteedArmor = isSteedArmor && client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes.ContainsKey(9)
&& client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[9].Phase >= Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[myItem.ID].Proficiency;
if (!isSteedArmor)
var charSex = (client.Entity.Body == 1003 || client.Entity.Body == 1004) ? "Male" : "Female";
if ((dbInfo.Gender == 1 ? charSex != "Male" : dbInfo.Gender == 0 ? false : charSex != "Female"))
return false;
else if (isSteedArmor && !CanEquipSteedArmor) return false;
else return false;
return true;
private byte[] FinalizeProtoBuf(CoatStorageProto coatStorageProto)
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(memoryStream, coatStorageProto, PrefixStyle.Fixed32);
var pkt = new byte[8 + memoryStream.Length];
memoryStream.ToArray().CopyTo(pkt, 0);
Writer.Write((ushort)memoryStream.Length, 0, pkt);
Writer.Write((ushort)3300, 2, pkt);
return pkt;
public void Login(Client.GameState client)
var pkt = new CoatStorageProto();
foreach (var item in client.Entity.StorageItems.Values)
client.Entity.StorageItems.Values.Where(i => i.ID == item.ID).Count());
if (item.Position != 0)
var iu = new ItemUsage(true);
iu.ID = ItemUsage.Unknown5;
iu.UID = item.UID;
iu.dwParam = item.Position;
ClientEquip equips = new ClientEquip();
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateLocation(item, client);
var currentGarment = client.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)PacketHandler.Positions.Garment);
if (currentGarment != null && !client.Entity.StorageItems.ContainsKey(currentGarment.UID))
client.Entity.StorageItems.Add(currentGarment.UID, currentGarment);
client.Entity.StorageItems.Values.Where(i => i.ID == currentGarment.ID).Count());
pkt.Item.Equipped = true;
var currentMountArmor = client.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)PacketHandler.Positions.SteedArmor);
if (currentMountArmor != null && !client.Entity.StorageItems.ContainsKey(currentMountArmor.UID))
client.Entity.StorageItems.Add(currentMountArmor.UID, currentMountArmor);
client.Entity.StorageItems.Values.Where(i => i.ID == currentMountArmor.ID).Count());
pkt.Item.Equipped = true;
public CoatStorageProto Info;
public enum Action : int
/// <summary>
/// Load items in storage ...
/// </summary>
Login = 0,
Equipcheck = 1,
Retrieve = 2,
Combine = 4,
Addtowardrobe = 5,
Takeoff = 6,
dwParam = 7,
public class CoatStorageProto
[ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true)]
public CoatStorage.Action ActionId;
[ProtoMember(2, IsRequired = true)]
public uint ItemGuid;
[ProtoMember(3, IsRequired = true)]
public int ItemId;
[ProtoMember(4, IsRequired = true)]
public int Junk;
[ProtoMember(5, IsRequired = true)]
public ItemStorage Item;
public void AddItem(ConquerItem item, int stack)
Item = new ItemStorage();
Item.ItemUID = item.UID;
Item.ItemID = (int)item.ID;
Item.Maximumdurability = Item.Minimumdurability = item.MaximDurability;
Item.Stack = stack;
Item.FirstSocket = (int)item.SocketOne;
Item.SecondSocket = (int)item.SocketTwo;
Item.Plus = item.Plus;
Item.Protection = item.Bless;
Item.Bound = item.Bound;
Item.Health = item.Enchant;
Item.SocketProgress = (int)item.SocketProgress;
Item.Effect = item.Effect;
Item.Color = item.Color;
Item.CraftProgress = (int)item.PlusProgress;
Item.Locked = item.Lock == 1 ? true : false;
Item.Suspicious = false;
Item.Inscribed = false;
Item.dwParam7 = 0;
Item.Equipped = item.Position != 0;
Item.dwParam15 = 0;
Item.Time = 0;
Item.SubTime = 0;
public class ItemStorage
[ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true)]
public uint ItemUID;
[ProtoMember(2, IsRequired = true)]
public int ItemID;
[ProtoMember(3, IsRequired = true)]
public int SocketProgress;
[ProtoMember(4, IsRequired = true)]
public int FirstSocket;
[ProtoMember(5, IsRequired = true)]
public int SecondSocket;
[ProtoMember(6, IsRequired = true)]
public Game.Enums.ItemEffect Effect;
[ProtoMember(7, IsRequired = true)]
public int dwParam7;
[ProtoMember(8, IsRequired = true)]
public int Plus;
[ProtoMember(9, IsRequired = true)]
public int Protection;
[ProtoMember(10, IsRequired = true)]
public bool Bound;
[ProtoMember(11, IsRequired = true)]
public int Health;
[ProtoMember(12, IsRequired = true)]
public bool Equipped;
[ProtoMember(13, IsRequired = true)]
public bool Suspicious;
[ProtoMember(14, IsRequired = true)]
public bool Locked;
[ProtoMember(15, IsRequired = true)]
public int dwParam15;
[ProtoMember(16, IsRequired = true)]
public Game.Enums.Color Color;
[ProtoMember(17, IsRequired = true)]
public int CraftProgress;
/// <summary>
/// Inscribed in guild arsenal
/// This class is for wardrobe items which are garments or mount armors so this filed is always false
/// </summary>
[ProtoMember(18, IsRequired = true)]
public bool Inscribed;
/// <summary>
/// Time left in seconds !
/// </summary>
[ProtoMember(19, IsRequired = true)]
public int Time;
/// <summary>
/// Time left in minutes (if item not activated only)
/// </summary>
[ProtoMember(20, IsRequired = true)]
public int SubTime;
[ProtoMember(21, IsRequired = true)]
public int Stack;
[ProtoMember(22, IsRequired = true)]
public int Minimumdurability;
[ProtoMember(23, IsRequired = true)]
public int Maximumdurability;
public static class Storage
private static string Path = Constants.DataHolderPath + "Storage.ini";
public static void Read(out StorageInfo storageInfo)
storageInfo = new StorageInfo();
var reader = new IniFile(Path);
storageInfo.Count = reader.ReadInt32("Storage", "StorageTypeCount", 0);
storageInfo.Storages = new StorageInfo.Storage[storageInfo.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < storageInfo.Count; i++)
var mySection = (i + 1).ToString();
storageInfo.Storages[i] = new StorageInfo.Storage();
storageInfo.Storages[i].Type = reader.ReadInt32(mySection, "Type", 0);
storageInfo.Storages[i].UnitCount = reader.ReadInt32(mySection, "UnitCount", 0);
storageInfo.Storages[i].ViewType = reader.ReadInt32(mySection, "ViewType", 0);
storageInfo.Storages[i].Units = new StorageInfo.Storage.Unit[storageInfo.Storages[i].UnitCount];
for (int u = 0; u < storageInfo.Storages[i].UnitCount; u++)
var unitSection = mySection + "-" + (u + 1).ToString();
storageInfo.Storages[i].Units[u] = new StorageInfo.Storage.Unit();
storageInfo.Storages[i].Units[u].ID = reader.ReadInt32(unitSection, "ID", 0);
storageInfo.Storages[i].Units[u].AniSection = reader.ReadString(unitSection, "AniSection");
storageInfo.Storages[i].Units[u].GetWayType3 = reader.ReadInt32(unitSection, "GetWayType3", 0);
storageInfo.Storages[i].Units[u].GetWayText3 = reader.ReadString(unitSection, "GetWayText3");
storageInfo.Storages[i].Units[u].Param = reader.ReadString(unitSection, "Param");
storageInfo.Storages[i].Units[u].Intro = reader.ReadString(unitSection, "Intro");
//Console.WriteLine("Storages loaded");
public class StorageInfo
public int Count;
public Storage[] Storages;
public class Storage
public int Type;
public int UnitCount;
public int ViewType;
public Unit[] Units;
public class Unit
public int ID;
public string AniSection;
public int GetWayType3;
public string GetWayText3;
public string Param;
public string Intro;
public Storage GetStorageByType(int Type)
foreach (var storage in Storages)
if (storage != null && storage.Type == Type)
return storage;
return null;
public Storage.Unit GetUnitByID(int ID, Storage _storage = null)
if (_storage != null)
foreach (var unit in _storage.Units)
if (unit.ID == ID)
return unit;
foreach (var storage in Storages)
if (storage != null)
foreach (var unit in storage.Units)
if (unit.ID == ID)
return unit;
return null;
public sealed class StorageManager
public static StorageInfo Info;
public static void Load()
Storage.Read(out Info);
catch (Exception e)
public static T Wing<T>(int _type, int _id)
object value = null;
int trash = 0;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool))
value = int.TryParse(Info.GetUnitByID(_id, Info.GetStorageByType(_type)).Param, out trash);
else if (typeof(T) == typeof(int))
var myType = _type.ToString();
var myID = _id.ToString();
while (myID.Length < 4)
myID = "0" + myID;
value = int.Parse(myType + myID);
throw new Exception("Unknow type : " + typeof(T).Name);
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T));
public static int GetTitlePoints(short _type, short _id)
if (_type == 1 && _id == 1000)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2018 && _id == 1)
return 500;
else if (_type == 2001 && _id == 2)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2002 && _id == 3)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2003 && _id == 4)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2004 && _id == 5)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2005 && _id == 6)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2006 && _id == 7)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2020 && _id == 2020)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2021 && _id == 2021)
return 200;
else if (_type == 2022 && _id == 2022)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2023 && _id == 2023)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2024 && _id == 2024)
return 200;
else if (_type == 2025 && _id == 2025)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2028 && _id == 2028)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2029 && _id == 2029)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2030 && _id == 2030)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2031 && _id == 2031)
return 200;
else if (_type == 6009 && _id == 6009)
return 300;
else if (_type == 6007 && _id == 6007)
return 300;
else if (_type == 6008 && _id == 6008)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2026 && _id == 2026)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2027 && _id == 2027)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2032 && _id == 2032)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2033 && _id == 2033)
return 300;
else if (_type == 6011 && _id == 6011)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2034 && _id == 2034)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2013 && _id == 14)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2014 && _id == 15)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2015 && _id == 16)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2016 && _id == 17)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2035 && _id == 2035)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2036 && _id == 2036)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2037 && _id == 2037)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2038 && _id == 2038)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2039 && _id == 2039)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2040 && _id == 2040)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2041 && _id == 2041)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2044 && _id == 2044)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2045 && _id == 2045)
return 100;
else if (_type == 6012 && _id == 6012)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2050 && _id == 2050)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2051 && _id == 2051)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2052 && _id == 2052)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2053 && _id == 2053)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2054 && _id == 2054)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2057 && _id == 2057)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2056 && _id == 2056)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2046 && _id == 2046)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2047 && _id == 2047)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2048 && _id == 2048)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2049 && _id == 2049)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2059 && _id == 2059)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2060 && _id == 2060)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2061 && _id == 2061)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2062 && _id == 2062)
return 150;
else if (_type == 6013 && _id == 6013)
return 100;
else if (_type == 6014 && _id == 6014)
return 150;
else if (_type == 6015 && _id == 6015)
return 150;
else if (_type == 6016 && _id == 6016)
return 150;
else if (_type == 6017 && _id == 6017)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2063 && _id == 2063)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2064 && _id == 2064)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2065 && _id == 2065)
return 150;
return 0;
public static T Title<T>(int _type, int _id)
object value = null;
int trash = 0;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool))
value = !int.TryParse(Info.GetUnitByID(_id, Info.GetStorageByType(_type)).Param, out trash);
else if (typeof(T) == typeof(int))
var myType = _type.ToString();
var myID = _id.ToString();
while (myID.Length < 4)
myID = "0" + myID;
value = int.Parse(myType + myID);
throw new Exception("Unknow type : " + typeof(T).Name);
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T));
public sealed class TitleStorage
public TitleStorage() { }
public bool Read(byte[] packet)
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(packet))
Info = Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix<TitleStorageProto>(memoryStream, PrefixStyle.Fixed32);
return true;
private bool CollectedRandMonkey(Client.GameState client)
return client.Entity.StorageItems.Values.Where(p => MonkeysValues.Contains(p.ID)).ToList().Count > 0 ? true : false;
private bool CollectedCelestialFox(Client.GameState client)
return client.Entity.StorageItems.Values.Where(p => p.ID == 200595).ToList().Count > 0 ? true : false;
private bool CollectedCelestialFoxFantasy(Client.GameState client)
return client.Entity.StorageItems.Values.Where(p => p.ID == 200596).ToList().Count > 0 ? true : false;
List<uint> MonkeysValues = new List<uint>()
private bool Collected8TypesMonkey(Client.GameState client)
List<uint> IDs = new List<uint>();
var Dict = client.Entity.StorageItems.Values.ToList();
for (int x = 0; x < Dict.Count; x++)
if (MonkeysValues.Contains(Dict[x].ID) && !IDs.Contains(Dict[x].ID))
return IDs.Count == 8 ? true : false;
private bool CollectedMonkey(Client.GameState client, uint ID)
return client.Entity.StorageItems.Values.Where(p => p.ID == ID).ToList().Count > 0 ? true : false;
public void CheckTitles(Client.GameState client)
if (client.Entity.haveallTitles) { GetAll(client); return; }
#region Titles And Wings Equips
#region Wings
#region Union Emperor
if (client.Union != null)
if (client.Union.IsKingdom())
if (client.Union.IsLeader(client.Entity.UID))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
#region The Champion Of Elite Pk Tournament
if (client.Entity.Titles.ContainsKey(TitlePacket.Titles.ElitePKChamption_High))
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = DateTime.Now.Day; i < 31; i++)
date = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, i);
if (date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday)
date = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, i, 19, 55, 0);
if (date.Day == DateTime.Now.Day && date.Hour == DateTime.Now.Hour && date.Year == DateTime.Now.Year && date.Minute == date.Minute && DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Friday)
for (int i = 1; i < 31; i++)
date = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month + 1, i);
if (date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday)
date = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month + 1, i, 19, 55, 0);
TimeSpan timespan = date - DateTime.Now;
int time = (int)(timespan.TotalSeconds);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6001, 20, false, time);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6001, 20, false);
#region Own a 5-star garment
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarGarments(client, 5) >= 1)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
#region Own a 5-star Mount armor
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarMounts(client, 5) >= 1)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
#region Prestige Score reaches 600,000
if (client.Entity.TotalPerfectionScore >= 600000)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
#region Stars Score reaches 324
if (client.Equipment.TotalStars >= 324)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
#region Stars Score reaches 216
if (client.Equipment.TotalStars >= 216)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
#region Titles
#region Union Emperor
if (client.Union != null)
if (client.Union.IsKingdom())
if (client.Union.IsLeader(client.Entity.UID))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
#region VIP
if (client.Entity.VIPLevel > 0)
switch (client.Entity.VIPLevel)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2030, 2030, false);
case 5:
case 6:
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2029, 2029, false);
case 7:
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2031, 2031, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2030, 2030, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2029, 2029, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2031, 2031, false);
#region CollectedRandMonkey
if (CollectedRandMonkey(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2013, 14, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2013, 14, false);
#region Collect 8 kinds of permanent saint monkeys (can be activated via the Wardrobe after the event)
if (Collected8TypesMonkey(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
#region Collect a permanent Solar Monkey
if (CollectedMonkey(client, 200559))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
#region Collect a permanent Lunar Monkey
if (CollectedMonkey(client, 200560))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
#region Tulip
if (client.Entity.MyFlowers != null && client.Entity.MyFlowers.RankTuilps == 1)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6005, 6005, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6005, 6005, false);
#region The Total Score of Chi Study Reaches 1.600 Points
if (client.ChiData.DragonPoints == 400 && client.ChiData.PhoenixPoints == 400 && client.ChiData.TigerPoints == 400 && client.ChiData.TurtlePoints == 400)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
#region Prestige Score reaches 400,000
if (client.Entity.TotalPerfectionScore >= 400000)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
#region The Total Score Of Jiang hu training reaches 81,000 points(Title)
if (client.Entity.MyJiang != null && client.Entity.MyJiang.Inner_Strength >= 81000)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
#region Complete 320 Achievement
if (client.Entity.MyAchievement.Count(client.Entity.UID) >= 320)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
#region Own 5 garments of 4-star or 5-star
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarGarments(client, 4) >= 5)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
#region Own 5 Mount of 4-star or 5-star
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarMounts(client, 4) >= 5)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2006, 7, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2006, 7, false);
#region CelestialFox(200595)
if (CollectedCelestialFox(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2050, 2050, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2050, 2050, false);
#region CelestialFox(Fantasy)(200596)
if (CollectedCelestialFoxFantasy(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2051, 2051, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2051, 2051, false);
#region GM
/*if (client.Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.GameMaster)
foreach (var title in Database.WardrobeTable.Titles.Values)
AddTitle(client, (short)title.Type, (short)title.ID);
public void Login(Client.GameState client, bool Crossed = false, string val = "")
if (!Crossed)
using (var cmd = new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("entities").Where("UID", client.Account.EntityID))
using (var reader = new Database.MySqlReader(cmd))
if (reader.Read())
if (reader.ReadString("Wardrobe") != "")
if (reader.ReadString("Wardrobe").Contains("~"))
var wing = reader.ReadString("Wardrobe").Split('~')[0];
int type = Convert.ToInt32(wing.Split('-')[0]);
int id = Convert.ToInt32(wing.Split('-')[1]);
if (client.Entity.Wings.ContainsKey((uint)type) && client.Entity.Wings.ContainsValue((uint)id))
var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Update,
Points = client.Entity.UTitlePoints,
Type = type,
Id = id,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = type,
Id = id,
Equipped = true
client.Entity.EquippedWing = StorageManager.Wing<int>(type, id);
client.Entity.NowEquippedWing.Add(type + "~" + id);
var title = reader.ReadString("Wardrobe").Split('~')[1];
int type2 = Convert.ToInt32(title.Split('-')[0]);
int id2 = Convert.ToInt32(title.Split('-')[1]);
if (client.Entity.WTitles.ContainsKey((uint)type2) && client.Entity.WTitles.ContainsValue((uint)id2))
var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Update,
Points = client.Entity.UTitlePoints,
Type = type2,
Id = id2,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = type2,
Id = id2,
Equipped = true
client.Entity.EquippedTitle = StorageManager.Title<int>(type2, id2);
client.Entity.NowEquippedTitle.Add(type2 + "~" + id2);
if (val != "")
if (val.Contains("~"))
var wing = val.Split('~')[0];
int type = Convert.ToInt32(wing.Split('-')[0]);
int id = Convert.ToInt32(wing.Split('-')[1]);
var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Update,
Points = client.Entity.UTitlePoints,
Type = type,
Id = id,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = type,
Id = id,
Equipped = true
client.Entity.EquippedWing = StorageManager.Wing<int>(type, id);
client.Entity.NowEquippedWing.Add(type + "~" + id);
var title = val.Split('~')[1];
int type2 = Convert.ToInt32(title.Split('-')[0]);
int id2 = Convert.ToInt32(title.Split('-')[1]);
pkt.Type = type2;
pkt.Id = id2;
pkt.Value.Type = type2;
pkt.Value.Id = id2;
client.Entity.EquippedTitle = StorageManager.Title<int>(type2, id2);
client.Entity.NowEquippedTitle.Add(type2 + "~" + id2);
public void Handle(Client.GameState client)
switch (Info.ActionId)
case Action.Unequip:
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Entity.EquippedWing = 0;
else if (StorageManager.Title<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Entity.EquippedTitle = 0;
case Action.Equip:
if (client.Entity.UTitlePoints < StorageManager.GetTitlePoints((short)Info.Type, (short)Info.Id))
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Entity.EquippedWing = StorageManager.Wing<int>(Info.Type, Info.Id);
client.Entity.NowEquippedWing.Add(Info.Type + "~" + Info.Id);
else if (StorageManager.Title<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Entity.EquippedTitle = StorageManager.Title<int>(Info.Type, Info.Id);
client.Entity.NowEquippedTitle.Add(Info.Type + "~" + Info.Id);
Info = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Equip,
Points = client.Entity.UTitlePoints,
Type = Info.Type,
Id = Info.Id,
new TitleStorage().CheckTitles(client);
public void GetAll(Client.GameState client)
foreach (var title in Database.WardrobeTable.Titles.Values)
AddTitle(client, (short)title.Type, (short)title.ID, false);
client.Entity.haveallTitles = true;
public void AddTitle(Client.GameState client, short _type, short _id, bool equipped = false, int TimeInSeconds = 0)
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(_type, _id))
if (!client.Entity.Wings.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
client.Entity.Wings.Add((uint)_type, (uint)_id);
else return;
if (!client.Entity.WTitles.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
client.Entity.WTitles.Add((uint)_type, (uint)_id);
else return;
client.Entity.UTitlePoints += StorageManager.GetTitlePoints(_type, _id);
var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Update,
Points = client.Entity.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = equipped,
Time = TimeInSeconds,
if (equipped)
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(_type, _id))
client.Entity.EquippedWing = StorageManager.Wing<int>(_type, _id);
client.Entity.NowEquippedWing.Add(_type + "~" + _id);
else if (StorageManager.Title<bool>(_type, _id))
client.Entity.EquippedTitle = StorageManager.Title<int>(_type, _id);
client.Entity.NowEquippedTitle.Add(_type + "~" + _id);
public void RemoveTitle(Client.GameState client, short _type, short _id, bool equipped = false)
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(_type, _id))
if (client.Entity.Wings.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
if (client.Entity.EquippedWing == StorageManager.Wing<int>(_type, _id))
client.Entity.EquippedWing = 0;
var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Unequip,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Entity.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false
client.Entity.UTitlePoints -= StorageManager.GetTitlePoints(_type, _id);
var pkt2 = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.RemoveTitle,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Entity.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false
else return;
if (client.Entity.WTitles.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
if (client.Entity.EquippedTitle == StorageManager.Title<int>(_type, _id))
client.Entity.EquippedTitle = 0;
var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Unequip,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Entity.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false
client.Entity.UTitlePoints -= StorageManager.GetTitlePoints(_type, _id);
var pkt2 = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.RemoveTitle,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Entity.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false
else return;
public byte[] FinalizeProtoBuf(TitleStorageProto titleStorageProto)
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(memoryStream, titleStorageProto, PrefixStyle.Fixed32);
var pkt = new byte[8 + memoryStream.Length];
memoryStream.ToArray().CopyTo(pkt, 0);
Writer.Write((ushort)memoryStream.Length, 0, pkt);
Writer.Write((ushort)3301, 2, pkt);
return pkt;
public TitleStorageProto Info;
public enum Action : int
Update = 0,
UseTitle = 1,
RemoveTitle = 3,
Equip = 4,
Unequip = 5,
public class TitleStorageProto
[ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true)]
public TitleStorage.Action ActionId;
[ProtoMember(2, IsRequired = true)]
public int Points;
[ProtoMember(3, IsRequired = true)]
public int Type;
[ProtoMember(4, IsRequired = true)]
public int Id;
[ProtoMember(5, IsRequired = true)]
public TitleValue Value;
public class TitleValue
[ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true)]
public int Type;
[ProtoMember(2, IsRequired = true)]
public int Id;
[ProtoMember(3, IsRequired = true)]
public bool Equipped;
[ProtoMember(4, IsRequired = true)]
public int Time;
using protobuf;
using system;
using system.runtime.interopservices;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.io;
using system.linq;
using system.collections.concurrent;
using system.text;
using system.threading.tasks;
namespace mrhassan.network.gamepackets
public sealed class coatstorage
public coatstorage() { }
public bool read(byte[] packet)
using (var memorystream = new memorystream(packet))
info = serializer.deserializewithlengthprefix<coatstorageproto>(memorystream, prefixstyle.fixed32);
return true;
public void handle(client.gamestate client)
switch (info.actionid)
case action.combine:
conqueritem itemininventory = null;
conqueritem iteminsystem = null;
if (client.inventory.trygetitem((uint)info.itemid, out itemininventory))
if (client.entity.storageitems.trygetvalue((uint)info.itemguid, out iteminsystem))
iteminsystem.minutes += itemininventory.minutes;
if (iteminsystem.minutes != 0)
uint num;
if (datetime.now >= iteminsystem.timestamp.addminutes(iteminsystem.minutes))
timespan span = new timespan(iteminsystem.timestamp.addminutes(iteminsystem.minutes).ticks);
timespan span2 = new timespan(datetime.now.ticks);
num = (uint)(span.totalseconds - span2.totalseconds);
iteminsystem.timeleftinminutes = num;
client.inventory.remove(itemininventory, game.enums.itemuse.remove);
var proto = new coatstorageproto();
proto.actionid = action.combine;
proto.itemguid = info.itemguid;
proto.itemid = (int)iteminsystem.id;
proto.additem(iteminsystem, 1);
case action.equipcheck:
Conqueritem myitem;
if (client.inventory.trygetitem(info.itemguid, out myitem))
var packet = finalizeprotobuf(new coatstorageproto()
actionid = info.actionid,
itemguid = info.itemguid,
case action.addtowardrobe:
if (!canequip(info, client))
if (client.inventory.trygetitem(info.itemguid, out myitem))
if (!client.entity.storageitems.containskey(myitem.uid))
client.entity.storageitems.add(myitem.uid, myitem);
myitem.inwardrobe = true;
database.conqueritemtable.updatewardrobe(myitem.inwardrobe, myitem.uid);
client.inventory.remove(myitem, game.enums.itemuse.none);
if (client.entity.storageitems.trygetvalue(info.itemguid, out myitem))
foreach (var i in client.entity.storageitems.values)
if (i.position == (byte)packethandler.getpositionfromid(myitem.id))
if (client.equipment.trygetitem((byte)i.position) != null)
client.equipment.remove((byte)i.position, true);
i.position = 0;
database.conqueritemtable.updatelocation(i, client);
myitem.position = (byte)packethandler.getpositionfromid(myitem.id);
if (!client.equipment.add(myitem))
client.equipment.remove((byte)myitem.position, true);
var iu = new itemusage(true);
iu.id = itemusage.unknown5;
iu.uid = myitem.uid;
iu.dwparam = myitem.position;
clientequip equips = new clientequip();
database.conqueritemtable.updatelocation(myitem, client);
client.send(finalizeprotobuf(new coatstorageproto()
actionid = info.actionid,
itemguid = info.itemguid,
itemid = (int)myitem.id
else if (client.inventory.trygetitem(info.itemguid, out myitem))
client.entity.storageitems.add(myitem.uid, myitem);
myitem.inwardrobe = true;
database.conqueritemtable.updatewardrobe(myitem.inwardrobe, myitem.uid);
client.inventory.remove(myitem, game.enums.itemuse.none);
client.send(finalizeprotobuf(new coatstorageproto()
actionid = info.actionid,
itemguid = info.itemguid,
itemid = (int)myitem.id
foreach (var i in client.entity.storageitems.values)
if (i.position != 0 && i.position == (byte)packethandler.getpositionfromid(myitem.id))
if (client.equipment.trygetitem((byte)i.position) != null)
client.equipment.remove((byte)i.position, true);
i.position = 0;
database.conqueritemtable.updatelocation(i, client);
myitem.position = (byte)packethandler.getpositionfromid(myitem.id);
if (!client.equipment.add(myitem))
client.equipment.remove((byte)myitem.position, true);
var iu = new itemusage(true);
iu.id = itemusage.unknown5;
iu.uid = myitem.uid;
iu.dwparam = myitem.position;
clientequip equips = new clientequip();
database.conqueritemtable.updatelocation(myitem, client);
case action.takeoff:
If (client.entity.storageitems.trygetvalue(info.itemguid, out myitem))
client.send(finalizeprotobuf(new coatstorageproto()
actionid = info.actionid,
itemguid = info.itemguid,
itemid = (int)myitem.id
var pos = (byte)packethandler.getpositionfromid(myitem.id);
client.equipment.remove(pos, true);
clientequip equips = new clientequip();
if (pos == 17)
equips.steedarmor = 0;
else equips.garment = 0;
case action.retrieve:
If (client.entity.storageitems.trygetvalue(info.itemguid, out myitem) && client.inventory.count < 40)
var pos = (byte)packethandler.getpositionfromid(myitem.id);
myitem.inwardrobe = false;
database.conqueritemtable.updatewardrobe(myitem.inwardrobe, myitem.uid);
client.send(finalizeprotobuf(new coatstorageproto()
actionid = info.actionid,
itemguid = info.itemguid,
itemid = (int)myitem.id
client.inventory.add(myitem, game.enums.itemuse.move);
clientequip equips = new clientequip();
if (pos == 17)
equips.steedarmor = 0;
else equips.garment = 0;
new titlestorage().checktitles(client);
private bool canequip(coatstorageproto info, client.gamestate client)
conqueritem myitem;
if (client.inventory.trygetitem(info.itemguid, out myitem) ||
client.entity.storageitems.trygetvalue(info.itemguid, out myitem) ||
client.equipment.trygetitem(info.itemguid, out myitem))
var dbinfo = database.conqueriteminformation.baseinformations.containskey(myitem.id) ?
Database.conqueriteminformation.baseinformations[myitem.id] : Null;
if (dbinfo == null)
return false;
bool issteedarmor = packethandler.getpositionfromid(myitem.id) == packethandler.positions.steedarmor;
bool canequipsteedarmor = issteedarmor && client.entity.subclasses.classes.containskey(9)
&& client.entity.subclasses.classes[9].phase >= database.conqueriteminformation.baseinformations[myitem.id].proficiency;
if (!issteedarmor)
var charsex = (client.entity.body == 1003 || client.entity.body == 1004) ? "male" : "female";
if ((dbinfo.gender == 1 ? Charsex != "male" : Dbinfo.gender == 0 ? False : Charsex != "female"))
return false;
else if (issteedarmor && !canequipsteedarmor) return false;
else return false;
return true;
private byte[] finalizeprotobuf(coatstorageproto coatstorageproto)
using (var memorystream = new memorystream())
serializer.serializewithlengthprefix(memorystream, coatstorageproto, prefixstyle.fixed32);
var pkt = new byte[8 + memorystream.length];
memorystream.toarray().copyto(pkt, 0);
writer.write((ushort)memorystream.length, 0, pkt);
writer.write((ushort)3300, 2, pkt);
return pkt;
public void login(client.gamestate client)
var pkt = new coatstorageproto();
foreach (var item in client.entity.storageitems.values)
client.entity.storageitems.values.where(i => i.id == item.id).count());
if (item.position != 0)
var iu = new itemusage(true);
iu.id = itemusage.unknown5;
iu.uid = item.uid;
iu.dwparam = item.position;
clientequip equips = new clientequip();
database.conqueritemtable.updatelocation(item, client);
var currentgarment = client.equipment.trygetitem((byte)packethandler.positions.garment);
if (currentgarment != null && !client.entity.storageitems.containskey(currentgarment.uid))
client.entity.storageitems.add(currentgarment.uid, currentgarment);
client.entity.storageitems.values.where(i => i.id == currentgarment.id).count());
pkt.item.equipped = true;
var currentmountarmor = client.equipment.trygetitem((byte)packethandler.positions.steedarmor);
if (currentmountarmor != null && !client.entity.storageitems.containskey(currentmountarmor.uid))
client.entity.storageitems.add(currentmountarmor.uid, currentmountarmor);
client.entity.storageitems.values.where(i => i.id == currentmountarmor.id).count());
pkt.item.equipped = true;
public coatstorageproto info;
public enum action : Int
/// <summary>
/// load items in storage ...
/// </summary>
login = 0,
equipcheck = 1,
retrieve = 2,
combine = 4,
addtowardrobe = 5,
takeoff = 6,
dwparam = 7,
public class coatstorageproto
[protomember(1, isrequired = true)]
public coatstorage.action actionid;
[protomember(2, isrequired = true)]
public uint itemguid;
[protomember(3, isrequired = true)]
public int itemid;
[protomember(4, isrequired = true)]
public int junk;
[protomember(5, isrequired = true)]
public itemstorage item;
public void additem(conqueritem item, int stack)
item = new itemstorage();
item.itemuid = item.uid;
item.itemid = (int)item.id;
item.maximumdurability = item.minimumdurability = item.maximdurability;
item.stack = stack;
item.firstsocket = (int)item.socketone;
item.secondsocket = (int)item.sockettwo;
item.plus = item.plus;
item.protection = item.bless;
item.bound = item.bound;
item.health = item.enchant;
item.socketprogress = (int)item.socketprogress;
item.effect = item.effect;
item.color = item.color;
item.craftprogress = (int)item.plusprogress;
item.locked = item.lock == 1 ? True : False;
item.suspicious = false;
item.inscribed = false;
item.dwparam7 = 0;
item.equipped = item.position != 0;
item.dwparam15 = 0;
item.time = 0;
item.subtime = 0;
public class itemstorage
[protomember(1, isrequired = true)]
public uint itemuid;
[protomember(2, isrequired = true)]
public int itemid;
[protomember(3, isrequired = true)]
public int socketprogress;
[protomember(4, isrequired = true)]
public int firstsocket;
[protomember(5, isrequired = true)]
public int secondsocket;
[protomember(6, isrequired = true)]
public game.enums.itemeffect effect;
[protomember(7, isrequired = true)]
public int dwparam7;
[protomember(8, isrequired = true)]
public int plus;
[protomember(9, isrequired = true)]
public int protection;
[protomember(10, isrequired = true)]
public bool bound;
[protomember(11, isrequired = true)]
public int health;
[protomember(12, isrequired = true)]
public bool equipped;
[protomember(13, isrequired = true)]
public bool suspicious;
[protomember(14, isrequired = true)]
public bool locked;
[protomember(15, isrequired = true)]
public int dwparam15;
[protomember(16, isrequired = true)]
public game.enums.color color;
[protomember(17, isrequired = true)]
public int craftprogress;
/// <summary>
/// inscribed in guild arsenal
/// this class is for wardrobe items which are garments or mount armors so this filed is always false
/// </summary>
[protomember(18, isrequired = true)]
public bool inscribed;
/// <summary>
/// time left in seconds !
/// </summary>
[protomember(19, isrequired = true)]
public int time;
/// <summary>
/// time left in minutes (if item not activated only)
/// </summary>
[protomember(20, isrequired = true)]
public int subtime;
[protomember(21, isrequired = true)]
public int stack;
[protomember(22, isrequired = true)]
public int minimumdurability;
[protomember(23, isrequired = true)]
public int maximumdurability;
public static class storage
private static string path = constants.dataholderpath + "storage.ini";
public static void read(out storageinfo storageinfo)
storageinfo = new storageinfo();
var reader = new inifile(path);
storageinfo.count = reader.readint32("storage", "storagetypecount", 0);
storageinfo.storages = new storageinfo.storage[storageinfo.count];
for (int i = 0; i < storageinfo.count; i++)
var mysection = (i + 1).tostring();
storageinfo.storages[i] = new storageinfo.storage();
storageinfo.storages[i].type = reader.readint32(mysection, "type", 0);
storageinfo.storages[i].unitcount = reader.readint32(mysection, "unitcount", 0);
storageinfo.storages[i].viewtype = reader.readint32(mysection, "viewtype", 0);
storageinfo.storages[i].units = new storageinfo.storage.unit[storageinfo.storages[i].unitcount];
for (int u = 0; u < storageinfo.storages[i].unitcount; u++)
var unitsection = mysection + "-" + (u + 1).tostring();
storageinfo.storages[i].units[u] = new storageinfo.storage.unit();
storageinfo.storages[i].units[u].id = reader.readint32(unitsection, "id", 0);
storageinfo.storages[i].units[u].anisection = reader.readstring(unitsection, "anisection");
storageinfo.storages[i].units[u].getwaytype3 = reader.readint32(unitsection, "getwaytype3", 0);
storageinfo.storages[i].units[u].getwaytext3 = reader.readstring(unitsection, "getwaytext3");
storageinfo.storages[i].units[u].param = reader.readstring(unitsection, "param");
storageinfo.storages[i].units[u].intro = reader.readstring(unitsection, "intro");
//console.writeline("storages loaded");
public class storageinfo
public int count;
public storage[] storages;
public class storage
public int type;
public int unitcount;
public int viewtype;
public unit[] units;
public class unit
public int id;
public string anisection;
public int getwaytype3;
public string getwaytext3;
public string param;
public string intro;
public storage getstoragebytype(int type)
foreach (var storage in storages)
if (storage != null && storage.type == type)
return storage;
return null;
public storage.unit getunitbyid(int id, storage _storage = null)
if (_storage != null)
foreach (var unit in _storage.units)
if (unit.id == id)
return unit;
foreach (var storage in storages)
if (storage != null)
foreach (var unit in storage.units)
if (unit.id == id)
return unit;
return null;
public sealed class storagemanager
public static storageinfo info;
public static void load()
storage.read(out info);
catch (exception e)
public static t wing<t>(int _type, int _id)
object value = null;
int trash = 0;
if (typeof(t) == typeof(bool))
value = int.tryparse(info.getunitbyid(_id, info.getstoragebytype(_type)).param, out trash);
else if (typeof(t) == typeof(int))
var mytype = _type.tostring();
var myid = _id.tostring();
while (myid.length < 4)
myid = "0" + myid;
value = int.parse(mytype + myid);
throw new exception("unknow type : " + typeof(t).name);
return (t)convert.changetype(value, typeof(t));
public static int gettitlepoints(short _type, short _id)
if (_type == 1 && _id == 1000)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2018 && _id == 1)
return 500;
else if (_type == 2001 && _id == 2)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2002 && _id == 3)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2003 && _id == 4)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2004 && _id == 5)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2005 && _id == 6)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2006 && _id == 7)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2020 && _id == 2020)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2021 && _id == 2021)
return 200;
else if (_type == 2022 && _id == 2022)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2023 && _id == 2023)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2024 && _id == 2024)
return 200;
else if (_type == 2025 && _id == 2025)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2028 && _id == 2028)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2029 && _id == 2029)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2030 && _id == 2030)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2031 && _id == 2031)
return 200;
else if (_type == 6009 && _id == 6009)
return 300;
else if (_type == 6007 && _id == 6007)
return 300;
else if (_type == 6008 && _id == 6008)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2026 && _id == 2026)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2027 && _id == 2027)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2032 && _id == 2032)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2033 && _id == 2033)
return 300;
else if (_type == 6011 && _id == 6011)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2034 && _id == 2034)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2013 && _id == 14)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2014 && _id == 15)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2015 && _id == 16)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2016 && _id == 17)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2035 && _id == 2035)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2036 && _id == 2036)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2037 && _id == 2037)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2038 && _id == 2038)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2039 && _id == 2039)
return 300;
else if (_type == 2040 && _id == 2040)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2041 && _id == 2041)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2044 && _id == 2044)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2045 && _id == 2045)
return 100;
else if (_type == 6012 && _id == 6012)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2050 && _id == 2050)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2051 && _id == 2051)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2052 && _id == 2052)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2053 && _id == 2053)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2054 && _id == 2054)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2057 && _id == 2057)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2056 && _id == 2056)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2046 && _id == 2046)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2047 && _id == 2047)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2048 && _id == 2048)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2049 && _id == 2049)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2059 && _id == 2059)
return 100;
else if (_type == 2060 && _id == 2060)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2061 && _id == 2061)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2062 && _id == 2062)
return 150;
else if (_type == 6013 && _id == 6013)
return 100;
else if (_type == 6014 && _id == 6014)
return 150;
else if (_type == 6015 && _id == 6015)
return 150;
else if (_type == 6016 && _id == 6016)
return 150;
else if (_type == 6017 && _id == 6017)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2063 && _id == 2063)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2064 && _id == 2064)
return 150;
else if (_type == 2065 && _id == 2065)
return 150;
return 0;
public static t title<t>(int _type, int _id)
object value = null;
int trash = 0;
if (typeof(t) == typeof(bool))
value = !int.tryparse(info.getunitbyid(_id, info.getstoragebytype(_type)).param, out trash);
else if (typeof(t) == typeof(int))
var mytype = _type.tostring();
var myid = _id.tostring();
while (myid.length < 4)
myid = "0" + myid;
value = int.parse(mytype + myid);
throw new exception("unknow type : " + typeof(t).name);
return (t)convert.changetype(value, typeof(t));
public sealed class titlestorage
public titlestorage() { }
public bool read(byte[] packet)
using (var memorystream = new memorystream(packet))
info = serializer.deserializewithlengthprefix<titlestorageproto>(memorystream, prefixstyle.fixed32);
return true;
private bool collectedrandmonkey(client.gamestate client)
return client.entity.storageitems.values.where(p => monkeysvalues.contains(p.id)).tolist().count > 0 ? True : False;
private bool collectedcelestialfox(client.gamestate client)
return client.entity.storageitems.values.where(p => p.id == 200595).tolist().count > 0 ? True : False;
private bool collectedcelestialfoxfantasy(client.gamestate client)
return client.entity.storageitems.values.where(p => p.id == 200596).tolist().count > 0 ? True : False;
list<uint> monkeysvalues = new list<uint>()
private bool collected8typesmonkey(client.gamestate client)
list<uint> ids = new list<uint>();
var dict = client.entity.storageitems.values.tolist();
for (int x = 0; x < dict.count; x++)
if (monkeysvalues.contains(dict[x].id) && !ids.contains(dict[x].id))
return ids.count == 8 ? True : False;
private bool collectedmonkey(client.gamestate client, uint id)
return client.entity.storageitems.values.where(p => p.id == id).tolist().count > 0 ? True : False;
public void checktitles(client.gamestate client)
if (client.entity.havealltitles) { getall(client); return; }
#region titles and wings equips
#region wings
#region union emperor
if (client.union != null)
if (client.union.iskingdom())
if (client.union.isleader(client.entity.uid))
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
#region the champion of elite pk tournament
if (client.entity.titles.containskey(titlepacket.titles.elitepkchamption_high))
datetime date = datetime.now;
for (int i = datetime.now.day; i < 31; i++)
date = new datetime(datetime.now.year, datetime.now.month, i);
if (date.dayofweek == dayofweek.friday)
date = new datetime(datetime.now.year, datetime.now.month, i, 19, 55, 0);
if (date.day == datetime.now.day && date.hour == datetime.now.hour && date.year == datetime.now.year && date.minute == date.minute && datetime.now.dayofweek != dayofweek.friday)
for (int i = 1; i < 31; i++)
date = new datetime(datetime.now.year, datetime.now.month + 1, i);
if (date.dayofweek == dayofweek.friday)
date = new datetime(datetime.now.year, datetime.now.month + 1, i, 19, 55, 0);
timespan timespan = date - datetime.now;
int time = (int)(timespan.totalseconds);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6001, 20, false, time);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 6001, 20, false);
#region own a 5-star garment
if (database.wardrobetable.amountstargarments(client, 5) >= 1)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
#region own a 5-star mount armor
if (database.wardrobetable.amountstarmounts(client, 5) >= 1)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
#region prestige score reaches 600,000
if (client.entity.totalperfectionscore >= 600000)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
#region stars score reaches 324
if (client.equipment.totalstars >= 324)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
#region stars score reaches 216
if (client.equipment.totalstars >= 216)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
#region titles
#region union emperor
if (client.union != null)
if (client.union.iskingdom())
if (client.union.isleader(client.entity.uid))
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
#region vip
if (client.entity.viplevel > 0)
switch (client.entity.viplevel)
case 1:
Case 2:
Case 3:
Case 4:
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2030, 2030, false);
case 5:
Case 6:
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2029, 2029, false);
case 7:
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2031, 2031, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2030, 2030, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2029, 2029, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2031, 2031, false);
#region collectedrandmonkey
if (collectedrandmonkey(client))
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2013, 14, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2013, 14, false);
#region collect 8 kinds of permanent saint monkeys (can be activated via the wardrobe after the event)
if (collected8typesmonkey(client))
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
#region collect a permanent solar monkey
if (collectedmonkey(client, 200559))
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
#region collect a permanent lunar monkey
if (collectedmonkey(client, 200560))
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
#region tulip
if (client.entity.myflowers != null && client.entity.myflowers.ranktuilps == 1)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6005, 6005, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 6005, 6005, false);
#region the total score of chi study reaches 1.600 points
if (client.chidata.dragonpoints == 400 && client.chidata.phoenixpoints == 400 && client.chidata.tigerpoints == 400 && client.chidata.turtlepoints == 400)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
#region prestige score reaches 400,000
if (client.entity.totalperfectionscore >= 400000)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
#region the total score of jiang hu training reaches 81,000 points(title)
if (client.entity.myjiang != null && client.entity.myjiang.inner_strength >= 81000)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
#region complete 320 achievement
if (client.entity.myachievement.count(client.entity.uid) >= 320)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
#region own 5 garments of 4-star or 5-star
if (database.wardrobetable.amountstargarments(client, 4) >= 5)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
#region own 5 mount of 4-star or 5-star
if (database.wardrobetable.amountstarmounts(client, 4) >= 5)
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2006, 7, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2006, 7, false);
#region celestialfox(200595)
if (collectedcelestialfox(client))
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2050, 2050, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2050, 2050, false);
#region celestialfox(fantasy)(200596)
if (collectedcelestialfoxfantasy(client))
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2051, 2051, false);
new titlestorage().removetitle(client, 2051, 2051, false);
#region gm
/*if (client.account.state == database.accounttable.accountstate.gamemaster)
foreach (var title in database.wardrobetable.titles.values)
addtitle(client, (short)title.type, (short)title.id);
public void login(client.gamestate client, bool crossed = false, string val = "")
if (!crossed)
using (var cmd = new database.mysqlcommand(database.mysqlcommandtype.select).select("entities").where("uid", client.account.entityid))
using (var reader = new database.mysqlreader(cmd))
if (reader.read())
if (reader.readstring("wardrobe") != "")
if (reader.readstring("wardrobe").contains("~"))
var wing = reader.readstring("wardrobe").split('~')[0];
int type = convert.toint32(wing.split('-')[0]);
int id = convert.toint32(wing.split('-')[1]);
if (client.entity.wings.containskey((uint)type) && client.entity.wings.containsvalue((uint)id))
var pkt = new titlestorageproto()
actionid = action.update,
points = client.entity.utitlepoints,
type = type,
id = id,
value = new titlevalue()
type = type,
id = id,
equipped = true
client.entity.equippedwing = storagemanager.wing<int>(type, id);
client.entity.nowequippedwing.add(type + "~" + id);
var title = reader.readstring("wardrobe").split('~')[1];
int type2 = convert.toint32(title.split('-')[0]);
int id2 = convert.toint32(title.split('-')[1]);
if (client.entity.wtitles.containskey((uint)type2) && client.entity.wtitles.containsvalue((uint)id2))
var pkt = new titlestorageproto()
actionid = action.update,
points = client.entity.utitlepoints,
type = type2,
id = id2,
value = new titlevalue()
type = type2,
id = id2,
equipped = true
client.entity.equippedtitle = storagemanager.title<int>(type2, id2);
client.entity.nowequippedtitle.add(type2 + "~" + id2);
if (val != "")
if (val.contains("~"))
var wing = val.split('~')[0];
int type = convert.toint32(wing.split('-')[0]);
int id = convert.toint32(wing.split('-')[1]);
var pkt = new titlestorageproto()
actionid = action.update,
points = client.entity.utitlepoints,
type = type,
id = id,
value = new titlevalue()
type = type,
id = id,
equipped = true
client.entity.equippedwing = storagemanager.wing<int>(type, id);
client.entity.nowequippedwing.add(type + "~" + id);
var title = val.split('~')[1];
int type2 = convert.toint32(title.split('-')[0]);
int id2 = convert.toint32(title.split('-')[1]);
pkt.type = type2;
pkt.id = id2;
pkt.value.type = type2;
pkt.value.id = id2;
client.entity.equippedtitle = storagemanager.title<int>(type2, id2);
client.entity.nowequippedtitle.add(type2 + "~" + id2);
public void handle(client.gamestate client)
switch (info.actionid)
case action.unequip:
if (storagemanager.wing<bool>(info.type, info.id))
client.entity.equippedwing = 0;
else if (storagemanager.title<bool>(info.type, info.id))
client.entity.equippedtitle = 0;
case action.equip:
if (client.entity.utitlepoints < storagemanager.gettitlepoints((short)info.type, (short)info.id))
if (storagemanager.wing<bool>(info.type, info.id))
client.entity.equippedwing = storagemanager.wing<int>(info.type, info.id);
client.entity.nowequippedwing.add(info.type + "~" + info.id);
else if (storagemanager.title<bool>(info.type, info.id))
client.entity.equippedtitle = storagemanager.title<int>(info.type, info.id);
client.entity.nowequippedtitle.add(info.type + "~" + info.id);
info = new titlestorageproto()
actionid = action.equip,
points = client.entity.utitlepoints,
type = info.type,
id = info.id,
new titlestorage().checktitles(client);
public void getall(client.gamestate client)
foreach (var title in database.wardrobetable.titles.values)
addtitle(client, (short)title.type, (short)title.id, false);
client.entity.havealltitles = true;
public void addtitle(client.gamestate client, short _type, short _id, bool equipped = false, int timeinseconds = 0)
if (storagemanager.wing<bool>(_type, _id))
if (!client.entity.wings.containsvalue((uint)_id))
client.entity.wings.add((uint)_type, (uint)_id);
else return;
if (!client.entity.wtitles.containsvalue((uint)_id))
client.entity.wtitles.add((uint)_type, (uint)_id);
else return;
client.entity.utitlepoints += storagemanager.gettitlepoints(_type, _id);
var pkt = new titlestorageproto()
actionid = action.update,
points = client.entity.utitlepoints,
value = new titlevalue()
type = _type,
id = _id,
equipped = equipped,
time = timeinseconds,
if (equipped)
if (storagemanager.wing<bool>(_type, _id))
client.entity.equippedwing = storagemanager.wing<int>(_type, _id);
client.entity.nowequippedwing.add(_type + "~" + _id);
else if (storagemanager.title<bool>(_type, _id))
client.entity.equippedtitle = storagemanager.title<int>(_type, _id);
client.entity.nowequippedtitle.add(_type + "~" + _id);
public void removetitle(client.gamestate client, short _type, short _id, bool equipped = false)
if (storagemanager.wing<bool>(_type, _id))
if (client.entity.wings.containsvalue((uint)_id))
if (client.entity.equippedwing == storagemanager.wing<int>(_type, _id))
client.entity.equippedwing = 0;
var pkt = new titlestorageproto()
actionid = action.unequip,
id = _id,
type = _type,
points = client.entity.utitlepoints,
value = new titlevalue()
type = _type,
id = _id,
equipped = false
client.entity.utitlepoints -= storagemanager.gettitlepoints(_type, _id);
var pkt2 = new titlestorageproto()
actionid = action.removetitle,
id = _id,
type = _type,
points = client.entity.utitlepoints,
value = new titlevalue()
type = _type,
id = _id,
equipped = false
else return;
if (client.entity.wtitles.containsvalue((uint)_id))
if (client.entity.equippedtitle == storagemanager.title<int>(_type, _id))
client.entity.equippedtitle = 0;
var pkt = new titlestorageproto()
actionid = action.unequip,
id = _id,
type = _type,
points = client.entity.utitlepoints,
value = new titlevalue()
type = _type,
id = _id,
equipped = false
client.entity.utitlepoints -= storagemanager.gettitlepoints(_type, _id);
var pkt2 = new titlestorageproto()
actionid = action.removetitle,
id = _id,
type = _type,
points = client.entity.utitlepoints,
value = new titlevalue()
type = _type,
id = _id,
equipped = false
else return;
public byte[] finalizeprotobuf(titlestorageproto titlestorageproto)
using (var memorystream = new memorystream())
serializer.serializewithlengthprefix(memorystream, titlestorageproto, prefixstyle.fixed32);
var pkt = new byte[8 + memorystream.length];
memorystream.toarray().copyto(pkt, 0);
writer.write((ushort)memorystream.length, 0, pkt);
writer.write((ushort)3301, 2, pkt);
return pkt;
public titlestorageproto info;
public enum action : Int
update = 0,
usetitle = 1,
removetitle = 3,
equip = 4,
unequip = 5,
public class titlestorageproto
[protomember(1, isrequired = true)]
public titlestorage.action actionid;
[protomember(2, isrequired = true)]
public int points;
[protomember(3, isrequired = true)]
public int type;
[protomember(4, isrequired = true)]
public int id;
[protomember(5, isrequired = true)]
public titlevalue value;
public class titlevalue
[protomember(1, isrequired = true)]
public int type;
[protomember(2, isrequired = true)]
public int id;
[protomember(3, isrequired = true)]
public bool equipped;
[protomember(4, isrequired = true)]
public int time;
public static void SaveJiangHu(Client.GameState client)
public static void SaveJiangHu(Client.GameState client)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
string SQL = "UPDATE `jiang` SET Powers=@Powers,OwnName=@OwnName,CustomizedName=@CustomizedName where UID = " + client.Entity.UID + " ;";
byte[] rawData = stream.ToArray();
using (var conn = DataHolder.MySqlConnection)
using (var cmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand())
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = SQL;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Powers", rawData);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OwnName", client.Entity.MyJiang.OwnName);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustomizedName", client.Entity.MyJiang.CustomizedName);
catch (Exception e)
public static void savejianghu(client.gamestate client)
public static void savejianghu(client.gamestate client)
memorystream stream = new memorystream();
binarywriter writer = new binarywriter(stream);
string sql = "update `jiang` set powers=@powers,ownname=@ownname,customizedname=@customizedname where uid = " + client.entity.uid + " ;";
byte[] rawdata = stream.toarray();
using (var conn = dataholder.mysqlconnection)
using (var cmd = new mysql.data.mysqlclient.mysqlcommand())
cmd.connection = conn;
cmd.commandtext = sql;
cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@powers", rawdata);
cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ownname", client.entity.myjiang.ownname);
cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@customizedname", client.entity.myjiang.customizedname);
catch (exception e)