المشاركات 2,515 |
+التقييم 1.21 |
تاريخ التسجيل Jul 2019 |
الاقامة |
نظام التشغيل |
رقم العضوية 358 |
case elrkm
case 9999
case 151652:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hey there " + client.Player.Name + " Would you like to claim your Prize?.");
dialog.Option("Yes Please", 1);
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 1:
int Alive = 0;
foreach (Mr_Panda.Client.GameState Entitys in Program.Values)
if (Entitys.Player.MapID == 1459 && (!Entitys.Player.Dead))
client.Send(new Message("there are in map" + Alive + "", System.Drawing.Color.Azure, Message.TopLeft));
if (DateTime.Now.Minute > 40)
if (Alive == 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints += 30000;
client.Inventory.Add(730004, 4, 2);
//client.Player.BoundCps += 2500;
client.Player.AddTopStatus(Update.Flags2.Top2Warrior, 2, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(59));
client.Player.Update(_String.Effect, "wspk_third", true);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message(" Congratulations ! DeputyLeader " + client.Player.Name + " claimed the prize [30.000] ConquerPoints for winning the Top Guild Man for this Hour. ", System.Drawing.Color.Black, Message.Center), Program.Values);
client.Player.Teleport(1002, 300, 278);
foreach (var clients in Program.Values)
if (clients.Player.MapID == 1459)
clients.Player.Teleport(1002, 300, 278);
clients.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Sorry Entity God Luck Next Time ;) "));
dialog.Text("There are still " + Alive + " Entitys in the map kill it first to claim prize!");
dialog.Option("okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Hey there " + client.Player.Name + "You can only claim the prize when the time on or after 40 ");
dialog.Option("okay", 255);
ConquerPoints +=
client.Player.ConquerPoints += rates.Drugs;
client.Entity.AddTopStatus(Update.Flags.MonthlyPKChampion, 1, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
أدوات الموضوع | |
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