المشاركات 1,940 |
+التقييم 0.90 |
تاريخ التسجيل Apr 2019 |
الاقامة https://www.facebook.com/daany |
نظام التشغيل |
رقم العضوية 1 |
#region offsets 3D By Ahmed Shetos K7host.com
public static int num = 4;
public static int _Mesh = 8,//
_UID = 12,//
_GuildID = 16,//
_GuildRank = 20,//
_StatusFlag = 26,//
_StatusFlag2 = 34,//
_StatusFlag3 = 42,//
_StatusFlag4 = 50,//
_AppearanceType = 54,//
_Hitpoints = 111 ,
_MonsterLevel = 117,
_X = 119,
_Y = 121,
_HairStyle = 123,
//UPDATE `entities` SET `HairStyle`= HairStyle / 10;
_Facing = 125,
_Action = 126,
_Reborn = 133,
_Level = 134,
_WindowSpawn = 136,
_Away = 137,
_ExtraBattlepower = 138 ,
_FlowerIcon = 154 ,
_NobilityRank = 158 ,
_QuizPoints = 168 - 6,
_ClanUID = 194 - 6,
_ClanRank = 198 - 6,
_ClanSharedBp = 202 - 6,
_Title = 206 - 6,
_ShowArenaGlow = 217 - 6,
_Boss = 220 - 6,
_RaceItem = 222,
_ActiveSubclass = 238 - 6,
_SubClassesActive = 230 - 6,
_FirstRebornClass = 246 - 6,
_SecondRebornClass = 248 - 6,
_Class = 250 - 6,
_CountryCode = 252 - 6,
_AssassinColor = 258 - 6,
_JingHu_Talen = 262 - 6,
_JiangHuActive = 263 - 6,
_CUID = 274 - 6,
// _UnionMember = 270,//+0
_guildbattlepower = 213-6,
_UnionPoints = 282-6 ,
_UnionLeader = 290 -6,
_UnionColor2 = 291 - 6 ,
_UnionName = 316 - 6 ,
_ServerID = 265 - 6,
_UnionColor = 283 - 6,
PlayerPacket = 10014,
_EpicColor = 258 - 6,
_NameClan = 304 - 6,
// _Names = 312;//
_Windwalkerpacket = 304 -6 ,
_Names = 311;//
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using AnaTeam.Network.GamePackets;
using AnaTeam.Game.ConquerStructures;
namespace AnaTeam.Game
public unsafe class Clone
public const ushort
BitVector32 = 26,
Str_NameLenght = 312;
public void RemoveThat()
Data Data = new Data(true);
Data.UID = UID;
Data.ID = Data.RemoveEntity;
Owner.SendScreen(Data.ToArray(), true);
private byte[] Packet;
public uint UID = 0;
public Client.GameClient Owner;
public static Counter CounterUID = new Counter(700100);
private BitVector32 BitVector;
public void AddFlag(int Flag, bool UpdateSpawn = false)
if (!BitVector.Contain((int)Flag))
public void RemoveFlag(int Flag, bool UpdateSpawn = false)
if (BitVector.Contain((int)Flag))
public void UpdateSpawnPacket(bool UpdateSpawn = false)
if (UpdateSpawn)
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
for (int x = 0; x < BitVector.bits.Length; x++)
*(uint*)(ptr + BitVector32 + x * 4) = BitVector.bits[x];
SendUpdate(BitVector.bits, (byte)Update.StatusFlag);
public unsafe void SendUpdate(uint[] Value, int datatype)
Update Update = new Update(true);
Update.UID = UID;
Update.Append((byte)datatype, Value);
private void CreateArray(string Name, string CloneName)
int Size = Name.Length + Entity._Names + 3 + 8 + CloneName.Length + 2;
Packet = new byte[Size];
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
*(ushort*)(ptr + 0) = (ushort)(Size - 8);
*(ushort*)(ptr + 2) = 10014;
*(int*)(ptr + Entity.TimeStamp) = Time32.Now.Value;
*(byte*)(ptr + Entity._Names) = 4;
*(byte*)(ptr + Entity._Names + 1) = (byte)Name.Length;
ushort offset = Str_NameLenght + 1;
for (int x = 0; x < Name.Length; x++)
*(byte*)(ptr + offset + x) = (byte)Name[x];
offset += (ushort)(Name.Length + 2);
*(byte*)(ptr + offset) = (byte)CloneName.Length;
offset += 1;
for (int x = 0; x < CloneName.Length; x++)
*(byte*)(ptr + offset + x) = (byte)CloneName[x];
public static void CreateShadowClone1(Entity client)
client.MyClones.Add(new Clone(client, "ShadowClone", 10003));
public static void CreateShadowClone2(Entity client)
client.MyClones.Add(new Clone(client, "ShadowClone", 3));
client.MyClones.Add(new Clone(client, "ShadowClone", 10003));
public Clone(Entity role, string CloneName, int flag)
BitVector = new BitVector32(160);
Owner = role.Owner;
CreateArray(CloneName, role.Name);
UID = CounterUID.Next;
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._AppearanceType) = (ushort)role.Appearance;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._X) = role.X;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._Y) = role.Y;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._HairStyle) = role.HairStyle;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._Facing) = (ushort)role.Facing;
for (int x = Entity._Reborn; x < Equipment.ArmorColor; x++)
*(byte*)(ptr + x) = role.SpawnPacket[x];
*(int*)(ptr + Entity._BattlePower) = role.BattlePower;
*(uint*)(ptr + Entity._Mesh) = role.Mesh;
*(uint*)(ptr + Entity._UID) = UID;
*(uint*)(ptr + Entity._Hitpoints) = 1;
*(ushort*)(ptr + 272 - 6) = (ushort)flag;
*(byte*)(ptr + 271 - 6) = 2;
*(uint*)(ptr + Entity._CUID) = role.UID;
_String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = UID;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
public void AppendEquip(Client.GameClient client)
fixed (byte* user_pointer = Owner.Entity.SpawnPacket)
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
for (ushort x = Equipment.Head; x < Equipment.MountArmor + 4; x += 4)
*(uint*)(ptr + x) = *(uint*)(user_pointer + x);
for (ushort x = Equipment.ArmorColor; x < Equipment.HeadColor + 2; x += 2)
*(ushort*)(ptr + x) = *(ushort*)(user_pointer + x);
for (ushort x = Equipment.HeadSoul; x < Equipment.RightWeaponSoul + 4; x += 4)
*(uint*)(ptr + x) = *(uint*)(user_pointer + x);
public void SendView(Client.GameClient client)
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._X) = Owner.Entity.X;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._Y) = Owner.Entity.Y;
client.SendScreen(Packet, true);
public void Send(Client.GameClient client)
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._X) = Owner.Entity.X;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._Y) = Owner.Entity.Y;
public unsafe class CloneAttack
public static void Process(byte[] packet, Client.GameClient client)
foreach (var clone in client.Entity.MyClones)
var attack = new Attack(true);
attack.Attacker = clone.UID;
attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee;
foreach (var obj1 in client.Screen.Objects)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(obj1.X, obj1.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) <= 3)
if (obj1.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || obj1.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)
uint damage = 0;
var attacked = obj1 as Entity;
if (Game.Attacking.Handle.CanAttack(client.Entity, attacked, null, false))
damage = (uint)Kernel.Random.Next(500, 5000);
attack.Damage = damage;
attack.Attacked = attacked.UID;
attack.X = attacked.X;
attack.Y = attacked.Y;
Game.Attacking.Handle.ReceiveAttack(client.Entity, attacked, attack, ref damage, null);
else if (obj1.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc)
uint damage = 0;
var attacked = obj1 as SobNpcSpawn;
if (Game.Attacking.Handle.CanAttack(client.Entity, attacked, null))
damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(client.Entity, attacked, ref attack);
damage /= 3;
attack.Damage = damage;
attack.Attacked = attacked.UID;
attack.X = attacked.X;
attack.Y = attacked.Y;
Game.Attacking.Handle.ReceiveAttack(client.Entity, attacked, attack, damage, null);
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91114', '1002', '0665', '0313', '0080', '0080', '0001', '0001', '0020', '0001');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91112', '1002', '0552', '0235', '0050', '0200', '0001', '0001', '0050', '0001');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91113', '1002', '0444', '0480', '0200', '0030', '0001', '0001', '0050', '0001');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91116', '1002', '0400', '0570', '0125', '0150', '0001', '0001', '0080', '0002');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('1502', '1523', '0082', '0120', '0010', '0010', '0010', '0001', '0000', '0003');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91117', '1002', '0220', '0650', '0250', '0250', '0001', '0001', '0080', '0003');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91119', '1002', '0102', '0460', '0060', '0100', '0001', '0001', '0080', '0004');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91118', '1002', '0177', '0580', '0080', '0250', '0001', '0001', '0080', '0004');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91120', '1002', '0102', '0460', '0060', '0100', '0001', '0001', '0080', '0004');
231 Pheasant
362 NightSpecter
168 InfernalGeneral
233 Apparition
281 SandMonster
305 HillMonsterMsgr
281 SandMonsterL68
305 HillMonsterKing
305 HillMonsterMsgr
305 HillMonsterAide
305 RockMonsterMsgr
305 RockMonsterKing
305 RockMonsterAide
client.Entity.HairStyle = (ushort)(Color * 1 + 10 + (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(4, 9));
UPDATE `entities` SET `Body`='2005' WHERE (`Body`>='2002');
UPDATE `entities` SET `Body`='2005' WHERE (`Body`>='2001');
UPDATE `entities` SET `Body`='1006' WHERE (`Body`>='1004');
UPDATE `entities` SET `Body`='1006' WHERE (`Body`>='1003');
case Data.OwnBooth:
client.Booth = new Arab_TQ.Game.ConquerStructures.Booth(client, gData);
client.Send(new Data(true)
ID = Data.ChangeAction,
UID = client.Entity.UID,
dwParam = 0
client.Send(new MapStatus() { BaseID = client.Map.BaseID, ID = client.Map.ID, Status = Database.MapsTable.MapInformations[1036].Status });
public static bool CanAttack
#region no PK
if (attacker.MapID == 1002)
if (attacker.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacked.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacker.MapID == 1002 && attacked.MapID == 1002)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, 344, 431) <= 70)
attacker.Owner.Send(new MsgTalk("You can't PK in the safe zone.", Color.Red, MsgTalk.System));
return false;
#region no PK
if (attacker.MapID == 1002)
if (attacker.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacked.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacker.MapID == 1002 && attacked.MapID == 1002)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, 332, 529) <= 30)
attacker.Owner.Send(new MsgTalk("You can't PK in the safe zone.", Color.Red, MsgTalk.System));
return false;
#region no PK
if (attacker.MapID == 1002)
if (attacker.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacked.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacker.MapID == 1002 && attacked.MapID == 1002)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, 281, 518) <= 30)
attacker.Owner.Send(new MsgTalk("You can't PK in the safe zone.", Color.Red, MsgTalk.System));
return false;
#region no PK
if (attacker.MapID == 1002)
if (attacker.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacked.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacker.MapID == 1002 && attacked.MapID == 1002)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, 191, 425) <= 20)
attacker.Owner.Send(new MsgTalk("You can't PK in the safe zone.", Color.Red, MsgTalk.System));
return false;
#region no PK
if (attacker.MapID == 1002)
if (attacker.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacked.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacker.MapID == 1002 && attacked.MapID == 1002)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, 263, 429) <= 70)
attacker.Owner.Send(new MsgTalk("You can't PK in the safe zone.", Color.Red, MsgTalk.System));
return false;
public byte Perfectionlevel
get { return Buffer[68]; }
if (value > 54) value = 54;
Buffer[68] = value;
public uint PerfectionProgress
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 72); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 72, Buffer); }
public uint PerfectionOwnerGuid
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 76); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 76, Buffer); }
public string PerfectionOwner
get { return System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(Buffer, 80, 16); }
set { Writer.Write(value, 80, Buffer); }
public string Signature
get { return System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(Buffer, 96, 32); }
set { Writer.Write(value, 96, Buffer); }
public uint TimeLeftInMinutes
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 58); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 58, Buffer); }
public ushort StackSize
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 64); }
set { WriteUInt16(value, 64, Buffer); }
public UInt32 Perfectionlevel
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 80); }
set { Writer.WriteUInt32(value, 80, Buffer); }
public UInt32 PerfectionProgress
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 86 - 2); }
set { Writer.WriteUInt32(value, 86 - 2, Buffer); }
public UInt32 OwnerID
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 90 - 2); }
set { Writer.WriteUInt32(value, 90 - 2, Buffer); }
public string OwnerName
get { return System.BitConverter.ToString(Buffer, 94 - 2); }
set { Writer.WriteString(value, 94 - 2, Buffer); }
public string Signature
get { return System.BitConverter.ToString(Buffer, 110 - 2); }
set { Writer.WriteString(value, 110 - 2, Buffer); }
public uint TimeLeftInMinutes
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 68-2); }
set { Writer.WriteUInt32(value, 68-2, Buffer); }
public ushort StackSize
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 72-2); }
set { WriteUInt16(value, 72-2, Buffer); }
public uint PurificationID
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 74-2); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 74-2, Buffer); }
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0050', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0051', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0052', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0053', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0054', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0055', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0056', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0057', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0058', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0059', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0060', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0061', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0062', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0063', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0064', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0065', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0066', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0067', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0068', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0069', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0070', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0071', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0072', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0073', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0074', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0075', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0076', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0077', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0078', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0079', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0080', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0081', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0082', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0083', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0084', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0085', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0086', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0087', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0088', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0089', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0090', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0091', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0092', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0093', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0094', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0095', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0096', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0097', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0098', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0485', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0099', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0481', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0100', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0477', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0101', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0473', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0102', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0469', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0103', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0465', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0104', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0461', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0105', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0457', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0106', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0457', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0107', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0461', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0108', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0465', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0109', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0469', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0110', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0473', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0111', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0477', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0112', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0481', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0113', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0485', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0114', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0485', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0115', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0481', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0116', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0477', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0117', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0473', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0118', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0469', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0119', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0465', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0120', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0461', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0121', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0457', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0122', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0485', '0');
public LotterySystem(bool Create)
this.Buffer = new byte[34 - 6];
WriteUInt16(26 - 6, 0, this.Buffer);
// WriteByte((byte)3, 10, Buffer);
// WriteByte((byte)2, 5, Buffer);
WriteUInt16((ushort)1314, 2, this.Buffer);
WriteByte((byte)2, 6, this.Buffer);
public MsgMapItem(bool Create)
if (Create)
Buffer = new byte[109 + 8 + 8];
WriteUInt16(109 + 8, 0, Buffer);
WriteUInt16((ushort)MsgTypes.MsgMapItem, 2, Buffer);
WriteUInt32((uint)Time32.timeGetTime().GetHashCode(), 4, Buffer);
Value = 0;
ValueType = FloorValueType.Item;
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190021', '1002', '438', '312', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190022', '1002', '404', '332', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190023', '1002', '415', '331', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190024', '1002', '440', '363', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190025', '1002', '440', '351', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190026', '1002', '445', '463', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190027', '1002', '457', '463', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190028', '1002', '533', '318', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190029', '1002', '533', '331', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190030', '1002', '352', '839', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190031', '1002', '344', '839', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190032', '1002', '035', '532', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190033', '1002', '679', '322', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190034', '1002', '565', '578', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190035', '1002', '811', '518', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190036', '1002', '517', '810', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190037', '1002', '527', '809', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190038', '1002', '094', '354', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190039', '1002', '095', '367', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
public unsafe class MsgSelfSynMemAwardRank
case 10://cross the server top 8
var array = Kernel.Guilds.Values.Where(p => p.Points != 0).OrderByDescending(p => p.Points).ToArray();
byte[] stream = new byte[56 + Math.Min(array.Length, 8) * 62];
Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(stream.Length - 8), 0, stream);
Writer.WriteUInt16(1063, 2, stream);
Writer.WriteUInt16(10, 4, stream);
Writer.WriteUInt16(3, 6, stream);
Writer.WriteUInt16(16, 10, stream);
Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(Math.Min(8, array.Length)), 14, stream);
ushort positin = 30;
for (int x = 0; x < Math.Min(8, array.Length); x++)
var element = array[x];
Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(x + 1), positin, stream); positin += 2;
Writer.WriteString("k7host", positin, stream); positin += 16;
Writer.WriteString(element.Name, positin, stream); positin += 32;
Writer.WriteUInt32(element.Points, positin, stream); positin += 4;
Writer.WriteUInt32(element.Points, positin, stream); positin += 4;
Writer.WriteUInt32(element.Wins, positin, stream); positin += 4;
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
أدوات الموضوع | |
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
صفحة يوجي الإصدار ال3d صحفة خرافية 3d وخفيفة جداً تدعم الاتوباتش | ابو حمزه9 | صفحات التسجيل كونكر اونلاين | 46 | 2024-12-22 08:32 PM |
اضافه Lottery كامل | محمد ياسر | تطوير سيرفرات كونكر | 34 | 2024-08-27 11:48 PM |
بنك السي بي كامل | محمد ياسر | تطوير سيرفرات كونكر | 1 | 2024-08-06 06:43 PM |
ابجريت MailBox | محمد ياسر | تطوير سيرفرات كونكر | 2 | 2024-02-06 07:20 PM |
شرح كامل عن Booth | Tefa | تطوير سيرفرات كونكر | 5 | 2019-09-19 08:25 PM |