المشاركات 1,372 |
+التقييم 0.64 |
تاريخ التسجيل Apr 2019 |
الاقامة |
نظام التشغيل |
رقم العضوية 30 |
public static IEnumerable<Client.GameState> EntityinRange(Entity attacker, Entity attacked)
public static void QuitSteedRace(Entity attacker)
attacker.Owner.MessageBox("Do you want to quit the steed race?", (pClient) =>
pClient.Entity.Teleport(1002, 301, 279);
//attacker.Owner.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Do you want to quit the steed race?"));
//attacker.Owner.MessageOK = (pClient) =>
// pClient.Entity.Teleport(1002, 301, 279);
// pClient.Entity.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride);
//attacker.Owner.MessageCancel = null;
using MrHassan.Game;
using MrHassan.Network.GamePackets;
using System;
using System.Threading.Generic;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace MrHassan.Game
using Colors = System.Drawing.Color;
using MrHassan.Client;
using System.Threading.Generic;
public class SteedRace
public uint[][] RaceSettings = new[]
new uint[]{ (uint)Enums.Maps.MarketRace, 88, 149,
420, 431, 4,
65, 174, 621,
123, 243, 60,
214, 334, 70,
346, 459, 100},
new uint[]{ (uint)Enums.Maps.IceRace, 175, 250,
200, 153, 6, //255, 535*
154, 267, 621,
146, 392, 70,
283, 351, 100,
295, 079, 100},
new uint[]{ (uint)Enums.Maps.IslandRace, 60, 400,
899, 816, 10,
96, 392, 621,
220, 234, 200,
472, 160, 200,
777, 464, 300},
new uint[]{ (uint)Enums.Maps.DungeonRace, 450, 520,
682, 484 , 10,
435, 559, 621,
471, 759, 200,
714, 598, 250,
489, 679, 20},
new uint[]{ (uint)Enums.Maps.LavaRace, 150, 350,
330, 170, 6,
101, 397, 623,
327, 553, 100,
526, 477, 200,
283, 275, 100}
public static ushort MAPID = 1950;
public static uint[] Settings;
public static uint RaceRecord;
private Map Map;
private bool isOn, InvitationsOut, InvitationsExpired, FiveSecondsLeft, GateOpen;
private DateTime InvitationsSentOut, InvitationsExpireDate, Last5Seconds, GateOpened;
public int SecondsLeftUntilStart { get { return (int)(InvitationsSentOut.AddMinutes(1) - DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds - 5; } }
public bool CanJoin { get { return isOn && !GateOpen; } }
public bool IsOn { get { return isOn; } }
private SobNpcSpawn Gate;
private ushort GateSetX, GateSetY;
public ushort GateX { get { return GateSetX; } }
public ushort GateY { get { return GateSetY; } }
private volatile int Records;
private IDisposable Subscriber;
public SteedRace()
Subscriber = World.Subscribe(work, 1000);
public void Create()
while (true)
//Console.WriteLine("Looking for a race map!");
int rand = Kernel.Random.Next(RaceSettings.Length);
if (Database.MapsTable.MapInformations.ContainsKey((ushort)RaceSettings[rand][0]))
if (!Kernel.Maps.ContainsKey((ushort)RaceSettings[rand][0]))
new Map((ushort)RaceSettings[rand][0], "");
if (Kernel.Maps.ContainsKey((ushort)RaceSettings[rand][0]))
public void Create(uint mapId)
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < RaceSettings.Length; i++)
if (RaceSettings[i][0] == mapId)
index = i;
if (index == -1) return;
Settings = RaceSettings[index];
MAPID = (ushort)Settings[0];
var info = Database.MapsTable.MapInformations[MAPID];
RaceRecord = info.RaceRecord;
Map = Kernel.Maps[MAPID];
foreach (var item in Map.StaticEntities.Values)
Map.Floor[item.X, item.Y, MapObjectType.StaticEntity, null] = true;
Gate = new SobNpcSpawn();
Gate.UID = 19501;
Gate.X = (ushort)Settings[6];
Gate.Y = (ushort)Settings[7];
Gate.Mesh = (ushort)Settings[8];
Gate.ShowName = true;
Gate.Name = " ";
Gate.Type = Enums.NpcType.Furniture;
GateSetX = Gate.X; GateSetY = Gate.Y;
Map.AddNpc(Gate);//, false);
MAPID = (ushort)mapId;
private void Init()
isOn = InvitationsOut = InvitationsExpired = GateOpen = FiveSecondsLeft = false;
Records = 0;
private void GeneratePotions()
uint count = 100;
ushort x, y;
Tuple<ushort, ushort, int>[] limits = new[]
new Tuple<ushort,ushort,int>( (ushort)Settings[9], (ushort)Settings[10], (int)Settings[11] ),
new Tuple<ushort,ushort,int>( (ushort)Settings[12], (ushort)Settings[13], (int)Settings[14] ),
new Tuple<ushort,ushort,int>( (ushort)Settings[15], (ushort)Settings[16], (int)Settings[17] )
while (count > 0)
x = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(0, Map.Floor.Bounds.Width);
y = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(0, Map.Floor.Bounds.Height);
bool valid = false;
foreach (var range in limits)
valid |= (Kernel.GetDistance(x, y, range.Item1, range.Item2) < range.Item3);
if (valid)
if (Map.Floor[x, y, MapObjectType.StaticEntity, null] && Map.Floor[x, y, MapObjectType.Entity, null])
bool v = true;
// so they wont be anywhere near the bounds
// and also there wont be one too near to another
for (int i = 0; i < Game.Map.XDir.Length; i++)
if ((!Map.Floor[x + Game.Map.XDir[i], y + Game.Map.YDir[i], MapObjectType.Entity, null] ||
!Map.Floor[x + Game.Map.XDir[i], y + Game.Map.YDir[i], MapObjectType.StaticEntity, null]) && v)
v = false;
if (!v) continue;
StaticEntity item = new StaticEntity((uint)(x * 1000 + y), x, y, MAPID);
item.MapID = MAPID;
public void work(int time)
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
//bool rightHour = now.Hour == 8 || now.Hour == 12 || now.Hour == 18;
bool rightHour = now.Hour == 1 || now.Hour == 2 || now.Hour == 3 ||
now.Hour == 4 || now.Hour == 5 || now.Hour == 6 || now.Hour == 7 ||
now.Hour == 8 || now.Hour == 9 || now.Hour == 10 || now.Hour == 11 ||
now.Hour == 12 || now.Hour == 13 || now.Hour == 14 || now.Hour == 15 ||
now.Hour == 16 || now.Hour == 17 || now.Hour == 18 || now.Hour == 19 ||
now.Hour == 20 || now.Hour == 21 || now.Hour == 22 || now.Hour == 23 ||
now.Hour == 24;
if (rightHour && now.Minute < 31)
if (!InvitationsOut)
if (now.Minute == 00)
else if (!InvitationsExpired)
if (now >= InvitationsExpireDate)
InvitationsExpired = true;
FiveSecondsLeft = false;
Last5Seconds = InvitationsSentOut.AddMinutes(1).AddSeconds(-12);
else if (!FiveSecondsLeft)
if (now > Last5Seconds)
FiveSecondsLeft = true;
SendData(Data.BeginSteedRace, uid: 1);
Last5Seconds = Last5Seconds.AddSeconds(5);
else if (!GateOpen)
if (now > Last5Seconds)
else if (rightHour && now.Minute >= 31)
if (isOn)
private void SendInvitations()
isOn = true;
InvitationsOut = true;
InvitationsExpired = false;
InvitationsSentOut = DateTime.Now;
InvitationsExpireDate = InvitationsSentOut.AddSeconds(30);
foreach (var client in Program.Values)
if (client.Entity.MapID >= 6000 && client.Entity.MapID <= 6002) continue;
client.MessageCancel = (pClient) =>
pClient.Send(new Message("If you change your mind about joining the Steed Race you can see the Mount Trainer (Twin City qqq,www).", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.World));
client.MessageOK = (pClient) =>
if (!isOn)
pClient.Send(new Message("The tournament has ended.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Center));
else if (isOn && InvitationsExpired)
pClient.Send(new Message("You lost your chance to join the steed race.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Center));
else if (InvitationsOut && !InvitationsExpired)
if (!pClient.Spells.ContainsKey(7001))
pClient.Send("You need learn the riding skill!");
if (!pClient.Equipment.Free(ConquerItem.Steed))
pClient.Send("You need to wear a horse first!");
client.Send(new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(Network.GamePackets.NpcReply.MessageBox, "Would you like to join the Steed Race?"));
client.Send(new Data(true) { UID = client.Entity.UID, ID = Data.CountDown, dwParam = 60 });
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message("SteedRace has started You have 1 minute to signup go to TC HorseRaceManager!.", System.Drawing.Color.White, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center), Program.Values);
public void Join(Client.GameState client)
int seconds = SecondsLeftUntilStart;
if (seconds > 0)
client.Send(new Data(true) { UID = client.Entity.UID, ID = Data.CountDown, dwParam = (uint)seconds });
client.Entity.Teleport(MAPID, (ushort)Settings[1], (ushort)Settings[2]);
client.Send(new RaceRecord()
Type = RaceRecordTypes.BestTime,
Rank = (int)Database.MapsTable.MapInformations[MAPID].RaceRecord, // best time in milliseconds
dwParam = 1800000 //a constant?
client.Send(new RacePotion(true) { PotionType = Enums.RaceItemType.Null, Amount = 1 });
client.Send(new RacePotion(true) { PotionType = Enums.RaceItemType.Null, Amount = 0 });
client.Potions = new UsableRacePotion[5];
private void OpenGate()
GateOpened = DateTime.Now;
GateOpen = true;
Gate.X = 0;
Gate.Y = 0;
Send(new Data(true) { UID = Gate.UID, ID = Data.RemoveEntity });
private void Send(Interfaces.IPacket packet)
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(packet, Program.Values, MAPID);
private void SendData(ushort ID, uint value = 0, uint uid = 0)
Data data = null;
if (uid != 0)
data = new Data(true) { UID = uid, ID = ID, dwParam = value };
foreach (var player in Program.Values)
if (player.Entity.MapID == MAPID)
if (uid == 0)
data = new Data(true) { UID = player.Entity.UID, ID = ID, dwParam = value };
private void Status(Client.GameState client, int rank, int time, int award)
var packet = new RaceRecord()
Type = RaceRecordTypes.AddRecord,
Rank = rank,
Name = client.Entity.Name,
Time = time,
Prize = award
private void End()
InvitationsOut = false;
Gate.X = GateSetX;
Gate.Y = GateSetY;
foreach (var player in Program.Values)
if (player.Entity.MapID == MAPID)
public void FinishRace(Client.GameState client)
// if (Kernel.GetDistance(client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y, (ushort)Settings[3], (ushort)Settings[4]) > 22)
// {
// return;
// }
// else
if (Records < 5)
int rank = Records;
TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - GateOpened;
var key = Database.MapsTable.MapInformations[MAPID];
if (key.RaceRecord > span.TotalMilliseconds)
{ // new best record
key.RaceRecord = (uint)span.TotalMilliseconds;
int award = AwardPlayer(client, (int)span.TotalMilliseconds, rank);
client.RacePoints += (uint)award;
Status(client, rank, (int)span.TotalMilliseconds, award);
client.Send(new RaceRecord()
Type = RaceRecordTypes.EndTime,
Rank = rank,
dwParam = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds,
dwParam2 = award,
Time = (int)span.TotalMilliseconds,
Prize = award
private int AwardPlayer(Client.GameState client, int time, int rank)
return Math.Max(3500, 100000 / rank - time * 2);
public void Exit(Client.GameState client)
switch (client.Entity.PreviousMapID)
client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 301, 278);
case 1000:
client.Entity.Teleport(1000, 500, 650);
case 1020:
client.Entity.Teleport(1020, 565, 562);
case 1011:
client.Entity.Teleport(1011, 188, 264);
case 1015:
client.Entity.Teleport(1015, 717, 571);
public const ushort
BeginSteedRace = 401,
FinishSteedRace = 402,
#region NPC Dialog (2031 + 2032)
if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 251 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)// Critical PK
Random R = new Random();
client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 415, 383);
if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6004 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 242 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//SteedRace
client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 423, 245);
case 408:
case Data.FinishSteedRace:
if (client.Entity.MapID == SteedRace.MAPID)
static void EntityGroundMovment(GroundMovement groundMovement, Client.GameState client)
if (client.Entity.MapID == Game.SteedRace.MAPID)
if (!Program.World.SteedRace.IsOn)
if (client.Entity.X <= Program.World.SteedRace.GateX + 1)
client.Entity.Teleport(client.Entity.PX, client.Entity.PY);
if (client.Entity.MapID == Game.SteedRace.MAPID)
#region AtSteedRace
if (client.Entity.MapID == 1950) client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 300, 278);
if (client.Entity.MapID == 2064) client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 300, 278);
if (client.Entity.MapID == 2063) client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 300, 278);
if (client.Entity.MapID == 2062) client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 300, 278);
if (client.Entity.MapID == 2061) client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 300, 278);
public uint LastXLocation, LastYLocation;
public bool InSteedRace, Invisable, IsBlackSpotted, IsEagleEyeShooted = false;
#region HorseRace
#region HorseRaceIn
case 4488521:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hey there " + client.Entity.Name + "! The race is held every two hours, on even hours(0,2,4,..). Are you interested in joining the race? You might receive amazing gifts upon reaching the finish line!");
dialog.Option("Yes, please.", 1);
dialog.Option("Open the shop.", 2);
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 1:
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
//bool rightHour = now.Hour == 8 || now.Hour == 12 || now.Hour == 18;
bool rightHour = now.Hour == 1 || now.Hour == 2 || now.Hour == 3 ||
now.Hour == 4 || now.Hour == 5 || now.Hour == 6 || now.Hour == 7 ||
now.Hour == 8 || now.Hour == 9 || now.Hour == 10 || now.Hour == 11 ||
now.Hour == 12 || now.Hour == 13 || now.Hour == 14 || now.Hour == 15 ||
now.Hour == 16 || now.Hour == 17 || now.Hour == 18 || now.Hour == 19 ||
now.Hour == 20 || now.Hour == 21 || now.Hour == 22 || now.Hour == 23 ||
now.Hour == 24;
if (rightHour)
if (now.Minute == 0)
if (client.Equipment.Free(ConquerItem.Steed))
dialog.Text("You need a horse first.");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey(7001))
dialog.Text("You need to learn the ride spell first!");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("HorseRace is held during HH:44 in every two hours.");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 2:
INpc npc = null;
if (client.Map.Npcs.TryGetValue(client.ActiveNpc, out npc))
Data data = new Data(true);
data.ID = Data.OpenWindow;
data.UID = client.Entity.UID;
data.TimeStamp = Time32.Now;
data.dwParam = 464;
data.wParam1 = npc.X;
data.wParam2 = npc.Y;
#region Winner of HorseRace
case 4488522:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hey there " + client.Entity.Name + " Would you like to claim your Prize?.");
dialog.Option("Yes Please", 1);
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 1:
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 25000;
client.Entity.ChampionPoints += 155;
/*if (DateTime.Now.Minute >= 45 && DateTime.Now.Minute <= 59)
if (Game.Tournaments.SteedRace.IsRace)
client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 302, 278);
dialog.Text("Sorry SteedRace not running Atm so u cant claim any shit!");
dialog.Option("okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Hey there " + client.Entity.Name + "You can only claim the prize when the Tourment Online");
dialog.Option("okay", 255);
4488522 SteedRaceMan2 2 5150 1950 420 420
4488521 SteedRaceMan 2 5150 1002 308 143
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