المشاركات 75 |
+التقييم 0.04 |
تاريخ التسجيل Jul 2019 |
الاقامة |
نظام التشغيل |
رقم العضوية 430 |
public static bool LoadEntity
client.Player.EpicMonkPrize = reader.ReadUInt32("EpicMonkPrize");
client.Player.EpicMonkTimes = reader.ReadUInt32("EpicMonkTimes");
client.Player.EpicTimes = reader.ReadUInt32("EpicTimes");
client.Player.TrojanEpicOn = reader.ReadBoolean("TrojanEpicOn");
client.Player.Epictrue = reader.ReadBoolean("Epictrue");
client.Player.EpicTimes = 5;
client.Player.EpicMonkPrize = 27;
client.Player.EpicMonkTimes = 1;
.Set("Reborn", e.Reborn)
.Set("TrojanEpicOn", e.TrojanEpicOn)
.Set("Epictrue", e.Epictrue)
.Set("EpicTimes", e.EpicTimes)
.Set("EpicMonkPrize", c.Player.EpicMonkPrize)
.Set("EpicMonkTimes", c.Player.EpicMonkTimes
#region KhaledEPQuests
public bool TrojanEpicOn { get; set; }
public uint FirstStagetrojan;
public bool Epictrue { get; set; }
public bool Epictry { get; set; }
public uint EpicMonkPrize = 27;
public uint EpicMonkTimes = 2;
#region Functions
public uint EpicTimes
public static void SendWorldMessage
#region Epic Quest
public int TempestWings;
public bool StartedEpicQuest = false;
public bool FinishedFirstStage = false;
public bool FinishedSecondStage = false;
public bool DidntPassFirstStage = false;
public bool DidntPassSecondStage = false;
public bool DidntPassThirdStage = false;
public uint EpicMonk3;
public static void EpicTrojan1(GameState client)
if (!Kernel.Maps[3825].Npcs.ContainsKey(3000))
Kernel.SpawnBanshee = true;
Kernel.SpawnBanshee2 = true;
NpcSpawn npc = new NpcSpawn();
npc.UID = 3000;
npc.Mesh = 35930;
npc.X = 39;
npc.Y = 45;
npc.MapID = client.Player.MapID;
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.PositionX = (ushort)npc.X;
str.PositionY = (ushort)npc.Y;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str, true);
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
npc.Type = Enums.NpcType.Talker;
Kernel.Maps[3825].Npcs.Add(3000, npc);
MsgName str2 = new MsgName(true);
str2.TextsCount = 1;
str2.PositionX = (ushort)45;
str2.PositionY = (ushort)45;
str2.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str2, true);
client.SendScreen(str2.ToArray(), true);
public static void EpicTrojan2(GameState client)
if (!Kernel.Maps[3825].Npcs.ContainsKey(2998))
Kernel.SpawnBanshee = true;
Kernel.SpawnBanshee2 = true;
NpcSpawn npc = new NpcSpawn();
npc.UID = 2998;
npc.Mesh = 35930;
npc.X = 45;
npc.Y = 39;
npc.MapID = client.Player.MapID;
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.PositionX = (ushort)npc.X;
str.PositionY = (ushort)npc.Y;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str, true);
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
npc.Type = Enums.NpcType.Talker;
Kernel.Maps[3825].Npcs.Add(2998, npc);
MsgName str2 = new MsgName(true);
str2.TextsCount = 1;
str2.PositionX = (ushort)45;
str2.PositionY = (ushort)45;
str2.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str2, true);
client.SendScreen(str2.ToArray(), true);
public static void EpicTrojan4(GameState client)
if (!Kernel.Maps[3825].Npcs.ContainsKey(2999))
Kernel.SpawnBanshee = true;
Kernel.SpawnBanshee2 = true;
NpcSpawn npc = new NpcSpawn();
npc.UID = 2999;
npc.Mesh = 35930;
npc.X = 50;
npc.Y = 45;
npc.MapID = client.Player.MapID;
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.PositionX = (ushort)npc.X;
str.PositionY = (ushort)npc.Y;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str, true);
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
MsgName str2 = new MsgName(true);
str2.TextsCount = 1;
str2.PositionX = (ushort)45;
str2.PositionY = (ushort)45;
str2.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str2, true);
client.SendScreen(str2.ToArray(), true);
npc.Type = Enums.NpcType.Talker;
Kernel.Maps[3825].Npcs.Add(2999, npc);
public static void EpicTrojan3(GameState client)
if (!Kernel.Maps[3825].Npcs.ContainsKey(2997))
Kernel.SpawnBanshee = true;
Kernel.SpawnBanshee2 = true;
NpcSpawn npc = new NpcSpawn();
npc.UID = 2997;
npc.Mesh = 35930;
npc.X = 45;
npc.Y = 50;
npc.MapID = client.Player.MapID;
npc.Type = Enums.NpcType.Talker;
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.PositionX = (ushort)npc.X;
str.PositionY = (ushort)npc.Y;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str, true);
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
MsgName str2 = new MsgName(true);
str2.TextsCount = 1;
str2.PositionX = (ushort)45;
str2.PositionY = (ushort)45;
str2.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str2, true);
client.SendScreen(str2.ToArray(), true);
Kernel.Maps[3825].Npcs.Add(2997, npc);
#region Quest Epic Trojan
#region RedFiend
if (Name == "RedFiend")
if (Kernel.Rate(20))
uint ItemID = 0;
byte type1 = 6;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
type1 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 7);
switch (type1)
case 1:
ItemID = 722734;
case 2:
ItemID = 722733;
case 3:
ItemID = 722735;
case 4:
ItemID = 722737;
case 5:
ItemID = 722738;
case 6:
ItemID = 722739;
var infos = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[ItemID];
ushort X = Owner.X, Y = Owner.Y;
Game.Map Map = Kernel.Maps[Owner.MapID];
if (Map.SelectCoordonates(ref X, ref Y))
Network.GamePackets.MsgMapItem floorItem = new Network.GamePackets.MsgMapItem(true);
floorItem.Item = new Network.GamePackets.MsgItemInfo(true);
floorItem.Item.Color = (COServer.Game.Enums.Color)Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8);
floorItem.Item.ID = ItemID;
floorItem.Item.Plus = floorItem.Item.Plus;
floorItem.Item.MaximDurability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.Durability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.MobDropped = true;
floorItem.ValueType = Network.GamePackets.MsgMapItem.FloorValueType.Item;
floorItem.ItemID = ItemID;
floorItem.MapID = Owner.MapID;
floorItem.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Item;
floorItem.X = X;
floorItem.Owner = killer.Owner; floorItem.OwnerUID = killer.UID; floorItem.Y = Y;
floorItem.Type = Network.GamePackets.MsgMapItem.Drop;
floorItem.OnFloor = Time32.Now;
floorItem.ItemColor = floorItem.Item.Color;
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.MsgMapItem.FloorUID.Next;
while (Map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.UID))
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.MsgMapItem.FloorUID.Next;
killer.Owner.Send(new MsgTalk("Congratulations! You have got 1 RedFiend", MsgTalk.System));
#region GhostReaver
if (Name == "GhostReaver")
killer.FirstStagetrojan = 17;
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = killer.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
Kernel.EpicQuestTrojan = false;
Kernel.Spawn = false;
//killer.EpicQuestPoint += 10000;
killer.Owner.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
killer.Owner.SendScreen(str, true);
//killer.Owner.Send(new Network.GamePackets.MsgTalk("Wow ! You Killed the " + Name + " and Got SolarBladeRemain ! Keep Going !", System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 2005));
//killer.Owner.MessageBox("next Step Go TO Mr.Mirros ?");
//killer.Teleport(3830, 150, 130);
/* if (Owner.MonsterInfo.ID == 41525)
if (Owner.MapID == 3825)
if (Kernel.Maps[3825].TrojanEpicQuest[10583] != null)
var n = Kernel.Maps[3825].Npcs[10583] as Interfaces.IMapObject;
killer.Owner.SendScreen(new MsgAction(true)
UID = 10583,
ID = MsgAction.Mode.SpawnEffect
}, true);
foreach (var Ownerr in Server.GamePool)
if (Ownerr.Player.MapID == 3825)
foreach (Interfaces.INpc npc in Kernel.Maps[3825].Npcs.Values)
if (npc != null)
if (npc.UID == 10583)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(npc.X, npc.Y, Ownerr.Player.X, Ownerr.Player.Y) < 16)
npc.SendSpawn(Ownerr, false);
#region EvilMonkMisery
if (Name == "EvilMonkMisery")
if (Kernel.Rate(60, 100))
if (killer.Name.Contains("Guard"))
if (killer.Owner.Quests.HasQuest(QuestID.The_Traitor_2))
killer.Owner.Quests.IncreaseQuestKills(QuestID.The_Traitor_2, killer.PheasantPoint);
killer.Owner.Quests.SendPathFinding("you have killed the misrey please compleate this task by calling Ganeral Pack's.", 3830, 154, 130, 10600);
killer.Owner.Inventory.Add(3003341, 0, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = killer.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
killer.Owner.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
//killer.Owner.Send(new Network.GamePackets.MsgTalk("Wow ! You Killed the " + Name + " and Got TrojanToken ! Keep Going !", System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 2005));
//killer.Owner.MessageBox("next Step Go TO DivineJade ?");
//killer.Teleport(4500, 104, 180);
#region FlameDevastator
if (Name == "FlameDevastator")
if (Kernel.Rate(40, 100))
if (killer.Name.Contains("Guard"))
killer.Owner.Inventory.Add(3003338, 0, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = killer.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
killer.Owner.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
killer.Owner.Send(new Network.GamePackets.MsgTalk("Wow ! You Killed the " + Name + " and Got SolarEssence ! Keep Going !", System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 2005));
killer.Owner.MessageBox("next Step Go TO GeneralPak ?");
killer.Teleport(4500, 154, 131);
#region FuriousFlameDevastator
if (Name == "FuriousFlameDevastator")
if (Kernel.Rate(20, 100))
if (killer.Name.Contains("Guard"))
killer.Owner.Inventory.Add(3003340, 0, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = killer.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
killer.Owner.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
killer.Owner.Send(new Network.GamePackets.MsgTalk("Wow ! You Killed the " + Name + " and Got SolarBlade ! Keep Going !", System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 2005));
killer.Owner.MessageBox(" Congratulations You Get Epic Trojan ?");
killer.Teleport(1002, 368, 315);
killer.Owner.MessageBox("Failed To Get Epic Weapone Make Quest Epic Trojan Again ?");
killer.Teleport(1002, 368, 315);
public bool IsDynamic
public Dictionary<uint, INpc> TrojanEpicQuest = new Dictionary<uint, INpc>();
public static void UseItem
#region Epic Weapons By Xodia
#region BoundlessHeart
case 3007564:
MsgItemInfo wepon = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon != null && wepon.ID != 0 && !wepon.ID.ToString().StartsWith("622") && ItemHandler.IsBeads(wepon.ID))
wepon.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon.OldId = 0;
wepon.OldId = wepon.ID;
wepon.ID = wepon.OldId + 12000;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon, client);
wepon.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
MsgItemInfo wepon2 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon);
if (wepon2 != null && wepon2.ID != 0 && !wepon2.ID.ToString().StartsWith("622") && ItemHandler.IsBeads(wepon2.ID))
wepon2.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon2.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon2.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon2.OldId = 0;
wepon2.OldId = wepon2.ID;
wepon2.ID = wepon2.OldId + 12000;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon2, client);
wepon2.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
#region Life`sEye
case 3004464:
MsgItemInfo wepon = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon != null && wepon.ID != 0 && !wepon.ID.ToString().StartsWith("616") && ItemHandler.IsKatana(wepon.ID))
wepon.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon.OldId = 0;
wepon.OldId = wepon.ID;
wepon.ID = wepon.OldId + 15000;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon, client);
wepon.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
MsgItemInfo wepon2 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon);
if (wepon2 != null && wepon2.ID != 0 && !wepon2.ID.ToString().StartsWith("616") && ItemHandler.IsKatana(wepon2.ID))
wepon2.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon2.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon2.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon2.OldId = 0;
wepon2.OldId = wepon2.ID;
wepon2.ID = wepon2.OldId + 15000;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon2, client);
wepon2.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
#region SolarBlade
case 3003340:
#region Wepeons
#region Blade
MsgItemInfo wepon = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon != null && wepon.ID != 0 && !wepon.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsBlad(wepon.ID))
wepon.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon.OldId = 0;
wepon.OldId = wepon.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon.OldId == 410439)
wepon.ID = 614439;
if (wepon.OldId == 410429)
wepon.ID = 614429;
if (wepon.OldId == 410419)
wepon.ID = 614419;
if (wepon.OldId == 410409)
wepon.ID = 614409;
if (wepon.OldId == 410399)
wepon.ID = 614399;
if (wepon.OldId == 410389)
wepon.ID = 614389;
if (wepon.OldId == 410379)
wepon.ID = 614379;
if (wepon.OldId == 410369)
wepon.ID = 614369;
if (wepon.OldId == 410359)
wepon.ID = 614359;
if (wepon.OldId == 410349)
wepon.ID = 614349;
if (wepon.OldId == 410339)
wepon.ID = 614339;
if (wepon.OldId == 410329)
wepon.ID = 614329;
if (wepon.OldId == 410319)
wepon.ID = 614319;
if (wepon.OldId == 410309)
wepon.ID = 614309;
if (wepon.OldId == 410299)
wepon.ID = 614299;
if (wepon.OldId == 410289)
wepon.ID = 614289;
if (wepon.OldId == 410279)
wepon.ID = 614279;
if (wepon.OldId == 410269)
wepon.ID = 614269;
if (wepon.OldId == 410259)
wepon.ID = 614259;
if (wepon.OldId == 410249)
wepon.ID = 614249;
if (wepon.OldId == 410239)
wepon.ID = 614239;
if (wepon.OldId == 410229)
wepon.ID = 614229;
if (wepon.OldId == 410219)
wepon.ID = 614219;
if (wepon.OldId == 410209)
wepon.ID = 614209;
if (wepon.OldId == 410199)
wepon.ID = 614199;
if (wepon.OldId == 410189)
wepon.ID = 614189;
if (wepon.OldId == 410179)
wepon.ID = 614179;
if (wepon.OldId == 410169)
wepon.ID = 614169;
if (wepon.OldId == 410159)
wepon.ID = 614159;
if (wepon.OldId == 410149)
wepon.ID = 614149;
if (wepon.OldId == 410139)
wepon.ID = 614139;
if (wepon.OldId == 410129)
wepon.ID = 614129;
if (wepon.OldId == 410119)
wepon.ID = 614119;
if (wepon.OldId == 410109)
wepon.ID = 614109;
if (wepon.OldId == 410099)
wepon.ID = 614099;
if (wepon.OldId == 410089)
wepon.ID = 614089;
if (wepon.OldId == 410079)
wepon.ID = 614079;
if (wepon.OldId == 410069)
wepon.ID = 614069;
if (wepon.OldId == 410059)
wepon.ID = 614059;
if (wepon.OldId == 410049)
wepon.ID = 614049;
if (wepon.OldId == 410039)
wepon.ID = 614039;
if (wepon.OldId == 410029)
wepon.ID = 614029;
if (wepon.OldId == 410019)
wepon.ID = 614109;
if (wepon.OldId == 410009)
wepon.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon.OldId == 410438)
wepon.ID = 614438;
if (wepon.OldId == 410428)
wepon.ID = 614428;
if (wepon.OldId == 410418)
wepon.ID = 614418;
if (wepon.OldId == 410408)
wepon.ID = 614408;
if (wepon.OldId == 410388)
wepon.ID = 614388;
if (wepon.OldId == 410388)
wepon.ID = 614388;
if (wepon.OldId == 410378)
wepon.ID = 614378;
if (wepon.OldId == 410368)
wepon.ID = 614368;
if (wepon.OldId == 410358)
wepon.ID = 614358;
if (wepon.OldId == 410348)
wepon.ID = 614348;
if (wepon.OldId == 410338)
wepon.ID = 614338;
if (wepon.OldId == 410328)
wepon.ID = 614328;
if (wepon.OldId == 410318)
wepon.ID = 614318;
if (wepon.OldId == 410308)
wepon.ID = 614308;
if (wepon.OldId == 410288)
wepon.ID = 614288;
if (wepon.OldId == 410288)
wepon.ID = 614288;
if (wepon.OldId == 410278)
wepon.ID = 614278;
if (wepon.OldId == 410268)
wepon.ID = 614268;
if (wepon.OldId == 410258)
wepon.ID = 614258;
if (wepon.OldId == 410248)
wepon.ID = 614248;
if (wepon.OldId == 410238)
wepon.ID = 614238;
if (wepon.OldId == 410228)
wepon.ID = 614228;
if (wepon.OldId == 410218)
wepon.ID = 614218;
if (wepon.OldId == 410208)
wepon.ID = 614208;
if (wepon.OldId == 410188)
wepon.ID = 614188;
if (wepon.OldId == 410188)
wepon.ID = 614188;
if (wepon.OldId == 410178)
wepon.ID = 614178;
if (wepon.OldId == 410168)
wepon.ID = 614168;
if (wepon.OldId == 410158)
wepon.ID = 614158;
if (wepon.OldId == 410148)
wepon.ID = 614148;
if (wepon.OldId == 410138)
wepon.ID = 614138;
if (wepon.OldId == 410128)
wepon.ID = 614128;
if (wepon.OldId == 410118)
wepon.ID = 614118;
if (wepon.OldId == 410108)
wepon.ID = 614108;
if (wepon.OldId == 410088)
wepon.ID = 614088;
if (wepon.OldId == 410088)
wepon.ID = 614088;
if (wepon.OldId == 410078)
wepon.ID = 614078;
if (wepon.OldId == 410068)
wepon.ID = 614068;
if (wepon.OldId == 410058)
wepon.ID = 614058;
if (wepon.OldId == 410048)
wepon.ID = 614048;
if (wepon.OldId == 410038)
wepon.ID = 614038;
if (wepon.OldId == 410028)
wepon.ID = 614028;
if (wepon.OldId == 410018)
wepon.ID = 614108;
if (wepon.OldId == 410008)
wepon.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon.OldId == 410437)
wepon.ID = 614437;
if (wepon.OldId == 410427)
wepon.ID = 614427;
if (wepon.OldId == 410417)
wepon.ID = 614417;
if (wepon.OldId == 410407)
wepon.ID = 614407;
if (wepon.OldId == 410377)
wepon.ID = 614377;
if (wepon.OldId == 410377)
wepon.ID = 614377;
if (wepon.OldId == 410377)
wepon.ID = 614377;
if (wepon.OldId == 410367)
wepon.ID = 614367;
if (wepon.OldId == 410357)
wepon.ID = 614357;
if (wepon.OldId == 410347)
wepon.ID = 614347;
if (wepon.OldId == 410337)
wepon.ID = 614337;
if (wepon.OldId == 410327)
wepon.ID = 614327;
if (wepon.OldId == 410317)
wepon.ID = 614317;
if (wepon.OldId == 410307)
wepon.ID = 614307;
if (wepon.OldId == 410277)
wepon.ID = 614277;
if (wepon.OldId == 410277)
wepon.ID = 614277;
if (wepon.OldId == 410277)
wepon.ID = 614277;
if (wepon.OldId == 410267)
wepon.ID = 614267;
if (wepon.OldId == 410257)
wepon.ID = 614257;
if (wepon.OldId == 410247)
wepon.ID = 614247;
if (wepon.OldId == 410237)
wepon.ID = 614237;
if (wepon.OldId == 410227)
wepon.ID = 614227;
if (wepon.OldId == 410217)
wepon.ID = 614217;
if (wepon.OldId == 410207)
wepon.ID = 614207;
if (wepon.OldId == 410177)
wepon.ID = 614177;
if (wepon.OldId == 410177)
wepon.ID = 614177;
if (wepon.OldId == 410177)
wepon.ID = 614177;
if (wepon.OldId == 410167)
wepon.ID = 614167;
if (wepon.OldId == 410157)
wepon.ID = 614157;
if (wepon.OldId == 410147)
wepon.ID = 614147;
if (wepon.OldId == 410137)
wepon.ID = 614137;
if (wepon.OldId == 410127)
wepon.ID = 614127;
if (wepon.OldId == 410117)
wepon.ID = 614117;
if (wepon.OldId == 410107)
wepon.ID = 614107;
if (wepon.OldId == 410077)
wepon.ID = 614077;
if (wepon.OldId == 410077)
wepon.ID = 614077;
if (wepon.OldId == 410077)
wepon.ID = 614077;
if (wepon.OldId == 410067)
wepon.ID = 614067;
if (wepon.OldId == 410057)
wepon.ID = 614057;
if (wepon.OldId == 410047)
wepon.ID = 614047;
if (wepon.OldId == 410037)
wepon.ID = 614037;
if (wepon.OldId == 410027)
wepon.ID = 614027;
if (wepon.OldId == 410017)
wepon.ID = 614107;
if (wepon.OldId == 410007)
wepon.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon.OldId == 410436)
wepon.ID = 614436;
if (wepon.OldId == 410426)
wepon.ID = 614426;
if (wepon.OldId == 410416)
wepon.ID = 614416;
if (wepon.OldId == 410406)
wepon.ID = 614406;
if (wepon.OldId == 410366)
wepon.ID = 614366;
if (wepon.OldId == 410386)
wepon.ID = 614386;
if (wepon.OldId == 410376)
wepon.ID = 614376;
if (wepon.OldId == 410366)
wepon.ID = 614366;
if (wepon.OldId == 410356)
wepon.ID = 614356;
if (wepon.OldId == 410346)
wepon.ID = 614346;
if (wepon.OldId == 410336)
wepon.ID = 614336;
if (wepon.OldId == 410326)
wepon.ID = 614326;
if (wepon.OldId == 410316)
wepon.ID = 614316;
if (wepon.OldId == 410306)
wepon.ID = 614306;
if (wepon.OldId == 410266)
wepon.ID = 614266;
if (wepon.OldId == 410286)
wepon.ID = 614286;
if (wepon.OldId == 410276)
wepon.ID = 614276;
if (wepon.OldId == 410266)
wepon.ID = 614266;
if (wepon.OldId == 410256)
wepon.ID = 614256;
if (wepon.OldId == 410246)
wepon.ID = 614246;
if (wepon.OldId == 410236)
wepon.ID = 614236;
if (wepon.OldId == 410226)
wepon.ID = 614226;
if (wepon.OldId == 410216)
wepon.ID = 614216;
if (wepon.OldId == 410206)
wepon.ID = 614206;
if (wepon.OldId == 410166)
wepon.ID = 614166;
if (wepon.OldId == 410186)
wepon.ID = 614186;
if (wepon.OldId == 410176)
wepon.ID = 614176;
if (wepon.OldId == 410166)
wepon.ID = 614166;
if (wepon.OldId == 410156)
wepon.ID = 614156;
if (wepon.OldId == 410146)
wepon.ID = 614146;
if (wepon.OldId == 410136)
wepon.ID = 614136;
if (wepon.OldId == 410126)
wepon.ID = 614126;
if (wepon.OldId == 410116)
wepon.ID = 614116;
if (wepon.OldId == 410106)
wepon.ID = 614106;
if (wepon.OldId == 410066)
wepon.ID = 614066;
if (wepon.OldId == 410086)
wepon.ID = 614086;
if (wepon.OldId == 410076)
wepon.ID = 614076;
if (wepon.OldId == 410066)
wepon.ID = 614066;
if (wepon.OldId == 410056)
wepon.ID = 614056;
if (wepon.OldId == 410046)
wepon.ID = 614046;
if (wepon.OldId == 410036)
wepon.ID = 614036;
if (wepon.OldId == 410026)
wepon.ID = 614026;
if (wepon.OldId == 410016)
wepon.ID = 614106;
if (wepon.OldId == 410006)
wepon.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon.OldId == 410435)
wepon.ID = 614435;
if (wepon.OldId == 410425)
wepon.ID = 614425;
if (wepon.OldId == 410415)
wepon.ID = 614415;
if (wepon.OldId == 410405)
wepon.ID = 614405;
if (wepon.OldId == 410355)
wepon.ID = 614355;
if (wepon.OldId == 410385)
wepon.ID = 614385;
if (wepon.OldId == 410375)
wepon.ID = 614375;
if (wepon.OldId == 410365)
wepon.ID = 614365;
if (wepon.OldId == 410355)
wepon.ID = 614355;
if (wepon.OldId == 410345)
wepon.ID = 614345;
if (wepon.OldId == 410335)
wepon.ID = 614335;
if (wepon.OldId == 410325)
wepon.ID = 614325;
if (wepon.OldId == 410315)
wepon.ID = 614315;
if (wepon.OldId == 410305)
wepon.ID = 614305;
if (wepon.OldId == 410255)
wepon.ID = 614255;
if (wepon.OldId == 410285)
wepon.ID = 614285;
if (wepon.OldId == 410275)
wepon.ID = 614275;
if (wepon.OldId == 410265)
wepon.ID = 614265;
if (wepon.OldId == 410255)
wepon.ID = 614255;
if (wepon.OldId == 410245)
wepon.ID = 614245;
if (wepon.OldId == 410235)
wepon.ID = 614235;
if (wepon.OldId == 410225)
wepon.ID = 614225;
if (wepon.OldId == 410215)
wepon.ID = 614215;
if (wepon.OldId == 410205)
wepon.ID = 614205;
if (wepon.OldId == 410155)
wepon.ID = 614155;
if (wepon.OldId == 410185)
wepon.ID = 614185;
if (wepon.OldId == 410175)
wepon.ID = 614175;
if (wepon.OldId == 410165)
wepon.ID = 614165;
if (wepon.OldId == 410155)
wepon.ID = 614155;
if (wepon.OldId == 410145)
wepon.ID = 614145;
if (wepon.OldId == 410135)
wepon.ID = 614135;
if (wepon.OldId == 410125)
wepon.ID = 614125;
if (wepon.OldId == 410115)
wepon.ID = 614115;
if (wepon.OldId == 410105)
wepon.ID = 614105;
if (wepon.OldId == 410055)
wepon.ID = 614055;
if (wepon.OldId == 410085)
wepon.ID = 614085;
if (wepon.OldId == 410075)
wepon.ID = 614075;
if (wepon.OldId == 410065)
wepon.ID = 614065;
if (wepon.OldId == 410055)
wepon.ID = 614055;
if (wepon.OldId == 410045)
wepon.ID = 614045;
if (wepon.OldId == 410035)
wepon.ID = 614035;
if (wepon.OldId == 410025)
wepon.ID = 614025;
if (wepon.OldId == 410015)
wepon.ID = 614105;
if (wepon.OldId == 410005)
wepon.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon.OldId == 410434)
wepon.ID = 614434;
if (wepon.OldId == 410424)
wepon.ID = 614424;
if (wepon.OldId == 410414)
wepon.ID = 614414;
if (wepon.OldId == 410405)
wepon.ID = 614405;
if (wepon.OldId == 410344)
wepon.ID = 614344;
if (wepon.OldId == 410384)
wepon.ID = 614384;
if (wepon.OldId == 410374)
wepon.ID = 614374;
if (wepon.OldId == 410364)
wepon.ID = 614364;
if (wepon.OldId == 410354)
wepon.ID = 614354;
if (wepon.OldId == 410344)
wepon.ID = 614344;
if (wepon.OldId == 410334)
wepon.ID = 614334;
if (wepon.OldId == 410324)
wepon.ID = 614324;
if (wepon.OldId == 410314)
wepon.ID = 614314;
if (wepon.OldId == 410305)
wepon.ID = 614305;
if (wepon.OldId == 410244)
wepon.ID = 614244;
if (wepon.OldId == 410284)
wepon.ID = 614284;
if (wepon.OldId == 410274)
wepon.ID = 614274;
if (wepon.OldId == 410264)
wepon.ID = 614264;
if (wepon.OldId == 410254)
wepon.ID = 614254;
if (wepon.OldId == 410244)
wepon.ID = 614244;
if (wepon.OldId == 410234)
wepon.ID = 614234;
if (wepon.OldId == 410224)
wepon.ID = 614224;
if (wepon.OldId == 410214)
wepon.ID = 614214;
if (wepon.OldId == 410205)
wepon.ID = 614205;
if (wepon.OldId == 410144)
wepon.ID = 614144;
if (wepon.OldId == 410184)
wepon.ID = 614184;
if (wepon.OldId == 410174)
wepon.ID = 614174;
if (wepon.OldId == 410164)
wepon.ID = 614164;
if (wepon.OldId == 410154)
wepon.ID = 614154;
if (wepon.OldId == 410144)
wepon.ID = 614144;
if (wepon.OldId == 410134)
wepon.ID = 614134;
if (wepon.OldId == 410124)
wepon.ID = 614124;
if (wepon.OldId == 410114)
wepon.ID = 614114;
if (wepon.OldId == 410105)
wepon.ID = 614105;
if (wepon.OldId == 410054)
wepon.ID = 614054;
if (wepon.OldId == 410084)
wepon.ID = 614084;
if (wepon.OldId == 410074)
wepon.ID = 614074;
if (wepon.OldId == 410064)
wepon.ID = 614064;
if (wepon.OldId == 410054)
wepon.ID = 614054;
if (wepon.OldId == 410044)
wepon.ID = 614044;
if (wepon.OldId == 410034)
wepon.ID = 614034;
if (wepon.OldId == 410024)
wepon.ID = 614024;
if (wepon.OldId == 410014)
wepon.ID = 614104;
if (wepon.OldId == 410004)
wepon.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon.OldId == 410433)
wepon.ID = 614433;
if (wepon.OldId == 410423)
wepon.ID = 614423;
if (wepon.OldId == 410413)
wepon.ID = 614413;
if (wepon.OldId == 410403)
wepon.ID = 614403;
if (wepon.OldId == 410339)
wepon.ID = 614339;
if (wepon.OldId == 410383)
wepon.ID = 614383;
if (wepon.OldId == 410373)
wepon.ID = 614373;
if (wepon.OldId == 410363)
wepon.ID = 614363;
if (wepon.OldId == 410353)
wepon.ID = 614353;
if (wepon.OldId == 410343)
wepon.ID = 614343;
if (wepon.OldId == 410333)
wepon.ID = 614333;
if (wepon.OldId == 410323)
wepon.ID = 614323;
if (wepon.OldId == 410313)
wepon.ID = 614313;
if (wepon.OldId == 410303)
wepon.ID = 614303;
if (wepon.OldId == 410233)
wepon.ID = 614233;
if (wepon.OldId == 410283)
wepon.ID = 614283;
if (wepon.OldId == 410273)
wepon.ID = 614273;
if (wepon.OldId == 410263)
wepon.ID = 614263;
if (wepon.OldId == 410253)
wepon.ID = 614253;
if (wepon.OldId == 410243)
wepon.ID = 614243;
if (wepon.OldId == 410233)
wepon.ID = 614233;
if (wepon.OldId == 410223)
wepon.ID = 614223;
if (wepon.OldId == 410213)
wepon.ID = 614213;
if (wepon.OldId == 410203)
wepon.ID = 614203;
if (wepon.OldId == 410133)
wepon.ID = 614133;
if (wepon.OldId == 410183)
wepon.ID = 614183;
if (wepon.OldId == 410173)
wepon.ID = 614173;
if (wepon.OldId == 410163)
wepon.ID = 614163;
if (wepon.OldId == 410153)
wepon.ID = 614153;
if (wepon.OldId == 410143)
wepon.ID = 614143;
if (wepon.OldId == 410133)
wepon.ID = 614133;
if (wepon.OldId == 410123)
wepon.ID = 614123;
if (wepon.OldId == 410113)
wepon.ID = 614113;
if (wepon.OldId == 410103)
wepon.ID = 614103;
if (wepon.OldId == 410033)
wepon.ID = 614033;
if (wepon.OldId == 410083)
wepon.ID = 614083;
if (wepon.OldId == 410073)
wepon.ID = 614073;
if (wepon.OldId == 410063)
wepon.ID = 614063;
if (wepon.OldId == 410053)
wepon.ID = 614053;
if (wepon.OldId == 410043)
wepon.ID = 614043;
if (wepon.OldId == 410033)
wepon.ID = 614033;
if (wepon.OldId == 410023)
wepon.ID = 614023;
if (wepon.OldId == 410013)
wepon.ID = 614103;
if (wepon.OldId == 410003)
wepon.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon.OldId == 410430)
wepon.ID = 614430;
if (wepon.OldId == 410420)
wepon.ID = 614420;
if (wepon.OldId == 410410)
wepon.ID = 614410;
if (wepon.OldId == 410409)
wepon.ID = 614409;
if (wepon.OldId == 410300)
wepon.ID = 614300;
if (wepon.OldId == 410380)
wepon.ID = 614380;
if (wepon.OldId == 410370)
wepon.ID = 614370;
if (wepon.OldId == 410360)
wepon.ID = 614360;
if (wepon.OldId == 410350)
wepon.ID = 614350;
if (wepon.OldId == 410340)
wepon.ID = 614340;
if (wepon.OldId == 410330)
wepon.ID = 614330;
if (wepon.OldId == 410320)
wepon.ID = 614320;
if (wepon.OldId == 410310)
wepon.ID = 614310;
if (wepon.OldId == 410309)
wepon.ID = 614309;
if (wepon.OldId == 410200)
wepon.ID = 614200;
if (wepon.OldId == 410280)
wepon.ID = 614280;
if (wepon.OldId == 410270)
wepon.ID = 614270;
if (wepon.OldId == 410260)
wepon.ID = 614260;
if (wepon.OldId == 410250)
wepon.ID = 614250;
if (wepon.OldId == 410240)
wepon.ID = 614240;
if (wepon.OldId == 410230)
wepon.ID = 614230;
if (wepon.OldId == 410220)
wepon.ID = 614220;
if (wepon.OldId == 410210)
wepon.ID = 614210;
if (wepon.OldId == 410209)
wepon.ID = 614209;
if (wepon.OldId == 410100)
wepon.ID = 614100;
if (wepon.OldId == 410180)
wepon.ID = 614180;
if (wepon.OldId == 410170)
wepon.ID = 614170;
if (wepon.OldId == 410160)
wepon.ID = 614160;
if (wepon.OldId == 410150)
wepon.ID = 614150;
if (wepon.OldId == 410140)
wepon.ID = 614140;
if (wepon.OldId == 410130)
wepon.ID = 614130;
if (wepon.OldId == 410120)
wepon.ID = 614120;
if (wepon.OldId == 410110)
wepon.ID = 614110;
if (wepon.OldId == 410109)
wepon.ID = 614109;
if (wepon.OldId == 410000)
wepon.ID = 614000;
if (wepon.OldId == 410080)
wepon.ID = 614080;
if (wepon.OldId == 410070)
wepon.ID = 614070;
if (wepon.OldId == 410060)
wepon.ID = 614060;
if (wepon.OldId == 410050)
wepon.ID = 614050;
if (wepon.OldId == 410040)
wepon.ID = 614040;
if (wepon.OldId == 410030)
wepon.ID = 614030;
if (wepon.OldId == 410020)
wepon.ID = 614020;
if (wepon.OldId == 410010)
wepon.ID = 614100;
if (wepon.OldId == 410009)
wepon.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon, client);
wepon.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
MsgItemInfo wepon2 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon);
if (wepon2 != null && wepon2.ID != 0 && !wepon2.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsBlad(wepon2.ID))
wepon2.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon2.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon2.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon2.OldId = 0;
wepon2.OldId = wepon2.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon2.OldId == 410439)
wepon2.ID = 614439;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410429)
wepon2.ID = 614429;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410419)
wepon2.ID = 614419;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410409)
wepon2.ID = 614409;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410399)
wepon2.ID = 614399;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410389)
wepon2.ID = 614389;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410379)
wepon2.ID = 614379;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410369)
wepon2.ID = 614369;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410359)
wepon2.ID = 614359;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410349)
wepon2.ID = 614349;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410339)
wepon2.ID = 614339;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410329)
wepon2.ID = 614329;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410319)
wepon2.ID = 614319;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410309)
wepon2.ID = 614309;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410299)
wepon2.ID = 614299;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410289)
wepon2.ID = 614289;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410279)
wepon2.ID = 614279;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410269)
wepon2.ID = 614269;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410259)
wepon2.ID = 614259;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410249)
wepon2.ID = 614249;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410239)
wepon2.ID = 614239;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410229)
wepon2.ID = 614229;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410219)
wepon2.ID = 614219;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410209)
wepon2.ID = 614209;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410199)
wepon2.ID = 614199;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410189)
wepon2.ID = 614189;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410179)
wepon2.ID = 614179;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410169)
wepon2.ID = 614169;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410159)
wepon2.ID = 614159;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410149)
wepon2.ID = 614149;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410139)
wepon2.ID = 614139;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410129)
wepon2.ID = 614129;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410119)
wepon2.ID = 614119;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410109)
wepon2.ID = 614109;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410099)
wepon2.ID = 614099;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410089)
wepon2.ID = 614089;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410079)
wepon2.ID = 614079;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410069)
wepon2.ID = 614069;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410059)
wepon2.ID = 614059;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410049)
wepon2.ID = 614049;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410039)
wepon2.ID = 614039;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410029)
wepon2.ID = 614029;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410019)
wepon2.ID = 614109;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410009)
wepon2.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon2.OldId == 410438)
wepon2.ID = 614438;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410428)
wepon2.ID = 614428;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410418)
wepon2.ID = 614418;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410408)
wepon2.ID = 614408;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410388)
wepon2.ID = 614388;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410388)
wepon2.ID = 614388;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410378)
wepon2.ID = 614378;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410368)
wepon2.ID = 614368;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410358)
wepon2.ID = 614358;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410348)
wepon2.ID = 614348;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410338)
wepon2.ID = 614338;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410328)
wepon2.ID = 614328;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410318)
wepon2.ID = 614318;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410308)
wepon2.ID = 614308;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410288)
wepon2.ID = 614288;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410288)
wepon2.ID = 614288;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410278)
wepon2.ID = 614278;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410268)
wepon2.ID = 614268;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410258)
wepon2.ID = 614258;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410248)
wepon2.ID = 614248;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410238)
wepon2.ID = 614238;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410228)
wepon2.ID = 614228;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410218)
wepon2.ID = 614218;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410208)
wepon2.ID = 614208;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410188)
wepon2.ID = 614188;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410188)
wepon2.ID = 614188;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410178)
wepon2.ID = 614178;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410168)
wepon2.ID = 614168;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410158)
wepon2.ID = 614158;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410148)
wepon2.ID = 614148;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410138)
wepon2.ID = 614138;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410128)
wepon2.ID = 614128;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410118)
wepon2.ID = 614118;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410108)
wepon2.ID = 614108;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410088)
wepon2.ID = 614088;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410088)
wepon2.ID = 614088;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410078)
wepon2.ID = 614078;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410068)
wepon2.ID = 614068;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410058)
wepon2.ID = 614058;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410048)
wepon2.ID = 614048;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410038)
wepon2.ID = 614038;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410028)
wepon2.ID = 614028;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410018)
wepon2.ID = 614108;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410008)
wepon2.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon2.OldId == 410437)
wepon2.ID = 614437;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410427)
wepon2.ID = 614427;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410417)
wepon2.ID = 614417;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410407)
wepon2.ID = 614407;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410377)
wepon2.ID = 614377;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410377)
wepon2.ID = 614377;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410377)
wepon2.ID = 614377;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410367)
wepon2.ID = 614367;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410357)
wepon2.ID = 614357;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410347)
wepon2.ID = 614347;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410337)
wepon2.ID = 614337;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410327)
wepon2.ID = 614327;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410317)
wepon2.ID = 614317;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410307)
wepon2.ID = 614307;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410277)
wepon2.ID = 614277;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410277)
wepon2.ID = 614277;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410277)
wepon2.ID = 614277;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410267)
wepon2.ID = 614267;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410257)
wepon2.ID = 614257;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410247)
wepon2.ID = 614247;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410237)
wepon2.ID = 614237;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410227)
wepon2.ID = 614227;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410217)
wepon2.ID = 614217;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410207)
wepon2.ID = 614207;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410177)
wepon2.ID = 614177;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410177)
wepon2.ID = 614177;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410177)
wepon2.ID = 614177;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410167)
wepon2.ID = 614167;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410157)
wepon2.ID = 614157;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410147)
wepon2.ID = 614147;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410137)
wepon2.ID = 614137;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410127)
wepon2.ID = 614127;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410117)
wepon2.ID = 614117;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410107)
wepon2.ID = 614107;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410077)
wepon2.ID = 614077;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410077)
wepon2.ID = 614077;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410077)
wepon2.ID = 614077;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410067)
wepon2.ID = 614067;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410057)
wepon2.ID = 614057;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410047)
wepon2.ID = 614047;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410037)
wepon2.ID = 614037;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410027)
wepon2.ID = 614027;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410017)
wepon2.ID = 614107;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410007)
wepon2.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon2.OldId == 410436)
wepon2.ID = 614436;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410426)
wepon2.ID = 614426;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410416)
wepon2.ID = 614416;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410406)
wepon2.ID = 614406;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410366)
wepon2.ID = 614366;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410386)
wepon2.ID = 614386;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410376)
wepon2.ID = 614376;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410366)
wepon2.ID = 614366;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410356)
wepon2.ID = 614356;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410346)
wepon2.ID = 614346;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410336)
wepon2.ID = 614336;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410326)
wepon2.ID = 614326;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410316)
wepon2.ID = 614316;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410306)
wepon2.ID = 614306;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410266)
wepon2.ID = 614266;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410286)
wepon2.ID = 614286;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410276)
wepon2.ID = 614276;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410266)
wepon2.ID = 614266;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410256)
wepon2.ID = 614256;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410246)
wepon2.ID = 614246;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410236)
wepon2.ID = 614236;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410226)
wepon2.ID = 614226;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410216)
wepon2.ID = 614216;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410206)
wepon2.ID = 614206;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410166)
wepon2.ID = 614166;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410186)
wepon2.ID = 614186;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410176)
wepon2.ID = 614176;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410166)
wepon2.ID = 614166;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410156)
wepon2.ID = 614156;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410146)
wepon2.ID = 614146;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410136)
wepon2.ID = 614136;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410126)
wepon2.ID = 614126;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410116)
wepon2.ID = 614116;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410106)
wepon2.ID = 614106;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410066)
wepon2.ID = 614066;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410086)
wepon2.ID = 614086;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410076)
wepon2.ID = 614076;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410066)
wepon2.ID = 614066;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410056)
wepon2.ID = 614056;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410046)
wepon2.ID = 614046;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410036)
wepon2.ID = 614036;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410026)
wepon2.ID = 614026;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410016)
wepon2.ID = 614106;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410006)
wepon2.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon2.OldId == 410435)
wepon2.ID = 614435;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410425)
wepon2.ID = 614425;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410415)
wepon2.ID = 614415;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410405)
wepon2.ID = 614405;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410355)
wepon2.ID = 614355;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410385)
wepon2.ID = 614385;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410375)
wepon2.ID = 614375;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410365)
wepon2.ID = 614365;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410355)
wepon2.ID = 614355;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410345)
wepon2.ID = 614345;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410335)
wepon2.ID = 614335;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410325)
wepon2.ID = 614325;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410315)
wepon2.ID = 614315;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410305)
wepon2.ID = 614305;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410255)
wepon2.ID = 614255;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410285)
wepon2.ID = 614285;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410275)
wepon2.ID = 614275;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410265)
wepon2.ID = 614265;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410255)
wepon2.ID = 614255;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410245)
wepon2.ID = 614245;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410235)
wepon2.ID = 614235;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410225)
wepon2.ID = 614225;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410215)
wepon2.ID = 614215;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410205)
wepon2.ID = 614205;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410155)
wepon2.ID = 614155;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410185)
wepon2.ID = 614185;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410175)
wepon2.ID = 614175;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410165)
wepon2.ID = 614165;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410155)
wepon2.ID = 614155;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410145)
wepon2.ID = 614145;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410135)
wepon2.ID = 614135;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410125)
wepon2.ID = 614125;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410115)
wepon2.ID = 614115;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410105)
wepon2.ID = 614105;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410055)
wepon2.ID = 614055;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410085)
wepon2.ID = 614085;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410075)
wepon2.ID = 614075;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410065)
wepon2.ID = 614065;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410055)
wepon2.ID = 614055;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410045)
wepon2.ID = 614045;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410035)
wepon2.ID = 614035;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410025)
wepon2.ID = 614025;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410015)
wepon2.ID = 614105;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410005)
wepon2.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon2.OldId == 410434)
wepon2.ID = 614434;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410424)
wepon2.ID = 614424;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410414)
wepon2.ID = 614414;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410405)
wepon2.ID = 614405;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410344)
wepon2.ID = 614344;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410384)
wepon2.ID = 614384;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410374)
wepon2.ID = 614374;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410364)
wepon2.ID = 614364;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410354)
wepon2.ID = 614354;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410344)
wepon2.ID = 614344;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410334)
wepon2.ID = 614334;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410324)
wepon2.ID = 614324;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410314)
wepon2.ID = 614314;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410305)
wepon2.ID = 614305;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410244)
wepon2.ID = 614244;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410284)
wepon2.ID = 614284;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410274)
wepon2.ID = 614274;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410264)
wepon2.ID = 614264;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410254)
wepon2.ID = 614254;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410244)
wepon2.ID = 614244;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410234)
wepon2.ID = 614234;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410224)
wepon2.ID = 614224;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410214)
wepon2.ID = 614214;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410205)
wepon2.ID = 614205;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410144)
wepon2.ID = 614144;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410184)
wepon2.ID = 614184;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410174)
wepon2.ID = 614174;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410164)
wepon2.ID = 614164;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410154)
wepon2.ID = 614154;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410144)
wepon2.ID = 614144;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410134)
wepon2.ID = 614134;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410124)
wepon2.ID = 614124;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410114)
wepon2.ID = 614114;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410105)
wepon2.ID = 614105;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410054)
wepon2.ID = 614054;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410084)
wepon2.ID = 614084;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410074)
wepon2.ID = 614074;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410064)
wepon2.ID = 614064;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410054)
wepon2.ID = 614054;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410044)
wepon2.ID = 614044;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410034)
wepon2.ID = 614034;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410024)
wepon2.ID = 614024;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410014)
wepon2.ID = 614104;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410004)
wepon2.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon2.OldId == 410433)
wepon2.ID = 614433;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410423)
wepon2.ID = 614423;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410413)
wepon2.ID = 614413;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410403)
wepon2.ID = 614403;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410339)
wepon2.ID = 614339;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410383)
wepon2.ID = 614383;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410373)
wepon2.ID = 614373;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410363)
wepon2.ID = 614363;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410353)
wepon2.ID = 614353;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410343)
wepon2.ID = 614343;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410333)
wepon2.ID = 614333;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410323)
wepon2.ID = 614323;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410313)
wepon2.ID = 614313;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410303)
wepon2.ID = 614303;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410233)
wepon2.ID = 614233;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410283)
wepon2.ID = 614283;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410273)
wepon2.ID = 614273;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410263)
wepon2.ID = 614263;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410253)
wepon2.ID = 614253;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410243)
wepon2.ID = 614243;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410233)
wepon2.ID = 614233;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410223)
wepon2.ID = 614223;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410213)
wepon2.ID = 614213;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410203)
wepon2.ID = 614203;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410133)
wepon2.ID = 614133;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410183)
wepon2.ID = 614183;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410173)
wepon2.ID = 614173;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410163)
wepon2.ID = 614163;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410153)
wepon2.ID = 614153;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410143)
wepon2.ID = 614143;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410133)
wepon2.ID = 614133;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410123)
wepon2.ID = 614123;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410113)
wepon2.ID = 614113;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410103)
wepon2.ID = 614103;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410033)
wepon2.ID = 614033;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410083)
wepon2.ID = 614083;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410073)
wepon2.ID = 614073;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410063)
wepon2.ID = 614063;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410053)
wepon2.ID = 614053;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410043)
wepon2.ID = 614043;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410033)
wepon2.ID = 614033;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410023)
wepon2.ID = 614023;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410013)
wepon2.ID = 614103;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410003)
wepon2.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon2.OldId == 410430)
wepon2.ID = 614430;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410420)
wepon2.ID = 614420;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410410)
wepon2.ID = 614410;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410409)
wepon2.ID = 614409;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410300)
wepon2.ID = 614300;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410380)
wepon2.ID = 614380;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410370)
wepon2.ID = 614370;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410360)
wepon2.ID = 614360;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410350)
wepon2.ID = 614350;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410340)
wepon2.ID = 614340;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410330)
wepon2.ID = 614330;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410320)
wepon2.ID = 614320;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410310)
wepon2.ID = 614310;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410309)
wepon2.ID = 614309;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410200)
wepon2.ID = 614200;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410280)
wepon2.ID = 614280;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410270)
wepon2.ID = 614270;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410260)
wepon2.ID = 614260;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410250)
wepon2.ID = 614250;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410240)
wepon2.ID = 614240;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410230)
wepon2.ID = 614230;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410220)
wepon2.ID = 614220;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410210)
wepon2.ID = 614210;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410209)
wepon2.ID = 614209;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410100)
wepon2.ID = 614100;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410180)
wepon2.ID = 614180;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410170)
wepon2.ID = 614170;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410160)
wepon2.ID = 614160;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410150)
wepon2.ID = 614150;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410140)
wepon2.ID = 614140;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410130)
wepon2.ID = 614130;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410120)
wepon2.ID = 614120;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410110)
wepon2.ID = 614110;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410109)
wepon2.ID = 614109;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410000)
wepon2.ID = 614000;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410080)
wepon2.ID = 614080;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410070)
wepon2.ID = 614070;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410060)
wepon2.ID = 614060;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410050)
wepon2.ID = 614050;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410040)
wepon2.ID = 614040;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410030)
wepon2.ID = 614030;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410020)
wepon2.ID = 614020;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410010)
wepon2.ID = 614100;
if (wepon2.OldId == 410009)
wepon2.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon2, client);
wepon2.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
#region Sword
MsgItemInfo wepon3 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon3 != null && wepon3.ID != 0 && !wepon3.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsSword(wepon3.ID))
wepon3.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon3.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon3.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon3.OldId = 0;
wepon3.OldId = wepon3.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon3.OldId == 420439)
wepon3.ID = 614439;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420429)
wepon3.ID = 614429;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420419)
wepon3.ID = 614419;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420409)
wepon3.ID = 614409;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420399)
wepon3.ID = 614399;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420389)
wepon3.ID = 614389;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420379)
wepon3.ID = 614379;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420369)
wepon3.ID = 614369;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420359)
wepon3.ID = 614359;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420349)
wepon3.ID = 614349;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420339)
wepon3.ID = 614339;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420329)
wepon3.ID = 614329;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420319)
wepon3.ID = 614319;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420309)
wepon3.ID = 614309;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420299)
wepon3.ID = 614299;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420289)
wepon3.ID = 614289;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420279)
wepon3.ID = 614279;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420269)
wepon3.ID = 614269;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420259)
wepon3.ID = 614259;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420249)
wepon3.ID = 614249;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420239)
wepon3.ID = 614239;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420229)
wepon3.ID = 614229;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420219)
wepon3.ID = 614219;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420209)
wepon3.ID = 614209;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420199)
wepon3.ID = 614199;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420189)
wepon3.ID = 614189;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420179)
wepon3.ID = 614179;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420169)
wepon3.ID = 614169;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420159)
wepon3.ID = 614159;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420149)
wepon3.ID = 614149;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420139)
wepon3.ID = 614139;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420129)
wepon3.ID = 614129;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420119)
wepon3.ID = 614119;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420109)
wepon3.ID = 614209;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420099)
wepon3.ID = 614099;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420089)
wepon3.ID = 614089;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420079)
wepon3.ID = 614079;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420069)
wepon3.ID = 614069;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420059)
wepon3.ID = 614059;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420049)
wepon3.ID = 614049;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420039)
wepon3.ID = 614039;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420029)
wepon3.ID = 614029;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420019)
wepon3.ID = 614209;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420009)
wepon3.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon3.OldId == 420438)
wepon3.ID = 614438;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420428)
wepon3.ID = 614428;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420418)
wepon3.ID = 614418;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420408)
wepon3.ID = 614408;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420388)
wepon3.ID = 614388;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420388)
wepon3.ID = 614388;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420378)
wepon3.ID = 614378;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420368)
wepon3.ID = 614368;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420358)
wepon3.ID = 614358;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420348)
wepon3.ID = 614348;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420338)
wepon3.ID = 614338;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420328)
wepon3.ID = 614328;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420318)
wepon3.ID = 614318;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420308)
wepon3.ID = 614308;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420288)
wepon3.ID = 614288;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420288)
wepon3.ID = 614288;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420278)
wepon3.ID = 614278;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420268)
wepon3.ID = 614268;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420258)
wepon3.ID = 614258;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420248)
wepon3.ID = 614248;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420238)
wepon3.ID = 614238;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420228)
wepon3.ID = 614228;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420218)
wepon3.ID = 614218;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420208)
wepon3.ID = 614208;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420188)
wepon3.ID = 614188;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420188)
wepon3.ID = 614188;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420178)
wepon3.ID = 614178;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420168)
wepon3.ID = 614168;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420158)
wepon3.ID = 614158;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420148)
wepon3.ID = 614148;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420138)
wepon3.ID = 614138;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420128)
wepon3.ID = 614128;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420118)
wepon3.ID = 614118;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420108)
wepon3.ID = 614208;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420088)
wepon3.ID = 614088;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420088)
wepon3.ID = 614088;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420078)
wepon3.ID = 614078;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420068)
wepon3.ID = 614068;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420058)
wepon3.ID = 614058;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420048)
wepon3.ID = 614048;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420038)
wepon3.ID = 614038;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420028)
wepon3.ID = 614028;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420018)
wepon3.ID = 614208;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420008)
wepon3.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon3.OldId == 420437)
wepon3.ID = 614437;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420427)
wepon3.ID = 614427;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420417)
wepon3.ID = 614417;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420407)
wepon3.ID = 614407;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420377)
wepon3.ID = 614377;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420377)
wepon3.ID = 614377;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420377)
wepon3.ID = 614377;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420367)
wepon3.ID = 614367;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420357)
wepon3.ID = 614357;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420347)
wepon3.ID = 614347;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420337)
wepon3.ID = 614337;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420327)
wepon3.ID = 614327;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420317)
wepon3.ID = 614317;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420307)
wepon3.ID = 614307;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420277)
wepon3.ID = 614277;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420277)
wepon3.ID = 614277;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420277)
wepon3.ID = 614277;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420267)
wepon3.ID = 614267;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420257)
wepon3.ID = 614257;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420247)
wepon3.ID = 614247;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420237)
wepon3.ID = 614237;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420227)
wepon3.ID = 614227;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420217)
wepon3.ID = 614217;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420207)
wepon3.ID = 614207;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420177)
wepon3.ID = 614177;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420177)
wepon3.ID = 614177;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420177)
wepon3.ID = 614177;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420167)
wepon3.ID = 614167;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420157)
wepon3.ID = 614157;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420147)
wepon3.ID = 614147;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420137)
wepon3.ID = 614137;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420127)
wepon3.ID = 614127;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420117)
wepon3.ID = 614117;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420107)
wepon3.ID = 614207;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420077)
wepon3.ID = 614077;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420077)
wepon3.ID = 614077;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420077)
wepon3.ID = 614077;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420067)
wepon3.ID = 614067;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420057)
wepon3.ID = 614057;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420047)
wepon3.ID = 614047;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420037)
wepon3.ID = 614037;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420027)
wepon3.ID = 614027;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420017)
wepon3.ID = 614207;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420007)
wepon3.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon3.OldId == 420436)
wepon3.ID = 614436;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420426)
wepon3.ID = 614426;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420416)
wepon3.ID = 614416;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420406)
wepon3.ID = 614406;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420366)
wepon3.ID = 614366;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420386)
wepon3.ID = 614386;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420376)
wepon3.ID = 614376;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420366)
wepon3.ID = 614366;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420356)
wepon3.ID = 614356;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420346)
wepon3.ID = 614346;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420336)
wepon3.ID = 614336;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420326)
wepon3.ID = 614326;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420316)
wepon3.ID = 614316;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420306)
wepon3.ID = 614306;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420266)
wepon3.ID = 614266;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420286)
wepon3.ID = 614286;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420276)
wepon3.ID = 614276;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420266)
wepon3.ID = 614266;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420256)
wepon3.ID = 614256;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420246)
wepon3.ID = 614246;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420236)
wepon3.ID = 614236;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420226)
wepon3.ID = 614226;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420216)
wepon3.ID = 614216;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420206)
wepon3.ID = 614206;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420166)
wepon3.ID = 614166;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420186)
wepon3.ID = 614186;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420176)
wepon3.ID = 614176;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420166)
wepon3.ID = 614166;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420156)
wepon3.ID = 614156;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420146)
wepon3.ID = 614146;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420136)
wepon3.ID = 614136;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420126)
wepon3.ID = 614126;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420116)
wepon3.ID = 614116;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420106)
wepon3.ID = 614206;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420066)
wepon3.ID = 614066;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420086)
wepon3.ID = 614086;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420076)
wepon3.ID = 614076;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420066)
wepon3.ID = 614066;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420056)
wepon3.ID = 614056;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420046)
wepon3.ID = 614046;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420036)
wepon3.ID = 614036;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420026)
wepon3.ID = 614026;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420016)
wepon3.ID = 614206;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420006)
wepon3.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon3.OldId == 420435)
wepon3.ID = 614435;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420425)
wepon3.ID = 614425;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420415)
wepon3.ID = 614415;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420405)
wepon3.ID = 614405;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420355)
wepon3.ID = 614355;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420385)
wepon3.ID = 614385;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420375)
wepon3.ID = 614375;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420365)
wepon3.ID = 614365;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420355)
wepon3.ID = 614355;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420345)
wepon3.ID = 614345;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420335)
wepon3.ID = 614335;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420325)
wepon3.ID = 614325;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420315)
wepon3.ID = 614315;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420305)
wepon3.ID = 614305;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420255)
wepon3.ID = 614255;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420285)
wepon3.ID = 614285;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420275)
wepon3.ID = 614275;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420265)
wepon3.ID = 614265;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420255)
wepon3.ID = 614255;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420245)
wepon3.ID = 614245;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420235)
wepon3.ID = 614235;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420225)
wepon3.ID = 614225;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420215)
wepon3.ID = 614215;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420205)
wepon3.ID = 614205;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420155)
wepon3.ID = 614155;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420185)
wepon3.ID = 614185;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420175)
wepon3.ID = 614175;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420165)
wepon3.ID = 614165;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420155)
wepon3.ID = 614155;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420145)
wepon3.ID = 614145;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420135)
wepon3.ID = 614135;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420125)
wepon3.ID = 614125;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420115)
wepon3.ID = 614115;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420105)
wepon3.ID = 614205;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420055)
wepon3.ID = 614055;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420085)
wepon3.ID = 614085;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420075)
wepon3.ID = 614075;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420065)
wepon3.ID = 614065;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420055)
wepon3.ID = 614055;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420045)
wepon3.ID = 614045;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420035)
wepon3.ID = 614035;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420025)
wepon3.ID = 614025;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420015)
wepon3.ID = 614205;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420005)
wepon3.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon3.OldId == 420434)
wepon3.ID = 614434;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420424)
wepon3.ID = 614424;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420414)
wepon3.ID = 614414;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420405)
wepon3.ID = 614405;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420344)
wepon3.ID = 614344;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420384)
wepon3.ID = 614384;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420374)
wepon3.ID = 614374;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420364)
wepon3.ID = 614364;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420354)
wepon3.ID = 614354;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420344)
wepon3.ID = 614344;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420334)
wepon3.ID = 614334;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420324)
wepon3.ID = 614324;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420314)
wepon3.ID = 614314;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420305)
wepon3.ID = 614305;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420244)
wepon3.ID = 614244;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420284)
wepon3.ID = 614284;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420274)
wepon3.ID = 614274;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420264)
wepon3.ID = 614264;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420254)
wepon3.ID = 614254;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420244)
wepon3.ID = 614244;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420234)
wepon3.ID = 614234;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420224)
wepon3.ID = 614224;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420214)
wepon3.ID = 614214;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420205)
wepon3.ID = 614205;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420144)
wepon3.ID = 614144;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420184)
wepon3.ID = 614184;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420174)
wepon3.ID = 614174;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420164)
wepon3.ID = 614164;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420154)
wepon3.ID = 614154;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420144)
wepon3.ID = 614144;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420134)
wepon3.ID = 614134;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420124)
wepon3.ID = 614124;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420114)
wepon3.ID = 614114;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420105)
wepon3.ID = 614205;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420054)
wepon3.ID = 614054;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420084)
wepon3.ID = 614084;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420074)
wepon3.ID = 614074;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420064)
wepon3.ID = 614064;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420054)
wepon3.ID = 614054;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420044)
wepon3.ID = 614044;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420034)
wepon3.ID = 614034;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420024)
wepon3.ID = 614024;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420014)
wepon3.ID = 614204;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420004)
wepon3.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon3.OldId == 420433)
wepon3.ID = 614433;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420423)
wepon3.ID = 614423;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420413)
wepon3.ID = 614413;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420403)
wepon3.ID = 614403;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420339)
wepon3.ID = 614339;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420383)
wepon3.ID = 614383;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420373)
wepon3.ID = 614373;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420363)
wepon3.ID = 614363;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420353)
wepon3.ID = 614353;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420343)
wepon3.ID = 614343;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420333)
wepon3.ID = 614333;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420323)
wepon3.ID = 614323;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420313)
wepon3.ID = 614313;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420303)
wepon3.ID = 614303;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420233)
wepon3.ID = 614233;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420283)
wepon3.ID = 614283;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420273)
wepon3.ID = 614273;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420263)
wepon3.ID = 614263;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420253)
wepon3.ID = 614253;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420243)
wepon3.ID = 614243;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420233)
wepon3.ID = 614233;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420223)
wepon3.ID = 614223;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420213)
wepon3.ID = 614213;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420203)
wepon3.ID = 614203;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420133)
wepon3.ID = 614133;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420183)
wepon3.ID = 614183;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420173)
wepon3.ID = 614173;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420163)
wepon3.ID = 614163;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420153)
wepon3.ID = 614153;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420143)
wepon3.ID = 614143;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420133)
wepon3.ID = 614133;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420123)
wepon3.ID = 614123;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420113)
wepon3.ID = 614113;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420103)
wepon3.ID = 614203;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420033)
wepon3.ID = 614033;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420083)
wepon3.ID = 614083;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420073)
wepon3.ID = 614073;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420063)
wepon3.ID = 614063;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420053)
wepon3.ID = 614053;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420043)
wepon3.ID = 614043;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420033)
wepon3.ID = 614033;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420023)
wepon3.ID = 614023;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420013)
wepon3.ID = 614203;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420003)
wepon3.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon3.OldId == 420430)
wepon3.ID = 614430;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420420)
wepon3.ID = 614420;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420420)
wepon3.ID = 614420;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420409)
wepon3.ID = 614409;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420300)
wepon3.ID = 614300;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420380)
wepon3.ID = 614380;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420370)
wepon3.ID = 614370;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420360)
wepon3.ID = 614360;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420350)
wepon3.ID = 614350;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420340)
wepon3.ID = 614340;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420330)
wepon3.ID = 614330;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420320)
wepon3.ID = 614320;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420310)
wepon3.ID = 614310;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420309)
wepon3.ID = 614309;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420200)
wepon3.ID = 614200;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420280)
wepon3.ID = 614280;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420270)
wepon3.ID = 614270;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420260)
wepon3.ID = 614260;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420250)
wepon3.ID = 614250;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420240)
wepon3.ID = 614240;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420230)
wepon3.ID = 614230;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420220)
wepon3.ID = 614220;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420210)
wepon3.ID = 614210;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420209)
wepon3.ID = 614209;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420100)
wepon3.ID = 614200;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420180)
wepon3.ID = 614180;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420170)
wepon3.ID = 614170;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420160)
wepon3.ID = 614160;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420150)
wepon3.ID = 614150;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420140)
wepon3.ID = 614140;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420130)
wepon3.ID = 614130;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420120)
wepon3.ID = 614120;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420110)
wepon3.ID = 614110;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420109)
wepon3.ID = 614209;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420000)
wepon3.ID = 614000;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420080)
wepon3.ID = 614080;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420070)
wepon3.ID = 614070;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420060)
wepon3.ID = 614060;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420050)
wepon3.ID = 614050;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420040)
wepon3.ID = 614040;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420030)
wepon3.ID = 614030;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420020)
wepon3.ID = 614020;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420010)
wepon3.ID = 614200;
if (wepon3.OldId == 420009)
wepon3.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon3, client);
wepon3.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
MsgItemInfo wepon32 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon);
if (wepon32 != null && wepon32.ID != 0 && !wepon32.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsSword(wepon32.ID))
wepon32.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon32.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon32.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon32.OldId = 0;
wepon32.OldId = wepon32.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon32.OldId == 420439)
wepon32.ID = 614439;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420429)
wepon32.ID = 614429;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420419)
wepon32.ID = 614419;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420409)
wepon32.ID = 614409;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420399)
wepon32.ID = 614399;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420389)
wepon32.ID = 614389;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420379)
wepon32.ID = 614379;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420369)
wepon32.ID = 614369;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420359)
wepon32.ID = 614359;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420349)
wepon32.ID = 614349;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420339)
wepon32.ID = 614339;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420329)
wepon32.ID = 614329;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420319)
wepon32.ID = 614319;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420309)
wepon32.ID = 614309;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420299)
wepon32.ID = 614299;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420289)
wepon32.ID = 614289;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420279)
wepon32.ID = 614279;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420269)
wepon32.ID = 614269;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420259)
wepon32.ID = 614259;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420249)
wepon32.ID = 614249;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420239)
wepon32.ID = 614239;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420229)
wepon32.ID = 614229;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420219)
wepon32.ID = 614219;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420209)
wepon32.ID = 614209;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420199)
wepon32.ID = 614199;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420189)
wepon32.ID = 614189;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420179)
wepon32.ID = 614179;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420169)
wepon32.ID = 614169;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420159)
wepon32.ID = 614159;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420149)
wepon32.ID = 614149;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420139)
wepon32.ID = 614139;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420129)
wepon32.ID = 614129;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420119)
wepon32.ID = 614119;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420109)
wepon32.ID = 614209;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420099)
wepon32.ID = 614099;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420089)
wepon32.ID = 614089;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420079)
wepon32.ID = 614079;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420069)
wepon32.ID = 614069;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420059)
wepon32.ID = 614059;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420049)
wepon32.ID = 614049;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420039)
wepon32.ID = 614039;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420029)
wepon32.ID = 614029;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420019)
wepon32.ID = 614209;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420009)
wepon32.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon32.OldId == 420438)
wepon32.ID = 614438;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420428)
wepon32.ID = 614428;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420418)
wepon32.ID = 614418;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420408)
wepon32.ID = 614408;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420388)
wepon32.ID = 614388;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420388)
wepon32.ID = 614388;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420378)
wepon32.ID = 614378;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420368)
wepon32.ID = 614368;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420358)
wepon32.ID = 614358;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420348)
wepon32.ID = 614348;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420338)
wepon32.ID = 614338;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420328)
wepon32.ID = 614328;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420318)
wepon32.ID = 614318;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420308)
wepon32.ID = 614308;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420288)
wepon32.ID = 614288;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420288)
wepon32.ID = 614288;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420278)
wepon32.ID = 614278;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420268)
wepon32.ID = 614268;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420258)
wepon32.ID = 614258;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420248)
wepon32.ID = 614248;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420238)
wepon32.ID = 614238;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420228)
wepon32.ID = 614228;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420218)
wepon32.ID = 614218;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420208)
wepon32.ID = 614208;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420188)
wepon32.ID = 614188;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420188)
wepon32.ID = 614188;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420178)
wepon32.ID = 614178;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420168)
wepon32.ID = 614168;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420158)
wepon32.ID = 614158;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420148)
wepon32.ID = 614148;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420138)
wepon32.ID = 614138;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420128)
wepon32.ID = 614128;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420118)
wepon32.ID = 614118;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420108)
wepon32.ID = 614208;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420088)
wepon32.ID = 614088;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420088)
wepon32.ID = 614088;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420078)
wepon32.ID = 614078;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420068)
wepon32.ID = 614068;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420058)
wepon32.ID = 614058;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420048)
wepon32.ID = 614048;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420038)
wepon32.ID = 614038;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420028)
wepon32.ID = 614028;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420018)
wepon32.ID = 614208;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420008)
wepon32.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon32.OldId == 420437)
wepon32.ID = 614437;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420427)
wepon32.ID = 614427;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420417)
wepon32.ID = 614417;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420407)
wepon32.ID = 614407;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420377)
wepon32.ID = 614377;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420377)
wepon32.ID = 614377;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420377)
wepon32.ID = 614377;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420367)
wepon32.ID = 614367;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420357)
wepon32.ID = 614357;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420347)
wepon32.ID = 614347;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420337)
wepon32.ID = 614337;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420327)
wepon32.ID = 614327;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420317)
wepon32.ID = 614317;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420307)
wepon32.ID = 614307;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420277)
wepon32.ID = 614277;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420277)
wepon32.ID = 614277;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420277)
wepon32.ID = 614277;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420267)
wepon32.ID = 614267;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420257)
wepon32.ID = 614257;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420247)
wepon32.ID = 614247;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420237)
wepon32.ID = 614237;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420227)
wepon32.ID = 614227;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420217)
wepon32.ID = 614217;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420207)
wepon32.ID = 614207;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420177)
wepon32.ID = 614177;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420177)
wepon32.ID = 614177;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420177)
wepon32.ID = 614177;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420167)
wepon32.ID = 614167;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420157)
wepon32.ID = 614157;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420147)
wepon32.ID = 614147;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420137)
wepon32.ID = 614137;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420127)
wepon32.ID = 614127;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420117)
wepon32.ID = 614117;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420107)
wepon32.ID = 614207;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420077)
wepon32.ID = 614077;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420077)
wepon32.ID = 614077;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420077)
wepon32.ID = 614077;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420067)
wepon32.ID = 614067;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420057)
wepon32.ID = 614057;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420047)
wepon32.ID = 614047;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420037)
wepon32.ID = 614037;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420027)
wepon32.ID = 614027;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420017)
wepon32.ID = 614207;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420007)
wepon32.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon32.OldId == 420436)
wepon32.ID = 614436;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420426)
wepon32.ID = 614426;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420416)
wepon32.ID = 614416;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420406)
wepon32.ID = 614406;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420366)
wepon32.ID = 614366;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420386)
wepon32.ID = 614386;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420376)
wepon32.ID = 614376;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420366)
wepon32.ID = 614366;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420356)
wepon32.ID = 614356;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420346)
wepon32.ID = 614346;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420336)
wepon32.ID = 614336;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420326)
wepon32.ID = 614326;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420316)
wepon32.ID = 614316;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420306)
wepon32.ID = 614306;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420266)
wepon32.ID = 614266;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420286)
wepon32.ID = 614286;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420276)
wepon32.ID = 614276;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420266)
wepon32.ID = 614266;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420256)
wepon32.ID = 614256;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420246)
wepon32.ID = 614246;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420236)
wepon32.ID = 614236;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420226)
wepon32.ID = 614226;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420216)
wepon32.ID = 614216;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420206)
wepon32.ID = 614206;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420166)
wepon32.ID = 614166;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420186)
wepon32.ID = 614186;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420176)
wepon32.ID = 614176;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420166)
wepon32.ID = 614166;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420156)
wepon32.ID = 614156;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420146)
wepon32.ID = 614146;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420136)
wepon32.ID = 614136;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420126)
wepon32.ID = 614126;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420116)
wepon32.ID = 614116;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420106)
wepon32.ID = 614206;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420066)
wepon32.ID = 614066;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420086)
wepon32.ID = 614086;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420076)
wepon32.ID = 614076;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420066)
wepon32.ID = 614066;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420056)
wepon32.ID = 614056;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420046)
wepon32.ID = 614046;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420036)
wepon32.ID = 614036;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420026)
wepon32.ID = 614026;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420016)
wepon32.ID = 614206;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420006)
wepon32.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon32.OldId == 420435)
wepon32.ID = 614435;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420425)
wepon32.ID = 614425;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420415)
wepon32.ID = 614415;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420405)
wepon32.ID = 614405;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420355)
wepon32.ID = 614355;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420385)
wepon32.ID = 614385;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420375)
wepon32.ID = 614375;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420365)
wepon32.ID = 614365;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420355)
wepon32.ID = 614355;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420345)
wepon32.ID = 614345;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420335)
wepon32.ID = 614335;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420325)
wepon32.ID = 614325;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420315)
wepon32.ID = 614315;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420305)
wepon32.ID = 614305;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420255)
wepon32.ID = 614255;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420285)
wepon32.ID = 614285;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420275)
wepon32.ID = 614275;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420265)
wepon32.ID = 614265;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420255)
wepon32.ID = 614255;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420245)
wepon32.ID = 614245;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420235)
wepon32.ID = 614235;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420225)
wepon32.ID = 614225;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420215)
wepon32.ID = 614215;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420205)
wepon32.ID = 614205;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420155)
wepon32.ID = 614155;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420185)
wepon32.ID = 614185;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420175)
wepon32.ID = 614175;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420165)
wepon32.ID = 614165;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420155)
wepon32.ID = 614155;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420145)
wepon32.ID = 614145;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420135)
wepon32.ID = 614135;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420125)
wepon32.ID = 614125;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420115)
wepon32.ID = 614115;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420105)
wepon32.ID = 614205;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420055)
wepon32.ID = 614055;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420085)
wepon32.ID = 614085;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420075)
wepon32.ID = 614075;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420065)
wepon32.ID = 614065;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420055)
wepon32.ID = 614055;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420045)
wepon32.ID = 614045;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420035)
wepon32.ID = 614035;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420025)
wepon32.ID = 614025;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420015)
wepon32.ID = 614205;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420005)
wepon32.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon32.OldId == 420434)
wepon32.ID = 614434;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420424)
wepon32.ID = 614424;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420414)
wepon32.ID = 614414;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420405)
wepon32.ID = 614405;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420344)
wepon32.ID = 614344;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420384)
wepon32.ID = 614384;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420374)
wepon32.ID = 614374;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420364)
wepon32.ID = 614364;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420354)
wepon32.ID = 614354;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420344)
wepon32.ID = 614344;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420334)
wepon32.ID = 614334;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420324)
wepon32.ID = 614324;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420314)
wepon32.ID = 614314;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420305)
wepon32.ID = 614305;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420244)
wepon32.ID = 614244;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420284)
wepon32.ID = 614284;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420274)
wepon32.ID = 614274;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420264)
wepon32.ID = 614264;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420254)
wepon32.ID = 614254;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420244)
wepon32.ID = 614244;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420234)
wepon32.ID = 614234;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420224)
wepon32.ID = 614224;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420214)
wepon32.ID = 614214;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420205)
wepon32.ID = 614205;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420144)
wepon32.ID = 614144;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420184)
wepon32.ID = 614184;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420174)
wepon32.ID = 614174;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420164)
wepon32.ID = 614164;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420154)
wepon32.ID = 614154;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420144)
wepon32.ID = 614144;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420134)
wepon32.ID = 614134;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420124)
wepon32.ID = 614124;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420114)
wepon32.ID = 614114;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420105)
wepon32.ID = 614205;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420054)
wepon32.ID = 614054;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420084)
wepon32.ID = 614084;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420074)
wepon32.ID = 614074;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420064)
wepon32.ID = 614064;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420054)
wepon32.ID = 614054;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420044)
wepon32.ID = 614044;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420034)
wepon32.ID = 614034;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420024)
wepon32.ID = 614024;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420014)
wepon32.ID = 614204;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420004)
wepon32.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon32.OldId == 420433)
wepon32.ID = 614433;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420423)
wepon32.ID = 614423;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420413)
wepon32.ID = 614413;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420403)
wepon32.ID = 614403;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420339)
wepon32.ID = 614339;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420383)
wepon32.ID = 614383;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420373)
wepon32.ID = 614373;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420363)
wepon32.ID = 614363;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420353)
wepon32.ID = 614353;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420343)
wepon32.ID = 614343;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420333)
wepon32.ID = 614333;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420323)
wepon32.ID = 614323;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420313)
wepon32.ID = 614313;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420303)
wepon32.ID = 614303;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420233)
wepon32.ID = 614233;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420283)
wepon32.ID = 614283;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420273)
wepon32.ID = 614273;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420263)
wepon32.ID = 614263;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420253)
wepon32.ID = 614253;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420243)
wepon32.ID = 614243;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420233)
wepon32.ID = 614233;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420223)
wepon32.ID = 614223;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420213)
wepon32.ID = 614213;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420203)
wepon32.ID = 614203;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420133)
wepon32.ID = 614133;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420183)
wepon32.ID = 614183;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420173)
wepon32.ID = 614173;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420163)
wepon32.ID = 614163;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420153)
wepon32.ID = 614153;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420143)
wepon32.ID = 614143;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420133)
wepon32.ID = 614133;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420123)
wepon32.ID = 614123;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420113)
wepon32.ID = 614113;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420103)
wepon32.ID = 614203;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420033)
wepon32.ID = 614033;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420083)
wepon32.ID = 614083;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420073)
wepon32.ID = 614073;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420063)
wepon32.ID = 614063;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420053)
wepon32.ID = 614053;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420043)
wepon32.ID = 614043;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420033)
wepon32.ID = 614033;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420023)
wepon32.ID = 614023;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420013)
wepon32.ID = 614203;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420003)
wepon32.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon32.OldId == 420430)
wepon32.ID = 614430;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420420)
wepon32.ID = 614420;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420420)
wepon32.ID = 614420;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420409)
wepon32.ID = 614409;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420300)
wepon32.ID = 614300;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420380)
wepon32.ID = 614380;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420370)
wepon32.ID = 614370;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420360)
wepon32.ID = 614360;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420350)
wepon32.ID = 614350;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420340)
wepon32.ID = 614340;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420330)
wepon32.ID = 614330;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420320)
wepon32.ID = 614320;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420310)
wepon32.ID = 614310;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420309)
wepon32.ID = 614309;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420200)
wepon32.ID = 614200;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420280)
wepon32.ID = 614280;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420270)
wepon32.ID = 614270;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420260)
wepon32.ID = 614260;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420250)
wepon32.ID = 614250;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420240)
wepon32.ID = 614240;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420230)
wepon32.ID = 614230;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420220)
wepon32.ID = 614220;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420210)
wepon32.ID = 614210;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420209)
wepon32.ID = 614209;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420100)
wepon32.ID = 614200;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420180)
wepon32.ID = 614180;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420170)
wepon32.ID = 614170;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420160)
wepon32.ID = 614160;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420150)
wepon32.ID = 614150;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420140)
wepon32.ID = 614140;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420130)
wepon32.ID = 614130;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420120)
wepon32.ID = 614120;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420110)
wepon32.ID = 614110;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420109)
wepon32.ID = 614209;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420000)
wepon32.ID = 614000;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420080)
wepon32.ID = 614080;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420070)
wepon32.ID = 614070;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420060)
wepon32.ID = 614060;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420050)
wepon32.ID = 614050;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420040)
wepon32.ID = 614040;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420030)
wepon32.ID = 614030;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420020)
wepon32.ID = 614020;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420010)
wepon32.ID = 614200;
if (wepon32.OldId == 420009)
wepon32.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon32, client);
wepon32.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
#region Club
MsgItemInfo wepon5 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon5 != null && wepon5.ID != 0 && !wepon5.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsClub(wepon5.ID))
wepon5.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon5.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon5.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon5.OldId = 0;
wepon5.OldId = wepon5.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon5.OldId == 480439)
wepon5.ID = 614439;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480429)
wepon5.ID = 614429;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480419)
wepon5.ID = 614419;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480409)
wepon5.ID = 614409;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480399)
wepon5.ID = 614399;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480389)
wepon5.ID = 614389;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480379)
wepon5.ID = 614379;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480369)
wepon5.ID = 614369;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480359)
wepon5.ID = 614359;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480349)
wepon5.ID = 614349;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480339)
wepon5.ID = 614339;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480329)
wepon5.ID = 614329;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480319)
wepon5.ID = 614319;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480309)
wepon5.ID = 614309;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480299)
wepon5.ID = 614299;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480289)
wepon5.ID = 614289;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480279)
wepon5.ID = 614279;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480269)
wepon5.ID = 614269;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480259)
wepon5.ID = 614259;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480249)
wepon5.ID = 614249;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480239)
wepon5.ID = 614239;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480229)
wepon5.ID = 614229;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480219)
wepon5.ID = 614219;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480209)
wepon5.ID = 614809;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480199)
wepon5.ID = 614199;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480189)
wepon5.ID = 614189;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480179)
wepon5.ID = 614179;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480169)
wepon5.ID = 614169;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480159)
wepon5.ID = 614159;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480149)
wepon5.ID = 614149;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480139)
wepon5.ID = 614139;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480129)
wepon5.ID = 614129;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480119)
wepon5.ID = 614119;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480109)
wepon5.ID = 614809;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480099)
wepon5.ID = 614099;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480089)
wepon5.ID = 614089;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480079)
wepon5.ID = 614079;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480069)
wepon5.ID = 614069;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480059)
wepon5.ID = 614059;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480049)
wepon5.ID = 614049;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480039)
wepon5.ID = 614039;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480029)
wepon5.ID = 614029;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480019)
wepon5.ID = 614809;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480009)
wepon5.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon5.OldId == 480438)
wepon5.ID = 614438;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480428)
wepon5.ID = 614428;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480418)
wepon5.ID = 614418;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480408)
wepon5.ID = 614408;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480388)
wepon5.ID = 614388;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480388)
wepon5.ID = 614388;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480378)
wepon5.ID = 614378;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480368)
wepon5.ID = 614368;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480358)
wepon5.ID = 614358;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480348)
wepon5.ID = 614348;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480338)
wepon5.ID = 614338;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480328)
wepon5.ID = 614328;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480318)
wepon5.ID = 614318;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480308)
wepon5.ID = 614308;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480288)
wepon5.ID = 614288;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480288)
wepon5.ID = 614288;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480278)
wepon5.ID = 614278;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480268)
wepon5.ID = 614268;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480258)
wepon5.ID = 614258;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480248)
wepon5.ID = 614248;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480238)
wepon5.ID = 614238;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480228)
wepon5.ID = 614228;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480218)
wepon5.ID = 614218;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480208)
wepon5.ID = 614808;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480188)
wepon5.ID = 614188;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480188)
wepon5.ID = 614188;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480178)
wepon5.ID = 614178;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480168)
wepon5.ID = 614168;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480158)
wepon5.ID = 614158;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480148)
wepon5.ID = 614148;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480138)
wepon5.ID = 614138;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480128)
wepon5.ID = 614128;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480118)
wepon5.ID = 614118;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480108)
wepon5.ID = 614808;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480088)
wepon5.ID = 614088;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480088)
wepon5.ID = 614088;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480078)
wepon5.ID = 614078;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480068)
wepon5.ID = 614068;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480058)
wepon5.ID = 614058;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480048)
wepon5.ID = 614048;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480038)
wepon5.ID = 614038;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480028)
wepon5.ID = 614028;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480018)
wepon5.ID = 614808;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480008)
wepon5.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon5.OldId == 480437)
wepon5.ID = 614437;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480427)
wepon5.ID = 614427;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480417)
wepon5.ID = 614417;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480407)
wepon5.ID = 614407;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480377)
wepon5.ID = 614377;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480377)
wepon5.ID = 614377;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480377)
wepon5.ID = 614377;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480367)
wepon5.ID = 614367;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480357)
wepon5.ID = 614357;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480347)
wepon5.ID = 614347;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480337)
wepon5.ID = 614337;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480327)
wepon5.ID = 614327;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480317)
wepon5.ID = 614317;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480307)
wepon5.ID = 614307;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480277)
wepon5.ID = 614277;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480277)
wepon5.ID = 614277;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480277)
wepon5.ID = 614277;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480267)
wepon5.ID = 614267;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480257)
wepon5.ID = 614257;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480247)
wepon5.ID = 614247;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480237)
wepon5.ID = 614237;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480227)
wepon5.ID = 614227;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480217)
wepon5.ID = 614217;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480207)
wepon5.ID = 614807;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480177)
wepon5.ID = 614177;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480177)
wepon5.ID = 614177;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480177)
wepon5.ID = 614177;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480167)
wepon5.ID = 614167;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480157)
wepon5.ID = 614157;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480147)
wepon5.ID = 614147;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480137)
wepon5.ID = 614137;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480127)
wepon5.ID = 614127;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480117)
wepon5.ID = 614117;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480107)
wepon5.ID = 614807;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480077)
wepon5.ID = 614077;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480077)
wepon5.ID = 614077;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480077)
wepon5.ID = 614077;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480067)
wepon5.ID = 614067;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480057)
wepon5.ID = 614057;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480047)
wepon5.ID = 614047;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480037)
wepon5.ID = 614037;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480027)
wepon5.ID = 614027;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480017)
wepon5.ID = 614807;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480007)
wepon5.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon5.OldId == 480436)
wepon5.ID = 614436;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480426)
wepon5.ID = 614426;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480416)
wepon5.ID = 614416;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480406)
wepon5.ID = 614406;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480366)
wepon5.ID = 614366;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480386)
wepon5.ID = 614386;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480376)
wepon5.ID = 614376;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480366)
wepon5.ID = 614366;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480356)
wepon5.ID = 614356;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480346)
wepon5.ID = 614346;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480336)
wepon5.ID = 614336;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480326)
wepon5.ID = 614326;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480316)
wepon5.ID = 614316;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480306)
wepon5.ID = 614306;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480266)
wepon5.ID = 614266;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480286)
wepon5.ID = 614286;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480276)
wepon5.ID = 614276;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480266)
wepon5.ID = 614266;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480256)
wepon5.ID = 614256;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480246)
wepon5.ID = 614246;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480236)
wepon5.ID = 614236;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480226)
wepon5.ID = 614226;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480216)
wepon5.ID = 614216;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480206)
wepon5.ID = 614806;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480166)
wepon5.ID = 614166;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480186)
wepon5.ID = 614186;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480176)
wepon5.ID = 614176;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480166)
wepon5.ID = 614166;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480156)
wepon5.ID = 614156;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480146)
wepon5.ID = 614146;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480136)
wepon5.ID = 614136;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480126)
wepon5.ID = 614126;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480116)
wepon5.ID = 614116;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480106)
wepon5.ID = 614806;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480066)
wepon5.ID = 614066;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480086)
wepon5.ID = 614086;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480076)
wepon5.ID = 614076;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480066)
wepon5.ID = 614066;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480056)
wepon5.ID = 614056;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480046)
wepon5.ID = 614046;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480036)
wepon5.ID = 614036;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480026)
wepon5.ID = 614026;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480016)
wepon5.ID = 614806;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480006)
wepon5.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon5.OldId == 480435)
wepon5.ID = 614435;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480425)
wepon5.ID = 614425;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480415)
wepon5.ID = 614415;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480405)
wepon5.ID = 614405;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480355)
wepon5.ID = 614355;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480385)
wepon5.ID = 614385;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480375)
wepon5.ID = 614375;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480365)
wepon5.ID = 614365;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480355)
wepon5.ID = 614355;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480345)
wepon5.ID = 614345;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480335)
wepon5.ID = 614335;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480325)
wepon5.ID = 614325;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480315)
wepon5.ID = 614315;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480305)
wepon5.ID = 614305;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480255)
wepon5.ID = 614255;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480285)
wepon5.ID = 614285;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480275)
wepon5.ID = 614275;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480265)
wepon5.ID = 614265;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480255)
wepon5.ID = 614255;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480245)
wepon5.ID = 614245;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480235)
wepon5.ID = 614235;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480225)
wepon5.ID = 614225;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480215)
wepon5.ID = 614215;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480205)
wepon5.ID = 614805;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480155)
wepon5.ID = 614155;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480185)
wepon5.ID = 614185;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480175)
wepon5.ID = 614175;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480165)
wepon5.ID = 614165;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480155)
wepon5.ID = 614155;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480145)
wepon5.ID = 614145;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480135)
wepon5.ID = 614135;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480125)
wepon5.ID = 614125;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480115)
wepon5.ID = 614115;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480105)
wepon5.ID = 614805;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480055)
wepon5.ID = 614055;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480085)
wepon5.ID = 614085;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480075)
wepon5.ID = 614075;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480065)
wepon5.ID = 614065;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480055)
wepon5.ID = 614055;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480045)
wepon5.ID = 614045;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480035)
wepon5.ID = 614035;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480025)
wepon5.ID = 614025;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480015)
wepon5.ID = 614805;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480005)
wepon5.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon5.OldId == 480434)
wepon5.ID = 614434;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480424)
wepon5.ID = 614424;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480414)
wepon5.ID = 614414;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480405)
wepon5.ID = 614405;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480344)
wepon5.ID = 614344;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480384)
wepon5.ID = 614384;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480374)
wepon5.ID = 614374;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480364)
wepon5.ID = 614364;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480354)
wepon5.ID = 614354;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480344)
wepon5.ID = 614344;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480334)
wepon5.ID = 614334;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480324)
wepon5.ID = 614324;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480314)
wepon5.ID = 614314;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480305)
wepon5.ID = 614305;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480244)
wepon5.ID = 614244;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480284)
wepon5.ID = 614284;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480274)
wepon5.ID = 614274;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480264)
wepon5.ID = 614264;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480254)
wepon5.ID = 614254;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480244)
wepon5.ID = 614244;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480234)
wepon5.ID = 614234;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480224)
wepon5.ID = 614224;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480214)
wepon5.ID = 614214;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480205)
wepon5.ID = 614805;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480144)
wepon5.ID = 614144;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480184)
wepon5.ID = 614184;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480174)
wepon5.ID = 614174;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480164)
wepon5.ID = 614164;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480154)
wepon5.ID = 614154;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480144)
wepon5.ID = 614144;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480134)
wepon5.ID = 614134;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480124)
wepon5.ID = 614124;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480114)
wepon5.ID = 614114;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480105)
wepon5.ID = 614805;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480054)
wepon5.ID = 614054;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480084)
wepon5.ID = 614084;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480074)
wepon5.ID = 614074;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480064)
wepon5.ID = 614064;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480054)
wepon5.ID = 614054;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480044)
wepon5.ID = 614044;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480034)
wepon5.ID = 614034;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480024)
wepon5.ID = 614024;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480014)
wepon5.ID = 614804;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480004)
wepon5.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon5.OldId == 480433)
wepon5.ID = 614433;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480423)
wepon5.ID = 614423;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480413)
wepon5.ID = 614413;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480403)
wepon5.ID = 614403;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480339)
wepon5.ID = 614339;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480383)
wepon5.ID = 614383;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480373)
wepon5.ID = 614373;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480363)
wepon5.ID = 614363;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480353)
wepon5.ID = 614353;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480343)
wepon5.ID = 614343;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480333)
wepon5.ID = 614333;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480323)
wepon5.ID = 614323;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480313)
wepon5.ID = 614313;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480303)
wepon5.ID = 614303;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480233)
wepon5.ID = 614233;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480283)
wepon5.ID = 614283;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480273)
wepon5.ID = 614273;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480263)
wepon5.ID = 614263;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480253)
wepon5.ID = 614253;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480243)
wepon5.ID = 614243;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480233)
wepon5.ID = 614233;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480223)
wepon5.ID = 614223;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480213)
wepon5.ID = 614213;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480203)
wepon5.ID = 614803;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480133)
wepon5.ID = 614133;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480183)
wepon5.ID = 614183;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480173)
wepon5.ID = 614173;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480163)
wepon5.ID = 614163;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480153)
wepon5.ID = 614153;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480143)
wepon5.ID = 614143;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480133)
wepon5.ID = 614133;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480123)
wepon5.ID = 614123;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480113)
wepon5.ID = 614113;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480103)
wepon5.ID = 614803;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480033)
wepon5.ID = 614033;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480083)
wepon5.ID = 614083;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480073)
wepon5.ID = 614073;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480063)
wepon5.ID = 614063;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480053)
wepon5.ID = 614053;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480043)
wepon5.ID = 614043;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480033)
wepon5.ID = 614033;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480023)
wepon5.ID = 614023;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480013)
wepon5.ID = 614803;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480003)
wepon5.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon5.OldId == 480430)
wepon5.ID = 614430;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480480)
wepon5.ID = 614480;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480480)
wepon5.ID = 614480;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480409)
wepon5.ID = 614409;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480300)
wepon5.ID = 614300;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480380)
wepon5.ID = 614380;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480370)
wepon5.ID = 614370;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480360)
wepon5.ID = 614360;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480350)
wepon5.ID = 614350;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480340)
wepon5.ID = 614340;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480330)
wepon5.ID = 614330;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480320)
wepon5.ID = 614320;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480310)
wepon5.ID = 614310;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480309)
wepon5.ID = 614309;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480200)
wepon5.ID = 614800;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480280)
wepon5.ID = 614280;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480270)
wepon5.ID = 614270;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480260)
wepon5.ID = 614260;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480250)
wepon5.ID = 614250;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480240)
wepon5.ID = 614240;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480230)
wepon5.ID = 614230;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480220)
wepon5.ID = 614220;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480210)
wepon5.ID = 614210;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480209)
wepon5.ID = 614809;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480100)
wepon5.ID = 614800;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480180)
wepon5.ID = 614180;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480170)
wepon5.ID = 614170;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480160)
wepon5.ID = 614160;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480150)
wepon5.ID = 614150;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480140)
wepon5.ID = 614140;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480130)
wepon5.ID = 614130;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480120)
wepon5.ID = 614120;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480110)
wepon5.ID = 614110;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480109)
wepon5.ID = 614809;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480000)
wepon5.ID = 614000;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480080)
wepon5.ID = 614080;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480070)
wepon5.ID = 614070;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480060)
wepon5.ID = 614060;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480050)
wepon5.ID = 614050;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480040)
wepon5.ID = 614040;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480030)
wepon5.ID = 614030;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480020)
wepon5.ID = 614020;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480010)
wepon5.ID = 614800;
if (wepon5.OldId == 480009)
wepon5.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon5, client);
wepon5.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
MsgItemInfo wepon54 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon);
if (wepon54 != null && wepon54.ID != 0 && !wepon54.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsClub(wepon54.ID))
wepon54.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon54.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon54.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon54.OldId = 0;
wepon54.OldId = wepon54.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon54.OldId == 480439)
wepon54.ID = 614439;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480429)
wepon54.ID = 614429;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480419)
wepon54.ID = 614419;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480409)
wepon54.ID = 614409;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480399)
wepon54.ID = 614399;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480389)
wepon54.ID = 614389;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480379)
wepon54.ID = 614379;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480369)
wepon54.ID = 614369;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480359)
wepon54.ID = 614359;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480349)
wepon54.ID = 614349;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480339)
wepon54.ID = 614339;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480329)
wepon54.ID = 614329;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480319)
wepon54.ID = 614319;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480309)
wepon54.ID = 614309;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480299)
wepon54.ID = 614299;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480289)
wepon54.ID = 614289;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480279)
wepon54.ID = 614279;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480269)
wepon54.ID = 614269;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480259)
wepon54.ID = 614259;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480249)
wepon54.ID = 614249;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480239)
wepon54.ID = 614239;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480229)
wepon54.ID = 614229;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480219)
wepon54.ID = 614219;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480209)
wepon54.ID = 614809;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480199)
wepon54.ID = 614199;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480189)
wepon54.ID = 614189;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480179)
wepon54.ID = 614179;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480169)
wepon54.ID = 614169;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480159)
wepon54.ID = 614159;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480149)
wepon54.ID = 614149;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480139)
wepon54.ID = 614139;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480129)
wepon54.ID = 614129;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480119)
wepon54.ID = 614119;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480109)
wepon54.ID = 614809;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480099)
wepon54.ID = 614099;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480089)
wepon54.ID = 614089;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480079)
wepon54.ID = 614079;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480069)
wepon54.ID = 614069;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480059)
wepon54.ID = 614059;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480049)
wepon54.ID = 614049;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480039)
wepon54.ID = 614039;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480029)
wepon54.ID = 614029;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480019)
wepon54.ID = 614809;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480009)
wepon54.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon54.OldId == 480438)
wepon54.ID = 614438;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480428)
wepon54.ID = 614428;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480418)
wepon54.ID = 614418;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480408)
wepon54.ID = 614408;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480388)
wepon54.ID = 614388;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480388)
wepon54.ID = 614388;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480378)
wepon54.ID = 614378;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480368)
wepon54.ID = 614368;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480358)
wepon54.ID = 614358;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480348)
wepon54.ID = 614348;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480338)
wepon54.ID = 614338;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480328)
wepon54.ID = 614328;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480318)
wepon54.ID = 614318;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480308)
wepon54.ID = 614308;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480288)
wepon54.ID = 614288;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480288)
wepon54.ID = 614288;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480278)
wepon54.ID = 614278;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480268)
wepon54.ID = 614268;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480258)
wepon54.ID = 614258;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480248)
wepon54.ID = 614248;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480238)
wepon54.ID = 614238;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480228)
wepon54.ID = 614228;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480218)
wepon54.ID = 614218;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480208)
wepon54.ID = 614808;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480188)
wepon54.ID = 614188;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480188)
wepon54.ID = 614188;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480178)
wepon54.ID = 614178;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480168)
wepon54.ID = 614168;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480158)
wepon54.ID = 614158;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480148)
wepon54.ID = 614148;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480138)
wepon54.ID = 614138;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480128)
wepon54.ID = 614128;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480118)
wepon54.ID = 614118;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480108)
wepon54.ID = 614808;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480088)
wepon54.ID = 614088;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480088)
wepon54.ID = 614088;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480078)
wepon54.ID = 614078;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480068)
wepon54.ID = 614068;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480058)
wepon54.ID = 614058;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480048)
wepon54.ID = 614048;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480038)
wepon54.ID = 614038;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480028)
wepon54.ID = 614028;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480018)
wepon54.ID = 614808;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480008)
wepon54.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon54.OldId == 480437)
wepon54.ID = 614437;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480427)
wepon54.ID = 614427;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480417)
wepon54.ID = 614417;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480407)
wepon54.ID = 614407;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480377)
wepon54.ID = 614377;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480377)
wepon54.ID = 614377;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480377)
wepon54.ID = 614377;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480367)
wepon54.ID = 614367;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480357)
wepon54.ID = 614357;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480347)
wepon54.ID = 614347;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480337)
wepon54.ID = 614337;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480327)
wepon54.ID = 614327;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480317)
wepon54.ID = 614317;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480307)
wepon54.ID = 614307;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480277)
wepon54.ID = 614277;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480277)
wepon54.ID = 614277;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480277)
wepon54.ID = 614277;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480267)
wepon54.ID = 614267;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480257)
wepon54.ID = 614257;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480247)
wepon54.ID = 614247;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480237)
wepon54.ID = 614237;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480227)
wepon54.ID = 614227;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480217)
wepon54.ID = 614217;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480207)
wepon54.ID = 614807;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480177)
wepon54.ID = 614177;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480177)
wepon54.ID = 614177;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480177)
wepon54.ID = 614177;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480167)
wepon54.ID = 614167;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480157)
wepon54.ID = 614157;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480147)
wepon54.ID = 614147;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480137)
wepon54.ID = 614137;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480127)
wepon54.ID = 614127;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480117)
wepon54.ID = 614117;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480107)
wepon54.ID = 614807;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480077)
wepon54.ID = 614077;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480077)
wepon54.ID = 614077;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480077)
wepon54.ID = 614077;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480067)
wepon54.ID = 614067;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480057)
wepon54.ID = 614057;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480047)
wepon54.ID = 614047;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480037)
wepon54.ID = 614037;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480027)
wepon54.ID = 614027;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480017)
wepon54.ID = 614807;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480007)
wepon54.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon54.OldId == 480436)
wepon54.ID = 614436;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480426)
wepon54.ID = 614426;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480416)
wepon54.ID = 614416;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480406)
wepon54.ID = 614406;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480366)
wepon54.ID = 614366;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480386)
wepon54.ID = 614386;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480376)
wepon54.ID = 614376;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480366)
wepon54.ID = 614366;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480356)
wepon54.ID = 614356;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480346)
wepon54.ID = 614346;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480336)
wepon54.ID = 614336;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480326)
wepon54.ID = 614326;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480316)
wepon54.ID = 614316;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480306)
wepon54.ID = 614306;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480266)
wepon54.ID = 614266;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480286)
wepon54.ID = 614286;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480276)
wepon54.ID = 614276;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480266)
wepon54.ID = 614266;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480256)
wepon54.ID = 614256;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480246)
wepon54.ID = 614246;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480236)
wepon54.ID = 614236;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480226)
wepon54.ID = 614226;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480216)
wepon54.ID = 614216;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480206)
wepon54.ID = 614806;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480166)
wepon54.ID = 614166;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480186)
wepon54.ID = 614186;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480176)
wepon54.ID = 614176;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480166)
wepon54.ID = 614166;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480156)
wepon54.ID = 614156;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480146)
wepon54.ID = 614146;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480136)
wepon54.ID = 614136;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480126)
wepon54.ID = 614126;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480116)
wepon54.ID = 614116;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480106)
wepon54.ID = 614806;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480066)
wepon54.ID = 614066;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480086)
wepon54.ID = 614086;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480076)
wepon54.ID = 614076;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480066)
wepon54.ID = 614066;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480056)
wepon54.ID = 614056;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480046)
wepon54.ID = 614046;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480036)
wepon54.ID = 614036;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480026)
wepon54.ID = 614026;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480016)
wepon54.ID = 614806;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480006)
wepon54.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon54.OldId == 480435)
wepon54.ID = 614435;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480425)
wepon54.ID = 614425;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480415)
wepon54.ID = 614415;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480405)
wepon54.ID = 614405;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480355)
wepon54.ID = 614355;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480385)
wepon54.ID = 614385;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480375)
wepon54.ID = 614375;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480365)
wepon54.ID = 614365;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480355)
wepon54.ID = 614355;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480345)
wepon54.ID = 614345;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480335)
wepon54.ID = 614335;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480325)
wepon54.ID = 614325;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480315)
wepon54.ID = 614315;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480305)
wepon54.ID = 614305;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480255)
wepon54.ID = 614255;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480285)
wepon54.ID = 614285;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480275)
wepon54.ID = 614275;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480265)
wepon54.ID = 614265;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480255)
wepon54.ID = 614255;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480245)
wepon54.ID = 614245;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480235)
wepon54.ID = 614235;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480225)
wepon54.ID = 614225;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480215)
wepon54.ID = 614215;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480205)
wepon54.ID = 614805;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480155)
wepon54.ID = 614155;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480185)
wepon54.ID = 614185;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480175)
wepon54.ID = 614175;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480165)
wepon54.ID = 614165;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480155)
wepon54.ID = 614155;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480145)
wepon54.ID = 614145;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480135)
wepon54.ID = 614135;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480125)
wepon54.ID = 614125;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480115)
wepon54.ID = 614115;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480105)
wepon54.ID = 614805;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480055)
wepon54.ID = 614055;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480085)
wepon54.ID = 614085;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480075)
wepon54.ID = 614075;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480065)
wepon54.ID = 614065;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480055)
wepon54.ID = 614055;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480045)
wepon54.ID = 614045;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480035)
wepon54.ID = 614035;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480025)
wepon54.ID = 614025;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480015)
wepon54.ID = 614805;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480005)
wepon54.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon54.OldId == 480434)
wepon54.ID = 614434;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480424)
wepon54.ID = 614424;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480414)
wepon54.ID = 614414;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480405)
wepon54.ID = 614405;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480344)
wepon54.ID = 614344;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480384)
wepon54.ID = 614384;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480374)
wepon54.ID = 614374;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480364)
wepon54.ID = 614364;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480354)
wepon54.ID = 614354;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480344)
wepon54.ID = 614344;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480334)
wepon54.ID = 614334;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480324)
wepon54.ID = 614324;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480314)
wepon54.ID = 614314;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480305)
wepon54.ID = 614305;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480244)
wepon54.ID = 614244;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480284)
wepon54.ID = 614284;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480274)
wepon54.ID = 614274;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480264)
wepon54.ID = 614264;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480254)
wepon54.ID = 614254;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480244)
wepon54.ID = 614244;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480234)
wepon54.ID = 614234;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480224)
wepon54.ID = 614224;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480214)
wepon54.ID = 614214;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480205)
wepon54.ID = 614805;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480144)
wepon54.ID = 614144;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480184)
wepon54.ID = 614184;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480174)
wepon54.ID = 614174;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480164)
wepon54.ID = 614164;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480154)
wepon54.ID = 614154;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480144)
wepon54.ID = 614144;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480134)
wepon54.ID = 614134;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480124)
wepon54.ID = 614124;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480114)
wepon54.ID = 614114;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480105)
wepon54.ID = 614805;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480054)
wepon54.ID = 614054;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480084)
wepon54.ID = 614084;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480074)
wepon54.ID = 614074;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480064)
wepon54.ID = 614064;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480054)
wepon54.ID = 614054;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480044)
wepon54.ID = 614044;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480034)
wepon54.ID = 614034;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480024)
wepon54.ID = 614024;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480014)
wepon54.ID = 614804;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480004)
wepon54.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon54.OldId == 480433)
wepon54.ID = 614433;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480423)
wepon54.ID = 614423;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480413)
wepon54.ID = 614413;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480403)
wepon54.ID = 614403;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480339)
wepon54.ID = 614339;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480383)
wepon54.ID = 614383;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480373)
wepon54.ID = 614373;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480363)
wepon54.ID = 614363;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480353)
wepon54.ID = 614353;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480343)
wepon54.ID = 614343;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480333)
wepon54.ID = 614333;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480323)
wepon54.ID = 614323;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480313)
wepon54.ID = 614313;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480303)
wepon54.ID = 614303;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480233)
wepon54.ID = 614233;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480283)
wepon54.ID = 614283;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480273)
wepon54.ID = 614273;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480263)
wepon54.ID = 614263;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480253)
wepon54.ID = 614253;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480243)
wepon54.ID = 614243;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480233)
wepon54.ID = 614233;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480223)
wepon54.ID = 614223;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480213)
wepon54.ID = 614213;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480203)
wepon54.ID = 614803;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480133)
wepon54.ID = 614133;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480183)
wepon54.ID = 614183;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480173)
wepon54.ID = 614173;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480163)
wepon54.ID = 614163;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480153)
wepon54.ID = 614153;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480143)
wepon54.ID = 614143;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480133)
wepon54.ID = 614133;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480123)
wepon54.ID = 614123;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480113)
wepon54.ID = 614113;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480103)
wepon54.ID = 614803;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480033)
wepon54.ID = 614033;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480083)
wepon54.ID = 614083;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480073)
wepon54.ID = 614073;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480063)
wepon54.ID = 614063;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480053)
wepon54.ID = 614053;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480043)
wepon54.ID = 614043;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480033)
wepon54.ID = 614033;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480023)
wepon54.ID = 614023;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480013)
wepon54.ID = 614803;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480003)
wepon54.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon54.OldId == 480430)
wepon54.ID = 614430;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480480)
wepon54.ID = 614480;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480480)
wepon54.ID = 614480;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480409)
wepon54.ID = 614409;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480300)
wepon54.ID = 614300;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480380)
wepon54.ID = 614380;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480370)
wepon54.ID = 614370;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480360)
wepon54.ID = 614360;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480350)
wepon54.ID = 614350;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480340)
wepon54.ID = 614340;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480330)
wepon54.ID = 614330;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480320)
wepon54.ID = 614320;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480310)
wepon54.ID = 614310;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480309)
wepon54.ID = 614309;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480200)
wepon54.ID = 614800;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480280)
wepon54.ID = 614280;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480270)
wepon54.ID = 614270;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480260)
wepon54.ID = 614260;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480250)
wepon54.ID = 614250;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480240)
wepon54.ID = 614240;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480230)
wepon54.ID = 614230;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480220)
wepon54.ID = 614220;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480210)
wepon54.ID = 614210;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480209)
wepon54.ID = 614809;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480100)
wepon54.ID = 614800;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480180)
wepon54.ID = 614180;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480170)
wepon54.ID = 614170;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480160)
wepon54.ID = 614160;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480150)
wepon54.ID = 614150;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480140)
wepon54.ID = 614140;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480130)
wepon54.ID = 614130;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480120)
wepon54.ID = 614120;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480110)
wepon54.ID = 614110;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480109)
wepon54.ID = 614809;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480000)
wepon54.ID = 614000;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480080)
wepon54.ID = 614080;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480070)
wepon54.ID = 614070;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480060)
wepon54.ID = 614060;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480050)
wepon54.ID = 614050;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480040)
wepon54.ID = 614040;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480030)
wepon54.ID = 614030;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480020)
wepon54.ID = 614020;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480010)
wepon54.ID = 614800;
if (wepon54.OldId == 480009)
wepon54.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon54, client);
wepon54.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
#region Hummer
MsgItemInfo wepon7 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon7 != null && wepon7.ID != 0 && !wepon7.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsHammer1Hand(wepon7.ID))
wepon7.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon7.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon7.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon7.OldId = 0;
wepon7.OldId = wepon7.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon7.OldId == 460439)
wepon7.ID = 614439;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460429)
wepon7.ID = 614429;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460419)
wepon7.ID = 614419;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460409)
wepon7.ID = 614409;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460399)
wepon7.ID = 614399;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460389)
wepon7.ID = 614389;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460379)
wepon7.ID = 614379;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460369)
wepon7.ID = 614369;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460359)
wepon7.ID = 614359;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460349)
wepon7.ID = 614349;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460339)
wepon7.ID = 614339;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460329)
wepon7.ID = 614329;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460319)
wepon7.ID = 614319;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460309)
wepon7.ID = 614309;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460299)
wepon7.ID = 614299;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460289)
wepon7.ID = 614289;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460279)
wepon7.ID = 614279;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460269)
wepon7.ID = 614269;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460259)
wepon7.ID = 614259;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460249)
wepon7.ID = 614249;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460239)
wepon7.ID = 614239;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460229)
wepon7.ID = 614229;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460219)
wepon7.ID = 614219;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460209)
wepon7.ID = 614609;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460199)
wepon7.ID = 614199;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460189)
wepon7.ID = 614189;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460179)
wepon7.ID = 614179;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460169)
wepon7.ID = 614169;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460159)
wepon7.ID = 614159;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460149)
wepon7.ID = 614149;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460139)
wepon7.ID = 614139;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460129)
wepon7.ID = 614129;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460119)
wepon7.ID = 614119;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460109)
wepon7.ID = 614609;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460099)
wepon7.ID = 614099;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460089)
wepon7.ID = 614089;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460079)
wepon7.ID = 614079;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460069)
wepon7.ID = 614069;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460059)
wepon7.ID = 614059;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460049)
wepon7.ID = 614049;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460039)
wepon7.ID = 614039;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460029)
wepon7.ID = 614029;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460019)
wepon7.ID = 614609;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460009)
wepon7.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon7.OldId == 460438)
wepon7.ID = 614438;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460428)
wepon7.ID = 614428;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460418)
wepon7.ID = 614418;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460408)
wepon7.ID = 614408;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460388)
wepon7.ID = 614388;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460388)
wepon7.ID = 614388;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460378)
wepon7.ID = 614378;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460368)
wepon7.ID = 614368;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460358)
wepon7.ID = 614358;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460348)
wepon7.ID = 614348;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460338)
wepon7.ID = 614338;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460328)
wepon7.ID = 614328;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460318)
wepon7.ID = 614318;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460308)
wepon7.ID = 614308;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460288)
wepon7.ID = 614288;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460288)
wepon7.ID = 614288;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460278)
wepon7.ID = 614278;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460268)
wepon7.ID = 614268;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460258)
wepon7.ID = 614258;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460248)
wepon7.ID = 614248;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460238)
wepon7.ID = 614238;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460228)
wepon7.ID = 614228;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460218)
wepon7.ID = 614218;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460208)
wepon7.ID = 614608;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460188)
wepon7.ID = 614188;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460188)
wepon7.ID = 614188;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460178)
wepon7.ID = 614178;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460168)
wepon7.ID = 614168;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460158)
wepon7.ID = 614158;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460148)
wepon7.ID = 614148;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460138)
wepon7.ID = 614138;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460128)
wepon7.ID = 614128;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460118)
wepon7.ID = 614118;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460108)
wepon7.ID = 614608;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460088)
wepon7.ID = 614088;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460088)
wepon7.ID = 614088;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460078)
wepon7.ID = 614078;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460068)
wepon7.ID = 614068;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460058)
wepon7.ID = 614058;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460048)
wepon7.ID = 614048;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460038)
wepon7.ID = 614038;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460028)
wepon7.ID = 614028;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460018)
wepon7.ID = 614608;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460008)
wepon7.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon7.OldId == 460437)
wepon7.ID = 614437;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460427)
wepon7.ID = 614427;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460417)
wepon7.ID = 614417;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460407)
wepon7.ID = 614407;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460377)
wepon7.ID = 614377;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460377)
wepon7.ID = 614377;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460377)
wepon7.ID = 614377;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460367)
wepon7.ID = 614367;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460357)
wepon7.ID = 614357;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460347)
wepon7.ID = 614347;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460337)
wepon7.ID = 614337;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460327)
wepon7.ID = 614327;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460317)
wepon7.ID = 614317;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460307)
wepon7.ID = 614307;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460277)
wepon7.ID = 614277;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460277)
wepon7.ID = 614277;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460277)
wepon7.ID = 614277;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460267)
wepon7.ID = 614267;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460257)
wepon7.ID = 614257;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460247)
wepon7.ID = 614247;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460237)
wepon7.ID = 614237;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460227)
wepon7.ID = 614227;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460217)
wepon7.ID = 614217;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460207)
wepon7.ID = 614607;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460177)
wepon7.ID = 614177;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460177)
wepon7.ID = 614177;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460177)
wepon7.ID = 614177;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460167)
wepon7.ID = 614167;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460157)
wepon7.ID = 614157;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460147)
wepon7.ID = 614147;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460137)
wepon7.ID = 614137;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460127)
wepon7.ID = 614127;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460117)
wepon7.ID = 614117;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460107)
wepon7.ID = 614607;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460077)
wepon7.ID = 614077;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460077)
wepon7.ID = 614077;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460077)
wepon7.ID = 614077;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460067)
wepon7.ID = 614067;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460057)
wepon7.ID = 614057;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460047)
wepon7.ID = 614047;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460037)
wepon7.ID = 614037;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460027)
wepon7.ID = 614027;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460017)
wepon7.ID = 614607;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460007)
wepon7.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon7.OldId == 460436)
wepon7.ID = 614436;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460426)
wepon7.ID = 614426;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460416)
wepon7.ID = 614416;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460406)
wepon7.ID = 614406;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460366)
wepon7.ID = 614366;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460386)
wepon7.ID = 614386;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460376)
wepon7.ID = 614376;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460366)
wepon7.ID = 614366;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460356)
wepon7.ID = 614356;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460346)
wepon7.ID = 614346;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460336)
wepon7.ID = 614336;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460326)
wepon7.ID = 614326;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460316)
wepon7.ID = 614316;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460306)
wepon7.ID = 614306;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460266)
wepon7.ID = 614266;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460286)
wepon7.ID = 614286;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460276)
wepon7.ID = 614276;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460266)
wepon7.ID = 614266;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460256)
wepon7.ID = 614256;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460246)
wepon7.ID = 614246;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460236)
wepon7.ID = 614236;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460226)
wepon7.ID = 614226;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460216)
wepon7.ID = 614216;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460206)
wepon7.ID = 614606;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460166)
wepon7.ID = 614166;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460186)
wepon7.ID = 614186;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460176)
wepon7.ID = 614176;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460166)
wepon7.ID = 614166;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460156)
wepon7.ID = 614156;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460146)
wepon7.ID = 614146;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460136)
wepon7.ID = 614136;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460126)
wepon7.ID = 614126;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460116)
wepon7.ID = 614116;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460106)
wepon7.ID = 614606;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460066)
wepon7.ID = 614066;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460086)
wepon7.ID = 614086;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460076)
wepon7.ID = 614076;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460066)
wepon7.ID = 614066;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460056)
wepon7.ID = 614056;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460046)
wepon7.ID = 614046;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460036)
wepon7.ID = 614036;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460026)
wepon7.ID = 614026;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460016)
wepon7.ID = 614606;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460006)
wepon7.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon7.OldId == 460435)
wepon7.ID = 614435;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460425)
wepon7.ID = 614425;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460415)
wepon7.ID = 614415;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460405)
wepon7.ID = 614405;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460355)
wepon7.ID = 614355;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460385)
wepon7.ID = 614385;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460375)
wepon7.ID = 614375;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460365)
wepon7.ID = 614365;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460355)
wepon7.ID = 614355;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460345)
wepon7.ID = 614345;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460335)
wepon7.ID = 614335;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460325)
wepon7.ID = 614325;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460315)
wepon7.ID = 614315;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460305)
wepon7.ID = 614305;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460255)
wepon7.ID = 614255;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460285)
wepon7.ID = 614285;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460275)
wepon7.ID = 614275;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460265)
wepon7.ID = 614265;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460255)
wepon7.ID = 614255;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460245)
wepon7.ID = 614245;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460235)
wepon7.ID = 614235;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460225)
wepon7.ID = 614225;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460215)
wepon7.ID = 614215;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460205)
wepon7.ID = 614605;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460155)
wepon7.ID = 614155;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460185)
wepon7.ID = 614185;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460175)
wepon7.ID = 614175;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460165)
wepon7.ID = 614165;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460155)
wepon7.ID = 614155;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460145)
wepon7.ID = 614145;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460135)
wepon7.ID = 614135;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460125)
wepon7.ID = 614125;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460115)
wepon7.ID = 614115;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460105)
wepon7.ID = 614605;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460055)
wepon7.ID = 614055;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460085)
wepon7.ID = 614085;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460075)
wepon7.ID = 614075;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460065)
wepon7.ID = 614065;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460055)
wepon7.ID = 614055;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460045)
wepon7.ID = 614045;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460035)
wepon7.ID = 614035;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460025)
wepon7.ID = 614025;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460015)
wepon7.ID = 614605;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460005)
wepon7.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon7.OldId == 460434)
wepon7.ID = 614434;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460424)
wepon7.ID = 614424;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460414)
wepon7.ID = 614414;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460405)
wepon7.ID = 614405;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460344)
wepon7.ID = 614344;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460384)
wepon7.ID = 614384;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460374)
wepon7.ID = 614374;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460364)
wepon7.ID = 614364;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460354)
wepon7.ID = 614354;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460344)
wepon7.ID = 614344;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460334)
wepon7.ID = 614334;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460324)
wepon7.ID = 614324;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460314)
wepon7.ID = 614314;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460305)
wepon7.ID = 614305;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460244)
wepon7.ID = 614244;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460284)
wepon7.ID = 614284;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460274)
wepon7.ID = 614274;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460264)
wepon7.ID = 614264;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460254)
wepon7.ID = 614254;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460244)
wepon7.ID = 614244;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460234)
wepon7.ID = 614234;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460224)
wepon7.ID = 614224;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460214)
wepon7.ID = 614214;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460205)
wepon7.ID = 614605;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460144)
wepon7.ID = 614144;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460184)
wepon7.ID = 614184;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460174)
wepon7.ID = 614174;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460164)
wepon7.ID = 614164;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460154)
wepon7.ID = 614154;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460144)
wepon7.ID = 614144;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460134)
wepon7.ID = 614134;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460124)
wepon7.ID = 614124;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460114)
wepon7.ID = 614114;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460105)
wepon7.ID = 614605;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460054)
wepon7.ID = 614054;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460084)
wepon7.ID = 614084;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460074)
wepon7.ID = 614074;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460064)
wepon7.ID = 614064;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460054)
wepon7.ID = 614054;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460044)
wepon7.ID = 614044;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460034)
wepon7.ID = 614034;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460024)
wepon7.ID = 614024;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460014)
wepon7.ID = 614604;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460004)
wepon7.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon7.OldId == 460433)
wepon7.ID = 614433;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460423)
wepon7.ID = 614423;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460413)
wepon7.ID = 614413;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460403)
wepon7.ID = 614403;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460339)
wepon7.ID = 614339;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460383)
wepon7.ID = 614383;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460373)
wepon7.ID = 614373;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460363)
wepon7.ID = 614363;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460353)
wepon7.ID = 614353;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460343)
wepon7.ID = 614343;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460333)
wepon7.ID = 614333;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460323)
wepon7.ID = 614323;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460313)
wepon7.ID = 614313;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460303)
wepon7.ID = 614303;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460233)
wepon7.ID = 614233;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460283)
wepon7.ID = 614283;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460273)
wepon7.ID = 614273;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460263)
wepon7.ID = 614263;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460253)
wepon7.ID = 614253;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460243)
wepon7.ID = 614243;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460233)
wepon7.ID = 614233;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460223)
wepon7.ID = 614223;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460213)
wepon7.ID = 614213;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460203)
wepon7.ID = 614603;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460133)
wepon7.ID = 614133;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460183)
wepon7.ID = 614183;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460173)
wepon7.ID = 614173;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460163)
wepon7.ID = 614163;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460153)
wepon7.ID = 614153;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460143)
wepon7.ID = 614143;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460133)
wepon7.ID = 614133;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460123)
wepon7.ID = 614123;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460113)
wepon7.ID = 614113;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460103)
wepon7.ID = 614603;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460033)
wepon7.ID = 614033;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460083)
wepon7.ID = 614083;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460073)
wepon7.ID = 614073;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460063)
wepon7.ID = 614063;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460053)
wepon7.ID = 614053;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460043)
wepon7.ID = 614043;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460033)
wepon7.ID = 614033;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460023)
wepon7.ID = 614023;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460013)
wepon7.ID = 614603;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460003)
wepon7.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon7.OldId == 460430)
wepon7.ID = 614430;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460460)
wepon7.ID = 614460;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460460)
wepon7.ID = 614460;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460409)
wepon7.ID = 614409;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460300)
wepon7.ID = 614300;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460380)
wepon7.ID = 614380;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460370)
wepon7.ID = 614370;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460360)
wepon7.ID = 614360;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460350)
wepon7.ID = 614350;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460340)
wepon7.ID = 614340;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460330)
wepon7.ID = 614330;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460320)
wepon7.ID = 614320;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460310)
wepon7.ID = 614310;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460309)
wepon7.ID = 614309;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460200)
wepon7.ID = 614600;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460280)
wepon7.ID = 614280;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460270)
wepon7.ID = 614270;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460260)
wepon7.ID = 614260;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460250)
wepon7.ID = 614250;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460240)
wepon7.ID = 614240;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460230)
wepon7.ID = 614230;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460220)
wepon7.ID = 614220;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460210)
wepon7.ID = 614210;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460209)
wepon7.ID = 614609;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460100)
wepon7.ID = 614600;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460180)
wepon7.ID = 614180;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460170)
wepon7.ID = 614170;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460160)
wepon7.ID = 614160;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460150)
wepon7.ID = 614150;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460140)
wepon7.ID = 614140;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460130)
wepon7.ID = 614130;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460120)
wepon7.ID = 614120;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460110)
wepon7.ID = 614110;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460109)
wepon7.ID = 614609;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460000)
wepon7.ID = 614000;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460080)
wepon7.ID = 614080;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460070)
wepon7.ID = 614070;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460060)
wepon7.ID = 614060;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460050)
wepon7.ID = 614050;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460040)
wepon7.ID = 614040;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460030)
wepon7.ID = 614030;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460020)
wepon7.ID = 614020;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460010)
wepon7.ID = 614600;
if (wepon7.OldId == 460009)
wepon7.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon7, client);
wepon7.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
MsgItemInfo wepon76 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon);
if (wepon76 != null && wepon76.ID != 0 && !wepon76.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsHammer1Hand(wepon76.ID))
wepon76.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon76.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon76.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon76.OldId = 0;
wepon76.OldId = wepon76.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon76.OldId == 460439)
wepon76.ID = 614439;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460429)
wepon76.ID = 614429;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460419)
wepon76.ID = 614419;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460409)
wepon76.ID = 614409;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460399)
wepon76.ID = 614399;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460389)
wepon76.ID = 614389;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460379)
wepon76.ID = 614379;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460369)
wepon76.ID = 614369;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460359)
wepon76.ID = 614359;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460349)
wepon76.ID = 614349;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460339)
wepon76.ID = 614339;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460329)
wepon76.ID = 614329;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460319)
wepon76.ID = 614319;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460309)
wepon76.ID = 614309;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460299)
wepon76.ID = 614299;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460289)
wepon76.ID = 614289;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460279)
wepon76.ID = 614279;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460269)
wepon76.ID = 614269;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460259)
wepon76.ID = 614259;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460249)
wepon76.ID = 614249;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460239)
wepon76.ID = 614239;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460229)
wepon76.ID = 614229;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460219)
wepon76.ID = 614219;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460209)
wepon76.ID = 614609;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460199)
wepon76.ID = 614199;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460189)
wepon76.ID = 614189;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460179)
wepon76.ID = 614179;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460169)
wepon76.ID = 614169;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460159)
wepon76.ID = 614159;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460149)
wepon76.ID = 614149;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460139)
wepon76.ID = 614139;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460129)
wepon76.ID = 614129;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460119)
wepon76.ID = 614119;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460109)
wepon76.ID = 614609;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460099)
wepon76.ID = 614099;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460089)
wepon76.ID = 614089;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460079)
wepon76.ID = 614079;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460069)
wepon76.ID = 614069;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460059)
wepon76.ID = 614059;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460049)
wepon76.ID = 614049;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460039)
wepon76.ID = 614039;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460029)
wepon76.ID = 614029;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460019)
wepon76.ID = 614609;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460009)
wepon76.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon76.OldId == 460438)
wepon76.ID = 614438;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460428)
wepon76.ID = 614428;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460418)
wepon76.ID = 614418;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460408)
wepon76.ID = 614408;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460388)
wepon76.ID = 614388;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460388)
wepon76.ID = 614388;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460378)
wepon76.ID = 614378;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460368)
wepon76.ID = 614368;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460358)
wepon76.ID = 614358;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460348)
wepon76.ID = 614348;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460338)
wepon76.ID = 614338;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460328)
wepon76.ID = 614328;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460318)
wepon76.ID = 614318;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460308)
wepon76.ID = 614308;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460288)
wepon76.ID = 614288;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460288)
wepon76.ID = 614288;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460278)
wepon76.ID = 614278;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460268)
wepon76.ID = 614268;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460258)
wepon76.ID = 614258;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460248)
wepon76.ID = 614248;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460238)
wepon76.ID = 614238;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460228)
wepon76.ID = 614228;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460218)
wepon76.ID = 614218;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460208)
wepon76.ID = 614608;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460188)
wepon76.ID = 614188;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460188)
wepon76.ID = 614188;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460178)
wepon76.ID = 614178;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460168)
wepon76.ID = 614168;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460158)
wepon76.ID = 614158;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460148)
wepon76.ID = 614148;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460138)
wepon76.ID = 614138;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460128)
wepon76.ID = 614128;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460118)
wepon76.ID = 614118;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460108)
wepon76.ID = 614608;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460088)
wepon76.ID = 614088;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460088)
wepon76.ID = 614088;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460078)
wepon76.ID = 614078;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460068)
wepon76.ID = 614068;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460058)
wepon76.ID = 614058;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460048)
wepon76.ID = 614048;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460038)
wepon76.ID = 614038;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460028)
wepon76.ID = 614028;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460018)
wepon76.ID = 614608;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460008)
wepon76.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon76.OldId == 460437)
wepon76.ID = 614437;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460427)
wepon76.ID = 614427;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460417)
wepon76.ID = 614417;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460407)
wepon76.ID = 614407;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460377)
wepon76.ID = 614377;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460377)
wepon76.ID = 614377;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460377)
wepon76.ID = 614377;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460367)
wepon76.ID = 614367;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460357)
wepon76.ID = 614357;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460347)
wepon76.ID = 614347;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460337)
wepon76.ID = 614337;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460327)
wepon76.ID = 614327;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460317)
wepon76.ID = 614317;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460307)
wepon76.ID = 614307;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460277)
wepon76.ID = 614277;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460277)
wepon76.ID = 614277;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460277)
wepon76.ID = 614277;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460267)
wepon76.ID = 614267;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460257)
wepon76.ID = 614257;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460247)
wepon76.ID = 614247;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460237)
wepon76.ID = 614237;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460227)
wepon76.ID = 614227;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460217)
wepon76.ID = 614217;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460207)
wepon76.ID = 614607;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460177)
wepon76.ID = 614177;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460177)
wepon76.ID = 614177;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460177)
wepon76.ID = 614177;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460167)
wepon76.ID = 614167;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460157)
wepon76.ID = 614157;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460147)
wepon76.ID = 614147;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460137)
wepon76.ID = 614137;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460127)
wepon76.ID = 614127;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460117)
wepon76.ID = 614117;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460107)
wepon76.ID = 614607;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460077)
wepon76.ID = 614077;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460077)
wepon76.ID = 614077;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460077)
wepon76.ID = 614077;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460067)
wepon76.ID = 614067;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460057)
wepon76.ID = 614057;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460047)
wepon76.ID = 614047;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460037)
wepon76.ID = 614037;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460027)
wepon76.ID = 614027;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460017)
wepon76.ID = 614607;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460007)
wepon76.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon76.OldId == 460436)
wepon76.ID = 614436;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460426)
wepon76.ID = 614426;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460416)
wepon76.ID = 614416;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460406)
wepon76.ID = 614406;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460366)
wepon76.ID = 614366;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460386)
wepon76.ID = 614386;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460376)
wepon76.ID = 614376;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460366)
wepon76.ID = 614366;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460356)
wepon76.ID = 614356;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460346)
wepon76.ID = 614346;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460336)
wepon76.ID = 614336;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460326)
wepon76.ID = 614326;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460316)
wepon76.ID = 614316;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460306)
wepon76.ID = 614306;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460266)
wepon76.ID = 614266;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460286)
wepon76.ID = 614286;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460276)
wepon76.ID = 614276;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460266)
wepon76.ID = 614266;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460256)
wepon76.ID = 614256;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460246)
wepon76.ID = 614246;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460236)
wepon76.ID = 614236;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460226)
wepon76.ID = 614226;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460216)
wepon76.ID = 614216;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460206)
wepon76.ID = 614606;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460166)
wepon76.ID = 614166;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460186)
wepon76.ID = 614186;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460176)
wepon76.ID = 614176;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460166)
wepon76.ID = 614166;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460156)
wepon76.ID = 614156;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460146)
wepon76.ID = 614146;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460136)
wepon76.ID = 614136;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460126)
wepon76.ID = 614126;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460116)
wepon76.ID = 614116;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460106)
wepon76.ID = 614606;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460066)
wepon76.ID = 614066;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460086)
wepon76.ID = 614086;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460076)
wepon76.ID = 614076;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460066)
wepon76.ID = 614066;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460056)
wepon76.ID = 614056;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460046)
wepon76.ID = 614046;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460036)
wepon76.ID = 614036;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460026)
wepon76.ID = 614026;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460016)
wepon76.ID = 614606;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460006)
wepon76.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon76.OldId == 460435)
wepon76.ID = 614435;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460425)
wepon76.ID = 614425;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460415)
wepon76.ID = 614415;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460405)
wepon76.ID = 614405;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460355)
wepon76.ID = 614355;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460385)
wepon76.ID = 614385;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460375)
wepon76.ID = 614375;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460365)
wepon76.ID = 614365;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460355)
wepon76.ID = 614355;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460345)
wepon76.ID = 614345;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460335)
wepon76.ID = 614335;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460325)
wepon76.ID = 614325;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460315)
wepon76.ID = 614315;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460305)
wepon76.ID = 614305;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460255)
wepon76.ID = 614255;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460285)
wepon76.ID = 614285;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460275)
wepon76.ID = 614275;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460265)
wepon76.ID = 614265;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460255)
wepon76.ID = 614255;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460245)
wepon76.ID = 614245;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460235)
wepon76.ID = 614235;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460225)
wepon76.ID = 614225;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460215)
wepon76.ID = 614215;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460205)
wepon76.ID = 614605;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460155)
wepon76.ID = 614155;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460185)
wepon76.ID = 614185;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460175)
wepon76.ID = 614175;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460165)
wepon76.ID = 614165;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460155)
wepon76.ID = 614155;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460145)
wepon76.ID = 614145;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460135)
wepon76.ID = 614135;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460125)
wepon76.ID = 614125;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460115)
wepon76.ID = 614115;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460105)
wepon76.ID = 614605;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460055)
wepon76.ID = 614055;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460085)
wepon76.ID = 614085;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460075)
wepon76.ID = 614075;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460065)
wepon76.ID = 614065;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460055)
wepon76.ID = 614055;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460045)
wepon76.ID = 614045;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460035)
wepon76.ID = 614035;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460025)
wepon76.ID = 614025;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460015)
wepon76.ID = 614605;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460005)
wepon76.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon76.OldId == 460434)
wepon76.ID = 614434;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460424)
wepon76.ID = 614424;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460414)
wepon76.ID = 614414;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460405)
wepon76.ID = 614405;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460344)
wepon76.ID = 614344;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460384)
wepon76.ID = 614384;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460374)
wepon76.ID = 614374;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460364)
wepon76.ID = 614364;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460354)
wepon76.ID = 614354;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460344)
wepon76.ID = 614344;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460334)
wepon76.ID = 614334;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460324)
wepon76.ID = 614324;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460314)
wepon76.ID = 614314;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460305)
wepon76.ID = 614305;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460244)
wepon76.ID = 614244;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460284)
wepon76.ID = 614284;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460274)
wepon76.ID = 614274;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460264)
wepon76.ID = 614264;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460254)
wepon76.ID = 614254;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460244)
wepon76.ID = 614244;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460234)
wepon76.ID = 614234;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460224)
wepon76.ID = 614224;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460214)
wepon76.ID = 614214;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460205)
wepon76.ID = 614605;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460144)
wepon76.ID = 614144;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460184)
wepon76.ID = 614184;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460174)
wepon76.ID = 614174;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460164)
wepon76.ID = 614164;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460154)
wepon76.ID = 614154;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460144)
wepon76.ID = 614144;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460134)
wepon76.ID = 614134;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460124)
wepon76.ID = 614124;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460114)
wepon76.ID = 614114;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460105)
wepon76.ID = 614605;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460054)
wepon76.ID = 614054;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460084)
wepon76.ID = 614084;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460074)
wepon76.ID = 614074;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460064)
wepon76.ID = 614064;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460054)
wepon76.ID = 614054;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460044)
wepon76.ID = 614044;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460034)
wepon76.ID = 614034;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460024)
wepon76.ID = 614024;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460014)
wepon76.ID = 614604;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460004)
wepon76.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon76.OldId == 460433)
wepon76.ID = 614433;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460423)
wepon76.ID = 614423;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460413)
wepon76.ID = 614413;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460403)
wepon76.ID = 614403;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460339)
wepon76.ID = 614339;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460383)
wepon76.ID = 614383;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460373)
wepon76.ID = 614373;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460363)
wepon76.ID = 614363;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460353)
wepon76.ID = 614353;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460343)
wepon76.ID = 614343;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460333)
wepon76.ID = 614333;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460323)
wepon76.ID = 614323;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460313)
wepon76.ID = 614313;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460303)
wepon76.ID = 614303;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460233)
wepon76.ID = 614233;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460283)
wepon76.ID = 614283;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460273)
wepon76.ID = 614273;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460263)
wepon76.ID = 614263;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460253)
wepon76.ID = 614253;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460243)
wepon76.ID = 614243;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460233)
wepon76.ID = 614233;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460223)
wepon76.ID = 614223;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460213)
wepon76.ID = 614213;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460203)
wepon76.ID = 614603;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460133)
wepon76.ID = 614133;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460183)
wepon76.ID = 614183;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460173)
wepon76.ID = 614173;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460163)
wepon76.ID = 614163;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460153)
wepon76.ID = 614153;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460143)
wepon76.ID = 614143;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460133)
wepon76.ID = 614133;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460123)
wepon76.ID = 614123;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460113)
wepon76.ID = 614113;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460103)
wepon76.ID = 614603;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460033)
wepon76.ID = 614033;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460083)
wepon76.ID = 614083;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460073)
wepon76.ID = 614073;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460063)
wepon76.ID = 614063;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460053)
wepon76.ID = 614053;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460043)
wepon76.ID = 614043;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460033)
wepon76.ID = 614033;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460023)
wepon76.ID = 614023;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460013)
wepon76.ID = 614603;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460003)
wepon76.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon76.OldId == 460430)
wepon76.ID = 614430;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460460)
wepon76.ID = 614460;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460460)
wepon76.ID = 614460;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460409)
wepon76.ID = 614409;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460300)
wepon76.ID = 614300;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460380)
wepon76.ID = 614380;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460370)
wepon76.ID = 614370;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460360)
wepon76.ID = 614360;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460350)
wepon76.ID = 614350;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460340)
wepon76.ID = 614340;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460330)
wepon76.ID = 614330;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460320)
wepon76.ID = 614320;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460310)
wepon76.ID = 614310;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460309)
wepon76.ID = 614309;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460200)
wepon76.ID = 614600;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460280)
wepon76.ID = 614280;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460270)
wepon76.ID = 614270;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460260)
wepon76.ID = 614260;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460250)
wepon76.ID = 614250;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460240)
wepon76.ID = 614240;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460230)
wepon76.ID = 614230;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460220)
wepon76.ID = 614220;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460210)
wepon76.ID = 614210;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460209)
wepon76.ID = 614609;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460100)
wepon76.ID = 614600;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460180)
wepon76.ID = 614180;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460170)
wepon76.ID = 614170;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460160)
wepon76.ID = 614160;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460150)
wepon76.ID = 614150;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460140)
wepon76.ID = 614140;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460130)
wepon76.ID = 614130;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460120)
wepon76.ID = 614120;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460110)
wepon76.ID = 614110;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460109)
wepon76.ID = 614609;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460000)
wepon76.ID = 614000;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460080)
wepon76.ID = 614080;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460070)
wepon76.ID = 614070;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460060)
wepon76.ID = 614060;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460050)
wepon76.ID = 614050;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460040)
wepon76.ID = 614040;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460030)
wepon76.ID = 614030;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460020)
wepon76.ID = 614020;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460010)
wepon76.ID = 614600;
if (wepon76.OldId == 460009)
wepon76.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon76, client);
wepon76.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
#region Hook
MsgItemInfo wepon8 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon8 != null && wepon8.ID != 0 && !wepon8.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsHook1Hand(wepon8.ID))
wepon8.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon8.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon8.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon8.OldId = 0;
wepon8.OldId = wepon8.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon8.OldId == 430439)
wepon8.ID = 614439;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430429)
wepon8.ID = 614429;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430419)
wepon8.ID = 614419;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430409)
wepon8.ID = 614409;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430399)
wepon8.ID = 614399;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430389)
wepon8.ID = 614389;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430379)
wepon8.ID = 614379;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430369)
wepon8.ID = 614369;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430359)
wepon8.ID = 614359;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430349)
wepon8.ID = 614349;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430339)
wepon8.ID = 614339;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430329)
wepon8.ID = 614329;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430319)
wepon8.ID = 614319;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430309)
wepon8.ID = 614309;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430299)
wepon8.ID = 614299;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430289)
wepon8.ID = 614289;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430279)
wepon8.ID = 614279;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430269)
wepon8.ID = 614269;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430259)
wepon8.ID = 614259;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430249)
wepon8.ID = 614249;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430239)
wepon8.ID = 614239;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430229)
wepon8.ID = 614229;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430219)
wepon8.ID = 614219;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430209)
wepon8.ID = 614309;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430199)
wepon8.ID = 614199;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430189)
wepon8.ID = 614189;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430179)
wepon8.ID = 614179;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430169)
wepon8.ID = 614169;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430159)
wepon8.ID = 614159;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430149)
wepon8.ID = 614149;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430139)
wepon8.ID = 614139;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430129)
wepon8.ID = 614129;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430119)
wepon8.ID = 614119;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430109)
wepon8.ID = 614309;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430099)
wepon8.ID = 614099;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430089)
wepon8.ID = 614089;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430079)
wepon8.ID = 614079;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430069)
wepon8.ID = 614069;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430059)
wepon8.ID = 614059;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430049)
wepon8.ID = 614049;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430039)
wepon8.ID = 614039;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430029)
wepon8.ID = 614029;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430019)
wepon8.ID = 614309;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430009)
wepon8.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon8.OldId == 430438)
wepon8.ID = 614438;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430428)
wepon8.ID = 614428;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430418)
wepon8.ID = 614418;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430408)
wepon8.ID = 614408;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430388)
wepon8.ID = 614388;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430388)
wepon8.ID = 614388;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430378)
wepon8.ID = 614378;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430368)
wepon8.ID = 614368;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430358)
wepon8.ID = 614358;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430348)
wepon8.ID = 614348;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430338)
wepon8.ID = 614338;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430328)
wepon8.ID = 614328;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430318)
wepon8.ID = 614318;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430308)
wepon8.ID = 614308;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430288)
wepon8.ID = 614288;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430288)
wepon8.ID = 614288;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430278)
wepon8.ID = 614278;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430268)
wepon8.ID = 614268;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430258)
wepon8.ID = 614258;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430248)
wepon8.ID = 614248;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430238)
wepon8.ID = 614238;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430228)
wepon8.ID = 614228;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430218)
wepon8.ID = 614218;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430208)
wepon8.ID = 614308;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430188)
wepon8.ID = 614188;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430188)
wepon8.ID = 614188;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430178)
wepon8.ID = 614178;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430168)
wepon8.ID = 614168;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430158)
wepon8.ID = 614158;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430148)
wepon8.ID = 614148;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430138)
wepon8.ID = 614138;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430128)
wepon8.ID = 614128;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430118)
wepon8.ID = 614118;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430108)
wepon8.ID = 614308;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430088)
wepon8.ID = 614088;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430088)
wepon8.ID = 614088;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430078)
wepon8.ID = 614078;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430068)
wepon8.ID = 614068;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430058)
wepon8.ID = 614058;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430048)
wepon8.ID = 614048;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430038)
wepon8.ID = 614038;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430028)
wepon8.ID = 614028;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430018)
wepon8.ID = 614308;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430008)
wepon8.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon8.OldId == 430437)
wepon8.ID = 614437;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430427)
wepon8.ID = 614427;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430417)
wepon8.ID = 614417;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430407)
wepon8.ID = 614407;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430377)
wepon8.ID = 614377;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430377)
wepon8.ID = 614377;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430377)
wepon8.ID = 614377;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430367)
wepon8.ID = 614367;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430357)
wepon8.ID = 614357;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430347)
wepon8.ID = 614347;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430337)
wepon8.ID = 614337;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430327)
wepon8.ID = 614327;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430317)
wepon8.ID = 614317;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430307)
wepon8.ID = 614307;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430277)
wepon8.ID = 614277;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430277)
wepon8.ID = 614277;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430277)
wepon8.ID = 614277;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430267)
wepon8.ID = 614267;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430257)
wepon8.ID = 614257;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430247)
wepon8.ID = 614247;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430237)
wepon8.ID = 614237;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430227)
wepon8.ID = 614227;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430217)
wepon8.ID = 614217;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430207)
wepon8.ID = 614307;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430177)
wepon8.ID = 614177;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430177)
wepon8.ID = 614177;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430177)
wepon8.ID = 614177;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430167)
wepon8.ID = 614167;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430157)
wepon8.ID = 614157;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430147)
wepon8.ID = 614147;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430137)
wepon8.ID = 614137;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430127)
wepon8.ID = 614127;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430117)
wepon8.ID = 614117;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430107)
wepon8.ID = 614307;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430077)
wepon8.ID = 614077;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430077)
wepon8.ID = 614077;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430077)
wepon8.ID = 614077;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430067)
wepon8.ID = 614067;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430057)
wepon8.ID = 614057;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430047)
wepon8.ID = 614047;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430037)
wepon8.ID = 614037;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430027)
wepon8.ID = 614027;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430017)
wepon8.ID = 614307;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430007)
wepon8.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon8.OldId == 430436)
wepon8.ID = 614436;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430426)
wepon8.ID = 614426;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430416)
wepon8.ID = 614416;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430406)
wepon8.ID = 614406;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430366)
wepon8.ID = 614366;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430386)
wepon8.ID = 614386;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430376)
wepon8.ID = 614376;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430366)
wepon8.ID = 614366;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430356)
wepon8.ID = 614356;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430346)
wepon8.ID = 614346;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430336)
wepon8.ID = 614336;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430326)
wepon8.ID = 614326;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430316)
wepon8.ID = 614316;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430306)
wepon8.ID = 614306;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430266)
wepon8.ID = 614266;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430286)
wepon8.ID = 614286;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430276)
wepon8.ID = 614276;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430266)
wepon8.ID = 614266;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430256)
wepon8.ID = 614256;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430246)
wepon8.ID = 614246;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430236)
wepon8.ID = 614236;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430226)
wepon8.ID = 614226;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430216)
wepon8.ID = 614216;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430206)
wepon8.ID = 614306;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430166)
wepon8.ID = 614166;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430186)
wepon8.ID = 614186;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430176)
wepon8.ID = 614176;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430166)
wepon8.ID = 614166;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430156)
wepon8.ID = 614156;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430146)
wepon8.ID = 614146;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430136)
wepon8.ID = 614136;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430126)
wepon8.ID = 614126;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430116)
wepon8.ID = 614116;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430106)
wepon8.ID = 614306;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430066)
wepon8.ID = 614066;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430086)
wepon8.ID = 614086;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430076)
wepon8.ID = 614076;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430066)
wepon8.ID = 614066;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430056)
wepon8.ID = 614056;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430046)
wepon8.ID = 614046;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430036)
wepon8.ID = 614036;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430026)
wepon8.ID = 614026;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430016)
wepon8.ID = 614306;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430006)
wepon8.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon8.OldId == 430435)
wepon8.ID = 614435;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430425)
wepon8.ID = 614425;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430415)
wepon8.ID = 614415;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430405)
wepon8.ID = 614405;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430355)
wepon8.ID = 614355;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430385)
wepon8.ID = 614385;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430375)
wepon8.ID = 614375;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430365)
wepon8.ID = 614365;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430355)
wepon8.ID = 614355;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430345)
wepon8.ID = 614345;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430335)
wepon8.ID = 614335;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430325)
wepon8.ID = 614325;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430315)
wepon8.ID = 614315;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430305)
wepon8.ID = 614305;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430255)
wepon8.ID = 614255;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430285)
wepon8.ID = 614285;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430275)
wepon8.ID = 614275;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430265)
wepon8.ID = 614265;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430255)
wepon8.ID = 614255;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430245)
wepon8.ID = 614245;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430235)
wepon8.ID = 614235;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430225)
wepon8.ID = 614225;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430215)
wepon8.ID = 614215;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430205)
wepon8.ID = 614305;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430155)
wepon8.ID = 614155;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430185)
wepon8.ID = 614185;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430175)
wepon8.ID = 614175;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430165)
wepon8.ID = 614165;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430155)
wepon8.ID = 614155;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430145)
wepon8.ID = 614145;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430135)
wepon8.ID = 614135;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430125)
wepon8.ID = 614125;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430115)
wepon8.ID = 614115;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430105)
wepon8.ID = 614305;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430055)
wepon8.ID = 614055;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430085)
wepon8.ID = 614085;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430075)
wepon8.ID = 614075;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430065)
wepon8.ID = 614065;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430055)
wepon8.ID = 614055;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430045)
wepon8.ID = 614045;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430035)
wepon8.ID = 614035;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430025)
wepon8.ID = 614025;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430015)
wepon8.ID = 614305;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430005)
wepon8.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon8.OldId == 430434)
wepon8.ID = 614434;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430424)
wepon8.ID = 614424;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430414)
wepon8.ID = 614414;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430405)
wepon8.ID = 614405;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430344)
wepon8.ID = 614344;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430384)
wepon8.ID = 614384;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430374)
wepon8.ID = 614374;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430364)
wepon8.ID = 614364;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430354)
wepon8.ID = 614354;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430344)
wepon8.ID = 614344;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430334)
wepon8.ID = 614334;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430324)
wepon8.ID = 614324;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430314)
wepon8.ID = 614314;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430305)
wepon8.ID = 614305;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430244)
wepon8.ID = 614244;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430284)
wepon8.ID = 614284;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430274)
wepon8.ID = 614274;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430264)
wepon8.ID = 614264;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430254)
wepon8.ID = 614254;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430244)
wepon8.ID = 614244;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430234)
wepon8.ID = 614234;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430224)
wepon8.ID = 614224;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430214)
wepon8.ID = 614214;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430205)
wepon8.ID = 614305;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430144)
wepon8.ID = 614144;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430184)
wepon8.ID = 614184;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430174)
wepon8.ID = 614174;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430164)
wepon8.ID = 614164;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430154)
wepon8.ID = 614154;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430144)
wepon8.ID = 614144;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430134)
wepon8.ID = 614134;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430124)
wepon8.ID = 614124;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430114)
wepon8.ID = 614114;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430105)
wepon8.ID = 614305;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430054)
wepon8.ID = 614054;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430084)
wepon8.ID = 614084;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430074)
wepon8.ID = 614074;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430064)
wepon8.ID = 614064;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430054)
wepon8.ID = 614054;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430044)
wepon8.ID = 614044;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430034)
wepon8.ID = 614034;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430024)
wepon8.ID = 614024;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430014)
wepon8.ID = 614304;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430004)
wepon8.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon8.OldId == 430433)
wepon8.ID = 614433;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430423)
wepon8.ID = 614423;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430413)
wepon8.ID = 614413;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430403)
wepon8.ID = 614403;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430339)
wepon8.ID = 614339;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430383)
wepon8.ID = 614383;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430373)
wepon8.ID = 614373;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430363)
wepon8.ID = 614363;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430353)
wepon8.ID = 614353;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430343)
wepon8.ID = 614343;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430333)
wepon8.ID = 614333;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430323)
wepon8.ID = 614323;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430313)
wepon8.ID = 614313;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430303)
wepon8.ID = 614303;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430233)
wepon8.ID = 614233;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430283)
wepon8.ID = 614283;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430273)
wepon8.ID = 614273;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430263)
wepon8.ID = 614263;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430253)
wepon8.ID = 614253;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430243)
wepon8.ID = 614243;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430233)
wepon8.ID = 614233;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430223)
wepon8.ID = 614223;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430213)
wepon8.ID = 614213;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430203)
wepon8.ID = 614303;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430133)
wepon8.ID = 614133;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430183)
wepon8.ID = 614183;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430173)
wepon8.ID = 614173;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430163)
wepon8.ID = 614163;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430153)
wepon8.ID = 614153;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430143)
wepon8.ID = 614143;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430133)
wepon8.ID = 614133;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430123)
wepon8.ID = 614123;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430113)
wepon8.ID = 614113;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430103)
wepon8.ID = 614303;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430033)
wepon8.ID = 614033;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430083)
wepon8.ID = 614083;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430073)
wepon8.ID = 614073;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430063)
wepon8.ID = 614063;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430053)
wepon8.ID = 614053;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430043)
wepon8.ID = 614043;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430033)
wepon8.ID = 614033;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430023)
wepon8.ID = 614023;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430013)
wepon8.ID = 614303;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430003)
wepon8.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon8.OldId == 430430)
wepon8.ID = 614430;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430430)
wepon8.ID = 614430;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430430)
wepon8.ID = 614430;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430409)
wepon8.ID = 614409;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430300)
wepon8.ID = 614300;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430380)
wepon8.ID = 614380;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430370)
wepon8.ID = 614370;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430360)
wepon8.ID = 614360;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430350)
wepon8.ID = 614350;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430340)
wepon8.ID = 614340;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430330)
wepon8.ID = 614330;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430320)
wepon8.ID = 614320;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430310)
wepon8.ID = 614310;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430309)
wepon8.ID = 614309;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430200)
wepon8.ID = 614300;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430280)
wepon8.ID = 614280;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430270)
wepon8.ID = 614270;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430260)
wepon8.ID = 614260;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430250)
wepon8.ID = 614250;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430240)
wepon8.ID = 614240;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430230)
wepon8.ID = 614230;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430220)
wepon8.ID = 614220;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430210)
wepon8.ID = 614210;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430209)
wepon8.ID = 614309;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430100)
wepon8.ID = 614300;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430180)
wepon8.ID = 614180;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430170)
wepon8.ID = 614170;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430160)
wepon8.ID = 614160;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430150)
wepon8.ID = 614150;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430140)
wepon8.ID = 614140;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430130)
wepon8.ID = 614130;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430120)
wepon8.ID = 614120;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430110)
wepon8.ID = 614110;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430109)
wepon8.ID = 614309;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430000)
wepon8.ID = 614000;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430080)
wepon8.ID = 614080;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430070)
wepon8.ID = 614070;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430060)
wepon8.ID = 614060;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430050)
wepon8.ID = 614050;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430040)
wepon8.ID = 614040;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430030)
wepon8.ID = 614030;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430020)
wepon8.ID = 614020;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430010)
wepon8.ID = 614300;
if (wepon8.OldId == 430009)
wepon8.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon8, client);
wepon8.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
MsgItemInfo wepon88 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon);
if (wepon88 != null && wepon88.ID != 0 && !wepon88.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsHook1Hand(wepon88.ID))
wepon88.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon88.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon88.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon88.OldId = 0;
wepon88.OldId = wepon88.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon88.OldId == 430439)
wepon88.ID = 614439;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430429)
wepon88.ID = 614429;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430419)
wepon88.ID = 614419;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430409)
wepon88.ID = 614409;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430399)
wepon88.ID = 614399;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430389)
wepon88.ID = 614389;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430379)
wepon88.ID = 614379;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430369)
wepon88.ID = 614369;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430359)
wepon88.ID = 614359;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430349)
wepon88.ID = 614349;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430339)
wepon88.ID = 614339;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430329)
wepon88.ID = 614329;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430319)
wepon88.ID = 614319;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430309)
wepon88.ID = 614309;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430299)
wepon88.ID = 614299;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430289)
wepon88.ID = 614289;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430279)
wepon88.ID = 614279;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430269)
wepon88.ID = 614269;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430259)
wepon88.ID = 614259;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430249)
wepon88.ID = 614249;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430239)
wepon88.ID = 614239;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430229)
wepon88.ID = 614229;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430219)
wepon88.ID = 614219;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430209)
wepon88.ID = 614309;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430199)
wepon88.ID = 614199;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430189)
wepon88.ID = 614189;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430179)
wepon88.ID = 614179;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430169)
wepon88.ID = 614169;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430159)
wepon88.ID = 614159;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430149)
wepon88.ID = 614149;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430139)
wepon88.ID = 614139;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430129)
wepon88.ID = 614129;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430119)
wepon88.ID = 614119;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430109)
wepon88.ID = 614309;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430099)
wepon88.ID = 614099;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430089)
wepon88.ID = 614089;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430079)
wepon88.ID = 614079;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430069)
wepon88.ID = 614069;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430059)
wepon88.ID = 614059;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430049)
wepon88.ID = 614049;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430039)
wepon88.ID = 614039;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430029)
wepon88.ID = 614029;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430019)
wepon88.ID = 614309;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430009)
wepon88.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon88.OldId == 430438)
wepon88.ID = 614438;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430428)
wepon88.ID = 614428;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430418)
wepon88.ID = 614418;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430408)
wepon88.ID = 614408;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430388)
wepon88.ID = 614388;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430388)
wepon88.ID = 614388;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430378)
wepon88.ID = 614378;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430368)
wepon88.ID = 614368;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430358)
wepon88.ID = 614358;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430348)
wepon88.ID = 614348;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430338)
wepon88.ID = 614338;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430328)
wepon88.ID = 614328;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430318)
wepon88.ID = 614318;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430308)
wepon88.ID = 614308;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430288)
wepon88.ID = 614288;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430288)
wepon88.ID = 614288;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430278)
wepon88.ID = 614278;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430268)
wepon88.ID = 614268;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430258)
wepon88.ID = 614258;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430248)
wepon88.ID = 614248;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430238)
wepon88.ID = 614238;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430228)
wepon88.ID = 614228;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430218)
wepon88.ID = 614218;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430208)
wepon88.ID = 614308;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430188)
wepon88.ID = 614188;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430188)
wepon88.ID = 614188;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430178)
wepon88.ID = 614178;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430168)
wepon88.ID = 614168;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430158)
wepon88.ID = 614158;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430148)
wepon88.ID = 614148;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430138)
wepon88.ID = 614138;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430128)
wepon88.ID = 614128;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430118)
wepon88.ID = 614118;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430108)
wepon88.ID = 614308;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430088)
wepon88.ID = 614088;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430088)
wepon88.ID = 614088;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430078)
wepon88.ID = 614078;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430068)
wepon88.ID = 614068;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430058)
wepon88.ID = 614058;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430048)
wepon88.ID = 614048;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430038)
wepon88.ID = 614038;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430028)
wepon88.ID = 614028;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430018)
wepon88.ID = 614308;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430008)
wepon88.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon88.OldId == 430437)
wepon88.ID = 614437;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430427)
wepon88.ID = 614427;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430417)
wepon88.ID = 614417;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430407)
wepon88.ID = 614407;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430377)
wepon88.ID = 614377;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430377)
wepon88.ID = 614377;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430377)
wepon88.ID = 614377;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430367)
wepon88.ID = 614367;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430357)
wepon88.ID = 614357;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430347)
wepon88.ID = 614347;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430337)
wepon88.ID = 614337;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430327)
wepon88.ID = 614327;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430317)
wepon88.ID = 614317;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430307)
wepon88.ID = 614307;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430277)
wepon88.ID = 614277;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430277)
wepon88.ID = 614277;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430277)
wepon88.ID = 614277;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430267)
wepon88.ID = 614267;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430257)
wepon88.ID = 614257;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430247)
wepon88.ID = 614247;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430237)
wepon88.ID = 614237;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430227)
wepon88.ID = 614227;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430217)
wepon88.ID = 614217;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430207)
wepon88.ID = 614307;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430177)
wepon88.ID = 614177;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430177)
wepon88.ID = 614177;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430177)
wepon88.ID = 614177;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430167)
wepon88.ID = 614167;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430157)
wepon88.ID = 614157;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430147)
wepon88.ID = 614147;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430137)
wepon88.ID = 614137;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430127)
wepon88.ID = 614127;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430117)
wepon88.ID = 614117;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430107)
wepon88.ID = 614307;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430077)
wepon88.ID = 614077;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430077)
wepon88.ID = 614077;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430077)
wepon88.ID = 614077;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430067)
wepon88.ID = 614067;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430057)
wepon88.ID = 614057;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430047)
wepon88.ID = 614047;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430037)
wepon88.ID = 614037;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430027)
wepon88.ID = 614027;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430017)
wepon88.ID = 614307;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430007)
wepon88.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon88.OldId == 430436)
wepon88.ID = 614436;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430426)
wepon88.ID = 614426;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430416)
wepon88.ID = 614416;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430406)
wepon88.ID = 614406;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430366)
wepon88.ID = 614366;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430386)
wepon88.ID = 614386;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430376)
wepon88.ID = 614376;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430366)
wepon88.ID = 614366;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430356)
wepon88.ID = 614356;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430346)
wepon88.ID = 614346;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430336)
wepon88.ID = 614336;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430326)
wepon88.ID = 614326;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430316)
wepon88.ID = 614316;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430306)
wepon88.ID = 614306;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430266)
wepon88.ID = 614266;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430286)
wepon88.ID = 614286;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430276)
wepon88.ID = 614276;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430266)
wepon88.ID = 614266;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430256)
wepon88.ID = 614256;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430246)
wepon88.ID = 614246;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430236)
wepon88.ID = 614236;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430226)
wepon88.ID = 614226;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430216)
wepon88.ID = 614216;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430206)
wepon88.ID = 614306;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430166)
wepon88.ID = 614166;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430186)
wepon88.ID = 614186;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430176)
wepon88.ID = 614176;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430166)
wepon88.ID = 614166;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430156)
wepon88.ID = 614156;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430146)
wepon88.ID = 614146;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430136)
wepon88.ID = 614136;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430126)
wepon88.ID = 614126;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430116)
wepon88.ID = 614116;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430106)
wepon88.ID = 614306;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430066)
wepon88.ID = 614066;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430086)
wepon88.ID = 614086;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430076)
wepon88.ID = 614076;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430066)
wepon88.ID = 614066;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430056)
wepon88.ID = 614056;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430046)
wepon88.ID = 614046;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430036)
wepon88.ID = 614036;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430026)
wepon88.ID = 614026;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430016)
wepon88.ID = 614306;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430006)
wepon88.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon88.OldId == 430435)
wepon88.ID = 614435;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430425)
wepon88.ID = 614425;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430415)
wepon88.ID = 614415;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430405)
wepon88.ID = 614405;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430355)
wepon88.ID = 614355;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430385)
wepon88.ID = 614385;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430375)
wepon88.ID = 614375;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430365)
wepon88.ID = 614365;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430355)
wepon88.ID = 614355;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430345)
wepon88.ID = 614345;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430335)
wepon88.ID = 614335;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430325)
wepon88.ID = 614325;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430315)
wepon88.ID = 614315;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430305)
wepon88.ID = 614305;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430255)
wepon88.ID = 614255;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430285)
wepon88.ID = 614285;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430275)
wepon88.ID = 614275;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430265)
wepon88.ID = 614265;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430255)
wepon88.ID = 614255;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430245)
wepon88.ID = 614245;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430235)
wepon88.ID = 614235;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430225)
wepon88.ID = 614225;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430215)
wepon88.ID = 614215;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430205)
wepon88.ID = 614305;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430155)
wepon88.ID = 614155;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430185)
wepon88.ID = 614185;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430175)
wepon88.ID = 614175;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430165)
wepon88.ID = 614165;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430155)
wepon88.ID = 614155;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430145)
wepon88.ID = 614145;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430135)
wepon88.ID = 614135;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430125)
wepon88.ID = 614125;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430115)
wepon88.ID = 614115;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430105)
wepon88.ID = 614305;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430055)
wepon88.ID = 614055;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430085)
wepon88.ID = 614085;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430075)
wepon88.ID = 614075;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430065)
wepon88.ID = 614065;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430055)
wepon88.ID = 614055;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430045)
wepon88.ID = 614045;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430035)
wepon88.ID = 614035;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430025)
wepon88.ID = 614025;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430015)
wepon88.ID = 614305;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430005)
wepon88.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon88.OldId == 430434)
wepon88.ID = 614434;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430424)
wepon88.ID = 614424;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430414)
wepon88.ID = 614414;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430405)
wepon88.ID = 614405;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430344)
wepon88.ID = 614344;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430384)
wepon88.ID = 614384;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430374)
wepon88.ID = 614374;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430364)
wepon88.ID = 614364;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430354)
wepon88.ID = 614354;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430344)
wepon88.ID = 614344;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430334)
wepon88.ID = 614334;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430324)
wepon88.ID = 614324;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430314)
wepon88.ID = 614314;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430305)
wepon88.ID = 614305;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430244)
wepon88.ID = 614244;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430284)
wepon88.ID = 614284;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430274)
wepon88.ID = 614274;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430264)
wepon88.ID = 614264;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430254)
wepon88.ID = 614254;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430244)
wepon88.ID = 614244;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430234)
wepon88.ID = 614234;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430224)
wepon88.ID = 614224;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430214)
wepon88.ID = 614214;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430205)
wepon88.ID = 614305;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430144)
wepon88.ID = 614144;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430184)
wepon88.ID = 614184;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430174)
wepon88.ID = 614174;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430164)
wepon88.ID = 614164;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430154)
wepon88.ID = 614154;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430144)
wepon88.ID = 614144;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430134)
wepon88.ID = 614134;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430124)
wepon88.ID = 614124;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430114)
wepon88.ID = 614114;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430105)
wepon88.ID = 614305;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430054)
wepon88.ID = 614054;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430084)
wepon88.ID = 614084;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430074)
wepon88.ID = 614074;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430064)
wepon88.ID = 614064;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430054)
wepon88.ID = 614054;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430044)
wepon88.ID = 614044;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430034)
wepon88.ID = 614034;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430024)
wepon88.ID = 614024;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430014)
wepon88.ID = 614304;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430004)
wepon88.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon88.OldId == 430433)
wepon88.ID = 614433;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430423)
wepon88.ID = 614423;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430413)
wepon88.ID = 614413;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430403)
wepon88.ID = 614403;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430339)
wepon88.ID = 614339;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430383)
wepon88.ID = 614383;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430373)
wepon88.ID = 614373;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430363)
wepon88.ID = 614363;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430353)
wepon88.ID = 614353;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430343)
wepon88.ID = 614343;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430333)
wepon88.ID = 614333;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430323)
wepon88.ID = 614323;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430313)
wepon88.ID = 614313;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430303)
wepon88.ID = 614303;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430233)
wepon88.ID = 614233;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430283)
wepon88.ID = 614283;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430273)
wepon88.ID = 614273;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430263)
wepon88.ID = 614263;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430253)
wepon88.ID = 614253;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430243)
wepon88.ID = 614243;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430233)
wepon88.ID = 614233;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430223)
wepon88.ID = 614223;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430213)
wepon88.ID = 614213;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430203)
wepon88.ID = 614303;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430133)
wepon88.ID = 614133;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430183)
wepon88.ID = 614183;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430173)
wepon88.ID = 614173;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430163)
wepon88.ID = 614163;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430153)
wepon88.ID = 614153;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430143)
wepon88.ID = 614143;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430133)
wepon88.ID = 614133;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430123)
wepon88.ID = 614123;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430113)
wepon88.ID = 614113;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430103)
wepon88.ID = 614303;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430033)
wepon88.ID = 614033;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430083)
wepon88.ID = 614083;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430073)
wepon88.ID = 614073;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430063)
wepon88.ID = 614063;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430053)
wepon88.ID = 614053;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430043)
wepon88.ID = 614043;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430033)
wepon88.ID = 614033;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430023)
wepon88.ID = 614023;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430013)
wepon88.ID = 614303;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430003)
wepon88.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon88.OldId == 430430)
wepon88.ID = 614430;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430430)
wepon88.ID = 614430;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430430)
wepon88.ID = 614430;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430409)
wepon88.ID = 614409;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430300)
wepon88.ID = 614300;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430380)
wepon88.ID = 614380;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430370)
wepon88.ID = 614370;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430360)
wepon88.ID = 614360;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430350)
wepon88.ID = 614350;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430340)
wepon88.ID = 614340;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430330)
wepon88.ID = 614330;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430320)
wepon88.ID = 614320;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430310)
wepon88.ID = 614310;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430309)
wepon88.ID = 614309;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430200)
wepon88.ID = 614300;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430280)
wepon88.ID = 614280;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430270)
wepon88.ID = 614270;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430260)
wepon88.ID = 614260;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430250)
wepon88.ID = 614250;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430240)
wepon88.ID = 614240;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430230)
wepon88.ID = 614230;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430220)
wepon88.ID = 614220;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430210)
wepon88.ID = 614210;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430209)
wepon88.ID = 614309;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430100)
wepon88.ID = 614300;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430180)
wepon88.ID = 614180;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430170)
wepon88.ID = 614170;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430160)
wepon88.ID = 614160;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430150)
wepon88.ID = 614150;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430140)
wepon88.ID = 614140;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430130)
wepon88.ID = 614130;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430120)
wepon88.ID = 614120;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430110)
wepon88.ID = 614110;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430109)
wepon88.ID = 614309;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430000)
wepon88.ID = 614000;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430080)
wepon88.ID = 614080;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430070)
wepon88.ID = 614070;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430060)
wepon88.ID = 614060;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430050)
wepon88.ID = 614050;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430040)
wepon88.ID = 614040;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430030)
wepon88.ID = 614030;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430020)
wepon88.ID = 614020;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430010)
wepon88.ID = 614300;
if (wepon88.OldId == 430009)
wepon88.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon88, client);
wepon88.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
#region Axe
MsgItemInfo wepon10 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon10 != null && wepon10.ID != 0 && !wepon10.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsAxe1Hand(wepon10.ID))
wepon10.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon10.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon10.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon10.OldId = 0;
wepon10.OldId = wepon10.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon10.OldId == 450439)
wepon10.ID = 614439;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450429)
wepon10.ID = 614429;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450419)
wepon10.ID = 614419;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450409)
wepon10.ID = 614409;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450399)
wepon10.ID = 614399;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450389)
wepon10.ID = 614389;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450379)
wepon10.ID = 614379;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450369)
wepon10.ID = 614369;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450359)
wepon10.ID = 614359;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450349)
wepon10.ID = 614349;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450339)
wepon10.ID = 614339;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450329)
wepon10.ID = 614329;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450319)
wepon10.ID = 614319;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450309)
wepon10.ID = 614509;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450299)
wepon10.ID = 614299;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450289)
wepon10.ID = 614289;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450279)
wepon10.ID = 614279;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450269)
wepon10.ID = 614269;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450259)
wepon10.ID = 614259;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450249)
wepon10.ID = 614249;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450239)
wepon10.ID = 614239;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450229)
wepon10.ID = 614229;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450219)
wepon10.ID = 614219;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450209)
wepon10.ID = 614509;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450199)
wepon10.ID = 614199;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450189)
wepon10.ID = 614189;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450179)
wepon10.ID = 614179;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450169)
wepon10.ID = 614169;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450159)
wepon10.ID = 614159;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450149)
wepon10.ID = 614149;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450139)
wepon10.ID = 614139;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450129)
wepon10.ID = 614129;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450119)
wepon10.ID = 614119;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450109)
wepon10.ID = 614509;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450099)
wepon10.ID = 614099;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450089)
wepon10.ID = 614089;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450079)
wepon10.ID = 614079;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450069)
wepon10.ID = 614069;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450059)
wepon10.ID = 614059;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450049)
wepon10.ID = 614049;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450039)
wepon10.ID = 614039;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450029)
wepon10.ID = 614029;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450019)
wepon10.ID = 614509;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450009)
wepon10.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon10.OldId == 450438)
wepon10.ID = 614438;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450428)
wepon10.ID = 614428;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450418)
wepon10.ID = 614418;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450408)
wepon10.ID = 614408;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450388)
wepon10.ID = 614388;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450388)
wepon10.ID = 614388;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450378)
wepon10.ID = 614378;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450368)
wepon10.ID = 614368;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450358)
wepon10.ID = 614358;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450348)
wepon10.ID = 614348;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450338)
wepon10.ID = 614338;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450328)
wepon10.ID = 614328;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450318)
wepon10.ID = 614318;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450308)
wepon10.ID = 614508;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450288)
wepon10.ID = 614288;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450288)
wepon10.ID = 614288;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450278)
wepon10.ID = 614278;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450268)
wepon10.ID = 614268;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450258)
wepon10.ID = 614258;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450248)
wepon10.ID = 614248;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450238)
wepon10.ID = 614238;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450228)
wepon10.ID = 614228;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450218)
wepon10.ID = 614218;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450208)
wepon10.ID = 614508;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450188)
wepon10.ID = 614188;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450188)
wepon10.ID = 614188;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450178)
wepon10.ID = 614178;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450168)
wepon10.ID = 614168;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450158)
wepon10.ID = 614158;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450148)
wepon10.ID = 614148;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450138)
wepon10.ID = 614138;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450128)
wepon10.ID = 614128;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450118)
wepon10.ID = 614118;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450108)
wepon10.ID = 614508;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450088)
wepon10.ID = 614088;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450088)
wepon10.ID = 614088;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450078)
wepon10.ID = 614078;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450068)
wepon10.ID = 614068;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450058)
wepon10.ID = 614058;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450048)
wepon10.ID = 614048;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450038)
wepon10.ID = 614038;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450028)
wepon10.ID = 614028;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450018)
wepon10.ID = 614508;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450008)
wepon10.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon10.OldId == 450437)
wepon10.ID = 614437;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450427)
wepon10.ID = 614427;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450417)
wepon10.ID = 614417;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450407)
wepon10.ID = 614407;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450377)
wepon10.ID = 614377;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450377)
wepon10.ID = 614377;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450377)
wepon10.ID = 614377;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450367)
wepon10.ID = 614367;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450357)
wepon10.ID = 614357;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450347)
wepon10.ID = 614347;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450337)
wepon10.ID = 614337;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450327)
wepon10.ID = 614327;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450317)
wepon10.ID = 614317;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450307)
wepon10.ID = 614507;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450277)
wepon10.ID = 614277;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450277)
wepon10.ID = 614277;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450277)
wepon10.ID = 614277;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450267)
wepon10.ID = 614267;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450257)
wepon10.ID = 614257;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450247)
wepon10.ID = 614247;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450237)
wepon10.ID = 614237;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450227)
wepon10.ID = 614227;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450217)
wepon10.ID = 614217;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450207)
wepon10.ID = 614507;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450177)
wepon10.ID = 614177;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450177)
wepon10.ID = 614177;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450177)
wepon10.ID = 614177;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450167)
wepon10.ID = 614167;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450157)
wepon10.ID = 614157;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450147)
wepon10.ID = 614147;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450137)
wepon10.ID = 614137;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450127)
wepon10.ID = 614127;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450117)
wepon10.ID = 614117;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450107)
wepon10.ID = 614507;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450077)
wepon10.ID = 614077;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450077)
wepon10.ID = 614077;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450077)
wepon10.ID = 614077;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450067)
wepon10.ID = 614067;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450057)
wepon10.ID = 614057;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450047)
wepon10.ID = 614047;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450037)
wepon10.ID = 614037;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450027)
wepon10.ID = 614027;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450017)
wepon10.ID = 614507;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450007)
wepon10.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon10.OldId == 450436)
wepon10.ID = 614436;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450426)
wepon10.ID = 614426;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450416)
wepon10.ID = 614416;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450406)
wepon10.ID = 614406;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450366)
wepon10.ID = 614366;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450386)
wepon10.ID = 614386;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450376)
wepon10.ID = 614376;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450366)
wepon10.ID = 614366;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450356)
wepon10.ID = 614356;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450346)
wepon10.ID = 614346;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450336)
wepon10.ID = 614336;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450326)
wepon10.ID = 614326;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450316)
wepon10.ID = 614316;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450306)
wepon10.ID = 614506;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450266)
wepon10.ID = 614266;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450286)
wepon10.ID = 614286;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450276)
wepon10.ID = 614276;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450266)
wepon10.ID = 614266;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450256)
wepon10.ID = 614256;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450246)
wepon10.ID = 614246;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450236)
wepon10.ID = 614236;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450226)
wepon10.ID = 614226;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450216)
wepon10.ID = 614216;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450206)
wepon10.ID = 614506;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450166)
wepon10.ID = 614166;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450186)
wepon10.ID = 614186;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450176)
wepon10.ID = 614176;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450166)
wepon10.ID = 614166;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450156)
wepon10.ID = 614156;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450146)
wepon10.ID = 614146;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450136)
wepon10.ID = 614136;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450126)
wepon10.ID = 614126;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450116)
wepon10.ID = 614116;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450106)
wepon10.ID = 614506;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450066)
wepon10.ID = 614066;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450086)
wepon10.ID = 614086;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450076)
wepon10.ID = 614076;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450066)
wepon10.ID = 614066;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450056)
wepon10.ID = 614056;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450046)
wepon10.ID = 614046;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450036)
wepon10.ID = 614036;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450026)
wepon10.ID = 614026;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450016)
wepon10.ID = 614506;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450006)
wepon10.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon10.OldId == 450435)
wepon10.ID = 614435;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450425)
wepon10.ID = 614425;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450415)
wepon10.ID = 614415;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450405)
wepon10.ID = 614405;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450355)
wepon10.ID = 614355;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450385)
wepon10.ID = 614385;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450375)
wepon10.ID = 614375;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450365)
wepon10.ID = 614365;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450355)
wepon10.ID = 614355;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450345)
wepon10.ID = 614345;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450335)
wepon10.ID = 614335;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450325)
wepon10.ID = 614325;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450315)
wepon10.ID = 614315;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450305)
wepon10.ID = 614505;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450255)
wepon10.ID = 614255;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450285)
wepon10.ID = 614285;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450275)
wepon10.ID = 614275;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450265)
wepon10.ID = 614265;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450255)
wepon10.ID = 614255;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450245)
wepon10.ID = 614245;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450235)
wepon10.ID = 614235;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450225)
wepon10.ID = 614225;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450215)
wepon10.ID = 614215;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450205)
wepon10.ID = 614505;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450155)
wepon10.ID = 614155;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450185)
wepon10.ID = 614185;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450175)
wepon10.ID = 614175;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450165)
wepon10.ID = 614165;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450155)
wepon10.ID = 614155;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450145)
wepon10.ID = 614145;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450135)
wepon10.ID = 614135;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450125)
wepon10.ID = 614125;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450115)
wepon10.ID = 614115;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450105)
wepon10.ID = 614505;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450055)
wepon10.ID = 614055;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450085)
wepon10.ID = 614085;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450075)
wepon10.ID = 614075;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450065)
wepon10.ID = 614065;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450055)
wepon10.ID = 614055;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450045)
wepon10.ID = 614045;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450035)
wepon10.ID = 614035;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450025)
wepon10.ID = 614025;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450015)
wepon10.ID = 614505;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450005)
wepon10.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon10.OldId == 450434)
wepon10.ID = 614434;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450424)
wepon10.ID = 614424;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450414)
wepon10.ID = 614414;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450405)
wepon10.ID = 614405;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450344)
wepon10.ID = 614344;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450384)
wepon10.ID = 614384;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450374)
wepon10.ID = 614374;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450364)
wepon10.ID = 614364;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450354)
wepon10.ID = 614354;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450344)
wepon10.ID = 614344;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450334)
wepon10.ID = 614334;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450324)
wepon10.ID = 614324;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450314)
wepon10.ID = 614314;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450305)
wepon10.ID = 614505;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450244)
wepon10.ID = 614244;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450284)
wepon10.ID = 614284;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450274)
wepon10.ID = 614274;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450264)
wepon10.ID = 614264;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450254)
wepon10.ID = 614254;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450244)
wepon10.ID = 614244;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450234)
wepon10.ID = 614234;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450224)
wepon10.ID = 614224;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450214)
wepon10.ID = 614214;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450205)
wepon10.ID = 614505;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450144)
wepon10.ID = 614144;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450184)
wepon10.ID = 614184;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450174)
wepon10.ID = 614174;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450164)
wepon10.ID = 614164;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450154)
wepon10.ID = 614154;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450144)
wepon10.ID = 614144;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450134)
wepon10.ID = 614134;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450124)
wepon10.ID = 614124;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450114)
wepon10.ID = 614114;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450105)
wepon10.ID = 614505;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450054)
wepon10.ID = 614054;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450084)
wepon10.ID = 614084;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450074)
wepon10.ID = 614074;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450064)
wepon10.ID = 614064;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450054)
wepon10.ID = 614054;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450044)
wepon10.ID = 614044;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450034)
wepon10.ID = 614034;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450024)
wepon10.ID = 614024;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450014)
wepon10.ID = 614504;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450004)
wepon10.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon10.OldId == 450433)
wepon10.ID = 614433;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450423)
wepon10.ID = 614423;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450413)
wepon10.ID = 614413;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450403)
wepon10.ID = 614403;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450339)
wepon10.ID = 614339;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450383)
wepon10.ID = 614383;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450373)
wepon10.ID = 614373;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450363)
wepon10.ID = 614363;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450353)
wepon10.ID = 614353;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450343)
wepon10.ID = 614343;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450333)
wepon10.ID = 614333;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450323)
wepon10.ID = 614323;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450313)
wepon10.ID = 614313;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450303)
wepon10.ID = 614503;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450233)
wepon10.ID = 614233;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450283)
wepon10.ID = 614283;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450273)
wepon10.ID = 614273;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450263)
wepon10.ID = 614263;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450253)
wepon10.ID = 614253;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450243)
wepon10.ID = 614243;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450233)
wepon10.ID = 614233;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450223)
wepon10.ID = 614223;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450213)
wepon10.ID = 614213;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450203)
wepon10.ID = 614503;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450133)
wepon10.ID = 614133;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450183)
wepon10.ID = 614183;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450173)
wepon10.ID = 614173;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450163)
wepon10.ID = 614163;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450153)
wepon10.ID = 614153;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450143)
wepon10.ID = 614143;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450133)
wepon10.ID = 614133;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450123)
wepon10.ID = 614123;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450113)
wepon10.ID = 614113;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450103)
wepon10.ID = 614503;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450033)
wepon10.ID = 614033;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450083)
wepon10.ID = 614083;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450073)
wepon10.ID = 614073;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450063)
wepon10.ID = 614063;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450053)
wepon10.ID = 614053;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450043)
wepon10.ID = 614043;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450033)
wepon10.ID = 614033;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450023)
wepon10.ID = 614023;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450013)
wepon10.ID = 614503;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450003)
wepon10.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon10.OldId == 450450)
wepon10.ID = 614450;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450450)
wepon10.ID = 614450;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450450)
wepon10.ID = 614450;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450409)
wepon10.ID = 614409;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450300)
wepon10.ID = 614500;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450380)
wepon10.ID = 614380;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450370)
wepon10.ID = 614370;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450360)
wepon10.ID = 614360;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450350)
wepon10.ID = 614350;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450340)
wepon10.ID = 614340;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450330)
wepon10.ID = 614330;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450320)
wepon10.ID = 614320;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450310)
wepon10.ID = 614310;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450309)
wepon10.ID = 614509;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450200)
wepon10.ID = 614500;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450280)
wepon10.ID = 614280;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450270)
wepon10.ID = 614270;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450260)
wepon10.ID = 614260;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450250)
wepon10.ID = 614250;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450240)
wepon10.ID = 614240;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450230)
wepon10.ID = 614230;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450220)
wepon10.ID = 614220;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450210)
wepon10.ID = 614210;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450209)
wepon10.ID = 614509;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450100)
wepon10.ID = 614500;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450180)
wepon10.ID = 614180;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450170)
wepon10.ID = 614170;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450160)
wepon10.ID = 614160;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450150)
wepon10.ID = 614150;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450140)
wepon10.ID = 614140;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450130)
wepon10.ID = 614130;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450120)
wepon10.ID = 614120;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450110)
wepon10.ID = 614110;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450109)
wepon10.ID = 614509;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450000)
wepon10.ID = 614000;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450080)
wepon10.ID = 614080;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450070)
wepon10.ID = 614070;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450060)
wepon10.ID = 614060;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450050)
wepon10.ID = 614050;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450040)
wepon10.ID = 614040;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450030)
wepon10.ID = 614030;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450020)
wepon10.ID = 614020;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450010)
wepon10.ID = 614500;
if (wepon10.OldId == 450009)
wepon10.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon10, client);
wepon10.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
MsgItemInfo wepon109 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon);
if (wepon109 != null && wepon109.ID != 0 && !wepon109.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.IsAxe1Hand(wepon109.ID))
wepon109.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon109.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon109.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon109.OldId = 0;
wepon109.OldId = wepon109.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon109.OldId == 450439)
wepon109.ID = 614439;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450429)
wepon109.ID = 614429;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450419)
wepon109.ID = 614419;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450409)
wepon109.ID = 614409;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450399)
wepon109.ID = 614399;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450389)
wepon109.ID = 614389;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450379)
wepon109.ID = 614379;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450369)
wepon109.ID = 614369;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450359)
wepon109.ID = 614359;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450349)
wepon109.ID = 614349;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450339)
wepon109.ID = 614339;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450329)
wepon109.ID = 614329;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450319)
wepon109.ID = 614319;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450309)
wepon109.ID = 614509;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450299)
wepon109.ID = 614299;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450289)
wepon109.ID = 614289;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450279)
wepon109.ID = 614279;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450269)
wepon109.ID = 614269;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450259)
wepon109.ID = 614259;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450249)
wepon109.ID = 614249;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450239)
wepon109.ID = 614239;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450229)
wepon109.ID = 614229;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450219)
wepon109.ID = 614219;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450209)
wepon109.ID = 614509;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450199)
wepon109.ID = 614199;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450189)
wepon109.ID = 614189;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450179)
wepon109.ID = 614179;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450169)
wepon109.ID = 614169;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450159)
wepon109.ID = 614159;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450149)
wepon109.ID = 614149;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450139)
wepon109.ID = 614139;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450129)
wepon109.ID = 614129;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450119)
wepon109.ID = 614119;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450109)
wepon109.ID = 614509;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450099)
wepon109.ID = 614099;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450089)
wepon109.ID = 614089;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450079)
wepon109.ID = 614079;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450069)
wepon109.ID = 614069;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450059)
wepon109.ID = 614059;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450049)
wepon109.ID = 614049;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450039)
wepon109.ID = 614039;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450029)
wepon109.ID = 614029;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450019)
wepon109.ID = 614509;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450009)
wepon109.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon109.OldId == 450438)
wepon109.ID = 614438;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450428)
wepon109.ID = 614428;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450418)
wepon109.ID = 614418;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450408)
wepon109.ID = 614408;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450388)
wepon109.ID = 614388;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450388)
wepon109.ID = 614388;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450378)
wepon109.ID = 614378;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450368)
wepon109.ID = 614368;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450358)
wepon109.ID = 614358;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450348)
wepon109.ID = 614348;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450338)
wepon109.ID = 614338;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450328)
wepon109.ID = 614328;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450318)
wepon109.ID = 614318;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450308)
wepon109.ID = 614508;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450288)
wepon109.ID = 614288;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450288)
wepon109.ID = 614288;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450278)
wepon109.ID = 614278;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450268)
wepon109.ID = 614268;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450258)
wepon109.ID = 614258;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450248)
wepon109.ID = 614248;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450238)
wepon109.ID = 614238;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450228)
wepon109.ID = 614228;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450218)
wepon109.ID = 614218;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450208)
wepon109.ID = 614508;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450188)
wepon109.ID = 614188;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450188)
wepon109.ID = 614188;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450178)
wepon109.ID = 614178;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450168)
wepon109.ID = 614168;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450158)
wepon109.ID = 614158;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450148)
wepon109.ID = 614148;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450138)
wepon109.ID = 614138;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450128)
wepon109.ID = 614128;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450118)
wepon109.ID = 614118;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450108)
wepon109.ID = 614508;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450088)
wepon109.ID = 614088;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450088)
wepon109.ID = 614088;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450078)
wepon109.ID = 614078;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450068)
wepon109.ID = 614068;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450058)
wepon109.ID = 614058;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450048)
wepon109.ID = 614048;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450038)
wepon109.ID = 614038;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450028)
wepon109.ID = 614028;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450018)
wepon109.ID = 614508;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450008)
wepon109.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon109.OldId == 450437)
wepon109.ID = 614437;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450427)
wepon109.ID = 614427;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450417)
wepon109.ID = 614417;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450407)
wepon109.ID = 614407;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450377)
wepon109.ID = 614377;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450377)
wepon109.ID = 614377;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450377)
wepon109.ID = 614377;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450367)
wepon109.ID = 614367;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450357)
wepon109.ID = 614357;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450347)
wepon109.ID = 614347;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450337)
wepon109.ID = 614337;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450327)
wepon109.ID = 614327;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450317)
wepon109.ID = 614317;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450307)
wepon109.ID = 614507;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450277)
wepon109.ID = 614277;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450277)
wepon109.ID = 614277;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450277)
wepon109.ID = 614277;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450267)
wepon109.ID = 614267;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450257)
wepon109.ID = 614257;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450247)
wepon109.ID = 614247;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450237)
wepon109.ID = 614237;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450227)
wepon109.ID = 614227;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450217)
wepon109.ID = 614217;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450207)
wepon109.ID = 614507;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450177)
wepon109.ID = 614177;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450177)
wepon109.ID = 614177;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450177)
wepon109.ID = 614177;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450167)
wepon109.ID = 614167;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450157)
wepon109.ID = 614157;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450147)
wepon109.ID = 614147;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450137)
wepon109.ID = 614137;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450127)
wepon109.ID = 614127;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450117)
wepon109.ID = 614117;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450107)
wepon109.ID = 614507;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450077)
wepon109.ID = 614077;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450077)
wepon109.ID = 614077;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450077)
wepon109.ID = 614077;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450067)
wepon109.ID = 614067;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450057)
wepon109.ID = 614057;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450047)
wepon109.ID = 614047;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450037)
wepon109.ID = 614037;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450027)
wepon109.ID = 614027;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450017)
wepon109.ID = 614507;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450007)
wepon109.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon109.OldId == 450436)
wepon109.ID = 614436;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450426)
wepon109.ID = 614426;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450416)
wepon109.ID = 614416;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450406)
wepon109.ID = 614406;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450366)
wepon109.ID = 614366;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450386)
wepon109.ID = 614386;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450376)
wepon109.ID = 614376;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450366)
wepon109.ID = 614366;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450356)
wepon109.ID = 614356;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450346)
wepon109.ID = 614346;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450336)
wepon109.ID = 614336;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450326)
wepon109.ID = 614326;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450316)
wepon109.ID = 614316;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450306)
wepon109.ID = 614506;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450266)
wepon109.ID = 614266;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450286)
wepon109.ID = 614286;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450276)
wepon109.ID = 614276;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450266)
wepon109.ID = 614266;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450256)
wepon109.ID = 614256;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450246)
wepon109.ID = 614246;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450236)
wepon109.ID = 614236;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450226)
wepon109.ID = 614226;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450216)
wepon109.ID = 614216;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450206)
wepon109.ID = 614506;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450166)
wepon109.ID = 614166;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450186)
wepon109.ID = 614186;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450176)
wepon109.ID = 614176;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450166)
wepon109.ID = 614166;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450156)
wepon109.ID = 614156;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450146)
wepon109.ID = 614146;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450136)
wepon109.ID = 614136;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450126)
wepon109.ID = 614126;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450116)
wepon109.ID = 614116;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450106)
wepon109.ID = 614506;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450066)
wepon109.ID = 614066;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450086)
wepon109.ID = 614086;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450076)
wepon109.ID = 614076;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450066)
wepon109.ID = 614066;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450056)
wepon109.ID = 614056;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450046)
wepon109.ID = 614046;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450036)
wepon109.ID = 614036;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450026)
wepon109.ID = 614026;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450016)
wepon109.ID = 614506;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450006)
wepon109.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon109.OldId == 450435)
wepon109.ID = 614435;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450425)
wepon109.ID = 614425;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450415)
wepon109.ID = 614415;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450405)
wepon109.ID = 614405;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450355)
wepon109.ID = 614355;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450385)
wepon109.ID = 614385;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450375)
wepon109.ID = 614375;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450365)
wepon109.ID = 614365;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450355)
wepon109.ID = 614355;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450345)
wepon109.ID = 614345;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450335)
wepon109.ID = 614335;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450325)
wepon109.ID = 614325;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450315)
wepon109.ID = 614315;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450305)
wepon109.ID = 614505;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450255)
wepon109.ID = 614255;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450285)
wepon109.ID = 614285;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450275)
wepon109.ID = 614275;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450265)
wepon109.ID = 614265;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450255)
wepon109.ID = 614255;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450245)
wepon109.ID = 614245;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450235)
wepon109.ID = 614235;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450225)
wepon109.ID = 614225;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450215)
wepon109.ID = 614215;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450205)
wepon109.ID = 614505;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450155)
wepon109.ID = 614155;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450185)
wepon109.ID = 614185;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450175)
wepon109.ID = 614175;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450165)
wepon109.ID = 614165;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450155)
wepon109.ID = 614155;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450145)
wepon109.ID = 614145;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450135)
wepon109.ID = 614135;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450125)
wepon109.ID = 614125;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450115)
wepon109.ID = 614115;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450105)
wepon109.ID = 614505;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450055)
wepon109.ID = 614055;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450085)
wepon109.ID = 614085;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450075)
wepon109.ID = 614075;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450065)
wepon109.ID = 614065;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450055)
wepon109.ID = 614055;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450045)
wepon109.ID = 614045;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450035)
wepon109.ID = 614035;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450025)
wepon109.ID = 614025;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450015)
wepon109.ID = 614505;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450005)
wepon109.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon109.OldId == 450434)
wepon109.ID = 614434;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450424)
wepon109.ID = 614424;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450414)
wepon109.ID = 614414;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450405)
wepon109.ID = 614405;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450344)
wepon109.ID = 614344;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450384)
wepon109.ID = 614384;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450374)
wepon109.ID = 614374;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450364)
wepon109.ID = 614364;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450354)
wepon109.ID = 614354;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450344)
wepon109.ID = 614344;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450334)
wepon109.ID = 614334;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450324)
wepon109.ID = 614324;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450314)
wepon109.ID = 614314;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450305)
wepon109.ID = 614505;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450244)
wepon109.ID = 614244;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450284)
wepon109.ID = 614284;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450274)
wepon109.ID = 614274;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450264)
wepon109.ID = 614264;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450254)
wepon109.ID = 614254;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450244)
wepon109.ID = 614244;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450234)
wepon109.ID = 614234;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450224)
wepon109.ID = 614224;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450214)
wepon109.ID = 614214;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450205)
wepon109.ID = 614505;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450144)
wepon109.ID = 614144;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450184)
wepon109.ID = 614184;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450174)
wepon109.ID = 614174;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450164)
wepon109.ID = 614164;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450154)
wepon109.ID = 614154;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450144)
wepon109.ID = 614144;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450134)
wepon109.ID = 614134;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450124)
wepon109.ID = 614124;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450114)
wepon109.ID = 614114;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450105)
wepon109.ID = 614505;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450054)
wepon109.ID = 614054;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450084)
wepon109.ID = 614084;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450074)
wepon109.ID = 614074;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450064)
wepon109.ID = 614064;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450054)
wepon109.ID = 614054;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450044)
wepon109.ID = 614044;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450034)
wepon109.ID = 614034;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450024)
wepon109.ID = 614024;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450014)
wepon109.ID = 614504;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450004)
wepon109.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon109.OldId == 450433)
wepon109.ID = 614433;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450423)
wepon109.ID = 614423;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450413)
wepon109.ID = 614413;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450403)
wepon109.ID = 614403;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450339)
wepon109.ID = 614339;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450383)
wepon109.ID = 614383;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450373)
wepon109.ID = 614373;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450363)
wepon109.ID = 614363;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450353)
wepon109.ID = 614353;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450343)
wepon109.ID = 614343;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450333)
wepon109.ID = 614333;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450323)
wepon109.ID = 614323;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450313)
wepon109.ID = 614313;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450303)
wepon109.ID = 614503;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450233)
wepon109.ID = 614233;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450283)
wepon109.ID = 614283;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450273)
wepon109.ID = 614273;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450263)
wepon109.ID = 614263;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450253)
wepon109.ID = 614253;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450243)
wepon109.ID = 614243;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450233)
wepon109.ID = 614233;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450223)
wepon109.ID = 614223;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450213)
wepon109.ID = 614213;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450203)
wepon109.ID = 614503;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450133)
wepon109.ID = 614133;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450183)
wepon109.ID = 614183;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450173)
wepon109.ID = 614173;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450163)
wepon109.ID = 614163;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450153)
wepon109.ID = 614153;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450143)
wepon109.ID = 614143;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450133)
wepon109.ID = 614133;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450123)
wepon109.ID = 614123;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450113)
wepon109.ID = 614113;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450103)
wepon109.ID = 614503;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450033)
wepon109.ID = 614033;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450083)
wepon109.ID = 614083;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450073)
wepon109.ID = 614073;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450063)
wepon109.ID = 614063;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450053)
wepon109.ID = 614053;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450043)
wepon109.ID = 614043;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450033)
wepon109.ID = 614033;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450023)
wepon109.ID = 614023;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450013)
wepon109.ID = 614503;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450003)
wepon109.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon109.OldId == 450450)
wepon109.ID = 614450;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450450)
wepon109.ID = 614450;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450450)
wepon109.ID = 614450;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450409)
wepon109.ID = 614409;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450300)
wepon109.ID = 614500;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450380)
wepon109.ID = 614380;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450370)
wepon109.ID = 614370;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450360)
wepon109.ID = 614360;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450350)
wepon109.ID = 614350;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450340)
wepon109.ID = 614340;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450330)
wepon109.ID = 614330;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450320)
wepon109.ID = 614320;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450310)
wepon109.ID = 614310;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450309)
wepon109.ID = 614509;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450200)
wepon109.ID = 614500;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450280)
wepon109.ID = 614280;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450270)
wepon109.ID = 614270;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450260)
wepon109.ID = 614260;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450250)
wepon109.ID = 614250;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450240)
wepon109.ID = 614240;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450230)
wepon109.ID = 614230;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450220)
wepon109.ID = 614220;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450210)
wepon109.ID = 614210;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450209)
wepon109.ID = 614509;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450100)
wepon109.ID = 614500;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450180)
wepon109.ID = 614180;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450170)
wepon109.ID = 614170;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450160)
wepon109.ID = 614160;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450150)
wepon109.ID = 614150;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450140)
wepon109.ID = 614140;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450130)
wepon109.ID = 614130;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450120)
wepon109.ID = 614120;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450110)
wepon109.ID = 614110;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450109)
wepon109.ID = 614509;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450000)
wepon109.ID = 614000;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450080)
wepon109.ID = 614080;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450070)
wepon109.ID = 614070;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450060)
wepon109.ID = 614060;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450050)
wepon109.ID = 614050;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450040)
wepon109.ID = 614040;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450030)
wepon109.ID = 614030;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450020)
wepon109.ID = 614020;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450010)
wepon109.ID = 614500;
if (wepon109.OldId == 450009)
wepon109.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon109, client);
wepon109.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
#region Wepeons One Hand
MsgItemInfo wepon14 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon14 != null && wepon14.ID != 0 && !wepon14.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.Isweapons1Hand(wepon14.ID))
wepon14.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon14.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon14.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon14.OldId = 0;
wepon14.OldId = wepon14.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon14.OldId == 490439)
wepon14.ID = 614439;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490429)
wepon14.ID = 614429;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490419)
wepon14.ID = 614419;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490409)
wepon14.ID = 614409;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490399)
wepon14.ID = 614399;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490389)
wepon14.ID = 614389;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490379)
wepon14.ID = 614379;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490369)
wepon14.ID = 614369;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490359)
wepon14.ID = 614359;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490349)
wepon14.ID = 614349;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490339)
wepon14.ID = 614339;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490329)
wepon14.ID = 614329;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490319)
wepon14.ID = 614319;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490309)
wepon14.ID = 614909;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490299)
wepon14.ID = 614299;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490289)
wepon14.ID = 614289;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490279)
wepon14.ID = 614279;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490269)
wepon14.ID = 614269;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490259)
wepon14.ID = 614259;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490249)
wepon14.ID = 614249;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490239)
wepon14.ID = 614239;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490229)
wepon14.ID = 614229;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490219)
wepon14.ID = 614219;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490209)
wepon14.ID = 614909;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490199)
wepon14.ID = 614199;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490189)
wepon14.ID = 614189;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490179)
wepon14.ID = 614179;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490169)
wepon14.ID = 614169;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490159)
wepon14.ID = 614159;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490149)
wepon14.ID = 614149;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490139)
wepon14.ID = 614139;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490129)
wepon14.ID = 614129;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490119)
wepon14.ID = 614119;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490109)
wepon14.ID = 614909;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490099)
wepon14.ID = 614099;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490089)
wepon14.ID = 614089;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490079)
wepon14.ID = 614079;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490069)
wepon14.ID = 614069;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490059)
wepon14.ID = 614059;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490049)
wepon14.ID = 614049;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490039)
wepon14.ID = 614039;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490029)
wepon14.ID = 614029;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490019)
wepon14.ID = 614909;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490009)
wepon14.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon14.OldId == 490438)
wepon14.ID = 614438;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490428)
wepon14.ID = 614428;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490418)
wepon14.ID = 614418;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490408)
wepon14.ID = 614408;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490388)
wepon14.ID = 614388;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490388)
wepon14.ID = 614388;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490378)
wepon14.ID = 614378;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490368)
wepon14.ID = 614368;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490358)
wepon14.ID = 614358;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490348)
wepon14.ID = 614348;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490338)
wepon14.ID = 614338;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490328)
wepon14.ID = 614328;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490318)
wepon14.ID = 614318;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490308)
wepon14.ID = 614908;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490288)
wepon14.ID = 614288;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490288)
wepon14.ID = 614288;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490278)
wepon14.ID = 614278;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490268)
wepon14.ID = 614268;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490258)
wepon14.ID = 614258;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490248)
wepon14.ID = 614248;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490238)
wepon14.ID = 614238;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490228)
wepon14.ID = 614228;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490218)
wepon14.ID = 614218;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490208)
wepon14.ID = 614908;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490188)
wepon14.ID = 614188;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490188)
wepon14.ID = 614188;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490178)
wepon14.ID = 614178;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490168)
wepon14.ID = 614168;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490158)
wepon14.ID = 614158;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490148)
wepon14.ID = 614148;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490138)
wepon14.ID = 614138;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490128)
wepon14.ID = 614128;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490118)
wepon14.ID = 614118;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490108)
wepon14.ID = 614908;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490088)
wepon14.ID = 614088;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490088)
wepon14.ID = 614088;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490078)
wepon14.ID = 614078;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490068)
wepon14.ID = 614068;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490058)
wepon14.ID = 614058;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490048)
wepon14.ID = 614048;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490038)
wepon14.ID = 614038;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490028)
wepon14.ID = 614028;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490018)
wepon14.ID = 614908;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490008)
wepon14.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon14.OldId == 490437)
wepon14.ID = 614437;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490427)
wepon14.ID = 614427;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490417)
wepon14.ID = 614417;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490407)
wepon14.ID = 614407;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490377)
wepon14.ID = 614377;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490377)
wepon14.ID = 614377;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490377)
wepon14.ID = 614377;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490367)
wepon14.ID = 614367;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490357)
wepon14.ID = 614357;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490347)
wepon14.ID = 614347;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490337)
wepon14.ID = 614337;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490327)
wepon14.ID = 614327;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490317)
wepon14.ID = 614317;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490307)
wepon14.ID = 614907;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490277)
wepon14.ID = 614277;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490277)
wepon14.ID = 614277;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490277)
wepon14.ID = 614277;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490267)
wepon14.ID = 614267;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490257)
wepon14.ID = 614257;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490247)
wepon14.ID = 614247;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490237)
wepon14.ID = 614237;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490227)
wepon14.ID = 614227;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490217)
wepon14.ID = 614217;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490207)
wepon14.ID = 614907;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490177)
wepon14.ID = 614177;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490177)
wepon14.ID = 614177;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490177)
wepon14.ID = 614177;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490167)
wepon14.ID = 614167;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490157)
wepon14.ID = 614157;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490147)
wepon14.ID = 614147;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490137)
wepon14.ID = 614137;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490127)
wepon14.ID = 614127;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490117)
wepon14.ID = 614117;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490107)
wepon14.ID = 614907;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490077)
wepon14.ID = 614077;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490077)
wepon14.ID = 614077;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490077)
wepon14.ID = 614077;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490067)
wepon14.ID = 614067;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490057)
wepon14.ID = 614057;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490047)
wepon14.ID = 614047;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490037)
wepon14.ID = 614037;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490027)
wepon14.ID = 614027;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490017)
wepon14.ID = 614907;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490007)
wepon14.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon14.OldId == 490436)
wepon14.ID = 614436;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490426)
wepon14.ID = 614426;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490416)
wepon14.ID = 614416;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490406)
wepon14.ID = 614406;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490366)
wepon14.ID = 614366;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490386)
wepon14.ID = 614386;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490376)
wepon14.ID = 614376;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490366)
wepon14.ID = 614366;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490356)
wepon14.ID = 614356;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490346)
wepon14.ID = 614346;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490336)
wepon14.ID = 614336;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490326)
wepon14.ID = 614326;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490316)
wepon14.ID = 614316;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490306)
wepon14.ID = 614906;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490266)
wepon14.ID = 614266;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490286)
wepon14.ID = 614286;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490276)
wepon14.ID = 614276;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490266)
wepon14.ID = 614266;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490256)
wepon14.ID = 614256;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490246)
wepon14.ID = 614246;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490236)
wepon14.ID = 614236;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490226)
wepon14.ID = 614226;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490216)
wepon14.ID = 614216;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490206)
wepon14.ID = 614906;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490166)
wepon14.ID = 614166;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490186)
wepon14.ID = 614186;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490176)
wepon14.ID = 614176;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490166)
wepon14.ID = 614166;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490156)
wepon14.ID = 614156;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490146)
wepon14.ID = 614146;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490136)
wepon14.ID = 614136;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490126)
wepon14.ID = 614126;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490116)
wepon14.ID = 614116;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490106)
wepon14.ID = 614906;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490066)
wepon14.ID = 614066;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490086)
wepon14.ID = 614086;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490076)
wepon14.ID = 614076;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490066)
wepon14.ID = 614066;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490056)
wepon14.ID = 614056;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490046)
wepon14.ID = 614046;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490036)
wepon14.ID = 614036;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490026)
wepon14.ID = 614026;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490016)
wepon14.ID = 614906;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490006)
wepon14.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon14.OldId == 490435)
wepon14.ID = 614435;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490425)
wepon14.ID = 614425;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490415)
wepon14.ID = 614415;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490405)
wepon14.ID = 614405;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490355)
wepon14.ID = 614355;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490385)
wepon14.ID = 614385;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490375)
wepon14.ID = 614375;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490365)
wepon14.ID = 614365;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490355)
wepon14.ID = 614355;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490345)
wepon14.ID = 614345;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490335)
wepon14.ID = 614335;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490325)
wepon14.ID = 614325;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490315)
wepon14.ID = 614315;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490305)
wepon14.ID = 614905;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490255)
wepon14.ID = 614255;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490285)
wepon14.ID = 614285;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490275)
wepon14.ID = 614275;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490265)
wepon14.ID = 614265;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490255)
wepon14.ID = 614255;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490245)
wepon14.ID = 614245;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490235)
wepon14.ID = 614235;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490225)
wepon14.ID = 614225;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490215)
wepon14.ID = 614215;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490205)
wepon14.ID = 614905;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490155)
wepon14.ID = 614155;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490185)
wepon14.ID = 614185;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490175)
wepon14.ID = 614175;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490165)
wepon14.ID = 614165;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490155)
wepon14.ID = 614155;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490145)
wepon14.ID = 614145;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490135)
wepon14.ID = 614135;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490125)
wepon14.ID = 614125;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490115)
wepon14.ID = 614115;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490105)
wepon14.ID = 614905;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490055)
wepon14.ID = 614055;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490085)
wepon14.ID = 614085;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490075)
wepon14.ID = 614075;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490065)
wepon14.ID = 614065;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490055)
wepon14.ID = 614055;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490045)
wepon14.ID = 614045;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490035)
wepon14.ID = 614035;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490025)
wepon14.ID = 614025;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490015)
wepon14.ID = 614905;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490005)
wepon14.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon14.OldId == 490434)
wepon14.ID = 614434;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490424)
wepon14.ID = 614424;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490414)
wepon14.ID = 614414;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490405)
wepon14.ID = 614405;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490344)
wepon14.ID = 614344;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490384)
wepon14.ID = 614384;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490374)
wepon14.ID = 614374;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490364)
wepon14.ID = 614364;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490354)
wepon14.ID = 614354;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490344)
wepon14.ID = 614344;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490334)
wepon14.ID = 614334;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490324)
wepon14.ID = 614324;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490314)
wepon14.ID = 614314;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490305)
wepon14.ID = 614905;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490244)
wepon14.ID = 614244;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490284)
wepon14.ID = 614284;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490274)
wepon14.ID = 614274;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490264)
wepon14.ID = 614264;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490254)
wepon14.ID = 614254;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490244)
wepon14.ID = 614244;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490234)
wepon14.ID = 614234;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490224)
wepon14.ID = 614224;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490214)
wepon14.ID = 614214;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490205)
wepon14.ID = 614905;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490144)
wepon14.ID = 614144;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490184)
wepon14.ID = 614184;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490174)
wepon14.ID = 614174;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490164)
wepon14.ID = 614164;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490154)
wepon14.ID = 614154;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490144)
wepon14.ID = 614144;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490134)
wepon14.ID = 614134;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490124)
wepon14.ID = 614124;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490114)
wepon14.ID = 614114;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490105)
wepon14.ID = 614905;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490054)
wepon14.ID = 614054;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490084)
wepon14.ID = 614084;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490074)
wepon14.ID = 614074;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490064)
wepon14.ID = 614064;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490054)
wepon14.ID = 614054;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490044)
wepon14.ID = 614044;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490034)
wepon14.ID = 614034;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490024)
wepon14.ID = 614024;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490014)
wepon14.ID = 614904;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490004)
wepon14.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon14.OldId == 490433)
wepon14.ID = 614433;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490423)
wepon14.ID = 614423;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490413)
wepon14.ID = 614413;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490403)
wepon14.ID = 614403;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490339)
wepon14.ID = 614339;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490383)
wepon14.ID = 614383;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490373)
wepon14.ID = 614373;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490363)
wepon14.ID = 614363;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490353)
wepon14.ID = 614353;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490343)
wepon14.ID = 614343;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490333)
wepon14.ID = 614333;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490323)
wepon14.ID = 614323;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490313)
wepon14.ID = 614313;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490303)
wepon14.ID = 614903;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490233)
wepon14.ID = 614233;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490283)
wepon14.ID = 614283;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490273)
wepon14.ID = 614273;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490263)
wepon14.ID = 614263;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490253)
wepon14.ID = 614253;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490243)
wepon14.ID = 614243;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490233)
wepon14.ID = 614233;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490223)
wepon14.ID = 614223;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490213)
wepon14.ID = 614213;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490203)
wepon14.ID = 614903;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490133)
wepon14.ID = 614133;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490183)
wepon14.ID = 614183;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490173)
wepon14.ID = 614173;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490163)
wepon14.ID = 614163;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490153)
wepon14.ID = 614153;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490143)
wepon14.ID = 614143;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490133)
wepon14.ID = 614133;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490123)
wepon14.ID = 614123;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490113)
wepon14.ID = 614113;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490103)
wepon14.ID = 614903;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490033)
wepon14.ID = 614033;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490083)
wepon14.ID = 614083;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490073)
wepon14.ID = 614073;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490063)
wepon14.ID = 614063;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490053)
wepon14.ID = 614053;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490043)
wepon14.ID = 614043;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490033)
wepon14.ID = 614033;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490023)
wepon14.ID = 614023;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490013)
wepon14.ID = 614903;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490003)
wepon14.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon14.OldId == 490490)
wepon14.ID = 614490;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490490)
wepon14.ID = 614490;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490490)
wepon14.ID = 614490;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490409)
wepon14.ID = 614409;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490300)
wepon14.ID = 614900;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490380)
wepon14.ID = 614380;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490370)
wepon14.ID = 614370;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490360)
wepon14.ID = 614360;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490350)
wepon14.ID = 614350;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490340)
wepon14.ID = 614340;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490330)
wepon14.ID = 614330;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490320)
wepon14.ID = 614320;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490310)
wepon14.ID = 614310;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490309)
wepon14.ID = 614909;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490200)
wepon14.ID = 614900;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490280)
wepon14.ID = 614280;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490270)
wepon14.ID = 614270;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490260)
wepon14.ID = 614260;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490250)
wepon14.ID = 614250;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490240)
wepon14.ID = 614240;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490230)
wepon14.ID = 614230;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490220)
wepon14.ID = 614220;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490210)
wepon14.ID = 614210;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490209)
wepon14.ID = 614909;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490100)
wepon14.ID = 614900;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490180)
wepon14.ID = 614180;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490170)
wepon14.ID = 614170;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490160)
wepon14.ID = 614160;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490150)
wepon14.ID = 614150;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490140)
wepon14.ID = 614140;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490130)
wepon14.ID = 614130;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490120)
wepon14.ID = 614120;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490110)
wepon14.ID = 614110;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490109)
wepon14.ID = 614909;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490000)
wepon14.ID = 614000;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490080)
wepon14.ID = 614080;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490070)
wepon14.ID = 614070;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490060)
wepon14.ID = 614060;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490050)
wepon14.ID = 614050;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490040)
wepon14.ID = 614040;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490030)
wepon14.ID = 614030;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490020)
wepon14.ID = 614020;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490010)
wepon14.ID = 614900;
if (wepon14.OldId == 490009)
wepon14.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon14, client);
wepon14.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
MsgItemInfo wepon1413 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon);
if (wepon1413 != null && wepon1413.ID != 0 && !wepon1413.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.Isweapons1Hand(wepon1413.ID))
wepon1413.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon1413.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon1413.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon1413.OldId = 0;
wepon1413.OldId = wepon1413.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490439)
wepon1413.ID = 614439;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490429)
wepon1413.ID = 614429;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490419)
wepon1413.ID = 614419;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490409)
wepon1413.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490399)
wepon1413.ID = 614399;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490389)
wepon1413.ID = 614389;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490379)
wepon1413.ID = 614379;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490369)
wepon1413.ID = 614369;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490359)
wepon1413.ID = 614359;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490349)
wepon1413.ID = 614349;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490339)
wepon1413.ID = 614339;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490329)
wepon1413.ID = 614329;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490319)
wepon1413.ID = 614319;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490309)
wepon1413.ID = 614909;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490299)
wepon1413.ID = 614299;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490289)
wepon1413.ID = 614289;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490279)
wepon1413.ID = 614279;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490269)
wepon1413.ID = 614269;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490259)
wepon1413.ID = 614259;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490249)
wepon1413.ID = 614249;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490239)
wepon1413.ID = 614239;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490229)
wepon1413.ID = 614229;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490219)
wepon1413.ID = 614219;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490209)
wepon1413.ID = 614909;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490199)
wepon1413.ID = 614199;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490189)
wepon1413.ID = 614189;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490179)
wepon1413.ID = 614179;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490169)
wepon1413.ID = 614169;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490159)
wepon1413.ID = 614159;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490149)
wepon1413.ID = 614149;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490139)
wepon1413.ID = 614139;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490129)
wepon1413.ID = 614129;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490119)
wepon1413.ID = 614119;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490109)
wepon1413.ID = 614909;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490099)
wepon1413.ID = 614099;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490089)
wepon1413.ID = 614089;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490079)
wepon1413.ID = 614079;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490069)
wepon1413.ID = 614069;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490059)
wepon1413.ID = 614059;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490049)
wepon1413.ID = 614049;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490039)
wepon1413.ID = 614039;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490029)
wepon1413.ID = 614029;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490019)
wepon1413.ID = 614909;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490009)
wepon1413.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490438)
wepon1413.ID = 614438;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490428)
wepon1413.ID = 614428;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490418)
wepon1413.ID = 614418;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490408)
wepon1413.ID = 614408;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490388)
wepon1413.ID = 614388;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490388)
wepon1413.ID = 614388;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490378)
wepon1413.ID = 614378;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490368)
wepon1413.ID = 614368;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490358)
wepon1413.ID = 614358;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490348)
wepon1413.ID = 614348;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490338)
wepon1413.ID = 614338;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490328)
wepon1413.ID = 614328;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490318)
wepon1413.ID = 614318;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490308)
wepon1413.ID = 614908;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490288)
wepon1413.ID = 614288;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490288)
wepon1413.ID = 614288;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490278)
wepon1413.ID = 614278;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490268)
wepon1413.ID = 614268;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490258)
wepon1413.ID = 614258;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490248)
wepon1413.ID = 614248;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490238)
wepon1413.ID = 614238;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490228)
wepon1413.ID = 614228;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490218)
wepon1413.ID = 614218;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490208)
wepon1413.ID = 614908;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490188)
wepon1413.ID = 614188;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490188)
wepon1413.ID = 614188;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490178)
wepon1413.ID = 614178;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490168)
wepon1413.ID = 614168;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490158)
wepon1413.ID = 614158;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490148)
wepon1413.ID = 614148;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490138)
wepon1413.ID = 614138;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490128)
wepon1413.ID = 614128;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490118)
wepon1413.ID = 614118;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490108)
wepon1413.ID = 614908;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490088)
wepon1413.ID = 614088;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490088)
wepon1413.ID = 614088;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490078)
wepon1413.ID = 614078;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490068)
wepon1413.ID = 614068;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490058)
wepon1413.ID = 614058;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490048)
wepon1413.ID = 614048;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490038)
wepon1413.ID = 614038;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490028)
wepon1413.ID = 614028;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490018)
wepon1413.ID = 614908;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490008)
wepon1413.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490437)
wepon1413.ID = 614437;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490427)
wepon1413.ID = 614427;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490417)
wepon1413.ID = 614417;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490407)
wepon1413.ID = 614407;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490377)
wepon1413.ID = 614377;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490377)
wepon1413.ID = 614377;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490377)
wepon1413.ID = 614377;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490367)
wepon1413.ID = 614367;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490357)
wepon1413.ID = 614357;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490347)
wepon1413.ID = 614347;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490337)
wepon1413.ID = 614337;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490327)
wepon1413.ID = 614327;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490317)
wepon1413.ID = 614317;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490307)
wepon1413.ID = 614907;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490277)
wepon1413.ID = 614277;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490277)
wepon1413.ID = 614277;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490277)
wepon1413.ID = 614277;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490267)
wepon1413.ID = 614267;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490257)
wepon1413.ID = 614257;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490247)
wepon1413.ID = 614247;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490237)
wepon1413.ID = 614237;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490227)
wepon1413.ID = 614227;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490217)
wepon1413.ID = 614217;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490207)
wepon1413.ID = 614907;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490177)
wepon1413.ID = 614177;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490177)
wepon1413.ID = 614177;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490177)
wepon1413.ID = 614177;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490167)
wepon1413.ID = 614167;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490157)
wepon1413.ID = 614157;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490147)
wepon1413.ID = 614147;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490137)
wepon1413.ID = 614137;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490127)
wepon1413.ID = 614127;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490117)
wepon1413.ID = 614117;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490107)
wepon1413.ID = 614907;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490077)
wepon1413.ID = 614077;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490077)
wepon1413.ID = 614077;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490077)
wepon1413.ID = 614077;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490067)
wepon1413.ID = 614067;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490057)
wepon1413.ID = 614057;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490047)
wepon1413.ID = 614047;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490037)
wepon1413.ID = 614037;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490027)
wepon1413.ID = 614027;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490017)
wepon1413.ID = 614907;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490007)
wepon1413.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490436)
wepon1413.ID = 614436;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490426)
wepon1413.ID = 614426;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490416)
wepon1413.ID = 614416;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490406)
wepon1413.ID = 614406;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490366)
wepon1413.ID = 614366;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490386)
wepon1413.ID = 614386;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490376)
wepon1413.ID = 614376;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490366)
wepon1413.ID = 614366;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490356)
wepon1413.ID = 614356;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490346)
wepon1413.ID = 614346;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490336)
wepon1413.ID = 614336;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490326)
wepon1413.ID = 614326;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490316)
wepon1413.ID = 614316;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490306)
wepon1413.ID = 614906;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490266)
wepon1413.ID = 614266;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490286)
wepon1413.ID = 614286;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490276)
wepon1413.ID = 614276;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490266)
wepon1413.ID = 614266;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490256)
wepon1413.ID = 614256;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490246)
wepon1413.ID = 614246;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490236)
wepon1413.ID = 614236;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490226)
wepon1413.ID = 614226;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490216)
wepon1413.ID = 614216;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490206)
wepon1413.ID = 614906;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490166)
wepon1413.ID = 614166;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490186)
wepon1413.ID = 614186;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490176)
wepon1413.ID = 614176;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490166)
wepon1413.ID = 614166;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490156)
wepon1413.ID = 614156;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490146)
wepon1413.ID = 614146;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490136)
wepon1413.ID = 614136;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490126)
wepon1413.ID = 614126;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490116)
wepon1413.ID = 614116;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490106)
wepon1413.ID = 614906;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490066)
wepon1413.ID = 614066;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490086)
wepon1413.ID = 614086;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490076)
wepon1413.ID = 614076;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490066)
wepon1413.ID = 614066;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490056)
wepon1413.ID = 614056;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490046)
wepon1413.ID = 614046;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490036)
wepon1413.ID = 614036;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490026)
wepon1413.ID = 614026;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490016)
wepon1413.ID = 614906;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490006)
wepon1413.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490435)
wepon1413.ID = 614435;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490425)
wepon1413.ID = 614425;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490415)
wepon1413.ID = 614415;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490405)
wepon1413.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490355)
wepon1413.ID = 614355;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490385)
wepon1413.ID = 614385;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490375)
wepon1413.ID = 614375;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490365)
wepon1413.ID = 614365;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490355)
wepon1413.ID = 614355;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490345)
wepon1413.ID = 614345;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490335)
wepon1413.ID = 614335;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490325)
wepon1413.ID = 614325;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490315)
wepon1413.ID = 614315;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490305)
wepon1413.ID = 614905;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490255)
wepon1413.ID = 614255;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490285)
wepon1413.ID = 614285;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490275)
wepon1413.ID = 614275;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490265)
wepon1413.ID = 614265;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490255)
wepon1413.ID = 614255;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490245)
wepon1413.ID = 614245;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490235)
wepon1413.ID = 614235;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490225)
wepon1413.ID = 614225;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490215)
wepon1413.ID = 614215;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490205)
wepon1413.ID = 614905;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490155)
wepon1413.ID = 614155;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490185)
wepon1413.ID = 614185;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490175)
wepon1413.ID = 614175;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490165)
wepon1413.ID = 614165;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490155)
wepon1413.ID = 614155;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490145)
wepon1413.ID = 614145;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490135)
wepon1413.ID = 614135;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490125)
wepon1413.ID = 614125;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490115)
wepon1413.ID = 614115;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490105)
wepon1413.ID = 614905;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490055)
wepon1413.ID = 614055;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490085)
wepon1413.ID = 614085;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490075)
wepon1413.ID = 614075;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490065)
wepon1413.ID = 614065;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490055)
wepon1413.ID = 614055;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490045)
wepon1413.ID = 614045;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490035)
wepon1413.ID = 614035;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490025)
wepon1413.ID = 614025;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490015)
wepon1413.ID = 614905;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490005)
wepon1413.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490434)
wepon1413.ID = 614434;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490424)
wepon1413.ID = 614424;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490414)
wepon1413.ID = 614414;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490405)
wepon1413.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490344)
wepon1413.ID = 614344;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490384)
wepon1413.ID = 614384;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490374)
wepon1413.ID = 614374;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490364)
wepon1413.ID = 614364;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490354)
wepon1413.ID = 614354;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490344)
wepon1413.ID = 614344;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490334)
wepon1413.ID = 614334;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490324)
wepon1413.ID = 614324;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490314)
wepon1413.ID = 614314;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490305)
wepon1413.ID = 614905;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490244)
wepon1413.ID = 614244;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490284)
wepon1413.ID = 614284;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490274)
wepon1413.ID = 614274;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490264)
wepon1413.ID = 614264;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490254)
wepon1413.ID = 614254;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490244)
wepon1413.ID = 614244;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490234)
wepon1413.ID = 614234;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490224)
wepon1413.ID = 614224;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490214)
wepon1413.ID = 614214;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490205)
wepon1413.ID = 614905;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490144)
wepon1413.ID = 614144;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490184)
wepon1413.ID = 614184;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490174)
wepon1413.ID = 614174;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490164)
wepon1413.ID = 614164;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490154)
wepon1413.ID = 614154;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490144)
wepon1413.ID = 614144;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490134)
wepon1413.ID = 614134;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490124)
wepon1413.ID = 614124;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490114)
wepon1413.ID = 614114;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490105)
wepon1413.ID = 614905;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490054)
wepon1413.ID = 614054;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490084)
wepon1413.ID = 614084;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490074)
wepon1413.ID = 614074;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490064)
wepon1413.ID = 614064;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490054)
wepon1413.ID = 614054;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490044)
wepon1413.ID = 614044;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490034)
wepon1413.ID = 614034;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490024)
wepon1413.ID = 614024;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490014)
wepon1413.ID = 614904;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490004)
wepon1413.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490433)
wepon1413.ID = 614433;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490423)
wepon1413.ID = 614423;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490413)
wepon1413.ID = 614413;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490403)
wepon1413.ID = 614403;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490339)
wepon1413.ID = 614339;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490383)
wepon1413.ID = 614383;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490373)
wepon1413.ID = 614373;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490363)
wepon1413.ID = 614363;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490353)
wepon1413.ID = 614353;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490343)
wepon1413.ID = 614343;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490333)
wepon1413.ID = 614333;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490323)
wepon1413.ID = 614323;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490313)
wepon1413.ID = 614313;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490303)
wepon1413.ID = 614903;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490233)
wepon1413.ID = 614233;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490283)
wepon1413.ID = 614283;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490273)
wepon1413.ID = 614273;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490263)
wepon1413.ID = 614263;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490253)
wepon1413.ID = 614253;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490243)
wepon1413.ID = 614243;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490233)
wepon1413.ID = 614233;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490223)
wepon1413.ID = 614223;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490213)
wepon1413.ID = 614213;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490203)
wepon1413.ID = 614903;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490133)
wepon1413.ID = 614133;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490183)
wepon1413.ID = 614183;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490173)
wepon1413.ID = 614173;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490163)
wepon1413.ID = 614163;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490153)
wepon1413.ID = 614153;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490143)
wepon1413.ID = 614143;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490133)
wepon1413.ID = 614133;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490123)
wepon1413.ID = 614123;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490113)
wepon1413.ID = 614113;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490103)
wepon1413.ID = 614903;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490033)
wepon1413.ID = 614033;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490083)
wepon1413.ID = 614083;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490073)
wepon1413.ID = 614073;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490063)
wepon1413.ID = 614063;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490053)
wepon1413.ID = 614053;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490043)
wepon1413.ID = 614043;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490033)
wepon1413.ID = 614033;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490023)
wepon1413.ID = 614023;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490013)
wepon1413.ID = 614903;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490003)
wepon1413.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490490)
wepon1413.ID = 614490;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490490)
wepon1413.ID = 614490;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490490)
wepon1413.ID = 614490;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490409)
wepon1413.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490300)
wepon1413.ID = 614900;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490380)
wepon1413.ID = 614380;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490370)
wepon1413.ID = 614370;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490360)
wepon1413.ID = 614360;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490350)
wepon1413.ID = 614350;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490340)
wepon1413.ID = 614340;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490330)
wepon1413.ID = 614330;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490320)
wepon1413.ID = 614320;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490310)
wepon1413.ID = 614310;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490309)
wepon1413.ID = 614909;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490200)
wepon1413.ID = 614900;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490280)
wepon1413.ID = 614280;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490270)
wepon1413.ID = 614270;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490260)
wepon1413.ID = 614260;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490250)
wepon1413.ID = 614250;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490240)
wepon1413.ID = 614240;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490230)
wepon1413.ID = 614230;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490220)
wepon1413.ID = 614220;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490210)
wepon1413.ID = 614210;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490209)
wepon1413.ID = 614909;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490100)
wepon1413.ID = 614900;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490180)
wepon1413.ID = 614180;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490170)
wepon1413.ID = 614170;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490160)
wepon1413.ID = 614160;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490150)
wepon1413.ID = 614150;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490140)
wepon1413.ID = 614140;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490130)
wepon1413.ID = 614130;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490120)
wepon1413.ID = 614120;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490110)
wepon1413.ID = 614110;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490109)
wepon1413.ID = 614909;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490000)
wepon1413.ID = 614000;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490080)
wepon1413.ID = 614080;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490070)
wepon1413.ID = 614070;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490060)
wepon1413.ID = 614060;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490050)
wepon1413.ID = 614050;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490040)
wepon1413.ID = 614040;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490030)
wepon1413.ID = 614030;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490020)
wepon1413.ID = 614020;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490010)
wepon1413.ID = 614900;
if (wepon1413.OldId == 490009)
wepon1413.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon1413, client);
wepon1413.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
#region Dagger
MsgItemInfo wepon16 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon16 != null && wepon16.ID != 0 && !wepon16.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.Isweapons1Hand(wepon16.ID))
wepon16.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon16.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon16.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon16.OldId = 0;
wepon16.OldId = wepon16.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon16.OldId == 481439)
wepon16.ID = 614439;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481429)
wepon16.ID = 614429;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481419)
wepon16.ID = 614419;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481409)
wepon16.ID = 614409;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481399)
wepon16.ID = 614399;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481389)
wepon16.ID = 614389;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481379)
wepon16.ID = 614379;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481369)
wepon16.ID = 614369;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481359)
wepon16.ID = 614359;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481349)
wepon16.ID = 614349;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481339)
wepon16.ID = 614339;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481329)
wepon16.ID = 614329;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481319)
wepon16.ID = 614319;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481309)
wepon16.ID = 614819;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481299)
wepon16.ID = 614299;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481289)
wepon16.ID = 614289;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481279)
wepon16.ID = 614279;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481269)
wepon16.ID = 614269;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481259)
wepon16.ID = 614259;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481249)
wepon16.ID = 614249;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481239)
wepon16.ID = 614239;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481229)
wepon16.ID = 614229;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481219)
wepon16.ID = 614219;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481209)
wepon16.ID = 614819;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481199)
wepon16.ID = 614199;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481189)
wepon16.ID = 614189;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481179)
wepon16.ID = 614179;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481169)
wepon16.ID = 614169;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481159)
wepon16.ID = 614159;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481149)
wepon16.ID = 614149;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481139)
wepon16.ID = 614139;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481129)
wepon16.ID = 614129;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481119)
wepon16.ID = 614119;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481109)
wepon16.ID = 614819;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481099)
wepon16.ID = 614099;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481089)
wepon16.ID = 614089;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481079)
wepon16.ID = 614079;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481069)
wepon16.ID = 614069;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481059)
wepon16.ID = 614059;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481049)
wepon16.ID = 614049;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481039)
wepon16.ID = 614039;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481029)
wepon16.ID = 614029;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481019)
wepon16.ID = 614819;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481009)
wepon16.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon16.OldId == 481438)
wepon16.ID = 614438;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481428)
wepon16.ID = 614428;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481418)
wepon16.ID = 614418;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481408)
wepon16.ID = 614408;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481388)
wepon16.ID = 614388;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481388)
wepon16.ID = 614388;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481378)
wepon16.ID = 614378;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481368)
wepon16.ID = 614368;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481358)
wepon16.ID = 614358;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481348)
wepon16.ID = 614348;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481338)
wepon16.ID = 614338;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481328)
wepon16.ID = 614328;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481318)
wepon16.ID = 614318;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481308)
wepon16.ID = 614818;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481288)
wepon16.ID = 614288;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481288)
wepon16.ID = 614288;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481278)
wepon16.ID = 614278;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481268)
wepon16.ID = 614268;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481258)
wepon16.ID = 614258;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481248)
wepon16.ID = 614248;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481238)
wepon16.ID = 614238;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481228)
wepon16.ID = 614228;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481218)
wepon16.ID = 614218;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481208)
wepon16.ID = 614818;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481188)
wepon16.ID = 614188;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481188)
wepon16.ID = 614188;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481178)
wepon16.ID = 614178;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481168)
wepon16.ID = 614168;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481158)
wepon16.ID = 614158;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481148)
wepon16.ID = 614148;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481138)
wepon16.ID = 614138;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481128)
wepon16.ID = 614128;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481118)
wepon16.ID = 614118;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481108)
wepon16.ID = 614818;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481088)
wepon16.ID = 614088;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481088)
wepon16.ID = 614088;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481078)
wepon16.ID = 614078;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481068)
wepon16.ID = 614068;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481058)
wepon16.ID = 614058;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481048)
wepon16.ID = 614048;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481038)
wepon16.ID = 614038;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481028)
wepon16.ID = 614028;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481018)
wepon16.ID = 614818;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481008)
wepon16.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon16.OldId == 481437)
wepon16.ID = 614437;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481427)
wepon16.ID = 614427;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481417)
wepon16.ID = 614417;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481407)
wepon16.ID = 614407;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481377)
wepon16.ID = 614377;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481377)
wepon16.ID = 614377;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481377)
wepon16.ID = 614377;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481367)
wepon16.ID = 614367;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481357)
wepon16.ID = 614357;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481347)
wepon16.ID = 614347;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481337)
wepon16.ID = 614337;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481327)
wepon16.ID = 614327;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481317)
wepon16.ID = 614317;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481307)
wepon16.ID = 614817;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481277)
wepon16.ID = 614277;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481277)
wepon16.ID = 614277;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481277)
wepon16.ID = 614277;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481267)
wepon16.ID = 614267;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481257)
wepon16.ID = 614257;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481247)
wepon16.ID = 614247;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481237)
wepon16.ID = 614237;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481227)
wepon16.ID = 614227;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481217)
wepon16.ID = 614217;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481207)
wepon16.ID = 614817;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481177)
wepon16.ID = 614177;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481177)
wepon16.ID = 614177;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481177)
wepon16.ID = 614177;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481167)
wepon16.ID = 614167;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481157)
wepon16.ID = 614157;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481147)
wepon16.ID = 614147;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481137)
wepon16.ID = 614137;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481127)
wepon16.ID = 614127;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481117)
wepon16.ID = 614117;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481107)
wepon16.ID = 614817;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481077)
wepon16.ID = 614077;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481077)
wepon16.ID = 614077;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481077)
wepon16.ID = 614077;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481067)
wepon16.ID = 614067;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481057)
wepon16.ID = 614057;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481047)
wepon16.ID = 614047;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481037)
wepon16.ID = 614037;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481027)
wepon16.ID = 614027;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481017)
wepon16.ID = 614817;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481007)
wepon16.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon16.OldId == 481436)
wepon16.ID = 614436;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481426)
wepon16.ID = 614426;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481416)
wepon16.ID = 614416;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481406)
wepon16.ID = 614406;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481366)
wepon16.ID = 614366;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481386)
wepon16.ID = 614386;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481376)
wepon16.ID = 614376;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481366)
wepon16.ID = 614366;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481356)
wepon16.ID = 614356;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481346)
wepon16.ID = 614346;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481336)
wepon16.ID = 614336;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481326)
wepon16.ID = 614326;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481316)
wepon16.ID = 614316;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481306)
wepon16.ID = 614816;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481266)
wepon16.ID = 614266;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481286)
wepon16.ID = 614286;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481276)
wepon16.ID = 614276;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481266)
wepon16.ID = 614266;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481256)
wepon16.ID = 614256;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481246)
wepon16.ID = 614246;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481236)
wepon16.ID = 614236;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481226)
wepon16.ID = 614226;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481216)
wepon16.ID = 614216;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481206)
wepon16.ID = 614816;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481166)
wepon16.ID = 614166;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481186)
wepon16.ID = 614186;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481176)
wepon16.ID = 614176;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481166)
wepon16.ID = 614166;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481156)
wepon16.ID = 614156;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481146)
wepon16.ID = 614146;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481136)
wepon16.ID = 614136;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481126)
wepon16.ID = 614126;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481116)
wepon16.ID = 614116;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481106)
wepon16.ID = 614816;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481066)
wepon16.ID = 614066;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481086)
wepon16.ID = 614086;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481076)
wepon16.ID = 614076;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481066)
wepon16.ID = 614066;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481056)
wepon16.ID = 614056;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481046)
wepon16.ID = 614046;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481036)
wepon16.ID = 614036;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481026)
wepon16.ID = 614026;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481016)
wepon16.ID = 614816;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481006)
wepon16.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon16.OldId == 481435)
wepon16.ID = 614435;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481425)
wepon16.ID = 614425;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481415)
wepon16.ID = 614415;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481405)
wepon16.ID = 614405;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481355)
wepon16.ID = 614355;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481385)
wepon16.ID = 614385;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481375)
wepon16.ID = 614375;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481365)
wepon16.ID = 614365;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481355)
wepon16.ID = 614355;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481345)
wepon16.ID = 614345;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481335)
wepon16.ID = 614335;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481325)
wepon16.ID = 614325;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481315)
wepon16.ID = 614315;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481305)
wepon16.ID = 614815;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481255)
wepon16.ID = 614255;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481285)
wepon16.ID = 614285;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481275)
wepon16.ID = 614275;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481265)
wepon16.ID = 614265;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481255)
wepon16.ID = 614255;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481245)
wepon16.ID = 614245;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481235)
wepon16.ID = 614235;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481225)
wepon16.ID = 614225;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481215)
wepon16.ID = 614215;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481205)
wepon16.ID = 614815;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481155)
wepon16.ID = 614155;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481185)
wepon16.ID = 614185;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481175)
wepon16.ID = 614175;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481165)
wepon16.ID = 614165;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481155)
wepon16.ID = 614155;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481145)
wepon16.ID = 614145;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481135)
wepon16.ID = 614135;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481125)
wepon16.ID = 614125;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481115)
wepon16.ID = 614115;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481105)
wepon16.ID = 614815;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481055)
wepon16.ID = 614055;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481085)
wepon16.ID = 614085;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481075)
wepon16.ID = 614075;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481065)
wepon16.ID = 614065;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481055)
wepon16.ID = 614055;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481045)
wepon16.ID = 614045;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481035)
wepon16.ID = 614035;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481025)
wepon16.ID = 614025;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481015)
wepon16.ID = 614815;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481005)
wepon16.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon16.OldId == 481434)
wepon16.ID = 614434;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481424)
wepon16.ID = 614424;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481414)
wepon16.ID = 614414;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481405)
wepon16.ID = 614405;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481344)
wepon16.ID = 614344;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481384)
wepon16.ID = 614384;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481374)
wepon16.ID = 614374;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481364)
wepon16.ID = 614364;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481354)
wepon16.ID = 614354;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481344)
wepon16.ID = 614344;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481334)
wepon16.ID = 614334;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481324)
wepon16.ID = 614324;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481314)
wepon16.ID = 614314;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481305)
wepon16.ID = 614815;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481244)
wepon16.ID = 614244;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481284)
wepon16.ID = 614284;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481274)
wepon16.ID = 614274;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481264)
wepon16.ID = 614264;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481254)
wepon16.ID = 614254;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481244)
wepon16.ID = 614244;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481234)
wepon16.ID = 614234;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481224)
wepon16.ID = 614224;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481214)
wepon16.ID = 614214;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481205)
wepon16.ID = 614815;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481144)
wepon16.ID = 614144;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481184)
wepon16.ID = 614184;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481174)
wepon16.ID = 614174;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481164)
wepon16.ID = 614164;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481154)
wepon16.ID = 614154;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481144)
wepon16.ID = 614144;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481134)
wepon16.ID = 614134;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481124)
wepon16.ID = 614124;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481114)
wepon16.ID = 614114;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481105)
wepon16.ID = 614815;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481054)
wepon16.ID = 614054;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481084)
wepon16.ID = 614084;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481074)
wepon16.ID = 614074;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481064)
wepon16.ID = 614064;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481054)
wepon16.ID = 614054;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481044)
wepon16.ID = 614044;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481034)
wepon16.ID = 614034;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481024)
wepon16.ID = 614024;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481014)
wepon16.ID = 614814;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481004)
wepon16.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon16.OldId == 481433)
wepon16.ID = 614433;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481423)
wepon16.ID = 614423;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481413)
wepon16.ID = 614413;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481403)
wepon16.ID = 614403;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481339)
wepon16.ID = 614339;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481383)
wepon16.ID = 614383;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481373)
wepon16.ID = 614373;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481363)
wepon16.ID = 614363;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481353)
wepon16.ID = 614353;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481343)
wepon16.ID = 614343;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481333)
wepon16.ID = 614333;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481323)
wepon16.ID = 614323;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481313)
wepon16.ID = 614313;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481303)
wepon16.ID = 614813;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481233)
wepon16.ID = 614233;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481283)
wepon16.ID = 614283;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481273)
wepon16.ID = 614273;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481263)
wepon16.ID = 614263;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481253)
wepon16.ID = 614253;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481243)
wepon16.ID = 614243;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481233)
wepon16.ID = 614233;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481223)
wepon16.ID = 614223;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481213)
wepon16.ID = 614213;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481203)
wepon16.ID = 614813;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481133)
wepon16.ID = 614133;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481183)
wepon16.ID = 614183;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481173)
wepon16.ID = 614173;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481163)
wepon16.ID = 614163;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481153)
wepon16.ID = 614153;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481143)
wepon16.ID = 614143;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481133)
wepon16.ID = 614133;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481123)
wepon16.ID = 614123;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481113)
wepon16.ID = 614113;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481103)
wepon16.ID = 614813;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481033)
wepon16.ID = 614033;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481083)
wepon16.ID = 614083;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481073)
wepon16.ID = 614073;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481063)
wepon16.ID = 614063;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481053)
wepon16.ID = 614053;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481043)
wepon16.ID = 614043;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481033)
wepon16.ID = 614033;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481023)
wepon16.ID = 614023;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481013)
wepon16.ID = 614813;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481003)
wepon16.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon16.OldId == 481481)
wepon16.ID = 614481;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481481)
wepon16.ID = 614481;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481481)
wepon16.ID = 614481;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481409)
wepon16.ID = 614409;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481300)
wepon16.ID = 614810;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481380)
wepon16.ID = 614380;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481370)
wepon16.ID = 614370;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481360)
wepon16.ID = 614360;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481350)
wepon16.ID = 614350;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481340)
wepon16.ID = 614340;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481330)
wepon16.ID = 614330;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481320)
wepon16.ID = 614320;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481310)
wepon16.ID = 614310;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481309)
wepon16.ID = 614819;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481200)
wepon16.ID = 614810;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481280)
wepon16.ID = 614280;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481270)
wepon16.ID = 614270;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481260)
wepon16.ID = 614260;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481250)
wepon16.ID = 614250;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481240)
wepon16.ID = 614240;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481230)
wepon16.ID = 614230;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481220)
wepon16.ID = 614220;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481210)
wepon16.ID = 614210;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481209)
wepon16.ID = 614819;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481100)
wepon16.ID = 614810;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481180)
wepon16.ID = 614180;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481170)
wepon16.ID = 614170;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481160)
wepon16.ID = 614160;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481150)
wepon16.ID = 614150;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481140)
wepon16.ID = 614140;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481130)
wepon16.ID = 614130;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481120)
wepon16.ID = 614120;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481110)
wepon16.ID = 614110;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481109)
wepon16.ID = 614819;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481000)
wepon16.ID = 614000;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481080)
wepon16.ID = 614080;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481070)
wepon16.ID = 614070;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481060)
wepon16.ID = 614060;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481050)
wepon16.ID = 614050;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481040)
wepon16.ID = 614040;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481030)
wepon16.ID = 614030;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481020)
wepon16.ID = 614020;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481010)
wepon16.ID = 614810;
if (wepon16.OldId == 481009)
wepon16.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon16, client);
wepon16.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
MsgItemInfo wepon1615 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon);
if (wepon1615 != null && wepon1615.ID != 0 && !wepon1615.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.Isweapons1Hand(wepon1615.ID))
wepon1615.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon1615.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon1615.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon1615.OldId = 0;
wepon1615.OldId = wepon1615.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481439)
wepon1615.ID = 614439;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481429)
wepon1615.ID = 614429;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481419)
wepon1615.ID = 614419;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481409)
wepon1615.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481399)
wepon1615.ID = 614399;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481389)
wepon1615.ID = 614389;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481379)
wepon1615.ID = 614379;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481369)
wepon1615.ID = 614369;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481359)
wepon1615.ID = 614359;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481349)
wepon1615.ID = 614349;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481339)
wepon1615.ID = 614339;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481329)
wepon1615.ID = 614329;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481319)
wepon1615.ID = 614319;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481309)
wepon1615.ID = 614819;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481299)
wepon1615.ID = 614299;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481289)
wepon1615.ID = 614289;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481279)
wepon1615.ID = 614279;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481269)
wepon1615.ID = 614269;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481259)
wepon1615.ID = 614259;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481249)
wepon1615.ID = 614249;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481239)
wepon1615.ID = 614239;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481229)
wepon1615.ID = 614229;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481219)
wepon1615.ID = 614219;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481209)
wepon1615.ID = 614819;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481199)
wepon1615.ID = 614199;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481189)
wepon1615.ID = 614189;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481179)
wepon1615.ID = 614179;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481169)
wepon1615.ID = 614169;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481159)
wepon1615.ID = 614159;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481149)
wepon1615.ID = 614149;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481139)
wepon1615.ID = 614139;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481129)
wepon1615.ID = 614129;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481119)
wepon1615.ID = 614119;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481109)
wepon1615.ID = 614819;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481099)
wepon1615.ID = 614099;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481089)
wepon1615.ID = 614089;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481079)
wepon1615.ID = 614079;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481069)
wepon1615.ID = 614069;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481059)
wepon1615.ID = 614059;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481049)
wepon1615.ID = 614049;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481039)
wepon1615.ID = 614039;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481029)
wepon1615.ID = 614029;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481019)
wepon1615.ID = 614819;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481009)
wepon1615.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481438)
wepon1615.ID = 614438;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481428)
wepon1615.ID = 614428;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481418)
wepon1615.ID = 614418;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481408)
wepon1615.ID = 614408;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481388)
wepon1615.ID = 614388;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481388)
wepon1615.ID = 614388;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481378)
wepon1615.ID = 614378;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481368)
wepon1615.ID = 614368;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481358)
wepon1615.ID = 614358;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481348)
wepon1615.ID = 614348;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481338)
wepon1615.ID = 614338;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481328)
wepon1615.ID = 614328;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481318)
wepon1615.ID = 614318;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481308)
wepon1615.ID = 614818;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481288)
wepon1615.ID = 614288;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481288)
wepon1615.ID = 614288;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481278)
wepon1615.ID = 614278;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481268)
wepon1615.ID = 614268;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481258)
wepon1615.ID = 614258;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481248)
wepon1615.ID = 614248;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481238)
wepon1615.ID = 614238;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481228)
wepon1615.ID = 614228;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481218)
wepon1615.ID = 614218;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481208)
wepon1615.ID = 614818;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481188)
wepon1615.ID = 614188;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481188)
wepon1615.ID = 614188;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481178)
wepon1615.ID = 614178;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481168)
wepon1615.ID = 614168;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481158)
wepon1615.ID = 614158;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481148)
wepon1615.ID = 614148;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481138)
wepon1615.ID = 614138;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481128)
wepon1615.ID = 614128;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481118)
wepon1615.ID = 614118;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481108)
wepon1615.ID = 614818;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481088)
wepon1615.ID = 614088;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481088)
wepon1615.ID = 614088;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481078)
wepon1615.ID = 614078;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481068)
wepon1615.ID = 614068;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481058)
wepon1615.ID = 614058;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481048)
wepon1615.ID = 614048;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481038)
wepon1615.ID = 614038;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481028)
wepon1615.ID = 614028;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481018)
wepon1615.ID = 614818;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481008)
wepon1615.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481437)
wepon1615.ID = 614437;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481427)
wepon1615.ID = 614427;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481417)
wepon1615.ID = 614417;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481407)
wepon1615.ID = 614407;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481377)
wepon1615.ID = 614377;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481377)
wepon1615.ID = 614377;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481377)
wepon1615.ID = 614377;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481367)
wepon1615.ID = 614367;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481357)
wepon1615.ID = 614357;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481347)
wepon1615.ID = 614347;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481337)
wepon1615.ID = 614337;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481327)
wepon1615.ID = 614327;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481317)
wepon1615.ID = 614317;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481307)
wepon1615.ID = 614817;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481277)
wepon1615.ID = 614277;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481277)
wepon1615.ID = 614277;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481277)
wepon1615.ID = 614277;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481267)
wepon1615.ID = 614267;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481257)
wepon1615.ID = 614257;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481247)
wepon1615.ID = 614247;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481237)
wepon1615.ID = 614237;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481227)
wepon1615.ID = 614227;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481217)
wepon1615.ID = 614217;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481207)
wepon1615.ID = 614817;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481177)
wepon1615.ID = 614177;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481177)
wepon1615.ID = 614177;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481177)
wepon1615.ID = 614177;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481167)
wepon1615.ID = 614167;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481157)
wepon1615.ID = 614157;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481147)
wepon1615.ID = 614147;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481137)
wepon1615.ID = 614137;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481127)
wepon1615.ID = 614127;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481117)
wepon1615.ID = 614117;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481107)
wepon1615.ID = 614817;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481077)
wepon1615.ID = 614077;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481077)
wepon1615.ID = 614077;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481077)
wepon1615.ID = 614077;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481067)
wepon1615.ID = 614067;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481057)
wepon1615.ID = 614057;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481047)
wepon1615.ID = 614047;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481037)
wepon1615.ID = 614037;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481027)
wepon1615.ID = 614027;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481017)
wepon1615.ID = 614817;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481007)
wepon1615.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481436)
wepon1615.ID = 614436;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481426)
wepon1615.ID = 614426;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481416)
wepon1615.ID = 614416;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481406)
wepon1615.ID = 614406;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481366)
wepon1615.ID = 614366;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481386)
wepon1615.ID = 614386;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481376)
wepon1615.ID = 614376;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481366)
wepon1615.ID = 614366;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481356)
wepon1615.ID = 614356;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481346)
wepon1615.ID = 614346;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481336)
wepon1615.ID = 614336;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481326)
wepon1615.ID = 614326;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481316)
wepon1615.ID = 614316;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481306)
wepon1615.ID = 614816;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481266)
wepon1615.ID = 614266;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481286)
wepon1615.ID = 614286;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481276)
wepon1615.ID = 614276;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481266)
wepon1615.ID = 614266;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481256)
wepon1615.ID = 614256;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481246)
wepon1615.ID = 614246;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481236)
wepon1615.ID = 614236;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481226)
wepon1615.ID = 614226;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481216)
wepon1615.ID = 614216;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481206)
wepon1615.ID = 614816;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481166)
wepon1615.ID = 614166;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481186)
wepon1615.ID = 614186;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481176)
wepon1615.ID = 614176;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481166)
wepon1615.ID = 614166;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481156)
wepon1615.ID = 614156;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481146)
wepon1615.ID = 614146;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481136)
wepon1615.ID = 614136;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481126)
wepon1615.ID = 614126;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481116)
wepon1615.ID = 614116;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481106)
wepon1615.ID = 614816;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481066)
wepon1615.ID = 614066;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481086)
wepon1615.ID = 614086;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481076)
wepon1615.ID = 614076;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481066)
wepon1615.ID = 614066;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481056)
wepon1615.ID = 614056;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481046)
wepon1615.ID = 614046;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481036)
wepon1615.ID = 614036;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481026)
wepon1615.ID = 614026;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481016)
wepon1615.ID = 614816;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481006)
wepon1615.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481435)
wepon1615.ID = 614435;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481425)
wepon1615.ID = 614425;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481415)
wepon1615.ID = 614415;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481405)
wepon1615.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481355)
wepon1615.ID = 614355;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481385)
wepon1615.ID = 614385;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481375)
wepon1615.ID = 614375;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481365)
wepon1615.ID = 614365;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481355)
wepon1615.ID = 614355;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481345)
wepon1615.ID = 614345;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481335)
wepon1615.ID = 614335;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481325)
wepon1615.ID = 614325;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481315)
wepon1615.ID = 614315;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481305)
wepon1615.ID = 614815;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481255)
wepon1615.ID = 614255;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481285)
wepon1615.ID = 614285;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481275)
wepon1615.ID = 614275;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481265)
wepon1615.ID = 614265;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481255)
wepon1615.ID = 614255;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481245)
wepon1615.ID = 614245;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481235)
wepon1615.ID = 614235;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481225)
wepon1615.ID = 614225;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481215)
wepon1615.ID = 614215;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481205)
wepon1615.ID = 614815;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481155)
wepon1615.ID = 614155;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481185)
wepon1615.ID = 614185;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481175)
wepon1615.ID = 614175;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481165)
wepon1615.ID = 614165;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481155)
wepon1615.ID = 614155;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481145)
wepon1615.ID = 614145;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481135)
wepon1615.ID = 614135;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481125)
wepon1615.ID = 614125;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481115)
wepon1615.ID = 614115;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481105)
wepon1615.ID = 614815;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481055)
wepon1615.ID = 614055;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481085)
wepon1615.ID = 614085;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481075)
wepon1615.ID = 614075;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481065)
wepon1615.ID = 614065;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481055)
wepon1615.ID = 614055;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481045)
wepon1615.ID = 614045;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481035)
wepon1615.ID = 614035;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481025)
wepon1615.ID = 614025;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481015)
wepon1615.ID = 614815;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481005)
wepon1615.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481434)
wepon1615.ID = 614434;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481424)
wepon1615.ID = 614424;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481414)
wepon1615.ID = 614414;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481405)
wepon1615.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481344)
wepon1615.ID = 614344;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481384)
wepon1615.ID = 614384;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481374)
wepon1615.ID = 614374;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481364)
wepon1615.ID = 614364;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481354)
wepon1615.ID = 614354;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481344)
wepon1615.ID = 614344;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481334)
wepon1615.ID = 614334;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481324)
wepon1615.ID = 614324;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481314)
wepon1615.ID = 614314;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481305)
wepon1615.ID = 614815;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481244)
wepon1615.ID = 614244;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481284)
wepon1615.ID = 614284;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481274)
wepon1615.ID = 614274;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481264)
wepon1615.ID = 614264;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481254)
wepon1615.ID = 614254;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481244)
wepon1615.ID = 614244;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481234)
wepon1615.ID = 614234;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481224)
wepon1615.ID = 614224;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481214)
wepon1615.ID = 614214;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481205)
wepon1615.ID = 614815;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481144)
wepon1615.ID = 614144;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481184)
wepon1615.ID = 614184;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481174)
wepon1615.ID = 614174;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481164)
wepon1615.ID = 614164;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481154)
wepon1615.ID = 614154;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481144)
wepon1615.ID = 614144;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481134)
wepon1615.ID = 614134;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481124)
wepon1615.ID = 614124;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481114)
wepon1615.ID = 614114;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481105)
wepon1615.ID = 614815;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481054)
wepon1615.ID = 614054;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481084)
wepon1615.ID = 614084;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481074)
wepon1615.ID = 614074;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481064)
wepon1615.ID = 614064;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481054)
wepon1615.ID = 614054;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481044)
wepon1615.ID = 614044;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481034)
wepon1615.ID = 614034;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481024)
wepon1615.ID = 614024;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481014)
wepon1615.ID = 614814;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481004)
wepon1615.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481433)
wepon1615.ID = 614433;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481423)
wepon1615.ID = 614423;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481413)
wepon1615.ID = 614413;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481403)
wepon1615.ID = 614403;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481339)
wepon1615.ID = 614339;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481383)
wepon1615.ID = 614383;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481373)
wepon1615.ID = 614373;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481363)
wepon1615.ID = 614363;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481353)
wepon1615.ID = 614353;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481343)
wepon1615.ID = 614343;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481333)
wepon1615.ID = 614333;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481323)
wepon1615.ID = 614323;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481313)
wepon1615.ID = 614313;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481303)
wepon1615.ID = 614813;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481233)
wepon1615.ID = 614233;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481283)
wepon1615.ID = 614283;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481273)
wepon1615.ID = 614273;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481263)
wepon1615.ID = 614263;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481253)
wepon1615.ID = 614253;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481243)
wepon1615.ID = 614243;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481233)
wepon1615.ID = 614233;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481223)
wepon1615.ID = 614223;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481213)
wepon1615.ID = 614213;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481203)
wepon1615.ID = 614813;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481133)
wepon1615.ID = 614133;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481183)
wepon1615.ID = 614183;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481173)
wepon1615.ID = 614173;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481163)
wepon1615.ID = 614163;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481153)
wepon1615.ID = 614153;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481143)
wepon1615.ID = 614143;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481133)
wepon1615.ID = 614133;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481123)
wepon1615.ID = 614123;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481113)
wepon1615.ID = 614113;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481103)
wepon1615.ID = 614813;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481033)
wepon1615.ID = 614033;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481083)
wepon1615.ID = 614083;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481073)
wepon1615.ID = 614073;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481063)
wepon1615.ID = 614063;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481053)
wepon1615.ID = 614053;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481043)
wepon1615.ID = 614043;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481033)
wepon1615.ID = 614033;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481023)
wepon1615.ID = 614023;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481013)
wepon1615.ID = 614813;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481003)
wepon1615.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481481)
wepon1615.ID = 614481;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481481)
wepon1615.ID = 614481;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481481)
wepon1615.ID = 614481;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481409)
wepon1615.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481300)
wepon1615.ID = 614810;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481380)
wepon1615.ID = 614380;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481370)
wepon1615.ID = 614370;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481360)
wepon1615.ID = 614360;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481350)
wepon1615.ID = 614350;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481340)
wepon1615.ID = 614340;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481330)
wepon1615.ID = 614330;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481320)
wepon1615.ID = 614320;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481310)
wepon1615.ID = 614310;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481309)
wepon1615.ID = 614819;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481200)
wepon1615.ID = 614810;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481280)
wepon1615.ID = 614280;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481270)
wepon1615.ID = 614270;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481260)
wepon1615.ID = 614260;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481250)
wepon1615.ID = 614250;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481240)
wepon1615.ID = 614240;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481230)
wepon1615.ID = 614230;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481220)
wepon1615.ID = 614220;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481210)
wepon1615.ID = 614210;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481209)
wepon1615.ID = 614819;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481100)
wepon1615.ID = 614810;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481180)
wepon1615.ID = 614180;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481170)
wepon1615.ID = 614170;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481160)
wepon1615.ID = 614160;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481150)
wepon1615.ID = 614150;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481140)
wepon1615.ID = 614140;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481130)
wepon1615.ID = 614130;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481120)
wepon1615.ID = 614120;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481110)
wepon1615.ID = 614110;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481109)
wepon1615.ID = 614819;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481000)
wepon1615.ID = 614000;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481080)
wepon1615.ID = 614080;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481070)
wepon1615.ID = 614070;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481060)
wepon1615.ID = 614060;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481050)
wepon1615.ID = 614050;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481040)
wepon1615.ID = 614040;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481030)
wepon1615.ID = 614030;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481020)
wepon1615.ID = 614020;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481010)
wepon1615.ID = 614810;
if (wepon1615.OldId == 481009)
wepon1615.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon1615, client);
wepon1615.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
#region Whipe
MsgItemInfo wepon18 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon18 != null && wepon18.ID != 0 && !wepon18.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.Isweapons1Hand(wepon18.ID))
wepon18.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon18.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon18.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon18.OldId = 0;
wepon18.OldId = wepon18.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon18.OldId == 440439)
wepon18.ID = 614439;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440429)
wepon18.ID = 614429;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440419)
wepon18.ID = 614419;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440409)
wepon18.ID = 614409;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440399)
wepon18.ID = 614399;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440389)
wepon18.ID = 614389;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440379)
wepon18.ID = 614379;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440369)
wepon18.ID = 614369;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440359)
wepon18.ID = 614359;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440349)
wepon18.ID = 614349;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440339)
wepon18.ID = 614339;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440329)
wepon18.ID = 614329;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440319)
wepon18.ID = 614319;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440309)
wepon18.ID = 614409;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440299)
wepon18.ID = 614299;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440289)
wepon18.ID = 614289;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440279)
wepon18.ID = 614279;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440269)
wepon18.ID = 614269;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440259)
wepon18.ID = 614259;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440249)
wepon18.ID = 614249;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440239)
wepon18.ID = 614239;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440229)
wepon18.ID = 614229;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440219)
wepon18.ID = 614219;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440209)
wepon18.ID = 614409;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440199)
wepon18.ID = 614199;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440189)
wepon18.ID = 614189;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440179)
wepon18.ID = 614179;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440169)
wepon18.ID = 614169;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440159)
wepon18.ID = 614159;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440149)
wepon18.ID = 614149;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440139)
wepon18.ID = 614139;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440129)
wepon18.ID = 614129;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440119)
wepon18.ID = 614119;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440109)
wepon18.ID = 614409;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440099)
wepon18.ID = 614099;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440089)
wepon18.ID = 614089;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440079)
wepon18.ID = 614079;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440069)
wepon18.ID = 614069;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440059)
wepon18.ID = 614059;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440049)
wepon18.ID = 614049;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440039)
wepon18.ID = 614039;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440029)
wepon18.ID = 614029;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440019)
wepon18.ID = 614409;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440009)
wepon18.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon18.OldId == 440438)
wepon18.ID = 614438;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440428)
wepon18.ID = 614428;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440418)
wepon18.ID = 614418;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440408)
wepon18.ID = 614408;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440388)
wepon18.ID = 614388;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440388)
wepon18.ID = 614388;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440378)
wepon18.ID = 614378;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440368)
wepon18.ID = 614368;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440358)
wepon18.ID = 614358;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440348)
wepon18.ID = 614348;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440338)
wepon18.ID = 614338;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440328)
wepon18.ID = 614328;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440318)
wepon18.ID = 614318;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440308)
wepon18.ID = 614408;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440288)
wepon18.ID = 614288;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440288)
wepon18.ID = 614288;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440278)
wepon18.ID = 614278;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440268)
wepon18.ID = 614268;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440258)
wepon18.ID = 614258;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440248)
wepon18.ID = 614248;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440238)
wepon18.ID = 614238;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440228)
wepon18.ID = 614228;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440218)
wepon18.ID = 614218;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440208)
wepon18.ID = 614408;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440188)
wepon18.ID = 614188;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440188)
wepon18.ID = 614188;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440178)
wepon18.ID = 614178;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440168)
wepon18.ID = 614168;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440158)
wepon18.ID = 614158;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440148)
wepon18.ID = 614148;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440138)
wepon18.ID = 614138;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440128)
wepon18.ID = 614128;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440118)
wepon18.ID = 614118;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440108)
wepon18.ID = 614408;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440088)
wepon18.ID = 614088;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440088)
wepon18.ID = 614088;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440078)
wepon18.ID = 614078;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440068)
wepon18.ID = 614068;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440058)
wepon18.ID = 614058;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440048)
wepon18.ID = 614048;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440038)
wepon18.ID = 614038;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440028)
wepon18.ID = 614028;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440018)
wepon18.ID = 614408;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440008)
wepon18.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon18.OldId == 440437)
wepon18.ID = 614437;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440427)
wepon18.ID = 614427;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440417)
wepon18.ID = 614417;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440407)
wepon18.ID = 614407;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440377)
wepon18.ID = 614377;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440377)
wepon18.ID = 614377;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440377)
wepon18.ID = 614377;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440367)
wepon18.ID = 614367;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440357)
wepon18.ID = 614357;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440347)
wepon18.ID = 614347;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440337)
wepon18.ID = 614337;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440327)
wepon18.ID = 614327;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440317)
wepon18.ID = 614317;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440307)
wepon18.ID = 614407;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440277)
wepon18.ID = 614277;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440277)
wepon18.ID = 614277;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440277)
wepon18.ID = 614277;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440267)
wepon18.ID = 614267;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440257)
wepon18.ID = 614257;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440247)
wepon18.ID = 614247;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440237)
wepon18.ID = 614237;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440227)
wepon18.ID = 614227;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440217)
wepon18.ID = 614217;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440207)
wepon18.ID = 614407;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440177)
wepon18.ID = 614177;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440177)
wepon18.ID = 614177;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440177)
wepon18.ID = 614177;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440167)
wepon18.ID = 614167;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440157)
wepon18.ID = 614157;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440147)
wepon18.ID = 614147;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440137)
wepon18.ID = 614137;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440127)
wepon18.ID = 614127;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440117)
wepon18.ID = 614117;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440107)
wepon18.ID = 614407;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440077)
wepon18.ID = 614077;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440077)
wepon18.ID = 614077;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440077)
wepon18.ID = 614077;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440067)
wepon18.ID = 614067;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440057)
wepon18.ID = 614057;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440047)
wepon18.ID = 614047;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440037)
wepon18.ID = 614037;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440027)
wepon18.ID = 614027;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440017)
wepon18.ID = 614407;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440007)
wepon18.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon18.OldId == 440436)
wepon18.ID = 614436;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440426)
wepon18.ID = 614426;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440416)
wepon18.ID = 614416;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440406)
wepon18.ID = 614406;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440366)
wepon18.ID = 614366;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440386)
wepon18.ID = 614386;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440376)
wepon18.ID = 614376;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440366)
wepon18.ID = 614366;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440356)
wepon18.ID = 614356;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440346)
wepon18.ID = 614346;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440336)
wepon18.ID = 614336;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440326)
wepon18.ID = 614326;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440316)
wepon18.ID = 614316;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440306)
wepon18.ID = 614406;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440266)
wepon18.ID = 614266;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440286)
wepon18.ID = 614286;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440276)
wepon18.ID = 614276;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440266)
wepon18.ID = 614266;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440256)
wepon18.ID = 614256;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440246)
wepon18.ID = 614246;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440236)
wepon18.ID = 614236;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440226)
wepon18.ID = 614226;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440216)
wepon18.ID = 614216;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440206)
wepon18.ID = 614406;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440166)
wepon18.ID = 614166;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440186)
wepon18.ID = 614186;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440176)
wepon18.ID = 614176;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440166)
wepon18.ID = 614166;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440156)
wepon18.ID = 614156;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440146)
wepon18.ID = 614146;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440136)
wepon18.ID = 614136;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440126)
wepon18.ID = 614126;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440116)
wepon18.ID = 614116;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440106)
wepon18.ID = 614406;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440066)
wepon18.ID = 614066;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440086)
wepon18.ID = 614086;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440076)
wepon18.ID = 614076;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440066)
wepon18.ID = 614066;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440056)
wepon18.ID = 614056;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440046)
wepon18.ID = 614046;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440036)
wepon18.ID = 614036;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440026)
wepon18.ID = 614026;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440016)
wepon18.ID = 614406;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440006)
wepon18.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon18.OldId == 440435)
wepon18.ID = 614435;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440425)
wepon18.ID = 614425;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440415)
wepon18.ID = 614415;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440405)
wepon18.ID = 614405;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440355)
wepon18.ID = 614355;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440385)
wepon18.ID = 614385;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440375)
wepon18.ID = 614375;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440365)
wepon18.ID = 614365;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440355)
wepon18.ID = 614355;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440345)
wepon18.ID = 614345;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440335)
wepon18.ID = 614335;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440325)
wepon18.ID = 614325;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440315)
wepon18.ID = 614315;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440305)
wepon18.ID = 614405;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440255)
wepon18.ID = 614255;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440285)
wepon18.ID = 614285;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440275)
wepon18.ID = 614275;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440265)
wepon18.ID = 614265;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440255)
wepon18.ID = 614255;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440245)
wepon18.ID = 614245;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440235)
wepon18.ID = 614235;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440225)
wepon18.ID = 614225;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440215)
wepon18.ID = 614215;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440205)
wepon18.ID = 614405;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440155)
wepon18.ID = 614155;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440185)
wepon18.ID = 614185;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440175)
wepon18.ID = 614175;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440165)
wepon18.ID = 614165;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440155)
wepon18.ID = 614155;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440145)
wepon18.ID = 614145;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440135)
wepon18.ID = 614135;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440125)
wepon18.ID = 614125;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440115)
wepon18.ID = 614115;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440105)
wepon18.ID = 614405;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440055)
wepon18.ID = 614055;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440085)
wepon18.ID = 614085;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440075)
wepon18.ID = 614075;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440065)
wepon18.ID = 614065;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440055)
wepon18.ID = 614055;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440045)
wepon18.ID = 614045;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440035)
wepon18.ID = 614035;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440025)
wepon18.ID = 614025;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440015)
wepon18.ID = 614405;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440005)
wepon18.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon18.OldId == 440434)
wepon18.ID = 614434;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440424)
wepon18.ID = 614424;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440414)
wepon18.ID = 614414;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440405)
wepon18.ID = 614405;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440344)
wepon18.ID = 614344;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440384)
wepon18.ID = 614384;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440374)
wepon18.ID = 614374;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440364)
wepon18.ID = 614364;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440354)
wepon18.ID = 614354;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440344)
wepon18.ID = 614344;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440334)
wepon18.ID = 614334;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440324)
wepon18.ID = 614324;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440314)
wepon18.ID = 614314;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440305)
wepon18.ID = 614405;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440244)
wepon18.ID = 614244;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440284)
wepon18.ID = 614284;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440274)
wepon18.ID = 614274;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440264)
wepon18.ID = 614264;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440254)
wepon18.ID = 614254;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440244)
wepon18.ID = 614244;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440234)
wepon18.ID = 614234;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440224)
wepon18.ID = 614224;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440214)
wepon18.ID = 614214;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440205)
wepon18.ID = 614405;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440144)
wepon18.ID = 614144;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440184)
wepon18.ID = 614184;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440174)
wepon18.ID = 614174;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440164)
wepon18.ID = 614164;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440154)
wepon18.ID = 614154;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440144)
wepon18.ID = 614144;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440134)
wepon18.ID = 614134;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440124)
wepon18.ID = 614124;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440114)
wepon18.ID = 614114;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440105)
wepon18.ID = 614405;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440054)
wepon18.ID = 614054;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440084)
wepon18.ID = 614084;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440074)
wepon18.ID = 614074;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440064)
wepon18.ID = 614064;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440054)
wepon18.ID = 614054;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440044)
wepon18.ID = 614044;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440034)
wepon18.ID = 614034;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440024)
wepon18.ID = 614024;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440014)
wepon18.ID = 614404;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440004)
wepon18.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon18.OldId == 440433)
wepon18.ID = 614433;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440423)
wepon18.ID = 614423;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440413)
wepon18.ID = 614413;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440403)
wepon18.ID = 614403;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440339)
wepon18.ID = 614339;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440383)
wepon18.ID = 614383;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440373)
wepon18.ID = 614373;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440363)
wepon18.ID = 614363;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440353)
wepon18.ID = 614353;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440343)
wepon18.ID = 614343;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440333)
wepon18.ID = 614333;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440323)
wepon18.ID = 614323;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440313)
wepon18.ID = 614313;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440303)
wepon18.ID = 614403;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440233)
wepon18.ID = 614233;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440283)
wepon18.ID = 614283;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440273)
wepon18.ID = 614273;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440263)
wepon18.ID = 614263;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440253)
wepon18.ID = 614253;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440243)
wepon18.ID = 614243;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440233)
wepon18.ID = 614233;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440223)
wepon18.ID = 614223;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440213)
wepon18.ID = 614213;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440203)
wepon18.ID = 614403;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440133)
wepon18.ID = 614133;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440183)
wepon18.ID = 614183;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440173)
wepon18.ID = 614173;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440163)
wepon18.ID = 614163;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440153)
wepon18.ID = 614153;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440143)
wepon18.ID = 614143;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440133)
wepon18.ID = 614133;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440123)
wepon18.ID = 614123;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440113)
wepon18.ID = 614113;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440103)
wepon18.ID = 614403;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440033)
wepon18.ID = 614033;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440083)
wepon18.ID = 614083;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440073)
wepon18.ID = 614073;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440063)
wepon18.ID = 614063;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440053)
wepon18.ID = 614053;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440043)
wepon18.ID = 614043;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440033)
wepon18.ID = 614033;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440023)
wepon18.ID = 614023;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440013)
wepon18.ID = 614403;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440003)
wepon18.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon18.OldId == 440440)
wepon18.ID = 614440;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440440)
wepon18.ID = 614440;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440440)
wepon18.ID = 614440;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440409)
wepon18.ID = 614409;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440300)
wepon18.ID = 614400;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440380)
wepon18.ID = 614380;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440370)
wepon18.ID = 614370;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440360)
wepon18.ID = 614360;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440350)
wepon18.ID = 614350;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440340)
wepon18.ID = 614340;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440330)
wepon18.ID = 614330;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440320)
wepon18.ID = 614320;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440310)
wepon18.ID = 614310;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440309)
wepon18.ID = 614409;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440200)
wepon18.ID = 614400;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440280)
wepon18.ID = 614280;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440270)
wepon18.ID = 614270;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440260)
wepon18.ID = 614260;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440250)
wepon18.ID = 614250;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440240)
wepon18.ID = 614240;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440230)
wepon18.ID = 614230;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440220)
wepon18.ID = 614220;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440210)
wepon18.ID = 614210;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440209)
wepon18.ID = 614409;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440100)
wepon18.ID = 614400;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440180)
wepon18.ID = 614180;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440170)
wepon18.ID = 614170;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440160)
wepon18.ID = 614160;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440150)
wepon18.ID = 614150;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440140)
wepon18.ID = 614140;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440130)
wepon18.ID = 614130;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440120)
wepon18.ID = 614120;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440110)
wepon18.ID = 614110;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440109)
wepon18.ID = 614409;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440000)
wepon18.ID = 614000;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440080)
wepon18.ID = 614080;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440070)
wepon18.ID = 614070;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440060)
wepon18.ID = 614060;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440050)
wepon18.ID = 614050;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440040)
wepon18.ID = 614040;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440030)
wepon18.ID = 614030;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440020)
wepon18.ID = 614020;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440010)
wepon18.ID = 614400;
if (wepon18.OldId == 440009)
wepon18.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon18, client);
wepon18.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
MsgItemInfo wepon1817 = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon);
if (wepon1817 != null && wepon1817.ID != 0 && !wepon1817.ID.ToString().StartsWith("614") && ItemHandler.Isweapons1Hand(wepon1817.ID))
wepon1817.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon1817.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon1817.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon1817.OldId = 0;
wepon1817.OldId = wepon1817.ID;
#region Wepen Type
#region Super
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440439)
wepon1817.ID = 614439;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440429)
wepon1817.ID = 614429;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440419)
wepon1817.ID = 614419;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440409)
wepon1817.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440399)
wepon1817.ID = 614399;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440389)
wepon1817.ID = 614389;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440379)
wepon1817.ID = 614379;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440369)
wepon1817.ID = 614369;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440359)
wepon1817.ID = 614359;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440349)
wepon1817.ID = 614349;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440339)
wepon1817.ID = 614339;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440329)
wepon1817.ID = 614329;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440319)
wepon1817.ID = 614319;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440309)
wepon1817.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440299)
wepon1817.ID = 614299;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440289)
wepon1817.ID = 614289;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440279)
wepon1817.ID = 614279;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440269)
wepon1817.ID = 614269;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440259)
wepon1817.ID = 614259;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440249)
wepon1817.ID = 614249;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440239)
wepon1817.ID = 614239;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440229)
wepon1817.ID = 614229;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440219)
wepon1817.ID = 614219;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440209)
wepon1817.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440199)
wepon1817.ID = 614199;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440189)
wepon1817.ID = 614189;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440179)
wepon1817.ID = 614179;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440169)
wepon1817.ID = 614169;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440159)
wepon1817.ID = 614159;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440149)
wepon1817.ID = 614149;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440139)
wepon1817.ID = 614139;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440129)
wepon1817.ID = 614129;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440119)
wepon1817.ID = 614119;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440109)
wepon1817.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440099)
wepon1817.ID = 614099;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440089)
wepon1817.ID = 614089;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440079)
wepon1817.ID = 614079;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440069)
wepon1817.ID = 614069;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440059)
wepon1817.ID = 614059;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440049)
wepon1817.ID = 614049;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440039)
wepon1817.ID = 614039;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440029)
wepon1817.ID = 614029;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440019)
wepon1817.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440009)
wepon1817.ID = 614009;
#region Elite
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440438)
wepon1817.ID = 614438;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440428)
wepon1817.ID = 614428;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440418)
wepon1817.ID = 614418;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440408)
wepon1817.ID = 614408;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440388)
wepon1817.ID = 614388;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440388)
wepon1817.ID = 614388;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440378)
wepon1817.ID = 614378;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440368)
wepon1817.ID = 614368;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440358)
wepon1817.ID = 614358;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440348)
wepon1817.ID = 614348;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440338)
wepon1817.ID = 614338;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440328)
wepon1817.ID = 614328;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440318)
wepon1817.ID = 614318;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440308)
wepon1817.ID = 614408;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440288)
wepon1817.ID = 614288;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440288)
wepon1817.ID = 614288;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440278)
wepon1817.ID = 614278;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440268)
wepon1817.ID = 614268;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440258)
wepon1817.ID = 614258;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440248)
wepon1817.ID = 614248;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440238)
wepon1817.ID = 614238;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440228)
wepon1817.ID = 614228;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440218)
wepon1817.ID = 614218;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440208)
wepon1817.ID = 614408;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440188)
wepon1817.ID = 614188;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440188)
wepon1817.ID = 614188;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440178)
wepon1817.ID = 614178;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440168)
wepon1817.ID = 614168;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440158)
wepon1817.ID = 614158;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440148)
wepon1817.ID = 614148;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440138)
wepon1817.ID = 614138;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440128)
wepon1817.ID = 614128;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440118)
wepon1817.ID = 614118;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440108)
wepon1817.ID = 614408;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440088)
wepon1817.ID = 614088;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440088)
wepon1817.ID = 614088;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440078)
wepon1817.ID = 614078;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440068)
wepon1817.ID = 614068;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440058)
wepon1817.ID = 614058;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440048)
wepon1817.ID = 614048;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440038)
wepon1817.ID = 614038;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440028)
wepon1817.ID = 614028;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440018)
wepon1817.ID = 614408;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440008)
wepon1817.ID = 614008;
#region Unique
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440437)
wepon1817.ID = 614437;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440427)
wepon1817.ID = 614427;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440417)
wepon1817.ID = 614417;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440407)
wepon1817.ID = 614407;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440377)
wepon1817.ID = 614377;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440377)
wepon1817.ID = 614377;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440377)
wepon1817.ID = 614377;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440367)
wepon1817.ID = 614367;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440357)
wepon1817.ID = 614357;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440347)
wepon1817.ID = 614347;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440337)
wepon1817.ID = 614337;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440327)
wepon1817.ID = 614327;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440317)
wepon1817.ID = 614317;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440307)
wepon1817.ID = 614407;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440277)
wepon1817.ID = 614277;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440277)
wepon1817.ID = 614277;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440277)
wepon1817.ID = 614277;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440267)
wepon1817.ID = 614267;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440257)
wepon1817.ID = 614257;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440247)
wepon1817.ID = 614247;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440237)
wepon1817.ID = 614237;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440227)
wepon1817.ID = 614227;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440217)
wepon1817.ID = 614217;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440207)
wepon1817.ID = 614407;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440177)
wepon1817.ID = 614177;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440177)
wepon1817.ID = 614177;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440177)
wepon1817.ID = 614177;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440167)
wepon1817.ID = 614167;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440157)
wepon1817.ID = 614157;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440147)
wepon1817.ID = 614147;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440137)
wepon1817.ID = 614137;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440127)
wepon1817.ID = 614127;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440117)
wepon1817.ID = 614117;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440107)
wepon1817.ID = 614407;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440077)
wepon1817.ID = 614077;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440077)
wepon1817.ID = 614077;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440077)
wepon1817.ID = 614077;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440067)
wepon1817.ID = 614067;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440057)
wepon1817.ID = 614057;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440047)
wepon1817.ID = 614047;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440037)
wepon1817.ID = 614037;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440027)
wepon1817.ID = 614027;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440017)
wepon1817.ID = 614407;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440007)
wepon1817.ID = 614007;
#region Refind
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440436)
wepon1817.ID = 614436;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440426)
wepon1817.ID = 614426;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440416)
wepon1817.ID = 614416;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440406)
wepon1817.ID = 614406;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440366)
wepon1817.ID = 614366;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440386)
wepon1817.ID = 614386;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440376)
wepon1817.ID = 614376;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440366)
wepon1817.ID = 614366;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440356)
wepon1817.ID = 614356;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440346)
wepon1817.ID = 614346;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440336)
wepon1817.ID = 614336;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440326)
wepon1817.ID = 614326;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440316)
wepon1817.ID = 614316;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440306)
wepon1817.ID = 614406;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440266)
wepon1817.ID = 614266;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440286)
wepon1817.ID = 614286;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440276)
wepon1817.ID = 614276;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440266)
wepon1817.ID = 614266;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440256)
wepon1817.ID = 614256;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440246)
wepon1817.ID = 614246;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440236)
wepon1817.ID = 614236;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440226)
wepon1817.ID = 614226;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440216)
wepon1817.ID = 614216;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440206)
wepon1817.ID = 614406;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440166)
wepon1817.ID = 614166;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440186)
wepon1817.ID = 614186;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440176)
wepon1817.ID = 614176;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440166)
wepon1817.ID = 614166;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440156)
wepon1817.ID = 614156;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440146)
wepon1817.ID = 614146;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440136)
wepon1817.ID = 614136;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440126)
wepon1817.ID = 614126;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440116)
wepon1817.ID = 614116;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440106)
wepon1817.ID = 614406;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440066)
wepon1817.ID = 614066;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440086)
wepon1817.ID = 614086;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440076)
wepon1817.ID = 614076;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440066)
wepon1817.ID = 614066;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440056)
wepon1817.ID = 614056;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440046)
wepon1817.ID = 614046;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440036)
wepon1817.ID = 614036;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440026)
wepon1817.ID = 614026;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440016)
wepon1817.ID = 614406;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440006)
wepon1817.ID = 614006;
#region Normal
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440435)
wepon1817.ID = 614435;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440425)
wepon1817.ID = 614425;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440415)
wepon1817.ID = 614415;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440405)
wepon1817.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440355)
wepon1817.ID = 614355;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440385)
wepon1817.ID = 614385;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440375)
wepon1817.ID = 614375;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440365)
wepon1817.ID = 614365;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440355)
wepon1817.ID = 614355;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440345)
wepon1817.ID = 614345;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440335)
wepon1817.ID = 614335;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440325)
wepon1817.ID = 614325;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440315)
wepon1817.ID = 614315;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440305)
wepon1817.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440255)
wepon1817.ID = 614255;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440285)
wepon1817.ID = 614285;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440275)
wepon1817.ID = 614275;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440265)
wepon1817.ID = 614265;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440255)
wepon1817.ID = 614255;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440245)
wepon1817.ID = 614245;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440235)
wepon1817.ID = 614235;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440225)
wepon1817.ID = 614225;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440215)
wepon1817.ID = 614215;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440205)
wepon1817.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440155)
wepon1817.ID = 614155;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440185)
wepon1817.ID = 614185;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440175)
wepon1817.ID = 614175;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440165)
wepon1817.ID = 614165;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440155)
wepon1817.ID = 614155;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440145)
wepon1817.ID = 614145;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440135)
wepon1817.ID = 614135;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440125)
wepon1817.ID = 614125;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440115)
wepon1817.ID = 614115;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440105)
wepon1817.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440055)
wepon1817.ID = 614055;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440085)
wepon1817.ID = 614085;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440075)
wepon1817.ID = 614075;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440065)
wepon1817.ID = 614065;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440055)
wepon1817.ID = 614055;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440045)
wepon1817.ID = 614045;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440035)
wepon1817.ID = 614035;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440025)
wepon1817.ID = 614025;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440015)
wepon1817.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440005)
wepon1817.ID = 614005;
#region Normal
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440434)
wepon1817.ID = 614434;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440424)
wepon1817.ID = 614424;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440414)
wepon1817.ID = 614414;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440405)
wepon1817.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440344)
wepon1817.ID = 614344;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440384)
wepon1817.ID = 614384;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440374)
wepon1817.ID = 614374;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440364)
wepon1817.ID = 614364;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440354)
wepon1817.ID = 614354;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440344)
wepon1817.ID = 614344;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440334)
wepon1817.ID = 614334;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440324)
wepon1817.ID = 614324;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440314)
wepon1817.ID = 614314;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440305)
wepon1817.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440244)
wepon1817.ID = 614244;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440284)
wepon1817.ID = 614284;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440274)
wepon1817.ID = 614274;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440264)
wepon1817.ID = 614264;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440254)
wepon1817.ID = 614254;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440244)
wepon1817.ID = 614244;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440234)
wepon1817.ID = 614234;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440224)
wepon1817.ID = 614224;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440214)
wepon1817.ID = 614214;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440205)
wepon1817.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440144)
wepon1817.ID = 614144;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440184)
wepon1817.ID = 614184;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440174)
wepon1817.ID = 614174;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440164)
wepon1817.ID = 614164;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440154)
wepon1817.ID = 614154;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440144)
wepon1817.ID = 614144;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440134)
wepon1817.ID = 614134;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440124)
wepon1817.ID = 614124;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440114)
wepon1817.ID = 614114;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440105)
wepon1817.ID = 614405;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440054)
wepon1817.ID = 614054;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440084)
wepon1817.ID = 614084;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440074)
wepon1817.ID = 614074;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440064)
wepon1817.ID = 614064;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440054)
wepon1817.ID = 614054;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440044)
wepon1817.ID = 614044;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440034)
wepon1817.ID = 614034;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440024)
wepon1817.ID = 614024;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440014)
wepon1817.ID = 614404;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440004)
wepon1817.ID = 614004;
#region Normal
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440433)
wepon1817.ID = 614433;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440423)
wepon1817.ID = 614423;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440413)
wepon1817.ID = 614413;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440403)
wepon1817.ID = 614403;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440339)
wepon1817.ID = 614339;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440383)
wepon1817.ID = 614383;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440373)
wepon1817.ID = 614373;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440363)
wepon1817.ID = 614363;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440353)
wepon1817.ID = 614353;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440343)
wepon1817.ID = 614343;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440333)
wepon1817.ID = 614333;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440323)
wepon1817.ID = 614323;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440313)
wepon1817.ID = 614313;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440303)
wepon1817.ID = 614403;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440233)
wepon1817.ID = 614233;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440283)
wepon1817.ID = 614283;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440273)
wepon1817.ID = 614273;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440263)
wepon1817.ID = 614263;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440253)
wepon1817.ID = 614253;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440243)
wepon1817.ID = 614243;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440233)
wepon1817.ID = 614233;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440223)
wepon1817.ID = 614223;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440213)
wepon1817.ID = 614213;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440203)
wepon1817.ID = 614403;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440133)
wepon1817.ID = 614133;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440183)
wepon1817.ID = 614183;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440173)
wepon1817.ID = 614173;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440163)
wepon1817.ID = 614163;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440153)
wepon1817.ID = 614153;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440143)
wepon1817.ID = 614143;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440133)
wepon1817.ID = 614133;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440123)
wepon1817.ID = 614123;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440113)
wepon1817.ID = 614113;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440103)
wepon1817.ID = 614403;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440033)
wepon1817.ID = 614033;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440083)
wepon1817.ID = 614083;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440073)
wepon1817.ID = 614073;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440063)
wepon1817.ID = 614063;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440053)
wepon1817.ID = 614053;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440043)
wepon1817.ID = 614043;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440033)
wepon1817.ID = 614033;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440023)
wepon1817.ID = 614023;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440013)
wepon1817.ID = 614403;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440003)
wepon1817.ID = 614003;
#region Normal
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440440)
wepon1817.ID = 614440;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440440)
wepon1817.ID = 614440;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440440)
wepon1817.ID = 614440;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440409)
wepon1817.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440300)
wepon1817.ID = 614400;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440380)
wepon1817.ID = 614380;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440370)
wepon1817.ID = 614370;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440360)
wepon1817.ID = 614360;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440350)
wepon1817.ID = 614350;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440340)
wepon1817.ID = 614340;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440330)
wepon1817.ID = 614330;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440320)
wepon1817.ID = 614320;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440310)
wepon1817.ID = 614310;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440309)
wepon1817.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440200)
wepon1817.ID = 614400;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440280)
wepon1817.ID = 614280;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440270)
wepon1817.ID = 614270;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440260)
wepon1817.ID = 614260;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440250)
wepon1817.ID = 614250;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440240)
wepon1817.ID = 614240;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440230)
wepon1817.ID = 614230;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440220)
wepon1817.ID = 614220;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440210)
wepon1817.ID = 614210;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440209)
wepon1817.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440100)
wepon1817.ID = 614400;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440180)
wepon1817.ID = 614180;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440170)
wepon1817.ID = 614170;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440160)
wepon1817.ID = 614160;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440150)
wepon1817.ID = 614150;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440140)
wepon1817.ID = 614140;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440130)
wepon1817.ID = 614130;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440120)
wepon1817.ID = 614120;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440110)
wepon1817.ID = 614110;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440109)
wepon1817.ID = 614409;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440000)
wepon1817.ID = 614000;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440080)
wepon1817.ID = 614080;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440070)
wepon1817.ID = 614070;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440060)
wepon1817.ID = 614060;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440050)
wepon1817.ID = 614050;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440040)
wepon1817.ID = 614040;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440030)
wepon1817.ID = 614030;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440020)
wepon1817.ID = 614020;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440010)
wepon1817.ID = 614400;
if (wepon1817.OldId == 440009)
wepon1817.ID = 614009;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon1817, client);
wepon1817.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
#region DivinePanacea
case 3006016:
MsgItemInfo wepon = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon);
if (wepon != null && wepon.ID != 0 && !wepon.ID.ToString().StartsWith("620") && ItemHandler.IsBacksword(wepon.ID))
wepon.EpicAddingStart = DateTime.Now;
wepon.EpicAddingTimes += 1;
if (wepon.EpicAddingTimes == 5)
wepon.OldId = 0;
wepon.OldId = wepon.ID;
wepon.ID = wepon.OldId + 199000;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(wepon, client);
wepon.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
client.MessageBox("Please Wear BackSword");
#region EpicWeaponToken
case 3006226://
if (client.Player.Class >= 100 && client.Player.Class <= 145)
client.Inventory.Add(619439, 0, 1);
// ItemHandler.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege UniverseHossu super 12 7 255 3 3", client);
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Game.Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new MsgTalk(" " + client.Player.Name + " Got the EpicWeaponToken . and Obtained a Super UniverseHossu ( TaoistEpicWeapon )", System.Drawing.Color.Cyan, MsgTalk.Center), Server.GamePool);
client.MessageBox(" Sorry ! Your Class Not Taoist ");
#region Epics Quests
#region Ninja
#region DivineShadow of FirstStage
case 6412517:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , this is the FirstStage of the EpicQuest . the FirstStage to the Journey of the Shadows ! . The YinYangStee; . is a Pure Shadow Steel . Which the Weapon was Crafted from . if u Really Deserve the EpicWeapon ! . U Have to pass him . by Trails and Luck . U have to get the YinYangeal to Be Combined in the End into the Secret Shadowic EpicWeapon . Goodluck .");
dialog.Option("I Quit . Teleport me to Twincity", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay,Thanks", 255);
case 1:
client.Player.Teleport(1004, 37, 41);
#region DivineShadow of SecondStage
//case 6412527:
// {
// switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
// {
// case 0:
// {
// dialog.Text("Welcome Ninja , i can see that u passed the FirstStage . i can see u braverly Obtained the YingYangSeal . Don't be that Happy Kid . This is the Second Stage . The ElementalGuard is the Guard that Guards the ThirdStage Which have the WheelOfLife . The WheelOfLife is the luckyWheel which Decides by luck if u get the EpicWeapon or NOT . If u didn;t pass the SecondStage . u are not losing because u are getting 1 StarDust . Which can be used to Be Exchanged to the LegendaryEpicSkills . GoodLuck dealing with the ElementalGuard to get the Seal Ninja .");
// dialog.Option("I Quit . Teleport me to First Stage", 1);
// dialog.Option("Okay,Thanks", 255);
// dialog.Send();
// break;
// }
// case 1:
// {
// client.Player.Teleport(3849, 40, 40);
// break;
// }
// }
// break;
// }
#region DivineShadow of Third
case 6412527:
case 6412511:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome . you madeit Ninja . i always knew u were gonna made it to the ThirdStage . but iam not sure u can take the Luck of the WheelOfLife . u only have 10% Percentage Luck . Other is Failure . if you passed it you get the Life's Eye . when u get it Click on it and then u can get an EpicWeapon and get announced in the Whole Game . But . if u lost u will get 5 StarDust Which can be used to be Exchanged to the Legendary EpicSkills . i wish u Best Luck Ninja .");
dialog.Option("I Quit . Teleport me to First Stage", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay,Thanks", 255);
case 1:
client.Player.Teleport(3849, 40, 40);
#region FirstStage of the EpicQuest
case 9651241:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the FirstStage of the NinjaEpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great ninjaEpicWeapon + NinjaEpicSkills , are you ready ? . the FirstStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 30% to pass it to the Next Stage the Other 70% will Fail you . you try ur luck everyday . or by Paying CPs .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("I wanna try again . " + client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes + " CPs)", 2);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes;
if (Kernel.Rate(45))
client.Inventory.Add(3004462, 0, 1);
client.Player.Teleport(3850, 29, 39);
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , you have passed the FirstStage and Obtained a YinYangSeal which can be used to Try ur luck in the ThirdStage . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.MessageBox("Faild To make this task please try again");
dialog.Text("you need " + client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes + " Cps to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, i forogt", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Player.EpicTimes != 0)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722732, 3))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722736, 3))
if (Kernel.Rate(45))
client.Inventory.Add(3004462, 0, 1);
client.Player.Teleport(3850, 29, 39);
client.Player.EpicTimes = 0;
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , you have passed the FirstStage and Obtained a YinYangSeal which can be used to Try ur luck in the ThirdStage . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
client.Player.EpicTimes = 0;
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the FirstStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
client.MessageBox("sorry you don't have 3 white flower");
client.MessageBox("sorry you don't have 3 red flower");
client.MessageBox("you have maked it once please try again");
#region SecondStageof EpicQuest
case 9651242:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the SecondStage of the NinjaEpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great ninjaEpicWeapon + NinjaEpicSkills , are you ready ? . the SecondStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 20% to pass it to the Next Stage the Other 80% will Fail you . you try ur luck everyday . or by Paying CPs .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004462, 1))
if (Kernel.Rate(30))
client.Player.Teleport(3851, 35, 35);
client.Inventory.Add(3004463, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3004462, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , you have passed the SecondStage and Obtained a ElementalJade which can be used to Try ur luck in the ThirdStage . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Player.DidntPassSecondStage = true;
client.Inventory.Remove(3004462, 1);
client.Inventory.Add(3004465, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the SecondStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , but you already have Tried the EpicQuest Today . or you already have Finished the SecondStage or you didn't finish the FirstStage . .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region ThirdStage of EpicQuest
case 9651243:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the ThirdStage of the NinjaEpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great ninjaEpicWeapon + NinjaEpicSkills , are you ready ? . the ThirdStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 10% to pass it to the Next Stage the Other 90% will Fail you . you try ur luck everyday . or by Paying CPs .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004463, 1))
if (Kernel.Rate(15))
client.Inventory.Add(3004464, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3004463, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You have finished the NinjaEpicQuest and got the Life's Eye . which can be used to get the EpicWeapon . by clicking it . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(3004463, 1);
client.Inventory.Add(3004465, 0, 5);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the ThirdStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 1);
dialog.Text("Sorry , but you already have Tried the EpicQuest Today . or you have Finished the First Stage .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region DivineShadow (StarDusts)
case 912312:
case 912332:
case 912342:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello here Ninja . You can Exchange the StarDust u got from the EpicNinjaQuest Here . Exchange them to the EpicNinjaSpells Scrolls . Which can be used to be exchanged from me to the EpicSkills . Choose the Amount u want to Exchange to!");
dialog.Option("i want to Exchange my StarDust", 91);
dialog.Option("No thanks .", 255);
case 91:
if (client.Player.Class >= 50 && client.Player.Class <= 55)
dialog.Text("Please, Choose the item you want to Exchange for . the Amount of StarDusts Neededis written between the : () .");
dialog.Option("ShadowScroll (5)", 92);
dialog.Option("FatalScroll (15)", 93);
dialog.Option("TwilightScroll (30)", 94);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", 255);
dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the Ninja secrets to another class, so, good bye.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
case 92:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004465, 5))
client.Inventory.Remove(3004465, 5);
client.Inventory.Add(3004459, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Ninja! . you need 5 StarDust to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
case 93:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004465, 15))
client.Inventory.Remove(3004465, 15);
client.Inventory.Add(3004461, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Ninja! . you need 15 StarDust to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
case 94:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004465, 30))
client.Inventory.Remove(3004465, 30);
client.Inventory.Add(3004460, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Ninja! . you need 30 StarDust to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
#region DivineShadow
case 6412567:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , iam the DivineShadow the Spirit and the Master of the ShadowPowers . i Created a powerful Weapon which allow Ninjas to SUmmon the Shadow's Real Power ! . It's very Powerful and very useful . it has 4 LegendarySkills which can be learned from my Appertiance WindSaga in this promotionCenter . The powerFul Weapon i created is now easy to get . u must have the Full Power of a Ninja and must be Atleast 120+ 2ndReborned cause there is alot of Shadows in this Place which u can't Contain in ur Weak Body . i can send u to The place where the EpicWeapon was Born . Where u can find ur way to get the EpicNinjaWeapon !");
dialog.Option("Iam up for it", 1);
dialog.Option("Iam not Ready", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Player.Class >= 50 && client.Player.Class <= 55)
if (client.Player.Reborn == 2 && client.Player.Level >= 120)
client.Player.Teleport(3849, 40, 40);
dialog.Text("you are in the LegendaryPlace where the Weapon was Made . GoodLuck");
dialog.Option("Thanks, you won't be Disappointed", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , you have to be 2ndReborned and Level 120+ to take this Quest");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you have to be a Ninja to take this quest");
dialog.Option("Oh,Okay", 255);
#region Monk
#region TwinNpcs
#region First
case 17037:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("After what you`ve been through, you must yearn for something different or somewhere unknown. Here comes the chance!");
dialog.Text("~A new server, which is a fantastic Utopia, is gonna open! Heroes of 2nd rebirth can register here to explore the new world! After that, you`ll");
dialog.Text("~receive 2 tokens from me. Giving them to your friends, you`ll have a chance to win a mysterious prize in the new server!");
dialog.Option("I~wanna~register!", 2);
dialog.Option("Tell~me~more~about~it!", 1);
dialog.Option("Cool!", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Text("A new server will open for you guys! Heroes of 2nd rebirth can register here to explore the new world! I`ll give you 2 Utopia Tokens,");
dialog.Text("~which can be given to your friends. After you enter the new server, you`ll have a chance to be the lucky dog and win the mysterious prize!");
dialog.Option("Gotcha!", 255);
case 2:
dialog.Text("Hey, you`re in my list already!");
dialog.Option("My~bad.", 255);
#region First
case 8394:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Is it a dream? I didn`t expect a revival when I took my life. It must be the life cycle my teacher spoke of, before!");
dialog.Option("It`s~a~miracle!", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Text("A new server will open for you guys! Heroes of 2nd rebirth can register here to explore the new world! I`ll give you 2 Utopia Tokens,");
dialog.Text("~which can be given to your friends. After you enter the new server, you`ll have a chance to be the lucky dog and win the mysterious prize!");
dialog.Option("Gotcha!", 255);
case 2:
dialog.Text("Hey, you`re in my list already!");
dialog.Option("My~bad.", 255);
#region Secound
case 20005:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Option("What~does~it~mean?", 1);
dialog.Option("I~don`t~believe~it.", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Option("I~am~satisfied.", 255);
dialog.Option("How~to~get~reborn?", 2);
case 2:
dialog.Option("How~to~get~CelestialStone?", 3);
dialog.Option("Forget~it.", 255);
case 3:
dialog.Option("What~is~Clean~Water?", 4);
dialog.Option("It~is~difficult.", 255);
case 4:
dialog.Option("What~are~gems~used~for?", 5);
case 5:
dialog.Option("I~will~collect~them~now.", 6);
dialog.Option("I~changed~my~mind.", 255);
case 6:
dialog.Option("But~what?", 7);
case 7:
dialog.Option("What~can~I~do?", 8);
dialog.Option("I~will~give~up.", 255);
case 8:
dialog.Option("I~see.~Thank~you.", 255);
dialog.Option("Anything~else?", 9);
case 9:
dialog.Option("I~see.~Thank~you.", 255);
dialog.Option("Anything~else?", 10);
case 10:
dialog.Option("That`s~ok.", 255);
#region Third
case 101640:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("So are you coming for the Dragon Ball that the Hollow Beast carries?");
dialog.Option("Hollow~Beast?", 1);
dialog.Option("Yup,~sure.", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Text("Well, if the Hollow Beast is killed, it will drop a Dragon Ball!");
dialog.Option("Where`s~the~beast?", 2);
dialog.Option("Not~interested.", 255);
case 2:
dialog.Text("The Hollow Beast attacks anyone who gets close. I suggest you keep away from it.");
dialog.Option("I`ll~try.", 255);
dialog.Option("OK,~I~will.", 255);
#region Third
case 101892:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("There is a 3000 CPs income every week. Guild leader can claim it from Monday to Thursday.");
dialog.Text("Weekend is not available to claim because of the guild war.");
dialog.Option("Claim~an~Honor~Halo.", 1);
dialog.Option("I~would~like~to~claim~it.", 2);
dialog.Option("Just~passing~by.", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Text("Guild Leaders and Deputy Leaders whose guild wins in this Guild War can get an Honor Halo, which will last for 1 week.");
dialog.Option("Claim~an~Honor~Halo.", 2);
case 2:
dialog.Text("Your guild has not dominated guild area. Guild war will be held on every Saturday, lasting 2 days.");
dialog.Text("The winner can seize the guild area and gain the funds after that.");
dialog.Option("Ok,~I~see.", 255);
#region First
case 9539:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hmm, if you haven`t reached Level 120 yet, I suggest you shouldn`t go to the Gale Shallow. Because many adventurers were killed by the ghosts there...");
dialog.Option("Shut~up~and~send~me~there!", 1);
dialog.Option("Alright,~I~quit.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Player.Level > 129 && client.Player.Reborn > 1)
client.Player.Teleport(3055, 27, 94);
dialog.Text("Sorry You arenot Level 130 Or Obove or Secound reborn");
dialog.Option("Alright,~I~quit.", 255);
#region First
case 9464:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("With only 100 silver, I can teleport you to somewhere far away. Please choose your destination.");
dialog.Option("Desert~City", 2);
dialog.Option("Market.", 1);
dialog.Option("Just~passing~by.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Player.Money > 99)
client.Player.Teleport(1036, 200, 206);
dialog.Text("Sorry You Dont Have Enough Silver");
dialog.Option("Alright,~I~quit.", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Player.Money > 99)
client.Player.Teleport(1000, 493, 648);
dialog.Text("Sorry You Dont Have Enough Silver");
dialog.Option("Alright,~I~quit.", 255);
#region First
case 30000:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Fate can bring lovers together. And everybody can live happily ever after... Ahhhh... What can I do for you?");
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~married.", 1);
case 1:
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~married.", 2);
dialog.Option("I~prefer~being~single.", 255);
case 2:
dialog.Option("Yeah.~I~am~ready.", 3);
dialog.Option("Let~me~think~it~over.", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Player.Spouse == "None")
dialog.Text("Please click on your lover to propose.");
dialog.Option("OK.", 255);
MsgAction data = new MsgAction(true);
data.UID = client.Player.UID;
data.ID = MsgAction.Mode.OpenWindow;
data.dwParam = MsgAction.CustomCommands.FlowerPointer;
dialog.Text("You are already married. If you want to broke the marriage, you have to go to StarLit. He'll handle your request.");
dialog.Option("Alright that's what I'll do.", 255);
#region First
case 4434:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("I`m actually a dead man. Hey, don`t be afraid. Before I died, I had made numerous helmets");
dialog.Text("~for the emperor and his generals. But one day, I made a big mistake and were killed. After that, I");
dialog.Text("~decided to make helmets for anyone who is honest and diligent.");
dialog.Option("That`s~good.", 255);
#region First
case 4572:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Take the Tower piece and leave. Anything can happen in these troubled times.");
dialog.Option("You~bet.", 255);
case 18929:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("I have to go back to the World of Mew Mew now. Don`t miss me too much. I love you.");
dialog.Option("I~love~you,~too.", 0);
case 18932:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.Level >= 140)
dialog.Text("I`m collecting 7-day Cat Weapon Accessory Packs, 7-day Cat Garment Packs, 7-day Cat Mount Armor Packs,");
dialog.Text("~permanent Lava Cat Robes (B), and permanent General Cats (B). If you have any of them, you can exchange that");
dialog.Text("~for Mint Sun Cream or Mew Body Lotion which is the Super Catgirl`s favorite. So, what do you want to exchange?");
dialog.Option("Cat~Mount~Armor~Pack.(Charm)", 7);
dialog.Option("7-day~Cat~Mount~Armor~Pack.", 6);
dialog.Option("7-day~Cat~Garment~Pack.", 1);
dialog.Option("7-dayCatWeaponAccessoryPack.", 2);
dialog.Option("Lava~Cat~Robe~(Star).", 3);
dialog.Option("General~Cat~(Star).", 4);
dialog.Option("I`ll~talk~to~you~later.", 5);
client.MessageBox("ou should Be Level 140 To Do This Quest To gain Many Items");
case 7:
if (client.Player.CatPoint < 11)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3008044, 15))
client.Inventory.Remove(3008038, 15);
client.Inventory.Add(3007989, 0, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true)
Type = 10,
UID = client.Player.UID
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("You Dont Have 5 Accessoir Fragment In your Inventroy");
client.MessageBox("You Already Done this Quest For 10 Times To Day");
case 4:
if (client.Player.CatPoint < 11)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3008046, 15))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(200543, 1))
client.Inventory.Remove(3008045, 15);
client.Inventory.Add(200544, 0, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true)
Type = 10,
UID = client.Player.UID
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("You Dont Have (Charm) Cat Amount In your Inventroy");
client.MessageBox("You Dont Have 15 CatFragment In your Inventroy");
client.MessageBox("You Already Done this Quest For 10 Times To Day");
case 3:
if (client.Player.CatPoint < 11)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3008045, 15))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(193555, 1))
client.Inventory.Remove(3008045, 15);
client.Inventory.Add(193565, 0, 1);
client.MessageBox("You Dont Have Charm Cat Germent In your Inventroy");
client.MessageBox("You Dont Have 15 CatFragment In your Inventroy");
client.MessageBox("You Already Done this Quest For 10 Times To Day");
case 6:
if (client.Player.CatPoint < 11)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3008040, 5))
client.Inventory.Remove(3008040, 5);
client.Inventory.AddBound(3008043, 0, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true)
Type = 10,
UID = client.Player.UID
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("You Dont Have 5 Amount Fragment In your Inventroy");
client.MessageBox("You Already Done this Quest For 10 Times To Day");
case 2:
if (client.Player.CatPoint < 11)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3008038, 5))
client.Inventory.Remove(3008038, 5);
client.Inventory.Add(3008041, 0, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true)
Type = 10,
UID = client.Player.UID
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("You Dont Have 5 Accessoir Fragment In your Inventroy");
client.MessageBox("You Already Done this Quest For 10 Times To Day");
case 1:
if (client.Player.CatPoint < 11)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3008039, 5))
client.Inventory.Remove(3008039, 5);
client.Inventory.AddBound(3008042, 0, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true)
Type = 10,
UID = client.Player.UID
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("You Dont Have 5 Garment Fragment In your Inventroy");
client.MessageBox("You Already Done this Quest For 10 Times To Day");
case 4621:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Have you ever seen an isis oasis? That is a sea of green, interspersed with towering, rock mountains and surrounded");
dialog.Text("~by the formidable Desert. Maybe only the legendary Obscure Warrior can survive the daunting Desert.");
dialog.Option("You~bet!", 255);
case 4702:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("What a wild desert!");
dialog.Option("See~you.", 255);
case 4719:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hey, there! My father asked you to persuade me to marry, right?");
dialog.Option("I`ll~leave~you~alone.", 255);
case 4718:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("I don`t have too much to ask before I leave this world...just my daughter... She`s 30 now, but still single. Now you know what I");
dialog.Text("~mean. Yes, I need to find a man I trust to take care of her in the future, so I can move on without worry for her.");
dialog.Text("~If you can give me a hand, I`ll truly appreciate it.");
dialog.Option("My~pleasure.", 255);
case 4651:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Congratulations, you have answered all of my questions.");
dialog.Option("Hurray!", 255);
case 8428:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("This place used to be a thick forest. Years ago, there came a group of monsters that destroyed the forest and turned it into a barren desert.");
dialog.Option("Sorry~to~hear~that.", 255);
#region Cat Quest
#region First
case 18930:
case 18931:
case 18933:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("If you have 3 Lava Cat Robes (Charm), I can help you make a Lava Cat Robe (Star)");
dialog.Text("~and present you a Cat Ears Exchange Ticket.");
dialog.Option("Good~idea.", 1);
dialog.Option("No,~thanks.", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Text("You don`t have 3 Lava Cat Robes (Charm) with you.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", 0);
case 2:
dialog.Text("Hey, you`re in my list already!");
dialog.Option("My~bad.", 255);
case 10912:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Option("What~can~I~do?", 2);
dialog.Option("I~want~to~leave~here.", 1);
dialog.Option("Nothing~is~real.", 255);
case 1:
client.Player.Teleport(1004, 40, 39);
case 2:
dialog.Option("Head~to~see~Fortune~Arhat.", 3);
dialog.Option("I~see.", 255);
case 3:
client.Player.Teleport(3983, 79, 83);
case 10913:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.EpicMonk3 == 0)
dialog.Option("Here`re~the~flowers.", 3);
dialog.Option("Pay~49~CPs~to~start~the~trial.", 1);
dialog.Option("Human~beings~are~complicated.", 255);
dialog.Option("Pay~49~CPs~to~clear~my~sin.", 1);
dialog.Option("Pay~490~CPs~to~clear~10~times.", 5);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", 255);
case 1:
case 5:
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 1)
dialog.Option("Yes.", 2);
dialog.Option("No.", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 5)
dialog.Option("Yes.", 6);
dialog.Option("No.", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 490)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 490;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 490;
System.Random r = new System.Random();
int i = r.Next(100);
if (i >= 0 && i <= 10)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 10 && i <= 20)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
if (i >= 20 && i <= 30)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
if (i >= 30 && i <= 40)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 40 && i <= 80)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
if (i >= 80 && i <= 100)
client.Inventory.Add(3007562, 0, 1);
dialog.Option("I`ll~bring~more.", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722732, 3) && client.Inventory.Contains(722736, 3))//RedFlower
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
//client.Player.SubClasses.StudyPoints += 100;
dialog.Option("Clear~my~sin.", 4);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", 255);
case 4:
client.Player.EpicMonk3 += 10;
System.Random r = new System.Random();
int i = r.Next(100);
if (i >= 0 && i <= 10)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
if (i >= 10 && i <= 20)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
if (i >= 20 && i <= 30)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 30 && i <= 40)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
if (i >= 40 && i <= 80)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
if (i >= 80 && i <= 100)
client.Inventory.Add(3007562, 0, 1);
case 6:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 490)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 490;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 490;
System.Random r = new System.Random();
int i = r.Next(100);
if (i >= 0 && i <= 10)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 10 && i <= 20)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 20 && i <= 70)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 70 && i <= 100)
client.Inventory.Add(3007562, 0, 1);
dialog.Option("I`ll~bring~more.", 255);
case 10914:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Option("Remove~distractions~(1~gem)", 1);
dialog.Option("Try~5~times.~(5~gems)", 3);
dialog.Option("I~prefer~to~keep~them.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007562, 1))
dialog.Option("Yes.", 4);
dialog.Option("No.", 255);
dialog.Option("Head~to~see~Fortune~Arhat.", 2);
case 2:
client.Player.Teleport(3983, 77, 85);
case 3:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007562, 5))
dialog.Option("Yes.", 5);
dialog.Option("No.", 255);
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
dialog.Option("Head~to~see~Fortune~Arhat.", 2);
case 4:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007562, 1))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007562, 1);
System.Random r = new System.Random();
int i = r.Next(100);
if (i >= 0 && i <= 10)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 2);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 10 && i <= 20)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 2);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 20 && i <= 30)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
if (i >= 30 && i <= 40)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 2);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 40 && i <= 80)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
if (i >= 80 && i <= 100)
client.Inventory.Add(3007563, 0, 1);
dialog.Option("Head~to~see~Fortune~Arhat.", 2);
case 5:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007562, 5))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007562, 5);
System.Random r = new System.Random();
int i = r.Next(100);
if (i >= 0 && i <= 10)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 2);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 10 && i <= 70)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 2);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 70 && i <= 100)
client.Inventory.Add(3007563, 0, 1);
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
dialog.Option("Head~to~see~Fortune~Arhat.", 2);
case 10916:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Option("Swap~the~incense~for~gifts.", 1);
dialog.Option("Swap~gifts~for~the~incense.", 8);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Option("Grace~of~Heaven~Scroll.~(10)", 2);
dialog.Option("Wrath~of~the~Emperor~Scroll.~(1)", 3);
dialog.Option("Infernal~Echo~Scroll.~(20)", 4);
dialog.Option("1200~Chi~Points.~(5)", 5);
dialog.Option("3~Protection~Pills.~(1)", 6);
dialog.Option("10~Free~Courses.~(2)", 7);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", 255);
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 2)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 10))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 10);
client.Inventory.Add(3007566, 0, 1);
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 3)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 1))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 1);
client.Inventory.Add(3007567, 0, 1);
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 4)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 20))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 20);
client.Inventory.Add(3007568, 0, 1);
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 5)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 5))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 5);
client.ChiPoints += 1200;
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 6)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 1))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 1);
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 7)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 2))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 2);
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
case 8:
dialog.Option("Grace~of~Heaven~Scroll.~(10)", 9);
dialog.Option("Wrath~of~the~Emperor~Scroll.~(1)", 10);
dialog.Option("Infernal~Echo~Scroll.~(20)", 11);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", 255);
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 9)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 10))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 10);
client.Inventory.Add(3007566, 0, 1);
dialog.Option("Okay.", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 10)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 1))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 1);
client.Inventory.Add(3007567, 0, 1);
dialog.Option("Okay.", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 11)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 20))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 20);
client.Inventory.Add(3007568, 0, 1);
dialog.Option("Okay.", 255);
case 10915:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Option("Start~meditation.~(1~necklace)", 1);
dialog.Option("I~want~to~leave~here.", 3);
dialog.Option("I~hope~so.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007563, 1))
dialog.Option("Yes.", 4);
dialog.Option("No.", 255);
dialog.Option("Head~to~see~Altar~Cleanser.", 2);
case 2:
client.Player.Teleport(3983, 72, 74);
case 3:
client.Player.Teleport(1004, 41, 41);
case 4:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007563, 1))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007563, 1);
System.Random r = new System.Random();
int i = r.Next(100);
if (i >= 0 && i <= 10)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 10 && i <= 50)
client.Inventory.Add(3002029, 0, 3);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
if (i >= 50 && i <= 100)
client.Inventory.Add(3007564, 0, 1);
dialog.Option("Head~to~see~Fortune~Arhat.", 2);
#region Trojan
#region epic Trojan
#region SuperMok
case 10580:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.TrojanEpicOn)
if (client.Player.Level >= 70 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Text("Hello, Iam General Pak's Daughter . He kept Raising me Forging Magical Potions and LegendaryWeapons i may help you in your Epic Quest . i can give you the SolarScraps for 1 Energy");
dialog.Option("i Want an SolarScrap You need 27 Only", 2);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Option("no~idea.", 255);
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3003336, 27))
client.Player.Teleport(1002, 267, 194);
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("Pak`s Ghost is calling Level 120+ or reborn Trojans to help him correct a mistake", 1002, 267, 194, 10579);
if (client.Player.Level >= 70 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2 && client.Inventory.Contains(3003336, 27))
dialog.Text("Hello, Iam SuperMok You have Already 27 SolarScrap ");
dialog.Option("Send Me To Next Step", 15);
dialog.Option("Thanxx", 255);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
client.Player.Teleport(1002, 267, 194);
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("Pak`s Ghost is calling Level 120+ or reborn Trojans to help him correct a mistake in 300 years ago. Go find Super Mok", 1002, 267, 194, 10579);
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
case 15:
client.Player.Teleport(1002, 271, 195);
case 2:
dialog.Text("The SolarScrap i can sell it For You , Would you like to Continue ?");
dialog.Option("I wanna do it", 3);
dialog.Option("buy solarscrap " + client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes + "cps", 4);
dialog.Option("No, Thanks", 255);
case 20:
dialog.Text("The SolarScrap i can sell it For You , Would you like to Continue ?");
dialog.Option("buy solarscrap " + client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes + "cps", 4);
dialog.Option("No, Thanks", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3003336, 27))
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("Pak`s Ghost is calling Level 120+ or reborn Trojans to help him correct a mistake in 300 years ago. Go find Super Mok (238,216) to forge 27 Solar Scraps. After that, give them to Pak`s Ghost to reforge the Solar Blade, so he can send you back in time for 300 years", 1002, 267, 194, 10579);
else if (client.Inventory.Contains(722736, 3))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722732, 3))
if (client.Player.EpicTimes != 0)
client.Player.EpicTimes = 0;
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
if (Kernel.Rate(20))
client.Inventory.Add(3003336, 0, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
MsgName str1 = new MsgName(true);
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
client.SendScreen(str1.ToArray(), true);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You have got the SolarScrap");
dialog.Option("ThankYou VeryMuch", 20);
dialog.Text("faild to make solarscrap please try again");
dialog.Option("try again", 20);
client.MessageBox("Sorry you made it once today please come back tomorrow or try with cps");
dialog.Text("Sorry, You don't have 3 red flower to Continue");
dialog.Option("Isee", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry, You don't have 3 white flower to Continue");
dialog.Option("Isee", 255);
case 4:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3003336, 27))
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("Pak`s Ghost is calling Level 120+ or reborn Trojans to help him correct a mistake in 300 years ago. Go find Super Mok (238,216) to forge 27 Solar Scraps. After that, give them to Pak`s Ghost to reforge the Solar Blade, so he can send you back in time for 300 years", 1002, 267, 194, 10579);
else if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes;
if (Kernel.Rate(45))
client.Inventory.Add(3003336, 0, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
MsgName str1 = new MsgName(true);
str1.UID = client.Player.UID;
str1.TextsCount = 1;
str1.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str1.ToArray(), true);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You have got the SolarScrap");
dialog.Option("ThankYou VeryMuch", 20);
dialog.Text("faild to make solarscrap please try again");
dialog.Option("try again", 20);
dialog.Text("Sorry, You need " + client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes + " Cps to Continue");
dialog.Option("Isee", 255);
#region Pak's Ghost
case 10579:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.Level >= 120 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
if (!client.Player.TrojanEpicOn)
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam Pak's Ghost the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . we Discovered a Weapon stronger than the Blade even Stronger than the Ninja's Katana . the Name of this Weapon Was The CrossSaber . a weapon was made for the Ancient and Brave Trojans Only . i can help you get this Weapon . first you have to Talk to SuperMok at twincity (241,266) and get from her 1 SolarScrap , Then Come and Talk to me and i will teleport you To the Ancient Twincity 300 Years ago so , you can complete your quest to get the Trojan's Epic Weapon");
dialog.Option("I wanna do it ", 75);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
else if (client.Player.Epictrue)
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam Pak's Ghost the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . we Discovered a Weapon stronger than the Blade even Stronger than the Ninja's Katana . the Name of this Weapon Was The CrossSaber . a weapon was made for the Ancient and Brave Trojans Only . i can help you get this Weapon . first you have to Talk to SuperMok at twincity (241,266) and get from her 1 SolarScrap , Then Come and Talk to me and i will teleport you To the Ancient Twincity 300 Years ago so , you can complete your quest to get the Trojan's Epic Weapon");
dialog.Option("Go Now ", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam Pak's Ghost the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . we Discovered a Weapon stronger than the Blade even Stronger than the Ninja's Katana . the Name of this Weapon Was The CrossSaber . a weapon was made for the Ancient and Brave Trojans Only . i can help you get this Weapon . first you have to Talk to SuperMok at twincity (241,266) and get from her 1 SolarScrap , Then Come and Talk to me and i will teleport you To the Ancient Twincity 300 Years ago so , you can complete your quest to get the Trojan's Epic Weapon");
dialog.Option("I have the 27 SolarScrap ", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
//if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.Solar_Blade_2, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
// dialog.Text("Hello , Iam Pak's Ghost the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . we Discovered a Weapon stronger than the Blade even Stronger than the Ninja's Katana . the Name of this Weapon Was The CrossSaber . a weapon was made for the Ancient and Brave Trojans Only . i can help you get this Weapon . first you have to Talk to SuperMok at twincity (241,266) and get from her 1 SolarScrap , Then Come and Talk to me and i will teleport you To the Ancient Twincity 300 Years ago so , you can complete your quest to get the Trojan's Epic Weapon");
// dialog.Option("I have the 1 SolarScrap ", 1);
// dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry you have to be a level 120 second reborned Trojan to take on this Legendary EpicQuest .");
dialog.Option("Okay, Sorry for Bothering", 255);
case 75:
if (client.Player.Level >= 70 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam GeneralPak the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . we Discovered a Weapon stronger than the Blade even Stronger than the Ninja's Katana . the Name of this Weapon Was The CrossSaber . a weapon was made for the Ancient and Brave Trojans Only . i can help you get this Weapon , i can teleport you To the Ancient Twincity 300 Years ago so , you can complete your quest to get the Trojan's Epic Weapon");
dialog.Option("ok i wanna do it !", 87);
//dialog.Option("Buy Epic Wepeon", 115);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry you have to be a level 70 second reborned Trojan to take on this Legendary EpicQuest .");
dialog.Option("Okay, Sorry for Bothering", 255);
case 87:
if (!client.Player.TrojanEpicOn)
client.Player.TrojanEpicOn = true;
client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "nag_bom_acc", true);
client.Player.Teleport(1002, 238, 216);
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("Pak`s Ghost is calling Level 70+ or reborn Trojans to help him correct a mistake in 300 years ago", 1002, 238, 216, 10580);
client.MessageBox("you already accepted this task");
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3003336, 27))
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
dialog.Option("Go back 300 Years Ago ", 5);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thankyou", 255);
else if (client.Player.Epictrue)
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
dialog.Option("Go back 300 Years Ago ", 5);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thankyou", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry. But you need 27 SolarScarp to Continue");
dialog.Option("Okay, I see", 255);
case 5:
if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.Solar_Blade_2, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
if (!client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.Evil_Array_1, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
client.Player.Teleport(3830, 150, 145);
client.Inventory.Remove(3003336, 27);
client.Player.Epictrue = true;
//client.Inventory.Remove(3003335, 1);
//client.Inventory.Remove(3003336, 27);
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("The Evil Array blocking the gate of evils is getting weak. If the Flame Devastator breaks through the array, Twin City will be drown into inferno. General Pak", 3830, 154, 130, 10581);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
#region GeneralPak
case 10581:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.Level >= 120 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.Evil_Array_1, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
dialog.Text("The Evil Array blocking the gate of evils is getting weak. If the Flame Devastator breaks through the array, Twin City will be drown into inferno. General Pak (154,130) asked you to find Monk Misery (105,179) to enchant the array");
dialog.Option("I wanna do it ", 75);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
else if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.Evil_Array_3, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
dialog.Text("The Evil Array blocking the gate of evils is getting weak. If the Flame Devastator breaks through the array, Twin City will be drown into inferno. General Pak (154,130) asked you to find Monk Misery (105,179) to enchant the array");
dialog.Option("I wanna do it ", 30);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
else if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.The_Traitor_1, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
dialog.Text("The Evil Array blocking the gate of evils is getting weak. If the Flame Devastator breaks through the array, Twin City will be drown into inferno. General Pak (154,130) asked you to find Monk Misery (105,179) to enchant the array");
dialog.Option("I wanna do it ", 31);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
else if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.The_Traitor_2, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted) && client.Player.PheasantPoint > 0)
dialog.Text("The Evil Array blocking the gate of evils is getting weak. If the Flame Devastator breaks through the array, Twin City will be drown into inferno. General Pak asked you to find Monk Misery (105,179) to enchant the array");
dialog.Option("I wanna do it ", 32);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
else if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.Solar_Essences_1, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
dialog.Text("The Evil Array blocking the gate of evils is getting weak. If the Flame Devastator breaks through the array, Twin City will be drown into inferno. General Pak asked you to find Monk Misery (105,179) to enchant the array");
dialog.Option("I wanna try ", 33);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
else if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.Devastator_1, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
dialog.Text("The Evil Array blocking the gate of evils is getting weak. If the Flame Devastator breaks through the array, Twin City will be drown into inferno. General Pak asked you to find Monk Misery (105,179) to enchant the array");
dialog.Option("I wanna try ", 34);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam DivineJade the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards You should have 1 SolarScrap and 1 SolarBladeRemain and 1 TrojanToken and 1 SolarEssence ");
dialog.Option("I have this item ", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry you have to be a level 120 second reborned Trojan to take on this Legendary EpicQuest .");
dialog.Option("Okay, Sorry for Bothering", 255);
case 34:
//client.Player.PheasantPoint = 0;
client.Player.Teleport(1002, 410, 354);
client.Inventory.Add(3003340, 0, 1);
COServer.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new MsgTalk("Congratulation" + client.Player.Name + " has finished epic quest trojan congratulation", System.Drawing.Color.White, MsgTalk.TopLeft), Server.GamePool);
client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "end_task", true);
case 33:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3003338, 99))
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("you have killed the misrey please compleate this task by calling Ganeral Pack's.", 3830, 101, 175, 4180);
else if (client.Inventory.Contains(3003338, 66))
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("you have killed the misrey please compleate this task by calling Ganeral Pack's.", 3830, 101, 175, 4180);
//client.Inventory.Add(3003338, 0,33);
client.Inventory.Add(3003338, 0, 33);
client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "end_task", true);
case 32:
client.Player.PheasantPoint = 0;
client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "end_task", true);
case 75:
if (client.Player.Level >= 70 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam GeneralPak the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . we Discovered a Weapon stronger than the Blade even Stronger than the Ninja's Katana . the Name of this Weapon Was The CrossSaber");
dialog.Option("ok i wanna do it !", 87);
//dialog.Option("Buy Epic Wepeon", 115);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry you have to be a level 70 second reborned Trojan to take on this Legendary EpicQuest .");
dialog.Option("Okay, Sorry for Bothering", 255);
case 31:
if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.The_Traitor_1, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "nag_bom_acc", true);
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("eneral Pak found that Monk Misery has colluded with the Flame Devastator for a dirty plan ", 3830, 83, 168, 10583);
client.MessageBox("you already accepted this task");
case 87:
if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.Evil_Array_1, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "nag_bom_acc", true);
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("The Evil Array blocking the gate of evils is getting weak. If the Flame Devastator breaks through the array, Twin City will be drown into inferno. General Pak ", 3830, 83, 168, 10584);
client.MessageBox("you already accepted this task");
case 30:
if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.Evil_Array_3, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "nag_bom_acc", true);
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("Though the Evil Array has been enhanced, there are 18 Ghost Reavers from the Flame Devastator`s ", 3830, 162, 217, 10582);
client.MessageBox("you already accepted this task");
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3003336, 27) && client.Inventory.Contains(3003335, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(3003341, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(3003338, 1))
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam MonkMisery the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . enter Me To FlameDevastator ");
dialog.Option("Enter The Evil Array ", 5);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thankyou", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry. But you need 1 SolarScarp and SolarBladeRemain and TrojanToken and SolarEssence to Continue");
dialog.Option("Okay, I see", 255);
case 5:
client.Player.Teleport(3827, 50, 50);
//client.Inventory.Remove(3003335, 1);
//client.Inventory.Remove(3003336, 27);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
#region MonkMisery
case 10584:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.Level >= 120 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.The_Traitor_2, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam GeneralPak the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . we Discovered a Weapon stronger than the Blade even Stronger than the Ninja's Katana . the Name of this Weapon Was The CrossSaber . a weapon was made for the Ancient and Brave Trojans Only . i can help you get this Weapon . first you have to Talk to SuperMok at twincity (241,266) and get from her 1 SolarScrap , Then Come and Talk to me and i will teleport you To the Ancient Twincity 300 Years ago so , you can complete your quest to get the Trojan's Epic Weapon");
dialog.Option("i wanna do it ", 10);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam GeneralPak the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . we Discovered a Weapon stronger than the Blade even Stronger than the Ninja's Katana . the Name of this Weapon Was The CrossSaber . a weapon was made for the Ancient and Brave Trojans Only . i can help you get this Weapon . first you have to Talk to SuperMok at twincity (241,266) and get from her 1 SolarScrap , Then Come and Talk to me and i will teleport you To the Ancient Twincity 300 Years ago so , you can complete your quest to get the Trojan's Epic Weapon");
dialog.Option("i wanna do it ", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry you have to be a level 120 second reborned Trojan to take on this Legendary EpicQuest .");
dialog.Option("Okay, Sorry for Bothering", 255);
case 10:
if (!client.Player.Epictry)
client.Player.Epictry = true;
DialyQuestsEffect.Check(client, "WrathTrojan");
Random Random = new Random();
int R = Random.Next(1, 4);
if (R == 1)
client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "accession", true);
else if (R == 2)
client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "accession1", true);
else if (R == 3)
client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "accession2", true);
else if (R == 4)
client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "accession3", true);
Kernel.Maps[3830].Npcs.Remove(10584); //remove
var Map = Kernel.Maps[3830];
Kernel.Maps[3830].TrojanEpicQuest.Add(client.ActiveNpc, Map.Npcs[client.ActiveNpc]);
client.SendScreen(new MsgAction(true) { UID = 10584, ID = MsgAction.Mode.RemoveEntity }, true);
MsgMapItem Send = new MsgMapItem(true);
Send.UID = 125;
Send.X = client.Player.X;
Send.Y = client.Player.Y;
Send.Type = 6;
client.SendScreenSpawn(Send, true);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.TextsCount = 1;
NpcSpawn npc = new NpcSpawn();
str.PositionX = (ushort)npc.X;
str.PositionY = (ushort)npc.Y;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str, true);
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
MsgName str2 = new MsgName(true);
str2.TextsCount = 1;
str2.PositionX = (ushort)client.Player.X;
str2.PositionY = (ushort)client.Player.Y;
str2.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str2, true);
Database.MonsterInformation monster = new COServer.Database.MonsterInformation();
monster.Boss = true;
monster.Hitpoints = 2000000;
monster.Level = 200;
monster.Mesh = 978;
monster.Name = "EvilMonkMisery";
monster.MaxAttack = 1000;
monster.AttackRange = 20;
monster.AttackType = 2;
monster.AttackSpeed = 1000;
monster.ViewRange = 20;
monster.MoveSpeed = 2000;
monster.RunSpeed = 2000;
monster.MinAttack = 50000;
Game.Player Player = new Game.Player(Game.PlayerFlag.Monster, false);
Player.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Monster;
Player.MonsterInfo = monster;
Player.MonsterInfo.Owner = Player;
Player.Name = "EvilMonkMisery";
Player.MinAttack = monster.MinAttack;
Player.MaxAttack = Player.MagicAttack = monster.MaxAttack;
Player.Hitpoints = Player.MaxHitpoints = monster.Hitpoints;
Player.Body = monster.Mesh;
Player.Level = monster.Level;
Player.Defence = 600;
Player.X = client.Player.X;
Player.Y = client.Player.Y;
Player.UID = 500002;
Player.MapID = client.Player.MapID;
Player.SendUpdates = true;
case 1:
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam MonkMisery the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . enter Me To GhostReaver ");
dialog.Option("Enter The Evil Array ", 5);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thankyou", 255);
case 5:
if (!Database.DMaps.LoadMap(3825)) Database.DMaps.LoadMap(3825);
var DM = Kernel.Maps[3825].MakeDynamicMap();
client.Player.Teleport(3825, 50, 50);
//client.Inventory.Remove(3003335, 1);
//client.Inventory.Remove(3003336, 27);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
#region Bless
case 2997:
case 2999:
case 2998:
case 3000:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hah! Want my Oven Go to hell! Show me what you`re made of!");
dialog.Option("We`ll~see!", 1);
dialog.Option("Leave.", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Text("Hah! you can make oven for 160 cps with rate 30% success or make it for 1000 cps and rate success 100%");
if (client.Player.FirstStagetrojan == 3)
dialog.Option("try with 160 cps", 3);
dialog.Option("try with 1000 cps", 2);
dialog.Option("Leave.", 255);
if (client.Player.FirstStagetrojan >= 4)
dialog.Text("you have finnished this stage press ok to teleport out");
dialog.Option("thanx~i will go", 4);
dialog.Option("Leave.", 255);
dialog.Text("you should make 3 oven");
dialog.Option("i see", 255);
case 4:
client.Player.FirstStagetrojan = 55;
client.Player.Teleport(3830, 85, 170);
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("The Evil Array blocking the gate of evils is getting weak. If the Flame Devastator breaks through the array, Twin City will be drown into inferno", 3830, 151, 131, 10581);
case 2:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints > 999)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1000;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1000;
client.MessageBox("sorry you don't have 160 cps");
case 3:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints > 159)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 160;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 160;
if (Kernel.Rate(30))
client.MessageBox("faild to make this task");
client.MessageBox("sorry you don't have 160 cps");
#region MonkMisery
case 10583:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.Level >= 120 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam MonkMisery the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards");
dialog.Option("Yeah i have This Item ", 1);
dialog.Option("send me back", 15);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry you have to be a level 120 second reborned Trojan to take on this Legendary EpicQuest .");
dialog.Option("Okay, Sorry for Bothering", 255);
case 15:
client.Player.Teleport(3830, 85, 170);
case 1:
dialog.Text("Hah! you can make oven for 160 cps with rate 30% success or make it for 1000 cps and rate success 100%");
if (client.Player.FirstStagetrojan == 0)
dialog.Option("try with 160 cps", 3);
dialog.Option("try with 1000 cps", 2);
else if (client.Player.FirstStagetrojan == 1)
dialog.Option("try with 160 cps", 5);
dialog.Option("try with 1000 cps", 4);
else if (client.Player.FirstStagetrojan == 2)
dialog.Option("try with 160 cps", 6);
dialog.Option("try with 1000 cps", 7);
dialog.Option("send me back", 15);
dialog.Option("Leave.", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1000)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1000;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1000;
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("sorry but u don't have 1000 cps");
case 3:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 160)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 160;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 160;
if (Kernel.Rate(30))
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("faild to make this task please try again");
client.MessageBox("sorry but u don't have 160 cps");
case 4:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1000)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1000;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1000;
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("sorry but u don't have 1000 cps");
case 5:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 160)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 160;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 160;
if (Kernel.Rate(30))
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("faild to make this task please try again");
client.MessageBox("sorry but u don't have 160 cps");
case 6:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 160)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 160;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 160;
if (Kernel.Rate(30))
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("faild to make this task please try again");
client.MessageBox("sorry but u don't have 160 cps");
case 7:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1000)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1000;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1000;
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("sorry but u don't have 1000 cps");
case 50:
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.PositionX = (ushort)45;
str.PositionY = (ushort)45;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
Database.MonsterInformation monster = new COServer.Database.MonsterInformation();
monster.Boss = true;
monster.Hitpoints = 1000000;
monster.Level = 200;
monster.Mesh = 977;
monster.Name = "GhostReaver";
monster.MaxAttack = 100000;
monster.AttackRange = 20;
monster.AttackType = 2;
monster.AttackSpeed = 1000;
monster.ViewRange = 20;
monster.MoveSpeed = 2000;
monster.RunSpeed = 2000;
monster.MinAttack = 50000;
Game.Player Player = new Game.Player(Game.PlayerFlag.Monster, false);
Player.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Monster;
Player.MonsterInfo = monster;
Player.MonsterInfo.Owner = Player;
Player.Name = "GhostReaver";
Player.MinAttack = monster.MinAttack;
Player.MaxAttack = Player.MagicAttack = monster.MaxAttack;
Player.Hitpoints = Player.MaxHitpoints = monster.Hitpoints;
Player.Body = monster.Mesh;
Player.Level = monster.Level;
Player.Defence = 40000;
Player.X = 45;
Player.Y = 45;
Player.UID = 500002;
Player.MapID = client.Player.MapID;
Player.SendUpdates = true;
#region Mr.Mirros
case 10582:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.Level >= 120 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam Mr.Mirros the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . you should have 1 SolarScrap and SolarBladeRemain ");
dialog.Option("Yeah i have this item ", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry you have to be a level 120 second reborned Trojan to take on this Legendary EpicQuest .");
dialog.Option("Okay, Sorry for Bothering", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.Ghost_Reavers, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted))
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
if (client.Player.FirstStagetrojan == 55)
dialog.Option("Summon the EvilMonkMisery ", 5);
else if (client.Player.FirstStagetrojan <= 17)
dialog.Option("next stage ", 6);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thankyou", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry. But you need to accept the mission");
dialog.Option("Okay, I see", 255);
case 6:
if (client.Player.FirstStagetrojan == 0)
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("General Pak found that Monk Misery has colluded with the Flame Devastator for a dirty plan ", 3830, 154, 130, 10581);
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam Mr.Mirros the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . you should have 1 SolarScrap and SolarBladeRemain ");
dialog.Option("next stage ", 6);
dialog.Option("Okay, I see", 255);
MsgName str2 = new MsgName(true);
str2.TextsCount = 2;
str2.PositionX = (ushort)165;
str2.PositionY = (ushort)228;
str2.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str2, true);
client.SendScreen(str2.ToArray(), true);
MsgName str3 = new MsgName(true);
str3.TextsCount = 2;
str3.PositionX = (ushort)167;
str3.PositionY = (ushort)230;
str3.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str3, true);
client.SendScreen(str3.ToArray(), true);
client.MessageBox("you need to do this stage " + client.Player.FirstStagetrojan + " times");
case 5:
if (client.Player.MapID == 3830)
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.PositionX = (ushort)165;
str.PositionY = (ushort)229;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str, true);
Kernel.Spawn = true;
Database.MonsterInformation mob;
Database.MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations.TryGetValue(41525, out mob);
client.Map.Spawnthis(mob, client, 3830, 165, 230);
var Map = Kernel.Maps[3830];
Kernel.Maps[3830].TrojanEpicQuest.Add(client.ActiveNpc, Map.Npcs[client.ActiveNpc]);
/* case 5:
Database.MonsterInformation monster = new COServer.Database.MonsterInformation();
monster.Boss = true;
monster.Hitpoints = 2000000;
monster.Level = 200;
monster.Mesh = 978;
monster.Name = "EvilMonkMisery";
monster.MaxAttack = 1000;
monster.AttackRange = 20;
monster.AttackType = 2;
monster.AttackSpeed = 1000;
monster.ViewRange = 20;
monster.MoveSpeed = 2000;
monster.RunSpeed = 2000;
monster.MinAttack = 50000;
Game.Player Player = new Game.Player(Game.PlayerFlag.Monster, false);
Player.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Monster;
Player.MonsterInfo = monster;
Player.MonsterInfo.Owner = Player;
Player.Name = "EvilMonkMisery";
Player.MinAttack = monster.MinAttack;
Player.MaxAttack = Player.MagicAttack = monster.MaxAttack;
Player.Hitpoints = Player.MaxHitpoints = monster.Hitpoints;
Player.Body = monster.Mesh;
Player.Level = monster.Level;
Player.Defence = 600;
Player.X = 165;
Player.Y = 229;
Player.UID = 500002;
Player.MapID = client.Player.MapID;
Player.SendUpdates = true;
} */
#region DivineJade
case 4180:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.Level >= 120 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam DivineJade the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards You should have 1 SolarScrap and 1 SolarBladeRemain and 1 TrojanToken ");
dialog.Option("I have this item ", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry you have to be a level 120 second reborned Trojan to take on this Legendary EpicQuest .");
dialog.Option("Okay, Sorry for Bothering", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.Solar_Essences_2, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted) && client.Inventory.Contains(3003338, 99))
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam MonkMisery the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards . enter Me To FlameDevastator ");
dialog.Option("finish this task ", 5);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thankyou", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry. But you need 99 Solar Essance ");
dialog.Option("Okay, I see", 255);
case 5:
client.Inventory.Remove(3003338, 99);
NpcSpawn npc = new NpcSpawn();
MsgName str2 = new MsgName(true);
str2.TextsCount = 1;
str2.PositionX = (ushort)npc.X;
str2.PositionY = (ushort)npc.Y;
str2.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str2, true);
client.SendScreen(str2.ToArray(), true);
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("you have killed the misrey please compleate this task by calling Ganeral Pack's.", 3830, 154, 130, 10600);
//client.Player.Teleport(3826, 50, 50);
////client.Inventory.Remove(3003335, 1);
//client.Inventory.Remove(3003336, 27);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
#region JusticeJade
case 4190:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.Level >= 120 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam DivineJade the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards You should have 1 SolarScrap and 1 SolarBladeRemain and 1 TrojanToken ");
dialog.Option("I have This item ", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry you have to be a level 120 second reborned Trojan to take on this Legendary EpicQuest .");
dialog.Option("Okay, Sorry for Bothering", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3003336, 27) && client.Inventory.Contains(3003335, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(3003341, 1))
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
dialog.Option("Summon the FlameDevastator ", 5);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thankyou", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry. But you need 1 SolarScarp and 1 SolarBladeRemain and 1 TrojanToken to Continue");
dialog.Option("Okay, I see", 255);
case 5:
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.PositionX = (ushort)45;
str.PositionY = (ushort)45;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
Database.MonsterInformation monster = new COServer.Database.MonsterInformation();
monster.Boss = true;
monster.Hitpoints = 5000000;
monster.Level = 200;
monster.Mesh = 981;
monster.Name = "FlameDevastator";
monster.MaxAttack = 1000;
monster.AttackRange = 20;
monster.AttackType = 2;
monster.AttackSpeed = 1000;
monster.ViewRange = 20;
monster.MoveSpeed = 2000;
monster.RunSpeed = 2000;
monster.MinAttack = 50000;
Game.Player Player = new Game.Player(Game.PlayerFlag.Monster, false);
Player.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Monster;
Player.MonsterInfo = monster;
Player.MonsterInfo.Owner = Player;
Player.Name = "FlameDevastator";
Player.MinAttack = monster.MinAttack;
Player.MaxAttack = Player.MagicAttack = monster.MaxAttack;
Player.Hitpoints = Player.MaxHitpoints = monster.Hitpoints;
Player.Body = monster.Mesh;
Player.Level = monster.Level;
Player.Defence = 400;
Player.X = 45;
Player.Y = 45;
Player.UID = 500002;
Player.MapID = client.Player.MapID;
Player.SendUpdates = true;
#region DivineJade
case 4191:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.Level >= 120 && client.Player.Class >= 10 && client.Player.Class <= 15 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Text("Hello , Iam DivineJade the Ancient Trojan from the OldTwinCity Guards You should have 1 SolarScrap and 1 SolarBladeRemain and 1 TrojanToken and 1 SolarEssence");
dialog.Option("I have This item ", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry you have to be a level 120 second reborned Trojan to take on this Legendary EpicQuest .");
dialog.Option("Okay, Sorry for Bothering", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3003336, 27) && client.Inventory.Contains(3003335, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(3003341, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(3003338, 1))
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true);
dialog.Option("Summon the FuriousFlameDevastator ", 5);
dialog.Option("Okay, Thankyou", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry. But you need 1 SolarScarp and 1 SolarBladeRemain and 1 TrojanToken and 1 SolarEssence to Continue");
dialog.Option("Okay, I see", 255);
case 5:
client.Inventory.Remove(3003336, 27);
client.Inventory.Remove(3003335, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3003341, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3003338, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.PositionX = (ushort)45;
str.PositionY = (ushort)45;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect;
Database.MonsterInformation monster = new COServer.Database.MonsterInformation();
monster.Boss = true;
monster.Hitpoints = 20000000;
monster.Level = 200;
monster.Mesh = 979;
monster.Name = "FuriousFlameDevastator";
monster.MaxAttack = 1000;
monster.AttackRange = 20;
monster.AttackType = 2;
monster.AttackSpeed = 1000;
monster.ViewRange = 20;
monster.MoveSpeed = 2000;
monster.RunSpeed = 2000;
monster.MinAttack = 5000;
Game.Player Player = new Game.Player(Game.PlayerFlag.Monster, false);
Player.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Monster;
Player.MonsterInfo = monster;
Player.MonsterInfo.Owner = Player;
Player.Name = "FuriousFlameDevastator";
Player.MinAttack = monster.MinAttack;
Player.MaxAttack = Player.MagicAttack = monster.MaxAttack;
Player.Hitpoints = Player.MaxHitpoints = monster.Hitpoints;
Player.Body = monster.Mesh;
Player.Level = monster.Level;
Player.Defence = 400;
Player.X = 45;
Player.Y = 45;
Player.UID = 500002;
Player.MapID = client.Player.MapID;
Player.SendUpdates = true;
#region epic ninja
#region DivineShadow of FirstStage
case 62517:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , this is the FirstStage of the EpicQuest . the FirstStage to the Journey of the Shadows ! . The YinYangStee; . is a Pure Shadow Steel . Which the Weapon was Crafted from . if u Really Deserve the EpicWeapon ! . U Have to pass him . by Trails and Luck . U have to get the YinYangeal to Be Combined in the End into the Secret Shadowic EpicWeapon . Goodluck .");
dialog.Option("I Quit . Teleport me to Twincity", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay,Thanks", 255);
case 1:
client.Player.Teleport(1002, 429, 378);
#region DivineShadow of SecondStage
case 64127:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome Ninja , i can see that u passed the FirstStage . i can see u braverly Obtained the YingYangSeal . Don't be that Happy Kid . This is the Second Stage . The ElementalGuard is the Guard that Guards the ThirdStage Which have the WheelOfLife . The WheelOfLife is the luckyWheel which Decides by luck if u get the EpicWeapon or NOT . If u didn;t pass the SecondStage . u are not losing because u are getting 1 StarDust . Which can be used to Be Exchanged to the LegendaryEpicSkills . GoodLuck dealing with the ElementalGuard to get the Seal Ninja .");
dialog.Option("I Quit . Teleport me to First Stage", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay,Thanks", 255);
case 1:
client.Player.Teleport(3849, 40, 40);
#region DivineShadow of Third
case 64111:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome . you madeit Ninja . i always knew u were gonna made it to the ThirdStage . but iam not sure u can take the Luck of the WheelOfLife . u only have 10% Percentage Luck . Other is Failure . if you passed it you get the Life's Eye . when u get it Click on it and then u can get an EpicWeapon and get announced in the Whole Game . But . if u lost u will get 5 StarDust Which can be used to be Exchanged to the Legendary EpicSkills . i wish u Best Luck Ninja .");
dialog.Option("I Quit . Teleport me to First Stage", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay,Thanks", 255);
case 1:
client.Player.Teleport(3849, 40, 40);
#region FirstStage of the EpicQuest
case 51241:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the FirstStage of the NinjaEpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great ninjaEpicWeapon + NinjaEpicSkills , are you ready ? . the FirstStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 30% to pass it to the Next Stage the Other 70% will Fail you . you try ur luck everyday . or by Paying CPs .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("I wanna try again . (15000 CPs)", 2);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 15000)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 15000;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 15000;
client.Player.StartedEpicQuest = false;
client.Player.FinishedFirstStage = false;
client.Player.FinishedSecondStage = false;
client.Player.DidntPassFirstStage = false;
client.Player.DidntPassSecondStage = false;
client.Player.DidntPassThirdStage = false;
dialog.Text(" you have got another chance .");
dialog.Option("Okay,Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("you need 15000 Cps to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, i forogt", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Player.StartedEpicQuest == false && client.Player.FinishedFirstStage == false && client.Player.DidntPassFirstStage == false)
if (MyMath.Success(30))
client.Inventory.Add(3004462, 0, 1);
client.Player.Teleport(3850, 29, 39);
client.Player.StartedEpicQuest = true;
client.Player.FinishedFirstStage = true;
dialog.Text("Congratulations , you have passed the FirstStage and Obtained a YinYangSeal which can be used to Try ur luck in the ThirdStage . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Player.DidntPassFirstStage = true;
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the FirstStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , but you already have Tried the EpicQuest Today . or you have Finished the First Stage .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region SecondStageof EpicQuest
case 5122:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the SecondStage of the NinjaEpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great ninjaEpicWeapon + NinjaEpicSkills , are you ready ? . the SecondStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 20% to pass it to the Next Stage the Other 80% will Fail you . you try ur luck everyday . or by Paying CPs .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004462, 1) && client.Player.StartedEpicQuest == true && client.Player.FinishedFirstStage == true && client.Player.FinishedSecondStage == false && client.Player.DidntPassSecondStage == false)
if (MyMath.Success(20))
client.Player.Teleport(3851, 35, 35);
client.Inventory.Add(3004463, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3004462, 1);
client.Player.FinishedSecondStage = true;
dialog.Text("Congratulations , you have passed the SecondStage and Obtained a ElementalJade which can be used to Try ur luck in the ThirdStage . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Player.DidntPassSecondStage = true;
client.Inventory.Remove(3004462, 1);
client.Inventory.Add(3004465, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the SecondStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , but you already have Tried the EpicQuest Today . or you already have Finished the SecondStage or you didn't finish the FirstStage . .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region ThirdStage of EpicQuest
case 9613:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the ThirdStage of the NinjaEpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great ninjaEpicWeapon + NinjaEpicSkills , are you ready ? . the ThirdStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 10% to pass it to the Next Stage the Other 90% will Fail you . you try ur luck everyday . or by Paying CPs .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004463, 1) && client.Player.StartedEpicQuest == true && client.Player.FinishedSecondStage == true && client.Player.DidntPassThirdStage == false)
if (MyMath.Success(10))
client.Inventory.Add(3004464, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3004463, 1);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You have finished the NinjaEpicQuest and got the Life's Eye . which can be used to get the EpicWeapon . by clicking it . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(3004463, 1);
client.Inventory.Add(3004465, 0, 5);
client.Player.DidntPassThirdStage = true;
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the ThirdStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , but you already have Tried the EpicQuest Today . or you have Finished the First Stage .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region DivineShadow (StarDusts)
case 9112:
case 9122:
case 9132:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello here Ninja . You can Exchange the StarDust u got from the EpicNinjaQuest Here . Exchange them to the EpicNinjaSpells Scrolls . Which can be used to be exchanged from me to the EpicSkills . Choose the Amount u want to Exchange to!");
dialog.Option("i want to Exchange my StarDust", 91);
dialog.Option("No thanks .", 255);
case 91:
if (client.Player.Class >= 50 && client.Player.Class <= 55)
dialog.Text("Please, Choose the item you want to Exchange for . the Amount of StarDusts Neededis written between the : () .");
dialog.Option("ShadowScroll (5)", 92);
dialog.Option("FatalScroll (15)", 93);
dialog.Option("TwilightScroll (30)", 94);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", 255);
dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the Ninja secrets to another class, so, good bye.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
case 92:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004465, 5))
client.Inventory.Remove(3004465, 5);
client.Inventory.Add(3004459, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Ninja! . you need 5 StarDust to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
case 93:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004465, 15))
client.Inventory.Remove(3004465, 15);
client.Inventory.Add(3004461, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Ninja! . you need 15 StarDust to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
case 94:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004465, 30))
client.Inventory.Remove(3004465, 30);
client.Inventory.Add(3004460, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Ninja! . you need 30 StarDust to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
#region DivineShadow
case 6567:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , iam the DivineShadow the Spirit and the Master of the ShadowPowers . i Created a powerful Weapon which allow Ninjas to SUmmon the Shadow's Real Power ! . It's very Powerful and very useful . it has 4 LegendarySkills which can be learned from my Appertiance WindSaga in this promotionCenter . The powerFul Weapon i created is now easy to get . u must have the Full Power of a Ninja and must be Atleast 120+ 2ndReborned cause there is alot of Shadows in this Place which u can't Contain in ur Weak Body . i can send u to The place where the EpicWeapon was Born . Where u can find ur way to get the EpicNinjaWeapon !");
dialog.Option("Iam up for it", 1);
dialog.Option("Change item To Flower", 2);
dialog.Option("Enter Me To Quest Flower", 5);
dialog.Option("Iam not Ready", 255);
case 5:
client.Player.Teleport(3849, 334, 378);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722732, 3) && client.Inventory.Contains(722736, 3))
if (client.Player.Class >= 50 && client.Player.Class <= 55)
if (client.Player.Reborn == 2 && client.Player.Level >= 120)
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Player.Teleport(3849, 40, 40);
dialog.Text("you are in the LegendaryPlace where the Weapon was Made . GoodLuck");
dialog.Option("Thanks, you won't be Disappointed", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , you have to be 2ndReborned and Level 120+ to take this Quest");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you have to be a Ninja to take this quest");
dialog.Option("Oh,Okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you should have 3 RedFlower and 3 WhiteFlower");
dialog.Option("Oh,Okay", 255);
case 2:
dialog.Text("hello i Can Exchange item To Red and Whit Flower You have 30 % Chance To can Get this Flower .");
dialog.Option("Red Flower ", 3);
dialog.Option("White Flower", 4);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Player.Class >= 50 && client.Player.Class <= 55)
if (client.Player.Reborn == 2 && client.Player.Level >= 120)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722733, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722734, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722735, 1))
if (MyMath.Success(30))
client.Inventory.Add(722732, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722733, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722734, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722735, 1);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You Get RedFlower . ");
dialog.Option("Thanxxx!", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(722733, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722734, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722735, 1);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . Collect item and Come again ");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should have in item RedPetal and RedPistil and RedStalk to Change it To RedFlower .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should to be ninja To change .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
case 4:
if (client.Player.Class >= 50 && client.Player.Class <= 55)
if (client.Player.Reborn == 2 && client.Player.Level >= 120)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722737, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722738, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722739, 1))
if (MyMath.Success(30))
client.Inventory.Add(722736, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722737, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722738, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722739, 1);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You Get one Item WhiteFlower . ");
dialog.Option("Thanxxx!", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(722737, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722738, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722739, 1);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . Collect item and Come again ");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should have in item WhitePetal and WhitePistil and WhiteStalk to Change it To WhiteFlower .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should to be ninja To change .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region epic Monk
#region FirstStage Fortune Arhat
case 96510:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the FirstStage of the MonkEpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great MonkEpicWeapon + MonkEpicSkills , are you ready ? . the FirstStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 30% to pass it to the Next Stage the Other 70% will Fail you . you try ur luck everyday . or by Paying CPs .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("I wanna try again . " + client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes + " cps", 2);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize;
if (MyMath.Success(25))
client.Inventory.Add(3007562, 0, 1);
//client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
//client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Player.Teleport(3983, 63, 80);
//client.Player.EpicTimes = 0;
dialog.Text("Congratulations , you have passed the FirstStage and Obtained a SpiritualGem which can be used to Try ur luck in the ThirdStage . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
//client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
//client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the FirstStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("you need " + client.Player.EpicMonkPrize + "Cps to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, i forogt", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Player.EpicTimes != 0)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722732, 3) && client.Inventory.Contains(722736, 3))
if (MyMath.Success(25))
client.Inventory.Add(3007562, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Player.Teleport(3983, 63, 80);
client.Player.EpicTimes = 0;
dialog.Text("Congratulations , you have passed the FirstStage and Obtained a SpiritualGem which can be used to Try ur luck in the ThirdStage . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the FirstStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you should have 3 RedFlower and 3 WhiteFlower");
dialog.Option("Oh,Okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , but you already have Tried the EpicQuest Today . or you have Finished the First Stage .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region SecondStage Altar Cleanser
case 96511:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the SecondStage of the MonkEpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great MonkEpicWeapon + MonkEpicSkills , are you ready ? . the SecondStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 20% to pass it to the Next Stage the Other 80% will Fail you . you try ur luck everyday . or by Paying CPs .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007562, 1))
if (MyMath.Success(25))
client.Player.Teleport(3983, 60, 58);
client.Inventory.Add(3007563, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3007562, 1);
//client.Player.FinishedSecondStage = true;
dialog.Text("Congratulations , you have passed the SecondStage and Obtained a ElementalJade which can be used to Try ur luck in the ThirdStage . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
//client.Player.DidntPassSecondStage = true;
client.Player.Teleport(3983, 81, 83);
client.Inventory.Remove(3007562, 1);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the SecondStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , but you already have Tried the EpicQuest Today . or you already have Finished the SecondStage or you didn't finish the FirstStage . .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region ThirdStage Victory Buddha
case 96513:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the ThirdStage of the MonkEpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great MonkEpicWeapon + MonkEpicSkills , are you ready ? . the ThirdStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 10% to pass it to the Next Stage the Other 90% will Fail you . you try ur luck everyday . or by Paying CPs .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007563, 1))
if (MyMath.Success(15))
client.Inventory.Add(3007564, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3007563, 1);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You have finished the MonkEpicQuest and got the BoundlessHeart . which can be used to get the EpicWeapon . by clicking it . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(3007563, 1);
client.Inventory.Add(3007565, 0, 1);
client.Player.Teleport(3983, 81, 83);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the ThirdStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , but you already have Tried the EpicQuest Today . or you have Finished the First Stage .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region white dragon (RosewoodIncense)
case 9124:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello here Monk . You can Exchange the RosewoodIncense u got from the EpicMonkQuest Here . Exchange them to the EpicMonkSpells Scrolls . Which can be used to be exchanged from me to the EpicSkills . Choose the Amount u want to Exchange to!");
dialog.Option("i want to Exchange my RosewoodIncense", 91);
dialog.Option("Send Me TC .", 55);
dialog.Option("No thanks .", 255);
case 55:
client.Player.Teleport(1004, 38, 38);
case 91:
if (client.Player.Class >= 60 && client.Player.Class <= 65)
dialog.Text("Please, Choose the item you want to Exchange for . the Amount of RosewoodIncense Neededis written between the : () .");
dialog.Option("WrathoftheEmperorScroll (5)", 92);
dialog.Option("GraceofHeavenScroll (10)", 93);
dialog.Option("InfernalEchoScroll (20)", 94);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", 255);
dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the Monk secrets to another class, so, good bye.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
case 92:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 5))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 5);
client.Inventory.Add(3007567, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Monk! . you need 5 RosewoodIncense to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
case 93:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 10))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 10);
client.Inventory.Add(3007566, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Monk! . you need 10 RosewoodIncense to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
case 94:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007565, 20))
client.Inventory.Remove(3007565, 20);
client.Inventory.Add(3007568, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Monk! . you need 20 RosewoodIncense to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
#region Golden Cicada
case 64132:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , u must have the Full Power of a Monk and must be Atleast 120+ 2ndReborned cause there is alot of Shadows in this Place which u can't Contain in ur Weak Body . i can send u to The place where the EpicWeapon was Born . Where u can find ur way to get the EpicMonkWeapon !");
dialog.Option("Iam up for it", 1);
dialog.Option("Change item To Flower", 2);
dialog.Option("Enter Me To Quest Flower", 5);
dialog.Option("Iam not Ready", 255);
case 5:
client.Player.Teleport(1700, 511, 647);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722732, 3) && client.Inventory.Contains(722736, 3))
if (client.Player.Class >= 60 && client.Player.Class <= 65)
if (client.Player.Reborn == 2 && client.Player.Level >= 70)
//if (Kernel.Rate(45))
//client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
//client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Player.Teleport(3983, 81, 83);
//client.Inventory.Add(3007562, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("you are in the LegendaryPlace where the Weapon was Made . GoodLuck");
dialog.Option("Thanks, you won't be Disappointed", 255);
// client.MessageBox("faild to make this task please try again");
dialog.Text("Sorry , you have to be 2ndReborned and Level 120+ to take this Quest");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you have to be a Monk to take this quest");
dialog.Option("Oh,Okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you should have 3 RedFlower and 3 WhiteFlower");
dialog.Option("Oh,Okay", 255);
case 2:
dialog.Text("hello i Can Exchange item To Red and Whit Flower You have 30 % Chance To can Get this Flower .");
dialog.Option("Red Flower ", 3);
dialog.Option("White Flower", 4);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Player.Class >= 60 && client.Player.Class <= 65)
if (client.Player.Reborn == 2 && client.Player.Level >= 120)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722733, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722734, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722735, 1))
if (MyMath.Success(30))
client.Inventory.Add(722732, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722733, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722734, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722735, 1);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You Get RedFlower . ");
dialog.Option("Thanxxx!", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(722733, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722734, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722735, 1);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . Collect item and Come again ");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should have in item RedPetal and RedPistil and RedStalk to Change it To RedFlower .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should to be Monk To change .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
case 4:
if (client.Player.Class >= 60 && client.Player.Class <= 65)
if (client.Player.Reborn == 2 && client.Player.Level >= 120)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722737, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722738, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722739, 1))
if (MyMath.Success(30))
client.Inventory.Add(722736, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722737, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722738, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722739, 1);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You Get one Item WhiteFlower . ");
dialog.Option("Thanxxx!", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(722737, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722738, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722739, 1);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . Collect item and Come again ");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should have in item WhitePetal and WhitePistil and WhiteStalk to Change it To WhiteFlower .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should to be Monk To change .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region epic Water
#region FirstStage RefinedPureOven
case 9651:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the FirstStage of the Taoist EpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great Taoist EpicWeapon + Taoist EpicSkills , are you ready ? . the FirstStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 30% to pass it to the Next Stage the Other 70% will Fail you . you try ur luck everyday . or by Paying CPs .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("I wanna try again . (15000 CPs)", 2);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 15000)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 15000;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 15000;
client.Player.StartedEpicQuest = false;
client.Player.FinishedFirstStage = false;
client.Player.FinishedSecondStage = false;
client.Player.DidntPassFirstStage = false;
client.Player.DidntPassSecondStage = false;
client.Player.DidntPassThirdStage = false;
dialog.Text(" you have got another chance .");
dialog.Option("Okay,Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("you need 15000 Cps to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, i forogt", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Player.StartedEpicQuest == false && client.Player.FinishedFirstStage == false && client.Player.DidntPassFirstStage == false)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722732, 3) && client.Inventory.Contains(722736, 3))
if (MyMath.Success(30))
client.Inventory.Add(3006013, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Player.Teleport(1598, 224, 346);
client.Player.StartedEpicQuest = true;
client.Player.FinishedFirstStage = true;
dialog.Text("Congratulations , you have passed the FirstStage and Obtained a TreasureLeaf which can be used to Try ur luck in the ThirdStage . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Player.DidntPassFirstStage = true;
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the FirstStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you should have 3 RedFlower and 3 WhiteFlower");
dialog.Option("Oh,Okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , but you already have Tried the EpicQuest Today . or you have Finished the First Stage .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region SecondStage ElitePureOven
case 9611:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the SecondStage of the Taoist EpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great Taoist EpicWeapon + Taoist EpicSkills , are you ready ? . the SecondStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 10% to get Chance StarCrystal . you try ur luck everyday .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006013, 1) && client.Player.StartedEpicQuest == true && client.Player.FinishedFirstStage == true && client.Player.FinishedSecondStage == false && client.Player.DidntPassSecondStage == false)
if (MyMath.Success(10))
client.Player.Teleport(1598, 420, 443);
client.Inventory.Add(3006014, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006013, 1);
client.Player.FinishedSecondStage = true;
dialog.Text("Congratulations , you have passed the SecondStage and Obtained a ElementalJade which can be used to Try ur luck in the ThirdStage . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Player.DidntPassSecondStage = true;
client.Player.Teleport(1598, 321, 443);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006013, 1);
client.Inventory.Add(3006015, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the SecondStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , but you already have Tried the EpicQuest Today . or you already have Finished the SecondStage or you didn't finish the FirstStage . .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region ThirdStage SuperPureOven
case 96191:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , This is the ThirdStage of the Taoist EpicQuest . To Path the ShadowTests and Have the Great Taoist EpicWeapon + Taoist EpicSkills , are you ready ? . the ThirdStage is all about luck . it's a Lottery . you have 10% to pass it to the Next Stage the Other 90% will Fail you . you try ur luck everyday . or by Paying CPs .");
dialog.Option("Hey , i want to try", 1);
dialog.Option("Not Interested", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006014, 1) && client.Player.StartedEpicQuest == true && client.Player.FinishedSecondStage == true && client.Player.DidntPassThirdStage == false)
if (MyMath.Success(10))
client.Inventory.Add(3006016, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006014, 1);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You have finished the Taoist EpicQuest and got the BoundlessHeart . which can be used to get the EpicWeapon . by clicking it . ");
dialog.Option("Omg!", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006014, 1);
client.Inventory.Add(3006015, 0, 5);
client.Player.Teleport(1598, 321, 443);
client.Player.DidntPassThirdStage = true;
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . you didn't pass the ThirdStage");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , but you already have Tried the EpicQuest Today . or you have Finished the First Stage .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region Sunking (YinYangFish)
case 91224:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello here Taoist . You can Exchange the YinYangFish u got from the EpicTaoist Quest Here . Exchange them to the EpicTaoist Spells Scrolls . Which can be used to be exchanged from me to the EpicSkills . Choose the Amount u want to Exchange to!");
dialog.Option("i want to Exchange my YinYangFish", 91);
dialog.Option("No thanks .", 255);
case 91:
if (client.Player.Class >= 100 && client.Player.Class <= 145)
dialog.Text("Please, Choose the item you want to Exchange for . the Amount of YinYangFish Neededis written between the : () .");
dialog.Option("FlameLotusScroll (10)", 92);
dialog.Option("AuroraLotusScroll (20)", 93);
dialog.Option("BreakingTouchScroll (10)", 94);
dialog.Option("BlessingTouchScroll (20)", 95);
dialog.Option("UniverseHossu (30)", 96);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", 255);
dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the Taoist secrets to another class, so, good bye.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
case 92:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006015, 10))
client.Inventory.Remove(3006015, 10);
client.Inventory.Add(3006017, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Taoist ! . you need 5 YinYangFish to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
case 93:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006015, 20))
client.Inventory.Remove(3006015, 20);
client.Inventory.Add(3006018, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Taoist ! . you need 20 YinYangFish to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
case 94:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006015, 10))
client.Inventory.Remove(3006015, 10);
client.Inventory.Add(3006019, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Taoist ! . you need 10 YinYangFish to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
case 95:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006015, 20))
client.Inventory.Remove(3006015, 20);
client.Inventory.Add(3006020, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Taoist ! . you need 20 YinYangFish to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
case 96:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006015, 30))
client.Inventory.Remove(3006015, 30);
client.Inventory.Add(3006226, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Hey There Taoist ! . you need 30 YinYangFish to Continue .");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
#region QuestEpicTaoist
case 4132:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , u must have the Full Power of a Taoist and must be Atleast 120+ 2ndReborned cause there is alot of Shadows in this Place which u can't Contain in ur Weak Body . i can send u to The place where the EpicWeapon was Born . Where u can find ur way to get the EpicTaoist Weapon !");
dialog.Option("Iam up for it", 1);
dialog.Option("Change item To Flower", 2);
//dialog.Option("Enter Me To Quest Flower", 5);
dialog.Option("Iam not Ready", 255);
case 5:
client.Player.Teleport(3849, 334, 378);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722732, 3) && client.Inventory.Contains(722736, 3))
if (client.Player.Class >= 100 && client.Player.Class <= 145)
if (client.Player.Reborn == 2 && client.Player.Level >= 120)
//client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
//client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Player.Teleport(1598, 321, 443);
dialog.Text("you are in the LegendaryPlace where the Weapon was Made . GoodLuck");
dialog.Option("Thanks, you won't be Disappointed", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , you have to be 2ndReborned and Level 120+ to take this Quest");
dialog.Option("Oh, Okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you have to be a Taoist to take this quest");
dialog.Option("Oh,Okay", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you should have 3 RedFlower and 3 WhiteFlower");
dialog.Option("Oh,Okay", 255);
case 2:
dialog.Text("hello i Can Exchange item To Red and Whit Flower You have 30 % Chance To can Get this Flower .");
dialog.Option("Red Flower ", 3);
dialog.Option("White Flower", 4);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Player.Class >= 100 && client.Player.Class <= 145)
if (client.Player.Reborn == 2 && client.Player.Level >= 120)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722733, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722734, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722735, 1))
if (MyMath.Success(30))
client.Inventory.Add(722732, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722733, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722734, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722735, 1);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You Get RedFlower . ");
dialog.Option("Thanxxx!", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(722733, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722734, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722735, 1);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . Collect item and Come again ");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should have in item RedPetal and RedPistil and RedStalk to Change it To RedFlower .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should to be Taoist To change .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
case 4:
if (client.Player.Class >= 100 && client.Player.Class <= 145)
if (client.Player.Reborn == 2 && client.Player.Level >= 120)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722737, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722738, 1) && client.Inventory.Contains(722739, 1))
if (MyMath.Success(30))
client.Inventory.Add(722736, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722737, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722738, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722739, 1);
dialog.Text("Congratulations , You Get one Item WhiteFlower . ");
dialog.Option("Thanxxx!", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(722737, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722738, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(722739, 1);
dialog.Text("GoodLuck Next time . Collect item and Come again ");
dialog.Option("Ah!", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should have in item WhitePetal and WhitePistil and WhiteStalk to Change it To WhiteFlower .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry , You Should to be Taoist To change .");
dialog.Option("Ahh Sorry..", 255);
#region Leave Quest
case 62528:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome , this is the FirstStage of the EpicQuest . the FirstStage to the Journey of the Shadows ! . The YinYangStee; . is a Pure Shadow Steel . Which the Weapon was Crafted from . if u Really Deserve the EpicWeapon ! . U Have to pass him . by Trails and Luck . U have to get the YinYangeal to Be Combined in the End into the Secret Shadowic EpicWeapon . Goodluck .");
dialog.Option("I Quit . Teleport me to Twincity", 1);
dialog.Option("Okay,Thanks", 255);
case 1:
client.Player.Teleport(1002, 329, 278);
#region Quest Epic Taoist
#region Taoist Weapon
case 44554:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Player.Class >= 100 && client.Player.Class <= 145 && client.Player.Level >= 70 && client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Text("The Great Sun King has acquired the essence of Taoism and made a Divine");
dialog.Text("Panacea This Mythical pill can be used to reshape the backsword, and");
dialog.Text("bring out the endless power However, it’s not that easy. You’ll need");
dialog.Text("guidance from Sun King, Profound understanding on art of Taoism, and also");
dialog.Text("luck. Many Taoists have set out to find the way of forging an Epic Weapon.");
dialog.Option("Lee entered the compilation of flowers", 4);
dialog.Option("Take me to see Sun King", 1);
dialog.Option("I need flowers", 2);
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
dialog.Text("It must be a level of 70 births 2");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 1:
client.Player.Teleport(10332, 320, 444);
case 4:
client.Player.Teleport(3845, 114, 136);
case 2:
dialog.Text("To get the flowers should be collected not taken RedPistil , Rate1SilverOre , LuckyTree!");
dialog.Option("Flowers Red", 6);
dialog.Option("Flowers White", 7);
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 6:
if (client.Inventory.Remove(722734, 1) && client.Inventory.Remove(729780, 1) && client.Inventory.Remove(1072040, 1))
client.Inventory.Add(3003303, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("I must be with you RedPistil , Rate1SilverOre , LuckyTree? ");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 7:
if (client.Inventory.Remove(722734, 1) && client.Inventory.Remove(729780, 1) && client.Inventory.Remove(1072040, 1))
client.Inventory.Add(711894, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("I must be with you RedPistil , Rate1SilverOre , LuckyTree? ");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region RefinedPureOven
case 46554:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("This oven is empty To make it work, you need to put in 3 Red Flowers and 3");
dialog.Text("White Flowers; Everyday ");
dialog.Option("Put lil the Flowers", 1);
dialog.Option("Activate it with " + client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes + " cps", 2);
dialog.Option("Send~Me~Back", 3);
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 3:
client.Player.Teleport(1004, 57, 37);
client.MessageBox("You Have Benn Teleported to JobCenter");
case 1:
if (client.Player.EpicTimes != 0)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(722732, 3) && client.Inventory.Contains(722736, 3))
client.Player.EpicTimes = 0;
client.Inventory.Remove(722736, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(722732, 3);
if (Kernel.Rate(45))
client.Inventory.Add(3006013, 0, 1);
client.Player.Teleport(10332, 224, 349);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str, true);
client.MessageBox("Congratulation You Have Got The Secound Stage");
client.Inventory.Add(3006015, 0, 1);
client.MessageBox("Sorry You Faild To Make Epic Quest Please try Again");
dialog.Text("You Must Have 3 RedFlower and 3 WhiteFlower? ");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
client.MessageBox("sorry but you made it once today please try again tomorrow");
case 2:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes;
if (Kernel.Rate(45))
client.Inventory.Add(3006013, 0, 1);
client.Player.Teleport(10332, 224, 349);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str, true);
client.MessageBox("Congratulation You Have Got The Secound Stage");
client.Inventory.Add(3006015, 0, 1);
client.MessageBox("Sorry You Faild To Make Epic Quest Please try Again");
dialog.Text("Sorry You Dont Have " + client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes + " cps");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region ElitePureOven
case 47554://35940
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("This oven can balance the energy of Yin and Yang. When you put in the");
dialog.Text("Treasure Leaf you’ll have a 10%Chance to get a Star Crystal From the oven.");
dialog.Option("Activate it.", 1);
//dialog.Option("Activate it with " + client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes + " cps", 2);
dialog.Option("Send~Me~Back", 3);
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicTimes)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicTimes;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicTimes;
if (Kernel.Rate(30))
client.Inventory.Add(3006014, 0, 1);
client.Player.Teleport(10332, 416, 444);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str, true);
client.MessageBox("Congratulation You Have Got The Secound Stage");
client.Inventory.Add(3006015, 0, 1);
client.Player.Teleport(10332, 324, 444);
client.MessageBox("Sorry You Faild To Make Epic Quest Please try Again");
dialog.Text("Sorry You Dont Have " + client.Player.EpicMonkPrize * client.Player.EpicMonkTimes + " cps");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 3:
client.Player.Teleport(1004, 50, 50);
client.MessageBox("You Have Benn Teleported to JobCenter");
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006013, 1))
client.Inventory.Remove(3006013, 1);
if (Kernel.Rate(30))
client.Inventory.Add(3006014, 0, 1);
client.Player.Teleport(10332, 416, 444);
client.Inventory.Add(3006015, 0, 1);
client.Player.Teleport(10332, 324, 444);
client.MessageBox("Sorry You Faild To Make Epic Quest Please try Again");
dialog.Text("We need to 1 TreasureLeaf");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region SuperPureOven
case 48554://35950
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("This oven contain great cosmological principle of everything. If you’re ready.");
dialog.Text("put the Star Crystal into the oven, and you’ll have a 10%Chance to receive a .");
dialog.Text("Divine Panacea. ");
dialog.Text("This Mythical pill is said to contain endless power to reshape your . ");
dialog.Text("Divine Panacea. ");
dialog.Option("Epic Weapon ImperialBacksword.", 1);
//dialog.Option("Epic Weapon UniverseHossu.", 1);
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006014, 1))
if (Kernel.Rate(15))
client.Inventory.Add(3006016, 0, 1);
MsgName str = new MsgName(true);
str.UID = client.Player.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect;
client.SendScreen(str, true);
client.MessageBox("Congratulation You Have Got The Finished Stage");
client.Player.Teleport(10332, 324, 444);
client.Inventory.Add(3006015, 0, 1);
client.MessageBox("Faild To Make Epic Wepeon");
client.Inventory.Remove(3006014, 1);
dialog.Text("We need to 1 DivinePanacea");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006014, 1))
client.Inventory.Add(3006015, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("We need to 1 DivinePanacea");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region TaoistWeapon
case 48654://35950
case 48655://35950
case 48656://35950
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("This oven contain great cosmological principle of everything. If you’re ready.");
dialog.Text("put the YinYangish into the oven, and you’ll receive a .");
dialog.Text("Skills. ");
dialog.Option("Exchange~YinYangFish", 1);
dialog.Option("Send~Me~Back", 10);
//dialog.Option("Epic Weapon UniverseHossu.", 1);
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 10:
client.Player.Teleport(1004, 57, 37);
client.MessageBox("You Have been Teleported To JobCenter");
case 1:
dialog.Text("This oven contain great cosmological principle of everything. If you’re ready.");
dialog.Text("put the YinYangFish into the oven, and you’ll have receive a .");
dialog.Text("Epics Skill. ");
if (client.Player.Class >= 140 && client.Player.Class <= 145)
dialog.Option("FlameLotus", 3);
dialog.Option("SearingTouch", 5);
if (client.Player.Class >= 130 && client.Player.Class <= 135)
dialog.Option("AuroraLotus", 2);
dialog.Option("BlessingTouch", 4);
dialog.Option("i~see", 255);
case 3://FlameLotus
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006015, 10))
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey(12380))
//client.AddSpell(new MsgMagicInfo(true) { ID = 12380 });
client.Inventory.Add(3006017, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006015, 10);
client.MessageBox("You alredy have this Spell");
dialog.Text("We need to 10 YinYangFish");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 4://BlessingTouch
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006015, 5))
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey(12390))
//client.AddSpell(new MsgMagicInfo(true) { ID = 12390 });
client.Inventory.Add(3006020, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006015, 5);
client.MessageBox("You alredy have this Spell");
dialog.Text("We need to 5 YinYangFish");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 5://SearingTouch
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006015, 5))
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey(12400))
//client.AddSpell(new MsgMagicInfo(true) { ID = 12400 });
client.Inventory.Add(3006019, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006015, 5);
client.MessageBox("You alredy have this Spell");
dialog.Text("We need to 5 YinYangFish");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 2://AuroraLotus
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006015, 10))
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey(12370))
//client.AddSpell(new MsgMagicInfo(true) { ID = 12370 });
client.Inventory.Add(3006018, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006015, 10);
client.MessageBox("You alredy have this Spell");
dialog.Text("We need to 10 YinYangFish");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region TaoistMoon
case 10000:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 100 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 101)
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 1 && (int)client.Player.Level <= 15)
dialog.Text("Born with sharp insight and swift skill, the Taoist are expert in shooting arrows and wielding throwing knives to deadly purpose.");
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~promoted.", (byte)1);
dialog.Text("Every Taoist wants holy spirit, and few gain. You`re gifted in controlling inner power. Just pay more attention to details, you may be the next achiever!");
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~promoted.", (byte)1);
dialog.Option("Learn~class~skills.", (byte)4);
dialog.Option("Epic~Quest~(L70,~2nd-reborn).", (byte)24);
dialog.Option("Okay.~I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
dialog.Text("Every Taoist wants holy spirit, and few gain. You`re gifted in controlling inner power. Just pay more attention to details, you may be the next achiever!");
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~promoted.", (byte)1);
dialog.Option("Learn~class~skills.", (byte)3);
dialog.Option("Learn~Pure~WaterTaoist~skills.", (byte)22);
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Option("Epic~Quest~(L70,~2nd-reborn).", (byte)24);
dialog.Option("Okay.~I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
else if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 140 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 145)
dialog.Text("Every Taoist wants holy spirit, and few gain. You`re gifted in controlling inner power. Just pay more attention to details, you may be the next achiever!");
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~promoted.", (byte)1);
dialog.Option("Learn~class~skills.", (byte)3);
dialog.Option("Learn~Pure~Fire~Taoist~skills.", (byte)22);
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Option("Epic~Quest~(L70,~2nd-reborn).", (byte)24);
dialog.Option("Okay.~I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the water taoist secrets to another class, so, good bye.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 1:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 100 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 101)
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 101)
dialog.Text("There are two paths of the Taoist, the Fire and the Water. Which one would you choose?");
dialog.Option("Fire~Taoist.", (byte)42);
dialog.Option("Water~Taoist.", (byte)43);
dialog.Option("Let~me~think~it~over.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("To promote now you need" + client.PromoteItemNameNeed + " level " + (object)client.PromoteLevelNeed + ".");
dialog.Option("Promote me sir.", (byte)44);
dialog.Text("You can promoted after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 145)
dialog.Text("To promote now you need" + client.PromoteItemNameNeed + " level " + (object)client.PromoteLevelNeed + ".");
dialog.Option("Promote me sir.", (byte)2);
case 2:
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 135 || (int)client.Player.Class == 145)
dialog.Text("You cannot be promoted anymore. You have mastered your class.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 145)
if ((int)client.PromoteItemNeed == 721020)
if (client.Inventory.Remove("moonbox"))
client.Inventory.Add(client.PromoteItemGain, (byte)0, (byte)1, false);
MsgName @string = new MsgName(true);
@string.UID = client.Player.UID;
@string.TextsCount = (byte)1;
@string.Type = (byte)10;
client.SendScreen((IPacket)@string, true, false);
dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You don't meet the requierments.");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", byte.MaxValue);
if (client.Inventory.Contains(client.PromoteItemNeed, (uint)client.PromoteItemCountNeed) && (uint)client.Player.Level >= client.PromoteLevelNeed)
client.Inventory.Remove(client.PromoteItemNeed, client.PromoteItemCountNeed);
client.Inventory.Add(client.PromoteItemGain, (byte)0, (byte)1, false);
MsgName @string = new MsgName(true);
@string.UID = client.Player.UID;
@string.TextsCount = (byte)1;
@string.Type = (byte)10;
client.SendScreen((IPacket)@string, true, false);
dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You don't meet the requierments.");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can promoted after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
case 3:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
dialog.Text("I know many types of skills and spells for a true Water Taoist, like you! Which of them do you want to learn, first?");
dialog.Option("Learn~Water~spells.", (byte)4);
dialog.Option("Learn~XP~Skill.", (byte)6);
dialog.Option("Universal~skills.", (byte)7);
dialog.Option("Superior~skills.", (byte)10);
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Option("Epic~skills.", (byte)11);
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Option("Skill~of~Hossu.", (byte)13);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", byte.MaxValue);
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 140 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 145)
dialog.Text("I know many types of skills and spells for a true Fire Taoist, like you! Which of them do you want to learn, first?");
dialog.Option("Learn~magic.", (byte)4);
dialog.Option("Learn~XP~Skill.", (byte)6);
dialog.Option("Universal~skills.", (byte)7);
dialog.Option("Superior~skills.", (byte)10);
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Option("Epic~skills.", (byte)11);
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Option("Skill~of~Hossu.", (byte)13);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", byte.MaxValue);
case 4:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
dialog.Text("There are many unique skills and spells available to those who study the path of water. What would you ask of me?");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1055))
dialog.Option("Healing~Rain(Know)", (byte)15);
dialog.Option("Healing~Rain(Lvl~15)", (byte)15);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1075))
dialog.Option("Invisibility(Know)", (byte)16);
dialog.Option("Invisibility(Lvl~15)", (byte)16);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1085))
dialog.Option("Star~of~Accuracy(Know)", (byte)17);
dialog.Option("Star~of~Accuracy(Lvl~40)", (byte)17);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1090))
dialog.Option("Magic~Shield(Know)", (byte)18);
dialog.Option("Magic~Shield(Lvl~40)", (byte)18);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1095))
dialog.Option("Stigma(Know)", (byte)19);
dialog.Option("Stigma(Lvl~50)", (byte)19);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1100))
dialog.Option("Pray(Know)", (byte)20);
dialog.Option("Pray(Lvl~70)", (byte)20);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1175))
dialog.Option("Advanced~Cure(Know)", (byte)21);
dialog.Option("Advanced~Cure(Lvl~90)", (byte)21);
dialog.Option("Next~page.", (byte)5);
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 140 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 145)
dialog.Text("Spells are the tools of the taoist. They are capable of miraculous things. What would you like to learn?");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1150))
dialog.Option("Fire~Ring.~[Know]", (byte)15);
dialog.Option("Fire~Ring.~[Level~50+]", (byte)15);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1120))
dialog.Option("Fire~Circle.~[Know]", (byte)16);
dialog.Option("Fire~Circle.~[Level~65+]", (byte)16);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1180))
dialog.Option("Fire~Meteor.~[Know]", (byte)17);
dialog.Option("Fire~Meteor.~[Level~52+]", (byte)17);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1160))
dialog.Option("Bomb.~[Know].", (byte)18);
dialog.Option("Bomb.~[Level~43+].", (byte)18);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1165))
dialog.Option("Fire~of~Hell.~[Know].", (byte)19);
dialog.Option("Fire~of~Hell.~[Level~48+].", (byte)19);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1002))
dialog.Option("Tornado.~[Know].", (byte)20);
dialog.Option("Tornado.~[Level~81+].", (byte)20);
dialog.Option("Next~page.", (byte)5);
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 100 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 101)
dialog.Text("sorry You can learn any Skills after you reach your class Fire or Water");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
case 5:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
dialog.Text("The Water Taoist can master numerous skills at different levels. Which skill do you want to learn?");
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1170))
dialog.Option("Nectar(Know)", (byte)30);
dialog.Option("Nectar(Lvl~15)", (byte)30);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4000))
dialog.Option("Summon~Guard[Know]", (byte)31);
dialog.Option("Summon~Guard[Lvl~15]", (byte)31);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4020))
dialog.Option("Summon~Bat~Boss[Know]", (byte)32);
dialog.Option("Summon~Bat~Boss[Lvl~40]", (byte)32);
dialog.Option("Last~page.", (byte)3);
dialog.Text("The Fire Taoist can master numerous skills at different levels. Which skill do you want to learn?");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4000))
dialog.Option("Summon~Guard[Know]", (byte)31);
dialog.Option("Summon~Guard[Lvl~15]", (byte)31);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4020))
dialog.Option("Summon~Bat~Boss[Know]", (byte)32);
dialog.Option("Summon~Bat~Boss[Lvl~40]", (byte)32);
case 6:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1010) || !client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1050) || (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1125) || !client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1280)) || !client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10309) || !client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)5001))
dialog.Text("You have learned the Lightning - Volcano - Water Elf - Revive - SpeedLightning - Chain Bolt.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn Lightning, Volcano, Water Elf, Revive, SpeedLightning, and Chain Bolt from me, as well as some universal and superior skills. Which of them do you want to learn?");
dialog.Option("I~do~not~want~to~learn.", byte.MaxValue);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1010) || !client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1125) || (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1280) || !client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10309)) || !client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)5001))
dialog.Text("You have learned the Lightning - Volcano - Water Elf - SpeedLightning - Chain Bolt.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn Lightning, Volcano, Water Elf, and Chain Bolt from me, as well as some universal and superior skills. Which of them do you want to learn?");
dialog.Option("I~do~not~want~to~learn.", byte.MaxValue);
case 7:
dialog.Text("Thunder and Cure are two powerful arts that you are ready to practice. Should I teach you now?");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1005))
dialog.Option("Cure[Know].", (byte)8);
dialog.Option("Cure.", (byte)8);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1195))
dialog.Option("Meditation.~[Know]", (byte)26);
dialog.Option("Meditation.~[Level~44+]", (byte)26);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1000))
dialog.Option("Fire.~[Thunder]", (byte)9);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1000))
if ((int)client.Spells[(ushort)1000].Level == 0)
dialog.Option("Fire.~[Thunder~level~0]", byte.MaxValue);
else if ((int)client.Spells[(ushort)1000].Level == 1)
dialog.Option("Fire.~[Thunder~level~1]", byte.MaxValue);
else if ((int)client.Spells[(ushort)1000].Level == 2)
dialog.Option("Fire.~[Thunder~level~2]", byte.MaxValue);
else if ((int)client.Spells[(ushort)1000].Level == 3)
dialog.Option("Fire.~[Thunder~level~3]", byte.MaxValue);
else if ((int)client.Spells[(ushort)1000].Level == 4)
dialog.Option("Fire.~[Thunder~level~4]", byte.MaxValue);
case 8:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1005))
dialog.Text("Cure is a skill of the true altruist. Heal those in need and spread good and kindness to the world beyond.");
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Cure` after you reach level 90");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
case 9:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1000))
dialog.Text("You have learned the fire Thunder.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 10:
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn >= 1)
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4050))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [BloodyBat]! This passive skill exclusive for water");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `BloodyBat` after you reach level 15");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4060))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [FireEvil]! This passive skill exclusive for water");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `FireEvil` after you reach level 15");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You need to be Reborns.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 11:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
dialog.Text("The mysterious Aurora Lotus contains a strong power to bring the dying back to life.\n");
dialog.Text("[Aurora Lotus]: Exclusive for Water Taoist`s Epic Weapon. Release the energy focused automatically or accumulated by `Pray` to revive allied targets in range.");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12370))
dialog.Option("Know~[Aurora~Lotus].", (byte)12);
dialog.Option("Learn~[Aurora~Lotus].", (byte)12);
dialog.Option("Learn~about~other~things.", (byte)3);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("The Flame Lotus can make severe damage on enemies in range.\n");
dialog.Text("[Flame Lotus]: Exclusive for Fire Taoist`s Epic Weapon. Release the energy focused automatically or accumulated by certain skills of Fire Taoist to inflict severe magic damage on enemies in range.");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12380))
dialog.Option("Know~[Flame~Lotus].", (byte)12);
dialog.Option("Learn~[Flame~Lotus].", (byte)12);
dialog.Option("Learn~about~other~things.", (byte)3);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
case 12:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12370))
if ((int)client.Player.Aurora == 0)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006018U, 1U))
client.Inventory.Remove(3006018U, (byte)1);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Aurora~Lotus]! This passive skill exclusive for Water");
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("To learn this skill, you`ll need a Aurora Lotus Scroll which can be obtained from Taoist Epic Quest.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Aurora~Lotus]! This passive skill exclusive for Water");
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12380))
if ((int)client.Player.Flame == 0)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006017U, 1U))
client.Inventory.Remove(3006017U, (byte)1);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Flame~Lotus]! This passive skill exclusive for Fire");
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("To learn this skill, you`ll need a Flame Lotus Scroll which can be obtained from Fire Epic Quest.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Flame~Lotus]! This passive skill exclusive for Fire");
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 13:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
dialog.Text("[Blessing Touch] is a passive skill exclusive for Water Taoist`s Hossu. While reviving others with");
dialog.Text("~`Pray`, the caster has a chance to attach the effects of `Stigma`, `Star of Accuracy` and `Magic Shield` to the revived target.");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12390))
dialog.Option("Know~[Blessing~Touch].", (byte)14);
dialog.Option("Learn~[Blessing~Touch].", (byte)14);
dialog.Option("Learn~about~other~things.", (byte)3);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Breaking~Touch] is a passive skill exclusive for Fire Taoist`s Hossu. While magic damage on enemies others with Flame~Lotus");
dialog.Text("~`Breaking~Touch`, the caster has a chance to attach the effects in playrs to magic damage on enemies.");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12400))
dialog.Option("Know~[Breaking~Touch].", (byte)14);
dialog.Option("Learn~[Breaking~Touch].", (byte)14);
dialog.Option("Learn~about~other~things.", (byte)3);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
case 14:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12390))
if ((int)client.Player.Bless == 0)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006020U, 1U))
client.Inventory.Remove(3006020U, (byte)1);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Blessing~Touchs]! This passive skill exclusive for Water");
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("To learn this skill, you`ll need a Blessing Touch Scroll which can be obtained from Taoist Epic Quest.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Blessing~Touchs]! This passive skill exclusive for Water");
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12400))
if ((int)client.Player.Break == 0)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006019U, 1U))
client.Inventory.Remove(3006019U, (byte)1);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Breaking~Touch]! This passive skill exclusive for Fire");
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("To learn this skill, you`ll need a Breaking~Touch Scroll which can be obtained from Fire Epic Quest.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Breaking~Touch]! This passive skill exclusive for Fire");
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 15:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1055))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Healing~Rain]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Healing~Rain` after you reach level 15");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1150))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 50)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Fire~Ring]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Fire~Ring` after you reach level 50");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 16:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1075))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Invisibility]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Invisibility` after you reach level 15");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1120))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 65)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Fire~Circle]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Fire~Circle` after you reach level 65");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 17:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1085))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Star~of~Accuracy]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Star~of~Accuracy` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1180))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 52)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Fire~Meteor]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Fire~Meteor` after you reach level 52");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 18:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1090))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Magic~Shield]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Magic~Shield` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1160))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 43)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Bomb]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Bomb` after you reach level 43");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 19:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1095))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 50)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Stigma]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Stigma` after you reach level 50");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1165))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 48)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Fire~of~Hell]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Fire~of~Hell` after you reach level 48");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 20:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1100))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 70)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Pray]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Pray` after you reach level 70");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1002))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 81)
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1001) && client.Spells[(ushort)1001] != null && (int)client.Spells[(ushort)1001].Level == 3)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Tornado]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You need to know thunder very well to be able to learn the fire skill need all Fixed.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Tornado` after you reach level 81");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 21:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1175))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 90)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Advanced~Cure]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Advanced~Cure` after you reach level 90");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 22:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
dialog.Text("Only Pure Water Taoists are able to learn the Pure Skills, Azure Shield. If you`ve been Reborn twice, but are not a Pure Water Taoist, you can take some Oblivion Dew to the Reincarnation Seer in the Market and be");
dialog.Text("~Reincarnated! That way, you can obtain a new class combination. Oh, by the way, Chain Bolt is an XP skill, and it allows you to throw bolts of lightning at several targets, during the XP time.");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)30000))
dialog.Option("Learn~Azure~Shield~(Know).", (byte)23);
dialog.Option("Learn~Azure~Shield~(Lv~40).", (byte)23);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Only Pure Fire Taoists, who have trained as Fire Taoists for all 3 lives, can learn the Pure Skills, Heaven Blade. If you`ve been Reborn twice, but are not a Pure Fire Taoist, you can take some");
dialog.Text("~Oblivion Dew to the Reincarnation Seer in the Market and be Reincarnated! That way, you can obtain a new class combination. Oh, by the way, Chain Bolt is a XP skill, and it`ll allow you to throw");
dialog.Text("~bolts of lightning at several targets during the XP time.");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10310))
dialog.Option("Learn~Heaven~Blade~(Know).", (byte)23);
dialog.Option("Learn~Heaven~Blade~(Lv~40).", (byte)23);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", byte.MaxValue);
case 23:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 135)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)30000))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 132 && (int)client.Player.FirstRebornClass >= 132 && (int)client.Player.SecondRebornClass >= 132)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Azure~Shield]! This passive skill exclusive for Water");
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Only Pure Water Taoists, who have trained as Water Taoists for all 3 of their lives, can learn the Pure Skill, Azure Shield.");
dialog.Option("Okay.~I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Azure~Shield` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("I~will~train~harder.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10310))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 142 && (int)client.Player.FirstRebornClass >= 142 && (int)client.Player.SecondRebornClass >= 142)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Heaven~Blade]! This passive skill exclusive for Water");
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Only Pure Fire Taoists, who have trained as Water Taoists for all 3 of their lives, can learn the Pure Skill, Heaven~Blade.");
dialog.Option("Okay.~I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Heaven~Blade` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("I~will~train~harder.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 24:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 130 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 145)
dialog.Text("The Great Sun King has acquired the essence of Taoism and made a Divine Panacea. This mythical pill can be used to");
dialog.Text("~reshape the backsword, and bring out the endless power. However, it`s not that easy. You`ll need guidance from Sun King,");
dialog.Text("~profound understanding on art of Taoism, and also luck. Many Taoists have set out to find the way of forging an Epic Weapon.");
dialog.Option("Take~me~to~see~Sun~King.", (byte)25);
dialog.Option("Learn~about~other~things.", (byte)211);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 100 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 101)
dialog.Text("sorry You can join this Quest after you reach your class Fire or Water");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
case 25:
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 70 && (int)client.Player.Reborn == 2)
client.Player.Teleport((ushort)10332, (ushort)324, (ushort)444);
dialog.Text("Sorry, the Taoist Temple is only open to Taoists who`ve reached at least Level 70 of the 2nd rebirth.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 211:
dialog.Text("This oven contain great cosmological principle of everything. If you’re ready.");
dialog.Text("put the YinYangFish into the oven, and you’ll have receive a .");
dialog.Text("Epics Skill. ");
if (client.Player.Class >= 140 && client.Player.Class <= 145)
dialog.Option("FlameLotus", 90);
dialog.Option("SearingTouch", 98);
if (client.Player.Class >= 130 && client.Player.Class <= 135)
dialog.Option("AuroraLotus", 91);
dialog.Option("BlessingTouch", 143);
dialog.Option("i~see", 255);
case 90://FlameLotus
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006017, 1))
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey(12380))
client.AddSpell(new MsgMagicInfo(true) { ID = 12380 });
client.Inventory.Add(3006017, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006017, 1);
client.MessageBox("You alredy have this Spell");
dialog.Text("We need to 1 FlameLotusScroll");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 143://BlessingTouch
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006020, 1))
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey(12390))
client.AddSpell(new MsgMagicInfo(true) { ID = 12390 });
client.Inventory.Add(3006020, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006020, 1);
client.MessageBox("You alredy have this Spell");
dialog.Text("We need to 1 BlessingTouchScroll");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 98://SearingTouch
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006019, 1))
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey(12400))
client.AddSpell(new MsgMagicInfo(true) { ID = 12400 });
//client.Inventory.Add(3006019, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006019, 1);
client.MessageBox("You alredy have this Spell");
dialog.Text("We need to 1 SearingTouchScroll");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 91://AuroraLotus
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3006018, 1))
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey(12370))
client.AddSpell(new MsgMagicInfo(true) { ID = 12370 });
//client.Inventory.Add(3006018, 0, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(3006018, 1);
client.MessageBox("You alredy have this Spell");
dialog.Text("We need to 1 AuroraLotus");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 26:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1195))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 90)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Meditation]! This passive skill exclusive");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Meditation` after you reach level 90");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 30:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1170))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Nectar]! This passive skill exclusive for Water");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Nectar` after you reach level 15");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 31:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4000))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Summon~Guard]! This passive skill exclusive for water");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Summon~Guard` after you reach level 15");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 32:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4020))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Summon~Bat~Boss]! This passive skill exclusive for water");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Summon~Bat~Boss` after you reach level 15");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 35:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)0))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Heaven~Blade]! This passive skill exclusive for Water");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Heaven~Blade` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, but you`ve already learnt the skill.");
dialog.Option("I~forgot.", byte.MaxValue);
case 42:
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 101)
client.Player.Class = (byte)142;
MsgName @string = new MsgName(true);
@string.UID = client.Player.UID;
@string.TextsCount = (byte)1;
@string.Type = (byte)10;
client.SendScreen((IPacket)@string, true, false);
dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 43:
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 101)
client.Player.Class = (byte)132;
MsgName @string = new MsgName(true);
@string.UID = client.Player.UID;
@string.TextsCount = (byte)1;
@string.Type = (byte)10;
client.SendScreen((IPacket)@string, true, false);
dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 44:
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 100)
MsgName @string = new MsgName(true);
@string.UID = client.Player.UID;
@string.TextsCount = (byte)1;
@string.Type = (byte)10;
client.SendScreen((IPacket)@string, true, false);
dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
#region TrojanStar
case 10022:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 10 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 15)
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 1 && (int)client.Player.Level <= 15)
dialog.Text("Born with sharp insight and swift skill, the TrojanStar are expert in shooting arrows and wielding throwing knives to deadly purpose.");
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~promoted.", (byte)1);
dialog.Text("Wielding dual weapons, the Trojans always charge fearlessly into combat and they believe courage is the secret of victory. So, what can I do for you?");
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 15)
dialog.Option("your~promoted~now~is~Master.", (byte)1);
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~promoted.", (byte)1);
dialog.Option("Learn~class~and~weapon~skills.", (byte)3);
dialog.Option("Pure~skills~for~Trojans.", (byte)15);
dialog.Option("Learn~about~the~Epic~quest.", (byte)17);
dialog.Option("Okay.~I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you are not the TrojanStar.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
case 1:
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 15)
dialog.Text("You cannot be promoted anymore. You have mastered your class.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry,~you~cannot~get~promoted~before~you~" + client.PromoteItemNameNeed + "~reach~level~" + (object)client.PromoteLevelNeed + ".~Please~train~harder.");
dialog.Option("Promote me sir.", (byte)2);
case 2:
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 15)
dialog.Text("You cannot be promoted anymore. You have mastered your class.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
if ((int)client.PromoteItemNeed == 721020)
if (client.Inventory.Remove("moonbox"))
client.Inventory.Add(client.PromoteItemGain, (byte)0, (byte)1, false);
MsgName @string = new MsgName(true);
@string.UID = client.Player.UID;
@string.TextsCount = (byte)1;
@string.Type = (byte)10;
client.SendScreen((IPacket)@string, true, false);
dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You don't meet the requierments.");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", byte.MaxValue);
if (client.Inventory.Contains(client.PromoteItemNeed, (uint)client.PromoteItemCountNeed) && (uint)client.Player.Level >= client.PromoteLevelNeed)
client.Inventory.Remove(client.PromoteItemNeed, client.PromoteItemCountNeed);
client.Inventory.Add(client.PromoteItemGain, (byte)0, (byte)1, false);
MsgName @string = new MsgName(true);
@string.UID = client.Player.UID;
@string.TextsCount = (byte)1;
@string.Type = (byte)10;
client.SendScreen((IPacket)@string, true, false);
dialog.Text("Congrats! You`ve crowned `HeadAbbot`! Let the world hear your understanding on martial arts.");
dialog.Option("It`s~over~praise.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You don't meet the requierments.");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", byte.MaxValue);
case 3:
dialog.Text("The XP skills for Trojans are Accuracy, Cyclone and Golem. Accuracy can triple your hit rate; Cyclone can increase your speed; By using the Golem skill, you can transform");
dialog.Text("~into a fearful Golem! Trojans are always fearless. Hercules makes them powerful and swift, while the mysterious Epic skills enable Trojans to be much fiercer than ever.");
dialog.Text("~So, which one did you want to learn?");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11970) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1110) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1015) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4000)) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4050) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1045) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1046)) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11960))
dialog.Option("Trojan`s~skills[Done].", (byte)4);
dialog.Option("Trojan`s~skills.", (byte)4);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11980) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11990))
dialog.Option("Trojan`s~Epic~skills[Done].", (byte)12);
dialog.Option("Trojan`s~Epic~skills.", (byte)12);
dialog.Option("Let~me~see.", byte.MaxValue);
case 4:
dialog.Text("The XP skills for Trojans are Accuracy, Cyclone and Golem. Accuracy can triple your hit rate, Cyclone can increase your attack speed, and by using the Golem skill, you can transform");
dialog.Text("~into a fearful Golem! Trojans are always fearless. Hercules makes them powerful and swift, and the Breath Focus recovers the Stamina in time.");
dialog.Text("When the Super Cyclone sweeps, no one can stand. Which one would you like to learn?");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11970))
dialog.Option("New:~Super~Cyclone~(Done)", (byte)5);
dialog.Option("New:~Super~Cyclone~(Lv.40)", (byte)5);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1110) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1015))
dialog.Option("Accuracy~and~Cyclone~(Done).", (byte)6);
dialog.Option("Accuracy~and~Cyclone~(L40).", (byte)6);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11960))
dialog.Option("New:~Breath~Focus~(Done)", (byte)7);
dialog.Option("New:~Breath~Focus~(Lv.90)", (byte)7);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4000) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4050))
dialog.Option("Superior~skills[Done].", (byte)8);
dialog.Option("Superior~skills.", (byte)8);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1045) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1046))
dialog.Option("Learn~weapon~skills[Done].", (byte)11);
dialog.Option("Learn~weapon~skills.", (byte)11);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", byte.MaxValue);
case 5:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11970))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Super Cyclone]. This XP skill exclusive for Trojans boosts the caster`s movement and attack speed,");
dialog.Text("~and also reduces the cost of Stamina required by other skills by half, however, the caster cannot recover XP while in use or hunting monsters.");
dialog.Text("~Last for 40 seconds. ");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Super Cyclone` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You`ve already acquired this skill.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
case 6:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1110) || !client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1015))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Cyclone + Accuracy]. This XP skill exclusive for Trojans boosts the caster`s movement and attack speed,");
dialog.Text("~and also reduces the cost of Stamina required by other skills by half, however, the caster cannot recover XP while in use or hunting monsters.");
dialog.Text("~Last for 40 seconds. ");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Cyclone + Accuracy` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You`ve already acquired this skill.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
case 7:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11960))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 90)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Breath Focus]! This passive skill exclusive for Trojans");
dialog.Text("~gives a 100 chance to recover a certain amount of Stamina if fails to hit a target with a random active skill");
dialog.Text("~(excludes Reborn skills).");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Breath Focus` after you reach level 70");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You`ve already acquired this skill.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
case 8:
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn >= 1)
dialog.Text("There are 2 superior skills. Which skill do you want to learn?");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4000))
dialog.Option("Summon~Guard[Done]", (byte)9);
dialog.Option("Summon~Guard[Lvl~15]", (byte)9);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4050))
dialog.Option("Bloody~Bat[Done]", (byte)10);
dialog.Option("Bloody~Bat[Lvl~40]", (byte)10);
dialog.Option("Let~me~think.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("to learned the `Summon~Guard + Bloody~Bat` skill. need be reborns!");
dialog.Option("I~will!", byte.MaxValue);
case 9:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4000))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
dialog.Text("You`ve learned the `Summon Guard` skill. I`m sure he will protect you with his life!");
dialog.Option("I~will!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Breath Focus` after you reach level 15");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thanks.", byte.MaxValue);
case 10:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4050))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
dialog.Text("You`ve learned the `Bloody Bat` skill. Hope you will make good use of it!");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Bloody Bat` after you reach level 15");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thanks.", byte.MaxValue);
case 11:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1045) || !client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)1046))
if (client.Player.Trojan())
dialog.Text("You`ve learned Fast Blade and Scented Sword!");
dialog.Option("OK.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("please make sure you equipment an Blade And Sword");
dialog.Option("OK.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You`ve already acquired this skill.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
case 12:
dialog.Text("Fierce as hurricane, Fatal Cross will crash all blocking the way. While the Mortal Strike holds a devastated power that can cause terrifying damage.");
dialog.Text("\n[Fatal Cross]: Epic active skill; Ranged attack.");
dialog.Text("\n[Mortal Strike]: Epic passive skill; Inflicts heavy damage within a fan-shape range.");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11980))
dialog.Option("Fatal~Cross.~[Done]", (byte)13);
dialog.Option("Fatal~Cross.~[5000000Silver]", (byte)13);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11990))
dialog.Option("Mortal~Strike.~[Done]", (byte)14);
dialog.Option("Mortal~Strike.~[5000000Silver]", (byte)14);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", byte.MaxValue);
case 13:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11980))
if (client.Player.EpicTrojan())
if (client.Player.Money >= 5000000UL)
client.Player.Money -= 5000000UL;
dialog.Option("Thanks.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("sorry you dont have money.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You need to equip a Trojan`s Epic Weapon to learn [Fatal Cross].");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You`ve already acquired this skill.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
case 14:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11990))
if (client.Player.EpicTrojan())
if (client.Player.Money >= 5000000UL)
client.Player.Money -= 5000000UL;
dialog.Option("Thanks.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("sorry you dont have money.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You need to equip a Trojan`s Epic Weapon to learn [Mortal~Strike].");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You`ve already acquired this skill.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
case 15:
dialog.Text("The Dragon Whirl is a Pure skill, which means that only players who`ve been a Trojan on their two past lives and their current life as well can learn it. Though you`ve been Reborn twice, You are not a Pure Trojan.");
dialog.Text("~Why not take an Oblivion Dew and speak with the Reincarnation Seer? Through the power of Reincarnation, you can obtain new class combinations and make yourself a Pure Trojan!");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10315))
dialog.Option("Learn~Dragon~Whirl~(Done).", (byte)16);
dialog.Option("Learn~Dragon~Whirl~(Lv~40).", (byte)16);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", byte.MaxValue);
case 16:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10315))
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 10 && (int)client.Player.FirstRebornClass >= 15 && (int)client.Player.SecondRebornClass >= 15)
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
dialog.Option("Thanks.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Dragon~Whirl` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("After your 2nd Rebirth, you still have to be Reincarnated and become a Pure Trojan, to be able to learn the Dragon Whirl skill.");
dialog.Option("Okay.~I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You`ve already acquired this skill.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
case 17:
dialog.Text("300 years ago, General Pak was ordered to fight against the Flame Devastator. However, a traitor in his army led to Pak`s unexpected death");
dialog.Text("~and the annihilation of his army. Pak`s Ghost (Twin City 267,194) refused to rest in peace, waiting for a chosen Trojan to change the history.");
dialog.Text("~The Trojan who successfully changes the history will earn a fabulous Epic Weapon.");
dialog.Text("\n\n (Level 120+ or reborn Trojans will receive a Trojan Epic Weapon for free by completing a specified Trojan Epic Quest every day, and a series of Epic Quests in 90 days.)");
dialog.Option("Head~to~see~General~Pak.", (byte)18);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
case 18:
client.Quests.SendPathFinding("Your Trojan Epic Weapon for free by completing a specified Trojan Epic Quest every day, and a series of Epic Quests in 90 days.", 1002, 428, 297, 10579);
#region HeadAbbot
case 8314:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 60 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 65)
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 1 && (int)client.Player.Level <= 15)
dialog.Text("Born with sharp insight and swift skill, the HeadAbbot are expert in shooting arrows and wielding throwing knives to deadly purpose.");
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~promoted.", (byte)1);
dialog.Text("Monk and Saints have a deep understanding of both the physical and spiritual world! Through intense training, Monk and Saints have gained devastating power. What is it, my child?");
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 85)
dialog.Option("You~have~NirvanaMonk~now.", (byte)1);
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~promoted.", (byte)1);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10381) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10400) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10420) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10422)) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10424) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10430) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10390) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10410))) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10421) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10423) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10425) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10490)) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10395)) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10415))
dialog.Option("Learn~class~skills[All~Skills~Learned].", (byte)35);
dialog.Option("Learn~class~skills.", (byte)35);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10405))
dialog.Option("Learn~Pure~Skills~[Learned].", (byte)20);
dialog.Option("Learn~Pure~Skills.", (byte)20);
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn == 2)
dialog.Option("Epic~Quest~(L70,~2nd-reborn).", (byte)33);
dialog.Option("Epic~Skills.", (byte)36);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you are not the HeadAbbot.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
case 1:
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 65)
dialog.Text("You cannot be promoted anymore. You have mastered your class.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry,~you~cannot~get~promoted~before~you~" + client.PromoteItemNameNeed + "~reach~level~" + (object)client.PromoteLevelNeed + ".~Please~train~harder.");
dialog.Option("Promote me sir.", (byte)2);
case 2:
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 65)
dialog.Text("You cannot be promoted anymore. You have mastered your class.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
if ((int)client.PromoteItemNeed == 721020)
if (client.Inventory.Remove("moonbox"))
client.Inventory.Add(client.PromoteItemGain, (byte)0, (byte)1, false);
MsgName @string = new MsgName(true);
@string.UID = client.Player.UID;
@string.TextsCount = (byte)1;
@string.Type = (byte)10;
client.SendScreen((IPacket)@string, true, false);
dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You don't meet the requierments.");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", byte.MaxValue);
if (client.Inventory.Contains(client.PromoteItemNeed, (uint)client.PromoteItemCountNeed) && (uint)client.Player.Level >= client.PromoteLevelNeed)
client.Inventory.Remove(client.PromoteItemNeed, client.PromoteItemCountNeed);
client.Inventory.Add(client.PromoteItemGain, (byte)0, (byte)1, false);
MsgName @string = new MsgName(true);
@string.UID = client.Player.UID;
@string.TextsCount = (byte)1;
@string.Type = (byte)10;
client.SendScreen((IPacket)@string, true, false);
dialog.Text("Congrats! You`ve crowned `HeadAbbot`! Let the world hear your understanding on martial arts.");
dialog.Option("It`s~over~praise.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You don't meet the requierments.");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", byte.MaxValue);
case 3:
dialog.Text("The Saint`s skills are varied and powerful. Which skill do you want to learn?");
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10490))
dialog.Option("Triple~Attack[Lvl~15].", (byte)5);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10390))
dialog.Option("Oblivion~(XP)[Lvl~15]", (byte)6);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10415))
dialog.Option("Whirlwind~Kick[Lvl~15]", (byte)7);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10381))
dialog.Option("Radiant~Palm[Lvl~40]", (byte)8);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10400))
dialog.Option("Serenity[Lvl~90]", (byte)9);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10425))
dialog.Option("Tranquility[Lvl~70]", (byte)10);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10395))
dialog.Option("TyrantAura[Lvl~40].", (byte)11);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10410))
dialog.Option("FendAura[Lvl~20]", (byte)12);
dialog.Option("Next~page.", (byte)4);
dialog.Option("I`ll~talk~to~you~later.", byte.MaxValue);
case 4:
dialog.Text("The Saint`s skills are varied and powerful. Which skill do you want to learn?");
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10430))
dialog.Option("Compassion[Lvl~100]", (byte)13);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10420))
dialog.Option("ElementalAuraMetal[Lvl~100]", (byte)14);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10421))
dialog.Option("ElementalAuraWood[Lvl~100]", (byte)15);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10422))
dialog.Option("ElementalAuraWater[Lvl~100]", (byte)16);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10423))
dialog.Option("ElementalAuraFire[Lvl~100]", (byte)17);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10424))
dialog.Option("ElementalAuraEarth[Lvl~100]", (byte)18);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)4000))
dialog.Option("Superior~skills.", (byte)19);
dialog.Option("Last~page.", (byte)3);
dialog.Option("I`ll~talk~to~you~later.", byte.MaxValue);
case 5:
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
if (!client.AddSpell(Npcs.LearnableSpell((ushort)10490)))
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 6:
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
if (!client.AddSpell(Npcs.LearnableSpell((ushort)10390)))
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 7:
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
if (!client.AddSpell(Npcs.LearnableSpell((ushort)10415)))
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 8:
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
if (!client.AddSpell(Npcs.LearnableSpell((ushort)10381)))
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 9:
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 90)
if (!client.AddSpell(Npcs.LearnableSpell((ushort)10400)))
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 10:
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 70)
if (!client.AddSpell(Npcs.LearnableSpell((ushort)10425)))
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 11:
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
if (!client.AddSpell(Npcs.LearnableSpell((ushort)10395)))
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 12:
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 20)
if (!client.AddSpell(Npcs.LearnableSpell((ushort)10410)))
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 13:
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 100)
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn == 1 && (int)client.Player.Class == 65 || (int)client.Player.Reborn == 2 && (int)client.Player.SecondRebornClass == 65)
if (!client.AddSpell(Npcs.LearnableSpell((ushort)10430)))
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Only after you get promoted as a Prajna Saint and were a Saint in the past life, will you be able to learn this skill at Level 100.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 14:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10420))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 100)
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `ElementalAuraMetal` after you reach level 100, and are promoted to Prajna Saint.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 15:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10421))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 100)
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `ElementalAuraWood` after you reach level 100, and are promoted to Prajna Saint.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 16:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10422))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 100)
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `ElementalAuraWater` after you reach level 100, and are promoted to Prajna Saint.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 17:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10423))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 100)
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `ElementalAuraFire` after you reach level 100, and are promoted to Prajna Saint.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 18:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10424))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 100)
dialog.Option("Thank~you,~Master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `ElementalAuraEarth` after you reach level 100, and are promoted to Prajna Saint.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 19:
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn >= 1)
if (!client.AddSpell(Npcs.LearnableSpell((ushort)4000)))
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, only reborn players can learn this skill.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 20:
dialog.Text("Only a Pure Monk/Saint can learn the skill, Soul Shackle. If you`ve been reborn twice, but are not Pure, you can take Oblivion Dew to the Reincarnation Seer in the Market");
dialog.Text("~and ask him to help you get Reincarnated. That way, you can obtain a new class combination.");
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10405))
dialog.Option("I~want~to~learn~it~now.", (byte)21);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", byte.MaxValue);
case 21:
if ((int)client.Player.FirstRebornClass == 65 && (int)client.Player.SecondRebornClass == 65 && (int)client.Player.Class == 61)
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 70)
if (!client.AddSpell(Npcs.LearnableSpell((ushort)10405)))
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can only learn the Pure Skill `Soul Shackle` when you`ve been reborn twice, and have become a Pure Monk or Saint.");
dialog.Option("Got~it.", byte.MaxValue);
case 33:
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn == 2 && (int)client.Player.Level >= 70)
dialog.Text("To alleviate miseries in the mortal world, Golden Cicada is recruiting tenacious Monks and Saints to obtain sacred sutras");
dialog.Text("~in the Western Fairyland. The journey is full of trials and tribulations, but the heroes who go through them");
dialog.Text("~will be rewarded with a [Boundless Heart], and obtain the core secret of forging Monk`s Epic Weapon.");
dialog.Option("Head~to~see~Golden~Cicada.", (byte)34);
dialog.Option("Learn~about~other~things.", (byte)0);
dialog.Option("Secret~is~secret.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
case 34:
client.Player.Teleport((ushort)3983, (ushort)97, (ushort)69);
case 35:
dialog.Text("With XP skill [Oblivion] activated, Monks will become unstoppable force with terrifying attack and lightning speed.");
dialog.Text("~They show mercy to kind people, and greet the evils with earthshaking Radiant Palm and fierce Whirlwind Kick.");
dialog.Text("~Now, their legendary Epic skills with devastating power will shock the whole world. Which one are you interested?");
dialog.Text(" ");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10381) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10400) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10420) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10422)) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10424) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10430) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10390) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10410))) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10421) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10423) && (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10425) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10490)) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10395)) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)10415))
dialog.Option("Learn~Monk`s~skills[All~Skills~Learned].", (byte)3);
dialog.Option("Learn~Monk`s~skills.", (byte)3);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12570) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12550) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12560))
dialog.Option("Learn~Monk`s~epic~skills[All~Skills~Learned].", (byte)36);
dialog.Option("Learn~Monk`s~epic~skills.", (byte)36);
dialog.Option("I`ll~talk~to~you~later.", byte.MaxValue);
case 36:
dialog.Text("The ancient book said, [Wrath of the Emperor] can break through the sky; [Grace of Heaven] can protect the caster from damage.");
dialog.Text("~[Infernal Echo] has the power to burn all ghosts into ashes.\n");
dialog.Text("Passive Skill for Epic Weapon: [Wrath of the Emperor], deals heavy damage on the targets in a circle.\n");
dialog.Text("Passive Skill for Epic Weapon: [Grace of Heaven], increase Max Stamina.\n");
dialog.Text("Active Skill for Epic Weapon: [Infernal Echo], deals devastating damage on the targets in a circle.\n");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12570))
dialog.Option("Wrath~of~the~Emperor.~(Learned)", (byte)37);
dialog.Option("Wrath~of~the~Emperor.~(Lv.15)", (byte)37);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12550))
dialog.Option("Infernal~Echo.~(Learned)", (byte)38);
dialog.Option("Infernal~Echo.~(Lv.40)", (byte)38);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12560))
dialog.Option("Grace~of~Heaven.~(Learned)", (byte)39);
dialog.Option("Grace~of~Heaven.~(Lv.50)", (byte)39);
dialog.Option("I~have~something~else~to~ask.", (byte)35);
dialog.Option("I`ll~talk~to~you~later.", byte.MaxValue);
case 37:
case 38:
case 39:
if ((int)npcRequest.OptionID == 37)
if ((int)client.Player.WotE == 0)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12570))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007567U, 1U))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
client.Inventory.Remove(3007567U, (byte)1);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("To learn the skill [Wrath of the Emperor], you should have a Wrath of the Emperor Scroll which can be collected from Monk`s Epic Quest.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
else if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12570))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
if ((int)npcRequest.OptionID == 38)
if ((int)client.Player.InfernalEcho == 0)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12550))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007568U, 1U))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
client.Inventory.Remove(3007568U, (byte)1);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("To learn the skill [Infernal Echo], you should have an Infernal Echo Scroll which can be collected from Monk`s Epic Quest.");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
else if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12550))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
if ((int)npcRequest.OptionID == 39)
if ((int)client.Player.GraceofHeaven == 0)
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12560))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3007566, 1))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 50)
client.Inventory.Remove(3007566, (byte)1);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("To learn the skill [Grace of Heaven], you should have a Grace of Heaven Scroll which can be collected from Monk`s Epic Quest.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
else if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12560))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 50)
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
#region WindSage
case 4972:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 50 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 55)
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 1 && (int)client.Player.Level <= 15)
dialog.Text("Born with sharp insight and swift skill, the Ninja are expert in shooting arrows and wielding throwing knives to deadly purpose.");
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~promoted.", (byte)1);
dialog.Text("Cloaked in shadow, mysterious and aloof, the Ninja is the fastest class, with the most devastating attacks! So, what can I do for you?");
dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~promoted.", (byte)1);
dialog.Option("Learn~class~skills.", (byte)3);
dialog.Option("Learn~Pure~Skills.", (byte)19);
dialog.Option("Epic~Quest.~(L70,~2nd~reborn)", (byte)21);
dialog.Option("Claim bound items.", (byte)49);
dialog.Option("Okay.~I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry, you are not the Ninja.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
case 1:
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 55)
dialog.Text("You cannot be promoted anymore. You have mastered your class.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Sorry,~you~cannot~get~promoted~before~you~" + client.PromoteItemNameNeed + "~reach~level~" + (object)client.PromoteLevelNeed + ".~Please~train~harder.");
dialog.Option("Promote me sir.", (byte)2);
case 2:
if ((int)client.Player.Class == 55)
dialog.Text("You cannot be promoted anymore. You have mastered your class.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
if ((int)client.PromoteItemNeed == 721020)
if (client.Inventory.Remove("moonbox"))
client.Inventory.Add(client.PromoteItemGain, (byte)0, (byte)1, false);
MsgName @string = new MsgName(true);
@string.UID = client.Player.UID;
@string.TextsCount = (byte)1;
@string.Type = (byte)10;
client.SendScreen((IPacket)@string, true, false);
dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted.");
dialog.Option("Thank you master.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You don't meet the requierments.");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", byte.MaxValue);
if (client.Inventory.Contains(client.PromoteItemNeed, (uint)client.PromoteItemCountNeed) && (uint)client.Player.Level >= client.PromoteLevelNeed)
client.Inventory.Remove(client.PromoteItemNeed, client.PromoteItemCountNeed);
client.Inventory.Add(client.PromoteItemGain, (byte)0, (byte)1, false);
MsgName @string = new MsgName(true);
@string.UID = client.Player.UID;
@string.TextsCount = (byte)1;
@string.Type = (byte)10;
client.SendScreen((IPacket)@string, true, false);
dialog.Text("Congrats! You`ve crowned `NinjaMaster`! Let the world hear your understanding on martial arts.");
dialog.Option("It`s~over~praise.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You don't meet the requierments.");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", byte.MaxValue);
case 3:
dialog.Text("The XP skills for Ninjas are Fatal Strike and Shuriken Vortex. Fatal Strike makes flash appearance, and Shuriken Vortex turns the caster into a cyclone.");
dialog.Text("~Ninjas are mysterious and unpredictable. Toxic Fog frightens the enemies, while Gaping Wounds quickly puts off enemies` guard.");
dialog.Text("~Ninja`s Epic skills will boost stunning power in a flash, and knock down enemies by surprise.");
dialog.Text("~Which one do you want to learn?");
dialog.Option("Learn~class~skills.", (byte)4);
dialog.Option("Learn~Scythe~skills.", (byte)10);
dialog.Option("Learn~XP~skills.", (byte)13);
dialog.Option("Learn~exclusive~Epic~skills.", (byte)15);
case 4:
dialog.Text("Which skill do you want to learn?");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12080))
dialog.Option("Super~Twofold~Blade.~[Done]", (byte)5);
dialog.Option("Super~Twofold~Blade.~[Lv.40]", (byte)5);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)6001))
dialog.Option("Toxic~Fog~[Lvl~70]", (byte)6);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)6002))
dialog.Option("Poison~Star~[Done]", (byte)7);
dialog.Option("Poison~Star~[Lvl~70]", (byte)7);
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn >= 1)
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11230))
dialog.Option("Gaping~Wounds~[Done]", (byte)8);
dialog.Option("Gaping~Wounds~[Lvl~40]", (byte)8);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)6004))
dialog.Option("Archer~Bane~[Lvl~110]", (byte)9);
dialog.Option("Okay.~I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
case 5:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12080))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Super~Twofold~Blade]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Super~Twofold~Blade` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 6:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)6001))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 70)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Toxic~Fog]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Toxic~Fog` after you reach level 70");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 7:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)6002))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 70)
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn == 1 && (int)client.Player.Class == 55 || (int)client.Player.Reborn == 2 && (int)client.Player.SecondRebornClass == 55)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Poison Star]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You need to be ninja in the second life.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Poison Star` after you reach level 70");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Only Dark Ninjas who were also Ninjas in their past lives can learn Poison Star. (Level70+)");
dialog.Option("Got~it.", byte.MaxValue);
case 8:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11230))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Gaping~Wounds]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Gaping~Wounds` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 9:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)6004))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 110)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Archer Bane]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Archer Bane` after you reach level 110");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 10:
dialog.Text("Which skill do you want to learn?");
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11180))
dialog.Option("Mortal~Drag[Lvl~20]", (byte)11);
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11170))
dialog.Option("Bloody~Scythe[Lvl~40]", (byte)12);
dialog.Option("Okay.~I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
case 11:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11180))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 20)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Mortal~Drag]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Mortal~Drag` after you reach level 20");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 12:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)11170))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Bloody Scythe]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Bloody Scythe` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 13:
dialog.Text("Which skill do you want to learn?");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)6010) && client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)6010))
dialog.Option("Shuriken~Vortex~[Done]", (byte)14);
dialog.Option("Shuriken~Vortex~[Lvl~70-XP]", (byte)14);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", byte.MaxValue);
case 14:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)6010) || !client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)6010))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 70)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [XP]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `XP` after you reach level 70");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 15:
dialog.Text("The explosive power of Twilight Dance can hardly be resisted; Fatal Spin in the dark makes enemies trembling; Shadow Clone confuses and disarms enemies\n");
dialog.Text("*Epic skill [Fatal Spin]: A passive skill that makes high damage in a square.\n*Epic skill [Twilight Dance]: An active skill that creates ultimate power in a flash\n");
dialog.Text("*Ninja class skill [Shadow Clone]: Generates multiple clones to launch attacks simultaneously.");
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12110))
dialog.Option("Fatal~Spin.~[Done]", (byte)16);
dialog.Option("Fatal~Spin.~[Lv.15]", (byte)16);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12070))
dialog.Option("Twilight~Dance.~[Done]", (byte)17);
dialog.Option("Twilight~Dance.~[Lv.40]", (byte)17);
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12090))
dialog.Option("Shadow~Clone~[Done]", (byte)18);
dialog.Option("Shadow~Clone~[Lv.50]", (byte)18);
dialog.Option("Previous.", (byte)3);
dialog.Option("Leave.", byte.MaxValue);
case 16:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12110))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 15)
if ((int)client.Player.Fatal == 0)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004461U, 1U))
client.Inventory.Remove(3004461U, (byte)1);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Fatal~Spin]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You should have a Fatal Scroll to learn this skill. Go complete Ninja Epic Quest at the Infinite Abyss for this item.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Fatal~Spin]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Fatal~Spin` after you reach level 15");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 17:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12070))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 40)
if ((int)client.Player.Twilight == 0)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004460U, 1U))
client.Inventory.Remove(3004460U, (byte)1);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Twilight~Dance]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You should have a Fatal Scroll to learn this skill. Go complete Ninja Epic Quest at the Infinite Abyss for this item.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Twilight~Dance]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Twilight~Dance` after you reach level 40");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 18:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)12090))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 50)
if ((int)client.Player.Shadow == 0)
if (client.Inventory.Contains(3004459U, 1U))
client.Inventory.Remove(3004459U, (byte)1);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Shadow~Clone]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You should have a Fatal Scroll to learn this skill. Go complete Ninja Epic Quest at the Infinite Abyss for this item.");
dialog.Option("I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, [Shadow~Clone]! This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn `Shadow~Clone` after you reach level 50");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 19:
dialog.Text("Only Pure Ninjas can learn the Pure Skill, Counter Kill. If you`ve been Reborn twice, but are not a Pure Ninja, you can take some Oblivion Dew to the Reincarnation Seer in the Market and be");
dialog.Text("~Reincarnated! That way, you can obtain a new class combination.");
dialog.Option("I~want~to~learn~it~now.", (byte)20);
dialog.Option("I`ll~think~about~it.", byte.MaxValue);
case 20:
if (!client.Spells.ContainsKey((ushort)6003))
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= 70)
if ((int)client.Player.FirstRebornClass == 55 && (int)client.Player.SecondRebornClass == 55 && (int)client.Player.Class == 51)
dialog.Text("You successfully acquired the skill, This passive skill exclusive for Ninjas");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("Only Pure Ninjas, who have been Ninjas for all 3 of their lives, can learn the Pure Skill, Counter Kill.");
dialog.Option("Okay.~I~see.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You can learn Pure Skills after you reach level 70");
dialog.Option("Okay.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Option("Thank~you~master.", byte.MaxValue);
case 21:
dialog.Text("The Divine Shadow has opened the Infinite Abyss and set 3 trials for Ninjas who have reached Level 70 of the 2nd rebirth.");
dialog.Text("~If you`re able to complete the trials, you`ll acquire the legendary ninja skills, and also obtain a Life`s Eye.");
dialog.Text("~This mythical eye can be used to transform your weapon into an Epic weapon.");
dialog.Option("Enter~the~Infinite~Abyss.", (byte)22);
dialog.Option("Sounds~crazy.", byte.MaxValue);
case 22:
if ((int)client.Player.Reborn == 2 && (int)client.Player.Level >= 70)
client.Player.Teleport((ushort)3849, (ushort)40, (ushort)40);
dialog.Text("Only Ninjas who have reached Level 70 of their 2nd rebirth are available for the Infinite Abyss.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 23:
uint index7 = 150139;
MsgItemInfo conquerItem11 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
conquerItem11.ID = index7;
conquerItem11.Color = Enums.Color.White;
conquerItem11.Plus = (byte)2;
conquerItem11.Bound = true;
conquerItem11.Durability = conquerItem11.MaximDurability = ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[index7].Durability;
if (client.Inventory.Add(conquerItem11, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd, false))
client.RingClaim = true;
case 25:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 50 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 55)
uint index2 = 112069;
MsgItemInfo conquerItem2 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
conquerItem2.ID = index2;
conquerItem2.Color = Enums.Color.White;
conquerItem2.Plus = (byte)2;
conquerItem2.Bound = true;
conquerItem2.Durability = conquerItem2.MaximDurability = ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[index2].Durability;
if (client.Inventory.Add(conquerItem2, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd, false))
client.HeadgearClaim = true;
case 26:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 50 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 55)
uint index2 = 601139;
MsgItemInfo conquerItem2 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
conquerItem2.ID = index2;
conquerItem2.Color = Enums.Color.White;
conquerItem2.Plus = (byte)2;
conquerItem2.Bound = true;
conquerItem2.Durability = conquerItem2.MaximDurability = ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[index2].Durability;
if (client.Inventory.Add(conquerItem2, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd, false))
client.WeaponClaim = true;
MsgItemInfo conquerItem7 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
conquerItem7.ID = index2;
conquerItem7.Color = Enums.Color.White;
conquerItem7.Plus = (byte)2;
conquerItem7.Bound = true;
conquerItem7.Durability = conquerItem7.MaximDurability = ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[index2].Durability;
if (client.Inventory.Add(conquerItem7, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd, false))
client.WeaponClaim = true;
case 27:
if ((int)client.Player.Class >= 50 && (int)client.Player.Class <= 55)
uint index2 = 135069;
MsgItemInfo conquerItem2 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
conquerItem2.ID = index2;
conquerItem2.Color = Enums.Color.White;
conquerItem2.Plus = (byte)2;
conquerItem2.Bound = true;
conquerItem2.Durability = conquerItem2.MaximDurability = ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[index2].Durability;
if (client.Inventory.Add(conquerItem2, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd, false))
client.ArmorClaim = true;
case 30:
uint index8 = 120129;
MsgItemInfo conquerItem12 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
conquerItem12.ID = index8;
conquerItem12.Color = Enums.Color.White;
conquerItem12.Durability = conquerItem12.MaximDurability = ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[index8].Durability;
conquerItem12.Bound = true;
conquerItem12.Plus = (byte)2;
if (client.Inventory.Add(conquerItem12, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd, false))
client.NecklaceClaim = true;
case 32:
uint index9 = 201009;
byte num49 = 100;
if (!client.FanClaim)
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= (int)num49)
MsgItemInfo conquerItem2 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
conquerItem2.ID = index9;
conquerItem2.Color = Enums.Color.White;
conquerItem2.Durability = conquerItem2.MaximDurability = ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[index9].Durability;
conquerItem2.Bound = true;
conquerItem2.Plus = (byte)2;
if (client.Inventory.Add(conquerItem2, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd, false))
client.FanClaim = true;
dialog.Text("You need atleast one free slot in your inventory.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You don't have atleast level " + (object)num49 + ".");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You cannot claim it twice.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 33:
uint index10 = 202009;
byte num50 = 100;
if (!client.TowerClaim)
if ((int)client.Player.Level >= (int)num50)
MsgItemInfo conquerItem2 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
conquerItem2.ID = index10;
conquerItem2.Color = Enums.Color.White;
conquerItem2.Durability = conquerItem2.MaximDurability = ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[index10].Durability;
conquerItem2.Bound = true;
conquerItem2.Plus = (byte)2;
if (client.Inventory.Add(conquerItem2, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd, false))
client.TowerClaim = true;
dialog.Text("You need atleast one free slot in your inventory.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You don't have atleast level " + (object)num50 + ".");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
dialog.Text("You cannot claim it twice.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", byte.MaxValue);
case 49:
dialog.Text("Hey how I can help you ? ");
if (!client.BootsClaim)
dialog.Option("Boots +2 - Free ", (byte)53);
if (!client.NecklaceClaim)
dialog.Option("Necklace +2 - Free ", (byte)30);
if (!client.FanClaim)
dialog.Option("Fan +2 - Free ", (byte)32);
if (!client.TowerClaim)
dialog.Option("Tower +2 - Free ", (byte)33);
if (!client.ArmorClaim)
dialog.Option("Armor +2 - Free", (byte)27);
if (!client.HeadgearClaim)
dialog.Option("HeadGear +2 - Free", (byte)25);
if (!client.WeaponClaim)
dialog.Option("Weapone +2 - Free", (byte)26);
if (!client.RingClaim)
dialog.Option("Ring +2 - Free", (byte)23);
case 53:
uint index11 = 160139;
MsgItemInfo conquerItem13 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
conquerItem13.ID = index11;
conquerItem13.Color = Enums.Color.White;
conquerItem13.Plus = (byte)2;
conquerItem13.Bound = true;
conquerItem13.Durability = conquerItem13.MaximDurability = ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[index11].Durability;
if (client.Inventory.Add(conquerItem13, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd, false))
client.BootsClaim = true;
EpicTimes bigint 18 0 -1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
EpicMonkPrize bigint 18 0 -1 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
EpicMonkTimes bigint 18 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TrojanEpicOn tinyint 5 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Epictrue tinyint 5 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FirstStagetrojan bigint 18 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (9651241, 'YinYangSteel', 0002, 31233, 3849, 0038, 0035, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (9651242, 'ElementalGuard', 0002, 31240, 3850, 0033, 0037, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (9651243, 'WheelOfLife', 0002, 31220, 3851, 0033, 0028, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (6412511, 'DivineShadow', 0002, 50446, 3851, 0024, 0029, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (912342, 'SwapperStarry', 0002, 31250, 3849, 0032, 0045, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (6412517, 'DivineShadow', 0002, 50446, 3849, 0029, 0037, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (912312, 'SwapperStarry', 0002, 31250, 3851, 0027, 0038, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (6412527, 'DivineShadow', 0002, 50446, 3850, 0022, 0037, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (10580, 'SuperMok', 0002, 29206, 1002, 0466, 0400, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (10579, 'Pak\'s~Ghost', 0002, 29196, 1002, 0426, 0298, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (10584, 'MonkMisery', 0002, 29230, 3830, 0082, 0167, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (10583, 'MonkMisery', 0002, 29230, 3825, 0040, 0053, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (4180, 'DivineJade', 0002, 29250, 3830, 0103, 0178, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (41812, 'ArrayJade', 0002, 29260, 3830, 0100, 0168, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (4190, 'JusticJade', 0002, 29260, 3826, 0038, 0044, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (10581, 'GeneralPak', 0002, 29210, 3830, 0153, 0127, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (4191, 'GeneralPak', 0002, 29210, 3827, 0038, 0044, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (41813, 'ArrayJade', 0002, 29260, 3830, 0107, 0176, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (41817, 'ArrayJade', 0002, 29260, 3830, 0094, 0175, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (41811, 'ArrayJade', 0002, 29260, 4500, 0101, 0183, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (96510, 'FortuneArhat', 0002, 38426, 3983, 0077, 0083, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (96511, 'AltarCleanser', 0002, 38430, 3983, 0062, 0076, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (96513, 'VictoryBuddha', 0002, 38440, 3983, 0060, 0055, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (9124, 'WhiteDragon', 0002, 38456, 3983, 0054, 0063, '');
INSERT INTO `co1`.`npcs`(`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `effect`) VALUES (64132, 'GoldenCicada', 0002, 50976, 3983, 0085, 0070, '');
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
أدوات الموضوع | |
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
Hell Quests | محمد ياسر | تطوير سيرفرات كونكر | 11 | 2024-12-23 01:54 AM |
Daily Quests TQ100% | محمد ياسر | تطوير سيرفرات كونكر | 1 | 2024-08-06 06:46 PM |
حل مشكلة Chi Epic | Zuko | مشكلات السيرفيرات كونكر الشخصيه | 1 | 2021-09-03 01:01 PM |
بخصوص Epic Monk | Mostafa Shalby | مشكلات السيرفيرات كونكر الشخصيه | 7 | 2019-11-03 01:59 AM |
خلي الجاينج يدي Epic,Super | محمد ياسر | تطوير سيرفرات كونكر | 8 | 2019-07-28 12:46 AM |