المشاركات 186 |
+التقييم 0.09 |
تاريخ التسجيل Sep 2019 |
الاقامة |
نظام التشغيل |
رقم العضوية 1525 |
![]() |
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اول حاجه افتح
كلاس PacketHandler.cs وابحث عن كود:
طبعا ضور في الفويد هتلاقي دا عندك كدا كود:
خليه بقا بلاص 12 او ممكن تلاقي الكود كدا كود:
[/PHP] |
case 200:
if (client.Player.Level < 100)
data.AddText("sorry, you need to be at keast level 100.")
.AddOption("Holy~Shit.", 255).AddAvatar(63).FinalizeDialog();
data.AddText("Welcome, please insert the amount of cps u want to bet on.")
.AddInput("minimum 500 CPS", 201).AddOption("Passing~by.", 255).AddAvatar(63).FinalizeDialog();
case 201:
uint bet = uint.Parse(Input);
if (bet < 500)
client.Player.MessageBox("Minimum 500 CPs.", null, null);
if (Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.ArenaCpsBattle.Working)
client.Player.MessageBox("Minimum 500 CPs.", null, null);
foreach (var user in Database.Server.GamePoll.Values)
user.Player.MessageBox("Cps Tournment War Started Bet " + bet + " Cps", p =>
if (Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.ArenaCpsBattle.SignUp(p, bet) == false)
p.SendSysMesage("don't have requierments.", MsgMessage.ChatMode.Service, MsgMessage.MsgColor.yellow);
}, null, 15);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Project_Terror_v2.Game.MsgTournaments
public class MsgCpsArenaSingle
public TournamentType Type = TournamentType.MsgCpsArenaSingle;
public bool Working = false, Joined = false, Teleported = false;
public const uint MapID = 1760;
public const uint MinCurrentBet = 500;
public CSAPlayer PlayerOne = null, PlayerTwo = null;
public DateTime MatchStamp = new DateTime();
public ProcesType Process { get; set; }
public DateTime ScoreStamp = new DateTime();
public void SendMapPacket(ServerSockets.Packet stream)
foreach (var user in MapPlayers())
public Client.GameClient[] MapPlayers()
return Database.Server.ServerMaps[MapID].Values.Where(p => InTournament(p)).ToArray();
public bool InTournament(Client.GameClient user)
return user.Player.Map == MapID;
private void AnnounceScores(ServerSockets.Packet stream)
ScoreStamp = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2);
public MsgCpsArenaSingle(ProcesType _process = ProcesType.Dead)
Process = _process;
public bool SignUp(Client.GameClient _user, uint _bet)
if (PlayerOne != null && PlayerTwo != null)
_user.SendSysMesage("Tournment Completed.");
return false;
if (_bet < MinCurrentBet)
return false;
if (Joined)
return false;
if ((_bet < MinCurrentBet ? true : false) == true)
_bet = MinCurrentBet;
if (_user.Player.ConquerPoints < _bet)
return false;
if(PlayerOne == null)
PlayerOne = null;
PlayerOne = new CSAPlayer() { UID = _user.Player.UID, Bet = _bet, Teleported = false };
_user.Player.ConquerPoints -= _bet;
return true;
else//if player one selected already but player two is still null
if (!PlayerOne.Client.Socket.Alive)
PlayerOne = null;
PlayerOne = new CSAPlayer() { UID = _user.Player.UID, Bet = _bet, Teleported = false };
_user.Player.ConquerPoints -= _bet;
return true;
if (PlayerTwo == null)
PlayerTwo = null;
PlayerTwo = new CSAPlayer() { UID = _user.Player.UID, Bet = _bet, Teleported = false };
_user.Player.ConquerPoints -= _bet;
Process = ProcesType.Idle;
return true;
_user.Player.MessageBox("Sorry Only 2 Members Avaliable Count.", null, null);
return false;
public void CheckUp()
if (Process == ProcesType.Dead)
foreach (var p in MapPlayers())
p.Teleport(298, 232, 1002);
if (Process == ProcesType.Idle)
if (PlayerOne != null && PlayerTwo != null)
if (PlayerOne.Client.Socket.Alive && PlayerTwo.Client.Socket.Alive)
SendPVPInvitation(30, PlayerOne.Client);
SendPVPInvitation(30, PlayerTwo.Client);
if (Process == ProcesType.Alive)
if (!PlayerOne.Client.Socket.Alive && PlayerTwo.Client.Socket.Alive)
End(PlayerTwo.UID, PlayerOne.UID);
else if (PlayerOne.Client.Socket.Alive && !PlayerTwo.Client.Socket.Alive)
End(PlayerOne.UID, PlayerTwo.UID);
else if (!PlayerOne.Client.Socket.Alive && !PlayerTwo.Client.Socket.Alive)
Process = ProcesType.Dead;
PlayerOne = null;
PlayerTwo = null;
{ }
if (DateTime.Now >= ScoreStamp)
using (var rec = new ServerSockets.RecycledPacket())
var stream = rec.GetStream();
if (DateTime.Now >= MatchStamp)
if (PlayerOne.Score > PlayerTwo.Score)
End(PlayerOne.UID, PlayerTwo.UID);
else if (PlayerOne.Score < PlayerTwo.Score)
End(PlayerTwo.UID, PlayerOne.UID);
PlayerOne.Client.Player.MessageBox("Fight Still For 30 Seconds More.", null, null, 30);
PlayerTwo.Client.Player.MessageBox("Fight Still For 30 Seconds More.", null, null, 30);
public void End(uint Winner, uint Loser)//ending match void With Recall back
if (PlayerOne.UID == Winner && PlayerTwo.UID == Loser)
if (PlayerOne.Client != null && PlayerTwo.Client != null)
PlayerOne.Client.Player.ConquerPoints += PlayerOne.Bet;
PlayerOne.Client.Player.ConquerPoints += PlayerTwo.Bet;
PlayerOne.Client.SendSysMesage("You won Elite PVP Cps Arena.");
PlayerTwo.Client.SendSysMesage("You lost Elite PVP Cps Arena.");
PlayerOne.Client.Teleport(299, 292, 1002);
PlayerTwo.Client.Teleport(299, 292, 1002);
PlayerOne = null;
PlayerTwo = null;
Process = ProcesType.Dead;
if (PlayerTwo.UID == Winner && PlayerOne.UID == Loser)
if (PlayerOne.Client != null && PlayerTwo.Client != null)
PlayerTwo.Client.Player.ConquerPoints += PlayerOne.Bet;
PlayerTwo.Client.Player.ConquerPoints += PlayerTwo.Bet;
PlayerTwo.Client.SendSysMesage("You won Elite PVP Cps Arena.");
PlayerOne.Client.SendSysMesage("You lost Elite PVP Cps Arena.");
PlayerOne.Client.Teleport(299, 292, 1002);
PlayerTwo.Client.Teleport(299, 292, 1002);
PlayerOne = null;
PlayerTwo = null;
Process = ProcesType.Dead;
//giving Winner Cps
//teleporting both outside
//Ending war and stop invokation
//turning Process to Dead
public void Teleport(uint UID)
if (PlayerOne == null || PlayerTwo == null)
ushort x = 0;
ushort y = 0;
Role.GameMap Map = Database.Server.ServerMaps[MapID];
Map.GetRandCoord(ref x, ref y);
if (PlayerOne.UID == UID && PlayerOne.Client.Socket.Alive)
PlayerOne.Client.Teleport(x, y, MapID);
PlayerOne.Client.Player.MessageBox("StartFighting Still Working For 100 Seconds.", null, null, 100);
if (MapPlayers().Length == 2)
Process = ProcesType.Alive;
MatchStamp = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(90);
else if (PlayerTwo.UID == UID && PlayerTwo.Client.Socket.Alive)
PlayerTwo.Client.Teleport(x, y, MapID);
PlayerOne.Client.Player.MessageBox("StartFighting Still Working For 100 Seconds.", null, null, 100);
if (MapPlayers().Length == 2)
Process = ProcesType.Alive;
MatchStamp = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(100);
public void GiveUp(uint UID)
if (PlayerOne.UID == UID && PlayerOne.Client.Socket.Alive)
End(PlayerTwo.UID, UID);
if (PlayerTwo.UID == UID && PlayerTwo.Client.Socket.Alive)
End(PlayerOne.UID, UID);
public void ResondInteract(uint UID, uint Damage)
if (PlayerTwo != null && PlayerOne != null)
if (PlayerOne.Client.Socket.Alive && PlayerTwo.Client.Socket.Alive)
if (UID == PlayerOne.UID)
PlayerOne.Score += Damage;
if (UID == PlayerTwo.UID)
PlayerTwo.Score += Damage;
internal static bool SendPVPInvitation(int Secounds, Client.GameClient client, Game.MsgServer.MsgStaticMessage.Messages messaj = Game.MsgServer.MsgStaticMessage.Messages.None)
#if Arabic
string Message = "Cps Arena Betting Battle Match Started Want To Accept Or Give UP?";
string Message = "Cps Arena Betting Battle Match Started Want To Accept Or Give UP?";
using (var rec = new ServerSockets.RecycledPacket())
var stream = rec.GetStream();
var packet = new Game.MsgServer.MsgMessage(Message, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.yellow, MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center).GetArray(stream);
if (!client.Player.OnMyOwnServer || client.IsConnectedInterServer())
return false;
client.Player.MessageBox(Message, new Action<Client.GameClient>(user => MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.ArenaCpsBattle.Teleport(user.Player.UID)), user => MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.ArenaCpsBattle.GiveUp(user.Player.UID), Secounds, messaj);
return true;
public class CSAPlayer
public uint UID;
public uint Bet;
public uint Score;
public bool Teleported;
public string Name { get { return Client.Player.Name; } }
public Client.GameClient Client
if (this.UID == 0)
return null;
if (Database.Server.GamePoll.ContainsKey(this.UID))
return Database.Server.GamePoll[this.UID];
return null;
public void End(uint Winner, uint Loser)//ending match void With Recall back
if (PlayerOne.UID == Winner && PlayerTwo.UID == Loser)
if (PlayerOne.Client != null && PlayerTwo.Client != null)
PlayerOne.Client.Player.ConquerPoints += PlayerOne.Bet;
PlayerOne.Client.Player.ConquerPoints += PlayerOne.Bet;
PlayerOne.Client.SendSysMesage("You won Elite PVP Cps Arena.");
PlayerTwo.Client.SendSysMesage("You lost Elite PVP Cps Arena.");
PlayerOne.Client.Teleport(298, 232, 1002);
PlayerTwo.Client.Teleport(298, 232, 1002);
PlayerOne = null;
PlayerTwo = null;
Process = ProcesType.Dead;
if (PlayerTwo.UID == Winner && PlayerOne.UID == Loser)
if (PlayerOne.Client != null && PlayerTwo.Client != null)
PlayerTwo.Client.Player.ConquerPoints += PlayerTwo.Bet;
PlayerTwo.Client.Player.ConquerPoints += PlayerTwo.Bet;
PlayerTwo.Client.SendSysMesage("You won Elite PVP Cps Arena.");
PlayerOne.Client.SendSysMesage("You lost Elite PVP Cps Arena.");
PlayerOne.Client.Teleport(298, 232, 1002);
PlayerTwo.Client.Teleport(298, 232, 1002);
PlayerOne = null;
PlayerTwo = null;
Process = ProcesType.Dead;
//giving Winner Cps
//teleporting both outside
//Ending war and stop invokation
//turning Process to Dead
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