المشاركات 407 |
+التقييم 0.19 |
تاريخ التسجيل May 2019 |
الاقامة |
نظام التشغيل |
رقم العضوية 248 |
public bool Reborn(
Entity.Atributes = 538;
Entity.Atributes = 900;
#region SnowBanshee
if (DateTime.Now.Minute == 20 && DateTime.Now.Second == 10)
ushort x = 0, y = 0;
ushort MapID = 1015;
y = 572;
x = 806;
uint id = 4171;
string name = "SnowBanshee";
if (Database.DMaps.LoadMap(MapID))
if (Program.SnowBa)
if (Kernel.Maps.ContainsKey(MapID))
var Map = Kernel.Maps[MapID];
if (Database.MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations.ContainsKey(id))
Database.MonsterInformation mt = Database.MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations[id];
mt.BoundX = x;
Program.SnowBa = false;
mt.BoundY = y;
Entity entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false);
entity.MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster;
entity.MonsterInfo = mt.Copy();
entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = entity;
entity.Name = mt.Name;
entity.MinAttack = mt.MinAttack;
entity.MaxAttack = entity.MagicAttack = mt.MaxAttack;
entity.Hitpoints = entity.MaxHitpoints = mt.Hitpoints;
entity.Defence = mt.Defence;
entity.Body = mt.Mesh;
entity.Level = mt.Level;
entity.UID = Map.EntityUIDCounter.Next;
entity.MapID = MapID;
entity.X = x;
entity.Boss = 1;
entity.Y = y;
if (x == 0 || y == 0)
var cord = Map.RandomCoordinates();
entity.X = cord.Item1;
entity.Y = cord.Item2;
cord = Map.RandomCoordinates();
entity.X = cord.Item1;
entity.Y = cord.Item2;
while (!Map.Floor[entity.X, entity.Y, MapObjectType.Monster]);
Network.GamePackets._String stringPacket =
new Network.GamePackets._String(true);
stringPacket.UID = entity.UID;
stringPacket.Type = Network.GamePackets._String.Effect;
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = entity.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.AddEntity;
data.wParam1 = entity.X;
data.wParam2 = entity.Y;
foreach (Client.GameState clllient in Program.Values)
if (clllient.Map.ID == entity.MapID)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(clllient.Entity.X, clllient.Entity.Y, entity.X, entity.Y) <
entity.SendSpawn(clllient, false);
if (entity.MaxHitpoints > 65535)
Update upd = new Update(true) { UID = entity.UID };
upd.Append(Update.MaxHitpoints, entity.MaxHitpoints);
upd.Append(Update.Hitpoints, entity.Hitpoints);
foreach (var client10 in Program.Values)
client10.Entity.SendSysMessage(name + " has appeared. Hurry and go defeat the beast!");
client10.MessageBox("Hourly:" + name + " has appeared Would you Want to Kill-Monster? Prize: 50.000 cps & 1000 Treasury Points , Soul Or Materials",
(p) => { p.Entity.Teleport(MapID, x, y); }, null, 20);
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using KhaledMohamed.Interfaces;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using KhaledMohamed.Network.GamePackets;
using System.Threading.Generic;
using KhaledMohamed.Client;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using KhaledMohamed.Database;
namespace KhaledMohamed.Game
public class Map
public Dictionary<uint, WindWalker.ThunderCloud> Clouds = new Dictionary<uint, WindWalker.ThunderCloud>();
public DMapPortal[] portals;
public SafeDictionary<uint, Entity> Companions;
public struct DMapPortal
private ushort xCord;
private ushort yCord;
public ushort XCord
return this.xCord;
this.xCord = value;
public ushort YCord
return this.yCord;
this.yCord = value;
public void AddCloud(WindWalker.ThunderCloud entity)
if (!this.Clouds.ContainsKey(entity.UID))
this.Clouds.Add(entity.UID, entity);
catch (Exception e)
public void PopulatePortals(uint amount)
this.portals = new DMapPortal[amount];
public void SetPortal(int Position, DMapPortal portal)
this.portals[Position] = portal;
public static Counter DynamicIDs = new KhaledMohamed.Counter(11000)
Finish =
public static Enums.ConquerAngle[] Angles = new Enums.ConquerAngle[] {
Enums.ConquerAngle.South };
public static Floor ArenaBaseFloor = null;
public Counter EntityUIDCounter = new KhaledMohamed.Counter(400000);
public Counter EntityUIDCounter2 = new KhaledMohamed.Counter(100000);
public Counter CloneCounter = new KhaledMohamed.Counter(700000);
public List<Zoning.Zone> Zones = new List<Zoning.Zone>();
public ushort ID;
public ushort BaseID;
public bool WasPKFree = false;
public Floor Floor;
public string Path;
public bool IsDynamic()
return BaseID != ID;
public SafeDictionary<uint, Entity> Entities;
public SafeDictionary<uint, Entity> AIs;
// public SafeDictionary<uint, Entity> Companions;
public Dictionary<uint, INpc> Npcs;
public Dictionary<uint, INpc> Statues = new Dictionary<uint, INpc>();
public Dictionary<uint, INpc> TempNpcs = new Dictionary<uint, INpc>();
// public Dictionary<uint, SobNpcSpawn> Furniture = new Dictionary<uint, SobNpcSpawn>();
public ConcurrentDictionary<uint, FloorItem> FloorItems;
public void AddPole(INpc npc)
Npcs[npc.UID] = npc;
Floor[npc.X, npc.Y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, npc] = false;
public void AddMonesterTimer()
Timer = MonsterTimers.Add(this);
public void RemovePole(INpc npc)
Floor[npc.X, npc.Y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null] = true;
public void AddNpc(INpc npc, bool addquery = false)
if (Npcs.ContainsKey(npc.UID) == false || addquery)
if (!addquery)
Npcs.Add(npc.UID, npc);
#region Setting the near coords invalid to avoid unpickable items.
Floor[npc.X, npc.Y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, npc] = false;
if (npc.Mesh / 10 != 108 && (byte)npc.Type < 10)
ushort X = npc.X, Y = npc.Y;
foreach (Enums.ConquerAngle angle in Angles)
ushort xX = X, yY = Y;
UpdateCoordonatesForAngle(ref xX, ref yY, angle);
Floor[xX, yY, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null] = false;
public void SpawnGoldBox(Client.GameState client, ushort ID, ushort x, ushort y)
MonsterInformation mt;
MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations.TryGetValue(7562, out mt);
if (mt == null) return;
mt.IsRespawnAble = false;
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++)
var entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false)
MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster,
MonsterInfo = mt.Copy()
entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = entity;
entity.Name = string.Intern(mt.Name);
entity.MinAttack = mt.MinAttack;
entity.MaxAttack = entity.MagicAttack = mt.MaxAttack;
entity.Hitpoints = entity.MaxHitpoints = mt.Hitpoints;
entity.Body = mt.Mesh;
entity.Level = mt.Level;
entity.MapID = 3846;
entity.SendUpdates = true;
entity.UID = Kernel.Maps[3846].EntityUIDCounter.Next;
entity.X = (ushort)x;
entity.Y = (ushort)y;
public void AddEntity(Entity entity)
if (entity.UID < 800000 || entity.Body == 1003)
if (Entities.ContainsKey(entity.UID) == false)
Entities.Add(entity.UID, entity);
Floor[entity.X, entity.Y, MapObjectType.Monster, entity] = false;
public void AddAI(Entity entity)
if (!this.AIs.ContainsKey(entity.UID))
this.AIs.Add(entity.UID, entity);
this.Floor[entity.X, entity.Y, MapObjectType.Entity, entity] = false;
this.AIs.Add(entity.UID, entity);
this.Floor[entity.X, entity.Y, MapObjectType.Entity, entity] = false;
public void RemoveAI(Entity entity)
if (this.AIs.ContainsKey(entity.UID))
this.Floor[entity.X, entity.Y, MapObjectType.Entity, entity] = true;
public void RemoveEntity(Entity entity)
if (Entities.ContainsKey(entity.UID) == true)
Floor[entity.X, entity.Y, MapObjectType.Monster, entity] = true;
//if (Companions.ContainsKey(entity.UID) == true)
// Companions.Remove(entity.UID);
// Floor[entity.X, entity.Y, MapObjectType.Monster, entity] = true;
public void AddFloorItem(Network.GamePackets.FloorItem floorItem)
FloorItems.Add(floorItem.UID, floorItem);
Floor[floorItem.X, floorItem.Y, MapObjectType.Item, floorItem] = false;
public void RemoveFloorItem(Network.GamePackets.FloorItem floorItem)
Floor[floorItem.X, floorItem.Y, MapObjectType.Item, floorItem] = true;
public bool SelectCoordonates(ref ushort X, ref ushort Y)
if (Floor[X, Y, MapObjectType.Item, null])
bool can = true;
if (Zones.Count != 0)
foreach (Zoning.Zone z in Zones)
if (z.IsPartOfRectangle(new Point() { X = X, Y = Y }))
can = false;
if (can)
return true;
foreach (Enums.ConquerAngle angle in Angles)
ushort xX = X, yY = Y;
UpdateCoordonatesForAngle(ref xX, ref yY, angle);
if (Floor[xX, yY, MapObjectType.Item, null])
if (Zones.Count != 0)
bool can = true;
foreach (Zoning.Zone z in Zones)
if (z.IsPartOfRectangle(new Point() { X = xX, Y = yY })) { can = false; break; }
if (!can)
X = xX;
Y = yY;
return true;
return false;
public static void UpdateCoordonatesForAngle(ref ushort X, ref ushort Y, Enums.ConquerAngle angle)
sbyte xi = 0, yi = 0;
switch (angle)
case Enums.ConquerAngle.North: xi = -1; yi = -1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.South: xi = 1; yi = 1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.East: xi = 1; yi = -1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.West: xi = -1; yi = 1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.NorthWest: xi = -1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.SouthWest: yi = 1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.NorthEast: yi = -1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.SouthEast: xi = 1; break;
X = (ushort)(X + xi);
Y = (ushort)(Y + yi);
public static void Pushback(ref ushort x, ref ushort y, Enums.ConquerAngle angle, int paces)
sbyte xi = 0, yi = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < paces; i++)
switch (angle)
case Enums.ConquerAngle.North: xi = -1; yi = -1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.South: xi = 1; yi = 1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.East: xi = 1; yi = -1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.West: xi = -1; yi = 1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.NorthWest: xi = -1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.SouthWest: yi = 1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.NorthEast: yi = -1; break;
case Enums.ConquerAngle.SouthEast: xi = 1; break;
x = (ushort)(x + xi);
y = (ushort)(y + yi);
#region Scenes
private SceneFile[] Scenes;
private static string NTString(string value)
value = value.Remove(value.IndexOf("\0"));
return value;
private SceneFile CreateSceneFile(BinaryReader Reader)
SceneFile file = new SceneFile();
file.SceneFileName = NTString(Program.Encoding.GetString(Reader.ReadBytes(260)));
file.Location = new Point(Reader.ReadInt32(), Reader.ReadInt32());
using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(Constants.DataHolderPath + file.SceneFileName, FileMode.Open)))
ScenePart[] partArray = new ScenePart[reader.ReadInt32()];
for (int i = 0; i < partArray.Length; i++)
reader.BaseStream.Seek(0x14cL, SeekOrigin.Current);
partArray[i].Size = new Size(reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32());
reader.BaseStream.Seek(4L, SeekOrigin.Current);
partArray[i].StartPosition = new Point(reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32());
reader.BaseStream.Seek(4L, SeekOrigin.Current);
partArray[i].NoAccess = new bool[partArray[i].Size.Width, partArray[i].Size.Height];
for (int j = 0; j < partArray[i].Size.Height; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < partArray[i].Size.Width; k++)
partArray[i].NoAccess[k, j] = reader.ReadInt32() == 0;
reader.BaseStream.Seek(8L, SeekOrigin.Current);
file.Parts = partArray;
return file;
public struct SceneFile
public string SceneFileName
public Point Location
public ScenePart[] Parts
public struct ScenePart
public string Animation;
public string PartFile;
public Point Offset;
public int aniInterval;
public System.Drawing.Size Size;
public int Thickness;
public Point StartPosition;
public bool[,] NoAccess;
public Map(ushort id, string path)
if (!Kernel.Maps.ContainsKey(id))
Kernel.Maps.Add(id, this);
Npcs = new Dictionary<uint, INpc>();
Entities = new SafeDictionary<uint, Entity>();
AIs = new SafeDictionary<uint, Entity>();
FloorItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<uint, FloorItem>();
Floor = new Floor(0, 0, id);
// Companions = new SafeDictionary<uint, Entity>();
ID = id;
BaseID = id;
if (path == "") path = Database.DMaps.MapPaths[id];
Path = path;
#region Loading floor.
if (File.Exists(Constants.DMapsPath + "\\maps\\" + id.ToString() + ".map"))
// Console.WriteLine("Loading " + ID + " DMap : maps\\" + id.ToString() + ".map");
byte[] buff = File.ReadAllBytes(Constants.DMapsPath + "\\maps\\" + id.ToString() + ".map");
MemoryStream FS = new MemoryStream(buff);
BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(FS);
int Width = BR.ReadInt32();
int Height = BR.ReadInt32();
Floor = new Game.Floor(Width, Height, ID);
if (id == 700)
ArenaBaseFloor = new Game.Floor(Width, Height, ID);
for (ushort y = 0; y < Height; y = (ushort)(y + 1))
for (ushort x = 0; x < Width; x = (ushort)(x + 1))
bool walkable = !(BR.ReadByte() == 1 ? true : false);
Floor[x, y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null] = walkable;
if (id == 700)
ArenaBaseFloor[x, y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null] = walkable;
if (File.Exists(Constants.DMapsPath + Path))
// Console.WriteLine("Loading " + ID + " DMap : " + Path);
byte[] buff = File.ReadAllBytes(Constants.DMapsPath + Path);
MemoryStream FS = new MemoryStream(buff);
BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(FS);
int Width = BR.ReadInt32();
int Height = BR.ReadInt32();
Floor = new Game.Floor(Width, Height, ID);
if (id == 700)
ArenaBaseFloor = new Game.Floor(Width, Height, ID);
for (ushort y = 0; y < Height; y = (ushort)(y + 1))
for (ushort x = 0; x < Width; x = (ushort)(x + 1))
bool walkable = !Convert.ToBoolean(BR.ReadUInt16());
Floor[x, y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null] = walkable;
if (id == 700)
ArenaBaseFloor[x, y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null] = walkable;
BR.BaseStream.Seek(4L, SeekOrigin.Current);
BR.BaseStream.Seek(4L, SeekOrigin.Current);
uint amount = BR.ReadUInt32();
for (ushort j = 0; j < amount; j = (ushort)(j + 1))
DMapPortal portal = new DMapPortal
XCord = (ushort)BR.ReadUInt32(),
YCord = (ushort)BR.ReadUInt32()
SetPortal(j, portal);
BR.BaseStream.Seek(4L, SeekOrigin.Current);
// BR.BaseStream.Seek(amount * 12, SeekOrigin.Current);
public Map(ushort id, ushort baseid, string path)
if (!Kernel.Maps.ContainsKey(id))
Kernel.Maps.Add(id, this);
Kernel.Maps[id] = this;
Npcs = new Dictionary<uint, INpc>();
Entities = new SafeDictionary<uint, Entity>();
// Companions = new SafeDictionary<uint, Entity>();
FloorItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<uint, FloorItem>();
ID = id;
BaseID = baseid;
Path = path;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
Path = path = Database.DMaps.MapPaths[baseid];
Floor = new Floor(0, 0, id);
#region Loading floor.
if (id != baseid && baseid == 700 && ArenaBaseFloor != null)
Floor = new Game.Floor(ArenaBaseFloor.Bounds.Width, ArenaBaseFloor.Bounds.Height, ID);
for (ushort y = 0; y < ArenaBaseFloor.Bounds.Height; y = (ushort)(y + 1))
for (ushort x = 0; x < ArenaBaseFloor.Bounds.Width; x = (ushort)(x + 1))
Floor[x, y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null] = !ArenaBaseFloor[x, y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null];
if (File.Exists(Constants.DMapsPath + "\\maps\\" + baseid.ToString() + ".map"))
// Console.WriteLine("Loading " + ID + " DMap : maps\\" + id.ToString() + ".map");
byte[] buff = File.ReadAllBytes(Constants.DMapsPath + "\\maps\\" + baseid.ToString() + ".map");
MemoryStream FS = new MemoryStream(buff);
BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(FS);
int Width = BR.ReadInt32();
int Height = BR.ReadInt32();
Floor = new Game.Floor(Width, Height, ID);
for (ushort y = 0; y < Height; y = (ushort)(y + 1))
for (ushort x = 0; x < Width; x = (ushort)(x + 1))
Floor[x, y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null] = !(BR.ReadByte() == 1 ? true : false);
if (File.Exists(Constants.DMapsPath + Path))
// Console.WriteLine("Loading "+ID+" DMap : " + Path);
FileStream FS = new FileStream(Constants.DMapsPath + Path, FileMode.Open);
BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(FS);
int Width = BR.ReadInt32();
int Height = BR.ReadInt32();
Floor = new Game.Floor(Width, Height, ID);
for (ushort y = 0; y < Height; y = (ushort)(y + 1))
for (ushort x = 0; x < Width; x = (ushort)(x + 1))
Floor[x, y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null] = !Convert.ToBoolean(BR.ReadUInt16());
BR.BaseStream.Seek(4L, SeekOrigin.Current);
BR.BaseStream.Seek(4L, SeekOrigin.Current);
uint amount = BR.ReadUInt32();
for (ushort j = 0; j < amount; j = (ushort)(j + 1))
DMapPortal portal = new DMapPortal
XCord = (ushort)BR.ReadUInt32(),
YCord = (ushort)BR.ReadUInt32()
SetPortal(j, portal);
BR.BaseStream.Seek(4L, SeekOrigin.Current);
// BR.BaseStream.Seek(amount * 12, SeekOrigin.Current);
int num = BR.ReadInt32();
List<SceneFile> list = new List<SceneFile>();
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
switch (BR.ReadInt32())
case 10:
BR.BaseStream.Seek(0x48L, SeekOrigin.Current);
case 15:
BR.BaseStream.Seek(0x114L, SeekOrigin.Current);
case 1:
case 4:
BR.BaseStream.Seek(0x1a0L, SeekOrigin.Current);
Scenes = list.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < Scenes.Length; i++)
foreach (ScenePart part in Scenes[i].Parts)
for (int j = 0; j < part.Size.Width; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < part.Size.Height; k++)
Point point = new Point();
point.X = ((Scenes[i].Location.X + part.StartPosition.X) + j) - part.Size.Width;
point.Y = ((Scenes[i].Location.Y + part.StartPosition.Y) + k) - part.Size.Height;
Floor[(ushort)point.X, (ushort)point.Y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null] = part.NoAccess[j, k];
private void MergeSceneToTextureArea()
for (int i = 0; i < Scenes.Length; i++)
if (Scenes[i].Parts == null) return;
foreach (ScenePart part in Scenes[i].Parts)
for (int j = 0; j < part.Size.Width; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < part.Size.Height; k++)
Point point = new Point
X = ((Scenes[i].Location.X + part.StartPosition.X) - j),
Y = ((Scenes[i].Location.Y + part.StartPosition.Y) - k)
Floor[(ushort)point.X, (ushort)point.Y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast] = part.NoAccess[j, k];
private void LoadMapObjects(BinaryReader Reader)
int num = Reader.ReadInt32();
List<SceneFile> list = new List<SceneFile>();
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
int id = Reader.ReadInt32();
id = (byte)id;
switch (id)
case 10:
Reader.BaseStream.Seek(0x48L, SeekOrigin.Current);
case 15:
Reader.BaseStream.Seek(0x114L, SeekOrigin.Current);
case 1:
case 4:
Reader.BaseStream.Seek(0x1a0L, SeekOrigin.Current);
Scenes = list.ToArray();
private void LoadPortals()
IniFile file = new KhaledMohamed.IniFile(Constants.PortalsPath);
ushort portalCount = file.ReadUInt16(BaseID.ToString(), "Count");
for (int i = 0; i < portalCount; i++)
string _PortalEnter = file.ReadString(BaseID.ToString(), "PortalEnter" + i.ToString());
string _PortalExit = file.ReadString(BaseID.ToString(), "PortalExit" + i.ToString());
string[] PortalEnter = _PortalEnter.Split(' ');
string[] PortalExit = _PortalExit.Split(' ');
Game.Portal portal = new KhaledMohamed.Game.Portal();
portal.CurrentMapID = Convert.ToUInt16(PortalEnter[0]);
portal.CurrentX = Convert.ToUInt16(PortalEnter[1]);
portal.CurrentY = Convert.ToUInt16(PortalEnter[2]);
if (PortalExit.Length == 3)
portal.DestinationMapID = Convert.ToUInt16(PortalExit[0]);
portal.DestinationX = Convert.ToUInt16(PortalExit[1]);
portal.DestinationY = Convert.ToUInt16(PortalExit[2]);
public List<Game.Portal> Portals = new List<Game.Portal>();
private IDisposable Timer;
public static sbyte[] XDir = new sbyte[]
-1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2, 2, 1,
0, -2, -2, -2, 0, 2, 2, 2,
-1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2, 2, 1,
0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1,
public static sbyte[] YDir = new sbyte[]
2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2,
2, 2, 0, -2, -2, -2, 0, 2,
2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2,
1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1
public SafeConcurrentDictionary<uint, StaticEntity> StaticEntities = new SafeConcurrentDictionary<uint, StaticEntity>();
public void AddStaticEntity(StaticEntity item)
Floor[item.X, item.Y, MapObjectType.StaticEntity, null] = false;
StaticEntities[item.UID] = item;
public void RemoveStaticItem(StaticEntity item)
Floor[item.X, item.Y, MapObjectType.StaticEntity, null] = true;
private void SaveMap()
if (!File.Exists(Constants.DMapsPath + "\\maps\\" + BaseID.ToString() + ".map"))
FileStream stream = new FileStream(Constants.DMapsPath + "\\maps\\" + BaseID.ToString() + ".map", FileMode.Create);
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
for (int y = 0; y < Floor.Bounds.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < Floor.Bounds.Width; x++)
writer.Write((byte)(Floor[x, y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast, null] == true ? 1 : 0));
private void SavePortals()
if (!File.Exists("portals.txt"))
string ConfigFileName = "portals.txt";
IniFile IniFile = new IniFile(ConfigFileName);
var id = ID.ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < portals.Length; i++)
IniFile.Write(id, "Count", portals.Length.ToString());
IniFile.Write(id, i.ToString(), string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", id, portals[i].XCord.ToString(), portals[i].YCord.ToString()));
private void LoadZones()
using (var command = new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.SELECT))
command.Select("notavailablepaths").Where("mapid", ID);
using (var reader = new Database.MySqlReader(command))
while (reader.Read())
Zoning.Zone zone = new Zoning.Zone(
new Point() { X = reader.ReadInt32("Point1_X"), Y = reader.ReadInt32("Point1_Y") },
new Point() { X = reader.ReadInt32("Point2_X"), Y = reader.ReadInt32("Point2_Y") },
new Point() { X = reader.ReadInt32("Point3_X"), Y = reader.ReadInt32("Point3_Y") },
new Point() { X = reader.ReadInt32("Point4_X"), Y = reader.ReadInt32("Point4_Y") }
private void LoadNpcs()
using (var command = new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.SELECT))
command.Select("npcs").Where("mapid", ID);
using (var reader = new Database.MySqlReader(command))
while (reader.Read())
INpc npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcSpawn();
npc.UID = reader.ReadUInt32("id");
npc.Name = reader.ReadString("name");
npc.Mesh = reader.ReadUInt16("lookface");
npc.Type = (Enums.NpcType)reader.ReadByte("type");
npc.X = reader.ReadUInt16("cellx");
npc.Y = reader.ReadUInt16("celly");
npc.effect = reader.ReadString("effect");
npc.MapID = ID;
using (var command = new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.SELECT))
command.Select("sobnpcs").Where("mapid", ID);
using (var reader = new Database.MySqlReader(command))
while (reader.Read())
Network.GamePackets.SobNpcSpawn npc = new Network.GamePackets.SobNpcSpawn();
npc.UID = reader.ReadUInt32("id");
npc.Mesh = reader.ReadUInt16("lookface");
if (ID == 1039)
npc.Mesh = (ushort)(npc.Mesh - npc.Mesh % 10 + 7);
npc.Type = (Enums.NpcType)reader.ReadByte("type");
npc.X = reader.ReadUInt16("cellx"); ;
npc.Y = reader.ReadUInt16("celly");
npc.MapID = reader.ReadUInt16("mapid");
npc.Sort = reader.ReadUInt16("sort");
npc.ShowName = true;
npc.Name = reader.ReadString("name");
npc.Hitpoints = reader.ReadUInt32("life");
npc.MaxHitpoints = reader.ReadUInt32("maxlife");
npc._isprize = reader.ReadBoolean("prize");
if (npc.UID >= 9994 && npc.UID <= 9997)
Database.GuildCondutors.GuildConductors.Add(npc.UID, new Database.GuildCondutors.Conductor() { npc = npc });
Database.GuildCondutors.MoveNpc(npc.UID, npc.MapID, npc.X, npc.Y);
AddNpc(npc, true);
uint nextid = 100000;
using (var command = new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.SELECT))
command.Select("statues").Where("mapid", ID);
using (var reader = new Database.MySqlReader(command))
while (reader.Read())
Network.GamePackets.SobNpcSpawn npc = new Network.GamePackets.SobNpcSpawn();
npc.UID = reader.ReadUInt32("id");
if (npc.UID > nextid)
nextid = npc.UID;
npc.Mesh = reader.ReadUInt16("lookface");
npc.Type = (Enums.NpcType)reader.ReadByte("type");
npc.X = reader.ReadUInt16("cellx"); ;
npc.Y = reader.ReadUInt16("celly");
npc.MapID = reader.ReadUInt16("mapid");
npc.ShowName = true;
npc.Name = reader.ReadString("name");
npc.Hitpoints = reader.ReadUInt32("life");
npc.MaxHitpoints = reader.ReadUInt32("maxlife");
npc.SpawnPacket = reader.ReadBlob("SpawnPacket");
EntityUIDCounter2 = new Counter(nextid);
public bool FreezeMonsters = false;
public void LoadMonsters()
//Companions = new SafeDictionary<uint, Entity>();
using (var command = new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.SELECT))
command.Select("monsterspawns").Where("mapid", ID);
using (var reader = new Database.MySqlReader(command))
int mycount = 0;
while (reader.Read())
uint monsterID = reader.ReadUInt32("npctype");
ushort CircleDiameter = reader.ReadUInt16("maxnpc");
ushort X = reader.ReadUInt16("bound_x");
ushort Y = reader.ReadUInt16("bound_y");
ushort XPlus = reader.ReadUInt16("bound_cx");
ushort YPlus = reader.ReadUInt16("bound_cy");
ushort Amount = reader.ReadUInt16("max_per_gen");
int respawn = reader.ReadInt32("rest_secs");
if (Database.MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations.ContainsKey(monsterID))
Database.MonsterInformation mt = Database.MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations[monsterID];
mt.RespawnTime = respawn + 5;
mt.BoundX = X;
mt.BoundY = Y;
mt.BoundCX = XPlus;
mt.BoundCY = YPlus;
bool more = true;
for (int count = 0; count < Amount; count++)
if (!more)
Entity entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false);
entity.MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster;
entity.MonsterInfo = mt.Copy();
entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = entity;
entity.Name = mt.Name;
entity.MinAttack = mt.MinAttack;
entity.MaxAttack = entity.MagicAttack = mt.MaxAttack;
entity.Hitpoints = entity.MaxHitpoints = mt.Hitpoints;
entity.Defence = mt.Defence;
entity.Body = mt.Mesh;
entity.Level = mt.Level;
entity.UID = EntityUIDCounter.Next;
entity.MapID = ID;
entity.SendUpdates = true;
#region Guards
if (mt.Name == "Guard1" || mt.Name == "Guard2")
Network.Writer.Write((byte)255, 271, entity.SpawnPacket);//UNKNOWN
Network.Writer.Write((byte)16, 272, entity.SpawnPacket);//UNKNOWN
Network.Writer.Write((byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 7), Entity._Facing, entity.SpawnPacket);//RANDOM~FACING
#endregion Guards
entity.X = (ushort)(X + Kernel.Random.Next(0, XPlus));
entity.Y = (ushort)(Y + Kernel.Random.Next(0, YPlus));
for (int count2 = 0; count2 < 50; count2++)
if (!Floor[entity.X, entity.Y, MapObjectType.Monster, null])
entity.X = (ushort)(X + Kernel.Random.Next(0, XPlus));
entity.Y = (ushort)(Y + Kernel.Random.Next(0, YPlus));
if (count2 == 50)
more = false;
if (more)
if (Floor[entity.X, entity.Y, MapObjectType.Monster, null])
catch (Exception e) { Program.SaveException(e); }
if (mycount != 0)
Timer = MonsterTimers.Add(this);
public Tuple<ushort, ushort> RandomCoordinates()
int times = 10000;
int x = Kernel.Random.Next(Floor.Bounds.Width), y = Kernel.Random.Next(Floor.Bounds.Height);
while (times-- > 0)
if (!Floor[x, y, MapObjectType.Entity, null])
x = Kernel.Random.Next(Floor.Bounds.Width);
y = Kernel.Random.Next(Floor.Bounds.Height);
else break;
return new Tuple<ushort, ushort>((ushort)x, (ushort)y);
public Tuple<ushort, ushort> RandomCoordinates(int _x, int _y, int radius)
int times = 10000;
int x = _x + Kernel.Random.Sign() * Kernel.Random.Next(radius),
y = _y + Kernel.Random.Sign() * Kernel.Random.Next(radius);
while (times-- > 0)
if (!Floor[x, y, MapObjectType.Entity, null])
x = _x + Kernel.Random.Sign() * Kernel.Random.Next(radius);
y = _y + Kernel.Random.Sign() * Kernel.Random.Next(radius);
else break;
return new Tuple<ushort, ushort>((ushort)x, (ushort)y);
private static TimerRule<Map> MonsterTimers;
public static void CreateTimerFactories()
MonsterTimers = new TimerRule<Map>(_timerCallBack, 500);
public Time32 LastReload = Time32.Now;
private static void _timerCallBack(Map map, int time)
//foreach (Entity monster in map.Companions.Values)
// if (!monster.Owner.Socket.Alive)
// {
// map.RemoveEntity(monster);
// break;
// }
Time32 now = new Time32(time);
foreach (Entity monster in map.Entities.Values.ToList())
if (monster == null || monster.Name == "Thundercloud") continue;
if (monster.Dead)
if (now > monster.DeathStamp.AddSeconds(monster.MonsterInfo.RespawnTime))
monster.X = (ushort)(monster.MonsterInfo.BoundX + Kernel.Random.Next(0, monster.MonsterInfo.BoundCX));
monster.Y = (ushort)(monster.MonsterInfo.BoundY + Kernel.Random.Next(0, monster.MonsterInfo.BoundCY));
for (int count = 0; count < monster.MonsterInfo.BoundCX * monster.MonsterInfo.BoundCY; count++)
if (!map.Floor[monster.X, monster.Y, MapObjectType.Monster, null])
monster.X = (ushort)(monster.MonsterInfo.BoundX + Kernel.Random.Next(0, monster.MonsterInfo.BoundCX));
monster.Y = (ushort)(monster.MonsterInfo.BoundY + Kernel.Random.Next(0, monster.MonsterInfo.BoundCY));
if (map.Floor[monster.X, monster.Y, MapObjectType.Monster] || monster.X == monster.MonsterInfo.BoundX && monster.Y == monster.MonsterInfo.BoundY)
monster.Hitpoints = monster.MonsterInfo.Hitpoints;
var stringPacket = new _String(true);
stringPacket.UID = monster.UID;
stringPacket.Type = _String.Effect;
monster.StatusFlag = 0;
//if (monster.MonsterInfo.Type == 2)
// var value = Update.Flags.BlackName;
// Network.Writer.WriteUInt64(value, 0x16 + 4, monster.SpawnPacket);
//if (monster.MonsterInfo.Name == "Guard1")
// monster.Action = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 15);
if (monster.Name == "WhiteTiger1" ) اسماء الوحوش الكان فيها مشكله كان هنا ومسحتو بس المشكله متحلتش بردو
foreach (Client.GameState client in Program.Values)
client.MessageBox(monster.Name + " has apeared , Who will Defeat it to Get [5.000.000] ConquerPoints & [2.000] BoundCps ", (p) => { p.Entity.Teleport(monster.MapID, (ushort)(monster.X + 3), (ushort)(monster.Y + 3), false); }, null);
KhaledMohamed.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new KhaledMohamed.Network.GamePackets.Message(" Warrning " + monster.Name + " has Apeared in [" + monster.MapID.ToString() + "] at " + monster.X + ", " + monster.Y + " Who will Defeat it and get [5.000.000] ConquerPoints & [2.000] BoundCps ", System.Drawing.Color.White, KhaledMohamed.Network.GamePackets.Message.Center), Program.Values);
foreach (Client.GameState client in Program.Values)
if (client.Map.ID == map.ID)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y, monster.X, monster.Y) < Constants.nScreenDistance)
monster.CauseOfDeathIsMagic = false;
monster.SendSpawn(client, false);
if (monster.MaxHitpoints > 65535)
Update upd = new Update(true) { UID = monster.UID };
// upd.Append(Update.MaxHitpoints, monster.MaxHitpoints);
upd.Append(Update.Hitpoints, monster.Hitpoints);
if (monster.ToxicFogLeft > 0)
if (monster.MonsterInfo.Boss)
monster.ToxicFogLeft = 0;
if (now > monster.ToxicFogStamp.AddSeconds(2))
monster.ToxicFogStamp = now;
if (monster.Hitpoints > 1)
uint damage = Attacking.Calculate.Percent(monster, monster.ToxicFogPercent);
monster.Hitpoints -= damage;
var suse = new SpellUse(true);
suse.Attacker = monster.UID;
suse.SpellID = 10010;
suse.AddTarget(monster, damage, null);
public void SpawnMonsterNearToHero(MonsterInformation mt, GameState client)
if (mt == null) return;
mt.RespawnTime = 36000;
KhaledMohamed.Game.Entity entity = new KhaledMohamed.Game.Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false);
entity.MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster;
entity.MonsterInfo = mt.Copy();
entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = entity;
entity.Name = mt.Name;
entity.MinAttack = mt.MinAttack;
entity.MaxAttack = entity.MagicAttack = mt.MaxAttack;
entity.Hitpoints = entity.MaxHitpoints = mt.Hitpoints;
entity.Body = mt.Mesh;
entity.Level = mt.Level;
entity.UID = EntityUIDCounter.Next;
entity.MapID = ID;
entity.SendUpdates = true;
entity.X = (ushort)(client.Entity.X + Kernel.Random.Next(5));
entity.Y = (ushort)(client.Entity.Y + Kernel.Random.Next(5));
public void Spawnthis(MonsterInformation mt, ushort x, ushort y)
if (mt == null) return;
mt.RespawnTime = 5;
var entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false);
entity.MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster;
entity.MonsterInfo = mt.Copy();
entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = entity;
entity.Name = mt.Name;
entity.MinAttack = mt.MinAttack;
entity.MaxAttack = entity.MagicAttack = mt.MaxAttack;
entity.Hitpoints = entity.MaxHitpoints = mt.Hitpoints;
entity.Body = mt.Mesh;
entity.Level = mt.Level;
entity.UID = EntityUIDCounter.Next;
entity.MapID = this.ID;
entity.X = x;
entity.Y = y;
entity.SendUpdates = true;
foreach (var p in Program.GamePool.Where(z => z.Map.ID == this.ID && z.GetDistance(entity) <= Constants.pScreenDistance))
public void Spawnthis(MonsterInformation mt, GameState client, ushort ID, ushort x, ushort y)
if (mt == null)
mt.RespawnTime = 36000;
Entity entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false);
entity.MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster;
entity.MonsterInfo = mt.Copy();
entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = entity;
entity.Name = mt.Name;
entity.MinAttack = mt.MinAttack;
entity.MaxAttack = (entity.MagicAttack = mt.MaxAttack);
entity.Hitpoints = (entity.MaxHitpoints = mt.Hitpoints);
entity.Body = mt.Mesh;
entity.Level = mt.Level;
entity.UID = this.EntityUIDCounter.Next;
entity.MapID = ID;
entity.X = x;
entity.Y = y;
entity.SendUpdates = true;
public Map MakeDynamicMap()
ushort id = (ushort)DynamicIDs.Next;
Map myDynamic = new Map(id, this.ID, this.Path);
return myDynamic;
bool disposed = false;
public void Dispose()
if (!disposed)
disposed = true;
public void RemoveNpc(INpc npc, bool query = false)
if (Npcs.ContainsKey(npc.UID) || query)
if (!query)
#region Setting the near coords invalid to avoid unpickable items.
Floor[npc.X, npc.Y, MapObjectType.InvalidCast] = true;
if (npc.Mesh / 10 != 108 && (byte)npc.Type < 10)
ushort x = npc.X, Y = npc.Y;
foreach (Enums.ConquerAngle angle in Angles)
ushort xX = x, yY = Y;
UpdateCoordonatesForAngle(ref xX, ref yY, angle);
Floor[xX, yY, MapObjectType.InvalidCast] = true;
public void Spawnthiskingdom(Database.MonsterInformation mt, ushort x, ushort y)
if (mt == null) return;
mt.RespawnTime = 5;
var entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false);
entity.MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster;
entity.MonsterInfo = mt.Copy();
entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = entity;
entity.Name = mt.Name;
entity.MinAttack = mt.MinAttack;
entity.MaxAttack = entity.MagicAttack = mt.MaxAttack;
entity.Hitpoints = entity.MaxHitpoints = mt.Hitpoints;
entity.Body = mt.Mesh;
entity.Level = mt.Level;
entity.UID = EntityUIDCounter.Next;
entity.MapID = this.ID;
entity.X = x;
entity.Y = y;
entity.SendUpdates = true;
foreach (var z in Program.GamePool)
if (z.Map.ID == this.ID && z.GetDistance(entity) <= Constants.pScreenDistance)
public class Floor
public enum DMapPointFlag : byte
Invalid = 1,
Monster = 2,
Item = 4,
RaceItem = 8
public class Size
public int Width, Height;
public Size(int width, int height)
Width = width;
Height = height;
public Size()
Width = 0;
Height = 0;
public Size Bounds;
public DMapPointFlag[,] Locations;
public uint FloorMapId;
public Floor(int width, int height, uint mapId)
FloorMapId = mapId;
Bounds = new Size(width, height);
Locations = new DMapPointFlag[width, height];
public ushort ID;
public Counter EntityUIDCounter = new Counter(400000);
private void AddEntity(Entity entity)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool this[int x, int y, MapObjectType type, object obj = null]
if (y >= Bounds.Height || x >= Bounds.Width || x < 0 || y < 0)
return false;
DMapPointFlag filltype = Locations[x, y];
if (type == MapObjectType.InvalidCast)
return (filltype & DMapPointFlag.Invalid) == DMapPointFlag.Invalid;
if ((filltype & DMapPointFlag.Invalid) == DMapPointFlag.Invalid)
return false;
if (type == MapObjectType.Entity)
return true;
if (type == MapObjectType.Npc)
return (filltype & DMapPointFlag.Npc) != DMapPointFlag.Npc;
if (type == MapObjectType.Monster)
return (filltype & DMapPointFlag.Monster) != DMapPointFlag.Monster;
if (type == MapObjectType.Item)
return (filltype & DMapPointFlag.Item) != DMapPointFlag.Item;
if (type == MapObjectType.StaticEntity)
return (filltype & DMapPointFlag.RaceItem) != DMapPointFlag.RaceItem;
return false;
if (y >= Bounds.Height || x >= Bounds.Width || x < 0 || y < 0)
DMapPointFlag filltype = Locations[x, y];
if (value)
if (type == MapObjectType.InvalidCast)
TakeFlag(x, y, DMapPointFlag.Invalid);
if (type == MapObjectType.Item)
TakeFlag(x, y, DMapPointFlag.Item);
if (type == MapObjectType.Npc)
TakeFlag(x, y, DMapPointFlag.Npc);
if (type == MapObjectType.Monster)
TakeFlag(x, y, DMapPointFlag.Monster);
if (type == MapObjectType.StaticEntity)
TakeFlag(x, y, DMapPointFlag.RaceItem);
if (type == MapObjectType.InvalidCast)
AddFlag(x, y, DMapPointFlag.Invalid);
if (type == MapObjectType.Npc)
TakeFlag(x, y, DMapPointFlag.Npc);
if (type == MapObjectType.Item)
AddFlag(x, y, DMapPointFlag.Item);
if (type == MapObjectType.Monster)
AddFlag(x, y, DMapPointFlag.Monster);
if (type == MapObjectType.StaticEntity)
AddFlag(x, y, DMapPointFlag.RaceItem);
public DMapPointFlag AddFlag(int x, int y, DMapPointFlag extraFlag)
Locations[x, y] |= extraFlag;
return Locations[x, y];
public DMapPointFlag TakeFlag(int x, int y, DMapPointFlag extraFlag)
Locations[x, y] &= ~extraFlag;
return Locations[x, y];
public enum MapObjectType
SobNpc, Npc, Item, Monster, Entity, Nothing, InvalidCast, FloorSpell, StaticEntity
public class Portal
public Portal(ushort currentMapId, ushort currentX, ushort currentY, ushort destinationMapId, ushort destinationX, ushort destinationY)
CurrentMapID = currentMapId;
CurrentX = currentX;
CurrentY = currentY;
DestinationMapID = destinationMapId;
DestinationX = destinationX;
DestinationY = destinationY;
public Portal()
public ushort CurrentMapID
public ushort CurrentX
public ushort CurrentY
public ushort DestinationMapID
public ushort DestinationX
public ushort DestinationY
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
مشلكة في الوحوش الكبيره | ahmedhamedd555e | تطوير سيرفرات كونكر | 3 | 2021-08-19 02:39 AM |
مشكلة في الوحوش الكبيره سورس رايزو | محمودمحمدسالم | مشكلات السيرفيرات كونكر الشخصيه | 1 | 2020-04-05 03:49 PM |
مشكله ف الوحوش الكبيره | Amr Khalid | مشكلات السيرفيرات كونكر الشخصيه | 11 | 2020-04-03 09:17 AM |
عايز حل الوحوش الكبيره في سورس رايزو | محمودمحمدسالم | مشكلات السيرفيرات كونكر الشخصيه | 10 | 2020-03-16 05:59 PM |
كيفيه تحكم في ليفل الوحوش الكبيره | Hassan Emprator | تطوير سيرفرات كونكر | 0 | 2019-09-19 12:34 PM |