المشاركات 10 |
+التقييم 0.01 |
تاريخ التسجيل Nov 2019 |
الاقامة |
نظام التشغيل |
رقم العضوية 3256 |
using Extensions;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace Project_Terror_v2.Game.MsgTournaments
public class MsgEliteGuildWar
public static SafeDictionary<uint, Winner> ScoreList = new SafeDictionary<uint, Winner>();
public Dictionary<Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh, Role.SobNpc> Furnitures;
public Winner RoundOwner;
public static ushort MapID = 6521;
public ProcesType Proces;
public class Winner
public uint GuildID;
public uint Score;
public string GuildName;
public MsgEliteGuildWar()
Proces = ProcesType.Dead;
Furnitures = new Dictionary<Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh, Role.SobNpc>();
public void Load()
Furnitures.Add(Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole, Database.Server.ServerMaps[MapID].View.GetMapObject<Role.SobNpc>(Role.MapObjectType.SobNpc, 6521));
public void CheckUP()
DateTime Now = DateTime.Now;
if (Proces == ProcesType.Dead && Now.Hour == 12 && Now.Minute == 30)
if (Proces == ProcesType.Alive)
if (Now.Hour == 12 && Now.Minute == 40 && Now.Second <= 2)
MsgSchedules.SendSysMesage("EliteGuildWar will ended after 10 Minutes.", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center);
if (Now.Hour == 12 && Now.Minute == 43 && Now.Second <= 2)
MsgSchedules.SendSysMesage("EliteGuildWar will ended after 2 Minutes.", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center);
if (Now.Hour == 12 && Now.Minute == 45 && Now.Second > 2)
public void Start()
RoundOwner = null;
Proces = ProcesType.Alive;
ScoreList = new SafeDictionary<uint, Winner>();
MsgSchedules.SendSysMesage("EliteGuildWar war has began", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center);
MsgSchedules.SendInvitation("EliteGuildWar has begun! Would you like to join?", "CPs", 330, 249, 1002, 0, 60);
public void Reset(ServerSockets.Packet stream)
ScoreList = new SafeDictionary<uint, Winner>();
foreach (var npc in Furnitures.Values)
npc.HitPoints = npc.MaxHitPoints;
var Pole = Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole];
var users = Database.Server.GamePoll.Values.Where(u => Role.Core.GetDistance(u.Player.X, u.Player.Y, Pole.X, Pole.Y) <= Role.SobNpc.SeedDistrance).ToArray();
if (users != null)
foreach (var user in users)
MsgServer.MsgUpdate upd = new MsgServer.MsgUpdate(stream, Pole.UID, 2);
stream = upd.Append(stream, MsgServer.MsgUpdate.DataType.Mesh, (long)Pole.Mesh);
stream = upd.Append(stream, MsgServer.MsgUpdate.DataType.Hitpoints, Pole.HitPoints);
stream = upd.GetArray(stream);
if ((Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh)Pole.Mesh == Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole)
user.Send(Pole.GetArray(stream, false));
public void FinishRound(ServerSockets.Packet stream)
Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole].Name = RoundOwner.GuildName;
MsgSchedules.SendSysMesage("The Round Ownered by guild " + RoundOwner.GuildName + ".", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center);
public void End()
if (Proces == ProcesType.Alive)
Proces = ProcesType.Dead;
MsgSchedules.SendSysMesage(RoundOwner == null ? "EliteGuildWar has ended and there is no winner" : "Guild " + RoundOwner.GuildName + ", He is the winner of EliteGuildWar.", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center);
public void UpdateScore(ServerSockets.Packet stream, uint Score, Role.Instance.Guild Guild)
if (!ScoreList.ContainsKey(Guild.Info.GuildID))
ScoreList.Add(Guild.Info.GuildID, new Winner() { GuildName = Guild.GuildName, GuildID = Guild.Info.GuildID, Score = Score });
ScoreList[Guild.Info.GuildID].Score += Score;
if (Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole].HitPoints < 1)
private void SortScores(bool getwinner = false)
if (Proces != ProcesType.Dead)
var Array = ScoreList.Values.ToArray();
var DescendingList = Array.OrderByDescending(p => p.Score).ToArray();
for (int x = 0; x < DescendingList.Length; x++)
var element = DescendingList[x];
if (x == 0 && getwinner)
RoundOwner = element;
using (var rec = new ServerSockets.RecycledPacket())
Game.MsgServer.MsgMessage msg = new MsgServer.MsgMessage("No " + (x + 1).ToString() + ". " + element.GuildName + " (" + element.Score + ")"
, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.yellow, x == 0 ? MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.FirstRightCorner : MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.ContinueRightCorner);
if (x == 4)
public void SendMapPacket(ServerSockets.Packet packet)
foreach (var client in Database.Server.ServerMaps[MapID].Values)
EliteGuildWar = 6522,
if (attacked.UID == Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole].UID)
if (Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole].HitPoints == 0)
return false;
if (client.Player.MyGuild.GuildName == Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole].Name)
return false;
if (Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.Proces != MsgTournaments.ProcesType.Alive)
return false;
else if (Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.Proces == MsgTournaments.ProcesType.Alive && attacked.UID == Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole].UID)
Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.UpdateScore(stream, obj.Damage, client.Player.MyGuild);
internal static MsgDragonIsland DragonIsland;
internal static MsgEliteGuildWar EliteGuildWar;
GuildWar = new MsgGuildWar();
EliteGuildWar = new MsgEliteGuildWar();
case "powerarena":
case "eliteguildwaron":
case "eliteguildwarend":
Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.CaptureTheFlag.UpdateFlagScore(killer.Player, this, 0, stream);
else if (UID == Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.Furnitures[StaticMesh.Pole].UID)
uint Damage = (uint)HitPoints;
if (HitPoints > 0)
HitPoints = 0;
Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.UpdateScore(stream, Damage, killer.Player.MyGuild);
public static void ServerEvents(Client.GameClient client, ServerSockets.Packet stream, byte Option, string Input, uint id)
DateTime Now64 = DateTime.Now;
Dialog dialog = new Dialog(client, stream);
Dialog data = new Dialog(client, stream);
switch (Option)
case 0:
dialog.AddText("Hey there " + client.Player.Name + " Would you like to join Quest in time?!");
if (Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.Proces == MsgTournaments.ProcesType.Alive)
dialog.AddOption("EliteGuildWar[Open]", 1);
dialog.AddOption("EliteGuildWar[Claim]", 2);
if (Project_Terror_v2.Game.MsgTournaments.MsgWarOfPlayers.Proces == MsgTournaments.ProcesType.Alive)
dialog.AddOption("Thanxs.", 255).AddAvatar(80).FinalizeDialog();
case 1:
if (client.Player.MyGuild == null)
dialog.AddText("Sorry you not have Guild.")
if (Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.Proces == MsgTournaments.ProcesType.Alive)
client.Teleport(83, 139, 6521);
dialog.AddText("The EliteGuildWar Is Not Started / 22.00 End 23.00 .").AddOption("Alright.").FinalizeDialog();
case 2:
if (Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.Proces != MsgTournaments.ProcesType.Alive)
if (Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.RoundOwner != null && Role.Instance.Guild.GuildPoll.ContainsKey(Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.RoundOwner.GuildID))
if (client.Player.GuildRank == Role.Flags.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader)
if (client.Player.MyGuild.Info.GuildID == Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.RoundOwner.GuildID)
client.Player.ConquerPoints += 50000;
client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3009003);
client.Inventory.Add(stream, 722057);
client.Inventory.Add(stream, 722057);
client.Inventory.Add(stream, 722057);
client.Inventory.Add(stream, 722057);
client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3009001);
client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3009002);
Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.EliteGuildWar.RoundOwner = null;
Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.SendSysMesage(client.Player.Name + " has receved 50,000 CPs + 3x Stone Perf for winning EliteGuildWar .", MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center);
dialog.AddText("You dont have any rewrd to claim.").AddOption("Alright.").FinalizeDialog();
dialog.AddText("Only the guild leader can claim the reward.").AddOption("Alright.").FinalizeDialog();
dialog.AddText("There is no any rewards now..").AddOption("Alright.").FinalizeDialog();
dialog.AddText("Please come back when eliteguildwar is finished.").AddOption("Alright.").FinalizeDialog();
ElitGuildWar = 159853,
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 3 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 3) | |
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