السلام عليكم في الاول الكلام ده لسورس اليكس تاني
وللناس الي مشغله سيرفرين او اكثر او ناويه تشغل يعني ^_^
الحرب دي بين الجيلدات في السيرفرين او التلاته او لو فاتح مليون سيررفر الحرب بين الجيلدات طبعا حماس فشخ
المهم الحرب انا عاملها كل اسبوع مره هتعدل ع الوقت تعدل ع كل اكواد الوقت عشان تتظبط معاك
================================================== =========
نشوف صور الاول

================================================== ==
تمام كده خدنا فكره عن الحرب
طيب تعالوا نشوف بق الاضافات وعموما لو عاوزين تعملوا اي حرب بجيلدات وكروس وكده دي فكره انا عاملها كل حاجه اوتوماتيك وكمان تقدر تخليه ياخد توب وكده برحتك
بص يا رجاله انا كاتب كل الاضافات في تيكست ^_^
سهله باذن الله
الكروس جيلد وار ^^_^^
اتمني تدعولي عشان انا فعلا بذلت مجهود في الحاجات دي وفي الاخر مخدتش حاجه يمكن استعجلت يمكن حاجات كتير بس انا في كليه صعبه مش
هقدر اكمل للاسف
يلا نكمل
هتفتح بروجيكت الكروس
هتروح ع
هتغيره كله
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace Project_Terror_v2.Game.MsgTournaments
public class MsgGuildWar
public bool SendInvitation = false;
internal ushort[][] StatueCoords =
new ushort[] {140 ,134 }
,new ushort[] {144 ,124 }
,new ushort[] {130 ,138 }
,new ushort[] {153 ,124 }
,new ushort[] {161 ,124 }
,new ushort[] {130 ,147 }
,new ushort[] {130 ,155 }
public class GuildConductor
public static List<uint> BlockMaps = new List<uint>()
public Game.MsgNpc.Npc Npc;
public uint ToMap;
public ushort ToX, ToY;
public override string ToString()
Database.DBActions.WriteLine Line = new Database.DBActions.WriteLine(',');
return Line.Close();
internal void Load(string Line, MsgNpc.NpcID UID)
Npc = Game.MsgNpc.Npc.Create();
if (Line == "")
Npc.UID = (uint)UID;
Database.DBActions.ReadLine Reader = new Database.DBActions.ReadLine(Line, ',');
Npc.UID = Reader.Read((uint)0);
Npc.X = Reader.Read((ushort)0);
Npc.Y = Reader.Read((ushort)0);
Npc.Map = Reader.Read((ushort)0);
Npc.Mesh = Reader.Read((ushort)0);
Npc.NpcType = (Role.Flags.NpcType)Reader.Read((ushort)0);
ToX = Reader.Read((ushort)0);
ToY = Reader.Read((ushort)0);
ToMap = Reader.Read((ushort)0);
internal static bool ChangeNpcLocation(Role.GameMap map, ref ushort X, ref ushort Y, ref uint Map)
return false;
internal void GetCoords(out ushort x, out ushort y, out uint map)
if (ToMap != 0 && ToX != 0 && ToY != 0)
x = ToX;
y = ToY;
map = ToMap;
x = 300;
y = 278;
map = 1002;
public class DataFlameQuest
public List<uint> Registred;
public bool ActiveFlame10;
public DataFlameQuest()
Registred = new List<uint>();
ActiveFlame10 = false;
public class GuildWarScrore
//public const int ConquerPointsReward = 3000000;
public uint GuildID;
public string Name;
public uint Score;
//for reward
//public int LeaderReward = 1;
//public int DeputiLeaderReward = 7;
//public List<uint> RewardLeader = new List<uint>();
//public List<uint> RewardDeputiLeader = new List<uint>();
public DateTime StampRound = new DateTime();
public DateTime StampShuffleScore = new DateTime();
private Role.GameMap GuildWarMap;
public ProcesType Proces { get; set; }
public DataFlameQuest FlamesQuest;
public Dictionary<Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh, Role.SobNpc> Furnitures { get; set; }
public ConcurrentDictionary<uint, GuildWarScrore> ScoreList;
public GuildWarScrore Winner;
public Dictionary<MsgNpc.NpcID, GuildConductor> GuildConductors;
public bool SignUp(Client.GameClient client)
if (Proces == ProcesType.Idle || Proces == ProcesType.Alive)
byte RandTele = (byte)Program.GetRandom.Next(1, 14);
switch (RandTele)
case 1: client.Teleport(326, 374, 1038); break;
case 2: client.Teleport(299, 371, 1038); break;
case 3: client.Teleport(293, 352, 1038); break;
case 4: client.Teleport(262, 337, 1038); break;
case 5: client.Teleport(285, 324, 1038); break;
case 6: client.Teleport(315, 289, 1038); break;
case 7: client.Teleport(323, 268, 1038); break;
case 8: client.Teleport(351, 282, 1038); break;
case 9: client.Teleport(371, 305, 1038); break;
case 10: client.Teleport(370, 326, 1038); break;
case 11: client.Teleport(357, 335, 1038); break;
case 12: client.Teleport(333, 330, 1038); break;
default: client.Teleport(322, 321, 1038); break;
// client.Player.SetPkMode(Role.Flags.PKMode.Guild);
return true;
return false;
public bool LeftGateOpen { get { return Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.LeftGate].Mesh == Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.OpenLeftGate; } }
public bool RightGateOpen { get { return Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.RightGate].Mesh == Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.OpenRightGate; } }
public MsgGuildWar()
FlamesQuest = new DataFlameQuest();
Proces = ProcesType.Dead;
Furnitures = new Dictionary<Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh, Role.SobNpc>();
GuildConductors = new Dictionary<MsgNpc.NpcID, GuildConductor>();
ScoreList = new ConcurrentDictionary<uint, GuildWarScrore>();
Winner = new GuildWarScrore() { Name = "None", Score = 100, GuildID = 0 };
public unsafe void CreateFurnitures()
Furnitures.Add(Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.LeftGate, Database.Server.ServerMaps[1038].View.GetMapObject<Role.SobNpc>(Role.MapObjectType.SobNpc, 516074));
Furnitures.Add(Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.RightGate, Database.Server.ServerMaps[1038].View.GetMapObject<Role.SobNpc>(Role.MapObjectType.SobNpc, 516075));
Furnitures.Add(Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole, Database.Server.ServerMaps[1038].View.GetMapObject<Role.SobNpc>(Role.MapObjectType.SobNpc, 810));
public unsafe bool Bomb(ServerSockets.Packet stream, Client.GameClient client, Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh gate)
if (Furnitures[gate].HitPoints > 3000000)
Furnitures[gate].HitPoints -= 2000000;
MsgServer.MsgUpdate upd = new MsgServer.MsgUpdate(stream, Furnitures[gate].UID, 1);
stream = upd.Append(stream, MsgServer.MsgUpdate.DataType.Hitpoints, Furnitures[gate].HitPoints);
client.Player.Dead(null, client.Player.X, client.Player.Y, client.Player.UID);
Furnitures[gate].SendString(stream, MsgServer.MsgStringPacket.StringID.Effect, "firemagic");
Furnitures[gate].SendString(stream, MsgServer.MsgStringPacket.StringID.Effect, "bombarrow");
Program.SendGlobalPackets.Enqueue(new MsgServer.MsgMessage("" + client.Player.Name + " from " + (client.Player.MyGuild != null ? client.Player.MyGuild.GuildName.ToString() : "None".ToString()).ToString() + " detonated the Bomb and killed herself/himself. But the " + gate.ToString() + " was blown up!"
, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.red, MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center).GetArray(stream));
return true;
return false;
internal unsafe void ResetFurnitures(ServerSockets.Packet stream)
Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.LeftGate].Mesh = Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.LeftGate;
Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.RightGate].Mesh = Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.RightGate;
foreach (var npc in Furnitures.Values)
npc.HitPoints = npc.MaxHitPoints;
foreach (var client in Database.Server.GamePoll.Values)
if (client.Player.Map == 1038)
foreach (var npc in Furnitures.Values)
if (Role.Core.GetDistance(client.Player.X, client.Player.Y, npc.X, npc.Y) <= Role.SobNpc.SeedDistrance)
MsgServer.MsgUpdate upd = new MsgServer.MsgUpdate(stream, npc.UID, 2);
stream = upd.Append(stream, MsgServer.MsgUpdate.DataType.Mesh, (long)npc.Mesh);
stream = upd.Append(stream, MsgServer.MsgUpdate.DataType.Hitpoints, npc.HitPoints);
stream = upd.GetArray(stream);
if ((Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh)npc.Mesh == Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole)
client.Send(npc.GetArray(stream, false));
internal unsafe void SendMapPacket(ServerSockets.Packet packet)
foreach (var client in Database.Server.GamePoll.Values)
if (client.Player.Map == 1038 || client.Player.Map == 6001)
internal unsafe void CompleteEndGuildWar()
SendInvitation = false;
Proces = ProcesType.Dead;
using (var rec = new ServerSockets.RecycledPacket())
var stream = rec.GetStream();
Program.SendGlobalPackets.Enqueue(new MsgServer.MsgMessage("Congratulations to " + Winner.Name + ", they've won the CrossGuildWar with a score of " + Winner.Score.ToString() + ""
, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.white, MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center).GetArray(stream));
Program.SendGlobalPackets.Enqueue(new MsgServer.MsgMessage("Congratulations to " + Winner.Name + ", they've won the CrossGuildWar with a score of " + Winner.Score.ToString() + ""
, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.white, MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.System).GetArray(stream));
Program.SendGlobalPackets.Enqueue(new MsgServer.MsgMessage("Congratulations to " + Winner.Name + ", they've won the CrossGuildWar with a score of " + Winner.Score.ToString() + ""
, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.white, MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.BroadcastMessage).GetArray(stream));
//Winner.DeputiLeaderReward = 7;
//Winner.LeaderReward = 1;
using (var rec = new ServerSockets.RecycledPacket())
var stream = rec.GetStream();
internal unsafe void Start()
FlamesQuest = new DataFlameQuest();
Proces = ProcesType.Alive;
using (var rec = new ServerSockets.RecycledPacket())
var stream = rec.GetStream();
Program.SendGlobalPackets.Enqueue(new MsgServer.MsgMessage("CrossGuild War has started!", MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.white, MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.System).GetArray(stream));
//public void GuildWarRevive()
// Extensions.Time32 Timer = Extensions.Time32.Now;
// foreach (var user in MapPlayers())
// {
// if (user.Player.Alive == false && Proces != ProcesType.Dead)
// {
// if (user.Player.DeadStamp.AddSeconds(6) < Timer)
// {
// ushort x = 0;
// ushort y = 0;
// GuildWarMap.GetRandCoord(ref x, ref y);
// user.Teleport(x, y, GuildWarMap.ID);
// }
// }
// }
internal unsafe void FinishRound()
Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole].Name = Winner.Name;
Proces = ProcesType.Idle;
using (var rec = new ServerSockets.RecycledPacket())
var stream = rec.GetStream();
Program.SendGlobalPackets.Enqueue(new MsgServer.MsgMessage("Congratulations to " + Winner.Name + ", they've won The Pole Round of the CrossGuildWar with a score of " + Winner.Score.ToString() + ""
, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.white, MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.System).GetArray(stream));
Program.SendGlobalPackets.Enqueue(new MsgServer.MsgMessage("Congratulations to " + Winner.Name + ", they've won The Pole Round of the CrossGuildWar with a score of " + Winner.Score.ToString() + ""
, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.red, MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center).GetArray(stream));
StampRound = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(3);
internal unsafe void Began()
if (Proces == ProcesType.Idle)
Proces = ProcesType.Alive;
using (var rec = new ServerSockets.RecycledPacket())
var stream = rec.GetStream();
Program.SendGlobalPackets.Enqueue(new MsgServer.MsgMessage("CrossGuild War has began!", MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.white, MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.System).GetArray(stream));
internal void UpdateScore(Role.Player client, uint Damage)
if (client.MyGuild == null)
if (Proces == ProcesType.Alive)
if (!ScoreList.ContainsKey(client.GuildID))
ScoreList.TryAdd(client.GuildID, new GuildWarScrore() { GuildID = client.MyGuild.Info.GuildID, Name = client.MyGuild.GuildName, Score = Damage });
ScoreList[client.MyGuild.Info.GuildID].Score += Damage;
if (Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole].HitPoints == 0)
internal unsafe void ShuffleGuildScores(bool createWinned = false)
if (Proces != ProcesType.Dead)
StampShuffleScore = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(8);
var Array = ScoreList.Values.ToArray();
var DescendingList = Array.OrderByDescending(p => p.Score).ToArray();
for (int x = 0; x < DescendingList.Length; x++)
var element = DescendingList[x];
if (x == 0 && createWinned)
Winner = element;
using (var rec = new ServerSockets.RecycledPacket())
var stream = rec.GetStream();
Game.MsgServer.MsgMessage msg = new MsgServer.MsgMessage("No " + (x + 1).ToString() + ". " + element.Name + " (" + element.Score.ToString() + ")"
, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.yellow, x == 0 ? MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.FirstRightCorner : MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.ContinueRightCorner);
if (x == 4)
internal bool ValidJump(int Current, out int New, ushort X, ushort Y)
if (Role.Core.GetDistance(217, 177, X, Y) <= 3)
New = 0;
return true;
New = Current;
int new_FloorType = GuildWarMap.FloorType[X, Y];
if (Current == 3)
if (new_FloorType == 0 || new_FloorType == 9 || new_FloorType == 13)
if (Role.Core.GetDistance(X, Y, 164, 209) <= 20)
if (LeftGateOpen)
New = new_FloorType;
return true;
if (Role.Core.GetDistance(X, Y, 222, 177) <= 15)
if (RightGateOpen)
New = new_FloorType;
return true;
return false;
New = new_FloorType;
return true;
internal bool ValidWalk(int Current, out int New, ushort X, ushort Y)
if (Role.Core.GetDistance(217, 177, X, Y) <= 3)
New = 0;
return true;
New = Current;
int new_mask = GuildWarMap.FloorType[X, Y];
if (Current == 3)
if (new_mask == 0 || new_mask == 9 || new_mask == 13)
if (Y == 209 || Y == 208)
if (Role.Core.GetDistance(X, Y, 164, 209) <= 3)
if (LeftGateOpen)
New = new_mask;
return true;
else if (X == 216)
if (Role.Core.GetDistance(X, Y, 216, 177) <= 4)
if (RightGateOpen)
New = new_mask;
return true;
return false;
New = new_mask;
return true;
internal void Save()
WindowsAPI.IniFile write = new WindowsAPI.IniFile("\\GuildWarInfo.ini");
if (Proces == ProcesType.Dead)
write.Write<uint>("Info", "ID", Winner.GuildID);
write.WriteString("Info", "Name", Winner.Name);
write.Write<uint>("Info", "reward", 0);
//write.Write<int>("Info", "LeaderReward", Winner.LeaderReward);
//write.Write<int>("Info", "DeputiLeaderReward", Winner.DeputiLeaderReward);
//for (int x = 0; x < RewardLeader.Count; x++)
// write.Write<uint>("Info", "LeaderTop" +x.ToString()+"", RewardLeader[x]);
//for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
// if (x >= RewardDeputiLeader.Count)
// break;
// write.Write<uint>("Info", "DeputiTop" + x.ToString() + "", RewardDeputiLeader[x]);
write.WriteString("Pole", "Name", Winner.Name);
write.Write<int>("Pole", "HitPoints", Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole].HitPoints);
//write.WriteString("Condutors", "GuildConductor1", GuildConductors[MsgNpc.NpcID.TeleGuild1].ToString());
//write.WriteString("Condutors", "GuildConductor2", GuildConductors[MsgNpc.NpcID.TeleGuild2].ToString());
//write.WriteString("Condutors", "GuildConductor3", GuildConductors[MsgNpc.NpcID.TeleGuild3].ToString());
//write.WriteString("Condutors", "GuildConductor4", GuildConductors[MsgNpc.NpcID.TeleGuild4].ToString());
internal void Load()
WindowsAPI.IniFile reader = new WindowsAPI.IniFile("\\GuildWarInfo.ini");
Winner.GuildID = reader.ReadUInt32("Info", "ID", 0);
Winner.Name = reader.ReadString("Info", "Name", "None");
//Winner.LeaderReward = reader.ReadInt32("Info", "LeaderReward", 0);
//Winner.DeputiLeaderReward = reader.ReadInt32("Info", "DeputiLeaderReward", 0);
//RewardLeader.Add(reader.ReadUInt32("Info", "LeaderTop0", 0));
//for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
// RewardDeputiLeader.Add(reader.ReadUInt32("Info", "DeputiTop" + x.ToString() + "", 0));
Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole].Name = reader.ReadString("Pole", "Name", "None");
Furnitures[Role.SobNpc.StaticMesh.Pole].HitPoints = reader.ReadInt32("Pole", "HitPoints", 0);
//for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
// GuildConductor conductor = new GuildConductor();
// conductor.Load(reader.ReadString("Condutors", "GuildConductor" + (x + 1).ToString() + "", ""), (MsgNpc.NpcID)(101614 + x * 2));
// GuildConductors.Add((MsgNpc.NpcID)(101614 + x * 2), conductor);
// if (conductor.Npc.Map != 0)
// {
// if (Database.Server.ServerMaps.ContainsKey(conductor.Npc.Map))
// Database.Server.ServerMaps[conductor.Npc.Map].AddNpc(conductor.Npc);
// }
GuildWarMap = Database.Server.ServerMaps[1038];
هتروح ع
هتبحث عن
هتخليها بالشكل ده من اول
if (Program.ServerConfig.IsInterServer)
لاخررها يعني هتبق كده
if (Program.ServerConfig.IsInterServer)
if (Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.GuildWar.Proces == Game.MsgTournaments.ProcesType.Alive || Game.MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.GuildWar.Proces == Game.MsgTournaments.ProcesType.Idle)
هتنزل تحت
public static void SetLocation(Client.GameClient user)
هتضيف دي فيها
case 2:// Cross Guild War
هتروح في
هتبحث عن
if (Player.SetLocationType != 1
هتخليها كده
if (Player.SetLocationType != 1 && Player.SetLocationType != 2 && Player.SetLocationType != 11 && Player.SetLocationType != 3)
هتنزل تحت فيها
لحد دي او ابحث عنها
if (!Player.Alive && revive /*&& Player.Map != 1038*/)
طبعا الحته بتاعت الماب بتبق مفتوح انت اقفلها
زي مهي دي يعني
هبحث عن
في السورس هتلاقيها في
دور ع دي او ضيفها بس اتاكد انها مش موجوده
if (client.Player.Map == 1038)// gw map
client.Teleport(322, 321, 1038, 0, true, true);
client.Teleport(322, 321, 1038);
هتروح تنزل ان بي سي يطلعك للسيرفر بتاعك
ده في sobnpc في الدااتا السي يعني
وادي الان بي سي
public static void outCrossGuild(Client.GameClient client, ServerSockets.Packet stream, byte Option, string Input, uint id)
Dialog data = new Dialog(client, stream);
switch (Option)
case 0:
data.AddText("I have the code to Return you to Your Server. If you want to return to Your Server, i can help you.");
data.AddOption("Return to My Server.", 1)
.AddOption("I see.", 255)
case 1:
في NpcID.cs
outCrossGuild = 41756,
كمان عشان تخلي الابواب تتكلم عادي مع الناس الي اصلا مش من نفس السيرفر
هتبحث عن
if (action.npcid == (ushort)NpcID.KingdomMissionEnvoy
|| action.npcid == (ushort)NpcID.RealmEnvoy ||
خليها كده
if (action.npcid == (ushort)NpcID.KingdomMissionEnvoy
|| action.npcid == (ushort)NpcID.RealmEnvoy || action.npcid == (ushort)NpcID.outCrossGuild || action.npcid == (uint)NpcID.LeftGate || action.npcid == (uint)NpcID.RightGate)
كده خلينا في بروجيكت الكروس هتروح قاعده الكروس
هتفتحه وتمسح الي فيه وحط ده
كده خلصنا شغل الي ف الكروس تعالوا في السورسين بق
هتضيف الان بي سي ده
public static void CaptureTheFlag(Client.GameClient client, ServerSockets.Packet stream, byte Option, string Input, uint id)
Dialog data = new Dialog(client, stream);
switch (Option)
case 0:
data.Text("Hello Player i Cross Server Manger I can help you in all War Cross Server ")
.AddText("Cross Servers War Starts Every Week At Sunday [20:00] and end [22:00] you can join in that time only")
.AddText("Cross Guild War Starts Every Week At Thrsday [20:00] and end [22:00] you can join in that time only")
//.AddOption("Cross~Servers~War", 3)
.AddOption("Cross~Guild~War", 2)
.AddOption("No Thanks", 255)
//case 1:
// {
// data.Text("Cross Servers War Starts Every Week At Sunday [20:00] and end [22:00] you can join in that time only")
// .AddOption("Join CrossServersWar", 3)
// .AddAvatar(70).FinalizeDialog();
// break;
// }
case 3:
DateTime Now64 = DateTime.Now;
if (Now64.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
if ((Now64.Hour >= 20) && (Now64.Hour < 22))
client.Player.SetLocationType = 3;
MsgInterServer.PipeClient.Connect(client, Database.GroupServerList.InterServer.IPAddress, Database.GroupServerList.InterServer.Port);
data.Text("Sorry Man the Cross Servers War Starts only in [Sunday] from [20:01] to [22:00]")
data.Text("Sorry Man the Cross Servers War Starts only in [Sunday] from [20:01] to [22:00]")
case 2:
data.Text("Cross Guilds War Starts Every Week At Thrsday [20:00] and end [22:00] you can join in that time only")
.AddOption("Join CrossGuildSWar", 4)
.AddOption("Claim CrossGuildsWar Reward", 5)
case 4:
if (client.Player.MyGuild != null)
DateTime Now64 = DateTime.Now;
if (Now64.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday)
if ((Now64.Hour >= 20) && (Now64.Hour < 22))
client.Player.SetLocationType = 2;
MsgInterServer.PipeClient.Connect(client, Database.GroupServerList.InterServer.IPAddress, Database.GroupServerList.InterServer.Port);
data.Text("Sorry Man the Cross Guilds War Starts only in [Thursday] from [20:01] to [22:00]")
data.Text("Sorry Man the Cross Guilds War Starts only in [Thursday] from [20:01] to [22:00]")
data.Text("You Should be in Guild Bro")
case 5:
if (client.Player.MyGuild != null)
if (client.Player.MyGuild.GuildName == MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.GuildWar.Winner2.Name && client.Player.MyGuild != null)
if (client.Player.GuildRank == Role.Flags.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader && MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.GuildWar.mido == 0)
client.Player.ConquerPoints += 50000000;
MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.GuildWar.mido = 1;
WindowsAPI.IniFile2 write = new WindowsAPI.IniFile2("\\GuildWarInfo.ini");
write.Write<uint>("Info", "reward", MsgTournaments.MsgSchedules.GuildWar.mido);
Program.SendGlobalPackets.Enqueue(new MsgServer.MsgMessage("" + client.Player.Name + " , GuildLeader of the Guild[ " + client.Player.MyGuild.GuildName + " ] was rewarded with 50,000,000 Cps [Winner Of the CrossGuildWar].", MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.red, MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center).GetArray(stream));
data.Text("Only Guild Leader Or You Have Claim The Reward")
data.Text("Sorry You Are Not in The Guild That Win the Cross Guild War")
data.Text("You Should be in Guild Bro")
طبعا هيظهر ايرورات هتروح
بدله بده
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Project_Terror_v2.WindowsAPI
public unsafe class IniFile
public string FileName;
public IniFile(string _FileName, bool overridep = false)
if (!overridep)
FileName = Program.ServerConfig.DbLocation + _FileName;
FileName = _FileName;
public IniFile()
FileName = null;
public const int
Int32_Size = 15,
Int16_Size = 9,
Int8_Size = 6,
Bool_Size = 6,
Double_Size = 20,
Int64_Size = 22,
Float_Size = 10;
public static Func<string, int> ToInt32 = new Func<string, int>(int.Parse);
public static Func<string, uint> ToUInt32 = new Func<string, uint>(uint.Parse);
public static Func<string, short> ToInt16 = new Func<string, short>(short.Parse);
public static Func<string, ushort> ToUInt16 = new Func<string, ushort>(ushort.Parse);
public static Func<string, sbyte> ToInt8 = new Func<string, sbyte>(sbyte.Parse);
public static Func<string, byte> ToUInt8 = new Func<string, byte>(byte.Parse);
public static Func<string, bool> ToBool = new Func<string, bool>(bool.Parse);
public static Func<string, double> ToDouble = new Func<string, double>(double.Parse);
public static Func<string, long> ToInt64 = new Func<string, long>(long.Parse);
public static Func<string, ulong> ToUInt64 = new Func<string, ulong>(ulong.Parse);
public static Func<string, float> ToFloat = new Func<string, float>(float.Parse);
public string ReadString(string Section, string Key, string Default, int Size)
char* lpBuffer = stackalloc char[Size];
Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileStringW(Section, Key, Default, lpBuffer, Size, FileName);
return new string(lpBuffer).Trim('\0');
public string ReadString(string Section, string Key, string Default)
return ReadString(Section, Key, Default, 255);
public string ReadBigString(string Section, string Key, string Default)
return ReadString(Section, Key, Default, 255 * 4);
public void ReadString(string Section, string Key, void* Default, void* Buffer, int Size)
Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileStringA(Section, Key, Default, (sbyte*)Buffer, Size, FileName);
public T ReadValue<T>(string Section, string Key, T Default, Func<string, T> callback)
return callback.Invoke(ReadString(Section, Key, Default.ToString()));
return Default;
public T ReadValue<T>(string Section, string Key, T Default, Func<string, T> callback, int BufferSize)
return callback.Invoke(ReadString(Section, Key, Default.ToString(), BufferSize));
return Default;
public int ReadInt32(string Section, string Key, int Default)
return ReadValue<int>(Section, Key, Default, ToInt32, Int32_Size);
public ulong ReadUInt64(string Section, string Key, ulong Default)
return ReadValue<ulong>(Section, Key, Default, ToUInt64, Int64_Size);
public long ReadInt64(string Section, string Key, long Default)
return ReadValue<long>(Section, Key, Default, ToInt64, Int64_Size);
public double ReadDouble(string Section, string Key, double Default)
return ReadValue<double>(Section, Key, Default, ToDouble, Double_Size);
public uint ReadUInt32(string Section, string Key, uint Default)
return ReadValue<uint>(Section, Key, Default, ToUInt32, Int32_Size);
public short ReadInt16(string Section, string Key, short Default)
return ReadValue<short>(Section, Key, Default, ToInt16, Int16_Size);
public ushort ReadUInt16(string Section, string Key, ushort Default)
return ReadValue<ushort>(Section, Key, Default, ToUInt16, Int16_Size);
public sbyte ReadSByte(string Section, string Key, sbyte Default)
return ReadValue<sbyte>(Section, Key, Default, ToInt8, Int8_Size);
public byte ReadByte(string Section, string Key, byte Default)
return ReadValue<byte>(Section, Key, Default, ToUInt8, Int8_Size);
public bool ReadBool(string Section, string Key, bool Default)
return ReadValue<bool>(Section, Key, Default, ToBool, Bool_Size);
public float ReadFloat(string Section, string Key, float Default)
return ReadValue<float>(Section, Key, Default, ToFloat, Float_Size);
public void WriteString(string Section, string Key, string Value)
if (Value == null)
Value = "0";
Kernel32.WritePrivateProfileString(Section, Key, Value, FileName);
public void Write<T>(string Section, string Key, T Value)
Kernel32.WritePrivateProfileString(Section, Key, Value.ToString(), FileName);
public void WriteStruct(string Section, string Key, void* lpStruct, int Size)
Kernel32.WritePrivateProfileStructW(Section, Key, lpStruct, Size, FileName);
public string[] GetSectionNames(int BufferSize)
char* lpBuffer = stackalloc char[BufferSize];
int Size = Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW(lpBuffer, BufferSize, FileName);
if (Size == 0)
return new string[0];
return new string(lpBuffer, 0, Size - 1).Split('\0');
public string[] GetSection(string Section, int BufferSize)
char* lpBuffer = stackalloc char[BufferSize];
int Size = Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileSectionW(Section, lpBuffer, BufferSize, FileName);
if (Size == 0)
return new string[0];
return new string(lpBuffer, 0, Size - 1).Split('\0');
public string[] GetSectionNames()
return GetSectionNames(4096);
public string[] GetSection(string Section)
return GetSection(Section, 4096);
public bool SectionExists(string Section)
char* temp = stackalloc char[Section.Length + 1];
int r = Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileSectionW(Section, temp, Section.Length + 1, FileName);
return (temp[0] != 0);
public bool KeyExists(string Section, string Key)
const char not_used = (char)0x007F;
const string not_used_s = "\007F";
char* temp = stackalloc char[2];
uint r = Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileStringW(Section, Key, not_used_s, temp, 2, FileName);
return (r == 0 && temp[0] == 0) || (r > 0 && temp[0] != not_used);
public unsafe class IniFile2
public string FileName2;
public IniFile2(string _FileName2, bool overridep = false)
if (!overridep)
FileName2 = Program.ServerConfig.DbLocationcross + _FileName2;
FileName2 = _FileName2;
public IniFile2()
FileName2 = null;
public const int
Int32_Size = 15,
Int16_Size = 9,
Int8_Size = 6,
Bool_Size = 6,
Double_Size = 20,
Int64_Size = 22,
Float_Size = 10;
public static Func<string, int> ToInt32 = new Func<string, int>(int.Parse);
public static Func<string, uint> ToUInt32 = new Func<string, uint>(uint.Parse);
public static Func<string, short> ToInt16 = new Func<string, short>(short.Parse);
public static Func<string, ushort> ToUInt16 = new Func<string, ushort>(ushort.Parse);
public static Func<string, sbyte> ToInt8 = new Func<string, sbyte>(sbyte.Parse);
public static Func<string, byte> ToUInt8 = new Func<string, byte>(byte.Parse);
public static Func<string, bool> ToBool = new Func<string, bool>(bool.Parse);
public static Func<string, double> ToDouble = new Func<string, double>(double.Parse);
public static Func<string, long> ToInt64 = new Func<string, long>(long.Parse);
public static Func<string, ulong> ToUInt64 = new Func<string, ulong>(ulong.Parse);
public static Func<string, float> ToFloat = new Func<string, float>(float.Parse);
public string ReadString(string Section, string Key, string Default, int Size)
char* lpBuffer = stackalloc char[Size];
Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileStringW(Section, Key, Default, lpBuffer, Size, FileName2);
return new string(lpBuffer).Trim('\0');
public string ReadString(string Section, string Key, string Default)
return ReadString(Section, Key, Default, 255);
public string ReadBigString(string Section, string Key, string Default)
return ReadString(Section, Key, Default, 255 * 4);
public void ReadString(string Section, string Key, void* Default, void* Buffer, int Size)
Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileStringA(Section, Key, Default, (sbyte*)Buffer, Size, FileName2);
public T ReadValue<T>(string Section, string Key, T Default, Func<string, T> callback)
return callback.Invoke(ReadString(Section, Key, Default.ToString()));
return Default;
public T ReadValue<T>(string Section, string Key, T Default, Func<string, T> callback, int BufferSize)
return callback.Invoke(ReadString(Section, Key, Default.ToString(), BufferSize));
return Default;
public int ReadInt32(string Section, string Key, int Default)
return ReadValue<int>(Section, Key, Default, ToInt32, Int32_Size);
public ulong ReadUInt64(string Section, string Key, ulong Default)
return ReadValue<ulong>(Section, Key, Default, ToUInt64, Int64_Size);
public long ReadInt64(string Section, string Key, long Default)
return ReadValue<long>(Section, Key, Default, ToInt64, Int64_Size);
public double ReadDouble(string Section, string Key, double Default)
return ReadValue<double>(Section, Key, Default, ToDouble, Double_Size);
public uint ReadUInt32(string Section, string Key, uint Default)
return ReadValue<uint>(Section, Key, Default, ToUInt32, Int32_Size);
public short ReadInt16(string Section, string Key, short Default)
return ReadValue<short>(Section, Key, Default, ToInt16, Int16_Size);
public ushort ReadUInt16(string Section, string Key, ushort Default)
return ReadValue<ushort>(Section, Key, Default, ToUInt16, Int16_Size);
public sbyte ReadSByte(string Section, string Key, sbyte Default)
return ReadValue<sbyte>(Section, Key, Default, ToInt8, Int8_Size);
public byte ReadByte(string Section, string Key, byte Default)
return ReadValue<byte>(Section, Key, Default, ToUInt8, Int8_Size);
public bool ReadBool(string Section, string Key, bool Default)
return ReadValue<bool>(Section, Key, Default, ToBool, Bool_Size);
public float ReadFloat(string Section, string Key, float Default)
return ReadValue<float>(Section, Key, Default, ToFloat, Float_Size);
public void WriteString(string Section, string Key, string Value)
if (Value == null)
Value = "0";
Kernel32.WritePrivateProfileString(Section, Key, Value, FileName2);
public void Write<T>(string Section, string Key, T Value)
Kernel32.WritePrivateProfileString(Section, Key, Value.ToString(), FileName2);
public void WriteStruct(string Section, string Key, void* lpStruct, int Size)
Kernel32.WritePrivateProfileStructW(Section, Key, lpStruct, Size, FileName2);
public string[] GetSectionNames(int BufferSize)
char* lpBuffer = stackalloc char[BufferSize];
int Size = Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW(lpBuffer, BufferSize, FileName2);
if (Size == 0)
return new string[0];
return new string(lpBuffer, 0, Size - 1).Split('\0');
public string[] GetSection(string Section, int BufferSize)
char* lpBuffer = stackalloc char[BufferSize];
int Size = Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileSectionW(Section, lpBuffer, BufferSize, FileName2);
if (Size == 0)
return new string[0];
return new string(lpBuffer, 0, Size - 1).Split('\0');
public string[] GetSectionNames()
return GetSectionNames(4096);
public string[] GetSection(string Section)
return GetSection(Section, 4096);
public bool SectionExists(string Section)
char* temp = stackalloc char[Section.Length + 1];
int r = Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileSectionW(Section, temp, Section.Length + 1, FileName2);
return (temp[0] != 0);
public bool KeyExists(string Section, string Key)
const char not_used = (char)0x007F;
const string not_used_s = "\007F";
char* temp = stackalloc char[2];
uint r = Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileStringW(Section, Key, not_used_s, temp, 2, FileName2);
return (r == 0 && temp[0] == 0) || (r > 0 && temp[0] != not_used);
هتبحث عن
WindowsAPI.IniFile IniFile = new WindowsAPI.IniFile(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\shell.ini", true);
هتحط ده
Program.ServerConfig.DbLocationcross = IniFile.ReadString("Database", "Location2", "");
وفي program.cs ضيف
public static string DbLocationcross = ""; // for cross war
هتروح MsgGuildWar.cs في السورس العادي (السورسين طبعا )
هتضيف في اخره
internal void Load2()
WindowsAPI.IniFile2 reader = new WindowsAPI.IniFile2("\\GuildWarInfo.ini");
Winner2.GuildID = reader.ReadUInt32("Info", "ID", 0);
Winner2.Name = reader.ReadString("Info", "Name", "None");
mido = reader.ReadUInt32("Info", "reward", 0);
هتبحث في نفس الكلاس بتاع الوار
public GuildWarScrore Winner;
حط تحتها
public GuildWarScrore Winner2;
هتبحث عن
Winner = new GuildWarScrore() { Name = "None", Score = 100, GuildID = 0 };
Winner2 = new GuildWarScrore() { Name = "None", Score = 100, GuildID = 0 };
هتبحث عن
public ProcesType Proces { get; set; }
تحتها حط
حط ده تحت
if (Now64.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday && Now64.Minute == 00 && Now64.Hour == 20 && Now64.Second == 35)
SendSysMesage("The CrossServersWar Starts Now Go to CrossServerManger to SignUp now Many Rewards For the best Server.", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Center, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.red);
SendSysMesage("The CrossServersWar Starts Now Go to CrossServerManger to SignUp now Many Rewards For the best Server .", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.CrossServerIcon, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.red);
//SendSysMesage("The CrossServersWar Starts Now Go to CrossServerManger to SignUp now Many Rewards For the best Server .", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Guild, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.red);
//SendSysMesage("The CrossServersWar Starts Now Go to CrossServerManger to SignUp now Many Rewards For the best Server .", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.CrosTheServer, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.red);
SendSysMesage("The CrossServersWar Starts Now Go to CrossServerManger to SignUp now Many Rewards For the best Server .", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.BroadcastMessage, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.red);
//SendSysMesage("The CrossServersWar Starts Now Go to CrossServerManger to SignUp now Many Rewards For the best Server .", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.Whisper, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.red);
//SendSysMesage("The CrossServersWar Starts Now Go to CrossServerManger to SignUp now Many Rewards For the best Server .", MsgServer.MsgMessage.ChatMode.TopLeftSystem, MsgServer.MsgMessage.MsgColor.red);
if (Now64.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday && Now64.Minute == 00 && Now64.Hour == 22 && Now64.Second == 03)
هتروح في shell في السورسين الي بتعدل منه
تحت دي [Database]
هتحط ده
Location2=G:\سورس اللعبه\DataBase\Cross\
هتغيره طبعا لمكان الداتا بتاعت الكروس
كمان ده ف السورسين
هتلاقي ملف اسمه
طبعا اي شغل كان في السورس بيتعمل في السورسين
تقدر تعدل الجايزه تدي توب برحتك
هتعدل في ان بي سي التوب الي في السورسين
كده كامله ابواب شغاله تمام + تضرب تمام + تصحي تمام + تستلم الجايزه تمام + باذن الله مفيش مشاكل
دعووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووه حلوه والنبي
هنزلكم كروس سيرفرز وار حرب بين السيرفرات البوله بتكتب عليها اسم السيرفر دمار والجايزه اوتو ماتيك ^_^
لينك التيكست اهو
عفواً لايمكن عرض الرابط إلا بعد الرد على الموضوع
بالتوفيق يا غاليين ياريت تدعولي
والناس الي شغال ع اليكس انتظروا هدلعكم كمان شويه