ElSaher |
2019-09-20 10:49 AM |
طلب OnlinePoints
عايز اخلي الاولين بوينت يدي
الفايبي 7
وا يدي الكاس
وا يدي سبس
عايز الاضافت الي في npc بس
عايز اخلي الفايبي 7 بي 5000
الكاس بي 3000
بي 500نقطة
1مليار بي 1الف نقطة
250مليون بي 250نقطة
سورسي نوعه
دا الي npc الي معايا عدلو عليه
كود PHP:
#region System Online Points case 121212: { #region -- CPs -- //////////////////////////////////////// uint CPsTB1 = 100; uint CPs1 = 200000000; //////////////////////////////////////// uint CPsTB2 = 200; uint CPs2 = 400000000; #endregion switch (npcRequest.OptionID) { case 0: { dialog.Text("All (Heroes) can talk to me to learn about my offers, this offers for OnlinePoints only."); dialog.Text("Your OnlinePoints Count is : " + client.Player.OnlinePoints + " ."); dialog.Option("You|Need|Cps|for|OnlinePoints[100 And 200 Points]", 10); dialog.Option("Just passing by.", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } #region -- CPs -- case 10: { dialog.Text("You Choosed Your Way , You Want To Exchange OnlinePoints For CPs .. You Have [ " + string.Format("{0:n0}", client.Player.OnlinePoints) + " OnlinePoints ] ."); dialog.Option("" + string.Format("{0:n0}", CPs1) + " CPs (" + string.Format("{0:n0}", CPsTB1) + " TP) .", 2); dialog.Option("" + string.Format("{0:n0}", CPs2) + " CPs (" + string.Format("{0:n0}", CPsTB2) + " TP) .", 3); dialog.Option("Back .", 165); dialog.Option("Thank You .", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } case 2: { if (client.Player.OnlinePoints >= CPsTB1) { client.Player.OnlinePoints -= CPsTB1; client.Player.ConquerPoints += CPs1; client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "You Have Exchanged (" + string.Format("{0:n0}", CPsTB1) + " OnlinePoints) For (" + string.Format("{0:n0}", CPs1) + " CPs) .")); } else { dialog.Text("- (Sorry): You Don't Have Enough OnlinePoints To Exchanged , You Need (" + string.Format("{0:n0}", CPsTB1) + " OnlinePoints) And You Have Only [ " + string.Format("{0:n0}", client.Player.OnlinePoints) + " OnlinePoint ] -"); dialog.Option("Back .", 165); dialog.Option("Wait a Minute .", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 3: { if (client.Player.OnlinePoints >= CPsTB2) { client.Player.OnlinePoints -= CPsTB2; client.Player.ConquerPoints += CPs2; client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "You Have Exchanged (" + string.Format("{0:n0}", CPsTB2) + " OnlinePoints) For (" + string.Format("{0:n0}", CPs2) + " CPs) .")); } else { dialog.Text("- (Sorry): You Don't Have Enough OnlinePoints To Exchanged , You Need (" + string.Format("{0:n0}", CPsTB6) + " OnlinePoints) And You Have Only [ " + string.Format("{0:n0}", client.Player.OnlinePoints) + " OnlinePoint ] -"); dialog.Option("Back .", 1); dialog.Option("Wait a Minute .", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } #endregion } break; } #endregion