رد: محتاج راجل بتاع اني بور كامل وا راجل بتاع جانج full a
جيانج ايبك
كود PHP:
#region Jiang Npc case 88855: { switch (npcRequest.OptionID) { case 0: { if (client.Entity.MyJiang == null) { dialog.Text("Sorry But You Don't Have Jiang Yet."); dialog.Option("I'll think about it!", 255); dialog.Send(); return; } dialog.Text("Hello Messi Jiang Seller."); for (int i = 0; i < client.Entity.MyJiang.Stagers.Length; i++) { var stage = client.Entity.MyJiang.Stagers[i]; if (stage.Activate) dialog.Option("Stage [" + (byte)(i + 1) + "]", (byte)(i + 1));
} dialog.Option("I'll think about it!", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } default: { int mStage = npcRequest.OptionID; if (mStage >= 1 && mStage <= 9) { foreach (var item in Database.JiangHu.CultivateStatus[(byte)mStage]) { dialog.Option(((Game.JiangHu.JiangStages.AtributesType)item).ToString(), (byte)((item * 10) + mStage)); }
} else {
var typex = mStage / 10; mStage = mStage % 10; byte stageno = (byte)Math.Min(9, mStage); byte level = 6; var type = (Game.JiangHu.JiangStages.AtributesType)Math.Min(15, typex); if (client.Entity.MyJiang.Stagers.Length >= stageno) { var stage = client.Entity.MyJiang.Stagers[(stageno - 1)]; for (byte i = 1; i < stage.Stars.Length + 1; i++) { client.Entity.MyJiang.MyNewStart = new Game.JiangHu.GetNewStar(); client.Entity.MyJiang.MyNewStart.PositionStar = i; client.Entity.MyJiang.MyNewStart.Stage = stageno; client.Entity.MyJiang.MyNewStart.Star = new Game.JiangHu.JiangStages.Star(); client.Entity.MyJiang.MyNewStart.Star.Activate = true; client.Entity.MyJiang.MyNewStart.Star.Level = level; client.Entity.MyJiang.MyNewStart.Star.Typ = type; client.Entity.MyJiang.MyNewStart.Star.UID = client.Entity.MyJiang.ValueToRoll(client.Entity.MyJiang.MyNewStart.Star.Typ, client.Entity.MyJiang.MyNewStart.Star.Level); Network.GamePackets.JiangHuUpdate upd = new Network.GamePackets.JiangHuUpdate(); upd.Atribute = client.Entity.MyJiang.MyNewStart.Star.UID; upd.FreeCourse = client.Entity.MyJiang.FreeCourse; upd.Stage = stageno; upd.Star = i; upd.FreeTimeTodeyUsed = (byte)client.Entity.MyJiang.FreeTimeTodeyUsed; upd.RoundBuyPoints = client.Entity.MyJiang.RoundBuyPoints; client.Send(upd.ToArray()); client.Entity.MyJiang.ApplayNewStar(client); } if (client.Entity.MyJiang != null) client.Entity.MyJiang.SendStatus(client, client); }
} break; } } break; } #endregion
انر بور
كود PHP:
#region System InnerPower +items-Check case 1547: { switch (npcRequest.OptionID) { case 0: { dialog.Text("Hey [" + client.Entity.Name + "] I can sell Items InnerPower. all you have to choose and Check your Points."); dialog.Text("Your~InnerPower~Count~is: "); dialog.Text("<tip color=d7ff41 desc=Inner#Power>[" + client.Entity.InnerPower.Potency + "]</tip>: \n"); dialog.Option("UniversalConcept(A)&(B) For " + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + " CPS", 1); dialog.Option("SecretofBreath(A)&(B) For " + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + " CPS", 2); dialog.Option("DragonTactics(A)&(B) For " + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + " CPS", 3); dialog.Option("DoctrineofDeity(A)(B)(C) For " + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + " CPS", 4); dialog.Option("DemonRider(A)(B) For " + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + " CPS", 5); dialog.Option("BoundlessHeart(A)(B)(C) For " + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + " CPS", 6); dialog.Option("PuzzleofLife(A)(B)(C) For " + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + " CPS", 7); dialog.Option("Points Inner For " + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + " CPS", 8); dialog.Option("Let~me~think.", 255); break; } #region UniversalConcept(A)&(B) case 1: { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= CPanal.itemsInnerPower) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= CPanal.itemsInnerPower; client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3005365, 0, 1); client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3005366, 0, 1); _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = client.Entity.UID; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("eidolon"); str.TextsCount = 1; client.Entity.SendScreen(str); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratz you got a UniversalConcept(A)(B) in your inventory."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "You don't have Enough [" + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + "] Cps."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } break; } #endregion #region SecretofBreath(A)&(B) case 2: { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= CPanal.itemsInnerPower) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= CPanal.itemsInnerPower; client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3005395, 0, 1); client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3005396, 0, 1); _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = client.Entity.UID; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("eidolon"); str.TextsCount = 1; client.Entity.SendScreen(str); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratz you got a SecretofBreath(A)(B) in your inventory."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "You don't have Enough [" + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + "] Cps."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } break; } #endregion #region DragonTactics(A)&(B) case 3: { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= CPanal.itemsInnerPower) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= CPanal.itemsInnerPower; client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3005397, 0, 1); client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3005398, 0, 1); _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = client.Entity.UID; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("eidolon"); str.TextsCount = 1; client.Entity.SendScreen(str); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratz you got a DragonTactics(A)(B) in your inventory."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "You don't have Enough [" + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + "] Cps."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } break; } #endregion #region DoctrineofDeity(A)(B)(C) case 4: { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= CPanal.itemsInnerPower) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= CPanal.itemsInnerPower; client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3005399, 0, 1); client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3005400, 0, 1); client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3005401, 0, 1); _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = client.Entity.UID; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("eidolon"); str.TextsCount = 1; client.Entity.SendScreen(str); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratz you got a DoctrineofDeity(A)(B)(C) in your inventory."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "You don't have Enough [" + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + "] Cps."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } break; } #endregion #region DemonRider(A)(B) case 5: { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= CPanal.itemsInnerPower) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= CPanal.itemsInnerPower; client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3007113, 0, 1); client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3007114, 0, 1); _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = client.Entity.UID; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("eidolon"); str.TextsCount = 1; client.Entity.SendScreen(str); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratz you got a DemonRider(A)(B) in your inventory."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "You don't have Enough [" + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + "] Cps."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } break; } #endregion #region BoundlessHeart(A)(B)(C) case 6: { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= CPanal.itemsInnerPower) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= CPanal.itemsInnerPower; client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3007115, 0, 1); client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3007116, 0, 1); client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3007117, 0, 1); _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = client.Entity.UID; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("eidolon"); str.TextsCount = 1; client.Entity.SendScreen(str); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratz you got a BoundlessHeart(A)(B)(C) in your inventory."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "You don't have Enough [" + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + "] Cps."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } break; } #endregion #region PuzzleofLife(A)(B)(C) case 7: { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= CPanal.itemsInnerPower) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= CPanal.itemsInnerPower; client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3007230, 0, 1); client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3007231, 0, 1); client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3007232, 0, 1); _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = client.Entity.UID; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("eidolon"); str.TextsCount = 1; client.Entity.SendScreen(str); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratz you got a PuzzleofLife(A)(B)(C) in your inventory."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "You don't have Enough [" + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + "] Cps."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } break; } #endregion #region PackPointsInner case 8: { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= CPanal.itemsInnerPower) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= CPanal.itemsInnerPower; client.Inventory.AddBoundItem(3007110, 0, 1); _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = client.Entity.UID; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("eidolon"); str.TextsCount = 1; client.Entity.SendScreen(str); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratz you got a PackPointsInner in your inventory."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "You don't have Enough [" + CPanal.itemsInnerPower + "] Cps."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } break; } #endregion } break; } #endregion
هيجيلك ايرور في
امسحها و حط الكبس الي عايز الايتم تتباع بيه
لو عايز انر بور شوب booth
دي اضافتها
كود PHP:
[booth7] ID=70000095 Name=InnerPower Mesh=2512 Map=11511 Type=16 X=61 Y=42 ItemAmount=18 Item1=3007110@@10000 Item2=3005365@@10000 Item3=3005366@@20000 Item4=3005395@@10000 Item5=3005396@@20000 Item6=3005397@@10000 Item7=3005398@@20000 Item8=3005399@@10000 Item9=3005400@@20000 Item10=3005401@@30000 Item11=3007113@@10000 Item12=3007114@@20000 Item13=3007115@@10000 Item14=3007116@@20000 Item15=3007117@@30000 Item16=3007230@@10000 Item17=3007231@@20000 Item18=3007232@@30000