Hassan Emprator
2019-12-03, 07:40 PM
دا طلب حزومه قلبي
نبدا بسم الله
ابحث عن
private void WorldTournaments(int time)
#region HeroOFGame [30]
if (DateTime.Now.Minute == 30)
ضيف دا برضو في اي حته في World
public HeroOfGame HeroOfGame = new HeroOfGame();
اعمل كلاس جديد وسميه HeroOfGame
امسح الي فيه وضيف
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using MrHassan.Network.GamePackets;
namespace MrHassan.Game.Features.Tournaments
public class HeroOfGame
public HeroOfGame()
open = false;
public void CheakUp()
if (Emprator_Times.Start.HeroOfGame && !open)
uint Secounds = 0;
private IDisposable Subscribe;
bool open = false;
bool SendInvitation = false;
public void Start()
if (!open)
Secounds = 0;
SendInvitation = false;
open = true;
Subscribe = World.Subscribe(Work, 1000);
public void SendMapMessaj(string packet)
var data = new Network.GamePackets.Message(packet, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center);
var MapDictionary = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionary)
public int CkeckUPAlive()
int Count = 0;
var MapDictionary = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionary)
if (client.Entity.Hitpoints > 0)
return Count;
public void Close()
open = false;
public void Work(int time)
if (!SendInvitation)
foreach (var client in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
client.MessageBox("Hero OF Game has begun! Would you like to join?",
(p) => { if (open) { p.Entity.Teleport(1507, 96, 113); client.Entity.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); } }, null, 40);
SendInvitation = true;
if (open)
if (Secounds == 30)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 30 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 40)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 20 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 50)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 10 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 55)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 5 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 58)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 3 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 60)
var MapDictionary = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionary)
client.Entity.AllowToAttack = true;
SendMapMessaj("Fight !");
else if (Secounds > 60)
byte[] Messaje = new Network.GamePackets.Message("Alive Entitys : [ " + CkeckUPAlive() + " ]", System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, Network.GamePackets.Message.FirstRightCorner).ToAr ray();
var MapDictionar = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionar)
if (CkeckUPAlive() == 1)
var client = Kernel.GamePool.Values.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507 && p.Entity.Hitpoints > 0);
if (client != null)
Game.Statue statue = new Statue(client.Entity.SpawnPacket);
statue = new Statue(client.Entity.SpawnPacket, 105177, Enums.ConquerAction.Cool, (byte)Enums.ConquerAngle.SouthWest, 309, 244, true);
statue = new Statue(client.Entity.SpawnPacket, 105177, Enums.ConquerAction.Wave, (byte)Enums.ConquerAngle.SouthEast, 304, 372, true);
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 4000;
client.Entity.BoundCps += 2500;
client.Entity.AddTopStatus(Update.Flags2.Top3Troja n, 2, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(59));
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulation " + client.Entity.Name + " win the Hero OF Game, he receice " + rates.heroofgame + " [4000] Conquerpoints & [2.500] CpsBound ", Color.White, Message.BroadcastMessage), Program.Values);
foreach (var Entity in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (Entity.Entity.MapID == 1507)
Entity.Entity.Teleport(1002, 301, 278, false);
Entity.Entity.AllowToAttack = false;
else if (CkeckUPAlive() == 0)
بعدين سيش عا
public class Start
ضيف فيه
public static bool HeroOfGame
return now.Minute == 30;
بعدين ابحث عنن
public static void MessageWeb(string WebSite, GameState clienthoda)
مش لاقيتها ابحث عن
public class rates
ضيف فيه
public static uint heroofgame;
ابحث عن
public static void Load(IniFile IniFile)
heroofgame = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "heroofgame");
اخر حاجه اعمل كلاس وسميه Statue
وضيف فيه
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace MrHassan.Game
public class Statue : Network.Writer
public static ConcurrentDictionary<uint, Statue> Statues = new ConcurrentDictionary<uint, Statue>();
public byte[] SpawnPacket = null;
public uint UID;
public Statue(byte[] array, uint uid = 105175, uint action = Enums.ConquerAction.Sit, byte facing = (byte)Enums.ConquerAngle.South, ushort xx = 381, ushort yy = 242, bool war = false)
UID = uid;
if (war)
while (Statues.ContainsKey(UID));
SpawnPacket = new byte[array.Length];
for (ushort x = 0; x < array.Length; x++)
SpawnPacket[x] = array[x];
WriteByte(facing, Game.Entity._Facing, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(action, Game.Entity._Action, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt16(1000, Game.Entity._GuildRank, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(105175, Game.Entity._UID, SpawnPacket);
//clear all flags
WriteUInt64(0, Game.Entity._StatusFlag, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt64(0, Game.Entity._StatusFlag2, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt64(0, Game.Entity._StatusFlag2, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(0, Game.Entity._Hitpoints, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(0, Game.Entity._GuildID, SpawnPacket);
X = xx;
Y = yy;
if (array.Length > 200)
if (!Statues.ContainsKey(UID))
Statues.TryAdd(UID, this);
Statues[UID] = this;
foreach (var client in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(X, Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) < 16 && client.Entity.MapID == 1002)
ushort _x, _y;
public ushort X
return _x;
_x = value;
WriteUInt16(value, Game.Entity._X, SpawnPacket);
public ushort Y
return _y;
_y = value;
WriteUInt16(value, Game.Entity._Y, SpawnPacket);
public static bool operator >(Statue statue, Client.GameState client)
if (!client.Screen.Statue.ContainsKey(statue.UID))
if (Kernel.GetDistance(statue.X, statue.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) < 16 && client.Entity.MapID == 1002)
if (statue.SpawnPacket.Length > 200)//check if is created!
return true;
return false;
public static bool operator <(Statue statue, Client.GameState client)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(statue.X, statue.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) >= 16 && client.Entity.MapID == 1002)
return true;
return false;
الحرب دي كدا لي سورسات عاديه السورسات المسج الموضوع بتاعها اهو دا كامل ودا كامل اي خدمه :)
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
بس كدا تم الاضافه كامله
حد هيقولي انا كنت بحسب اضافتها كبيره وكدا هقولك لان كل حاجه مضافه كل الاوامر بتاعتها في الكلاس مش حته وحته كدا اكيد فاهمني :D
ودا كان موضوعنا النهرضه اي كويستته كمان عايز تسحبوها كلموني وهسحبهالكو :detective2:
نبدا بسم الله
ابحث عن
private void WorldTournaments(int time)
#region HeroOFGame [30]
if (DateTime.Now.Minute == 30)
ضيف دا برضو في اي حته في World
public HeroOfGame HeroOfGame = new HeroOfGame();
اعمل كلاس جديد وسميه HeroOfGame
امسح الي فيه وضيف
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using MrHassan.Network.GamePackets;
namespace MrHassan.Game.Features.Tournaments
public class HeroOfGame
public HeroOfGame()
open = false;
public void CheakUp()
if (Emprator_Times.Start.HeroOfGame && !open)
uint Secounds = 0;
private IDisposable Subscribe;
bool open = false;
bool SendInvitation = false;
public void Start()
if (!open)
Secounds = 0;
SendInvitation = false;
open = true;
Subscribe = World.Subscribe(Work, 1000);
public void SendMapMessaj(string packet)
var data = new Network.GamePackets.Message(packet, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center);
var MapDictionary = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionary)
public int CkeckUPAlive()
int Count = 0;
var MapDictionary = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionary)
if (client.Entity.Hitpoints > 0)
return Count;
public void Close()
open = false;
public void Work(int time)
if (!SendInvitation)
foreach (var client in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
client.MessageBox("Hero OF Game has begun! Would you like to join?",
(p) => { if (open) { p.Entity.Teleport(1507, 96, 113); client.Entity.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); } }, null, 40);
SendInvitation = true;
if (open)
if (Secounds == 30)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 30 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 40)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 20 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 50)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 10 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 55)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 5 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 58)
SendMapMessaj("Hero Of Game will start in 3 Secounds");
else if (Secounds == 60)
var MapDictionary = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionary)
client.Entity.AllowToAttack = true;
SendMapMessaj("Fight !");
else if (Secounds > 60)
byte[] Messaje = new Network.GamePackets.Message("Alive Entitys : [ " + CkeckUPAlive() + " ]", System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, Network.GamePackets.Message.FirstRightCorner).ToAr ray();
var MapDictionar = Kernel.GamePool.Values.Where(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507).ToArray();
foreach (var client in MapDictionar)
if (CkeckUPAlive() == 1)
var client = Kernel.GamePool.Values.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Entity.MapID == 1507 && p.Entity.Hitpoints > 0);
if (client != null)
Game.Statue statue = new Statue(client.Entity.SpawnPacket);
statue = new Statue(client.Entity.SpawnPacket, 105177, Enums.ConquerAction.Cool, (byte)Enums.ConquerAngle.SouthWest, 309, 244, true);
statue = new Statue(client.Entity.SpawnPacket, 105177, Enums.ConquerAction.Wave, (byte)Enums.ConquerAngle.SouthEast, 304, 372, true);
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 4000;
client.Entity.BoundCps += 2500;
client.Entity.AddTopStatus(Update.Flags2.Top3Troja n, 2, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(59));
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulation " + client.Entity.Name + " win the Hero OF Game, he receice " + rates.heroofgame + " [4000] Conquerpoints & [2.500] CpsBound ", Color.White, Message.BroadcastMessage), Program.Values);
foreach (var Entity in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (Entity.Entity.MapID == 1507)
Entity.Entity.Teleport(1002, 301, 278, false);
Entity.Entity.AllowToAttack = false;
else if (CkeckUPAlive() == 0)
بعدين سيش عا
public class Start
ضيف فيه
public static bool HeroOfGame
return now.Minute == 30;
بعدين ابحث عنن
public static void MessageWeb(string WebSite, GameState clienthoda)
مش لاقيتها ابحث عن
public class rates
ضيف فيه
public static uint heroofgame;
ابحث عن
public static void Load(IniFile IniFile)
heroofgame = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "heroofgame");
اخر حاجه اعمل كلاس وسميه Statue
وضيف فيه
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace MrHassan.Game
public class Statue : Network.Writer
public static ConcurrentDictionary<uint, Statue> Statues = new ConcurrentDictionary<uint, Statue>();
public byte[] SpawnPacket = null;
public uint UID;
public Statue(byte[] array, uint uid = 105175, uint action = Enums.ConquerAction.Sit, byte facing = (byte)Enums.ConquerAngle.South, ushort xx = 381, ushort yy = 242, bool war = false)
UID = uid;
if (war)
while (Statues.ContainsKey(UID));
SpawnPacket = new byte[array.Length];
for (ushort x = 0; x < array.Length; x++)
SpawnPacket[x] = array[x];
WriteByte(facing, Game.Entity._Facing, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(action, Game.Entity._Action, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt16(1000, Game.Entity._GuildRank, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(105175, Game.Entity._UID, SpawnPacket);
//clear all flags
WriteUInt64(0, Game.Entity._StatusFlag, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt64(0, Game.Entity._StatusFlag2, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt64(0, Game.Entity._StatusFlag2, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(0, Game.Entity._Hitpoints, SpawnPacket);
WriteUInt32(0, Game.Entity._GuildID, SpawnPacket);
X = xx;
Y = yy;
if (array.Length > 200)
if (!Statues.ContainsKey(UID))
Statues.TryAdd(UID, this);
Statues[UID] = this;
foreach (var client in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(X, Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) < 16 && client.Entity.MapID == 1002)
ushort _x, _y;
public ushort X
return _x;
_x = value;
WriteUInt16(value, Game.Entity._X, SpawnPacket);
public ushort Y
return _y;
_y = value;
WriteUInt16(value, Game.Entity._Y, SpawnPacket);
public static bool operator >(Statue statue, Client.GameState client)
if (!client.Screen.Statue.ContainsKey(statue.UID))
if (Kernel.GetDistance(statue.X, statue.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) < 16 && client.Entity.MapID == 1002)
if (statue.SpawnPacket.Length > 200)//check if is created!
return true;
return false;
public static bool operator <(Statue statue, Client.GameState client)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(statue.X, statue.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) >= 16 && client.Entity.MapID == 1002)
return true;
return false;
الحرب دي كدا لي سورسات عاديه السورسات المسج الموضوع بتاعها اهو دا كامل ودا كامل اي خدمه :)
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
بس كدا تم الاضافه كامله
حد هيقولي انا كنت بحسب اضافتها كبيره وكدا هقولك لان كل حاجه مضافه كل الاوامر بتاعتها في الكلاس مش حته وحته كدا اكيد فاهمني :D
ودا كان موضوعنا النهرضه اي كويستته كمان عايز تسحبوها كلموني وهسحبهالكو :detective2: