عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2019-11-19, 04:05 PM
المشاركة 9
.:: عضو مميز ::.
  • غير متواجد
افتراضي رد: مساعد في تركيب باكتات الدخول سورس احمد فتحي 3d

using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using SomailProject.Network; using SomailProject.Database; using SomailProject.Network.Sockets; using SomailProject.Network.AuthPackets; using SomailProject.Game; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using SomailProject.Network.GamePackets; using SomailProject.Client; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading; using SomailProject; using SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Union; using ProtoBuf; using SomailProject.MaTrix; using SomailProject.Game.MsgServer; namespace SomailProject { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); Time32 Start = Time32.Now; RandomSeed = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString().Remove(DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString().Length / 2)); Kernel.Random = new FastRandom(RandomSeed); StartDate = DateTime.Now; Console.Title = "Samuel-Dawod"; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("_-_-_-_-_-_ ♥ Conquer Matrix ♥ _-_-_-_-_-_"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Load server configuration"); string ConfigFileName = "SomailProject.ini"; IniFile IniFile = new IniFile(ConfigFileName); GameIP = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "IP"); GamePort = IniFile.ReadUInt16("configuration", "GamePort"); AuthPort = new List<ushort>() { IniFile.ReadUInt16("configuration", "AuthPort"), }; Constants.ServerName = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "ServerName"); TestingMode = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "TestMode", "0") == "1" ? true : false; AllTest = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "AllTest", "0") == "1" ? true : false; rates.Load(IniFile); Database.DataHolder.CreateConnection( IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Host", "localhost"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Username", "root"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Password", "az4des123"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Database", "cq")); PrestigeStars = 54; EntityUID = new Counter(0); bool x = false; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT)) { cmd.Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName); using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) { EntityUID = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("EntityID")); Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Guild.GuildCounter = new SomailProject.Counter(r.ReadUInt32("GuildID")); ConquerItem.ItemUID = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("ItemUID")); Constants.ExtraExperienceRate = r.ReadUInt32("ExperienceRate"); Constants.ExtraSpellRate = r.ReadUInt32("ProficiencyExperienceRate"); Constants.ExtraProficiencyRate = r.ReadUInt32("SpellExperienceRate"); Constants.MoneyDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("MoneyDropRate"); Constants.MoneyDropMultiple = r.ReadUInt32("MoneyDropMultiple"); if (r.ReadByte("LastDailySignReset") != DateTime.Now.Month) x = true; Constants.ConquerPointsDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("ConquerPointsDropRate"); Constants.ConquerPointsDropMultiple = r.ReadUInt32("ConquerPointsDropMultiple"); Constants.ItemDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("ItemDropRate"); Constants.ItemDropQualityRates = r.ReadString("ItemDropQualityString").Split('~'); Constants.WebAccExt = r.ReadString("AccountWebExt"); Constants.WebVoteExt = r.ReadString("VoteWebExt"); Constants.WebDonateExt = r.ReadString("DonateWebExt"); Constants.ServerWebsite = r.ReadString("ServerWebsite"); Constants.ServerGMPass = r.ReadString("ServerGMPass"); PlayerCap = r.ReadInt32("PlayerCap"); Union.UnionCounter = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("UnionID")); Database.EntityVariableTable.Load(0, out Vars); VoteSystem.Count = r.ReadInt32("VotesCount"); } } } if (EntityUID.Now == 0) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Database error. Please check your MySQL. Server will now close."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } { Console.WriteLine("Initializing Database."); Console.WriteLine("Loading The Hard Things"); Database.ConquerItemInformation.Load(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); InnerPowerTable.LoadDBInformation(); #region WardRobe WardRobe.Load_coatstorage_type(); WardRobe.Load_title_type(); #endregion InnerPowerTable.Load(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineAttribute(); if (x) MsgSignIn.Reset(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineEffect(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineEffectEX(); Database.Flowers.LoadFlowers(); Database.SignInTable.Load(); Database.MonsterInformation.Load(); Database.MapsTable.Load(); SomailProject.MaTrix.SoulProtection.Load(); World = new World(); World.Init(); Map.CreateTimerFactories(); Database.SignInTable.Load(); Database.DMaps.LoadMapPaths(); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(700); DMaps.LoadMap(2068); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(3868); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(3935); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(10137); Copra.QuestInfo.Load(); Database.VipTable.LoadAllVips(); Database.SpellTable.Load(); Database.ShopFile.Load(); Database.HonorShop.Load(); Database.RacePointShop.Load(); VoteSystem.Load(); Database.ChampionShop.Load(); new MsgUserAbilityScore().LoadWallOfPrestige(); PrestigeRank.LoadRanking(); Console.WriteLine("WallOfPrestigeRank Initilizied"); Database.EShopFile.Load(); Database.EShopV2File.Load(); Database.AddingInformationTable.Load(); Database.LotteryTable.Load(); Database.vipLottery.Load(); Copra.Roulette.Database.Roulettes.Load(); Copra.Way2Heroes.Load(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); Refinery.Load(); Values = new Client.GameState[0]; new Game.Map(1002, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1002]); new Game.Map(1038, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1038]); new Game.Map(2071, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2071]); new Game.Map(2057, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2057]); new Game.Map(4000, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4000]); new Game.Map(4003, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4003]); new Game.Map(4006, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4006]); new Game.Map(4008, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4008]); new Game.Map(4020, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4020]); if (DMaps.LoadMap(1038)) Game.GuildWar.Initiate(); if (DMaps.LoadMap(10380)) Game.SuperGuildWar.Initiate(); new Game.Map(1509, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1509]); new Game.Map(10002, 2021, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2021]); new Game.Map(8883, 1004, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1004]); Constants.PKFreeMaps.Add(8883); Game.EliteGuildWar.EliteGwint(); Database.DataHolder.ReadStats(); Database.IPBan.Load(); JiangHuTable.LoadStatus(); JiangHuTable.LoadRanks(); Database.NobilityTable.Load(); Database.ArenaTable.Load(); Database.TeamArenaTable.Load(); Database.GuildTable.Load(); UnionTable.Load(); AuctionBase.Load(); Database.ChiTable.LoadAllChi(); StorageItem.Load(); Clan.LoadClans(); Kernel.Magic.Load(); TutorInfo.Load(); Database.Disdain.Load(); Tranformation.Int(); Kernel.AtributeStatus.Load(); AtributesStatus.LoadExpInfo(); RebornInfo = new RebornInfomations(); RebornInfo.Load(); Game.Screen.CreateTimerFactories(); new MsgEquipRefineRank().UpdateRanking(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); Network.Cryptography.AuthCryptography.PrepareAuthCryptography(); World.CreateTournaments(); new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("entities").Set("Online", 0).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Initializing Sockets."); AuthServer = new ServerSocket[AuthPort.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i] = new ServerSocket(); AuthServer[i].OnClientConnect += AuthServer_OnClientConnect; AuthServer[i].OnClientReceive += AuthServer_OnClientReceive; AuthServer[i].OnClientDisconnect += AuthServer_OnClientDisconnect; AuthServer[i].Enable(AuthPort[i], ""); Console.WriteLine("Auth " + i + " server online."); } { GameServer = new ServerSocket(); GameServer.OnClientConnect += GameServer_OnClientConnect; GameServer.OnClientReceive += GameServer_OnClientReceive; GameServer.OnClientDisconnect += GameServer_OnClientDisconnect; GameServer.Enable(GamePort, ""); Console.WriteLine("Game server online."); Console.WriteLine("Web server online."); Copra.Pet.CreateTimerFactories(); AI.CreateTimerFactories(); var client = new GameState(null); client.Entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false); client.Entity.MapID = 1002; Npcs npc = new Npcs(client); var req = new NpcRequest(); req.Deserialize(new byte[28]); Npcs.GetDialog(req, client); client = null; SomailProject.Booths.Load(); } Console.WriteLine("Server loaded in " + (Time32.Now - Start) + " milliseconds."); Console.WriteLine("[********************** ♥ [Samuel.Dawod] ♥ **********************]"); SomailHandler += SomailConsole_CloseEvent; SetConsoleCtrlHandler(SomailHandler, true); GC.Collect(); WorkConsole(); } } public static int PrestigeStars = 0; public static RebornInfomations RebornInfo; public static Encoding Encoding = ASCIIEncoding.Default; [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName); [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); public static int PlayerCap = 1000; public static bool ALEXPC = false; public static bool NemesisTyrantSpanwed = false; public static long MaxOn = 0; public static long MaxEntitys = 0; public static ServerSocket[] AuthServer; public static int CpuUse = 0; public static ServerSocket GameServer; public static Counter EntityUID; public static string GameIP; public static bool SpookAlive = false; public static DayOfWeek Today; public static ushort GamePort; public static List<ushort> AuthPort; public static DateTime StartDate; public static bool reseted = false; public static uint ScreenColor = 0; public static DateTime RestartDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(24); public static bool restarted = false; public static bool WarEnd = false; public static bool uniquepk = false; public static uint mess = 0; public static World World; public static Client.GameState[] GamePool = new Client.GameState[0]; public static Client.GameState[] Values = new Client.GameState[0]; public static VariableVault Vars; public static long WeatherType = 0L; public static bool TestingMode = false; public static bool AllTest = false; public static bool SnowBa = true; public static bool Nemesis = true; public static bool ThrillingSpook = true; public static uint PhysicalDamage = 100;// + 150% public static bool SwordMaster = true; public static bool TeratoDragon = true; public static bool SnowSoul = true; public static int RandomSeed = 0; public static short GetDistance(ushort X, ushort Y, ushort X2, ushort Y2) { return (short)Math.Sqrt((X - X2) * (X - X2) + (Y - Y2) * (Y - Y2)); } #region Translate public static void SaveTranslate() { var file = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "Translate.txt"; if (File.Exists(file)) File.Delete(file); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(File.Create(file), Encoding); writer.AutoFlush = true; foreach (var item in Kernel.Translateed) writer.WriteLine(item.Key + "@@" + item.Value); writer.Close(); } public static void LoadTranslate() { var file = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "Translate.txt"; if (File.Exists(file)) { string[] text = File.ReadAllLines(file, Encoding); for (int x = 0; x < text.Length; x++) { string line = text[x]; string[] split = line.Split(new string[] { "@@" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (split.Length < 1) continue; var key = split[0]; if (split.Length < 2) continue; var value = split[1]; if (!Kernel.Translateed.ContainsKey(key)) Kernel.Translateed.Add(key, value); } } } #endregion #region VersionChecker //if (VersionChecker.IsValidVersion() == false) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has expired, Please get the Full version |Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Enter Password:"); // Program.Password = Console.ReadLine(); // if (ClassExtensions.Get64HashCode(Program.Password) != 4586181316755855993) // { // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has expired, Please get the Full version |Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Thx. For Waiting...!"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Wrong Password!"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("If Want To make this Source Work"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("You need to put the right Password. !"); // SomailProject.Console.ReadLine(); // MessageBox.Show("You Will Get Hacked. | Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; // System.Console.WindowLeft = System.Console.WindowTop = 0; // System.Console.WindowHeight = System.Console.BufferHeight = System.Console.LargestWindowHeight; // System.Console.WindowWidth = System.Console.BufferWidth = System.Console.LargestWindowWidth; // System.Console.CursorVisible = false; // int width, height; // int[] y; // int[] l; // Initialize(out width, out height, out y, out l); // int ms; // while (true) // { // DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now; // CopraStep(width, height, y, l); // ms = 10 - (int)((TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - t1)).TotalMilliseconds; // if (ms > 0) // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(ms); // if (System.Console.KeyAvailable) // if (System.Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.F5) // Initialize(out width, out height, out y, out l); // } // // Environment.Exit(0); // } // elsez // { // VersionChecker.TrialEnd(); // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has Renewed, To get the Full version"); // } // return; //} //else //{ // VersionChecker chk = new VersionChecker(); //} #endregion VersionChecker #region Closing Events private static bool SomailConsole_CloseEvent(CtrlType sig) { Save(); return true; } private static Native.ConsoleEventHandler SomailHandler; [DllImport("Kernel32")] private static extern bool SetConsoleCtrlHandler(Native.ConsoleEventHandler handler, bool add); private delegate bool EventHandler(CtrlType sig); #endregion public static bool Save(bool Exit = false) { try { using (var conn = Database.DataHolder.MySqlConnection) { conn.Open(); foreach (Client.GameState client in Program.Values) { SaveTranslate(); Database.JiangHuTable.FullSave(client); Database.EntityTable.SaveEntity(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveClientSpells(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveProficiencies(client); Database.ArenaTable.SaveArenaStatistics(client.ArenaStatistic); Database.TeamArenaTable.SaveArenaStatistics(client.TeamArenaStatistic); client.WardRobe.Save(); } } Database.InnerPowerTable.Save(); Database.Flowers.SaveFlowers(); AuctionBase.Save(); Game.ClanWarArena.Save(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName)) { using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) { new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("EntityID", EntityUID.Now).Set("ServerKingdom", Kernel.ServerKingdom).Set("GuildID", Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Guild.GuildCounter.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); if (r.ReadByte("LastDailySignReset") != DateTime.Now.Month) MsgSignIn.Reset(); } } } using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration")) cmd.Set("LastDailySignReset", DateTime.Now.Month).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Saving cmd Done."); //if (Exit) // Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); return false; } return true; } #region Exceptions & Logs public static void AddVendorLog(String vendor, string buying, string moneyamount, ConquerItem Item) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\VendorLogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("{0} HAS BOUGHT AN ITEM : {2} FROM {1} SHOP - for {3}", vendor, buying, Item.ToLog(), moneyamount); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.Close(); } } public static void AddGMCommand(string gm, string commandStr) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\GMCommandsLog\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(gm + commandStr); file.Close(); } } public static void RemoveCps(string text) { try { text = "[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "]" + text; String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\RemoveCps\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true); fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(text); file.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } public static void AddCpsWin(string text) { try { text = "[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "]" + text; String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\AddWinCps\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(text); file.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } public static void AddDropLog(String Name, ConquerItem Item) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\droplogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } string path = NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt"; if (!File.Exists(path)) File.AppendAllText(path, ""); string text = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine + string.Format("Entity {0} HAS DROPPED AN ITEM : {1} -", Name, Item.ToLog()) + Environment.NewLine + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; File.AppendAllText(path, text); } public static void AddTradeLog(Game.ConquerStructures.Trade first, String firstN, Game.ConquerStructures.Trade second, String secondN) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "database\\Security\\Trade\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine("************************************************************************************"); file.WriteLine("First Person TradeLog ({0}) -", firstN); file.WriteLine("Gold Traded: " + first.Money); file.WriteLine("Conquer Points Traded: " + first.ConquerPoints); for (int i = 0; i < first.Items.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("Item : " + first.Items[i].ToLog()); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } file.WriteLine("Second Person TradeLog ({0}) -", secondN); file.WriteLine("Gold Traded: " + second.Money); file.WriteLine("Conquer Points Traded: " + second.ConquerPoints); for (int i = 0; i < second.Items.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("Item : " + second.Items[i].ToLog()); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } file.WriteLine("************************************************************************************"); } } public static void AddMobLog(string War, string name, uint CPs = 0, uint item = 0) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\MobLogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { if (CPs != 0) file.WriteLine(name + " got " + CPs + " CPs from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); else file.WriteLine(name + " got " + item + " Item from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); } } public static void AddWarLog(string War, string CPs, string name) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\Warlogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(name + " got " + CPs + " CPs from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); } } static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { SaveException(e.ExceptionObject as Exception); } public static void SaveException(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); var dt = DateTime.Now; string date = dt.Month + "-" + dt.Day + "//"; if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath); if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date); if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name); string fullPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name + "\\"; string date2 = dt.Hour + "-" + dt.Minute; List<string> Lines = new List<string>(); Lines.Add("----Exception message----"); Lines.Add(e.Message); Lines.Add("----End of exception message----\r\n"); Lines.Add("----Stack trace----"); Lines.Add(e.StackTrace); Lines.Add("----End of stack trace----\r\n"); //Lines.Add("----Data from exception----"); //foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> data in e.Data) // Lines.Add(data.Key.ToString() + "->" + data.Value.ToString()); //Lines.Add("----End of data from exception----\r\n"); File.WriteAllLines(fullPath + date2 + ".txt", Lines.ToArray()); } #endregion private static void WorkConsole() { while (true) { try { CommandsAI(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } } public static DateTime LastRandomReset = DateTime.Now; public static Network.GamePackets.BlackSpotPacket BlackSpotPacket = new Network.GamePackets.BlackSpotPacket(); public static bool MyPC = true; public static void CommandsAI(string command) { try { if (command == null) return; string[] data = command.Split(' '); switch (data[0]) { case "@testmode": { if (TestingMode) { TestingMode = false; Console.WriteLine("Test Mode Off"); } else { TestingMode = true; Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "Server will exit for 5 min to fix some bugs, please be paitent" }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); CommandsAI("@save"); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Database.EntityVariableTable.Save(0, Vars); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Client.GameState client in WC) { if (client.Account.State != AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager) { client.Send("Server will exit for 5 min to fix some bugs, please be paitent !"); client.Disconnect(); } } if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Test Mode On"); } break; } case "@clear": { Console.Clear(); SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Consle and program Cleared "); break; } case "@sh": { Console.WriteLine(Program.SnowBa); break; } case "@sh1": { Program.SnowBa = true; break; } case "@sh2": { Program.SnowBa = false; break; } case "@Copra": case "@bigbos": SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server will restart after 10 minutes."); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 5 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 4 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 4 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 3 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 3 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 2 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 2 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 1 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 1 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server will exit after 1 minute."); CommandsAI("@save"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The Server restarted, Please log in after 5 minutes ", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); try { CommandsAI("@restart"); } catch { SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server cannot exit"); } break; case "@flushbans": { Database.IPBan.Load(); break; } case "@alivetime": { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan t2 = new TimeSpan(StartDate.ToBinary()); TimeSpan t1 = new TimeSpan(now.ToBinary()); Console.WriteLine("The server has been online " + (int)(t1.TotalHours - t2.TotalHours) + " hours, " + (int)((t1.TotalMinutes - t2.TotalMinutes) % 1) + " minutes."); break; } case "@online": { Console.WriteLine("Online Entitys count: " + Kernel.GamePool.Count); string line = ""; foreach (Client.GameState pClient in Program.Values) line += pClient.Entity.Name + ","; if (line != "") { line = line.Remove(line.Length - 1); Console.WriteLine("Entitys: " + line); } break; } case "@memoryusage": { var proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Console.WriteLine("Thread count: " + proc.Threads.Count); Console.WriteLine("Memory set(MB): " + ((double)((double)proc.WorkingSet64 / 1024)) / 1024); proc.Close(); break; } case "@save": { Save(); } break; case "@PlayerCap": { try { PlayerCap = int.Parse(data[1]); } catch { } break; } case "@skill": { Game.Features.Tournaments.SkillPk.SkillTournament.Open(); foreach (var clien in Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (clien.Team == null) clien.Team = new Game.ConquerStructures.Team(clien); Game.Features.Tournaments.SkillPk.SkillTournament.Join(clien, 3); } break; } case "@team": { Game.Features.Tournaments.TeamPk.TeamTournament.Open(); foreach (var clien in Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (clien.Team == null) clien.Team = new Game.ConquerStructures.Team(clien); Game.Features.Tournaments.TeamPk.TeamTournament.Join(clien, 3); } break; } case "@exit": { Program.Save(true); CommandsAI("@save"); GameServer.Disable(); for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i].Disable(); } new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Database.EntityVariableTable.Save(0, Vars); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); Parallel.ForEach(Program.Values, client => { client.Send(" Server will exit for 5 min to Solve The Problem, please be paitent "); client.Disconnect(); }); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { " Server will exit for 5 min to Solve The Problem, please be paitent " }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Environment.Exit(0); } break; case "serverpass": { using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT)) { cmd.Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName); using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) Constants.ServerGMPass = r.ReadString("ServerGMPass"); } } break; } case "@pressure": { Console.WriteLine("Genr: " + World.GenericThreadPool.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Send: " + World.SendPool.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Recv: " + World.ReceivePool.ToString()); break; } case "@restart": { try { Program.Save(); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "Server Will Be Restart Now !" }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Client.GameState client in WC) { client.Send(" Server Will Be Restart Now "); client.Disconnect(); } GameServer.Disable(); for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i].Disable(); } if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Application.Restart(); Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Console.ReadLine(); } } break; case "@account": { Database.AccountTable account = new AccountTable(data[1]); account.Password = data[2]; account.State = AccountTable.AccountState.Entity; account.Save(); } break; case "@process": { HandleClipboardPacket(command); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } public static void WriteLine(string Line) { try { Console.WriteLine(Line); } catch { } } public static void HandleClipboardPacket(string cmd) { string[] pData = cmd.Split(' '); long off = 0, type = 0, val = 0; if (pData.Length > 1) { string[] oData = pData[1].Split(':'); if (oData.Length == 3) { off = long.Parse(oData[0]); type = long.Parse(oData[1]); if (oData[2] == "u") val = 1337; else val = long.Parse(oData[2]); } } string Data = OSClipboard.GetText(); string[] num = Data.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); byte[] packet = new byte[num.Length + 8]; for (int i = 0; i < num.Length; i++) packet[i] = byte.Parse(num[i], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(packet.Length - 8), 0, packet); if (off != 0) { switch (type) { case 1: { packet[(int)off] = (byte)val; break; } case 2: { Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)val, (int)off, packet); break; } case 4: { Writer.WriteUInt32((uint)val, (int)off, packet); break; } case 8: { Writer.WriteUInt64((ulong)val, (int)off, packet); break; } } } foreach (var client in Program.Values) { if (val == 1337 && type == 4) Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, (int)off, packet); client.Send(packet); } } private static void GameServer_OnClientReceive(byte[] buffer, int length, ClientWrapper obj) { if (obj.Connector == null) { obj.Disconnect(); } else { GameState connector = obj.Connector as GameState; if (connector.Exchange) { connector.Exchange = false; connector.Action = (byte)1; COServer.Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography gameCryptography = new COServer.Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Constants.GameCryptographyKey)); byte[] numArray = new byte[length]; Array.Copy((Array)buffer, (Array)numArray, length); gameCryptography.Decrypt(numArray, length); bool flag = false; int offset = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 80; x++) { if (BitConverter.ToInt32(numArray, x) == 128) { if (length >= 205) { offset = x; flag = true; connector.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length - 40); } else { offset = x; connector.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length); } } } int int32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset); int index1 = offset + 4; if (int32 != 128) { connector.Disconnect(true); } else { byte[] bytes = new byte[128]; int index2 = 0; while (index2 < int32) { bytes[index2] = buffer[index1]; ++index2; ++index1; } string PublicKey = Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes); connector.Cryptography = connector.DHKeyExchange.HandleClientKeyPacket(PublicKey, connector.Cryptography); if (!flag) return; byte[] buffer1 = new byte[40]; Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)buffer, length - 40, (Array)buffer1, 0, 40); processData(buffer1, 40, connector); } } else processData(buffer, length, connector); } } private static void processData(byte[] buffer, int length, Client.GameState Client) { Client.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length); Client.Queue.Enqueue(buffer, length); if (Client.Queue.CurrentLength > 1224) { Console.WriteLine("[Disconnect]Reason:The packet size is too big. " + Client.Queue.CurrentLength); Client.Disconnect(); return; } while (Client.Queue.CanDequeue()) { byte[] data = Client.Queue.Dequeue(); try { Network.PacketHandler.HandlePacket(data, Client); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Index")) { return; } else { Network.PacketHandler.HandlePacket(data, Client); } } } } static void GameServer_OnClientConnect(ClientWrapper obj) { Client.GameState client = new Client.GameState(obj); client.Send(client.DHKeyExchange.CreateServerKeyPacket()); obj.Connector = client; } static void GameServer_OnClientDisconnect(ClientWrapper obj) { if (obj.Connector != null) (obj.Connector as Client.GameState).Disconnect(); else obj.Disconnect(); } public static void AuthServer_OnClientReceive(byte[] buffer, int length, ClientWrapper arg3) { var player = arg3.Connector as Client.AuthClient; AuthClient authClient = arg3.Connector as AuthClient; player.Cryptographer.Decrypt(buffer, length); player.Queue.Enqueue(buffer, length); while (player.Queue.CanDequeue()) { byte[] packet = player.Queue.Dequeue(); ushort len = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 0); if (len == 312) { player.Info = new Authentication(); player.Info.Deserialize(packet); player.Account = new AccountTable(player.Info.Username); if (!LoginBruteForce.AcceptJoin(arg3.IP)) { Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(new string[] { "Client > ", player.Info.Username, "was blocked address", arg3.IP, "!" })); arg3.Disconnect(); break; } Forward Fw = new Forward(); Console.WriteLine("UserName: {0} Password: {1} ServerName: {2} Online", player.Info.Username, player.Info.Password, player.Info.Server); if (player.Account.Username == player.Info.Username && player.Account.exists) { if (player.Account.Password == player.Info.Password && player.Account.exists) { Fw.Identifier = player.Account.GenerateKey(); Kernel.AwaitingPool[Fw.Identifier] = player.Account; Fw.IP = GameIP; Fw.Port = GamePort; } else { LoginBruteForce.ClientRegistred(arg3.IP); Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.InvalidInfo; } } else { Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.WrongAccount; } player.Send(Fw); } } } static void AuthServer_OnClientDisconnect(ClientWrapper obj) { obj.Disconnect(); } static void AuthServer_OnClientConnect(ClientWrapper obj) { Client.AuthClient authState; obj.Connector = (authState = new Client.AuthClient(obj)); authState.Cryptographer = new Network.Cryptography.AuthCryptography(); Network.AuthPackets.PasswordCryptographySeed pcs = new PasswordCryptographySeed(); pcs.Seed = Kernel.Random.Next(); authState.PasswordSeed = pcs.Seed; authState.Send(pcs); //Protection.LoaderProgram.CLientsPass.Clear(); //Protection.LoaderProgram.CLientsPass.Add(authState.PasswordSeed, ""); } internal static Client.GameState FindClient(string name) { return Values.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Entity.Name == name); } #region Copra Style static bool thistime = false; private static void CopraStep(int width, int height, int[] y, int[] l) { int x; thistime = !thistime; for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { if (x % 11 == 10) { if (!thistime) continue; System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.Red; } else { System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inBoxY(y[x] - 2 - (l[x] / 40 * 2), height)); System.Console.Write(R); System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.Green; } System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y[x]); System.Console.Write(R); y[x] = inBoxY(y[x] + 1, height); System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inBoxY(y[x] - l[x], height)); System.Console.Write(' '); } } private static void Initialize(out int width, out int height, out int[] y, out int[] l) { int h1; int h2 = (h1 = (height = System.Console.WindowHeight) / 2) / 2; width = System.Console.WindowWidth - 1; y = new int[width]; l = new int[width]; int x; System.Console.Clear(); for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { y[x] = r.Next(height); l[x] = r.Next(h2 * ((x % 11 != 10) ? 2 : 1), h1 * ((x % 11 != 10) ? 2 : 1)); } } static Random r = new Random(); public static DateTime KingsTime; static char R { get { int t = r.Next(10); if (t <= 2) return (char)('0' + r.Next(10)); else if (t <= 4) return (char)('a' + r.Next(27)); else if (t <= 6) return (char)('A' + r.Next(27)); else return (char)(r.Next(32, 255)); } } public static int inBoxY(int n, int height) { n = n % height; if (n < 0) return n + height; else return n; } #endregion Copra Style internal static void WriteLine(string p, ushort MsgId, short p_2) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public static int Carnaval { get; set; } public static int Carnaval2 { get; set; } public static int Carnaval3 { get; set; } public static uint NextItemID { get; set; } public static uint ExpRateSpell = 2; public static string GetString(byte[] data, int position, int count) { var str = Program.Encoding.GetString(data, position, count); str = str.Replace("\0", "").Replace("\r", ""); return str; } public static string GetString(byte[] data) { var str = Program.Encoding.GetString(data); str = str.Replace("\0", "").Replace("\r", ""); return str; } public static List<ushort> EventsMap = new List<ushort>() { 50001, 50002, 50003, 50004, 50005, 50006, 50007, 50008, 50009, 50010, 50011, 50012, 50013, 50014, 50015, 50016, 50017, 1508, 1518, 2014, 1507, }; } public class Copra_Times { public static DateTime now { get { return DateTime.Now; } } public class Start { public static bool SnowBanshee { get { return ((now.Minute == 57 || now.Minute == 27) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool ThrillingSpook { get { return ((now.Minute == 5 || now.Minute == 35) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool NemesisTyrant { get { return ((now.Minute == 15 || now.Minute == 45) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool SkyWar { get { return (now.Hour == 1 || now.Hour == 13) && now.Minute == 10 && now.Second == 1; } } public static bool TheTeam { get { return (now.Hour == 14 || now.Hour == 2) && now.Minute == 10 && now.Second == 1; } } public static bool EliteGW { get { return (now.Hour == 17 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool SkillTeam { get { return (now.Hour == 22) && now.Minute == 00; } } public static bool TeamPK { get { return (now.Hour == 19) && now.Minute == 00; } } public static bool CTF { get { return (now.Hour == 19 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 12 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool NobiltyWarPole { get { return (now.Hour == 22 && now.Minute == 30) || (now.Hour == 4 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool GuildScoreWar { get { return (now.Hour == 12 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 23 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool ClassWar { get { return (now.Hour == 18 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 8 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool HeroOfGame { get { return now.Minute == 30; } } public static bool FBSS { get { return now.Minute == 25; } } public static bool FBSS2 { get { return now.Minute >= 25 && now.Minute < 28; } } public static int hunterthief = 42; public static int dashbash = 46; public static int chase = 45; public static int dizzy = 49; public static bool Nobilty { get { return now.Minute >= 20 && now.Minute <= 24; } } } public class End { public static bool FBSS { get { return now.Minute >= 28; } } public static int hunterthief = 45; public static int dashbash = 48; public static bool Cyclone { get { return now.Minute == 29; } } public static int chase = 45; public static int dizzy2 = 50; public static bool Nobilty { get { return now.Minute >= 25; } } public static bool EliteGW { get { return now.Hour == 18; } } } } public class rates { public static uint GuildWar; public static uint ChangeName; public static uint king; public static uint prince; public static uint EliteGw; public static uint SkillTeam1; public static uint SkillTeam2; public static uint SkillTeam3; public static uint SkillTeam4; public static uint WeeklyPk; public static uint topguild; public static uint mrconquer; public static uint uniquepk; public static uint Portals; public static uint heroofgame; public static uint NobilityPrize; public static uint lastman; public static uint Daily; public static uint fbss; public static uint Poles; public static uint Clanwarday; public static uint soulp6; public static uint soulp7; public static uint changebody; public static uint ref6; public static uint Twar; public static uint stwar; public static uint ctf; public static uint cps; public static uint ClanwarCity; public static uint ClassPk; public static uint DeathMatchs; public static uint lobby; public static uint hunter; public static uint thief; public static uint housepromete; public static uint itembox; public static uint houseupgrade; public static uint MonthlyPk; public static uint TopSpouse; public static uint Bosses; public static uint Night; public static uint Broadcast; public static uint GuildFee; public static uint TeleportFee; public static uint DragonBall; public static uint Meteor; public static string VoteUrl; public static string coder = "RaMbO"; public static uint Reincarnation; public static uint donationrate; public static string servername { get { return Constants.ServerName; } } public static void Load(IniFile IniFile) { DragonBall = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "DragonBall"); Meteor = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Meteor"); GuildWar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "GuildWar"); EliteGw = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "questday"); Bosses = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Bosses"); Broadcast = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Broadcast"); TeleportFee = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "TeleportFee"); GuildFee = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "GuildFee"); king = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "king"); prince = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "prince"); Reincarnation = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Reincarnation"); MonthlyPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "MonthlyPk"); TopSpouse = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "TopSpouse"); ChangeName = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ChangeName"); housepromete = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "housepromete"); itembox = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "itembox"); Night = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Night"); VoteUrl = IniFile.ReadString("Rates", "VoteUrl"); Portals = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Portals"); coder = IniFile.ReadString("Rates", "coder"); SkillTeam1 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam1"); SkillTeam2 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam2"); SkillTeam3 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam3"); SkillTeam4 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam4"); soulp6 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "soulp6"); soulp7 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "soulp7"); ref6 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ref6"); changebody = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "changebody"); uniquepk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "uniquepk"); WeeklyPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "WeeklyPk"); fbss = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "fbss"); Poles = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Poles"); Clanwarday = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Clanwarday"); lastman = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "lastman"); Daily = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Daily"); topguild = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "topguild"); mrconquer = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "mrconquer"); NobilityPrize = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "NobilityPrize"); heroofgame = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "heroofgame"); Twar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Twar"); stwar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "stwar"); ctf = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ctf"); cps = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "cps"); ClanwarCity = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ClanwarCity"); ClassPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ClassPk"); DeathMatchs = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "DeathMatchs"); lobby = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "lobby"); hunter = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "hunter"); thief = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "thief"); donationrate = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "donationrate"); } } }

ملف باكتيتات البروجرام

private static void GameServer_OnClientReceive(byte[] buffer, int length, ClientWrapper obj)
if (obj.Connector == null)
GameState connector = obj.Connector as GameState;
if (connector.Exchange)
connector.Exchange = false;
connector.Action = (byte)1;
COServer.Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography gameCryptography = new COServer.Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography(Enc oding.Default.GetBytes(Constants.GameCryptographyK ey));
byte[] numArray = new byte[length];
Array.Copy((Array)buffer, (Array)numArray, length);
gameCryptography.Decrypt(numArray, length);
bool flag = false;
int offset = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 80; x++)
if (BitConverter.ToInt32(numArray, x) == 128)
if (length >= 205)
offset = x;
flag = true;
connector.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length - 40);
offset = x;
connector.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length);
int int32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset);
int index1 = offset + 4;
if (int32 != 128)
byte[] bytes = new byte[128];
int index2 = 0;
while (index2 < int32)
bytes[index2] = buffer[index1];
string PublicKey = Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes);
connector.Cryptography = connector.DHKeyExchange.HandleClientKeyPacket(Publ icKey, connector.Cryptography);
if (!flag)
byte[] buffer1 = new byte[40];
Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)buffer, length - 40, (Array)buffer1, 0, 40);
processData(buffer1, 40, connector);
processData(buffer, length, connector);

البروجرام بدون تعديل

using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using SomailProject.Network; using SomailProject.Database; using SomailProject.Network.Sockets; using SomailProject.Network.AuthPackets; using SomailProject.Game; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using SomailProject.Network.GamePackets; using SomailProject.Client; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading; using SomailProject; using SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Union; using ProtoBuf; using SomailProject.MaTrix; using SomailProject.Game.MsgServer; namespace SomailProject { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); Time32 Start = Time32.Now; RandomSeed = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString().Remove(DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString().Length / 2)); Kernel.Random = new FastRandom(RandomSeed); StartDate = DateTime.Now; Console.Title = "Samuel-Dawod"; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("_-_-_-_-_-_ ♥ Conquer Matrix ♥ _-_-_-_-_-_"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Load server configuration"); string ConfigFileName = "SomailProject.ini"; IniFile IniFile = new IniFile(ConfigFileName); GameIP = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "IP"); GamePort = IniFile.ReadUInt16("configuration", "GamePort"); AuthPort = new List<ushort>() { IniFile.ReadUInt16("configuration", "AuthPort"), }; Constants.ServerName = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "ServerName"); TestingMode = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "TestMode", "0") == "1" ? true : false; AllTest = IniFile.ReadString("configuration", "AllTest", "0") == "1" ? true : false; rates.Load(IniFile); Database.DataHolder.CreateConnection( IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Host", "localhost"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Username", "root"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Password", "az4des123"), IniFile.ReadString("MySql", "Database", "cq")); PrestigeStars = 54; EntityUID = new Counter(0); bool x = false; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT)) { cmd.Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName); using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) { EntityUID = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("EntityID")); Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Guild.GuildCounter = new SomailProject.Counter(r.ReadUInt32("GuildID")); ConquerItem.ItemUID = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("ItemUID")); Constants.ExtraExperienceRate = r.ReadUInt32("ExperienceRate"); Constants.ExtraSpellRate = r.ReadUInt32("ProficiencyExperienceRate"); Constants.ExtraProficiencyRate = r.ReadUInt32("SpellExperienceRate"); Constants.MoneyDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("MoneyDropRate"); Constants.MoneyDropMultiple = r.ReadUInt32("MoneyDropMultiple"); if (r.ReadByte("LastDailySignReset") != DateTime.Now.Month) x = true; Constants.ConquerPointsDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("ConquerPointsDropRate"); Constants.ConquerPointsDropMultiple = r.ReadUInt32("ConquerPointsDropMultiple"); Constants.ItemDropRate = r.ReadUInt32("ItemDropRate"); Constants.ItemDropQualityRates = r.ReadString("ItemDropQualityString").Split('~'); Constants.WebAccExt = r.ReadString("AccountWebExt"); Constants.WebVoteExt = r.ReadString("VoteWebExt"); Constants.WebDonateExt = r.ReadString("DonateWebExt"); Constants.ServerWebsite = r.ReadString("ServerWebsite"); Constants.ServerGMPass = r.ReadString("ServerGMPass"); PlayerCap = r.ReadInt32("PlayerCap"); Union.UnionCounter = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("UnionID")); Database.EntityVariableTable.Load(0, out Vars); VoteSystem.Count = r.ReadInt32("VotesCount"); } } } if (EntityUID.Now == 0) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Database error. Please check your MySQL. Server will now close."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } { Console.WriteLine("Initializing Database."); Console.WriteLine("Loading The Hard Things"); Database.ConquerItemInformation.Load(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); InnerPowerTable.LoadDBInformation(); #region WardRobe WardRobe.Load_coatstorage_type(); WardRobe.Load_title_type(); #endregion InnerPowerTable.Load(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineAttribute(); if (x) MsgSignIn.Reset(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineEffect(); PerfectionTable.LoadItemRefineEffectEX(); Database.Flowers.LoadFlowers(); Database.SignInTable.Load(); Database.MonsterInformation.Load(); Database.MapsTable.Load(); SomailProject.MaTrix.SoulProtection.Load(); World = new World(); World.Init(); Map.CreateTimerFactories(); Database.SignInTable.Load(); Database.DMaps.LoadMapPaths(); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(700); DMaps.LoadMap(2068); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(3868); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(3935); Database.DMaps.LoadMap(10137); Copra.QuestInfo.Load(); Database.VipTable.LoadAllVips(); Database.SpellTable.Load(); Database.ShopFile.Load(); Database.HonorShop.Load(); Database.RacePointShop.Load(); VoteSystem.Load(); Database.ChampionShop.Load(); new MsgUserAbilityScore().LoadWallOfPrestige(); PrestigeRank.LoadRanking(); Console.WriteLine("WallOfPrestigeRank Initilizied"); Database.EShopFile.Load(); Database.EShopV2File.Load(); Database.AddingInformationTable.Load(); Database.LotteryTable.Load(); Database.vipLottery.Load(); Copra.Roulette.Database.Roulettes.Load(); Copra.Way2Heroes.Load(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); Refinery.Load(); Values = new Client.GameState[0]; new Game.Map(1002, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1002]); new Game.Map(1038, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1038]); new Game.Map(2071, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2071]); new Game.Map(2057, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2057]); new Game.Map(4000, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4000]); new Game.Map(4003, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4003]); new Game.Map(4006, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4006]); new Game.Map(4008, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4008]); new Game.Map(4020, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[4020]); if (DMaps.LoadMap(1038)) Game.GuildWar.Initiate(); if (DMaps.LoadMap(10380)) Game.SuperGuildWar.Initiate(); new Game.Map(1509, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1509]); new Game.Map(10002, 2021, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[2021]); new Game.Map(8883, 1004, Database.DMaps.MapPaths[1004]); Constants.PKFreeMaps.Add(8883); Game.EliteGuildWar.EliteGwint(); Database.DataHolder.ReadStats(); Database.IPBan.Load(); JiangHuTable.LoadStatus(); JiangHuTable.LoadRanks(); Database.NobilityTable.Load(); Database.ArenaTable.Load(); Database.TeamArenaTable.Load(); Database.GuildTable.Load(); UnionTable.Load(); AuctionBase.Load(); Database.ChiTable.LoadAllChi(); StorageItem.Load(); Clan.LoadClans(); Kernel.Magic.Load(); TutorInfo.Load(); Database.Disdain.Load(); Tranformation.Int(); Kernel.AtributeStatus.Load(); AtributesStatus.LoadExpInfo(); RebornInfo = new RebornInfomations(); RebornInfo.Load(); Game.Screen.CreateTimerFactories(); new MsgEquipRefineRank().UpdateRanking(); Database.ConquerItemTable.ClearNulledItems(); Network.Cryptography.AuthCryptography.PrepareAuthCryptography(); World.CreateTournaments(); new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("entities").Set("Online", 0).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Initializing Sockets."); AuthServer = new ServerSocket[AuthPort.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i] = new ServerSocket(); AuthServer[i].OnClientConnect += AuthServer_OnClientConnect; AuthServer[i].OnClientReceive += AuthServer_OnClientReceive; AuthServer[i].OnClientDisconnect += AuthServer_OnClientDisconnect; AuthServer[i].Enable(AuthPort[i], ""); Console.WriteLine("Auth " + i + " server online."); } { GameServer = new ServerSocket(); GameServer.OnClientConnect += GameServer_OnClientConnect; GameServer.OnClientReceive += GameServer_OnClientReceive; GameServer.OnClientDisconnect += GameServer_OnClientDisconnect; GameServer.Enable(GamePort, ""); Console.WriteLine("Game server online."); Console.WriteLine("Web server online."); Copra.Pet.CreateTimerFactories(); AI.CreateTimerFactories(); var client = new GameState(null); client.Entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false); client.Entity.MapID = 1002; Npcs npc = new Npcs(client); var req = new NpcRequest(); req.Deserialize(new byte[28]); Npcs.GetDialog(req, client); client = null; SomailProject.Booths.Load(); } Console.WriteLine("Server loaded in " + (Time32.Now - Start) + " milliseconds."); Console.WriteLine("[********************** ♥ [Samuel.Dawod] ♥ **********************]"); SomailHandler += SomailConsole_CloseEvent; SetConsoleCtrlHandler(SomailHandler, true); GC.Collect(); WorkConsole(); } } public static int PrestigeStars = 0; public static RebornInfomations RebornInfo; public static Encoding Encoding = ASCIIEncoding.Default; [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName); [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); public static int PlayerCap = 1000; public static bool ALEXPC = false; public static bool NemesisTyrantSpanwed = false; public static long MaxOn = 0; public static long MaxEntitys = 0; public static ServerSocket[] AuthServer; public static int CpuUse = 0; public static ServerSocket GameServer; public static Counter EntityUID; public static string GameIP; public static bool SpookAlive = false; public static DayOfWeek Today; public static ushort GamePort; public static List<ushort> AuthPort; public static DateTime StartDate; public static bool reseted = false; public static uint ScreenColor = 0; public static DateTime RestartDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(24); public static bool restarted = false; public static bool WarEnd = false; public static bool uniquepk = false; public static uint mess = 0; public static World World; public static Client.GameState[] GamePool = new Client.GameState[0]; public static Client.GameState[] Values = new Client.GameState[0]; public static VariableVault Vars; public static long WeatherType = 0L; public static bool TestingMode = false; public static bool AllTest = false; public static bool SnowBa = true; public static bool Nemesis = true; public static bool ThrillingSpook = true; public static uint PhysicalDamage = 100;// + 150% public static bool SwordMaster = true; public static bool TeratoDragon = true; public static bool SnowSoul = true; public static int RandomSeed = 0; public static short GetDistance(ushort X, ushort Y, ushort X2, ushort Y2) { return (short)Math.Sqrt((X - X2) * (X - X2) + (Y - Y2) * (Y - Y2)); } #region Translate public static void SaveTranslate() { var file = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "Translate.txt"; if (File.Exists(file)) File.Delete(file); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(File.Create(file), Encoding); writer.AutoFlush = true; foreach (var item in Kernel.Translateed) writer.WriteLine(item.Key + "@@" + item.Value); writer.Close(); } public static void LoadTranslate() { var file = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "Translate.txt"; if (File.Exists(file)) { string[] text = File.ReadAllLines(file, Encoding); for (int x = 0; x < text.Length; x++) { string line = text[x]; string[] split = line.Split(new string[] { "@@" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (split.Length < 1) continue; var key = split[0]; if (split.Length < 2) continue; var value = split[1]; if (!Kernel.Translateed.ContainsKey(key)) Kernel.Translateed.Add(key, value); } } } #endregion #region VersionChecker //if (VersionChecker.IsValidVersion() == false) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has expired, Please get the Full version |Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Enter Password:"); // Program.Password = Console.ReadLine(); // if (ClassExtensions.Get64HashCode(Program.Password) != 4586181316755855993) // { // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has expired, Please get the Full version |Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Thx. For Waiting...!"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Wrong Password!"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("If Want To make this Source Work"); // SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("You need to put the right Password. !"); // SomailProject.Console.ReadLine(); // MessageBox.Show("You Will Get Hacked. | Contact 011 42 72 19 32"); // System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; // System.Console.WindowLeft = System.Console.WindowTop = 0; // System.Console.WindowHeight = System.Console.BufferHeight = System.Console.LargestWindowHeight; // System.Console.WindowWidth = System.Console.BufferWidth = System.Console.LargestWindowWidth; // System.Console.CursorVisible = false; // int width, height; // int[] y; // int[] l; // Initialize(out width, out height, out y, out l); // int ms; // while (true) // { // DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now; // CopraStep(width, height, y, l); // ms = 10 - (int)((TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - t1)).TotalMilliseconds; // if (ms > 0) // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(ms); // if (System.Console.KeyAvailable) // if (System.Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.F5) // Initialize(out width, out height, out y, out l); // } // // Environment.Exit(0); // } // elsez // { // VersionChecker.TrialEnd(); // MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version has Renewed, To get the Full version"); // } // return; //} //else //{ // VersionChecker chk = new VersionChecker(); //} #endregion VersionChecker #region Closing Events private static bool SomailConsole_CloseEvent(CtrlType sig) { Save(); return true; } private static Native.ConsoleEventHandler SomailHandler; [DllImport("Kernel32")] private static extern bool SetConsoleCtrlHandler(Native.ConsoleEventHandler handler, bool add); private delegate bool EventHandler(CtrlType sig); #endregion public static bool Save(bool Exit = false) { try { using (var conn = Database.DataHolder.MySqlConnection) { conn.Open(); foreach (Client.GameState client in Program.Values) { SaveTranslate(); Database.JiangHuTable.FullSave(client); Database.EntityTable.SaveEntity(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveClientSpells(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveProficiencies(client); Database.ArenaTable.SaveArenaStatistics(client.ArenaStatistic); Database.TeamArenaTable.SaveArenaStatistics(client.TeamArenaStatistic); client.WardRobe.Save(); } } Database.InnerPowerTable.Save(); Database.Flowers.SaveFlowers(); AuctionBase.Save(); Game.ClanWarArena.Save(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName)) { using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) { new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("EntityID", EntityUID.Now).Set("ServerKingdom", Kernel.ServerKingdom).Set("GuildID", Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Guild.GuildCounter.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); if (r.ReadByte("LastDailySignReset") != DateTime.Now.Month) MsgSignIn.Reset(); } } } using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration")) cmd.Set("LastDailySignReset", DateTime.Now.Month).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Saving cmd Done."); //if (Exit) // Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); return false; } return true; } #region Exceptions & Logs public static void AddVendorLog(String vendor, string buying, string moneyamount, ConquerItem Item) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\VendorLogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("{0} HAS BOUGHT AN ITEM : {2} FROM {1} SHOP - for {3}", vendor, buying, Item.ToLog(), moneyamount); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.Close(); } } public static void AddGMCommand(string gm, string commandStr) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\GMCommandsLog\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(gm + commandStr); file.Close(); } } public static void RemoveCps(string text) { try { text = "[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "]" + text; String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\RemoveCps\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true); fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(text); file.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } public static void AddCpsWin(string text) { try { text = "[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "]" + text; String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\AddWinCps\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(text); file.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } public static void AddDropLog(String Name, ConquerItem Item) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\droplogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } string path = NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt"; if (!File.Exists(path)) File.AppendAllText(path, ""); string text = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine + string.Format("Entity {0} HAS DROPPED AN ITEM : {1} -", Name, Item.ToLog()) + Environment.NewLine + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; File.AppendAllText(path, text); } public static void AddTradeLog(Game.ConquerStructures.Trade first, String firstN, Game.ConquerStructures.Trade second, String secondN) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "database\\Security\\Trade\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine("************************************************************************************"); file.WriteLine("First Person TradeLog ({0}) -", firstN); file.WriteLine("Gold Traded: " + first.Money); file.WriteLine("Conquer Points Traded: " + first.ConquerPoints); for (int i = 0; i < first.Items.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("Item : " + first.Items[i].ToLog()); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } file.WriteLine("Second Person TradeLog ({0}) -", secondN); file.WriteLine("Gold Traded: " + second.Money); file.WriteLine("Conquer Points Traded: " + second.ConquerPoints); for (int i = 0; i < second.Items.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); file.WriteLine("Item : " + second.Items[i].ToLog()); file.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } file.WriteLine("************************************************************************************"); } } public static void AddMobLog(string War, string name, uint CPs = 0, uint item = 0) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\MobLogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { if (CPs != 0) file.WriteLine(name + " got " + CPs + " CPs from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); else file.WriteLine(name + " got " + item + " Item from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); } } public static void AddWarLog(string War, string CPs, string name) { String folderN = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month, Path = "gmlogs\\Warlogs\\", NewPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN); if (!File.Exists(NewPath + folderN)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, folderN)); } if (!File.Exists(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt")) { fs.Close(); } } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(NewPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + ".txt", true)) { file.WriteLine(name + " got " + CPs + " CPs from the [" + War + "] as prize at " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second); } } static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { SaveException(e.ExceptionObject as Exception); } public static void SaveException(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); var dt = DateTime.Now; string date = dt.Month + "-" + dt.Day + "//"; if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath); if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date); if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name); string fullPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Constants.UnhandledExceptionsPath + date + e.TargetSite.Name + "\\"; string date2 = dt.Hour + "-" + dt.Minute; List<string> Lines = new List<string>(); Lines.Add("----Exception message----"); Lines.Add(e.Message); Lines.Add("----End of exception message----\r\n"); Lines.Add("----Stack trace----"); Lines.Add(e.StackTrace); Lines.Add("----End of stack trace----\r\n"); //Lines.Add("----Data from exception----"); //foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> data in e.Data) // Lines.Add(data.Key.ToString() + "->" + data.Value.ToString()); //Lines.Add("----End of data from exception----\r\n"); File.WriteAllLines(fullPath + date2 + ".txt", Lines.ToArray()); } #endregion private static void WorkConsole() { while (true) { try { CommandsAI(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } } public static DateTime LastRandomReset = DateTime.Now; public static Network.GamePackets.BlackSpotPacket BlackSpotPacket = new Network.GamePackets.BlackSpotPacket(); public static bool MyPC = true; public static void CommandsAI(string command) { try { if (command == null) return; string[] data = command.Split(' '); switch (data[0]) { case "@testmode": { if (TestingMode) { TestingMode = false; Console.WriteLine("Test Mode Off"); } else { TestingMode = true; Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "Server will exit for 5 min to fix some bugs, please be paitent" }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); CommandsAI("@save"); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Database.EntityVariableTable.Save(0, Vars); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Client.GameState client in WC) { if (client.Account.State != AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager) { client.Send("Server will exit for 5 min to fix some bugs, please be paitent !"); client.Disconnect(); } } if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Test Mode On"); } break; } case "@clear": { Console.Clear(); SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Consle and program Cleared "); break; } case "@sh": { Console.WriteLine(Program.SnowBa); break; } case "@sh1": { Program.SnowBa = true; break; } case "@sh2": { Program.SnowBa = false; break; } case "@Copra": case "@bigbos": SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server will restart after 10 minutes."); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 5 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 4 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 4 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 3 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 3 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 2 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 2 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 1 minute 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 1 minute, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 30 second, Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server will exit after 1 minute."); CommandsAI("@save"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0x7530); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new SomailProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("The Server restarted, Please log in after 5 minutes ", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 0x7db), Program.Values); try { CommandsAI("@restart"); } catch { SomailProject.Console.WriteLine("Server cannot exit"); } break; case "@flushbans": { Database.IPBan.Load(); break; } case "@alivetime": { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan t2 = new TimeSpan(StartDate.ToBinary()); TimeSpan t1 = new TimeSpan(now.ToBinary()); Console.WriteLine("The server has been online " + (int)(t1.TotalHours - t2.TotalHours) + " hours, " + (int)((t1.TotalMinutes - t2.TotalMinutes) % 1) + " minutes."); break; } case "@online": { Console.WriteLine("Online Entitys count: " + Kernel.GamePool.Count); string line = ""; foreach (Client.GameState pClient in Program.Values) line += pClient.Entity.Name + ","; if (line != "") { line = line.Remove(line.Length - 1); Console.WriteLine("Entitys: " + line); } break; } case "@memoryusage": { var proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Console.WriteLine("Thread count: " + proc.Threads.Count); Console.WriteLine("Memory set(MB): " + ((double)((double)proc.WorkingSet64 / 1024)) / 1024); proc.Close(); break; } case "@save": { Save(); } break; case "@PlayerCap": { try { PlayerCap = int.Parse(data[1]); } catch { } break; } case "@skill": { Game.Features.Tournaments.SkillPk.SkillTournament.Open(); foreach (var clien in Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (clien.Team == null) clien.Team = new Game.ConquerStructures.Team(clien); Game.Features.Tournaments.SkillPk.SkillTournament.Join(clien, 3); } break; } case "@team": { Game.Features.Tournaments.TeamPk.TeamTournament.Open(); foreach (var clien in Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (clien.Team == null) clien.Team = new Game.ConquerStructures.Team(clien); Game.Features.Tournaments.TeamPk.TeamTournament.Join(clien, 3); } break; } case "@exit": { Program.Save(true); CommandsAI("@save"); GameServer.Disable(); for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i].Disable(); } new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Database.EntityVariableTable.Save(0, Vars); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); Parallel.ForEach(Program.Values, client => { client.Send(" Server will exit for 5 min to Solve The Problem, please be paitent "); client.Disconnect(); }); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { " Server will exit for 5 min to Solve The Problem, please be paitent " }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Environment.Exit(0); } break; case "serverpass": { using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT)) { cmd.Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName); using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd)) { if (r.Read()) Constants.ServerGMPass = r.ReadString("ServerGMPass"); } } break; } case "@pressure": { Console.WriteLine("Genr: " + World.GenericThreadPool.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Send: " + World.SendPool.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Recv: " + World.ReceivePool.ToString()); break; } case "@restart": { try { Program.Save(); Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "Server Will Be Restart Now !" }), System.Drawing.Color.Black, 0x7db), Program.Values); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); var WC = Program.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Client.GameState client in WC) { client.Send(" Server Will Be Restart Now "); client.Disconnect(); } GameServer.Disable(); for (int i = 0; i < AuthServer.Length; i++) { AuthServer[i].Disable(); } if (GuildWar.IsWar) GuildWar.End(); new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.Update).Update("configuration").Set("ItemUID", ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", Constants.ServerName).Execute(); Application.Restart(); Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Console.ReadLine(); } } break; case "@account": { Database.AccountTable account = new AccountTable(data[1]); account.Password = data[2]; account.State = AccountTable.AccountState.Entity; account.Save(); } break; case "@process": { HandleClipboardPacket(command); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } public static void WriteLine(string Line) { try { Console.WriteLine(Line); } catch { } } public static void HandleClipboardPacket(string cmd) { string[] pData = cmd.Split(' '); long off = 0, type = 0, val = 0; if (pData.Length > 1) { string[] oData = pData[1].Split(':'); if (oData.Length == 3) { off = long.Parse(oData[0]); type = long.Parse(oData[1]); if (oData[2] == "u") val = 1337; else val = long.Parse(oData[2]); } } string Data = OSClipboard.GetText(); string[] num = Data.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); byte[] packet = new byte[num.Length + 8]; for (int i = 0; i < num.Length; i++) packet[i] = byte.Parse(num[i], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(packet.Length - 8), 0, packet); if (off != 0) { switch (type) { case 1: { packet[(int)off] = (byte)val; break; } case 2: { Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)val, (int)off, packet); break; } case 4: { Writer.WriteUInt32((uint)val, (int)off, packet); break; } case 8: { Writer.WriteUInt64((ulong)val, (int)off, packet); break; } } } foreach (var client in Program.Values) { if (val == 1337 && type == 4) Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, (int)off, packet); client.Send(packet); } } static void GameServer_OnClientReceive(byte[] buffer, int length, ClientWrapper obj) { if (obj.Connector == null) { obj.Disconnect(); return; } Client.GameState Client = obj.Connector as Client.GameState; if (Client.Exchange) { Client.Exchange = false; Client.Action = 1; var crypto = new Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography(Program.Encoding.GetBytes(Constants.GameCryptographyKey)); if (Program.TestingMode) crypto = new Network.Cryptography.GameCryptography(Program.Encoding.GetBytes(Constants.GameCryptographyKey)); byte[] otherData = new byte[length]; Array.Copy(buffer, otherData, length); crypto.Decrypt(otherData, length); bool extra = false; int pos = 0; if (BitConverter.ToInt32(otherData, length - 140) == 128) { pos = length - 140; Client.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length); } else if (BitConverter.ToInt32(otherData, length - 176) == 128) { pos = length - 176; extra = true; Client.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length - 36); } int len = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, pos); pos += 4; if (len != 128) { Client.Disconnect(); return; } byte[] pubKey = new byte[128]; for (int x = 0; x < len; x++, pos++) pubKey[x] = buffer[pos]; string PubKey = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(pubKey); Client.Cryptography = Client.DHKeyExchange.HandleClientKeyPacket(PubKey, Client.Cryptography); if (extra) { byte[] data = new byte[36]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, length - 36, data, 0, 36); processData(data, 36, Client); } } else { processData(buffer, length, Client); } } private static void processData(byte[] buffer, int length, Client.GameState Client) { Client.Cryptography.Decrypt(buffer, length); Client.Queue.Enqueue(buffer, length); if (Client.Queue.CurrentLength > 1224) { Console.WriteLine("[Disconnect]Reason:The packet size is too big. " + Client.Queue.CurrentLength); Client.Disconnect(); return; } while (Client.Queue.CanDequeue()) { byte[] data = Client.Queue.Dequeue(); try { Network.PacketHandler.HandlePacket(data, Client); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.ToString().Contains("Index")) { return; } else { Network.PacketHandler.HandlePacket(data, Client); } } } } static void GameServer_OnClientConnect(ClientWrapper obj) { Client.GameState client = new Client.GameState(obj); client.Send(client.DHKeyExchange.CreateServerKeyPacket()); obj.Connector = client; } static void GameServer_OnClientDisconnect(ClientWrapper obj) { if (obj.Connector != null) (obj.Connector as Client.GameState).Disconnect(); else obj.Disconnect(); } static void AuthServer_OnClientReceive(byte[] buffer, int length, ClientWrapper arg3) { var Entity = arg3.Connector as Client.AuthClient; Entity.Cryptographer.Decrypt(buffer, length); Entity.Queue.Enqueue(buffer, length); while (Entity.Queue.CanDequeue()) { byte[] packet = Entity.Queue.Dequeue(); ushort len = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 0); ushort id = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 2); if (len == 312) { Entity.Info = new Authentication(); Entity.Info.Deserialize(packet); Entity.Account = new AccountTable(Entity.Info.Username); string passdone = ""; msvcrt.msvcrt.srand(Entity.PasswordSeed); Forward Fw = new Forward(); if (Entity.Account.Password == Entity.Info.Password && Entity.Account.exists) Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.Ready; else Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.InvalidInfo; //if (IPBan.IsBanned(arg3.IP)) //{ // Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.Banned; // Entity.Send(Fw); // return; //} if (Fw.Type == Network.AuthPackets.Forward.ForwardType.Ready) { Fw.Identifier = Entity.Account.GenerateKey(); Kernel.AwaitingPool[Fw.Identifier] = Entity.Account; Fw.IP = GameIP; Fw.Port = GamePort; } Entity.Send(Fw); } } } static void AuthServer_OnClientDisconnect(ClientWrapper obj) { obj.Disconnect(); } static void AuthServer_OnClientConnect(ClientWrapper obj) { Client.AuthClient authState; obj.Connector = (authState = new Client.AuthClient(obj)); authState.Cryptographer = new Network.Cryptography.AuthCryptography(); Network.AuthPackets.PasswordCryptographySeed pcs = new PasswordCryptographySeed(); pcs.Seed = Kernel.Random.Next(); authState.PasswordSeed = pcs.Seed; authState.Send(pcs); //Protection.LoaderProgram.CLientsPass.Clear(); //Protection.LoaderProgram.CLientsPass.Add(authState.PasswordSeed, ""); } internal static Client.GameState FindClient(string name) { return Values.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Entity.Name == name); } #region Copra Style static bool thistime = false; private static void CopraStep(int width, int height, int[] y, int[] l) { int x; thistime = !thistime; for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { if (x % 11 == 10) { if (!thistime) continue; System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.Red; } else { System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inBoxY(y[x] - 2 - (l[x] / 40 * 2), height)); System.Console.Write(R); System.Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.Green; } System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y[x]); System.Console.Write(R); y[x] = inBoxY(y[x] + 1, height); System.Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inBoxY(y[x] - l[x], height)); System.Console.Write(' '); } } private static void Initialize(out int width, out int height, out int[] y, out int[] l) { int h1; int h2 = (h1 = (height = System.Console.WindowHeight) / 2) / 2; width = System.Console.WindowWidth - 1; y = new int[width]; l = new int[width]; int x; System.Console.Clear(); for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { y[x] = r.Next(height); l[x] = r.Next(h2 * ((x % 11 != 10) ? 2 : 1), h1 * ((x % 11 != 10) ? 2 : 1)); } } static Random r = new Random(); public static DateTime KingsTime; static char R { get { int t = r.Next(10); if (t <= 2) return (char)('0' + r.Next(10)); else if (t <= 4) return (char)('a' + r.Next(27)); else if (t <= 6) return (char)('A' + r.Next(27)); else return (char)(r.Next(32, 255)); } } public static int inBoxY(int n, int height) { n = n % height; if (n < 0) return n + height; else return n; } #endregion Copra Style internal static void WriteLine(string p, ushort MsgId, short p_2) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public static int Carnaval { get; set; } public static int Carnaval2 { get; set; } public static int Carnaval3 { get; set; } public static uint NextItemID { get; set; } public static uint ExpRateSpell = 2; public static string GetString(byte[] data, int position, int count) { var str = Program.Encoding.GetString(data, position, count); str = str.Replace("\0", "").Replace("\r", ""); return str; } public static string GetString(byte[] data) { var str = Program.Encoding.GetString(data); str = str.Replace("\0", "").Replace("\r", ""); return str; } public static List<ushort> EventsMap = new List<ushort>() { 50001, 50002, 50003, 50004, 50005, 50006, 50007, 50008, 50009, 50010, 50011, 50012, 50013, 50014, 50015, 50016, 50017, 1508, 1518, 2014, 1507, }; } public class Copra_Times { public static DateTime now { get { return DateTime.Now; } } public class Start { public static bool SnowBanshee { get { return ((now.Minute == 57 || now.Minute == 27) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool ThrillingSpook { get { return ((now.Minute == 5 || now.Minute == 35) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool NemesisTyrant { get { return ((now.Minute == 15 || now.Minute == 45) && now.Second == 30); } } public static bool SkyWar { get { return (now.Hour == 1 || now.Hour == 13) && now.Minute == 10 && now.Second == 1; } } public static bool TheTeam { get { return (now.Hour == 14 || now.Hour == 2) && now.Minute == 10 && now.Second == 1; } } public static bool EliteGW { get { return (now.Hour == 17 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool SkillTeam { get { return (now.Hour == 22) && now.Minute == 00; } } public static bool TeamPK { get { return (now.Hour == 19) && now.Minute == 00; } } public static bool CTF { get { return (now.Hour == 19 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 12 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool NobiltyWarPole { get { return (now.Hour == 22 && now.Minute == 30) || (now.Hour == 4 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool GuildScoreWar { get { return (now.Hour == 12 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 23 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool ClassWar { get { return (now.Hour == 18 && now.Minute == 0) || (now.Hour == 8 && now.Minute == 0); } } public static bool HeroOfGame { get { return now.Minute == 30; } } public static bool FBSS { get { return now.Minute == 25; } } public static bool FBSS2 { get { return now.Minute >= 25 && now.Minute < 28; } } public static int hunterthief = 42; public static int dashbash = 46; public static int chase = 45; public static int dizzy = 49; public static bool Nobilty { get { return now.Minute >= 20 && now.Minute <= 24; } } } public class End { public static bool FBSS { get { return now.Minute >= 28; } } public static int hunterthief = 45; public static int dashbash = 48; public static bool Cyclone { get { return now.Minute == 29; } } public static int chase = 45; public static int dizzy2 = 50; public static bool Nobilty { get { return now.Minute >= 25; } } public static bool EliteGW { get { return now.Hour == 18; } } } } public class rates { public static uint GuildWar; public static uint ChangeName; public static uint king; public static uint prince; public static uint EliteGw; public static uint SkillTeam1; public static uint SkillTeam2; public static uint SkillTeam3; public static uint SkillTeam4; public static uint WeeklyPk; public static uint topguild; public static uint mrconquer; public static uint uniquepk; public static uint Portals; public static uint heroofgame; public static uint NobilityPrize; public static uint lastman; public static uint Daily; public static uint fbss; public static uint Poles; public static uint Clanwarday; public static uint soulp6; public static uint soulp7; public static uint changebody; public static uint ref6; public static uint Twar; public static uint stwar; public static uint ctf; public static uint cps; public static uint ClanwarCity; public static uint ClassPk; public static uint DeathMatchs; public static uint lobby; public static uint hunter; public static uint thief; public static uint housepromete; public static uint itembox; public static uint houseupgrade; public static uint MonthlyPk; public static uint TopSpouse; public static uint Bosses; public static uint Night; public static uint Broadcast; public static uint GuildFee; public static uint TeleportFee; public static uint DragonBall; public static uint Meteor; public static string VoteUrl; public static string coder = "RaMbO"; public static uint Reincarnation; public static uint donationrate; public static string servername { get { return Constants.ServerName; } } public static void Load(IniFile IniFile) { DragonBall = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "DragonBall"); Meteor = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Meteor"); GuildWar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "GuildWar"); EliteGw = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "questday"); Bosses = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Bosses"); Broadcast = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Broadcast"); TeleportFee = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "TeleportFee"); GuildFee = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "GuildFee"); king = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "king"); prince = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "prince"); Reincarnation = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Reincarnation"); MonthlyPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "MonthlyPk"); TopSpouse = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "TopSpouse"); ChangeName = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ChangeName"); housepromete = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "housepromete"); itembox = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "itembox"); Night = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Night"); VoteUrl = IniFile.ReadString("Rates", "VoteUrl"); Portals = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Portals"); coder = IniFile.ReadString("Rates", "coder"); SkillTeam1 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam1"); SkillTeam2 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam2"); SkillTeam3 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam3"); SkillTeam4 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "SkillTeam4"); soulp6 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "soulp6"); soulp7 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "soulp7"); ref6 = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ref6"); changebody = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "changebody"); uniquepk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "uniquepk"); WeeklyPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "WeeklyPk"); fbss = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "fbss"); Poles = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Poles"); Clanwarday = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Clanwarday"); lastman = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "lastman"); Daily = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Daily"); topguild = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "topguild"); mrconquer = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "mrconquer"); NobilityPrize = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "NobilityPrize"); heroofgame = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "heroofgame"); Twar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "Twar"); stwar = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "stwar"); ctf = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ctf"); cps = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "cps"); ClanwarCity = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ClanwarCity"); ClassPk = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "ClassPk"); DeathMatchs = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "DeathMatchs"); lobby = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "lobby"); hunter = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "hunter"); thief = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "thief"); donationrate = IniFile.ReadUInt32("Rates", "donationrate"); } } }