#region LuckyBox case 925: case 926: case 928: case 929: case 930: case 931: case 932: case 933: case 934: case 935: case 936: case 937: case 938: case 939: case 940: case 942: case 943: case 944: case 945: { switch (npcRequest.OptionID) { case 0: { if (client.Inventory.Contains(711504, 3)) { if (client.LotteryEntries < 500) { client.Inventory.Remove(711504, 3) int rand = Kernel.Random.Next(MrHassan.Database.LotteryTable.LotteryItems.Count); var item = MrHassan.Database.LotteryTable.LotteryItems[rand]; var tobesent = new newLottery(true); tobesent.boxid = 3;//npcRequest.NpcID;// 0x10103; tobesent.ItemID = item.ID; client.Entity.LOTOITEM = item; if (item.Sockets > 0) tobesent.SocketGem1 = 255; if (item.Sockets > 1) tobesent.SocketGem2 = 255; client.Entity.AddJade = 0; tobesent.JadesAdded = client.Entity.AddJade; tobesent.plus = item.Plus; client.LotteryEntries += 1; client.Send(tobesent); MrHassan.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulations! " + client.Entity.Name + " won " + item.Name + " in lottery.", System.Drawing.Color.Black, Message.Talk), MrHassan.Program.Values); } else { dialog.Text("Sorry, your LotteryEntries has finished come tomorrow."); dialog.Option("Okay", 255); } } else { dialog.Text("You need to pay 50 cps to draw from the lottery in the lottery Center."); dialog.Option("Okay", 255); } break; } } break; } #endregion