#region big-monsters if (name == "vampire") program.vampira = true; if (name == "snowbanshee") program.snowba = true; if (name == "nemesistyrant") program.nemesis = true; if (name == "legendarywarrior") program.legendary = true; if (name == "lostman") program.lostman = true; if (name == "deadlady") program.deadlady = true; if (name == "deadman") program.deadman = true; if (name == "shanghi") program.shangi = true; if (name == "swordmaster") program.swordmaster = true; if (name == "teratodragon") program.teratodragon = true; if (name == "destructive") program.destructive = true; if (name == "snowbansheesoul") program.snowsoul = true; if (name == "thrillingspook") program.thrillingspook = true; #endregion دول
#region boss-monster case 4716112: { switch (npcrequest.optionid) { case 0: { dialog.text(" hello " + client.player.name + " do you want kill dangerous monsters "); dialog.option("deadman[xx:00]", 7); dialog.option("deadlady[xx:05]", 8); dialog.option("shanghi[xx:10]", 9); dialog.option("destructive[xx:15]", 10); dialog.option("swordmaster[xx:20]", 11); dialog.option("vampire[xx:25]", 12); dialog.option("lostman[xx:30]", 13); dialog.option("legendarywarrior[xx:35]", 14); dialog.option("nemesistyrant[xx:40]", 3); dialog.option("snowbanshee[xx:45]", 4); dialog.option("thrillingspook[xx:50]", 5); dialog.option("teratodragon[xx:55]", 6); dialog.option("no thanks", 255); dialog.avatar(0); dialog.send(); break; } case 100: { dialog.text("this all monster[stone]"); dialog.option("deadman", 7); dialog.option("deadlady", 8); dialog.option("shanghi", 9); break; } case 102: { dialog.text("this all monster[stone-perf]"); dialog.option("destructive", 10); dialog.option("swordmaster", 11); dialog.option("vampire", 12); break; } case 105: { dialog.text("this all monster[chi-jiang]"); dialog.option("lostman [war-stone +7[betl3 12.10 al dohr]", 13); dialog.option("legendarywarrior [war-stone +7[betl3 12.10 blel]]", 14); break; } case 110: { dialog.text("this all monster[savagebone]"); dialog.option("nemesistyrant", 3); dialog.option("snowbanshee", 4); dialog.option("thrillingspook", 5); dialog.option("teratodragon", 6); break; } #region monster[dragonisland] case 3: { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(39984, 132, 183); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); break; } case 4: { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(39984, 360, 226); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); break; } case 5: { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(39984, 152, 290); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); break; } case 6: { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(39984, 212, 93); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); break; } #endregion #region monster[war] case 13: { datetime now64 = datetime.now; if (datetime.now.hour == 12 && datetime.now.minute >= 10 && datetime.now.minute <= 30) { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(1038, 120, 132); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); } else { dialog.text("the lostman is held during 12:10 to 12:30 you have 20 min to signup "); dialog.option("i don't care.", 255); dialog.send(); break; } break; } case 14: { datetime now64 = datetime.now; if (datetime.now.hour == 00 && datetime.now.minute >= 10 && datetime.now.minute <= 30) { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(1038, 120, 132); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); } else { dialog.text("the legendarywarrior is held during 00:10 to 00:30 you have 20 min to signup "); dialog.option("i don't care.", 255); dialog.send(); break; } break; } #endregion #region monster[stone] case 7: { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(39990, 363, 267); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); break; } case 8: { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(39990, 281, 337); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); break; } case 9: { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(39990, 121, 183); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); break; } case 10: { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(39990, 167, 266); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); break; } case 11: { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(39990, 136, 88); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); break; } case 12: { client.player.removeflag(update.flags.ride); client.player.teleport(39990, 234, 111); client.player.pkmode = game.enums.pkmode.team; client.send(new data(true) { uid = client.player.uid, id = data.changepkmode, dwparam = (uint)client.player.pkmode }); break; } #endregion } break; } #endregion
#region the-monster #region bigmonster [war] #region lostman if (datetime.now.minute == 30 && datetime.now.second == 35) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39984; y = 150; x = 187; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.lostman) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(417101)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[417101]; mt.boundx = x; program.lostman = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage("lostman has appeared. Hurry and go defeat the beast"); client10.messagebox("lostman has appeared would you want to kill-monster?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #region legendarywarrior if (datetime.now.minute == 35 && datetime.now.second == 35) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39984; y = 266; x = 159; uint id = 417110; string name = "legendarywarrior"; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.legendary) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(id)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[id]; mt.boundx = x; program.legendary = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage(name + " has appeared. Hurry and go defeat the beast!"); client10.messagebox(name + " has appeared would you want to kill-monster?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #endregion #region bigmonster [savagebone] #region thrillingspook if (datetime.now.minute == 50 && datetime.now.second == 35) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39984; y = 290; x = 152; uint id = 4172; string name = "thrillingspook"; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.thrillingspook) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(id)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[id]; mt.boundx = x; program.thrillingspook = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage(name + " has appeared. Hurry and go defeat the beast!"); client10.messagebox(name + " has appeared would you want to kill-monster?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #region snowbanshee if (datetime.now.minute == 45 && datetime.now.second == 35) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39984; y = 226; x = 360; uint id = 4171; string name = "snowbanshee"; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.snowba) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(id)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[id]; mt.boundx = x; program.snowba = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage(name + " has appeared. Hurry and go defeat the beast!"); client10.messagebox(name + " has appeared would you want to kill-monster?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #region nemesistyrant if (datetime.now.minute == 40 && datetime.now.second == 35) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39984; y = 183; x = 132; uint id = 4220; string name = "nemesistyrant"; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.nemesis) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(id)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[id]; mt.boundx = x; program.nemesis = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage(name + " has appeared. Hurry and go defeat the beast!"); client10.messagebox(name + " has appeared would you want to kill-monster?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #region teratodragon if ((datetime.now.minute == 55 && datetime.now.second == 35)) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39984; y = 93; x = 212; uint id = 4152; string name = "teratodragon"; ; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.teratodragon) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(id)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[id]; mt.boundx = x; program.teratodragon = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage(name + " has appeared. Hurry and go defeat the beast!"); client10.messagebox(name + " has appeared would you want to kill-monster?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #endregion #region bigmonster [stone] #region shanghi if ((datetime.now.minute == 10 && datetime.now.second == 35)) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39990; y = 177; x = 114; uint id = 417109; string name = "shanghi"; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.shangi) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(id)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[id]; mt.boundx = x; program.shangi = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage(name + " has appeared. Hurry and go defeat the beast!"); client10.messagebox(name + " has appeared would you want to kill-monster?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #region destructive if ((datetime.now.minute == 15 && datetime.now.second == 35)) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39990; y = 266; x = 159; uint id = 417107; string name = "destructive"; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.destructive) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(id)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[id]; mt.boundx = x; program.destructive = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage(name + " dah w7sh al stone-perf low htro7 dos ok!"); client10.messagebox(name + " dah w7sh al stone-perf low htro7 dos ok?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #region deadlady if ((datetime.now.minute == 05 && datetime.now.second == 35)) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39990; y = 345; x = 289; uint id = 417103; string name = "deadlady"; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.deadlady) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(id)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[id]; mt.boundx = x; program.deadlady = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage(name + " has appeared. Hurry and go defeat the beast!"); client10.messagebox(name + " has appeared would you want to kill-monster?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #region deadman if ((datetime.now.minute == 00 && datetime.now.second == 35)) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39990; y = 273; x = 368; uint id = 417102; string name = "deadman"; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.deadman) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(id)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[id]; mt.boundx = x; program.deadman = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage(name + " has appeared. Hurry and go defeat the beast!"); client10.messagebox(name + " has appeared would you want to kill-monster?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #region vampire if ((datetime.now.minute == 25 && datetime.now.second == 35)) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39990; y = 104; x = 226; uint id = 417114; string name = "vampire"; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.vampira) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(id)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[id]; mt.boundx = x; program.vampira = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage(name + " dah w7sh al stone-perf low htro7 dos ok!"); client10.messagebox(name + " dah w7sh al stone-perf low htro7 dos ok?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #region swordmaster if (datetime.now.minute == 20 && datetime.now.second == 35) { ushort x = 0, y = 0; ushort mapid = 39990; y = 83; x = 130; uint id = 4170; string name = "swordmaster"; if (database.dmaps.loadmap(mapid)) { if (program.swordmaster) { if (kernel.maps.containskey(mapid)) { var map = kernel.maps[mapid]; if (database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations.containskey(id)) { database.monsterinformation mt = database.monsterinformation.monsterinformations[id]; mt.boundx = x; program.swordmaster = false; mt.boundy = y; entity entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, false); entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster; entity.monsterinfo = mt.copy(); entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity; entity.name = mt.name; entity.minattack = mt.minattack; entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = mt.maxattack; entity.hitpoints = entity.maxhitpoints = mt.hitpoints; entity.defence = mt.defence; entity.body = mt.mesh; entity.level = mt.level; entity.uid = map.entityuidcounter.next; entity.mapid = mapid; entity.x = x; entity.boss = 1; entity.y = y; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { var cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; do { cord = map.randomcoordinates(); entity.x = cord.item1; entity.y = cord.item2; } while (!map.floor[entity.x, entity.y, mapobjecttype.monster]); } map.addentity(entity); network.gamepackets._string stringpacket = new network.gamepackets._string(true); stringpacket.uid = entity.uid; stringpacket.type = network.gamepackets._string.effect; stringpacket.texts.add("mbstandard"); data data = new data(true); data.uid = entity.uid; data.id = network.gamepackets.data.addentity; data.wparam1 = entity.x; data.wparam2 = entity.y; foreach (client.gamestate clllient in program.values) { if (clllient.map.id == entity.mapid) { if (kernel.getdistance(clllient.player.x, clllient.player.y, entity.x, entity.y) < constants.nscreendistance) { entity.sendspawn(clllient, false); clllient.send(stringpacket); clllient.send(data); if (entity.maxhitpoints > 65535) { update upd = new update(true) { uid = entity.uid }; upd.append(update.maxhitpoints, entity.maxhitpoints); upd.append(update.hitpoints, entity.hitpoints); clllient.send(upd); } } } } foreach (var client10 in program.values) { client10.player.sendsysmessage(name + " dah w7sh al stone-perf low htro7 dos ok!"); client10.messagebox(name + " dah w7sh al stone-perf low htro7 dos ok?", (p) => { p.player.teleport(mapid, x, y); }, null, 20); } } } } } } #endregion #endregion #endregion