public void Send(IPacket buffer) { Send(buffer.ToArray()); }
public void Die(Entity killer) { try { #region Unique Killer if (EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Entity && killer.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Entity) { if (killer.MapID == 2014) { if (killer.MapID == 2014) { killer.Owner.uniquepoints += 1; if (killer.Owner.uniquepoints >= 20) { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratulations, You Have Now " + killer.Owner.uniquepoints + " Points you can claim your prize now!"); npc.OptionID = 255; killer.Owner.Send(npc.ToArray()); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "You Have Now " + killer.Owner.uniquepoints + " Points Congratz you still need " + (20 - killer.Owner.uniquepoints) + " more!"); npc.OptionID = 255; killer.Owner.Send(npc.ToArray()); } } } #endregion
public byte[] ToArray() { return Buffer; }