#region topspouse join case 23106: { switch (npcrequest.optionid) { case 0: { dialog.text("hey there " + client.player.name + " would you like to join topspouse pkwar?."); dialog.text("you should make team and join your spouse in it so i can let you join?."); dialog.option("yes please", 1); dialog.option("i don't care.", 255); dialog.send(); break; } case 1: { datetime now64 = datetime.now; if (datetime.now.hour == 16 && datetime.now.minute <= 05) { if (client.team != null && client.team.teamleader && (client.player.body == 1003 || client.player.body == 1004)) { if (client.team.spousewarfull) { client.team.teammates[0].player.teleport(1090, 40, 50); client.team.teammates[1].player.teleport(1090, 40, 50); } } } else { dialog.text("topspouse pk war is held during " + 16 + ":00 to " + 16 + ":05 and end " + 00 + ":30 in every day"); dialog.text("and to let you join you must be team leader and have your spouse in the team"); dialog.text(" note: Only you and your spouse in the team so you can join"); dialog.option("i don't care.", 255); dialog.send(); break; } break; } } break; } #endregion #region topspouse claim case 2314007: { switch (npcrequest.optionid) { case 0: { dialog.text("hey there " + client.player.name + " would you like to claim topspouse pkwar reward?."); dialog.text("you should be the only man here your claim 125m cps and 2 lover book dont forget to give?."); dialog.text(" a lovebook to your spouse and claim halo from here?."); dialog.option("claimprize", 1); dialog.option("i don't care.", 255); dialog.send(); break; } case 1: { if (datetime.now.hour == 16 && datetime.now.minute >= 06 && datetime.now.minute < 30) { ahmedfathy.game.conquerstructures.daily.cheackspouse(); if (ahmedfathy.game.conquerstructures.daily.howmanyinmap3 == 1) { if (client.team != null) { client.player.addtopstatus(update.flags.topspouse, 1, datetime.now.adddays(1)); client.player.teleport(1002, 300, 278); gamestate spouse = program.findclient(client.player.spouse); if (spouse != null) { spouse.player.addtopstatus(update.flags.topspouse, 1, datetime.now.adddays(1)); spouse.player.teleport(1002, 300, 278); } client.player.conquerpoints += 125000000; client.player.killerpoints += 50; kernel.sendworldmessage(new message(" congratulations ! " + client.player.name + " has claimed prize for couples pk for this day " + rates.topspouse + " 125m cps + 50 kpt.", system.drawing.color.white, message.center), program.values); } } } else { dialog.text("sorry you can claim topspouse prize if you the last man here in the map"); dialog.option("oh i see!.", 255); dialog.send(); break; } break; } } break; } #endregion