المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : NPC Bank cps

2019-07-01, 08:56 PM
#region Bank cps
case 12317:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:

dialog.Text("Hello friend. I can help you To Save " + client.Entity.BankCps + " Cps here .");
dialog.Option("I Want Save ConquerPoints ", 1);
dialog.Option("I Want Withdraw ConquerPoints ", 4);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);

#region addcps
case 1:
dialog.Input(" You Want Save ConquerPoints ", 3, 10);


case 2:
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= client.NpcCpsInput && client.NpcCpsInput != 0)
client.Entity.BankCps += client.NpcCpsInput;
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= client.NpcCpsInput;
client.NpcCpsInput = 0;
case 3:
uint input;
if (uint.TryParse(npcRequest.Input, out input))
if (input < 0 && input > 2000000000)
dialog.Text("Hello friend You Saved" + client.Entity.BankCps + " ConquerPoints Here");
dialog.Text(" I Want Save Cps.");
dialog.Input("I need It :", 1, 9);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= input)
client.NpcCpsInput = input;
dialog.Text("Are you sure you want to Save " + input + " ConquerPoints");
dialog.Option("Yes", 2);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);

dialog.Text("You Must save 1:2000000000 ConquerPoints");
dialog.Input("Insert amount:", 1, 9);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);
#region withdraw cps

case 4:
dialog.Input(" You Want withdraw ConquerPoints ", 5, 10);

case 6:
if (client.Entity.BankCps >= client.NpcCpsInput && client.NpcCpsInput != 0)
client.Entity.BankCps -= client.NpcCpsInput;
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += client.NpcCpsInput;
client.NpcCpsInput = 0;
case 5:
uint input;
if (uint.TryParse(npcRequest.Input, out input))
if (input < 0 && input > 2000000000)
dialog.Text("Hello friend you Want withdraw cps you give" + client.Entity.BankCps + " Cps here .");
dialog.Text("you shore need add cps..");
dialog.Input("I need It :", 1, 9);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);
if (client.Entity.BankCps >= input)
client.NpcCpsInput = input;
dialog.Text("Are you sure you want to withdraw " + input + " CPs? .");
dialog.Option("Yes", 6);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);

dialog.Text("You Must in cps cps.");
dialog.Input("Insert amount:", 4, 9);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);

محمد ياسر
2019-07-01, 08:59 PM
الله ينور

2019-07-03, 01:54 PM

2019-07-04, 09:56 PM
اضافة بنك لل سي بي اس
ادخل علي Entitytable.cs
و اعمل سيرش علي
client.Player.Jail = reader.ReadUInt16("Jail");
تحتها ضيف
client.Player.BankCps = reader.ReadUInt32("BankCps");
بعدها سيرش علي
.Set("Jail", e.Jail)
تحته ضيف
.Set("BankCps", e.BankCps)
بعدها اعمل سيرش علي
public static void UpdateLocation(Client.GameState client)
و فوقه ضيف
public static void UpdateBankCps(Client.GameState client)
UpdateData(client, "BankCps", client.Player.BankCps);
بعدها ادخل علي Entity.cs
و اعمل سيرش علي public uint Jail;
و تحته ضيف public uint BankCps;
اخر حاجه خالص افتح النافي كات و كلك يمين علي entities و اختار Draw table و انزل تحت خالص و اعمل خانه جديده اكتب فيها BankCps و قيمه بتاعتها Bigint و بس كده مبروك عليك بنك السي بي اس
و اخر حاجه الانبي سي
#region Bank cps
case 12317:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:

dialog.Text("Hello friend. I can help you To Save " + client.Entity.BankCps + " Cps here .");
dialog.Option("I Want Save ConquerPoints ", 1);
dialog.Option("I Want Withdraw ConquerPoints ", 4);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);

#region addcps
case 1:
dialog.Input(" You Want Save ConquerPoints ", 3, 10);


case 2:
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= client.NpcCpsInput && client.NpcCpsInput != 0)
client.Entity.BankCps += client.NpcCpsInput;
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= client.NpcCpsInput;
client.NpcCpsInput = 0;
case 3:
uint input;
if (uint.TryParse(npcRequest.Input, out input))
if (input < 0 && input > 2000000000)
dialog.Text("Hello friend You Saved" + client.Entity.BankCps + " ConquerPoints Here");
dialog.Text(" I Want Save Cps.");
dialog.Input("I need It :", 1, 9);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= input)
client.NpcCpsInput = input;
dialog.Text("Are you sure you want to Save " + input + " ConquerPoints");
dialog.Option("Yes", 2);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);

dialog.Text("You Must save 1:2000000000 ConquerPoints");
dialog.Input("Insert amount:", 1, 9);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);
#region withdraw cps

case 4:
dialog.Input(" You Want withdraw ConquerPoints ", 5, 10);

case 6:
if (client.Entity.BankCps >= client.NpcCpsInput && client.NpcCpsInput != 0)
client.Entity.BankCps -= client.NpcCpsInput;
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += client.NpcCpsInput;
client.NpcCpsInput = 0;
case 5:
uint input;
if (uint.TryParse(npcRequest.Input, out input))
if (input < 0 && input > 2000000000)
dialog.Text("Hello friend you Want withdraw cps you give" + client.Entity.BankCps + " Cps here .");
dialog.Text("you shore need add cps..");
dialog.Input("I need It :", 1, 9);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);
if (client.Entity.BankCps >= input)
client.NpcCpsInput = input;
dialog.Text("Are you sure you want to withdraw " + input + " CPs? .");
dialog.Option("Yes", 6);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);

dialog.Text("You Must in cps cps.");
dialog.Input("Insert amount:", 4, 9);
dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);