المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : فكره جديده بعد عمل الاعب شخصية

محمد ياسر
2019-06-30, 08:36 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الفكره عباره عن
ان مثلا واحد دخل فى السيرفر برقم معين بيدخل وياخد شنطة (فكرة Xor(
الشنطة عبارة عن اصطفة صول للراجل ده بس بياخد 5 مليون منه عشان يفتحها
شرح التركيب

خش على Krenal.cs
وابحث عن
Client.GameState> GamePool = new ThreadSafeDi

وحط دول تحته
public static Dictionary<uint, Client.GameState> Join = new Dictionary<uint, Client.GameState>();

وتروح على PacketHandler.cs
وتبحث عن
Database.EntityTable.UpdateOnlineStatus(client, true);

وحط ده
ServerBase.Kernel.Join.Add(client.Entity.UID, client);

وابحث عن
string[] strArray = File.ReadAllLines(@&quot;database\WelcomeMessages.txt&quot;) ;

وارزع ده تحته
if (ServerBase.Kernel.Join.ElementAt(1000).Key == client.Entity.UID)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 1000000;
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(&quot;Gratz !! &quot;+client.Entity.Name+ &quot; he is Number 1000 In Server Log And Won 1 kk Cps&quot;, System.Drawing.Color.White, 0x7db), Kernel.GamePool.Values);

كده اول جزء خلص ندخل بى على جزء الشنطة
دا باتش شنطة Xor
تحميل الباتش (عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف)

ادخل على الكلينت فى ملف ItemMinIcon &ملف MapItemIcon
وضيف الكود ده فى كل واحد على حسب اسمه

وادخل على ملف itemtype فى السورس والكلينت وضيف ده
7230091@@Xor~Custom~Bag@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@9 @@0@@0@@5200500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@100000@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@[Item]@@Xor~Bag~Open~and~get~rare~Item~xD@@5@@0@@0@@0@@0 @@500@@

ويا ريت محدش يشيل حقوق Xor
ادخل بقى على packethandler
وابحث عن
void UseItem

وارزع ده
#region Assassin'sCreed NewBag
case 7230091:

if (client.Inventory.Count < 10)
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 5000000)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 5000000;
if (client.Entity.Class >= 40 && client.Entity.Class <= 45)//assassin
client.Inventory.Add(822053, 0, 1);//armor
client.Inventory.Add(823055, 0, 1);//ring
client.Inventory.Add(821031, 0, 1);//neck
client.Inventory.Add(824017, 0, 1);//boot
client.Inventory.Add(820071, 0, 1); //headgear
client.Inventory.Add(800916, 0, 2);//knife
client.Entity.BConquerPoints += 1000000;
client.Send(new Message(&quot;You have got full stuff souland 1kk Bound Cps ! Say Thanks To Ali :)&quot;, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.MsgSystem));
client.Inventory.Remove(item, TigerCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove);
else if (client.Entity.Class >= 50 && client.Entity.Class <= 55)//ninja

client.Inventory.Add(822053, 0, 1);//armor
client.Inventory.Add(823055, 0, 1);//ring
client.Inventory.Add(821031, 0, 1);//neck
client.Inventory.Add(824017, 0, 1);//boot
client.Inventory.Add(820071, 0, 1); //headgear
client.Inventory.Add(800017, 0, 2);//katana
client.Entity.BConquerPoints += 1000000;
client.Send(new Message(&quot;You have got full stuff souland 1kk Bound Cps ! Say Thanks To Ali :)&quot;, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.MsgSystem));
client.Inventory.Remove(item, TigerCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove);
else if (client.Entity.Class >= 60 && client.Entity.Class <= 65)//monk

client.Inventory.Add(822053, 0, 1);//armor
client.Inventory.Add(823055, 0, 1);//ring
client.Inventory.Add(821031, 0, 1);//neck
client.Inventory.Add(824017, 0, 1);//boot
client.Inventory.Add(820071, 0, 1); //headgear
client.Inventory.Add(800722, 0, 2);//beads
client.Entity.BConquerPoints += 1000000;
client.Send(new Message(&quot;You have got full stuff souland 1kk Bound Cps ! Say Thanks To Ali :)&quot;, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.MsgSystem));
client.Inventory.Remove(item, TigerCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove);
else if (client.Entity.Class >= 20 && client.Entity.Class <= 25)//warrior
client.Inventory.Add(822053, 0, 1);//armor
client.Inventory.Add(823055, 0, 1);//ring
client.Inventory.Add(821031, 0, 1);//neck
client.Inventory.Add(824017, 0, 1);//boot
client.Inventory.Add(820071, 0, 1); //headgear
client.Inventory.Add(800320, 0, 1);//wand
client.Inventory.Add(800421, 0, 1);//shield
client.Entity.BConquerPoints += 1000000;
client.Send(new Message(&quot;You have got full stuff souland 1kk Bound Cps ! Say Thanks To Ali :)&quot;, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.MsgSystem));
client.Inventory.Remove(item, TigerCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove);
else if (client.Entity.Class >= 70 && client.Entity.Class <= 75)//pirate
client.Inventory.Add(822053, 0, 1);//armor
client.Inventory.Add(823055, 0, 1);//ring
client.Inventory.Add(821031, 0, 1);//neck
client.Inventory.Add(824017, 0, 1);//boot
client.Inventory.Add(820071, 0, 1); //headgear
client.Inventory.Add(800804, 0, 1);//pistol
client.Inventory.Add(800809, 0, 1);//repair
client.Entity.BConquerPoints += 1000000;
client.Send(new Message(&quot;You have got full stuff souland 1kk Bound Cps ! Say Thanks To Ali :)&quot;, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.MsgSystem));
client.Inventory.Remove(item, TigerCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove);
else if (client.Entity.Class >= 10 && client.Entity.Class <= 15)//trojan
client.Inventory.Add(822053, 0, 1);//armor
client.Inventory.Add(823055, 0, 1);//ring
client.Inventory.Add(821031, 0, 1);//neck
client.Inventory.Add(824017, 0, 1);//boot
client.Inventory.Add(820071, 0, 1); //headgear
client.Inventory.Add(800110, 0, 2);//grimhammer
client.Entity.BConquerPoints += 1000000;
client.Send(new Message(&quot;You have got full stuff souland 1kk Bound Cps ! Say Thanks To Ali :)&quot;, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.MsgSystem));
client.Inventory.Remove(item, TigerCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove);
else if (client.Entity.Class >= 122 && client.Entity.Class <= 125)//taoistwood
client.Inventory.Add(822055, 0, 1);//armor&quot;tao&quot;
client.Inventory.Add(823056, 0, 1);//bracelet
client.Inventory.Add(821032, 0, 1);//bag
client.Inventory.Add(824017, 0, 1);//boot
client.Inventory.Add(820072, 0, 1); //headgear&quot;tao&quot;
client.Inventory.Add(800513, 0, 1);//backsword
client.Entity.BConquerPoints += 1000000;
client.Send(new Message(&quot;You have got full stuff souland 1kk Bound Cps ! Say Thanks To Ali :)&quot;, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.MsgSystem));
client.Inventory.Remove(item, TigerCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove);
else if (client.Entity.Class >= 132 && client.Entity.Class <= 135)//taoistwater
client.Inventory.Add(822055, 0, 1);//armor&quot;tao&quot;
client.Inventory.Add(823056, 0, 1);//bracelet
client.Inventory.Add(821032, 0, 1);//bag
client.Inventory.Add(824017, 0, 1);//boot
client.Inventory.Add(820072, 0, 1); //headgear&quot;tao&quot;
client.Inventory.Add(800513, 0, 1);//backsword
client.Entity.BConquerPoints += 1000000;
client.Send(new Message(&quot;You have got full stuff souland 1kk Bound Cps ! Say Thanks To Ali :)&quot;, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.MsgSystem));
client.Inventory.Remove(item, TigerCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove);
else if (client.Entity.Class >= 142 && client.Entity.Class <= 145)//taoistfire
client.Inventory.Add(822055, 0, 1);//armor&quot;tao&quot;
client.Inventory.Add(823056, 0, 1);//bracelet
client.Inventory.Add(821032, 0, 1);//bag
client.Inventory.Add(824017, 0, 1);//boot
client.Inventory.Add(820072, 0, 1); //headgear&quot;tao&quot;
client.Inventory.Add(800513, 0, 1);//backsword
client.Entity.BConquerPoints += 1000000;
client.Send(new Message(&quot;You have got full stuff souland 1kk Bound Cps ! Say Thanks To Ali :)&quot;, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.MsgSystem));
client.Inventory.Remove(item, TigerCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove);
client.Send(new Message(&quot;You Need 5kk Or 10 Places Free To Open This Bag!&quot;, System.Drawing.Color.Tan, Message.TopLeft));

وادخل على inventory.cs
وضيف ده فى اى حته
public bool AddBound(uint id, byte plus, byte times)
Database.ConquerItemInformation infos = new Database.ConquerItemInformation(id, plus);
while (times > 0)
if (Count <= 39)
Interfaces.IConquerItem item = new Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true);
item.ID = id;
item.Plus = plus;
item.Durability = item.MaximDurability = infos.BaseInformation.Durability;
item.Bound = true;
Add(item, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
return false;
catch (Exception e)
return true;

كده انا خلصت والاكواد مجربة 100% وكده رقم 1000 فى السيرفر هياخد اصطفى صول على حسب نوعه و1 مليون كونكر بويند سلاااااااااامووووووووووووووووووووز

2019-06-30, 11:49 AM

2019-06-30, 12:22 PM
ورجعنااا اقوى من الاول