2022-05-01, 02:31 PM
انا كنت شغال في حاجه في سورس اليكس فقولت اسحب اللودر بالمره
عشان كدا مش عاوز حد يسالني فيه علي حاجه او مشكله , الافضل يعتبرني خارج الموضوع
ان شاء الله قريب هنزل اللودر بتاعي الاصدار التاني محلول فيه كل مشاكل الاصدار الاول
+ انتظرو مُفاجأَت تانيه معاه
نبدا علي بركه الله
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace البروجيكت اسم.loaderserver
public class MainSocket
Socket sock;
int Port;
public MainSocket(int Port)
this.Port = Port;
sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
sock.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, this.Port));
sock.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(BeginAccept), null);
Console.WriteLine("LoaderServer---> Listening to port [" + Port + "]");
private void BeginAccept(IAsyncResult ar)
Socket listener = sock.EndAccept(ar);
var client = new Client(listener, this);
sock.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(BeginAccept), null);
catch (Exception e)
sock.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(BeginAccept), null);
public class Client
MainSocket MainServer;
Socket Socket;
byte[] Buffer;
public string IP
get { return (Socket.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint).Address.ToString(); }
public Client(Socket Socket, MainSocket MainServer, int BufferLength = 2048)
this.Socket = Socket;
this.MainServer = MainServer;
this.Buffer = new byte[BufferLength];
public void TryRec()
Socket.BeginReceive(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(BeginRec), Socket);
private void BeginRec(IAsyncResult ar)
int recLength = Socket.EndReceive(ar);
if (recLength != 0)
byte[] buffer = new byte[recLength];
Array.Copy(Buffer, buffer, recLength);
HandlePacket(buffer, this);
public void Disconnect(string Reason = "")
private void Send(byte[] p)
public class Packet
public List<byte> packet = new List<byte>();
public void ID(ushort buffer)
packet.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(buffe r));
public void Write(int buffer)
packet.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(buffe r));
public void Write(ushort buffer)
packet.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(buffe r));
public void Write(uint buffer)
packet.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(buffe r));
public void Write(string buffer)
packet.AddRange(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(buffer)) ;
public void Write(bool buffer)
packet.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(buffe r));
public void send(Client connection)
public static int strcmp(string name, string name2)
if (name == name2)
return 0;
return 1;
private void HandlePacket(byte[] buffer, Client client)
int PacketID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 2);
switch (PacketID)
case 1099://banaction
case 1300://progchkreq
case 1400://logkey
var packet = new Packet();
case 1999://new role
var packet = new Packet();
case 3000://taskview
byte[] datastr = Encoding.Default.GetBytes((string)(Encoding.Defaul t.GetString(buffer,4,50)));//over all packet length =60
string program = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(datastr) .Replace("\0", "");
program = program.Split('.')[0];
program += ".exe";
string c_szText = program;
if (program.Contains("Le Bot") || program.Contains("MouseAndKeyboardRecorder.exe") /*|| program.Contains("CleanerEngineSvc.exe") || program.Contains("Engine")*/ || program.Contains("Cheat Engine")
|| program.Contains("cheatengine") || program.Contains("AutoClick") || program.Contains("Auto Click")
|| program.Contains("Auto_Click") || program.Contains("Cok Free Auto Clicker")
|| program.Contains("Aimbot") || program.Contains("CokFreeAutoClicker")
|| program.Contains("ProcessHacker") || program.Contains("COBot") || program.Contains("Process hacker") || program.Contains("TMX") || program.Contains("COBot"))
foreach (var user in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (user.Socket.IP == client.IP)
// Database.SystemBannedAccount.AddBan(user.Player.UI D, user.Player.Name, BanHours, program);
string Messaje = "[ " + user.Player.Name + " ] Got Banned For [ " + 1 + " ] Hours, because was Found Using Programs That Are Illegal In Game ( " + program + " ) Enjoy.";
Console.WriteLine(" [ " + user.Player.Name + " ] <---- Was Banned [ " + program + " ] .");
string directory = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\\BannedUsersCheat\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + " - " + DateTime.Now.Month + " - " + DateTime.Now.Year + ".txt";
using (var SW = File.AppendText(directory))
SW.WriteLine("================================================== ================================================== =======================\n \n");
SW.WriteLine("User " + user.Player.Name + " Banned For " + 1+ " hour Using Prog : " + program + " His IP : " + client.IP + " ||");
SW.WriteLine("================================================== ================================================== =======================\n \n");
else if (strcmp("AutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clickster v1.1 by N3W8Y!!!", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("F1-F2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am745.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("المدفع.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Hack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Hacker Conquer private server v2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mdf3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto HP Ahmed Adel.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Window Title Changer.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Window-Title-Changer.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("OLLYDBG.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("OllyDbg.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Process hacker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ProcessHacker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ProcessHacker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TopConquerHack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("LoginSuPWay.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("OP Auto Clicker 2.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("EvolutionHack 6688.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("EvolutionHack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("EvolutionHack 6.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Hack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("C.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("F1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("C.k1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("C.K By Mohamed Ebrhim (SuPWay).exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v7.41.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cheatengine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Clicky.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("mouseclciker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("--.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay 1.2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed MAX.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("T-Search.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("F1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("F2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("F1-F2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Random Mouse Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto Clicker by", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v7.45.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Art Money Enging.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GoPlayEditor.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("xSpeed - The most powerful tools to change windows speed!.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("xSpeed_demo.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed Max 6.7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed Max 6.7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("xSpeed_demo.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed Max 6 7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed Max 6 7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed Max 6.7", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("procexp.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AMC.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CO-Next.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("COELSE.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("co2latro.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("auto hunter.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto miner.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Aimbot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto potter.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CoGenius.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Melee.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GCO~Next.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Co~nex.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("hooker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("winject.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("COoperative.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AmcEngine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GSAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClicker vs2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cheatengine-x86_64.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cheatengine-i386.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Clickyr.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clicky.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay.EXE", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuP.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Way.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Klick0r.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ReMouse.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("multidades1.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClickExtreme6.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClickLil.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Autosofter Auto Mouse Clicker1.7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ConquerClickerZ.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("QoProxy.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClicker3.4.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AimBot-Carniato.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClicker2.4.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Autosofted Mouse Clicker 1.5.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Rotation Pilot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClicker v2.4.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Clicky 2.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("5792 Tools.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine 6.3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine 6.8.1 Setup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CheatEngine681.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CheatEngine681.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Alalawi9.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Effect Remover.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClickTG 1.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GameHackerPM COBot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Tam.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("My Clicker 3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto-Pot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClicker v2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("simpleclicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CoAuto.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("PixelBot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ASLCtJ v3.5.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArcherBuddy1.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Lazy for the win!.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clickster.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Autosofter Auto Mouse Clicker1.7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ConquerClickerZ.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CoClick.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Clicky.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Hacer Conquer online Arbic 2014 v7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed Gear Setup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed Gear v7.2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed Gear V7.2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ItemType Modder.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CoGenius.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("COELSE.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ConquerAI.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("UnionTeamsInjector.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CoAimbot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("COHelper.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ColourBot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Online.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("line.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("x to donate2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CO-Hack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("LineOptv2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CheatEngine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Jtbit.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MacroRecorder.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClickerV2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Vico.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mouse Recorder Pro.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mouse Recorder Pro2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("netcutAddProgram.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoKeyboardForGames.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| c_szText.Contains("cheatengine")
|| c_szText.Contains("OP Auto Clicker 2.1")
|| strcmp("am700.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am701.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am702.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am704.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am705.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am706.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am707.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am708.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am709.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am710.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am711.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am712.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am713.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am714.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am715.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am716.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am717.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am718.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am719.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am720.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am721.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am722.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am723.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am724.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am725.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am726.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am727.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am728.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am729.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am730.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am731.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am732.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am733.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am734.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am735.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am736.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am737.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am738.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am739.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am740.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am741.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am742.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am743.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am744.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am745.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am7451.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am800.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am801.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am802.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("WeConquer Hack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CID Proxy 2.0.8.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CID Proxy 2.0.9.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Hacker Game Mr.Hema.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay V1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay V1", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay V1.0.0.0", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("mouseclicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("You TubeToMP3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("auto-clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TheFastestMouseClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("FastClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoMouseClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto_Keybot_Trial.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Free Mouse Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("pautomation.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Free Mouse Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoKeyboard1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoKeyboard.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CokFreeAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cok Free Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cok-free-auto-clicker_2931080937.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cok-free-auto-clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clickster v1.1 by N3W8Y!!!.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto Keyboard by", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto Keyboard by.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto Keyboard.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay V1.0.0.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Le Bot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Aim.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MouseAndKeyboardRecorder.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Recorder.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mouse.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cheatengine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClick.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto Click.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto_Click.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Click.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Aimbot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Aim.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("bot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cok Free Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Ahmed.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GS Auto Clicker 3.1.4.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine 6.3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Art.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Money.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("COBot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuperMouseAutoClickerSetup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoKeyClicker_v1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CokFreeAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClickerForGames.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("selector-3-2-2-0-en-win.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SpeedAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("free-mouse-auto-clicker-3-8-2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("gs-auto-clicker-3-1-4.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("OP Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("reshacker_setup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Resource Hacker Setup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Process Hacker Setup .exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Valkyrie Injector.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("WinMod.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MultiClientLauncher.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Revo 2.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ProjectX 4.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Spuce 3.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Project Tranparancy V.03.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoLoots.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Zenos Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Shy Modified.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Editor Installer.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("HexEdit.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("HackerDisassembler v1.066.rar", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("HackerDisassembler v1.066.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("N3 Engine 1.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Clicky.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("FreeMouseAutoClicker Setup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GS Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("LoadImageURL.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Download YouTube to MP3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Resource Hacker - Conquer.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Random Mouse Clicker.lnk", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Shy Modified.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Editor Installer.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("HexEdit.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MemHack 0.12.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ZENX ENGINE.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Revolution Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Moonlight Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GoldHack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine 5.6.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("KiKi's UCE 1.4.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("WPE PRO 9.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed up F1 to F10 Conquer English2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MouseRecorder.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SimpleClicker ~ Victor.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("auto-clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("FreeAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuperMouseAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("DH_Auto_Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohmed MAX.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohmed MAX", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohmed MAX 6.7", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v7.41", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v8.00", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am741.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am739.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am729.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am732.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am745.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am742.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Art Money PRO v7.39.lnk", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v7.41.lnk", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v8.00.lnk", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine.ct", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch Application.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch Application", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mostafa Hack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MostafaHack", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("mostafa hack", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed Gear", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed Gear.lnk", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SpeedGear.exe", c_szText) == 0
foreach (var user in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (user.Socket.IP == client.IP)
// Database.SystemBannedAccount.AddBan(user.Player.UI D, user.Player.Name, BanHours, program);
string Messaje = "[ " + user.Player.Name + " ] Got Banned For [ " + 1 + " ] Hours, because was Found Using Programs That Are Illegal In Game ( " + program + " ) Enjoy.";
Console.WriteLine(" [ " + user.Player.Name + " ] <---- Was Banned [ " + program + " ] .");
string directory = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\\BannedUsersCheat\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + " - " + DateTime.Now.Month + " - " + DateTime.Now.Year + ".txt";
using (var SW = File.AppendText(directory))
SW.WriteLine("================================================== ================================================== =======================\n \n");
SW.WriteLine("User " + user.Player.Name + " Banned For " + 1 + " hour Using Prog : " + program + " His IP : " + client.IP + " ||");
SW.WriteLine("================================================== ================================================== =======================\n \n");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("[" + IP + "] Error in packet");
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using البروجيكت اسم.Network.Cryptography;
namespace البروجيكت اسم.Network.AuthPackets
public unsafe class Authentication : Interfaces.IPacket
public string Username;
public string Password;
public string Server;
public string MacAddress;
public void Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
if (buffer.Length == 312)
ushort length = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0);
if (length == 312)
ushort type = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 2);
if (type == 1542)
Username= Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer, 8, 32).Replace("\0", "");
var size = buffer[72];
byte[] PasswordArray = Encoding.Default.GetBytes((string)(Encoding.Defaul t.GetString(buffer, 73, 32)));
LoaderEncryption.Decrypt(PasswordArray, size);
Password = Encoding.Default.GetString(PasswordArray).Replace("\0", ""); ;
Server = Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer, 136, 16).Replace("\0", "").Replace("0", "");
MacAddress = Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer, 152, 16).Replace("\0", "");
public byte[] ToArray()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Send(Client.GameState client)
throw new NotImplementedException();
loader encryption
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace البروجيكت اسم.Network.Cryptography
public class LoaderEncryption
private static byte[] Key1 = new byte[] {
3, 6, 1, 3, 0x42, 0x21, 0x4d, 0x2c, 100, 0xdd, 0x15, 0xfe, 0xea, 0xd4, 0x72, 0x8d,
0xd6, 12, 0x38, 0x63, 100, 7, 0x62, 0xbb, 190, 0x4d, 0x41, 0x37, 0x2c, 0x2b, 0x15, 0x63
private static byte[] Key2 = new byte[] {
6, 4, 1, 7, 2, 0x21, 0x4d, 0x42, 0x41, 0x2c, 0x15, 0xfe, 0x2b, 0xd4, 90, 0x2c,
0xd6, 12, 0x38, 0x63, 0x43, 7, 0x57, 0x63, 0, 0x4d, 0x2b, 11, 0x2c, 0x16, 0x15, 0x63
public static void Decrypt(byte[] data, int size)
for (int x = 0; x < (int)size; ++x)
data[x] ^= Key1[(44 * x) & 0x1C];
data[x] ^= Key2[(99 * x) & 0x1F];
نروح كلاس بروجرام
public static void Main(string[] args)
تحت المكان البيتفتح فيه بورت الجيم سيرفر والauth
حاجه زي كدا
ServerSocket MessageServer = new ServerSocket("MessageServer", 60, 50)
OnConnect = GameServer_OnClientConnect,
OnReceive = GameServer_OnClientReceive,
OnDisconnect = GameServer_OnClientDisconnect,
ClientBufferSize = 4048
تحته هنجط الكود دا
var server = new loaderserver.MainSocket(9901);
اعمله اي حاجه تعجبك بس متزودش طول التكست جامد
واللودر هيستقبله ويغيره في الmemory
لو لسه مش فاهم يبقي سيبه زي ماهو
ملفات الكلينت
Top4Top (عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف)
هتعدل ملفين
عدل الايبي عشان الاميل مش هيفتح من غيرو
دا ملف السيرفرات
ملحوظه اخيره : اللودر مش معاه نظام البان فانت تحط كود بان بدل دا
// Database.SystemBannedAccount.AddBan(user.Player.UI D, user.Player.Name, BanHours, program);
عشان كدا مش عاوز حد يسالني فيه علي حاجه او مشكله , الافضل يعتبرني خارج الموضوع
ان شاء الله قريب هنزل اللودر بتاعي الاصدار التاني محلول فيه كل مشاكل الاصدار الاول
+ انتظرو مُفاجأَت تانيه معاه
نبدا علي بركه الله
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace البروجيكت اسم.loaderserver
public class MainSocket
Socket sock;
int Port;
public MainSocket(int Port)
this.Port = Port;
sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
sock.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, this.Port));
sock.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(BeginAccept), null);
Console.WriteLine("LoaderServer---> Listening to port [" + Port + "]");
private void BeginAccept(IAsyncResult ar)
Socket listener = sock.EndAccept(ar);
var client = new Client(listener, this);
sock.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(BeginAccept), null);
catch (Exception e)
sock.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(BeginAccept), null);
public class Client
MainSocket MainServer;
Socket Socket;
byte[] Buffer;
public string IP
get { return (Socket.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint).Address.ToString(); }
public Client(Socket Socket, MainSocket MainServer, int BufferLength = 2048)
this.Socket = Socket;
this.MainServer = MainServer;
this.Buffer = new byte[BufferLength];
public void TryRec()
Socket.BeginReceive(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(BeginRec), Socket);
private void BeginRec(IAsyncResult ar)
int recLength = Socket.EndReceive(ar);
if (recLength != 0)
byte[] buffer = new byte[recLength];
Array.Copy(Buffer, buffer, recLength);
HandlePacket(buffer, this);
public void Disconnect(string Reason = "")
private void Send(byte[] p)
public class Packet
public List<byte> packet = new List<byte>();
public void ID(ushort buffer)
packet.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(buffe r));
public void Write(int buffer)
packet.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(buffe r));
public void Write(ushort buffer)
packet.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(buffe r));
public void Write(uint buffer)
packet.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(buffe r));
public void Write(string buffer)
packet.AddRange(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(buffer)) ;
public void Write(bool buffer)
packet.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(buffe r));
public void send(Client connection)
public static int strcmp(string name, string name2)
if (name == name2)
return 0;
return 1;
private void HandlePacket(byte[] buffer, Client client)
int PacketID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 2);
switch (PacketID)
case 1099://banaction
case 1300://progchkreq
case 1400://logkey
var packet = new Packet();
case 1999://new role
var packet = new Packet();
case 3000://taskview
byte[] datastr = Encoding.Default.GetBytes((string)(Encoding.Defaul t.GetString(buffer,4,50)));//over all packet length =60
string program = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(datastr) .Replace("\0", "");
program = program.Split('.')[0];
program += ".exe";
string c_szText = program;
if (program.Contains("Le Bot") || program.Contains("MouseAndKeyboardRecorder.exe") /*|| program.Contains("CleanerEngineSvc.exe") || program.Contains("Engine")*/ || program.Contains("Cheat Engine")
|| program.Contains("cheatengine") || program.Contains("AutoClick") || program.Contains("Auto Click")
|| program.Contains("Auto_Click") || program.Contains("Cok Free Auto Clicker")
|| program.Contains("Aimbot") || program.Contains("CokFreeAutoClicker")
|| program.Contains("ProcessHacker") || program.Contains("COBot") || program.Contains("Process hacker") || program.Contains("TMX") || program.Contains("COBot"))
foreach (var user in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (user.Socket.IP == client.IP)
// Database.SystemBannedAccount.AddBan(user.Player.UI D, user.Player.Name, BanHours, program);
string Messaje = "[ " + user.Player.Name + " ] Got Banned For [ " + 1 + " ] Hours, because was Found Using Programs That Are Illegal In Game ( " + program + " ) Enjoy.";
Console.WriteLine(" [ " + user.Player.Name + " ] <---- Was Banned [ " + program + " ] .");
string directory = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\\BannedUsersCheat\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + " - " + DateTime.Now.Month + " - " + DateTime.Now.Year + ".txt";
using (var SW = File.AppendText(directory))
SW.WriteLine("================================================== ================================================== =======================\n \n");
SW.WriteLine("User " + user.Player.Name + " Banned For " + 1+ " hour Using Prog : " + program + " His IP : " + client.IP + " ||");
SW.WriteLine("================================================== ================================================== =======================\n \n");
else if (strcmp("AutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clickster v1.1 by N3W8Y!!!", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("F1-F2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am745.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("المدفع.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Hack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Hacker Conquer private server v2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mdf3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto HP Ahmed Adel.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Window Title Changer.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Window-Title-Changer.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("OLLYDBG.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("OllyDbg.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Process hacker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ProcessHacker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ProcessHacker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TopConquerHack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("LoginSuPWay.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("OP Auto Clicker 2.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("EvolutionHack 6688.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("EvolutionHack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("EvolutionHack 6.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Hack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("C.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("F1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("C.k1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("C.K By Mohamed Ebrhim (SuPWay).exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v7.41.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cheatengine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Clicky.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("mouseclciker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("--.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay 1.2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed MAX.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("T-Search.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("F1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("F2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("F1-F2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Random Mouse Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto Clicker by", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v7.45.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Art Money Enging.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GoPlayEditor.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("xSpeed - The most powerful tools to change windows speed!.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("xSpeed_demo.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed Max 6.7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed Max 6.7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("xSpeed_demo.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed Max 6 7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed Max 6 7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohamed Max 6.7", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("procexp.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AMC.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CO-Next.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("COELSE.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("co2latro.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("auto hunter.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto miner.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Aimbot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto potter.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CoGenius.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Melee.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GCO~Next.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Co~nex.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("hooker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("winject.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("COoperative.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AmcEngine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GSAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClicker vs2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cheatengine-x86_64.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cheatengine-i386.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Clickyr.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clicky.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay.EXE", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuP.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Way.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Klick0r.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ReMouse.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("multidades1.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClickExtreme6.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClickLil.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Autosofter Auto Mouse Clicker1.7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ConquerClickerZ.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("QoProxy.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClicker3.4.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AimBot-Carniato.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClicker2.4.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Autosofted Mouse Clicker 1.5.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Rotation Pilot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClicker v2.4.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Clicky 2.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("5792 Tools.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine 6.3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine 6.8.1 Setup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CheatEngine681.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CheatEngine681.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Alalawi9.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Effect Remover.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClickTG 1.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GameHackerPM COBot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Tam.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("My Clicker 3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto-Pot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClicker v2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("simpleclicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CoAuto.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("PixelBot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ASLCtJ v3.5.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArcherBuddy1.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Lazy for the win!.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clickster.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Autosofter Auto Mouse Clicker1.7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ConquerClickerZ.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CoClick.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Clicky.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Hacer Conquer online Arbic 2014 v7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed Gear Setup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed Gear v7.2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed Gear V7.2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ItemType Modder.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CoGenius.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("COELSE.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ConquerAI.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("UnionTeamsInjector.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CoAimbot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("COHelper.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ColourBot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Online.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("line.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("x to donate2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CO-Hack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("LineOptv2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CheatEngine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Jtbit.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MacroRecorder.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClickerV2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Vico.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mouse Recorder Pro.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mouse Recorder Pro2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("netcutAddProgram.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoKeyboardForGames.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| c_szText.Contains("cheatengine")
|| c_szText.Contains("OP Auto Clicker 2.1")
|| strcmp("am700.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am7.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am701.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am702.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am704.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am705.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am706.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am707.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am708.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am709.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am710.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am711.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am712.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am713.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am714.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am715.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am716.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am717.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am718.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am719.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am720.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am721.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am722.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am723.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am724.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am725.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am726.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am727.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am728.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am729.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am730.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am731.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am732.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am733.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am734.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am735.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am736.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am737.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am738.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am739.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am740.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am741.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am742.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am743.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am744.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am745.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am7451.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am800.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am801.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am802.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("WeConquer Hack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CID Proxy 2.0.8.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CID Proxy 2.0.9.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Hacker Game Mr.Hema.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay V1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay V1", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay V1.0.0.0", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("mouseclicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("You TubeToMP3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("auto-clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TheFastestMouseClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("FastClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoMouseClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto_Keybot_Trial.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Free Mouse Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("pautomation.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Free Mouse Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoKeyboard1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoKeyboard.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CokFreeAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cok Free Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cok-free-auto-clicker_2931080937.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cok-free-auto-clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clickster v1.1 by N3W8Y!!!.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto Keyboard by", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto Keyboard by.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto Keyboard.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuPWay V1.0.0.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Le Bot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Aim.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MouseAndKeyboardRecorder.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Recorder.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mouse.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("cheatengine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClick.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto Click.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Auto_Click.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Click.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Aimbot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Aim.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("bot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cok Free Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Ahmed.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GS Auto Clicker 3.1.4.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine 6.3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Art.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Money.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("COBot.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuperMouseAutoClickerSetup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoKeyClicker_v1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("CokFreeAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoClickerForGames.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("selector-3-2-2-0-en-win.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SpeedAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("free-mouse-auto-clicker-3-8-2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("gs-auto-clicker-3-1-4.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("OP Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("reshacker_setup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Resource Hacker Setup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Process Hacker Setup .exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Valkyrie Injector.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("WinMod.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MultiClientLauncher.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Revo 2.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ProjectX 4.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Spuce 3.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Project Tranparancy V.03.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("AutoLoots.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Zenos Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Shy Modified.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Editor Installer.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("HexEdit.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("HackerDisassembler v1.066.rar", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("HackerDisassembler v1.066.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("N3 Engine 1.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Conquer Clicky.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("FreeMouseAutoClicker Setup.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GS Auto Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("LoadImageURL.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Download YouTube to MP3.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Resource Hacker - Conquer.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Random Mouse Clicker.lnk", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Shy Modified.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Editor Installer.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("HexEdit.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MemHack 0.12.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ZENX ENGINE.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Revolution Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Moonlight Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("GoldHack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine 5.6.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("KiKi's UCE 1.4.1.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("WPE PRO 9.0.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed up F1 to F10 Conquer English2.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MouseRecorder.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SimpleClicker ~ Victor.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("auto-clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("FreeAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SuperMouseAutoClicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("DH_Auto_Clicker.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohmed MAX.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohmed MAX", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mohmed MAX 6.7", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v7.41", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v8.00", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am741.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am739.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am729.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am732.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am745.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("am742.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Art Money PRO v7.39.lnk", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v7.41.lnk", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("ArtMoney SE v8.00.lnk", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Cheat Engine.ct", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch Application.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch Application", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("TSearch.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Mostafa Hack.exe", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("MostafaHack", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("mostafa hack", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed Gear", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("Speed Gear.lnk", c_szText) == 0
|| strcmp("SpeedGear.exe", c_szText) == 0
foreach (var user in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (user.Socket.IP == client.IP)
// Database.SystemBannedAccount.AddBan(user.Player.UI D, user.Player.Name, BanHours, program);
string Messaje = "[ " + user.Player.Name + " ] Got Banned For [ " + 1 + " ] Hours, because was Found Using Programs That Are Illegal In Game ( " + program + " ) Enjoy.";
Console.WriteLine(" [ " + user.Player.Name + " ] <---- Was Banned [ " + program + " ] .");
string directory = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\\BannedUsersCheat\\" + DateTime.Now.Day + " - " + DateTime.Now.Month + " - " + DateTime.Now.Year + ".txt";
using (var SW = File.AppendText(directory))
SW.WriteLine("================================================== ================================================== =======================\n \n");
SW.WriteLine("User " + user.Player.Name + " Banned For " + 1 + " hour Using Prog : " + program + " His IP : " + client.IP + " ||");
SW.WriteLine("================================================== ================================================== =======================\n \n");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("[" + IP + "] Error in packet");
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using البروجيكت اسم.Network.Cryptography;
namespace البروجيكت اسم.Network.AuthPackets
public unsafe class Authentication : Interfaces.IPacket
public string Username;
public string Password;
public string Server;
public string MacAddress;
public void Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
if (buffer.Length == 312)
ushort length = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0);
if (length == 312)
ushort type = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 2);
if (type == 1542)
Username= Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer, 8, 32).Replace("\0", "");
var size = buffer[72];
byte[] PasswordArray = Encoding.Default.GetBytes((string)(Encoding.Defaul t.GetString(buffer, 73, 32)));
LoaderEncryption.Decrypt(PasswordArray, size);
Password = Encoding.Default.GetString(PasswordArray).Replace("\0", ""); ;
Server = Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer, 136, 16).Replace("\0", "").Replace("0", "");
MacAddress = Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer, 152, 16).Replace("\0", "");
public byte[] ToArray()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Send(Client.GameState client)
throw new NotImplementedException();
loader encryption
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace البروجيكت اسم.Network.Cryptography
public class LoaderEncryption
private static byte[] Key1 = new byte[] {
3, 6, 1, 3, 0x42, 0x21, 0x4d, 0x2c, 100, 0xdd, 0x15, 0xfe, 0xea, 0xd4, 0x72, 0x8d,
0xd6, 12, 0x38, 0x63, 100, 7, 0x62, 0xbb, 190, 0x4d, 0x41, 0x37, 0x2c, 0x2b, 0x15, 0x63
private static byte[] Key2 = new byte[] {
6, 4, 1, 7, 2, 0x21, 0x4d, 0x42, 0x41, 0x2c, 0x15, 0xfe, 0x2b, 0xd4, 90, 0x2c,
0xd6, 12, 0x38, 0x63, 0x43, 7, 0x57, 0x63, 0, 0x4d, 0x2b, 11, 0x2c, 0x16, 0x15, 0x63
public static void Decrypt(byte[] data, int size)
for (int x = 0; x < (int)size; ++x)
data[x] ^= Key1[(44 * x) & 0x1C];
data[x] ^= Key2[(99 * x) & 0x1F];
نروح كلاس بروجرام
public static void Main(string[] args)
تحت المكان البيتفتح فيه بورت الجيم سيرفر والauth
حاجه زي كدا
ServerSocket MessageServer = new ServerSocket("MessageServer", 60, 50)
OnConnect = GameServer_OnClientConnect,
OnReceive = GameServer_OnClientReceive,
OnDisconnect = GameServer_OnClientDisconnect,
ClientBufferSize = 4048
تحته هنجط الكود دا
var server = new loaderserver.MainSocket(9901);
اعمله اي حاجه تعجبك بس متزودش طول التكست جامد
واللودر هيستقبله ويغيره في الmemory
لو لسه مش فاهم يبقي سيبه زي ماهو
ملفات الكلينت
Top4Top (عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف)
هتعدل ملفين
عدل الايبي عشان الاميل مش هيفتح من غيرو
دا ملف السيرفرات
ملحوظه اخيره : اللودر مش معاه نظام البان فانت تحط كود بان بدل دا
// Database.SystemBannedAccount.AddBan(user.Player.UI D, user.Player.Name, BanHours, program);