مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طلب
2020-04-01, 12:13 PM
يجماعه عندى ان بى سى الاجنحه والالقاب بيفتح 3 اجنحه بس و 6 القاب والباقى مش بيتفتح
وانا عاوز افتح كل الاجنحه الجديده والقديمه والالقاب الجديده والقديمه فا ايه الحل
2020-04-01, 12:57 PM
بدل الnpc دا بلي عندك
#region Titly by elsaher
case 17526:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello " + client.Player.Name + ", How are you ? I am the manager of the new titles / wings");
dialog.Text("Do you want to buy wings / titles For free?");
dialog.Option("All Wing&Titel", 1);
case 1:
new TitleStorage().GetAll(client);
2020-04-01, 01:05 PM
يعنى ده هيفتح كل الاجنحه والالقاب كلها الجديده والقديمه
السورس 3 دى مش 2 دى
2020-04-01, 01:25 PM
يعنى ده هيفتح كل الاجنحه والالقاب كلها الجديده والقديمه
السورس 3 دى مش 2 دى
هيفتحلك الاجنحات وا الالقاب الي في السورس كولها
2020-04-01, 01:29 PM
3 دى السورس بتعاى انا
2020-04-01, 01:31 PM
new TitleStorage().GetAll(client);
الكلمه دى جاى تحتها خط GetAll
2020-04-01, 01:39 PM
new TitleStorage().GetAll(client);
الكلمه دى جاى تحتها خط GetAll
جالك ايرور في Get.all
2020-04-01, 01:43 PM
في كلاس Wardrobe.cs لو مش لقيتو ابحث عن
class CoatStorage
ابحث عن
public void Handle(Client.GameState client)
امسح الفويد كلو وضيف دا
public void Handle(Client.GameState client)
switch (Info.ActionId)
case Action.Unequip:
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Player.EquippedWing = 0;
else if (StorageManager.Title<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Player.EquippedTitle = 0;
case Action.Equip:
if (client.Player.UTitlePoints < StorageManager.GetTitlePoints((short)Info.Type, (short)Info.Id))
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Player.EquippedWing = StorageManager.Wing<int>(Info.Type, Info.Id);
client.Player.NowEquippedWing.Add(Info.Type + "~" + Info.Id);
else if (StorageManager.Title<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Player.EquippedTitle = StorageManager.Title<int>(Info.Type, Info.Id);
client.Player.NowEquippedTitle.Add(Info.Type + "~" + Info.Id);
Info = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Equip,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Type = Info.Type,
Id = Info.Id,
new TitleStorage().CheckTitles(client);
ضيف دول فيه بعد الفويد دول
public void GetAll(Client.GameState client)
foreach (var title in Database.WardrobeTable.Titles.Values)
AddTitle(client, (short)title.Type, (short)title.ID, false);
client.Player.haveallTitles = true;
وفي نفس الكلاس ابحث عن
private bool CollectedMonkey
ضيف الكود دا بعدو
public void CheckTitles(Client.GameState client)
if (client.Player.haveallTitles) { GetAll(client); return; }
#region Titles And Wings Equips
#region Wings
#region Union Emperor
if (client.Union != null)
if (client.Union.IsKingdom())
if (client.Union.IsLeader(client.Player.UID))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
#region The Champion Of Elite Pk Tournament
if (client.Player.Titles.ContainsKey(TitlePacket.Titl es.ElitePKChamption_High))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6001, 20, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6001, 20, false);
#region Own a 5-star garment
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarGarments(client, 5) >= 1)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
#region Own a 5-star Mount armor
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarMounts(client, 5) >= 1)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
#region Prestige Score reaches 600,000
if (client.Player.TotalPerfectionScore >= 600000)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
#region Stars Score reaches 324
if (client.Equipment.TotalStars >= 324)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
#region Stars Score reaches 216
if (client.Equipment.TotalStars >= 216)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
#region Titles
#region Union Emperor
if (client.Union != null)
if (client.Union.IsKingdom())
if (client.Union.IsLeader(client.Player.UID))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
#region CollectedRandMonkey
if (CollectedRandMonkey(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2013, 14, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2013, 14, false);
#region Collect 8 kinds of permanent saint monkeys (can be activated via the Wardrobe after the event)
if (Collected8TypesMonkey(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
#region Collect a permanent Solar Monkey
if (CollectedMonkey(client, 200559))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
#region Collect a permanent Lunar Monkey
if (CollectedMonkey(client, 200560))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
#region The Total Score of Chi Study Reaches 1.600 Points
if (client.ChiData.DragonPoints == 400 && client.ChiData.PhoenixPoints == 400 && client.ChiData.TigerPoints == 400 && client.ChiData.TurtlePoints == 400)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
#region Prestige Score reaches 400,000
if (client.Player.TotalPerfectionScore >= 400000)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
#region The Total Score Of Jiang hu training reaches 81,000 points(Title)
if (client.Player.MyJiang != null && client.Player.MyJiang.Inner_Strength >= 81000)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
#region Complete 320 Achievement
if (client.Player.MyAchievement.Count(client.Player.U ID) >= 320)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
#region Own 5 garments of 4-star or 5-star
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarGarments(client, 4) >= 5)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
#region Own 5 Mount of 4-star or 5-star
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarMounts(client, 4) >= 5)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2006, 7, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2006, 7, false);
#region CelestialFox(200595)
if (CollectedCelestialFox(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2050, 2050, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2050, 2050, false);
#region CelestialFox(Fantasy)(200596)
if (CollectedCelestialFoxFantasy(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2051, 2051, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2051, 2051, false);
#region GM
/*if (client.Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.GameMaster)
foreach (var title in Database.WardrobeTable.Titles.Values)
AddTitle(client, (short)title.Type, (short)title.ID);
2020-04-01, 02:08 PM
هو الان بى سى اصلاا مش شغال
2020-04-01, 02:09 PM
مش بيفتح الاجنحه طيب
2020-04-01, 03:42 PM
مش بيفتح الاجنحه طيب
ضيف دي تحت
public void GetAll(Client.GameState client)
بعد دي
الاكواد دي ضيف
public void AddTitle(Client.GameState client, short _type, short _id, bool equipped = false, int TimeInSeconds = 0)
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(_type, _id))
if (!client.Player.Wings.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
client.Player.Wings.Add((uint)_type, (uint)_id);
else return;
if (!client.Player.WTitles.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
client.Player.WTitles.Add((uint)_type, (uint)_id);
else return;
client.Player.UTitlePoints += StorageManager.GetTitlePoints(_type, _id);
var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Update,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = equipped,
Time = TimeInSeconds,
if (equipped)
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(_type, _id))
client.Player.EquippedWing = StorageManager.Wing<int>(_type, _id);
client.Player.NowEquippedWing.Add(_type + "~" + _id);
else if (StorageManager.Title<bool>(_type, _id))
client.Player.EquippedTitle = StorageManager.Title<int>(_type, _id);
client.Player.NowEquippedTitle.Add(_type + "~" + _id);
تحتو ضيف
public void RemoveTitle(Client.GameState client, short _type, short _id, bool equipped = false)
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(_type, _id))
if (client.Player.Wings.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
if (client.Player.EquippedWing == StorageManager.Wing<int>(_type, _id))
client.Player.EquippedWing = 0;
var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Unequip,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false
client.Player.UTitlePoints -= StorageManager.GetTitlePoints(_type, _id);
var pkt2 = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.RemoveTitle,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false
else return;
if (client.Player.WTitles.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
if (client.Player.EquippedTitle == StorageManager.Title<int>(_type, _id))
client.Player.EquippedTitle = 0;
var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Unequip,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false
client.Player.UTitlePoints -= StorageManager.GetTitlePoints(_type, _id);
var pkt2 = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.RemoveTitle,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false
else return;
تحتو ضيف
public byte[] FinalizeProtoBuf(TitleStorageProto titleStorageProto)
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(memoryStream, titleStorageProto, PrefixStyle.Fixed32);
var pkt = new byte[8 + memoryStream.Length];
memoryStream.ToArray().CopyTo(pkt, 0);
Writer.Write((ushort)memoryStream.Length, 0, pkt);
Writer.Write((ushort)3301, 2, pkt);
return pkt;
public TitleStorageProto Info;
2020-04-02, 09:35 AM
يا صحبى اضيفهم فين مش فهم انا
عادل عصام
2020-04-02, 02:27 PM
اتفضل ياريس دة مش هيجيب معاك اي ارور ,
#region wing Titel
case 17526:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello " + client.Entity.Name + " i can open New Wing - New Title 1 = 10000 CPs");
dialog.Option("New - Wings And Title ", 1);
dialog.Option("Wait a minute.", 255);
#region New - Wings
case 1:
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6001, 20, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6002, 21, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6005, 6005, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6009, 6009, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6010, 6010, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6011, 6011, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2002, 3, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2003, 4, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2006, 7, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2020, 2020, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2021, 2021, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2022, 2022, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2023, 2023, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2024, 2024, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2025, 2025, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2028, 2028, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2029, 2029, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2030, 2030, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2031, 2031, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2032, 2032, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2033, 2033, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2034, 2034, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2035, 2035, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2036, 2036, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2013, 14, false);
2020-04-02, 05:27 PM
اتفضل ياريس دة مش هيجيب معاك اي ارور ,
#region wing titel
case 17526:
switch (npcrequest.optionid)
case 0:
dialog.text("hello " + client.entity.name + " i can open new wing - new title 1 = 10000 cps");
dialog.option("new - wings and title ", 1);
dialog.option("wait a minute.", 255);
#region new - wings
case 1:
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6001, 20, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6002, 21, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6005, 6005, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6009, 6009, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6010, 6010, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6011, 6011, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2002, 3, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2003, 4, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2006, 7, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2020, 2020, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2021, 2021, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2022, 2022, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2023, 2023, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2024, 2024, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2025, 2025, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2028, 2028, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2029, 2029, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2030, 2030, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2031, 2031, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2032, 2032, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2033, 2033, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2034, 2034, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2035, 2035, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2036, 2036, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2013, 14, false);
يا صحبي انا عامل الانبي سي التاني دا علشاتن يديلو كل التيتل وا الاجنحت الي في اللعبه
2020-04-02, 06:52 PM
يجماعه من العك دا كلوا معلش عاوز ان بى سى بقول يفتح كل الاجنحه وكل الالقاب
2020-04-02, 06:53 PM
والاجنحه الجديده والقديمه والالقاب الجديده والقديمه عاوز افتحم
يجماعه من العك دا كلوا معلش عاوز ان بى سى بقول يفتح كل الاجنحه وكل الالقاب
يغلق للاستهانه بالاعضاء الذين يحاولون المساعده
جزيل الشكر لمل عضو حاول المساعده
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