المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طلب

2020-04-01, 12:13 PM
يجماعه عندى ان بى سى الاجنحه والالقاب بيفتح 3 اجنحه بس و 6 القاب والباقى مش بيتفتح
وانا عاوز افتح كل الاجنحه الجديده والقديمه والالقاب الجديده والقديمه فا ايه الحل

2020-04-01, 12:57 PM
بدل الnpc دا بلي عندك

#region Titly by elsaher
case 17526:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello " + client.Player.Name + ", How are you ? I am the manager of the new titles / wings");
dialog.Text("Do you want to buy wings / titles For free?");
dialog.Option("All Wing&Titel", 1);
case 1:
new TitleStorage().GetAll(client);

2020-04-01, 01:05 PM
يعنى ده هيفتح كل الاجنحه والالقاب كلها الجديده والقديمه
السورس 3 دى مش 2 دى

2020-04-01, 01:25 PM
يعنى ده هيفتح كل الاجنحه والالقاب كلها الجديده والقديمه
السورس 3 دى مش 2 دى

هيفتحلك الاجنحات وا الالقاب الي في السورس كولها

2020-04-01, 01:29 PM
3 دى السورس بتعاى انا

2020-04-01, 01:31 PM
new TitleStorage().GetAll(client);
الكلمه دى جاى تحتها خط GetAll

2020-04-01, 01:39 PM
new TitleStorage().GetAll(client);
الكلمه دى جاى تحتها خط GetAll

جالك ايرور في Get.all

2020-04-01, 01:43 PM
في كلاس Wardrobe.cs لو مش لقيتو ابحث عن
class CoatStorage

ابحث عن

public void Handle(Client.GameState client)

امسح الفويد كلو وضيف دا

public void Handle(Client.GameState client)
switch (Info.ActionId)
case Action.Unequip:
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Player.EquippedWing = 0;
else if (StorageManager.Title<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Player.EquippedTitle = 0;
case Action.Equip:
if (client.Player.UTitlePoints < StorageManager.GetTitlePoints((short)Info.Type, (short)Info.Id))
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Player.EquippedWing = StorageManager.Wing<int>(Info.Type, Info.Id);
client.Player.NowEquippedWing.Add(Info.Type + "~" + Info.Id);
else if (StorageManager.Title<bool>(Info.Type, Info.Id))
client.Player.EquippedTitle = StorageManager.Title<int>(Info.Type, Info.Id);
client.Player.NowEquippedTitle.Add(Info.Type + "~" + Info.Id);

Info = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Equip,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Type = Info.Type,
Id = Info.Id,

new TitleStorage().CheckTitles(client);

ضيف دول فيه بعد الفويد دول

public void GetAll(Client.GameState client)
foreach (var title in Database.WardrobeTable.Titles.Values)
AddTitle(client, (short)title.Type, (short)title.ID, false);
client.Player.haveallTitles = true;

وفي نفس الكلاس ابحث عن

private bool CollectedMonkey

ضيف الكود دا بعدو

public void CheckTitles(Client.GameState client)
if (client.Player.haveallTitles) { GetAll(client); return; }
#region Titles And Wings Equips
#region Wings
#region Union Emperor
if (client.Union != null)
if (client.Union.IsKingdom())
if (client.Union.IsLeader(client.Player.UID))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
#region The Champion Of Elite Pk Tournament
if (client.Player.Titles.ContainsKey(TitlePacket.Titl es.ElitePKChamption_High))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6001, 20, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6001, 20, false);
#region Own a 5-star garment
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarGarments(client, 5) >= 1)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
#region Own a 5-star Mount armor
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarMounts(client, 5) >= 1)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
#region Prestige Score reaches 600,000
if (client.Player.TotalPerfectionScore >= 600000)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
#region Stars Score reaches 324
if (client.Equipment.TotalStars >= 324)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
#region Stars Score reaches 216
if (client.Equipment.TotalStars >= 216)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
#region Titles
#region Union Emperor
if (client.Union != null)
if (client.Union.IsKingdom())
if (client.Union.IsLeader(client.Player.UID))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
#region CollectedRandMonkey
if (CollectedRandMonkey(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2013, 14, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2013, 14, false);
#region Collect 8 kinds of permanent saint monkeys (can be activated via the Wardrobe after the event)
if (Collected8TypesMonkey(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
#region Collect a permanent Solar Monkey
if (CollectedMonkey(client, 200559))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
#region Collect a permanent Lunar Monkey
if (CollectedMonkey(client, 200560))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
#region The Total Score of Chi Study Reaches 1.600 Points
if (client.ChiData.DragonPoints == 400 && client.ChiData.PhoenixPoints == 400 && client.ChiData.TigerPoints == 400 && client.ChiData.TurtlePoints == 400)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
#region Prestige Score reaches 400,000
if (client.Player.TotalPerfectionScore >= 400000)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
#region The Total Score Of Jiang hu training reaches 81,000 points(Title)
if (client.Player.MyJiang != null && client.Player.MyJiang.Inner_Strength >= 81000)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
#region Complete 320 Achievement
if (client.Player.MyAchievement.Count(client.Player.U ID) >= 320)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
#region Own 5 garments of 4-star or 5-star
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarGarments(client, 4) >= 5)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
#region Own 5 Mount of 4-star or 5-star
if (Database.WardrobeTable.AmountStarMounts(client, 4) >= 5)
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2006, 7, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2006, 7, false);
#region CelestialFox(200595)
if (CollectedCelestialFox(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2050, 2050, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2050, 2050, false);
#region CelestialFox(Fantasy)(200596)
if (CollectedCelestialFoxFantasy(client))
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2051, 2051, false);
new TitleStorage().RemoveTitle(client, 2051, 2051, false);
#region GM
/*if (client.Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.GameMaster)
foreach (var title in Database.WardrobeTable.Titles.Values)
AddTitle(client, (short)title.Type, (short)title.ID);

2020-04-01, 02:08 PM
هو الان بى سى اصلاا مش شغال

2020-04-01, 02:09 PM
مش بيفتح الاجنحه طيب

2020-04-01, 03:42 PM
مش بيفتح الاجنحه طيب

ضيف دي تحت
public void GetAll(Client.GameState client)
بعد دي

الاكواد دي ضيف

public void AddTitle(Client.GameState client, short _type, short _id, bool equipped = false, int TimeInSeconds = 0)
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(_type, _id))
if (!client.Player.Wings.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
client.Player.Wings.Add((uint)_type, (uint)_id);
else return;
if (!client.Player.WTitles.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
client.Player.WTitles.Add((uint)_type, (uint)_id);
else return;
client.Player.UTitlePoints += StorageManager.GetTitlePoints(_type, _id);
var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Update,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = equipped,
Time = TimeInSeconds,

if (equipped)
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(_type, _id))
client.Player.EquippedWing = StorageManager.Wing<int>(_type, _id);
client.Player.NowEquippedWing.Add(_type + "~" + _id);
else if (StorageManager.Title<bool>(_type, _id))
client.Player.EquippedTitle = StorageManager.Title<int>(_type, _id);
client.Player.NowEquippedTitle.Add(_type + "~" + _id);

تحتو ضيف

public void RemoveTitle(Client.GameState client, short _type, short _id, bool equipped = false)
if (StorageManager.Wing<bool>(_type, _id))
if (client.Player.Wings.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
if (client.Player.EquippedWing == StorageManager.Wing<int>(_type, _id))
client.Player.EquippedWing = 0;

var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Unequip,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false


client.Player.UTitlePoints -= StorageManager.GetTitlePoints(_type, _id);
var pkt2 = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.RemoveTitle,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false
else return;
if (client.Player.WTitles.ContainsValue((uint)_id))
if (client.Player.EquippedTitle == StorageManager.Title<int>(_type, _id))
client.Player.EquippedTitle = 0;
var pkt = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.Unequip,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false
client.Player.UTitlePoints -= StorageManager.GetTitlePoints(_type, _id);
var pkt2 = new TitleStorageProto()
ActionId = Action.RemoveTitle,
Id = _id,
Type = _type,
Points = client.Player.UTitlePoints,
Value = new TitleValue()
Type = _type,
Id = _id,
Equipped = false
else return;

تحتو ضيف

public byte[] FinalizeProtoBuf(TitleStorageProto titleStorageProto)
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(memoryStream, titleStorageProto, PrefixStyle.Fixed32);
var pkt = new byte[8 + memoryStream.Length];
memoryStream.ToArray().CopyTo(pkt, 0);
Writer.Write((ushort)memoryStream.Length, 0, pkt);
Writer.Write((ushort)3301, 2, pkt);

return pkt;

public TitleStorageProto Info;

2020-04-02, 09:35 AM
يا صحبى اضيفهم فين مش فهم انا

عادل عصام
2020-04-02, 02:27 PM
اتفضل ياريس دة مش هيجيب معاك اي ارور ,

#region wing Titel
case 17526:

switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello " + client.Entity.Name + " i can open New Wing - New Title 1 = 10000 CPs");
dialog.Option("New - Wings And Title ", 1);
dialog.Option("Wait a minute.", 255);
#region New - Wings
case 1:
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6001, 20, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6002, 21, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6005, 6005, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6009, 6009, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6010, 6010, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 6011, 6011, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2002, 3, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2003, 4, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2006, 7, false);

new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2020, 2020, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2021, 2021, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2022, 2022, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2023, 2023, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2024, 2024, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2025, 2025, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2028, 2028, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2029, 2029, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2030, 2030, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2031, 2031, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2032, 2032, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2033, 2033, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2034, 2034, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2035, 2035, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2036, 2036, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
new TitleStorage().AddTitle(client, 2013, 14, false);



2020-04-02, 05:27 PM
اتفضل ياريس دة مش هيجيب معاك اي ارور ,

#region wing titel
case 17526:

switch (npcrequest.optionid)
case 0:
dialog.text("hello " + client.entity.name + " i can open new wing - new title 1 = 10000 cps");
dialog.option("new - wings and title ", 1);
dialog.option("wait a minute.", 255);
#region new - wings
case 1:
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 4001, 1000, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6001, 20, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6002, 21, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6003, 22, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6004, 23, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6005, 6005, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6007, 6007, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6008, 6008, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6009, 6009, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6010, 6010, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 6011, 6011, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 1, 1000, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2018, 1, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2001, 2, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2002, 3, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2003, 4, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2004, 5, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2005, 6, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2006, 7, false);

new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2020, 2020, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2021, 2021, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2022, 2022, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2023, 2023, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2024, 2024, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2025, 2025, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2026, 2026, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2027, 2027, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2028, 2028, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2029, 2029, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2030, 2030, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2031, 2031, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2032, 2032, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2033, 2033, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2034, 2034, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2035, 2035, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2036, 2036, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2016, 17, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2015, 16, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2014, 15, false);
new titlestorage().addtitle(client, 2013, 14, false);


يا صحبي انا عامل الانبي سي التاني دا علشاتن يديلو كل التيتل وا الاجنحت الي في اللعبه

2020-04-02, 06:52 PM
يجماعه من العك دا كلوا معلش عاوز ان بى سى بقول يفتح كل الاجنحه وكل الالقاب

2020-04-02, 06:53 PM
والاجنحه الجديده والقديمه والالقاب الجديده والقديمه عاوز افتحم

2020-04-03, 09:11 AM
يجماعه من العك دا كلوا معلش عاوز ان بى سى بقول يفتح كل الاجنحه وكل الالقاب

يغلق للاستهانه بالاعضاء الذين يحاولون المساعده

جزيل الشكر لمل عضو حاول المساعده