2019-06-01, 06:33 AM
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
ده عبارة عن انبسي الناس بتكلمو وتلعب لكي بلسبس ال معاهة تقدر تعدل عليه بس اوعة تبوظ الدنيا تلاقي الناس كلها معاهة سبس ردم :D :eek:
ضيف الكود ده في npc.cs
#region Lucky Play Cps
case 54586: //Thanks EGY4U
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Try You'r Lucky With Play Cps");
dialog.Option("Play Cps 10M.", 1);
dialog.Option("Play Cps 5M", 2);
dialog.Option("Play Cps 1M ", 3);
dialog.Option("not now.", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 1000000)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 1000000;
Random R = new Random();
int Nr = R.Next(1, 7);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 1000000;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("You received a 1M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 1000000;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("You received a 1M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 1000000;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("You received a 1M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 2) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 2000000;
if (Nr == 2) client.MessageBox("You received a 2M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 4) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps.", null, null, 0);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 2000000;
if (Nr == 5) client.MessageBox("You received a 2M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 6) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 1000000;
if (Nr == 6) client.MessageBox("You received a 1M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 7) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 2000000;
if (Nr == 7) client.MessageBox("You received a 2M CPs", null);
DialyQuestsEffect.Check(client, "Sure");
dialog.Text("You do not have 1M Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 10000000)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 10000000;
Random R = new Random();
int Nr = R.Next(1, 7);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 2) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 20000000;
if (Nr == 2) client.MessageBox("You received a 20M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 4) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps.", null, null, 0);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 15000000;
if (Nr == 5) client.MessageBox("You received a 15M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 6) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 6) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 7) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 16000000;
if (Nr == 7) client.MessageBox("You received a 16M CPs", null);
DialyQuestsEffect.Check(client, "Sure");
dialog.Text("You do not have 10M Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 5000000)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 5000000;
Random R = new Random();
int Nr = R.Next(1, 7);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 5000000;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("You received a 5M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 2) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 2) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 5000000;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("You received a 5M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 4) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps.", null, null, 0);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 4) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps.", null, null, 0);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 4) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps.", null, null, 0);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 5) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps", null);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 5) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 5) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 6) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 5000000;
if (Nr == 6) client.MessageBox("You received a 5M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 7) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 7000000;
if (Nr == 7) client.MessageBox("You received a 7m CPs", null);
DialyQuestsEffect.Check(client, "Sure");
dialog.Text("You do not have 5kk cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
ده عبارة عن انبسي الناس بتكلمو وتلعب لكي بلسبس ال معاهة تقدر تعدل عليه بس اوعة تبوظ الدنيا تلاقي الناس كلها معاهة سبس ردم :D :eek:
ضيف الكود ده في npc.cs
#region Lucky Play Cps
case 54586: //Thanks EGY4U
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Try You'r Lucky With Play Cps");
dialog.Option("Play Cps 10M.", 1);
dialog.Option("Play Cps 5M", 2);
dialog.Option("Play Cps 1M ", 3);
dialog.Option("not now.", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 1000000)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 1000000;
Random R = new Random();
int Nr = R.Next(1, 7);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 1000000;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("You received a 1M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 1000000;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("You received a 1M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 1000000;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("You received a 1M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 2) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 2000000;
if (Nr == 2) client.MessageBox("You received a 2M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 4) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps.", null, null, 0);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 2000000;
if (Nr == 5) client.MessageBox("You received a 2M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 6) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 1000000;
if (Nr == 6) client.MessageBox("You received a 1M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 7) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 2000000;
if (Nr == 7) client.MessageBox("You received a 2M CPs", null);
DialyQuestsEffect.Check(client, "Sure");
dialog.Text("You do not have 1M Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 10000000)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 10000000;
Random R = new Random();
int Nr = R.Next(1, 7);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 2) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 20000000;
if (Nr == 2) client.MessageBox("You received a 20M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 4) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps.", null, null, 0);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 15000000;
if (Nr == 5) client.MessageBox("You received a 15M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 6) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 6) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 7) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 16000000;
if (Nr == 7) client.MessageBox("You received a 16M CPs", null);
DialyQuestsEffect.Check(client, "Sure");
dialog.Text("You do not have 10M Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 5000000)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 5000000;
Random R = new Random();
int Nr = R.Next(1, 7);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 5000000;
if (Nr == 1) client.MessageBox("You received a 5M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 2) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 2) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 5000000;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("You received a 5M CPs ", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 3) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your Cps ", null);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 4) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps.", null, null, 0);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 4) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps.", null, null, 0);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 4) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps.", null, null, 0);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 0;
if (Nr == 5) client.MessageBox("Sorry you loss your cps", null);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 5) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 10000000;
if (Nr == 5) client.MessageBox("You received a 10M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 6) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 5000000;
if (Nr == 6) client.MessageBox("You received a 5M CPs", null);
if (Nr == 7) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 7000000;
if (Nr == 7) client.MessageBox("You received a 7m CPs", null);
DialyQuestsEffect.Check(client, "Sure");
dialog.Text("You do not have 5kk cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف