2020-02-17, 08:32 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
الرجاله المحترمين الى بيساعدو الناس احب احيكم
اليوم معانه موضوع بسيط ممكن حد يحب يستخدمو وتركيبو سهل
للسورسات الصعبه
كويسته البرفكشن
الراجل هيدخلك مابه جديده فيها وحوش كتير هتضربهم هيوقعولك احجار برفكشن صغيره
هتجمع 1000 نقطه هتكلم الراجل الى جوه هيدخلك مابه او مابه ناسه هتخش هنا وناس هنا
هيكون طالع وحش هتموتو هيوقعلك الجايزه وطبعا تقدر تغير الجوايز وكل حاجه
شويه صوره للكوسته عشان لو معجبتكش متركبهاش ههههههههههههه
دى المابه الاولى
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
المابه الثانيه
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
ندخل على الاضافه وهتضيفها يدوى عشان لو حاجه مكرره تعرف تبدلها تمام
هندخل على اضافه السورس
كلاس npc
//////perfection system ////
#region perfection system By:Rayzo
case 3215:
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 0)
dialog.Text("Our ancestors exerted their maximum efforts and defeated the demons. Since then, the world of slayer 2.0 has remained at peace for");
dialog.Text("hundreds of years. Now the demons have returned and slayer is being dominated by fierce demons.");
dialog.Option("Do you want to know what the task is like?", 1);
dialog.Option("Enter Perfection Task", 2);
dialog.Option("I better go.", 255);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 1)
dialog.Text("The decisive battle between the human being and the devil broke out here. the");
dialog.Text("fierce battle lasted seven days and nights. Countless heroes lost their");
dialog.Text("lives. And justice won. Later we can live in peace for hundreds of");
dialog.Option("what happened?", 3);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 3)
dialog.Text("[Last Pluto], leader of the demons who have sworn revenge to return.");
dialog.Text("To prevent demons from going to dominate slayer have been sent");
dialog.Text("back to their lands cautiously. But on August 28");
dialog.Text("Ultimate Pluto has come back to endanger humans");
dialog.Option("What should we do?", 4);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 4)
dialog.Text("Fortunately last Pluto is still locked on the third floor of hell");
dialog.Text("That is why its mission is to enter and destroy Ultimate Pluto before it can leave its Floor.");
dialog.Option("Enter Perfection Task.", 2);
dialog.Option("I would like to know more.", 5);
dialog.Option("Sigh, I'm helpless.", 255);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 5)
dialog.Text("You must kill the last Pluto quickly to get some Splendid Star Star (Superior) so that you can use it for");
dialog.Text("Activate the Perfection System. Before you can do that, you must enter the door of hell,");
dialog.Text("Before arriving at Ultimate Pluto you must go through two more floors where you will test your skill and your strength");
dialog.Text("breaking those strengths if you like.");
dialog.Option("I want to know the First stage", 6);
dialog.Option("I want to know the Second Stage", 7);
dialog.Option("I want to know Third stage", 8);
//dialog.Option("I want to know Battle Training ", 9);
dialog.Option("Thank you. I know what I have to do.", 255);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 6)
dialog.Text("The first eta is full of demons that won't let you go to your next level");
dialog.Text("the demons being dead their life becomes a StoneDealma in which it must be delivered");
dialog.Text("to the guardian of the First stage when the first 60 players have passed");
dialog.Text("the others will be transported to the city of Tigre.");
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Option("Behind", 5);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 7) //segunda etapa
dialog.Text("Second stage is even closer to demons even stronger than you can kill them in a single blow");
dialog.Text("the guardian of this level will test you with a small task, if you manage it, you will be able to move on to the third stage");
dialog.Text("only 20 players can spend the rest will be sent to the city of Tiger");
dialog.Option("Thank you", 255);
dialog.Option("back", 5);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 8) // third stage
dialog.Text("the third stage has only one exit death or Glory so join forces with your clan to be dominator of this battle");
dialog.Text("you must climb to the end of the road to find Ultimate Pluto");
dialog.Text("which will only appear when the 20 protectors are in the third stage");
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Option("Back", 5);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 2)
DateTime Now64 = DateTime.Now;
if (Now64.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Tuesday || Now64.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday || Now64.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
if ((Now64.Hour == 15 || Now64.Hour == 21) && Now64.Minute >= 00 && Now64.Minute <= 45)
Random Rand = new Random();
int dis = Rand.Next(1, 7);
if (dis == 1) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 72, 103); }
if (dis == 2) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 13, 45); }
if (dis == 3) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 43, 12); }
if (dis == 4) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 112, 80); }
if (dis == 5) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 80, 112); }
if (dis == 6) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 12, 43); }
if (dis == 7) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 82, 70); }
dialog.Text("This Event is Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.. Come Back Next Time.");
dialog.Option("Well I will!", 255);
dialog.Text("This Event is Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.. Come Back Next Time");
dialog.Option("OK, I'll be back.", 255);
وهنضيف الان بى سى دى كمان
#region First stage By:Mr~Rayzo
case 4011:
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 0)
dialog.Text("Welcome to the Perfection Task, you must kill some mosquitoes in this setapa to pass to the Second Stage, which will also vote PiedraEstrellaBrillante");
dialog.Text("[10 StarStarBright Stone (unique) = 1 StarstoneRadiant (unique)], [10 StarstoneRadiant (elite) = 1 StarstoneSplendid (upper)]");
dialog.Option("How many should I kill", 1);
dialog.Option("No thanks.", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 3)
if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 1000)
client.Entity.DisKO = 0;
Rayzo.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Rayzo.Network.GamePackets.Message("Congratulations! " + client.Entity.Name + "has successfully passed the second stage !", System.Drawing.Color.White, 2011), Program.GamePool);
Random Rand = new Random();
int dis = Rand.Next(1, 8);
if (dis == 1) { client.Entity.Teleport(40201, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 2) { client.Entity.Teleport(40202, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 3) { client.Entity.Teleport(40201, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 4) { client.Entity.Teleport(40202, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 5) { client.Entity.Teleport(40201, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 6) { client.Entity.Teleport(40202, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 7) { client.Entity.Teleport(40201, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 8) { client.Entity.Teleport(40202, 50, 50); }
dialog.Text("Sorry, you missed your chance to enter the next stage ");
dialog.Option("Damn!", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 4)
if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 1000 && client.Entity.NobilityRank == NobilityRank.Earl
|| client.Entity.NobilityRank == NobilityRank.Baron || client.Entity.NobilityRank == NobilityRank.Knight)
client.Entity.DisKO = 0;
client.Entity.Teleport(40203, 50, 50);
Rayzo.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Rayzo.Network.GamePackets.Message("Congratulations! " + client.Entity.Name + "has successfully passed the second stage !", System.Drawing.Color.White, 2011), Program.GamePool);
dialog.Text("Sorry, this stage is only for Counts down");
dialog.Option("Damn!", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 1)
if (client.Entity.Class >= 10 && client.Entity.Class <= 165)
if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 1000)
dialog.Text("Welcome to the new stages of perfection, will I now randomly take you to any stage?");
dialog.Option("Enter the Random.", 3);
dialog.Option("Center", 4);
dialog.Text("You need to collect 1,000 Souls!");
dialog.Option("Vale.", 255);
dialog.Option("No thanks.", 255);
كده تمام
هندخل على كلاس MonsterTable.cs
ونضيف الوحوش دى ولو موجوده عندك امسحا وضيف دول
#region Mostros [Sistema de perfeccion]Tarea
if (Name == "CoinsStealer")
Random randoms = new Random();
int r = randoms.Next(1, 30);
if (r == 5)
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades! Has obtenido 1 GoldCoin", Message.System));
else if (r == 10)
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades! Has obtenido 1 SilverCoin", Message.System));
else if (r == 15)
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades! Has obtenido 1 CopperCoin", Message.System));
if ((Kernel.Rate(20)) &&
(Name == "Naga") || (Name == "Tentadora")
|| (Name == "Centinela")
uint ItemID = 0;
byte type1 = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
type1 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 5);
switch (type1)
case 1:
ItemID = 3009001;//pidraUnicaperfeccion
case 2:
ItemID = 3009001;
case 3:
ItemID = 3009001;//cestas
case 4:
ItemID = 3009001;//oro
case 5:
ItemID = 3009001;//piedra antigua
var infos = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[ItemID];
ushort X = Owner.X, Y = Owner.Y;
Game.Map Map = Kernel.Maps[Owner.MapID];
if (Map.SelectCoordonates(ref X, ref Y))
Network.GamePackets.FloorItem floorItem = new Network.GamePackets.FloorItem(true);
floorItem.Item = new Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true);
floorItem.Item.Color = (COServer.Game.Enums.Color)Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8);
floorItem.Item.ID = ItemID;
floorItem.Item.Plus = floorItem.Item.Plus;
floorItem.Item.MaximDurability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.Durability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.MobDropped = true;
floorItem.ValueType = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorValueType.Item;
floorItem.ItemID = ItemID;
floorItem.MapID = Owner.MapID;
floorItem.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Item;
floorItem.X = X;
floorItem.Y = Y;
floorItem.Type = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.Drop;
floorItem.OnFloor = Time32.Now;
floorItem.ItemColor = floorItem.Item.Color;
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
while (Map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.UID))
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
if (Name == "Naga")
killer.DisKO += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades!! Has matado al monstro de Tarea de Perfeccion y recoges una alma. Llevas [" + killer.DisKO + "] Almas", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft));
if (Name == "Tentadora")
killer.DisKO += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades!! Has matado al monstro de Tarea de Perfeccion y recoges una alma. Llevas [" + killer.DisKO + "] Almas", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft));
if (Name == "Centinela")
killer.DisKO += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades!! Has matado al monstro de Tarea de Perfeccion y recoges una alma. Llevas [" + killer.DisKO + "] Almas", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft));
if (Name == "TrollInfiernal")
killer.DisKO += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades!! Has matado al monstro de Tarea de Perfeccion y recoges una alma. Llevas [" + killer.DisKO + "] Almas", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft));
if ((Kernel.Rate(20)) && Name == "TrollInfiernal")
uint ItemID = 0;
byte type1 = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
type1 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 5);
switch (type1)
case 1:
ItemID = 3009001;//pidraUnicaperfeccion
case 2:
ItemID = 3009001;
case 3:
ItemID = 3009001;//cestas
case 4:
ItemID = 3009001;//oro
case 5:
ItemID = 3009001;//piedra antigua
var infos = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[ItemID];
ushort X = Owner.X, Y = Owner.Y;
Game.Map Map = Kernel.Maps[Owner.MapID];
if (Map.SelectCoordonates(ref X, ref Y))
Network.GamePackets.FloorItem floorItem = new Network.GamePackets.FloorItem(true);
floorItem.Item = new Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true);
floorItem.Item.Color = (COServer.Game.Enums.Color)Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8);
floorItem.Item.ID = ItemID;
floorItem.Item.Plus = floorItem.Item.Plus;
floorItem.Item.MaximDurability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.Durability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.MobDropped = true;
floorItem.ValueType = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorValueType.Item;
floorItem.ItemID = ItemID;
floorItem.MapID = Owner.MapID;
floorItem.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Item;
floorItem.X = X;
floorItem.Y = Y;
floorItem.Type = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.Drop;
floorItem.OnFloor = Time32.Now;
floorItem.ItemColor = floorItem.Item.Color;
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
while (Map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.UID))
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
///Mostro de perfeccion///
#region UltimatePluto
#region Plutos items de suelo
if (Name == "PlutoDerecho" || Name == "PlutoIzquierdo" || Name == "PlutoCentro")
uint ItemID = 0;
byte type1 = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)// 4 NUMERO DE CANTIDAD QUE CAIGA
type1 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 8);
switch (type1)
case 1:
ItemID = 3009003; //PiezaAlmaSantaE7
case 2:
ItemID = 3009002; //PiezaAlmaEquipamientoE7
case 3:
ItemID = 3009001;// PiezaSagradaRefinada
case 4:
ItemID = 3009002; //PiedraEstrellaRadiante
case 5:
ItemID = 3009003; //PiezaAlmaSantaE7
case 6:
ItemID = 3009001; //PiezaAlmaEquipamientoE7
case 7:
ItemID = 3009002;// PiezaSagradaRefinada
case 8:
ItemID = 3009003; //PiedraEstrellaRadiante
case 9:
ItemID = 3009002; //PiedraEstrellaEsplendido
var infos = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[ItemID];
ushort X = Owner.X, Y = Owner.Y;
Game.Map Map = Kernel.Maps[Owner.MapID];
if (Map.SelectCoordonates(ref X, ref Y))
Network.GamePackets.FloorItem floorItem = new Network.GamePackets.FloorItem(true);
floorItem.Item = new Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true);
floorItem.Item.Color = (COServer.Game.Enums.Color)Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8);
floorItem.Item.ID = ItemID;
floorItem.Item.Plus = floorItem.Item.Plus;
floorItem.Item.MaximDurability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.Durability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.MobDropped = true;
floorItem.ValueType = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorValueType.Item;
floorItem.ItemID = ItemID;
floorItem.MapID = Owner.MapID;
floorItem.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Item;
floorItem.X = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(X - 10, X + 10);
floorItem.Y = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(Y - 10, Y + 10);
floorItem.Type = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.Drop;
floorItem.OnFloor = Time32.Now;
floorItem.ItemColor = floorItem.Item.Color;
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
while (Map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.UID))
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
#region Plutos drop
if (Name == "PlutoDerecho" || Name == "PlutoIzquierdo" || Name == "PlutoCentro")
uint Uid = 0;
byte type = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
switch (type)
case 1:
Uid = 3009003;
if (Uid != 0)
ushort X = Owner.X, Y = Owner.Y;
Game.Map Map = Kernel.Maps[Owner.MapID];
killer.Owner.Inventory.Add(3009003, 0, 1);
killer.Owner.Inventory.Add(3009002, 0, 1);
killer.SlayerPoint += 50000; = new object[] { "[BosDePerfeccion]" + killer.Name + " ha matado " + Name + " y obtiene " + Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[Uid].Name + " + 50.000 Puntos " };
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message(string.Concat(, "ALLUSERS", "Perfeccion", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2500), Server.GamePool);
Network.GamePackets._String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = killer.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
killer.Owner.SendScreen(str, true);
كده احنا خلصنا السورس ندخل على القاعده فى النافى كات
كلاس NPC
3215 Prefciton Quost 2 1310 1002 410 355
4011 Perfction 2 1314 4020 73 62
هندخل على تكست Maps ونضيف
4020 4020 7 0
4022 2022 8198 0
4023 2023 8198 0
4024 2023 8198 0
40201 4006 8198 0
40202 4006 8198 0
40203 4006 8198 0
4021 2021 8198 0
بعد كده مونيستر انفو
هتضيف دول ولو حاجه مكرره امسح القديمه
4195 PlutoDerecho 1 168 500000000 0 93541 35415 1000000 10 10 1000 100 150 3 100 0 0 0 0
4196 PlutoIzquierdo 1 168 500000000 0 93541 35415 1000000 10 10 1000 100 150 3 100 0 0 0 0
5059 PlutoCentro 1 168 500000000 0 93541 35415 1000000 10 10 1000 100 150 3 100 0 0 0 0
5054 Centinela 1 179 6794 0 2317 2085 4314 1 25 500 500 122 3 500 0 100 0 0
5057 Naga 1 262 6794 0 2317 2085 4314 3 25 1000 500 122 3 500 0 100 0 0
5056 TrollInfiernal 1 353 20368 0 2316 2085 5175 2 25 1000 500 123 3 500 0 100 0 0
5053 Tentadora 1 230 6794 0 2317 2085 4314 1 25 600 500 122 3 500 0 100 0 0
5055 Wraith 1 327 3934 0 569 569 1724 5 25 2500 500 122 3 500 4075 100 725016 1
5060 Wraithl 1 327 3934 0 569 569 1724 5 25
مونسيتر اسبام وبرضو لو فى حاجه مكرره شيلها
46546 40201 63 59 1 1 1 100 1 4195
45546 40202 76 64 1 1 1 100 1 4196
9907 40203 76 64 1 1 1 100 1 5059
4444 4020 100 84 100 245 22 2 30 5054
4443 4020 40 61 100 245 16 3 40 5057
4442 4020 66 82 300 110 22 4 40 5056
4441 4020 42 62 300 110 17 5 30 5053
4440 4020 20 32 300 110 22 6 40 5054
4439 4020 35 21 300 110 35 7 40 5057
4446 4020 73 100 100 245 22 1 40 5056
4458 4023 407 362 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4457 4023 348 271 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4456 4023 267 279 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4455 4023 252 406 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4454 4023 155 460 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4453 4023 119 314 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4452 4023 223 210 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4451 4023 326 111 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4450 4023 493 210 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4449 4023 500 380 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4448 4023 348 474 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4447 4023 254 574 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4470 4024 407 362 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4469 4024 348 271 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4468 4024 267 279 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4467 4024 252 406 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4466 4024 155 460 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4465 4024 119 314 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4464 4024 223 210 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4463 4024 326 111 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4462 4024 493 210 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4461 4024 500 380 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4460 4024 348 474 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4459 4024 254 574 10 10 5 9 1 5060
وكده اقدر اقولكم مبروك عليكم الكويسته ولو فى اى مشكله او ايرور اكتبوه فى التعليقات
ولو حد عنده تعلقيات سلبيه يحتفظ بيها لنفسو والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
الرجاله المحترمين الى بيساعدو الناس احب احيكم
اليوم معانه موضوع بسيط ممكن حد يحب يستخدمو وتركيبو سهل
للسورسات الصعبه
كويسته البرفكشن
الراجل هيدخلك مابه جديده فيها وحوش كتير هتضربهم هيوقعولك احجار برفكشن صغيره
هتجمع 1000 نقطه هتكلم الراجل الى جوه هيدخلك مابه او مابه ناسه هتخش هنا وناس هنا
هيكون طالع وحش هتموتو هيوقعلك الجايزه وطبعا تقدر تغير الجوايز وكل حاجه
شويه صوره للكوسته عشان لو معجبتكش متركبهاش ههههههههههههه
دى المابه الاولى
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
المابه الثانيه
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
ندخل على الاضافه وهتضيفها يدوى عشان لو حاجه مكرره تعرف تبدلها تمام
هندخل على اضافه السورس
كلاس npc
//////perfection system ////
#region perfection system By:Rayzo
case 3215:
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 0)
dialog.Text("Our ancestors exerted their maximum efforts and defeated the demons. Since then, the world of slayer 2.0 has remained at peace for");
dialog.Text("hundreds of years. Now the demons have returned and slayer is being dominated by fierce demons.");
dialog.Option("Do you want to know what the task is like?", 1);
dialog.Option("Enter Perfection Task", 2);
dialog.Option("I better go.", 255);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 1)
dialog.Text("The decisive battle between the human being and the devil broke out here. the");
dialog.Text("fierce battle lasted seven days and nights. Countless heroes lost their");
dialog.Text("lives. And justice won. Later we can live in peace for hundreds of");
dialog.Option("what happened?", 3);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 3)
dialog.Text("[Last Pluto], leader of the demons who have sworn revenge to return.");
dialog.Text("To prevent demons from going to dominate slayer have been sent");
dialog.Text("back to their lands cautiously. But on August 28");
dialog.Text("Ultimate Pluto has come back to endanger humans");
dialog.Option("What should we do?", 4);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 4)
dialog.Text("Fortunately last Pluto is still locked on the third floor of hell");
dialog.Text("That is why its mission is to enter and destroy Ultimate Pluto before it can leave its Floor.");
dialog.Option("Enter Perfection Task.", 2);
dialog.Option("I would like to know more.", 5);
dialog.Option("Sigh, I'm helpless.", 255);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 5)
dialog.Text("You must kill the last Pluto quickly to get some Splendid Star Star (Superior) so that you can use it for");
dialog.Text("Activate the Perfection System. Before you can do that, you must enter the door of hell,");
dialog.Text("Before arriving at Ultimate Pluto you must go through two more floors where you will test your skill and your strength");
dialog.Text("breaking those strengths if you like.");
dialog.Option("I want to know the First stage", 6);
dialog.Option("I want to know the Second Stage", 7);
dialog.Option("I want to know Third stage", 8);
//dialog.Option("I want to know Battle Training ", 9);
dialog.Option("Thank you. I know what I have to do.", 255);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 6)
dialog.Text("The first eta is full of demons that won't let you go to your next level");
dialog.Text("the demons being dead their life becomes a StoneDealma in which it must be delivered");
dialog.Text("to the guardian of the First stage when the first 60 players have passed");
dialog.Text("the others will be transported to the city of Tigre.");
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Option("Behind", 5);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 7) //segunda etapa
dialog.Text("Second stage is even closer to demons even stronger than you can kill them in a single blow");
dialog.Text("the guardian of this level will test you with a small task, if you manage it, you will be able to move on to the third stage");
dialog.Text("only 20 players can spend the rest will be sent to the city of Tiger");
dialog.Option("Thank you", 255);
dialog.Option("back", 5);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 8) // third stage
dialog.Text("the third stage has only one exit death or Glory so join forces with your clan to be dominator of this battle");
dialog.Text("you must climb to the end of the road to find Ultimate Pluto");
dialog.Text("which will only appear when the 20 protectors are in the third stage");
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Option("Back", 5);
else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 2)
DateTime Now64 = DateTime.Now;
if (Now64.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Tuesday || Now64.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday || Now64.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
if ((Now64.Hour == 15 || Now64.Hour == 21) && Now64.Minute >= 00 && Now64.Minute <= 45)
Random Rand = new Random();
int dis = Rand.Next(1, 7);
if (dis == 1) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 72, 103); }
if (dis == 2) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 13, 45); }
if (dis == 3) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 43, 12); }
if (dis == 4) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 112, 80); }
if (dis == 5) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 80, 112); }
if (dis == 6) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 12, 43); }
if (dis == 7) { client.Entity.Teleport(4020, 82, 70); }
dialog.Text("This Event is Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.. Come Back Next Time.");
dialog.Option("Well I will!", 255);
dialog.Text("This Event is Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.. Come Back Next Time");
dialog.Option("OK, I'll be back.", 255);
وهنضيف الان بى سى دى كمان
#region First stage By:Mr~Rayzo
case 4011:
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 0)
dialog.Text("Welcome to the Perfection Task, you must kill some mosquitoes in this setapa to pass to the Second Stage, which will also vote PiedraEstrellaBrillante");
dialog.Text("[10 StarStarBright Stone (unique) = 1 StarstoneRadiant (unique)], [10 StarstoneRadiant (elite) = 1 StarstoneSplendid (upper)]");
dialog.Option("How many should I kill", 1);
dialog.Option("No thanks.", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 3)
if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 1000)
client.Entity.DisKO = 0;
Rayzo.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Rayzo.Network.GamePackets.Message("Congratulations! " + client.Entity.Name + "has successfully passed the second stage !", System.Drawing.Color.White, 2011), Program.GamePool);
Random Rand = new Random();
int dis = Rand.Next(1, 8);
if (dis == 1) { client.Entity.Teleport(40201, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 2) { client.Entity.Teleport(40202, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 3) { client.Entity.Teleport(40201, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 4) { client.Entity.Teleport(40202, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 5) { client.Entity.Teleport(40201, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 6) { client.Entity.Teleport(40202, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 7) { client.Entity.Teleport(40201, 50, 50); }
if (dis == 8) { client.Entity.Teleport(40202, 50, 50); }
dialog.Text("Sorry, you missed your chance to enter the next stage ");
dialog.Option("Damn!", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 4)
if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 1000 && client.Entity.NobilityRank == NobilityRank.Earl
|| client.Entity.NobilityRank == NobilityRank.Baron || client.Entity.NobilityRank == NobilityRank.Knight)
client.Entity.DisKO = 0;
client.Entity.Teleport(40203, 50, 50);
Rayzo.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Rayzo.Network.GamePackets.Message("Congratulations! " + client.Entity.Name + "has successfully passed the second stage !", System.Drawing.Color.White, 2011), Program.GamePool);
dialog.Text("Sorry, this stage is only for Counts down");
dialog.Option("Damn!", 255);
if (npcRequest.OptionID == 1)
if (client.Entity.Class >= 10 && client.Entity.Class <= 165)
if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 1000)
dialog.Text("Welcome to the new stages of perfection, will I now randomly take you to any stage?");
dialog.Option("Enter the Random.", 3);
dialog.Option("Center", 4);
dialog.Text("You need to collect 1,000 Souls!");
dialog.Option("Vale.", 255);
dialog.Option("No thanks.", 255);
كده تمام
هندخل على كلاس MonsterTable.cs
ونضيف الوحوش دى ولو موجوده عندك امسحا وضيف دول
#region Mostros [Sistema de perfeccion]Tarea
if (Name == "CoinsStealer")
Random randoms = new Random();
int r = randoms.Next(1, 30);
if (r == 5)
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades! Has obtenido 1 GoldCoin", Message.System));
else if (r == 10)
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades! Has obtenido 1 SilverCoin", Message.System));
else if (r == 15)
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades! Has obtenido 1 CopperCoin", Message.System));
if ((Kernel.Rate(20)) &&
(Name == "Naga") || (Name == "Tentadora")
|| (Name == "Centinela")
uint ItemID = 0;
byte type1 = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
type1 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 5);
switch (type1)
case 1:
ItemID = 3009001;//pidraUnicaperfeccion
case 2:
ItemID = 3009001;
case 3:
ItemID = 3009001;//cestas
case 4:
ItemID = 3009001;//oro
case 5:
ItemID = 3009001;//piedra antigua
var infos = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[ItemID];
ushort X = Owner.X, Y = Owner.Y;
Game.Map Map = Kernel.Maps[Owner.MapID];
if (Map.SelectCoordonates(ref X, ref Y))
Network.GamePackets.FloorItem floorItem = new Network.GamePackets.FloorItem(true);
floorItem.Item = new Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true);
floorItem.Item.Color = (COServer.Game.Enums.Color)Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8);
floorItem.Item.ID = ItemID;
floorItem.Item.Plus = floorItem.Item.Plus;
floorItem.Item.MaximDurability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.Durability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.MobDropped = true;
floorItem.ValueType = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorValueType.Item;
floorItem.ItemID = ItemID;
floorItem.MapID = Owner.MapID;
floorItem.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Item;
floorItem.X = X;
floorItem.Y = Y;
floorItem.Type = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.Drop;
floorItem.OnFloor = Time32.Now;
floorItem.ItemColor = floorItem.Item.Color;
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
while (Map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.UID))
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
if (Name == "Naga")
killer.DisKO += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades!! Has matado al monstro de Tarea de Perfeccion y recoges una alma. Llevas [" + killer.DisKO + "] Almas", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft));
if (Name == "Tentadora")
killer.DisKO += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades!! Has matado al monstro de Tarea de Perfeccion y recoges una alma. Llevas [" + killer.DisKO + "] Almas", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft));
if (Name == "Centinela")
killer.DisKO += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades!! Has matado al monstro de Tarea de Perfeccion y recoges una alma. Llevas [" + killer.DisKO + "] Almas", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft));
if (Name == "TrollInfiernal")
killer.DisKO += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message("Felicidades!! Has matado al monstro de Tarea de Perfeccion y recoges una alma. Llevas [" + killer.DisKO + "] Almas", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft));
if ((Kernel.Rate(20)) && Name == "TrollInfiernal")
uint ItemID = 0;
byte type1 = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
type1 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 5);
switch (type1)
case 1:
ItemID = 3009001;//pidraUnicaperfeccion
case 2:
ItemID = 3009001;
case 3:
ItemID = 3009001;//cestas
case 4:
ItemID = 3009001;//oro
case 5:
ItemID = 3009001;//piedra antigua
var infos = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[ItemID];
ushort X = Owner.X, Y = Owner.Y;
Game.Map Map = Kernel.Maps[Owner.MapID];
if (Map.SelectCoordonates(ref X, ref Y))
Network.GamePackets.FloorItem floorItem = new Network.GamePackets.FloorItem(true);
floorItem.Item = new Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true);
floorItem.Item.Color = (COServer.Game.Enums.Color)Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8);
floorItem.Item.ID = ItemID;
floorItem.Item.Plus = floorItem.Item.Plus;
floorItem.Item.MaximDurability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.Durability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.MobDropped = true;
floorItem.ValueType = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorValueType.Item;
floorItem.ItemID = ItemID;
floorItem.MapID = Owner.MapID;
floorItem.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Item;
floorItem.X = X;
floorItem.Y = Y;
floorItem.Type = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.Drop;
floorItem.OnFloor = Time32.Now;
floorItem.ItemColor = floorItem.Item.Color;
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
while (Map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.UID))
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
///Mostro de perfeccion///
#region UltimatePluto
#region Plutos items de suelo
if (Name == "PlutoDerecho" || Name == "PlutoIzquierdo" || Name == "PlutoCentro")
uint ItemID = 0;
byte type1 = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)// 4 NUMERO DE CANTIDAD QUE CAIGA
type1 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 8);
switch (type1)
case 1:
ItemID = 3009003; //PiezaAlmaSantaE7
case 2:
ItemID = 3009002; //PiezaAlmaEquipamientoE7
case 3:
ItemID = 3009001;// PiezaSagradaRefinada
case 4:
ItemID = 3009002; //PiedraEstrellaRadiante
case 5:
ItemID = 3009003; //PiezaAlmaSantaE7
case 6:
ItemID = 3009001; //PiezaAlmaEquipamientoE7
case 7:
ItemID = 3009002;// PiezaSagradaRefinada
case 8:
ItemID = 3009003; //PiedraEstrellaRadiante
case 9:
ItemID = 3009002; //PiedraEstrellaEsplendido
var infos = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[ItemID];
ushort X = Owner.X, Y = Owner.Y;
Game.Map Map = Kernel.Maps[Owner.MapID];
if (Map.SelectCoordonates(ref X, ref Y))
Network.GamePackets.FloorItem floorItem = new Network.GamePackets.FloorItem(true);
floorItem.Item = new Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true);
floorItem.Item.Color = (COServer.Game.Enums.Color)Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8);
floorItem.Item.ID = ItemID;
floorItem.Item.Plus = floorItem.Item.Plus;
floorItem.Item.MaximDurability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.Durability = infos.Durability;
floorItem.Item.MobDropped = true;
floorItem.ValueType = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorValueType.Item;
floorItem.ItemID = ItemID;
floorItem.MapID = Owner.MapID;
floorItem.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Item;
floorItem.X = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(X - 10, X + 10);
floorItem.Y = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(Y - 10, Y + 10);
floorItem.Type = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.Drop;
floorItem.OnFloor = Time32.Now;
floorItem.ItemColor = floorItem.Item.Color;
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
while (Map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.UID))
floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next;
#region Plutos drop
if (Name == "PlutoDerecho" || Name == "PlutoIzquierdo" || Name == "PlutoCentro")
uint Uid = 0;
byte type = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
switch (type)
case 1:
Uid = 3009003;
if (Uid != 0)
ushort X = Owner.X, Y = Owner.Y;
Game.Map Map = Kernel.Maps[Owner.MapID];
killer.Owner.Inventory.Add(3009003, 0, 1);
killer.Owner.Inventory.Add(3009002, 0, 1);
killer.SlayerPoint += 50000; = new object[] { "[BosDePerfeccion]" + killer.Name + " ha matado " + Name + " y obtiene " + Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[Uid].Name + " + 50.000 Puntos " };
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message(string.Concat(, "ALLUSERS", "Perfeccion", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2500), Server.GamePool);
Network.GamePackets._String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = killer.UID;
str.TextsCount = 1;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
killer.Owner.SendScreen(str, true);
كده احنا خلصنا السورس ندخل على القاعده فى النافى كات
كلاس NPC
3215 Prefciton Quost 2 1310 1002 410 355
4011 Perfction 2 1314 4020 73 62
هندخل على تكست Maps ونضيف
4020 4020 7 0
4022 2022 8198 0
4023 2023 8198 0
4024 2023 8198 0
40201 4006 8198 0
40202 4006 8198 0
40203 4006 8198 0
4021 2021 8198 0
بعد كده مونيستر انفو
هتضيف دول ولو حاجه مكرره امسح القديمه
4195 PlutoDerecho 1 168 500000000 0 93541 35415 1000000 10 10 1000 100 150 3 100 0 0 0 0
4196 PlutoIzquierdo 1 168 500000000 0 93541 35415 1000000 10 10 1000 100 150 3 100 0 0 0 0
5059 PlutoCentro 1 168 500000000 0 93541 35415 1000000 10 10 1000 100 150 3 100 0 0 0 0
5054 Centinela 1 179 6794 0 2317 2085 4314 1 25 500 500 122 3 500 0 100 0 0
5057 Naga 1 262 6794 0 2317 2085 4314 3 25 1000 500 122 3 500 0 100 0 0
5056 TrollInfiernal 1 353 20368 0 2316 2085 5175 2 25 1000 500 123 3 500 0 100 0 0
5053 Tentadora 1 230 6794 0 2317 2085 4314 1 25 600 500 122 3 500 0 100 0 0
5055 Wraith 1 327 3934 0 569 569 1724 5 25 2500 500 122 3 500 4075 100 725016 1
5060 Wraithl 1 327 3934 0 569 569 1724 5 25
مونسيتر اسبام وبرضو لو فى حاجه مكرره شيلها
46546 40201 63 59 1 1 1 100 1 4195
45546 40202 76 64 1 1 1 100 1 4196
9907 40203 76 64 1 1 1 100 1 5059
4444 4020 100 84 100 245 22 2 30 5054
4443 4020 40 61 100 245 16 3 40 5057
4442 4020 66 82 300 110 22 4 40 5056
4441 4020 42 62 300 110 17 5 30 5053
4440 4020 20 32 300 110 22 6 40 5054
4439 4020 35 21 300 110 35 7 40 5057
4446 4020 73 100 100 245 22 1 40 5056
4458 4023 407 362 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4457 4023 348 271 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4456 4023 267 279 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4455 4023 252 406 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4454 4023 155 460 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4453 4023 119 314 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4452 4023 223 210 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4451 4023 326 111 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4450 4023 493 210 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4449 4023 500 380 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4448 4023 348 474 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4447 4023 254 574 10 10 5 9 1 5055
4470 4024 407 362 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4469 4024 348 271 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4468 4024 267 279 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4467 4024 252 406 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4466 4024 155 460 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4465 4024 119 314 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4464 4024 223 210 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4463 4024 326 111 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4462 4024 493 210 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4461 4024 500 380 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4460 4024 348 474 10 10 5 9 1 5060
4459 4024 254 574 10 10 5 9 1 5060
وكده اقدر اقولكم مبروك عليكم الكويسته ولو فى اى مشكله او ايرور اكتبوه فى التعليقات
ولو حد عنده تعلقيات سلبيه يحتفظ بيها لنفسو والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته