مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اخر مشكلة في اللوتري
2020-01-27, 04:32 AM
اللوتر عندي بياخود كل الي في الايتم بدل ما ياخود 3بس
فديو للتوضيح
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
Hassan Emprator
2020-01-27, 04:43 AM
سيرش هنا
case (byte)newLottery.Continue:
بدله بي دا
case (byte)newLottery.Continue:
if (client.LotteryEntries < 10)
client.LotteryEntries += 1;
client.Entity.AddJade = 0;
client.Inventory.Remove(711504, 3);
int rand = Kernel.Random.Next(MrHassan.Database.LotteryTable. LotteryItems.Count);
var item = MrHassan.Database.LotteryTable.LotteryItems[rand];
var tobesent = new newLottery(true);
tobesent.boxid = 3;
tobesent.ItemID = item.ID;
client.Entity.LOTOITEM = item;
tobesent.JadesAdded = client.Entity.AddJade;
tobesent.plus = item.Plus;
if (item.Sockets > 0)
I.SocketGem1 = 255;
if (item.Sockets > 1)
I.SocketGem2 = 255;
// tobesent.times = (ushort)(10 - client.LotteryEntries);
2020-01-27, 05:20 AM
مش موجوده
2020-01-27, 05:58 AM
لسه مش اتحلت
2020-01-27, 10:58 PM
ياريت حل يا جدعان
2020-01-28, 12:26 AM
المشكلة مش اتحلت
Mostafa Shalby
2020-01-28, 02:43 AM
ادي الانبي سي اللي انتا قولتلي علية اللي ف المركت
#region LadyLuck
case 923:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Welcome to the Lottery Center! There are many Lucky Boxes here, each containing incredible treasures! Pay me 3 Small Lottery Tickets to draw from the Lucky Box in the Lottery Center. You are allowed to enter the Lottery Center and try your luck upto 10");
dialog.Text("~times a day. You will have extra lottery chances if you are a VIP player.");
dialog.Option("Let`s~try~my~luck!", 1);
dialog.Option("Exchange~Small~Lottery~Ticket.", 2);
dialog.Option("May~I~know~the~rules~first?", 3);
dialog.Option("How~about~the~VIP~privilege?", 4);
dialog.Option("Nice~to~see~you.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Player.Level >= 70)
client.Player.Teleport(700, 42, 50);
dialog.Text("You may not join the lottery , you need level 70 first.");
dialog.Option("Ahh sorry.", 255);
case 2:
dialog.Text("You don`t have any Lottery Tickets to exchange for the Small Lottery Tickets.");
dialog.Option("Oops.", 255);
case 3:
dialog.Text("Each player can draw from the Lottery up to 10 times, each day. But if you are a VIP, you will have extra chances to play! Level 1 VIP: 10 extra chances. Level 2 VIP: 20 extra chances. Level 3 VIP: 30 extra chances.~Level 4 VIP: 40 extra chances. Level 5 VIP: 50 extra chances. Level 6 VIP: 60 extra chances.");
dialog.Option("Got~it!", 255);
case 4:
dialog.Text("There are many Lucky Boxes in the Lottery Center. Pay 3 Small Lottery Tickets, and you can draw from the Lucky Box! If you are not satisfied with the item you get, you can pay 1 more Small Lottery Ticket to change the item you drew. However, you can~only pay and change the item for 2 times. Each player is allowed to draw from the Lottery up to 10 times, each day.");
dialog.Option("Okay,~I~see.", 255);
Mostafa Shalby
2020-01-28, 02:47 AM
وحل المكلة ضيف دي في PacketHandelar
#region SmallLotteryTicketPack
case 724002:
client.Inventory.Add(711504, 0, 3);
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Enums.ItemUse.Remove);
2020-01-28, 10:51 AM
المشكلة مش اتحلت يا جدعان
في صناديق لوتري ف npc روح علي صندوق بدل remvoe امسحها و هتلاقي كلمه مكانها اسمها Rider حطها مكان remove
2020-01-28, 10:13 PM
انا الي حليتها تم الحل
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