المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ابجريت ال3d كامل

محمد ياسر
2019-05-13, 04:31 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
عمل ابجريد 3D كامل لسورس
منقول من K7HOST
هنبدا بالاوفيست
#region offsets 3D By Ahmed Shetos K7host.com
public static int num = 4;
public static int _Mesh = 8,//
_UID = 12,//
_GuildID = 16,//
_GuildRank = 20,//
_StatusFlag = 26,//
_StatusFlag2 = 34,//
_StatusFlag3 = 42,//
_StatusFlag4 = 50,//
_AppearanceType = 54,//
_Hitpoints = 111 ,
_MonsterLevel = 117,
_X = 119,
_Y = 121,
_HairStyle = 123,
//UPDATE `entities` SET `HairStyle`= HairStyle / 10;
_Facing = 125,
_Action = 126,
_Reborn = 133,
_Level = 134,
_WindowSpawn = 136,
_Away = 137,
_ExtraBattlepower = 138 ,

_FlowerIcon = 154 ,
_NobilityRank = 158 ,
_QuizPoints = 168 - 6,
_ClanUID = 194 - 6,
_ClanRank = 198 - 6,
_ClanSharedBp = 202 - 6,
_Title = 206 - 6,
_ShowArenaGlow = 217 - 6,
_Boss = 220 - 6,
_RaceItem = 222,
_ActiveSubclass = 238 - 6,
_SubClassesActive = 230 - 6,
_FirstRebornClass = 246 - 6,

_SecondRebornClass = 248 - 6,

_Class = 250 - 6,

_CountryCode = 252 - 6,
_AssassinColor = 258 - 6,
_JingHu_Talen = 262 - 6,
_JiangHuActive = 263 - 6,

_CUID = 274 - 6,
// _UnionMember = 270,//+0
_guildbattlepower = 213-6,
_UnionPoints = 282-6 ,
_UnionLeader = 290 -6,
_UnionColor2 = 291 - 6 ,
_UnionName = 316 - 6 ,
_ServerID = 265 - 6,
_UnionColor = 283 - 6,
PlayerPacket = 10014,
_EpicColor = 258 - 6,
_NameClan = 304 - 6,
// _Names = 312;//
_Windwalkerpacket = 304 -6 ,
_Names = 311;//


الشادو برضوا يعتبر افيست يعني -6
_Windwalker -6
التندر برضوا اوفيست -6
مش مستهلي نعمل مواضييع
انت كده فهمت هيا ماشية ازاي

EquippedWing -6
UTitlePoints -6


برضوا اليونيون
UnionType -6
UnionID -6
UnionRank -6
ده الكوني اللي كان نازل في الفيس باين كده احمد فهمي هو برضوا -6 يعني بس علشان الناس اللي مش فاهمة
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using AnaTeam.Network.GamePackets;
using AnaTeam.Game.ConquerStructures;
namespace AnaTeam.Game
public unsafe class Clone
public const ushort
BitVector32 = 26,
Str_NameLenght = 312;
public void RemoveThat()
Data Data = new Data(true);
Data.UID = UID;
Data.ID = Data.RemoveEntity;
Owner.SendScreen(Data.ToArray(), true);
private byte[] Packet;
public uint UID = 0;
public Client.GameClient Owner;
public static Counter CounterUID = new Counter(700100);
private BitVector32 BitVector;
public void AddFlag(int Flag, bool UpdateSpawn = false)
if (!BitVector.Contain((int)Flag))
public void RemoveFlag(int Flag, bool UpdateSpawn = false)
if (BitVector.Contain((int)Flag))
public void UpdateSpawnPacket(bool UpdateSpawn = false)
if (UpdateSpawn)
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
for (int x = 0; x < BitVector.bits.Length; x++)
*(uint*)(ptr + BitVector32 + x * 4) = BitVector.bits[x];
SendUpdate(BitVector.bits, (byte)Update.StatusFlag);
public unsafe void SendUpdate(uint[] Value, int datatype)
Update Update = new Update(true);
Update.UID = UID;
Update.Append((byte)datatype, Value);
private void CreateArray(string Name, string CloneName)
int Size = Name.Length + Entity._Names + 3 + 8 + CloneName.Length + 2;
Packet = new byte[Size];
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
*(ushort*)(ptr + 0) = (ushort)(Size - 8);
*(ushort*)(ptr + 2) = 10014;
*(int*)(ptr + Entity.TimeStamp) = Time32.Now.Value;
*(byte*)(ptr + Entity._Names) = 4;
*(byte*)(ptr + Entity._Names + 1) = (byte)Name.Length;
ushort offset = Str_NameLenght + 1;
for (int x = 0; x < Name.Length; x++)
*(byte*)(ptr + offset + x) = (byte)Name[x];
offset += (ushort)(Name.Length + 2);
*(byte*)(ptr + offset) = (byte)CloneName.Length;
offset += 1;
for (int x = 0; x < CloneName.Length; x++)
*(byte*)(ptr + offset + x) = (byte)CloneName[x];
public static void CreateShadowClone1(Entity client)
client.MyClones.Add(new Clone(client, "ShadowClone", 10003));
public static void CreateShadowClone2(Entity client)
client.MyClones.Add(new Clone(client, "ShadowClone", 3));
client.MyClones.Add(new Clone(client, "ShadowClone", 10003));
public Clone(Entity role, string CloneName, int flag)
BitVector = new BitVector32(160);
Owner = role.Owner;
CreateArray(CloneName, role.Name);
UID = CounterUID.Next;
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._AppearanceType) = (ushort)role.Appearance;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._X) = role.X;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._Y) = role.Y;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._HairStyle) = role.HairStyle;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._Facing) = (ushort)role.Facing;
for (int x = Entity._Reborn; x < Equipment.ArmorColor; x++)
*(byte*)(ptr + x) = role.SpawnPacket[x];
*(int*)(ptr + Entity._BattlePower) = role.BattlePower;
*(uint*)(ptr + Entity._Mesh) = role.Mesh;
*(uint*)(ptr + Entity._UID) = UID;
*(uint*)(ptr + Entity._Hitpoints) = 1;
*(ushort*)(ptr + 272 - 6) = (ushort)flag;
*(byte*)(ptr + 271 - 6) = 2;
*(uint*)(ptr + Entity._CUID) = role.UID;
_String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = UID;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
public void AppendEquip(Client.GameClient client)
fixed (byte* user_pointer = Owner.Entity.SpawnPacket)
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
for (ushort x = Equipment.Head; x < Equipment.MountArmor + 4; x += 4)
*(uint*)(ptr + x) = *(uint*)(user_pointer + x);
for (ushort x = Equipment.ArmorColor; x < Equipment.HeadColor + 2; x += 2)
*(ushort*)(ptr + x) = *(ushort*)(user_pointer + x);
for (ushort x = Equipment.HeadSoul; x < Equipment.RightWeaponSoul + 4; x += 4)
*(uint*)(ptr + x) = *(uint*)(user_pointer + x);
public void SendView(Client.GameClient client)
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._X) = Owner.Entity.X;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._Y) = Owner.Entity.Y;
client.SendScreen(Packet, true);
public void Send(Client.GameClient client)
fixed (byte* ptr = Packet)
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._X) = Owner.Entity.X;
*(ushort*)(ptr + Entity._Y) = Owner.Entity.Y;
public unsafe class CloneAttack
public static void Process(byte[] packet, Client.GameClient client)
foreach (var clone in client.Entity.MyClones)
var attack = new Attack(true);
attack.Attacker = clone.UID;
attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee;
foreach (var obj1 in client.Screen.Objects)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(obj1.X, obj1.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) <= 3)
if (obj1.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || obj1.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)
uint damage = 0;
var attacked = obj1 as Entity;
if (Game.Attacking.Handle.CanAttack(client.Entity, attacked, null, false))
damage = (uint)Kernel.Random.Next(500, 5000);
attack.Damage = damage;
attack.Attacked = attacked.UID;
attack.X = attacked.X;
attack.Y = attacked.Y;
Game.Attacking.Handle.ReceiveAttack(client.Entity, attacked, attack, ref damage, null);
else if (obj1.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc)
uint damage = 0;
var attacked = obj1 as SobNpcSpawn;
if (Game.Attacking.Handle.CanAttack(client.Entity, attacked, null))
damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(client.Entity, attacked, ref attack);
damage /= 3;
attack.Damage = damage;
attack.Attacked = attacked.UID;
attack.X = attacked.X;
attack.Y = attacked.Y;
Game.Attacking.Handle.ReceiveAttack(client.Entity, attacked, attack, damage, null);

تاني حاجة هتمسح الاسبون بتاع الوحوش في السوق و تستخدم ده
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91114', '1002', '0665', '0313', '0080', '0080', '0001', '0001', '0020', '0001');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91112', '1002', '0552', '0235', '0050', '0200', '0001', '0001', '0050', '0001');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91113', '1002', '0444', '0480', '0200', '0030', '0001', '0001', '0050', '0001');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91116', '1002', '0400', '0570', '0125', '0150', '0001', '0001', '0080', '0002');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('1502', '1523', '0082', '0120', '0010', '0010', '0010', '0001', '0000', '0003');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91117', '1002', '0220', '0650', '0250', '0250', '0001', '0001', '0080', '0003');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91119', '1002', '0102', '0460', '0060', '0100', '0001', '0001', '0080', '0004');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91118', '1002', '0177', '0580', '0080', '0250', '0001', '0001', '0080', '0004');
INSERT INTO `cqqq`.`monsterspawns` (`id`, `mapid`, `bound_x`, `bound_y`, `bound_cx`, `bound_cy`, `maxnpc`, `rest_secs`, `max_per_gen`, `npctype`) VALUES ('91120', '1002', '0102', '0460', '0060', '0100', '0001', '0001', '0080', '0004');

مع تغير كلمة cqqq لاسم القاعده
و اللوك فيس بتاع الوحوش
في ملف monsterinfos في القاعده
231 Pheasant
362 NightSpecter
168 InfernalGeneral
233 Apparition
281 SandMonster
305 HillMonsterMsgr
281 SandMonsterL68
305 HillMonsterKing
305 HillMonsterMsgr
305 HillMonsterAide
305 RockMonsterMsgr
305 RockMonsterKing
305 RockMonsterAide

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
مشكلة الشعر
في الانتيتي تيبل
في CreateEntity
بدل دي
client.Entity.HairStyle = (ushort)(Color * 1 + 10 + (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(4, 9));

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

وده علشان لو انت بتعمل ابجريت لسورس شغال
هتغير ال body
علشان اللاعيبة تظهر
UPDATE `entities` SET `Body`='2005' WHERE (`Body`>='2002');
UPDATE `entities` SET `Body`='2005' WHERE (`Body`>='2001');
UPDATE `entities` SET `Body`='1006' WHERE (`Body`>='1004');
UPDATE `entities` SET `Body`='1006' WHERE (`Body`>='1003');

الاكواد ده تتعمل علي الصفحه بدل ما تعمل كل الحسابات الي عندك
او ممكن تعمله يدوي وده اياخد منك وقت طويل
ده علشان تعرف تعد و تقوم في السوق الجديد
في لباكت هندلر
case Data.OwnBooth:

client.Booth = new Arab_TQ.Game.ConquerStructures.Booth(client, gData);
client.Send(new Data(true)
ID = Data.ChangeAction,
UID = client.Entity.UID,
dwParam = 0

client.Send(new MapStatus() { BaseID = client.Map.BaseID, ID = client.Map.ID, Status = Database.MapsTable.MapInformations[1036].Status });


ده علشان تمنع البي كية في السوق
في الهتندل
public static bool CanAttack

#region no PK
if (attacker.MapID == 1002)
if (attacker.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacked.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacker.MapID == 1002 && attacked.MapID == 1002)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, 344, 431) <= 70)
attacker.Owner.Send(new MsgTalk("You can't PK in the safe zone.", Color.Red, MsgTalk.System));
return false;

#region no PK
if (attacker.MapID == 1002)
if (attacker.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacked.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacker.MapID == 1002 && attacked.MapID == 1002)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, 332, 529) <= 30)
attacker.Owner.Send(new MsgTalk("You can't PK in the safe zone.", Color.Red, MsgTalk.System));
return false;

#region no PK
if (attacker.MapID == 1002)
if (attacker.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacked.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacker.MapID == 1002 && attacked.MapID == 1002)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, 281, 518) <= 30)
attacker.Owner.Send(new MsgTalk("You can't PK in the safe zone.", Color.Red, MsgTalk.System));
return false;

#region no PK
if (attacker.MapID == 1002)
if (attacker.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacked.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacker.MapID == 1002 && attacked.MapID == 1002)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, 191, 425) <= 20)
attacker.Owner.Send(new MsgTalk("You can't PK in the safe zone.", Color.Red, MsgTalk.System));
return false;

#region no PK
if (attacker.MapID == 1002)
if (attacker.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacked.PlayerFlag == PlayerFlag.Player && attacker.MapID == 1002 && attacked.MapID == 1002)
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, 263, 429) <= 70)
attacker.Owner.Send(new MsgTalk("You can't PK in the safe zone.", Color.Red, MsgTalk.System));
return false;


ابجريت كونكر ايتم
هتبدل دول
public byte Perfectionlevel

get { return Buffer[68]; }
if (value > 54) value = 54;
Buffer[68] = value;

public uint PerfectionProgress
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 72); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 72, Buffer); }
public uint PerfectionOwnerGuid
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 76); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 76, Buffer); }

public string PerfectionOwner
get { return System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(Buffer, 80, 16); }
set { Writer.Write(value, 80, Buffer); }

public string Signature

get { return System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(Buffer, 96, 32); }
set { Writer.Write(value, 96, Buffer); }

public uint TimeLeftInMinutes
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 58); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 58, Buffer); }

public ushort StackSize
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 64); }
set { WriteUInt16(value, 64, Buffer); }

و تروح

بدل دول

public UInt32 Perfectionlevel
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 80); }
set { Writer.WriteUInt32(value, 80, Buffer); }
public UInt32 PerfectionProgress
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 86 - 2); }
set { Writer.WriteUInt32(value, 86 - 2, Buffer); }
public UInt32 OwnerID
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 90 - 2); }
set { Writer.WriteUInt32(value, 90 - 2, Buffer); }
public string OwnerName
get { return System.BitConverter.ToString(Buffer, 94 - 2); }
set { Writer.WriteString(value, 94 - 2, Buffer); }
public string Signature
get { return System.BitConverter.ToString(Buffer, 110 - 2); }
set { Writer.WriteString(value, 110 - 2, Buffer); }
public uint TimeLeftInMinutes
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 68-2); }
set { Writer.WriteUInt32(value, 68-2, Buffer); }
public ushort StackSize
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 72-2); }
set { WriteUInt16(value, 72-2, Buffer); }
public uint PurificationID
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 74-2); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 74-2, Buffer); }

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0050', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0051', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0052', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0053', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0054', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0055', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0056', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0057', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0058', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0059', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0060', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0061', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0062', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0063', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0064', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0065', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0322', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0066', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0067', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0068', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0069', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0070', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0071', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0072', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0073', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0314', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0074', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0075', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0076', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0077', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0078', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0079', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0080', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0081', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0082', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0083', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0084', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0085', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0086', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0087', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0088', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0089', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0090', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0429', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0091', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0425', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0092', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0421', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0093', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0417', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0094', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0413', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0095', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0409', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0096', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0405', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0097', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0401', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0098', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0485', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0099', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0481', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0100', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0477', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0101', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0473', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0102', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0469', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0103', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0465', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0104', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0461', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0105', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0378', '0457', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0106', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0457', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0107', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0461', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0108', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0465', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0109', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0469', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0110', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0473', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0111', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0477', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0112', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0481', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0113', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0370', '0485', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0114', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0485', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0115', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0481', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0116', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0477', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0117', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0473', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0118', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0469', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0119', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0465', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0120', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0461', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0121', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0362', '0457', '0');
INSERT INTO `egyqahr2`.`npcs2` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `lookface`, `idxserver`, `mapid`, `cellx`, `celly`, `datastr`) VALUES ('0122', 'رايه متجر', '0016', '1086', '-1', '1002', '0330', '0485', '0');

في حجات كتير لازم تعدله في الاكواد ده وانا انصحك انك تحطه يدوي

حميل ملفات المابات كلها
تحميل الملفات MAPS (عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف)
ابجريت اللوتري سيستم

هتبدل دي
public LotterySystem(bool Create)
this.Buffer = new byte[34 - 6];
WriteUInt16(26 - 6, 0, this.Buffer);
// WriteByte((byte)3, 10, Buffer);
// WriteByte((byte)2, 5, Buffer);
WriteUInt16((ushort)1314, 2, this.Buffer);
WriteByte((byte)2, 6, this.Buffer);

ابجريت الفلور
هتبدل دي
public MsgMapItem(bool Create)
if (Create)
Buffer = new byte[109 + 8 + 8];
WriteUInt16(109 + 8, 0, Buffer);
WriteUInt16((ushort)MsgTypes.MsgMapItem, 2, Buffer);
WriteUInt32((uint)Time32.timeGetTime().GetHashCode (), 4, Buffer);
Value = 0;
ValueType = FloorValueType.Item;

اماكن الجرد
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190021', '1002', '438', '312', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190022', '1002', '404', '332', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190023', '1002', '415', '331', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190024', '1002', '440', '363', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190025', '1002', '440', '351', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190026', '1002', '445', '463', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190027', '1002', '457', '463', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190028', '1002', '533', '318', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190029', '1002', '533', '331', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190030', '1002', '352', '839', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190031', '1002', '344', '839', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190032', '1002', '035', '532', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190033', '1002', '679', '322', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190034', '1002', '565', '578', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190035', '1002', '811', '518', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190036', '1002', '517', '810', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190037', '1002', '527', '809', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190038', '1002', '094', '354', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');
INSERT INTO `monsterspawns` VALUES ('190039', '1002', '095', '367', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '900');

تحميل الملف (عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف)
ابجريت رانك

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
هتروح علي
public unsafe class MsgSelfSynMemAwardRank

case 10://cross the server top 8

var array = Kernel.Guilds.Values.Where(p => p.Points != 0).OrderByDescending(p => p.Points).ToArray();
byte[] stream = new byte[56 + Math.Min(array.Length, 8) * 62];
Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(stream.Length - 8), 0, stream);
Writer.WriteUInt16(1063, 2, stream);
Writer.WriteUInt16(10, 4, stream);
Writer.WriteUInt16(3, 6, stream);
Writer.WriteUInt16(16, 10, stream);
Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(Math.Min(8, array.Length)), 14, stream);
ushort positin = 30;
for (int x = 0; x < Math.Min(8, array.Length); x++)
var element = array[x];
Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(x + 1), positin, stream); positin += 2;
Writer.WriteString("k7host", positin, stream); positin += 16;
Writer.WriteString(element.Name, positin, stream); positin += 32;
Writer.WriteUInt32(element.Points, positin, stream); positin += 4;
Writer.WriteUInt32(element.Points, positin, stream); positin += 4;
Writer.WriteUInt32(element.Wins, positin, stream); positin += 4;

ابو حمزه9
2019-07-09, 10:47 AM
عاش ياحازم تسلم إيديك يابطل :)

2019-07-12, 01:39 AM
عاش ي استاز

2019-07-12, 03:07 AM

2019-08-09, 07:29 AM
شكرا يا حازم بس ابجريد الفلااج الاضافة الى فى اخر الموضوع دة مش لقى المكان بتعها السورس بتاعى عادى مش Msg

2019-09-23, 04:14 AM

انت عمري
2019-10-01, 10:55 PM
ينفع الابجريد دة لسورس msg ؟

2019-11-11, 11:27 AM

2020-02-03, 12:50 AM
كنا عايزينه كامل للسورسات المسج بس عاش

2020-02-06, 08:33 PM

2020-03-05, 06:22 PM

Gamal Askr
2021-08-16, 10:02 AM
تسلم يا حازم

2021-08-17, 08:49 AM

2021-12-14, 02:29 AM
الف شكر مان

2023-10-06, 02:42 PM
تسلم ايدك <3

2023-10-09, 06:31 PM

2023-10-30, 07:41 PM
جاري تجربه

Adel Abd El Hay
2023-12-16, 07:02 PM
عاش ياحازم تسلم إيديك يابطل

2025-01-07, 04:39 PM