محمد ياسر
2019-05-12, 07:45 PM
الموضوع ده لسورسات ال 2D
وعنده مشكله في اسكلة الامبروا بتاعت ابيك المونك
الاضافه كامله
في كلاس الهاندل
بدل اسكلة الامبروا بده
#region Wrath Of Emperor[Reparado 100%]
case 12570:
if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner))
PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner);
SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true);
suse.Attacker = attacker.UID;
suse.SpellID = SpellID;
suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level;
suse.X = X;
suse.Y = Y;
suse.SpellEffect = 1;
foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects)
if (_obj == null) continue;
if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)
attacked = _obj as Entity;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 2)
if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee))
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1;
attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None;
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell);
suse.AddTarget(attacked, damage, attack);
else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc)
attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= 2)
if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell))
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack);
suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1;
attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None;
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell);
suse.AddTarget(attackedsob, damage, attack);
attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true);
و بعدين هتبحث علي ده
#region Melee
اقفله من السالب و بدله كله بده
#region Melee
else if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)
if (attacker.Assassin() || attacker.IsBowEquipped)
attack.AttackType = Attack.Ranged;
new Game.Attacking.Handle(attack, attacker, attacked);
if (attacker.MapID == DeathMatch.MAPID)
attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You have to use manual linear skills(FastBlade/ScentSword)", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Talk));
if (attacker.MapID == DeathMatch2.MAPID)
attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You have to use manual linear skills(FastBlade/ScentSword)", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Talk));
if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetValue(attack.Attacked , out attacked))
CheckForExtraWeaponPowers(attacker.Owner, attacked);
if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) return;
pass = false;
if (attacker.OnFatalStrike())
if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster)
pass = true;
ushort range = attacker.AttackRange;
if (attacker.Transformed)
range = (ushort)attacker.TransformationAttackRange;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= range || pass)
#region EpicMonk
if (Kernel.Rate(50))
if (attack.SpellID == 12580 || attack.SpellID == 12590 || attack.SpellID == 12600)
SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true);
suse.Attacker = attacker.UID;
suse.SpellID = 0;
suse.SpellLevel = 0;
suse.X = attacker.X;
suse.Y = attacker.Y;
Fan fan = new Fan(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y, 7, 240);
foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects)
if (_obj == null) continue;
if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)
attacked = _obj as Entity;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 7)
if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee))
attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None;
uint damages = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
attack.Attacked = attacked.UID;
attack.Damage = damages;
suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1;
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damages, null);
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
attack = null;
attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None;
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
attack.Damage = damage;
if (attacker.OnFatalStrike())
if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster)
var weaps = attacker.Owner.Weapons;
bool can = false;
if (weaps.Item1 != null)
if (weaps.Item1 != null) if (weaps.Item1.ID / 1000 == 601 || weaps.Item1.ID / 1000 == 616) can = true; if (weaps.Item2 != null) if (weaps.Item2.ID / 1000 == 601 || weaps.Item2.ID / 1000 == 616) can = true;
can = true;
if (weaps.Item2 != null)
if (weaps.Item1 != null) if (weaps.Item1.ID / 1000 == 601 || weaps.Item1.ID / 1000 == 616) can = true; if (weaps.Item2 != null) if (weaps.Item2.ID / 1000 == 601 || weaps.Item2.ID / 1000 == 616) can = true;
can = true;
if (!can)
ushort x = attacked.X;
ushort y = attacked.Y;
Map.UpdateCoordonatesForAngle(ref x, ref y, Kernel.GetAngle(attacked.X, attacked.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y));
attacker.Shift(x, y);
attack.X = x;
attack.Y = y;
//double dmg = (double)damage * 3.5;
//damage = (uint)dmg;
damage = damage / 8;
attack.Damage = damage;
attack.AttackType = Attack.FatalStrike;
var weapons = attacker.Owner.Weapons;
if (weapons.Item1 != null)
ConquerItem rightweapon = weapons.Item1;
ushort wep1subyte = (ushort)(rightweapon.ID / 1000), wep2subyte = 0;
bool wep1bs = false, wep2bs = false;
if (wep1subyte == 421)
wep1bs = true;
ushort wep1spellid = 0, wep2spellid = 0;
Database.SpellInformation wep1spell = null, wep2spell = null;
if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep1 subyte))
var weaponskill = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep1subyte];
for (int i = 0; i < weaponskill.Count; i++)
if (!doWep1Spell)
wep1spellid = weaponskill[i];
if (wep1subyte == 622)
if (attacker.WrathoftheEmperor == true)
if (attacker.WrathoftheEmperorStamp <= DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(1500))
wep1spellid = 12570;
attacker.WrathoftheEmperor = false;
if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep1spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey( wep1spellid))
wep1spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep1spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep1spellid].Level];
doWep1Spell = Kernel.Rate(wep1spell.Percent);
if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && wep1spellid == 10490)
doWep1Spell = Kernel.Rate(15);
if (!doWep1Spell)
if (weapons.Item2 != null)
ConquerItem leftweapon = weapons.Item2;
wep2subyte = (ushort)(leftweapon.ID / 1000);
if (wep2subyte == 421)
wep2bs = true;
if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep2 subyte))
var weaponskill2 = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep2subyte];
for (int i = 0; i < weaponskill2.Count; i++)
if (!doWep2Spell)
wep2spellid = weaponskill2[i];
if (wep2subyte == 622)
if (attacker.WrathoftheEmperor == true)
if (attacker.WrathoftheEmperorStamp <= DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(1500))
wep2spellid = 12570;
attacker.WrathoftheEmperor = false;
if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep2spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey( wep2spellid))
wep2spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep2spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep2spellid].Level];
doWep2Spell = Kernel.Rate(wep2spell.Percent);
if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && wep2spellid == 10490)
doWep2Spell = Kernel.Rate(15);
if (!attacker.Transformed)
if (doWep1Spell)
attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic;
attack.Decoded = true;
attack.weaponspell = true;
attack.X = attacked.X;
attack.Y = attacked.Y;
attack.Attacked = attacked.UID;
attack.Damage = wep1spell.ID;
goto restart;
if (doWep2Spell)
attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic;
attack.Decoded = true;
attack.weaponspell = true;
attack.X = attacked.X;
attack.Y = attacked.Y;
attack.Attacked = attacked.UID;
attack.Damage = wep2spell.ID;
goto restart;
if (wep1bs)
if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player)
if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math. Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), wep1subyte);
if (wep2subyte != 0)
if (wep2bs)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math. Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), wep2subyte);
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damag e, wep1subyte);
if (wep2subyte != 0)
if (wep2bs)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damag e, wep2subyte);
if (!attacker.Transformed)
if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player)
if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math. Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), 0);
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damag e, 0);
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, null);
attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee;
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
else if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetSob(attack.Attacked, out attackedsob))
CheckForExtraWeaponPowers(attacker.Owner, null);
if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, null))
ushort range = attacker.AttackRange;
if (attacker.Transformed)
range = (ushort)attacker.TransformationAttackRange;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= range)
attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None;
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack);
var weapons = attacker.Owner.Weapons;
if (weapons.Item1 != null)
ConquerItem rightweapon = weapons.Item1;
ushort wep1subyte = (ushort)(rightweapon.ID / 1000), wep2subyte = 0;
bool wep1bs = false, wep2bs = false;
if (wep1subyte == 421)
wep1bs = true;
ushort wep1spellid = 0, wep2spellid = 0;
Database.SpellInformation wep1spell = null, wep2spell = null;
if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep1 subyte))
var wep1 = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep1subyte];
for (int i = 0; i < wep1.Count; i++)
if (!doWep1Spell)
wep1spellid = wep1[i];
if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep1spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey( wep1spellid))
wep1spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep1spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep1spellid].Level];
doWep1Spell = Kernel.Rate(10);
if (!doWep1Spell)
if (weapons.Item2 != null)
ConquerItem leftweapon = weapons.Item2;
wep2subyte = (ushort)(leftweapon.ID / 1000);
if (wep2subyte == 421)
wep2bs = true;
if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep2 subyte))
var wep2 = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep2subyte];
for (int i = 0; i < wep2.Count; i++)
wep2spellid = wep2[i];
if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep2spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey( wep2spellid))
wep2spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep2spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep2spellid].Level];
doWep2Spell = Kernel.Rate(10);
if (!attacker.Transformed)
if (doWep1Spell)
attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic;
attack.Decoded = true;
attack.weaponspell = true;
attack.X = attackedsob.X;
attack.Y = attackedsob.Y;
attack.Attacked = attackedsob.UID;
attack.Damage = wep1spell.ID;
goto restart;
if (doWep2Spell)
attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic;
attack.Decoded = true;
attack.weaponspell = true;
attack.X = attackedsob.X;
attack.Y = attackedsob.Y;
attack.Attacked = attackedsob.UID;
attack.Damage = wep2spell.ID;
goto restart;
if (attacker.MapID == 1039)
if (wep1bs)
if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player)
if (damage > attackedsob.Hitpoints)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math. Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), wep1subyte);
if (wep2subyte != 0)
if (wep2bs)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math. Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), wep2subyte);
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damag e, wep1subyte);
if (wep2subyte != 0)
if (wep2bs)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damag e, wep2subyte);
attack.Damage = damage;
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, null);
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
انت فاكر كده خلصت لا طبعا لسه فيها اضافة تانية خش علي ملف World.cs و ابحث علي ده
private void CharactersCallback(GameState client, int time)
لو لقيت الاكواد دية عندك
if (!Valid(client)) return;
Time32 Now32 = new Time32(time);
DateTime Now64 = DateTime.Now;
if (client.Spells != null)
حط دول مكانها
if (!Valid(client)) return;
Time32 Now32 = new Time32(time);
DateTime Now64 = DateTime.Now;
if (client.Spells != null)
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey(12550) ||
client.Spells.ContainsKey(12560) ||
if (!DataHolder.IsMonk(client.Entity.Class))
هتبحث علي الكود ده في ملف Entity
public bool EpicMonk()
بدله بده
public bool EpicMonk()
if (EntityFlag == Game.EntityFlag.Player)
var weapons = Owner.Weapons;
if (weapons.Item1 != null)
if (weapons.Item1.ID / 1000 == 622)
return true;
if (weapons.Item2 != null)
if (weapons.Item2.ID / 1000 == 622)
return true;
return false;
public bool WrathoftheEmperor { get; set; }
public DateTime WrathoftheEmperorStamp { get; set; }
كده الاسكلة 100 % شغالة و صورة للتأكيد
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
وعنده مشكله في اسكلة الامبروا بتاعت ابيك المونك
الاضافه كامله
في كلاس الهاندل
بدل اسكلة الامبروا بده
#region Wrath Of Emperor[Reparado 100%]
case 12570:
if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner))
PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner);
SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true);
suse.Attacker = attacker.UID;
suse.SpellID = SpellID;
suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level;
suse.X = X;
suse.Y = Y;
suse.SpellEffect = 1;
foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects)
if (_obj == null) continue;
if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)
attacked = _obj as Entity;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 2)
if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee))
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1;
attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None;
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell);
suse.AddTarget(attacked, damage, attack);
else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc)
attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= 2)
if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell))
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack);
suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1;
attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None;
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell);
suse.AddTarget(attackedsob, damage, attack);
attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true);
و بعدين هتبحث علي ده
#region Melee
اقفله من السالب و بدله كله بده
#region Melee
else if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)
if (attacker.Assassin() || attacker.IsBowEquipped)
attack.AttackType = Attack.Ranged;
new Game.Attacking.Handle(attack, attacker, attacked);
if (attacker.MapID == DeathMatch.MAPID)
attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You have to use manual linear skills(FastBlade/ScentSword)", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Talk));
if (attacker.MapID == DeathMatch2.MAPID)
attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You have to use manual linear skills(FastBlade/ScentSword)", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Talk));
if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetValue(attack.Attacked , out attacked))
CheckForExtraWeaponPowers(attacker.Owner, attacked);
if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) return;
pass = false;
if (attacker.OnFatalStrike())
if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster)
pass = true;
ushort range = attacker.AttackRange;
if (attacker.Transformed)
range = (ushort)attacker.TransformationAttackRange;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= range || pass)
#region EpicMonk
if (Kernel.Rate(50))
if (attack.SpellID == 12580 || attack.SpellID == 12590 || attack.SpellID == 12600)
SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true);
suse.Attacker = attacker.UID;
suse.SpellID = 0;
suse.SpellLevel = 0;
suse.X = attacker.X;
suse.Y = attacker.Y;
Fan fan = new Fan(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y, 7, 240);
foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects)
if (_obj == null) continue;
if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)
attacked = _obj as Entity;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 7)
if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee))
attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None;
uint damages = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
attack.Attacked = attacked.UID;
attack.Damage = damages;
suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1;
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damages, null);
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
attack = null;
attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None;
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
attack.Damage = damage;
if (attacker.OnFatalStrike())
if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster)
var weaps = attacker.Owner.Weapons;
bool can = false;
if (weaps.Item1 != null)
if (weaps.Item1 != null) if (weaps.Item1.ID / 1000 == 601 || weaps.Item1.ID / 1000 == 616) can = true; if (weaps.Item2 != null) if (weaps.Item2.ID / 1000 == 601 || weaps.Item2.ID / 1000 == 616) can = true;
can = true;
if (weaps.Item2 != null)
if (weaps.Item1 != null) if (weaps.Item1.ID / 1000 == 601 || weaps.Item1.ID / 1000 == 616) can = true; if (weaps.Item2 != null) if (weaps.Item2.ID / 1000 == 601 || weaps.Item2.ID / 1000 == 616) can = true;
can = true;
if (!can)
ushort x = attacked.X;
ushort y = attacked.Y;
Map.UpdateCoordonatesForAngle(ref x, ref y, Kernel.GetAngle(attacked.X, attacked.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y));
attacker.Shift(x, y);
attack.X = x;
attack.Y = y;
//double dmg = (double)damage * 3.5;
//damage = (uint)dmg;
damage = damage / 8;
attack.Damage = damage;
attack.AttackType = Attack.FatalStrike;
var weapons = attacker.Owner.Weapons;
if (weapons.Item1 != null)
ConquerItem rightweapon = weapons.Item1;
ushort wep1subyte = (ushort)(rightweapon.ID / 1000), wep2subyte = 0;
bool wep1bs = false, wep2bs = false;
if (wep1subyte == 421)
wep1bs = true;
ushort wep1spellid = 0, wep2spellid = 0;
Database.SpellInformation wep1spell = null, wep2spell = null;
if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep1 subyte))
var weaponskill = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep1subyte];
for (int i = 0; i < weaponskill.Count; i++)
if (!doWep1Spell)
wep1spellid = weaponskill[i];
if (wep1subyte == 622)
if (attacker.WrathoftheEmperor == true)
if (attacker.WrathoftheEmperorStamp <= DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(1500))
wep1spellid = 12570;
attacker.WrathoftheEmperor = false;
if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep1spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey( wep1spellid))
wep1spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep1spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep1spellid].Level];
doWep1Spell = Kernel.Rate(wep1spell.Percent);
if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && wep1spellid == 10490)
doWep1Spell = Kernel.Rate(15);
if (!doWep1Spell)
if (weapons.Item2 != null)
ConquerItem leftweapon = weapons.Item2;
wep2subyte = (ushort)(leftweapon.ID / 1000);
if (wep2subyte == 421)
wep2bs = true;
if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep2 subyte))
var weaponskill2 = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep2subyte];
for (int i = 0; i < weaponskill2.Count; i++)
if (!doWep2Spell)
wep2spellid = weaponskill2[i];
if (wep2subyte == 622)
if (attacker.WrathoftheEmperor == true)
if (attacker.WrathoftheEmperorStamp <= DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(1500))
wep2spellid = 12570;
attacker.WrathoftheEmperor = false;
if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep2spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey( wep2spellid))
wep2spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep2spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep2spellid].Level];
doWep2Spell = Kernel.Rate(wep2spell.Percent);
if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && wep2spellid == 10490)
doWep2Spell = Kernel.Rate(15);
if (!attacker.Transformed)
if (doWep1Spell)
attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic;
attack.Decoded = true;
attack.weaponspell = true;
attack.X = attacked.X;
attack.Y = attacked.Y;
attack.Attacked = attacked.UID;
attack.Damage = wep1spell.ID;
goto restart;
if (doWep2Spell)
attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic;
attack.Decoded = true;
attack.weaponspell = true;
attack.X = attacked.X;
attack.Y = attacked.Y;
attack.Attacked = attacked.UID;
attack.Damage = wep2spell.ID;
goto restart;
if (wep1bs)
if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player)
if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math. Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), wep1subyte);
if (wep2subyte != 0)
if (wep2bs)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math. Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), wep2subyte);
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damag e, wep1subyte);
if (wep2subyte != 0)
if (wep2bs)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damag e, wep2subyte);
if (!attacker.Transformed)
if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player)
if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math. Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), 0);
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damag e, 0);
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, null);
attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee;
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
else if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetSob(attack.Attacked, out attackedsob))
CheckForExtraWeaponPowers(attacker.Owner, null);
if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, null))
ushort range = attacker.AttackRange;
if (attacker.Transformed)
range = (ushort)attacker.TransformationAttackRange;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= range)
attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None;
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack);
var weapons = attacker.Owner.Weapons;
if (weapons.Item1 != null)
ConquerItem rightweapon = weapons.Item1;
ushort wep1subyte = (ushort)(rightweapon.ID / 1000), wep2subyte = 0;
bool wep1bs = false, wep2bs = false;
if (wep1subyte == 421)
wep1bs = true;
ushort wep1spellid = 0, wep2spellid = 0;
Database.SpellInformation wep1spell = null, wep2spell = null;
if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep1 subyte))
var wep1 = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep1subyte];
for (int i = 0; i < wep1.Count; i++)
if (!doWep1Spell)
wep1spellid = wep1[i];
if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep1spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey( wep1spellid))
wep1spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep1spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep1spellid].Level];
doWep1Spell = Kernel.Rate(10);
if (!doWep1Spell)
if (weapons.Item2 != null)
ConquerItem leftweapon = weapons.Item2;
wep2subyte = (ushort)(leftweapon.ID / 1000);
if (wep2subyte == 421)
wep2bs = true;
if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep2 subyte))
var wep2 = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep2subyte];
for (int i = 0; i < wep2.Count; i++)
wep2spellid = wep2[i];
if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep2spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey( wep2spellid))
wep2spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep2spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep2spellid].Level];
doWep2Spell = Kernel.Rate(10);
if (!attacker.Transformed)
if (doWep1Spell)
attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic;
attack.Decoded = true;
attack.weaponspell = true;
attack.X = attackedsob.X;
attack.Y = attackedsob.Y;
attack.Attacked = attackedsob.UID;
attack.Damage = wep1spell.ID;
goto restart;
if (doWep2Spell)
attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic;
attack.Decoded = true;
attack.weaponspell = true;
attack.X = attackedsob.X;
attack.Y = attackedsob.Y;
attack.Attacked = attackedsob.UID;
attack.Damage = wep2spell.ID;
goto restart;
if (attacker.MapID == 1039)
if (wep1bs)
if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player)
if (damage > attackedsob.Hitpoints)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math. Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), wep1subyte);
if (wep2subyte != 0)
if (wep2bs)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math. Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), wep2subyte);
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damag e, wep1subyte);
if (wep2subyte != 0)
if (wep2bs)
attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damag e, wep2subyte);
attack.Damage = damage;
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, null);
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
انت فاكر كده خلصت لا طبعا لسه فيها اضافة تانية خش علي ملف World.cs و ابحث علي ده
private void CharactersCallback(GameState client, int time)
لو لقيت الاكواد دية عندك
if (!Valid(client)) return;
Time32 Now32 = new Time32(time);
DateTime Now64 = DateTime.Now;
if (client.Spells != null)
حط دول مكانها
if (!Valid(client)) return;
Time32 Now32 = new Time32(time);
DateTime Now64 = DateTime.Now;
if (client.Spells != null)
if (client.Spells.ContainsKey(12550) ||
client.Spells.ContainsKey(12560) ||
if (!DataHolder.IsMonk(client.Entity.Class))
هتبحث علي الكود ده في ملف Entity
public bool EpicMonk()
بدله بده
public bool EpicMonk()
if (EntityFlag == Game.EntityFlag.Player)
var weapons = Owner.Weapons;
if (weapons.Item1 != null)
if (weapons.Item1.ID / 1000 == 622)
return true;
if (weapons.Item2 != null)
if (weapons.Item2.ID / 1000 == 622)
return true;
return false;
public bool WrathoftheEmperor { get; set; }
public DateTime WrathoftheEmperorStamp { get; set; }
كده الاسكلة 100 % شغالة و صورة للتأكيد
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف