Amr Khalid
2019-05-07, 12:59 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ,
انهردا معانا كويسته ,
وهى عباره عن ان بى سى بتكلمو بيوديك مابه فيها ان بى سى ,
ومعاك ايتمايه فى الايتم بتاعك هتكلم الان بى سى هيدخلك مابه ,
فيها وحوش وهتجمع منها ايتمات الى طلبها واهم شئ خلى بالك من الايتمايه الى ادهالك فى الاول ,
لان هتسلمها مع الايتم الى هتلمو وهتجمعهم وتكلم الان بى سى ويديلك البرايز بتاعك ,
وهى مره واحده بس فى اليوم مش مرتين ,
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x500.
كويسته DemonDiamond حصرى وفقط المحترفون
نيجى لى الاضافه ,
كود PHP:
#region Quest Demon
#region DemonDiamond Map
case 888910:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello Would You like to join the land of Quest [DemonDiamond] By Mr HEMA when you join i'll give [SealingBead(Full)] to give it to DemonDiamondQuest!");
dialog.Option("Okay Send Me!", 1);
dialog.Option("Just Passing By.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Entity.hema == 0)
client.Entity.hema += 1;
client.Entity.Teleport(2770, 32, 42);
client.Inventory.Add(711563, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Sorry Only one Day.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
#region DemonDiamond Sender
case 888911:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello I Have a order i can't send you to DemonDiamond map only if you have [SealingBead(Full)] i'll not take it but you must have it!");
dialog.Option("I Have it!", 1);
dialog.Option("No Thanks.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711563, 1))
client.Entity.Teleport(2771, 50, 50);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have [SealingBead(Full)] To Join The Quest Land");
dialog.Option("Ahh sorry.", 255);
#region DemonDiamonds
case 888912:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello Mr " + client.Entity.Name + "!, I'm the DemonDiamonds Quest Owner You Have to give me 8 Diamonds [RatlingSpirit . IcePill . StonePill . RayPill . GreyPill . BloodPill . BloomPill . SoulBead] and also you have [SealingBead(Full)] to Take DemonShield and if you can change them for 100k cps?");
dialog.Option("How To Get 8 Diamonds.", 1);
dialog.Option("I Have 8 Diamonds.", 2);
dialog.Option("Sorry, Ican't.", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Text("Look Mr" + client.Entity.Name + "!,You just must kill this monster and get from them the 8 Diamonds [RatlingSpirit . IcePill . StonePill . RayPill . GreyPill . BloodPill . BloomPill . SoulBead] and also you have [SealingBead(Full)] to Take DemonShield.");
dialog.Option("Okay Thanks.", 255);
dialog.Option("Sorry, Ican't", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Entity.Level >= 135)
dialog.Text("Good job man So did you have the 8 Diamonds [RatlingSpirit . IcePill . StonePill . RayPill . GreyPill . BloodPill . BloomPill . SoulBead] And [SealingBead(Full)] to Take DemonShield?");
dialog.Option("Yes I Have", 3);
dialog.Option("No Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("You Must be level 135 to work in DemonDiamonds Quest");
dialog.Option("Oh,sorry.", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(729234, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711181, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711182, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711184, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711185, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711186, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711187, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(720776, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711563, 1))
client.Inventory.Remove(729234, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711181, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711182, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711184, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711185, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711186, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711187, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(720776, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711563, 1);
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += Database.ServerRates.DemonQuest;
client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 301, 279);
Network.PacketHandler.WorldMessage("Congratulations! " + client.Entity.Name + " Give Us 8 Diamonds & [SealingBead(Full)] And Got DemonShield & "+Database.ServerRates.DemonQuest+" Cps");
dialog.Text("You Don't Have The 8 Diamonds [RatlingSpirit . IcePill . StonePill . RayPill . GreyPill . BloodPill . BloomPill . SoulBead] and [SealingBead(Full)] To Take DemonShield");
dialog.Option("Ahh sorry.", 255);
بعد كدا هنروح على Entity.cs ,
ونرمى فيه الكود دا ,
public uint hema;
بعد كدا هتروح على EntityTable.cs ,
وتعمل سيرش على الكود دا ,
client.Entity.Spouse = reader.ReadString("Spouse");
هترمى تحتو دا ,
=client.Entity.hema = reader.ReadUInt32("hema");//
فى نفس المكان هنعمل سيرش على الكود دا ,
.Set("Experience", e.Experience)
فوقه او تحته ارمى الكود دا ,
.Set("hema", e.hema)
بعد كدا ارفع الملف دا على القاعده ,
بعد هنضيف العمود دا فى entities ,
hema bigint 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ونضيف المابات بتاعت الكويسته ,
2770 1953 7 0
2771 1767 7 0
ونضيف الوحش بتاع المابه ,
هنضيفو فى monsterinfos ,
3190 DemonDiamonds 1 748 1000000 0 1766 1323 900 13 89 0 0 0 0 1 10 1500 1000 500 145 3 184 0 1 0 300 9 21 9 21 21 9 9 1002020 1001020 0 60 0 0 10000 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
وهنضيف دول فى monsterspawns ,
6254157 2771 46 64 44 51 11 1 5 3190 0 0 0 0
6254158 2771 58 63 40 63 11 1 5 3190 0 0 0 0
6254159 2771 50 66 40 30 11 1 5 3190 0 0 0 0
ونضيف الان بى سهات ,
888910 0 0 DemonMap 2 29700 -1 1002 318 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
888911 0 0 DemonSender 2 29700 -1 2770 32 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
888912 0 0 DemonQuest 2 29700 -1 2771 43 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
وهنخش فى World.cs ,
هنعمل سيرش على الكود دا ,
كود PHP:
#region Messages
هنحط فوقه او تحته الكود دا ,
#region Reset hema Every Day
if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 00 && DateTime.Now.Minute == 00 && DateTime.Now.Second == 00)//By Maxs Coder
Database.MySqlCommand cmd = new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.UP DATE);
.Set("hema", 0);
وهنرمى دول فى ملف items.txt ,
729234@@RatlingSpirit@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@ @0@@0@@94048550@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@5@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Col lect~5~spirits~and~use~the~Transform~Spell~to~make ~a~Ratling~Amulet.@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0 @@
711181@@IcePill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6~o ther~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~have~ the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711182@@StonePill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6 ~other~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~hav e~the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711184@@RayPill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6~o ther~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~have~ the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711185@@GreyPill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6~ other~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~have ~the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711186@@BloodPill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6 ~other~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~hav e~the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711187@@BloomPill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6 ~other~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~hav e~the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
720776@@SoulBead@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@0 @@9190000@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@5@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Dropped~f rom~the~remnants~of~Heavy~Ghosts~and~Poltergeists. ~Used~to~pray~to~console~the~ghosts~in~the~graveya rd.@@5@@0@@0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711563@@SealingBead(Full)@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @11@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@There~ are~already~10~monsters~sealed~in~the~bead.~Give~i t~to~Guan~Yun.@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
انهردا معانا كويسته ,
وهى عباره عن ان بى سى بتكلمو بيوديك مابه فيها ان بى سى ,
ومعاك ايتمايه فى الايتم بتاعك هتكلم الان بى سى هيدخلك مابه ,
فيها وحوش وهتجمع منها ايتمات الى طلبها واهم شئ خلى بالك من الايتمايه الى ادهالك فى الاول ,
لان هتسلمها مع الايتم الى هتلمو وهتجمعهم وتكلم الان بى سى ويديلك البرايز بتاعك ,
وهى مره واحده بس فى اليوم مش مرتين ,
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x500.
كويسته DemonDiamond حصرى وفقط المحترفون
نيجى لى الاضافه ,
كود PHP:
#region Quest Demon
#region DemonDiamond Map
case 888910:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello Would You like to join the land of Quest [DemonDiamond] By Mr HEMA when you join i'll give [SealingBead(Full)] to give it to DemonDiamondQuest!");
dialog.Option("Okay Send Me!", 1);
dialog.Option("Just Passing By.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Entity.hema == 0)
client.Entity.hema += 1;
client.Entity.Teleport(2770, 32, 42);
client.Inventory.Add(711563, 0, 1);
dialog.Text("Sorry Only one Day.");
dialog.Option("Alright.", 255);
#region DemonDiamond Sender
case 888911:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello I Have a order i can't send you to DemonDiamond map only if you have [SealingBead(Full)] i'll not take it but you must have it!");
dialog.Option("I Have it!", 1);
dialog.Option("No Thanks.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711563, 1))
client.Entity.Teleport(2771, 50, 50);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have [SealingBead(Full)] To Join The Quest Land");
dialog.Option("Ahh sorry.", 255);
#region DemonDiamonds
case 888912:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello Mr " + client.Entity.Name + "!, I'm the DemonDiamonds Quest Owner You Have to give me 8 Diamonds [RatlingSpirit . IcePill . StonePill . RayPill . GreyPill . BloodPill . BloomPill . SoulBead] and also you have [SealingBead(Full)] to Take DemonShield and if you can change them for 100k cps?");
dialog.Option("How To Get 8 Diamonds.", 1);
dialog.Option("I Have 8 Diamonds.", 2);
dialog.Option("Sorry, Ican't.", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Text("Look Mr" + client.Entity.Name + "!,You just must kill this monster and get from them the 8 Diamonds [RatlingSpirit . IcePill . StonePill . RayPill . GreyPill . BloodPill . BloomPill . SoulBead] and also you have [SealingBead(Full)] to Take DemonShield.");
dialog.Option("Okay Thanks.", 255);
dialog.Option("Sorry, Ican't", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Entity.Level >= 135)
dialog.Text("Good job man So did you have the 8 Diamonds [RatlingSpirit . IcePill . StonePill . RayPill . GreyPill . BloodPill . BloomPill . SoulBead] And [SealingBead(Full)] to Take DemonShield?");
dialog.Option("Yes I Have", 3);
dialog.Option("No Thanks", 255);
dialog.Text("You Must be level 135 to work in DemonDiamonds Quest");
dialog.Option("Oh,sorry.", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Inventory.Contains(729234, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711181, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711182, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711184, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711185, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711186, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711187, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(720776, 1))
if (client.Inventory.Contains(711563, 1))
client.Inventory.Remove(729234, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711181, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711182, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711184, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711185, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711186, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711187, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(720776, 1);
client.Inventory.Remove(711563, 1);
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += Database.ServerRates.DemonQuest;
client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 301, 279);
Network.PacketHandler.WorldMessage("Congratulations! " + client.Entity.Name + " Give Us 8 Diamonds & [SealingBead(Full)] And Got DemonShield & "+Database.ServerRates.DemonQuest+" Cps");
dialog.Text("You Don't Have The 8 Diamonds [RatlingSpirit . IcePill . StonePill . RayPill . GreyPill . BloodPill . BloomPill . SoulBead] and [SealingBead(Full)] To Take DemonShield");
dialog.Option("Ahh sorry.", 255);
بعد كدا هنروح على Entity.cs ,
ونرمى فيه الكود دا ,
public uint hema;
بعد كدا هتروح على EntityTable.cs ,
وتعمل سيرش على الكود دا ,
client.Entity.Spouse = reader.ReadString("Spouse");
هترمى تحتو دا ,
=client.Entity.hema = reader.ReadUInt32("hema");//
فى نفس المكان هنعمل سيرش على الكود دا ,
.Set("Experience", e.Experience)
فوقه او تحته ارمى الكود دا ,
.Set("hema", e.hema)
بعد كدا ارفع الملف دا على القاعده ,
بعد هنضيف العمود دا فى entities ,
hema bigint 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ونضيف المابات بتاعت الكويسته ,
2770 1953 7 0
2771 1767 7 0
ونضيف الوحش بتاع المابه ,
هنضيفو فى monsterinfos ,
3190 DemonDiamonds 1 748 1000000 0 1766 1323 900 13 89 0 0 0 0 1 10 1500 1000 500 145 3 184 0 1 0 300 9 21 9 21 21 9 9 1002020 1001020 0 60 0 0 10000 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
وهنضيف دول فى monsterspawns ,
6254157 2771 46 64 44 51 11 1 5 3190 0 0 0 0
6254158 2771 58 63 40 63 11 1 5 3190 0 0 0 0
6254159 2771 50 66 40 30 11 1 5 3190 0 0 0 0
ونضيف الان بى سهات ,
888910 0 0 DemonMap 2 29700 -1 1002 318 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
888911 0 0 DemonSender 2 29700 -1 2770 32 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
888912 0 0 DemonQuest 2 29700 -1 2771 43 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
وهنخش فى World.cs ,
هنعمل سيرش على الكود دا ,
كود PHP:
#region Messages
هنحط فوقه او تحته الكود دا ,
#region Reset hema Every Day
if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 00 && DateTime.Now.Minute == 00 && DateTime.Now.Second == 00)//By Maxs Coder
Database.MySqlCommand cmd = new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.UP DATE);
.Set("hema", 0);
وهنرمى دول فى ملف items.txt ,
729234@@RatlingSpirit@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@ @0@@0@@94048550@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@5@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Col lect~5~spirits~and~use~the~Transform~Spell~to~make ~a~Ratling~Amulet.@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0 @@
711181@@IcePill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6~o ther~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~have~ the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711182@@StonePill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6 ~other~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~hav e~the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711184@@RayPill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6~o ther~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~have~ the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711185@@GreyPill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@0 @@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6~ other~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~have ~the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711186@@BloodPill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6 ~other~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~hav e~the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711187@@BloomPill@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Use~this~and~6 ~other~pills~gained~from~killing~the~Ghouls~to~hav e~the~F6~Grotto~Miner~create~a~Dragon~Pill.@@5@@0@ @0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
720776@@SoulBead@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@11@@0@@0 @@9190000@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@5@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@Dropped~f rom~the~remnants~of~Heavy~Ghosts~and~Poltergeists. ~Used~to~pray~to~console~the~ghosts~in~the~graveya rd.@@5@@0@@0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
711563@@SealingBead(Full)@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@ @11@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@800@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@ 0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@QuestItem@@There~ are~already~10~monsters~sealed~in~the~bead.~Give~i t~to~Guan~Yun.@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@