مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : بخصوص اسكلة ShadowClone
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 04:22 PM
ممكن حد يجيب اضافة اسكلة ShadowClone كاملة عشان هيا عاندي خربانة خالص
وشكرا مقدما :detective2:
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 04:51 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اول حاجه هتفتح كلاس PacketHandler
وتضيف دا
#region Clone Attack
case 2812:
var attackd = BitConverter.ReadUint(packet, 4);
var clonecount = packet[8];
for (int i = 0; i < clonecount; i++)
var attackr = BitConverter.ReadUint(packet, 9 + (i * 4));
if (client.Entity.MyClones.Count < clonecount)
var attack = client.Entity.AttackPacket;
if (attack == null)
attack = new GamePackets.Attack(true);
attack.Attacker = attackr;
attack.Attacked = attackd;
if (client.Entity.MyClones.Count == 0)
if (attackd == client.Entity.UID || client.Entity.MyClones.ContainsKey(attackd))
MrHassan.Database.SpellInformation MySpell = null;
MySpell = Database.SpellTable.GetSpell(client.Spells[12090].ID, client.Spells[12090].Level);
catch { MySpell = Database.SpellTable.GetSpell(12090, 4); }
Entity Clone = null;
if (client.Entity.MyClones.TryGetValue(attackr, out Clone))
Entity attacked = null;
SobNpcSpawn attackedsob = null;
if (client.Screen.TryGetValue(attackd, out attacked))
uint damage = 0;
var spell = Database.SpellTable.GetSpell(attack.MagicType, (byte)attack.MagicLevel);
if (spell == null)
spell = Database.SpellTable.GetSpell(12080, 0);
if (attack.AttackType == GamePackets.Attack.Melee)
if (Game.Attacking.Handle.CanAttack(client.Entity, attacked, spell, true))
damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(client.Entity, attacked, spell, ref attack);
double power = (0.5);
damage = (uint)((double)damage * power / 8);
Game.Attacking.Handle.ReceiveAttack(Clone, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell);
attack.Damage = damage;
if (Game.Attacking.Handle.CanAttack(client.Entity, attacked, spell, false))
damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(client.Entity, attacked, spell, ref attack);
double power = (0.5);
damage = (uint)((double)damage * power / 8);
Game.Attacking.Handle.ReceiveAttack(Clone, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell);
attack.Damage = damage;
SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true);
suse.Attacker = Clone.UID;
suse.SpellID = spell.ID;
suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level;
suse.X = attacked.X;
suse.Y = attacked.Y;
suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1;
suse.AddTarget(attacked, damage, attack);
client.SendScreen(suse, true);
if (client.Account.State == MrHassan.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Projec tManager)
client.Send(new Message("Clone Attack With Skill: " + spell.Name, System.Drawing.Color.CadetBlue, Message.Talk));
else if (client.Screen.TryGetSob(attackd, out attackedsob))
uint damage = 0;
var spell = Database.SpellTable.GetSpell(attack.MagicType, (byte)attack.MagicLevel);
if (spell == null)
spell = Database.SpellTable.GetSpell(12080, 0);
if (attack.AttackType == GamePackets.Attack.Melee)
if (Game.Attacking.Handle.CanAttack(client.Entity, attackedsob, null))
damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(client.Entity, attackedsob, ref attack);
double power = ((MySpell.Power / 100.0) / 100.0);
damage = (uint)((double)damage * power);
Game.Attacking.Handle.ReceiveAttack(Clone, attackedsob, attack, damage, null);
attack.Damage = damage;
if (Game.Attacking.Handle.CanAttack(client.Entity, attackedsob, spell))
damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(client.Entity, attackedsob, spell, ref attack);
double power = ((MySpell.Power / 100.0) / 100.0);
damage = (uint)((double)damage * power);
Game.Attacking.Handle.ReceiveAttack(Clone, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell);
attack.Damage = damage;
SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true);
suse.Attacker = Clone.UID;
suse.SpellID = spell.ID;
suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level;
suse.X = attackedsob.X;
suse.Y = attackedsob.Y;
suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1;
suse.AddTarget(attackedsob, damage, attack);
client.SendScreen(suse, true);
if (client.Account.State == MrHassan.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Projec tManager)
client.Send(new Message("Clone Attack With Skill: " + spell.Name, System.Drawing.Color.CadetBlue, Message.Talk));
وابحث عن دا
case 12090:
وتبدله بي دا
#region ShadowClone
case 12090:
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
if (attacker.MyClones.Count > 0)
var clones = attacker.MyClones.Values.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < clones.Length; i++)
var item = clones[i];
if (item == null)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = item.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
attacker.MyClones[item.UID] = null;
if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner))
PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner);
SpellUse spellUse = new SpellUse(true);
spellUse.Attacker = attacker.UID;
spellUse.SpellID = spell.ID;
spellUse.SpellLevel = spell.Level;
spellUse.X = X;
spellUse.Y = Y;
if (spell.Level >= 4)
foreach (var item in attacker.MyClones.Values)
spellUse.AddTarget(item, 0, attack);
attacker.Owner.SendScreen(spellUse, true);
بعدين هتبحث عن دا
public void AddClone(ushort cloneid)
وتبدله كاااامل بي دا
public void AddClone(ushort cloneid)
#region SpawnPacket(10014)
var Entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Entity, true);
Entity.MonsterInfo = new MonsterInformation();
MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations.TryGetValue (9003, out Entity.MonsterInfo);
Entity.Owner = Owner;
Entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = Entity;
Entity.IsClone = true;
Entity._Name = "ShadowClone";
Entity.clan = Name;
Entity.SpawnPacket = new byte[8 + _Names + _Name.Length + 36];
Array.Copy(SpawnPacket, Entity.SpawnPacket, Entity.SpawnPacket.Length);
WriteStringList(new List<string>() { "ShadowClone", "", "", Name, "" }, _Names, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.Mesh = Mesh;
Entity.Hitpoints = 1;
Entity.UID = Owner.Map.CloneCounter.Next;
Entity.GuildID = Entity.GuildRank = Entity.Action = 0;
Entity.CountryID = Enums.CountryID.Default;
Entity.StatusFlag = Entity.StatusFlag2 = Entity.StatusFlag3 = Entity.StatusFlag4 = 0;
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.Steed, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.SteedPlus, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.SteedColor, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.MountArmor, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.Wing, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.WingPlus, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.FlowerRank = 0;
Entity.NobilityRank = ConquerStructures.NobilityRank.Serf;
Entity.Class = Entity.FirstRebornClass = Entity.SecondRebornClass = Entity.JiangTalent = Entity.SubClassesActive = Entity.Reborn = Entity.Level = Entity.ServerID = 0;
Writer.Write((byte)2, 271, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write(cloneid, 272, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.OwnerUID = UID;
Entity.JiangActive = false;
Writer.Write((uint)0, 178, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, 182, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, 186, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionExploits, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionID, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionRank, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionType, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyTitle, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyTitleScore, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyWing, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.MinAttack = MinAttack;
Entity.MaxAttack = Entity.MagicAttack = Math.Max(MinAttack, MaxAttack);
Entity.Appearance = Appearance;
Entity.MapID = Owner.Map.ID;
Entity.SendUpdates = true;
#endregion SpawnPacket(10014)
#region Pet(2035)
MsgPetInfo pet = new MsgPetInfo();
pet.UID = Entity.UID;
pet.PetID = cloneid;
pet.PetType = 2;
pet.Mesh = Mesh;
pet.AttackRange = (byte)AttackRange;
pet.X = X;
pet.Y = Y;
pet.Name = "ShadowClone";
#endregion Pet(2035)
MyClones.Add(Entity.UID, Entity);
Owner.SendScreen(Entity.SpawnPacket, true);
Owner.SendScreenSpawn(Entity, true);
#region Data(10010)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = Entity.UID;
data.Facing = Entity.Facing;
data.ID = Data.AddEntity;
data.wParam1 = Entity.X;
data.wParam2 = Entity.Y;
#endregion Data(10010)
جرب وقولي
هل تم الحل
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 04:57 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اول حاجه هتفتح كلاس packethandler
وتضيف دا
#region clone attack
case 2812:
var attackd = bitconverter.readuint(packet, 4);
var clonecount = packet[8];
for (int i = 0; i < clonecount; i++)
var attackr = bitconverter.readuint(packet, 9 + (i * 4));
if (client.entity.myclones.count < clonecount)
var attack = client.entity.attackpacket;
if (attack == null)
attack = new gamepackets.attack(true);
attack.attacker = attackr;
attack.attacked = attackd;
if (client.entity.myclones.count == 0)
if (attackd == client.entity.uid || client.entity.myclones.containskey(attackd))
mrhassan.database.spellinformation myspell = null;
myspell = database.spelltable.getspell(client.spells[12090].id, client.spells[12090].level);
catch { myspell = database.spelltable.getspell(12090, 4); }
entity clone = null;
if (client.entity.myclones.trygetvalue(attackr, out clone))
entity attacked = null;
sobnpcspawn attackedsob = null;
if (client.screen.trygetvalue(attackd, out attacked))
uint damage = 0;
var spell = database.spelltable.getspell(attack.magictype, (byte)attack.magiclevel);
if (spell == null)
spell = database.spelltable.getspell(12080, 0);
if (attack.attacktype == gamepackets.attack.melee)
if (game.attacking.handle.canattack(client.entity, attacked, spell, true))
damage = game.attacking.calculate.melee(client.entity, attacked, spell, ref attack);
double power = (0.5);
damage = (uint)((double)damage * power / 8);
game.attacking.handle.receiveattack(clone, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell);
attack.damage = damage;
if (game.attacking.handle.canattack(client.entity, attacked, spell, false))
damage = game.attacking.calculate.magic(client.entity, attacked, spell, ref attack);
double power = (0.5);
damage = (uint)((double)damage * power / 8);
game.attacking.handle.receiveattack(clone, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell);
attack.damage = damage;
spelluse suse = new spelluse(true);
suse.attacker = clone.uid;
suse.spellid = spell.id;
suse.spelllevel = spell.level;
suse.x = attacked.x;
suse.y = attacked.y;
suse.effect1 = attack.effect1;
suse.addtarget(attacked, damage, attack);
client.sendscreen(suse, true);
if (client.account.state == mrhassan.database.accounttable.accountstate.projec tmanager)
client.send(new message("clone attack with skill: " + spell.name, system.drawing.color.cadetblue, message.talk));
else if (client.screen.trygetsob(attackd, out attackedsob))
uint damage = 0;
var spell = database.spelltable.getspell(attack.magictype, (byte)attack.magiclevel);
if (spell == null)
spell = database.spelltable.getspell(12080, 0);
if (attack.attacktype == gamepackets.attack.melee)
if (game.attacking.handle.canattack(client.entity, attackedsob, null))
damage = game.attacking.calculate.melee(client.entity, attackedsob, ref attack);
double power = ((myspell.power / 100.0) / 100.0);
damage = (uint)((double)damage * power);
game.attacking.handle.receiveattack(clone, attackedsob, attack, damage, null);
attack.damage = damage;
if (game.attacking.handle.canattack(client.entity, attackedsob, spell))
damage = game.attacking.calculate.magic(client.entity, attackedsob, spell, ref attack);
double power = ((myspell.power / 100.0) / 100.0);
damage = (uint)((double)damage * power);
game.attacking.handle.receiveattack(clone, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell);
attack.damage = damage;
spelluse suse = new spelluse(true);
suse.attacker = clone.uid;
suse.spellid = spell.id;
suse.spelllevel = spell.level;
suse.x = attackedsob.x;
suse.y = attackedsob.y;
suse.effect1 = attack.effect1;
suse.addtarget(attackedsob, damage, attack);
client.sendscreen(suse, true);
if (client.account.state == mrhassan.database.accounttable.accountstate.projec tmanager)
client.send(new message("clone attack with skill: " + spell.name, system.drawing.color.cadetblue, message.talk));
وابحث عن دا
case 12090:
وتبدله بي دا
#region shadowclone
case 12090:
attacker.attackpacket = null;
if (attacker.myclones.count > 0)
var clones = attacker.myclones.values.toarray();
for (int i = 0; i < clones.length; i++)
var item = clones[i];
if (item == null)
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = item.uid;
data.id = network.gamepackets.data.removeentity;
attacker.myclones[item.uid] = null;
if (canusespell(spell, attacker.owner))
preparespell(spell, attacker.owner);
spelluse spelluse = new spelluse(true);
spelluse.attacker = attacker.uid;
spelluse.spellid = spell.id;
spelluse.spelllevel = spell.level;
spelluse.x = x;
spelluse.y = y;
if (spell.level >= 4)
foreach (var item in attacker.myclones.values)
spelluse.addtarget(item, 0, attack);
attacker.owner.sendscreen(spelluse, true);
بعدين هتبحث عن دا
public void addclone(ushort cloneid)
وتبدله كاااامل بي دا
public void addclone(ushort cloneid)
#region spawnpacket(10014)
var entity = new entity(entityflag.entity, true);
entity.monsterinfo = new monsterinformation();
monsterinformation.monsterinformations.trygetvalue (9003, out entity.monsterinfo);
entity.owner = owner;
entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity;
entity.isclone = true;
entity._name = "shadowclone";
entity.clan = name;
entity.spawnpacket = new byte[8 + _names + _name.length + 36];
array.copy(spawnpacket, entity.spawnpacket, entity.spawnpacket.length);
writestringlist(new list<string>() { "shadowclone", "", "", name, "" }, _names, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.mesh = mesh;
entity.hitpoints = 1;
entity.uid = owner.map.clonecounter.next;
entity.guildid = entity.guildrank = entity.action = 0;
entity.countryid = enums.countryid.default;
entity.statusflag = entity.statusflag2 = entity.statusflag3 = entity.statusflag4 = 0;
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.steed, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.steedplus, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.steedcolor, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.mountarmor, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.wing, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.wingplus, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.flowerrank = 0;
entity.nobilityrank = conquerstructures.nobilityrank.serf;
entity.class = entity.firstrebornclass = entity.secondrebornclass = entity.jiangtalent = entity.subclassesactive = entity.reborn = entity.level = entity.serverid = 0;
writer.write((byte)2, 271, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write(cloneid, 272, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.owneruid = uid;
entity.jiangactive = false;
writer.write((uint)0, 178, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, 182, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, 186, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _unionexploits, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _unionid, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _unionrank, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _uniontype, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _mytitle, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _mytitlescore, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _mywing, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.minattack = minattack;
entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = math.max(minattack, maxattack);
entity.appearance = appearance;
entity.mapid = owner.map.id;
entity.sendupdates = true;
#endregion spawnpacket(10014)
#region pet(2035)
msgpetinfo pet = new msgpetinfo();
pet.uid = entity.uid;
pet.petid = cloneid;
pet.pettype = 2;
pet.mesh = mesh;
pet.attackrange = (byte)attackrange;
pet.x = x;
pet.y = y;
pet.name = "shadowclone";
#endregion pet(2035)
myclones.add(entity.uid, entity);
owner.sendscreen(entity.spawnpacket, true);
owner.sendscreenspawn(entity, true);
#region data(10010)
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = entity.uid;
data.facing = entity.facing;
data.id = data.addentity;
data.wparam1 = entity.x;
data.wparam2 = entity.y;
#endregion data(10010)
جرب وقولي
هل تم الحل
انا شغال بسورس ماتركس لما بضيف الاكواد دي السي شارب بيتملي ايرورات عشان كدا طلبت الاضافة كاملة
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 04:58 PM
انا شغال بسورس ماتركس لما بضيف الاكواد دي السي شارب بيتملي ايرورات عشان كدا طلبت الاضافة كاملة
حاول تصورلي ااايرورات وانا انشاء الله اساعدك فيهم :1eye:
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 05:00 PM
حاول تصورلي ااايرورات وانا انشاء الله اساعدك فيهم :1eye:
طاب ابعت كدا الفيس بتاعك
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 05:10 PM
حاول تصورلي ااايرورات وانا انشاء الله اساعدك فيهم :1eye:
دي صورة من ضمن الايرورات
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 05:19 PM
حاول تصورلي ااايرورات وانا انشاء الله اساعدك فيهم :1eye:
وبالنسبة للكود بتاع البك هاندلر دة
public void addclone(ushort cloneid)
#region spawnpacket(10014)
var entity = new entity(entityflag.entity, true);
entity.monsterinfo = new monsterinformation();
monsterinformation.monsterinformations.trygetvalue (9003, out entity.monsterinfo);
entity.owner = owner;
entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity;
entity.isclone = true;
entity._name = "shadowclone";
entity.clan = name;
entity.spawnpacket = new byte[8 + _names + _name.length + 36];
array.copy(spawnpacket, entity.spawnpacket, entity.spawnpacket.length);
writestringlist(new list<string>() { "shadowclone", "", "", name, "" }, _names, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.mesh = mesh;
entity.hitpoints = 1;
entity.uid = owner.map.clonecounter.next;
entity.guildid = entity.guildrank = entity.action = 0;
entity.countryid = enums.countryid.default;
entity.statusflag = entity.statusflag2 = entity.statusflag3 = entity.statusflag4 = 0;
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.steed, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.steedplus, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.steedcolor, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.mountarmor, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.wing, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.wingplus, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.flowerrank = 0;
entity.nobilityrank = conquerstructures.nobilityrank.serf;
entity.class = entity.firstrebornclass = entity.secondrebornclass = entity.jiangtalent = entity.subclassesactive = entity.reborn = entity.level = entity.serverid = 0;
writer.write((byte)2, 271, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write(cloneid, 272, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.owneruid = uid;
entity.jiangactive = false;
writer.write((uint)0, 178, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, 182, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, 186, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _unionexploits, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _unionid, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _unionrank, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _uniontype, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _mytitle, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _mytitlescore, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _mywing, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.minattack = minattack;
entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = math.max(minattack, maxattack);
entity.appearance = appearance;
entity.mapid = owner.map.id;
entity.sendupdates = true;
#endregion spawnpacket(10014)
#region pet(2035)
msgpetinfo pet = new msgpetinfo();
pet.uid = entity.uid;
pet.petid = cloneid;
pet.pettype = 2;
pet.mesh = mesh;
pet.attackrange = (byte)attackrange;
pet.x = x;
pet.y = y;
pet.name = "shadowclone";
#endregion pet(2035)
myclones.add(entity.uid, entity);
owner.sendscreen(entity.spawnpacket, true);
owner.sendscreenspawn(entity, true);
#region data(10010)
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = entity.uid;
data.facing = entity.facing;
data.id = data.addentity;
data.wparam1 = entity.x;
data.wparam2 = entity.y;
#endregion data(10010)
فا هوا عندي مش اسمو كدا فا اكيد متوزع الاكواد دي جوا الكلاسس باسامي تانية
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 08:40 PM
تمم افتح كلاس Entity.cs
جرب ابحث عن الكودا
public void AddClone(ushort cloneid)
وبدله بي دتا
public SafeDictionary<uint, Entity> MyClones = new SafeDictionary<uint, Entity>();
public bool IsClone = false;
public void AddClone(ushort cloneid)
#region SpawnPacket(10014)
var Entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Entity, true);
Entity.MonsterInfo = new MonsterInformation();
MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations.TryGetValue (9003, out Entity.MonsterInfo);
Entity.Owner = Owner;
Entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = Entity;
Entity.IsClone = true;
Entity._Name = "ShadowClone";
Entity.clan = Name;
Entity.SpawnPacket = new byte[8 + _Names + _Name.Length + 36];
Array.Copy(SpawnPacket, Entity.SpawnPacket, Entity.SpawnPacket.Length);
WriteStringList(new List<string>() { "ShadowClone", "", "", Name, "" }, _Names, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.Mesh = Mesh;
Entity.Hitpoints = 1;
Entity.UID = Owner.Map.CloneCounter.Next;
Entity.GuildID = Entity.GuildRank = Entity.Action = 0;
Entity.CountryID = Enums.CountryID.Default;
Entity.StatusFlag = Entity.StatusFlag2 = Entity.StatusFlag3 = Entity.StatusFlag4 = 0;
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.Steed, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.SteedPlus, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.SteedColor, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.MountArmor, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.Wing, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.WingPlus, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.FlowerRank = 0;
Entity.NobilityRank = ConquerStructures.NobilityRank.Serf;
Entity.Class = Entity.FirstRebornClass = Entity.SecondRebornClass = Entity.JiangTalent = Entity.SubClassesActive = Entity.Reborn = Entity.Level = Entity.ServerID = 0;
Writer.Write((byte)2, 271, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write(cloneid, 272, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.OwnerUID = UID;
Entity.JiangActive = false;
Writer.Write((uint)0, 178, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, 182, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, 186, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionExploits, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionID, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionRank, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionType, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyTitle, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyTitleScore, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyWing, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.MinAttack = MinAttack;
Entity.MaxAttack = Entity.MagicAttack = Math.Max(MinAttack, MaxAttack);
Entity.Appearance = Appearance;
Entity.MapID = Owner.Map.ID;
Entity.SendUpdates = true;
#endregion SpawnPacket(10014)
#region Pet(2035)
MsgPetInfo pet = new MsgPetInfo();
pet.UID = Entity.UID;
pet.PetID = cloneid;
pet.PetType = 2;
pet.Mesh = Mesh;
pet.AttackRange = (byte)AttackRange;
pet.X = X;
pet.Y = Y;
pet.Name = "ShadowClone";
#endregion Pet(2035)
MyClones.Add(Entity.UID, Entity);
Owner.SendScreen(Entity.SpawnPacket, true);
Owner.SendScreenSpawn(Entity, true);
#region Data(10010)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = Entity.UID;
data.Facing = Entity.Facing;
data.ID = Data.AddEntity;
data.wParam1 = Entity.X;
data.wParam2 = Entity.Y;
#endregion Data(10010)
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 08:42 PM
ولو لسا قولي انت شغال بي سورس مين وانا اشوف
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 08:48 PM
ولو لسا قولي انت شغال بي سورس مين وانا اشوف
سورس Mr Desha V2
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 08:50 PM
تمم افتح كلاس Entity.cs
جرب ابحث عن الكودا
public void AddClone(ushort cloneid)
وبدله بي دتا
public SafeDictionary<uint, Entity> MyClones = new SafeDictionary<uint, Entity>();
public bool IsClone = false;
public void AddClone(ushort cloneid)
#region SpawnPacket(10014)
var Entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Entity, true);
Entity.MonsterInfo = new MonsterInformation();
MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations.TryGetValue (9003, out Entity.MonsterInfo);
Entity.Owner = Owner;
Entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = Entity;
Entity.IsClone = true;
Entity._Name = "ShadowClone";
Entity.clan = Name;
Entity.SpawnPacket = new byte[8 + _Names + _Name.Length + 36];
Array.Copy(SpawnPacket, Entity.SpawnPacket, Entity.SpawnPacket.Length);
WriteStringList(new List<string>() { "ShadowClone", "", "", Name, "" }, _Names, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.Mesh = Mesh;
Entity.Hitpoints = 1;
Entity.UID = Owner.Map.CloneCounter.Next;
Entity.GuildID = Entity.GuildRank = Entity.Action = 0;
Entity.CountryID = Enums.CountryID.Default;
Entity.StatusFlag = Entity.StatusFlag2 = Entity.StatusFlag3 = Entity.StatusFlag4 = 0;
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.Steed, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.SteedPlus, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.SteedColor, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.MountArmor, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.Wing, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.WingPlus, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.FlowerRank = 0;
Entity.NobilityRank = ConquerStructures.NobilityRank.Serf;
Entity.Class = Entity.FirstRebornClass = Entity.SecondRebornClass = Entity.JiangTalent = Entity.SubClassesActive = Entity.Reborn = Entity.Level = Entity.ServerID = 0;
Writer.Write((byte)2, 271, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write(cloneid, 272, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.OwnerUID = UID;
Entity.JiangActive = false;
Writer.Write((uint)0, 178, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, 182, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, 186, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionExploits, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionID, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionRank, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionType, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyTitle, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyTitleScore, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyWing, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.MinAttack = MinAttack;
Entity.MaxAttack = Entity.MagicAttack = Math.Max(MinAttack, MaxAttack);
Entity.Appearance = Appearance;
Entity.MapID = Owner.Map.ID;
Entity.SendUpdates = true;
#endregion SpawnPacket(10014)
#region Pet(2035)
MsgPetInfo pet = new MsgPetInfo();
pet.UID = Entity.UID;
pet.PetID = cloneid;
pet.PetType = 2;
pet.Mesh = Mesh;
pet.AttackRange = (byte)AttackRange;
pet.X = X;
pet.Y = Y;
pet.Name = "ShadowClone";
#endregion Pet(2035)
MyClones.Add(Entity.UID, Entity);
Owner.SendScreen(Entity.SpawnPacket, true);
Owner.SendScreenSpawn(Entity, true);
#region Data(10010)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = Entity.UID;
data.Facing = Entity.Facing;
data.ID = Data.AddEntity;
data.wParam1 = Entity.X;
data.wParam2 = Entity.Y;
#endregion Data(10010)
الكود دة public void AddClone(ushort cloneid)
مش موجود اساسا في السورس عندي الاضافة متغيرة خااالص
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 09:40 PM
الكود دة public void addclone(ushort cloneid)
مش موجود اساسا في السورس عندي الاضافة متغيرة خااالص
ابعتلي رابط السورس دا لو في نسخه من النت اخش اشفوهالك
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 09:51 PM
ابعتلي رابط السورس دا لو في نسخه من النت اخش اشفوهالك
السورس اهو
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 10:03 PM
السورس اهو
تمم يحبي انا حملته
بص يحبي اعمل الحل الي انا قولتلك عليه هتلاقي اتحل
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 10:04 PM
واي ايررور يجيلك
زي دا كدا
امسحه وهيتحل
وضيف الااضافات الي انا اديتهالك وبس كدا :)
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 10:07 PM
واي ايررور يجيلك
زي دا كدا
امسحه وهيتحل
وضيف الااضافات الي انا اديتهالك وبس كدا :)
منا حولت في ايرورات تانية هتظهرلك ياامة و اكواد الانتيتي مش موجودة شبة اللي انتا باعتها متنتورة باسامي مختلفة والسستم كلو متغير
مش انتا حملت السورس افتح وجرب كدا وشوف وانا معاك اهو :)
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 10:24 PM
طيب بص انا هبعتلك حلها في سورس بتاع ديشا بس الي هوا من في بي اس كايرو بس مش من اضافتك اشتغل عليه بقا وانقل الحاجه الي انت عملتها اوك ؟ عشان الي انت بتديهولي دا بيطللعلي ايررورات مش موجوده في السورس
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 10:27 PM
طيب بص انا هبعتلك حلها في سورس بتاع ديشا بس الي هوا من في بي اس كايرو بس مش من اضافتك اشتغل عليه بقا وانقل الحاجه الي انت عملتها اوك ؟ عشان الي انت بتديهولي دا بيطللعلي ايررورات مش موجوده في السورس
معلش ابعتلي الاكواد عشان انا مظبط حجات يامة في السورس اللي عندي
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 10:29 PM
طيب بص انا هبعتلك حلها في سورس بتاع ديشا بس الي هوا من في بي اس كايرو بس مش من اضافتك اشتغل عليه بقا وانقل الحاجه الي انت عملتها اوك ؟ عشان الي انت بتديهولي دا بيطللعلي ايررورات مش موجوده في السورس
يعني شوف الاكواد اللي هتضيفها في السورس السليمة عشان الاضافة في السورس دة متلغبطة وابعتلي الاكواد عشان انا في النسخة اللي عندي عامل فيها حجات يامة ومش فاكرهم كلهم اساسا فا ياريت تبعت الاكواد بس بتاعت حل المشكلة
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 10:35 PM
طيب طيب بص بص عشان اكوداه كتيره فا ابعتلي رساله خاص منتدي
وابعتلي سورسك الساسي وانا هظبطلك االكواد وابعتهالك
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 10:39 PM
طيب طيب بص بص عشان اكوداه كتيره فا ابعتلي رساله خاص منتدي
وابعتلي سورسك الساسي وانا هظبطلك االكواد وابعتهالك
طاب ما تبعتلي اميلك الفيس
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 10:41 PM
طيب طيب بص بص عشان اكوداه كتيره فا ابعتلي رساله خاص منتدي
وابعتلي سورسك الساسي وانا هظبطلك االكواد وابعتهالك
واساسا كدا كدا اكوادو نفس اكواد السورس الي علي في بي اس كايرو يعني لو انتا حملتو وصلحت الاسكلة ممكن تبعتلي الاكواد في رد في الموضوع وانا هضفها عندي وخلاص
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 11:00 PM
واساسا كدا كدا اكوادو نفس اكواد السورس الي علي في بي اس كايرو يعني لو انتا حملتو وصلحت الاسكلة ممكن تبعتلي الاكواد في رد في الموضوع وانا هضفها عندي وخلاص
اوك تمام
ابدا واحده واحده ولو جالك ايرورو قولي
اول حاجه هتروح Handel.cs
وتبحث عن
#region ShadowClone
هنبدله بي دا
#region ShadowClone
case 12090:
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
if (attacker.MyClones.Count > 0)
var clones = attacker.MyClones.Values.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < clones.Length; i++)
var item = clones[i];
if (item == null)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = item.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
attacker.MyClones[item.UID] = null;
if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner))
PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner);
SpellUse spellUse = new SpellUse(true);
spellUse.Attacker = attacker.UID;
spellUse.SpellID = spell.ID;
spellUse.SpellLevel = spell.Level;
spellUse.X = X;
spellUse.Y = Y;
if (spell.Level >= 4)
foreach (var item in attacker.MyClones.Values)
spellUse.AddTarget(item, 0, attack);
attacker.Owner.SendScreen(spellUse, true);
هيجللك ايرور في AddClone
هتفتح كلاس Entity
هضيف دا في اي مكان تحت اي فويد
public SafeDictionary<uint, Entity> MyClones = new SafeDictionary<uint, Entity>();
public bool IsClone = false;
public void AddClone(ushort cloneid)
#region SpawnPacket(10014)
var Entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Entity, true);
Entity.MonsterInfo = new MonsterInformation();
MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations.TryGetValue (9003, out Entity.MonsterInfo);
Entity.Owner = Owner;
Entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = Entity;
Entity.IsClone = true;
Entity._Name = "ShadowClone";
Entity.clan = Name;
Entity.SpawnPacket = new byte[8 + _Names + _Name.Length + 36];
Array.Copy(SpawnPacket, Entity.SpawnPacket, Entity.SpawnPacket.Length);
WriteStringList(new List<string>() { "ShadowClone", "", "", Name, "" }, _Names, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.Mesh = Mesh;
Entity.Hitpoints = 1;
Entity.UID = Owner.Map.CloneCounter.Next;
Entity.GuildID = Entity.GuildRank = Entity.Action = 0;
Entity.CountryID = Enums.CountryID.Default;
Entity.StatusFlag = Entity.StatusFlag2 = Entity.StatusFlag3 = Entity.StatusFlag4 = 0;
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.Steed, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.SteedPlus, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.SteedColor, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.MountArmor, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.Wing, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, Game.ConquerStructures.Equipment.WingPlus, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.FlowerRank = 0;
Entity.NobilityRank = ConquerStructures.NobilityRank.Serf;
Entity.Class = Entity.FirstRebornClass = Entity.SecondRebornClass = Entity.JiangTalent = Entity.SubClassesActive = Entity.Reborn = Entity.Level = Entity.ServerID = 0;
Writer.Write((byte)2, 271, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write(cloneid, 272, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.OwnerUID = UID;
Entity.JiangActive = false;
Writer.Write((uint)0, 178, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, 182, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, 186, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionExploits, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionID, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionRank, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _UnionType, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyTitle, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyTitleScore, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Writer.Write((uint)0, _MyWing, Entity.SpawnPacket);
Entity.MinAttack = MinAttack;
Entity.MaxAttack = Entity.MagicAttack = Math.Max(MinAttack, MaxAttack);
Entity.Appearance = Appearance;
Entity.MapID = Owner.Map.ID;
Entity.SendUpdates = true;
#endregion SpawnPacket(10014)
#region Pet(2035)
MsgPetInfo pet = new MsgPetInfo();
pet.UID = Entity.UID;
pet.PetID = cloneid;
pet.PetType = 2;
pet.Mesh = Mesh;
pet.AttackRange = (byte)AttackRange;
pet.X = X;
pet.Y = Y;
pet.Name = "ShadowClone";
#endregion Pet(2035)
MyClones.Add(Entity.UID, Entity);
Owner.SendScreen(Entity.SpawnPacket, true);
Owner.SendScreenSpawn(Entity, true);
#region Data(10010)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = Entity.UID;
data.Facing = Entity.Facing;
data.ID = Data.AddEntity;
data.wParam1 = Entity.X;
data.wParam2 = Entity.Y;
#endregion Data(10010)
طيب دلوتقي هيجليلي ايررور ان في ايرورو هيجلي دلوقتي في كلمه اسمها Already
لو لاقيت الكود دا معناه ان الكود دا متكرر الي متكرر روح امسحه وسيب الي انا ضايفهولك تمام ؟
هتبحث عن الكود دا
public void Reload(Interfaces.IPacket spawnWith = null)
هتلاقيه في دا
#region Other Pet & Clones
بدله بي دا
#region Other Pet & Clones
if (pClient.Entity.MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var clone in pClient.Entity.MyClones.Values)
if (clone == null) continue;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(clone.X, clone.Y, Owner.Entity.X, Owner.Entity.Y) <= 18 && !Contains(clone.UID))
if (!clone.Dead)
if (pClient.Pet.Pets.Count > 0)
foreach (var pet in pClient.Pet.Pets.Values)
if (pet == null) continue;
if (pet.Entity == null) continue;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(pet.Entity.X, pet.Entity.Y, Owner.Entity.X, Owner.Entity.Y) <= 18 && !Contains(pet.Entity.UID))
if (!pet.Entity.Dead)
وهتلاقي دا برضو فيه برضو
#region My Pet & Clones
بدله بي دا
#region My Pet & Clones
if (Owner.Entity.MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var clone in Owner.Entity.MyClones.Values)
if (clone == null) continue;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(clone.X, clone.Y, Owner.Entity.X, Owner.Entity.Y) <= 18 && !Contains(clone.UID))
if (!clone.Dead)
if (Owner.Pet.Pets.Count > 0)
foreach (var pet in Owner.Pet.Pets.Values)
if (pet == null) continue;
if (pet.Entity == null) continue;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(pet.Entity.X, pet.Entity.Y, Owner.Entity.X, Owner.Entity.Y) <= 18/* && !Contains(pet.Entity.UID)*/)
if (!pet.Entity.Dead)
// pet.Entity.SendSpawn(Owner, false);
هتعمل كلاس جديد وهتسميه pet
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using MrHassan.Client;
using MrHassan.Game;
using System.Threading.Generic;
using MrHassan.Database;
using MrHassan.Network.GamePackets;
using MrHassan.Network;
using MrHassan.Game.ConquerStructures;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace MrHassan.Copra
public class Pet
public enum PetType
Normal = 0,
public class PetInfo
public Entity Entity;
public PetType Type;
public GameState Owner;
#region Static Actions
private static TimerRule<GameState> PetsAction;
public static void CreateTimerFactories()
PetsAction = new TimerRule<GameState>(PetsActionCallback, 500);
private static void PetsActionCallback(GameState client, int time)
if (!client.Socket.Alive)
if (client.Entity == null)
if (client.Map == null)
if (client.Pet == null)
if (client.Pet.Pets == null)
Time32 Now = new Time32(time);
var pets = client.Pet.Pets.Values;
foreach (var pet in pets)
if (pet != null)
#region Back To Owner
short distance = Kernel.GetDistance(pet.Entity.X, pet.Entity.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y);
if (distance >= 8)
ushort X = (ushort)(client.Entity.X + Kernel.Random.Next(2));
ushort Y = (ushort)(client.Entity.Y + Kernel.Random.Next(2));
if (!client.Map.SelectCoordonates(ref X, ref Y))
X = client.Entity.X;
Y = client.Entity.Y;
pet.Entity.X = X;
pet.Entity.Y = Y;
Network.GamePackets.Data data = new MrHassan.Network.GamePackets.Data(true);
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.Jump;
data.dwParam = (uint)((Y << 16) | X);
data.wParam1 = X;
data.wParam2 = Y;
data.UID = pet.Entity.UID;
client.SendScreenSpawn(pet.Entity, true);
else if (distance > 4)
Enums.ConquerAngle facing = Kernel.GetAngle(pet.Entity.X, pet.Entity.Y, pet.Entity.Owner.Entity.X, pet.Entity.Owner.Entity.Y);
if (!pet.Entity.Move(facing))
facing = (Enums.ConquerAngle)Kernel.Random.Next(7);
if (pet.Entity.Move(facing))
pet.Entity.Facing = facing;
Network.GamePackets.GroundMovement move = new MrHassan.Network.GamePackets.GroundMovement(true);
move.Direction = facing;
move.UID = pet.Entity.UID;
move.GroundMovementType = Network.GamePackets.GroundMovement.Run;
pet.Entity.Facing = facing;
Network.GamePackets.GroundMovement move = new MrHassan.Network.GamePackets.GroundMovement(true);
move.Direction = facing;
move.UID = pet.Entity.UID;
move.GroundMovementType = Network.GamePackets.GroundMovement.Run;
client.SendScreenSpawn(pet.Entity, true);
switch (pet.Type)
case PetType.Normal:
/* #region Normal Attack Guard
var monster = pet.Entity;
if (monster.MonsterInfo.InSight == 0)
if (client.Entity.AttackPacket != null)
if (client.Entity.AttackPacket.AttackType == Network.GamePackets.Attack.Magic)
if (client.Entity.AttackPacket.Decoded)
if (Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey ((ushort)client.Entity.AttackPacket.Damage))
var info = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[(ushort)client.Entity.AttackPacket.Damage].Values.ToArray()[client.Spells[(ushort)client.Entity.AttackPacket.Damage].Level];
if (info.CanKill)
monster.MonsterInfo.InSight = client.Entity.AttackPacket.Attacked;
monster.MonsterInfo.InSight = client.Entity.AttackPacket.Attacked;
if (monster.MonsterInfo.InSight > 400000 && monster.MonsterInfo.InSight < 600000 || monster.MonsterInfo.InSight > 800000 && monster.MonsterInfo.InSight != monster.UID)
Entity attacked = null;
if (client.Screen.TryGetValue(monster.MonsterInfo.InS ight, out attacked))
if (Now > monster.AttackStamp.AddMilliseconds(monster.Monste rInfo.AttackSpeed))
monster.AttackStamp = Now;
if (attacked.Dead)
monster.MonsterInfo.InSight = 0;
new Game.Attacking.Handle(null, monster, attacked);
monster.MonsterInfo.InSight = 0;
case PetType.Stiger:
/* #region Stiger Guard
if (!client.Entity.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Stigma))
SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true);
suse.Attacker = pet.Entity.UID;
suse.SpellID = 1095;
suse.SpellLevel = 4;
suse.X = client.Entity.X;
suse.Y = client.Entity.Y;
suse.AddTarget(client.Entity, 0, null);
client.Entity.StigmaStamp = Time32.Now;
client.Entity.StigmaIncrease = 50;
client.Entity.StigmaTime = (byte)60;
if (client.Entity.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Entity)
client.Entity.Owner.Send(Constants.Stigma(50, 60));
case PetType.Looter:
/* #region Shield Guard
if (!client.Entity.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.MagicShi eld))
SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true);
suse.Attacker = pet.Entity.UID;
suse.SpellID = 1090;
suse.SpellLevel = 4;
suse.X = client.Entity.X;
suse.Y = client.Entity.Y;
suse.AddTarget(client.Entity, 0, null);
client.Entity.ShieldStamp = Time32.Now;
client.Entity.ShieldIncrease = 1.1f;
client.Entity.ShieldTime = (byte)60;
if (client.Entity.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Entity)
client.Entity.Owner.Send(Constants.Shield(50, 60));
case PetType.Attacker:
/* #region Attacker
foreach (var obj in client.Screen.Objects)
if (client.Entity.Dead)
if (obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster)
var attacked = obj as Entity;
if (attacked.Companion || attacked.MonsterInfo.Guard)
// if (Kernel.GetDistance(pet.Entity.X, pet.Entity.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 15)
if (Now > pet.Entity.AttackStamp.AddMilliseconds(1000 - client.Entity.Agility))
pet.Entity.AttackStamp = Now;
if (!attacked.Dead)
new Game.Attacking.Handle(null, pet.Entity, attacked);
else if (obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Entity)
var attacked = obj as Entity;
if (attacked.Dead)
if (Game.Attacking.Handle.CanAttack(client.Entity, attacked, null, true))
// if (Kernel.GetDistance(pet.Entity.X, pet.Entity.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 15)
if (Now > pet.Entity.AttackStamp.AddMilliseconds(1000 - client.Entity.Agility))
pet.Entity.AttackStamp = Now;
if (!attacked.Dead)
new Game.Attacking.Handle(null, pet.Entity, attacked);
else if (obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc)
var attackedSobNpc = obj as SobNpcSpawn;
if (Game.Attacking.Handle.CanAttack(client.Entity, attackedSobNpc, null))
// if (Kernel.GetDistance(pet.Entity.X, pet.Entity.Y, attackedSobNpc.X, attackedSobNpc.Y) <= 15)
if (Now > pet.Entity.AttackStamp.AddMilliseconds(1000 - client.Entity.Agility))
pet.Entity.AttackStamp = Now;
SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true);
Attack attack = new Attack(true);
attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None;
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(client.Entity, attackedSobNpc, ref attack);
suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1;
Game.Attacking.Handle.ReceiveAttack(pet.Entity, attackedSobNpc, attack, damage, null);
suse.Attacker = pet.Entity.UID;
suse.SpellID = pet.Entity.MonsterInfo.SpellID;
suse.X = attackedSobNpc.X;
suse.Y = attackedSobNpc.Y;
suse.AddTarget(attackedSobNpc, damage, attack);
pet.Entity.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true);
case PetType.defender:
/* #region defender
foreach (var obj in client.Screen.Objects)
if (obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster)
var attacked = obj as Entity;
if (attacked.MonsterInfo != null)
if (attacked.MonsterInfo.InSight == client.Entity.UID || attacked.MonsterInfo.InSight == pet.Entity.UID)
if (Now > pet.Entity.AttackStamp.AddMilliseconds(1000 - client.Entity.Agility))
pet.Entity.AttackStamp = Now;
if (!attacked.Dead)
new Game.Attacking.Handle(null, pet.Entity, attacked);
else if (obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Entity)
var attacked = obj as Entity;
if (attacked.AttackPacket != null)
if (attacked.AttackPacket.Attacked == client.Entity.UID || attacked.AttackPacket.Attacked == pet.Entity.UID)
if (Now > pet.Entity.AttackStamp.AddMilliseconds(1000 - client.Entity.Agility))
pet.Entity.AttackStamp = Now;
if (!attacked.Dead)
new Game.Attacking.Handle(null, pet.Entity, attacked);
#region Timers
private IDisposable[] TimerSubscriptions;
private object DisposalSyncRoot;
Owner = null;
Pets = null;
private void DisposeTimers()
lock (DisposalSyncRoot)
if (TimerSubscriptions == null) return;
for (int i = 0; i < TimerSubscriptions.Length; i++)
if (TimerSubscriptions[i] != null)
TimerSubscriptions[i] = null;
public uint MaxAllowed = 2;
public GameState Owner;
public SafeConcurrentDictionary<PetType, PetInfo> Pets;
public Pet(GameState client)
Owner = client;
Pets = new SafeConcurrentDictionary<PetType, PetInfo>();
TimerSubscriptions = new IDisposable[]
DisposalSyncRoot = new object();
public void AddPet(MonsterInformation Mob, PetType Type = PetType.Normal)
if (Pets.Count == MaxAllowed)
if (Mob.Mesh == 847)
Type = PetType.Stiger;
if (Mob.Mesh == 850)
Type = PetType.Attacker;
if (Mob.Mesh == 848 || Mob.Mesh == 849)
Type = PetType.defender;
if (Mob.Mesh == 846)
Type = PetType.Looter;
if (Mob.SpellID == 0)
Mob.SpellID = 1002;
if (Type != PetType.Normal)
var mesh = Mob.Mesh;
var Name = Mob.Name;
MonsterInformation.MonsterInformations.TryGetValue (9003, out Mob);
Mob.Mesh = mesh;
Mob.Name = Name;
if (Pets.ContainsKey(Type))
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = Pets[Type].Entity.UID;
data.ID = Data.RemoveEntity;
Pets[Type].Entity = null;
PetInfo pet = new PetInfo();
pet.Type = Type;
pet.Owner = Owner;
pet.Entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, true);
pet.Entity.MonsterInfo = new MonsterInformation();
pet.Entity.Owner = Owner;
pet.Entity.MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster;
pet.Entity.MonsterInfo = Mob.Copy();
pet.Entity.MonsterInfo.Owner = pet.Entity;
pet.Entity.Name = Mob.Name;
if (Type != PetType.Normal)
pet.Entity.Name = Mob.Name + "(" + Owner.Entity.Name + ")";
pet.Entity.MinAttack = Mob.MinAttack;
pet.Entity.MaxAttack = pet.Entity.MagicAttack = Math.Max(Mob.MinAttack, Mob.MaxAttack);
pet.Entity.Hitpoints = pet.Entity.MaxHitpoints = Mob.Hitpoints;
pet.Entity.Body = Mob.Mesh;
pet.Entity.Level = Mob.Level;
pet.Entity.UID = (uint)(Owner.Entity.UID - (200000 + Pets.Count));
pet.Entity.MapID = Owner.Map.ID;
pet.Entity.SendUpdates = true;
pet.Entity.X = Owner.Entity.X;
pet.Entity.Y = Owner.Entity.Y;
pet.Entity.pettype = Type;
Pets.Add(pet.Type, pet);
Owner.SendScreenSpawn(pet.Entity, true);
// pet.Entity.SendSpawn(Owner);
public void RemovePet(PetType Type)
if (Pets.Count == 0)
if (Pets[Type] == null) return;
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = Pets[Type].Entity.UID;
data.ID = Data.RemoveEntity;
public void ClearAll()
if (Pets.Count > 0)
foreach (var pet in Pets.Values)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = pet.Entity.UID;
data.ID = Data.RemoveEntity;
pet.Entity = null;
بعدين هتبحث عن الكود دا
public Languages Language = Languages.English;
تضيف دا تحته
public Copra.Pet Pet;
بعديت تبحث عن
foreach (var clone in Entity.MyClones)
هتبدله بي دا
if (Entity.MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in Entity.MyClones.Values)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = item.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
بعدين هتبحث عن الكود
public void Die(UInt32 killer)
هتلاقي فيه داد
foreach (var clone in MyClones)
بدله بي دا
if (MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in MyClones.Values)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = item.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
بعيدن هتبحث عن الكود دا
public void Die(Entity killer)
هتلاقي فيه دا
#region MyClones
بي دا
#region MyClones
if (MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in MyClones.Values)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = item.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
بعدين هتبحث عن الكود دا
public void TeleportHouse(ushort MapID, ushort X, ushort Y)
هتلاقي فيه دا
if (MyClones.Count != 0)
foreach (var clone in MyClones)
بعيدن هتضور عا الكود دا
public void AdvancedTeleport(bool remove = false)
هتلاقيه في دا
#region Teleport With Pet & Clones
بدله بي دا
#region Teleport With Pet & Clones
if (EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Entity)
if (MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var clone in MyClones.Values)
if (clone == null) continue;
if (remove)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = clone.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
Owner.RemoveScreenSpawn(clone, true);
clone.MapID = this.MapID;
clone.X = this.X;
clone.Y = this.Y;
Network.GamePackets.Data Data = new Network.GamePackets.Data(true);
Data.UID = clone.UID;
Data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.Teleport;
Data.dwParam = Database.MapsTable.MapInformations[MapID].BaseID;
Data.wParam1 = clone.X;
Data.wParam2 = clone.Y;
Owner.SendScreenSpawn(clone, true);
if (Owner.Pet != null)
if (Owner.Pet.Pets.Count > 0)
foreach (var pet in Owner.Pet.Pets.Values)
if (pet == null) continue;
if (pet.Entity == null) continue;
if (remove)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = pet.Entity.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
Owner.RemoveScreenSpawn(pet.Entity, true);
pet.Entity.MapID = this.MapID;
pet.Entity.X = this.X;
pet.Entity.Y = this.Y;
Owner.SendScreenSpawn(pet.Entity, true);
if (remove)
Owner.RemoveScreenSpawn(Owner.Entity, false);
#endregion Teleport With Pet & Clones
بعدين هيجلك ايررو في الاخر
شكله كدا
pet.Entity.pettype = Type;
اعمله //
بس كدا تم حلها ولو لسا في مشاكل كلمني
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 11:10 PM
اوك تمام
ابدا واحده واحده ولو جالك ايرورو قولي
اول حاجه هتروح handel.cs
وتبحث عن
#region shadowclone
هنبدله بي دا
#region shadowclone
case 12090:
attacker.attackpacket = null;
if (attacker.myclones.count > 0)
var clones = attacker.myclones.values.toarray();
for (int i = 0; i < clones.length; i++)
var item = clones[i];
if (item == null)
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = item.uid;
data.id = network.gamepackets.data.removeentity;
attacker.myclones[item.uid] = null;
if (canusespell(spell, attacker.owner))
preparespell(spell, attacker.owner);
spelluse spelluse = new spelluse(true);
spelluse.attacker = attacker.uid;
spelluse.spellid = spell.id;
spelluse.spelllevel = spell.level;
spelluse.x = x;
spelluse.y = y;
if (spell.level >= 4)
foreach (var item in attacker.myclones.values)
spelluse.addtarget(item, 0, attack);
attacker.owner.sendscreen(spelluse, true);
هيجللك ايرور في addclone
هتفتح كلاس entity
هضيف دا في اي مكان تحت اي فويد
public safedictionary<uint, entity> myclones = new safedictionary<uint, entity>();
public bool isclone = false;
public void addclone(ushort cloneid)
#region spawnpacket(10014)
var entity = new entity(entityflag.entity, true);
entity.monsterinfo = new monsterinformation();
monsterinformation.monsterinformations.trygetvalue (9003, out entity.monsterinfo);
entity.owner = owner;
entity.monsterinfo.owner = entity;
entity.isclone = true;
entity._name = "shadowclone";
entity.clan = name;
entity.spawnpacket = new byte[8 + _names + _name.length + 36];
array.copy(spawnpacket, entity.spawnpacket, entity.spawnpacket.length);
writestringlist(new list<string>() { "shadowclone", "", "", name, "" }, _names, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.mesh = mesh;
entity.hitpoints = 1;
entity.uid = owner.map.clonecounter.next;
entity.guildid = entity.guildrank = entity.action = 0;
entity.countryid = enums.countryid.default;
entity.statusflag = entity.statusflag2 = entity.statusflag3 = entity.statusflag4 = 0;
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.steed, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.steedplus, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.steedcolor, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.mountarmor, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.wing, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, game.conquerstructures.equipment.wingplus, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.flowerrank = 0;
entity.nobilityrank = conquerstructures.nobilityrank.serf;
entity.class = entity.firstrebornclass = entity.secondrebornclass = entity.jiangtalent = entity.subclassesactive = entity.reborn = entity.level = entity.serverid = 0;
writer.write((byte)2, 271, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write(cloneid, 272, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.owneruid = uid;
entity.jiangactive = false;
writer.write((uint)0, 178, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, 182, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, 186, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _unionexploits, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _unionid, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _unionrank, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _uniontype, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _mytitle, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _mytitlescore, entity.spawnpacket);
writer.write((uint)0, _mywing, entity.spawnpacket);
entity.minattack = minattack;
entity.maxattack = entity.magicattack = math.max(minattack, maxattack);
entity.appearance = appearance;
entity.mapid = owner.map.id;
entity.sendupdates = true;
#endregion spawnpacket(10014)
#region pet(2035)
msgpetinfo pet = new msgpetinfo();
pet.uid = entity.uid;
pet.petid = cloneid;
pet.pettype = 2;
pet.mesh = mesh;
pet.attackrange = (byte)attackrange;
pet.x = x;
pet.y = y;
pet.name = "shadowclone";
#endregion pet(2035)
myclones.add(entity.uid, entity);
owner.sendscreen(entity.spawnpacket, true);
owner.sendscreenspawn(entity, true);
#region data(10010)
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = entity.uid;
data.facing = entity.facing;
data.id = data.addentity;
data.wparam1 = entity.x;
data.wparam2 = entity.y;
#endregion data(10010)
طيب دلوتقي هيجليلي ايررور ان في ايرورو هيجلي دلوقتي في كلمه اسمها already
لو لاقيت الكود دا معناه ان الكود دا متكرر الي متكرر روح امسحه وسيب الي انا ضايفهولك تمام ؟
هتبحث عن الكود دا
public void reload(interfaces.ipacket spawnwith = null)
هتلاقيه في دا
#region other pet & clones
بدله بي دا
#region other pet & clones
if (pclient.entity.myclones.count > 0)
foreach (var clone in pclient.entity.myclones.values)
if (clone == null) continue;
if (kernel.getdistance(clone.x, clone.y, owner.entity.x, owner.entity.y) <= 18 && !contains(clone.uid))
if (!clone.dead)
if (pclient.pet.pets.count > 0)
foreach (var pet in pclient.pet.pets.values)
if (pet == null) continue;
if (pet.entity == null) continue;
if (kernel.getdistance(pet.entity.x, pet.entity.y, owner.entity.x, owner.entity.y) <= 18 && !contains(pet.entity.uid))
if (!pet.entity.dead)
وهتلاقي دا برضو فيه برضو
#region my pet & clones
بدله بي دا
#region my pet & clones
if (owner.entity.myclones.count > 0)
foreach (var clone in owner.entity.myclones.values)
if (clone == null) continue;
if (kernel.getdistance(clone.x, clone.y, owner.entity.x, owner.entity.y) <= 18 && !contains(clone.uid))
if (!clone.dead)
if (owner.pet.pets.count > 0)
foreach (var pet in owner.pet.pets.values)
if (pet == null) continue;
if (pet.entity == null) continue;
if (kernel.getdistance(pet.entity.x, pet.entity.y, owner.entity.x, owner.entity.y) <= 18/* && !contains(pet.entity.uid)*/)
if (!pet.entity.dead)
// pet.entity.sendspawn(owner, false);
هتعمل كلاس جديد وهتسميه pet
using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.linq;
using system.text;
using mrhassan.client;
using mrhassan.game;
using system.threading.generic;
using mrhassan.database;
using mrhassan.network.gamepackets;
using mrhassan.network;
using mrhassan.game.conquerstructures;
using system.collections.concurrent;
namespace mrhassan.copra
public class pet
public enum pettype
normal = 0,
public class petinfo
public entity entity;
public pettype type;
public gamestate owner;
#region static actions
private static timerrule<gamestate> petsaction;
public static void createtimerfactories()
petsaction = new timerrule<gamestate>(petsactioncallback, 500);
private static void petsactioncallback(gamestate client, int time)
if (!client.socket.alive)
if (client.entity == null)
if (client.map == null)
if (client.pet == null)
if (client.pet.pets == null)
time32 now = new time32(time);
var pets = client.pet.pets.values;
foreach (var pet in pets)
if (pet != null)
#region back to owner
short distance = kernel.getdistance(pet.entity.x, pet.entity.y, client.entity.x, client.entity.y);
if (distance >= 8)
ushort x = (ushort)(client.entity.x + kernel.random.next(2));
ushort y = (ushort)(client.entity.y + kernel.random.next(2));
if (!client.map.selectcoordonates(ref x, ref y))
x = client.entity.x;
y = client.entity.y;
pet.entity.x = x;
pet.entity.y = y;
network.gamepackets.data data = new mrhassan.network.gamepackets.data(true);
data.id = network.gamepackets.data.jump;
data.dwparam = (uint)((y << 16) | x);
data.wparam1 = x;
data.wparam2 = y;
data.uid = pet.entity.uid;
client.sendscreenspawn(pet.entity, true);
else if (distance > 4)
enums.conquerangle facing = kernel.getangle(pet.entity.x, pet.entity.y, pet.entity.owner.entity.x, pet.entity.owner.entity.y);
if (!pet.entity.move(facing))
facing = (enums.conquerangle)kernel.random.next(7);
if (pet.entity.move(facing))
pet.entity.facing = facing;
network.gamepackets.groundmovement move = new mrhassan.network.gamepackets.groundmovement(true);
move.direction = facing;
move.uid = pet.entity.uid;
move.groundmovementtype = network.gamepackets.groundmovement.run;
pet.entity.facing = facing;
network.gamepackets.groundmovement move = new mrhassan.network.gamepackets.groundmovement(true);
move.direction = facing;
move.uid = pet.entity.uid;
move.groundmovementtype = network.gamepackets.groundmovement.run;
client.sendscreenspawn(pet.entity, true);
switch (pet.type)
case pettype.normal:
/* #region normal attack guard
var monster = pet.entity;
if (monster.monsterinfo.insight == 0)
if (client.entity.attackpacket != null)
if (client.entity.attackpacket.attacktype == network.gamepackets.attack.magic)
if (client.entity.attackpacket.decoded)
if (database.spelltable.spellinformations.containskey ((ushort)client.entity.attackpacket.damage))
var info = database.spelltable.spellinformations[(ushort)client.entity.attackpacket.damage].values.toarray()[client.spells[(ushort)client.entity.attackpacket.damage].level];
if (info.cankill)
monster.monsterinfo.insight = client.entity.attackpacket.attacked;
monster.monsterinfo.insight = client.entity.attackpacket.attacked;
if (monster.monsterinfo.insight > 400000 && monster.monsterinfo.insight < 600000 || monster.monsterinfo.insight > 800000 && monster.monsterinfo.insight != monster.uid)
entity attacked = null;
if (client.screen.trygetvalue(monster.monsterinfo.ins ight, out attacked))
if (now > monster.attackstamp.addmilliseconds(monster.monste rinfo.attackspeed))
monster.attackstamp = now;
if (attacked.dead)
monster.monsterinfo.insight = 0;
new game.attacking.handle(null, monster, attacked);
monster.monsterinfo.insight = 0;
case pettype.stiger:
/* #region stiger guard
if (!client.entity.containsflag(update.flags.stigma))
spelluse suse = new spelluse(true);
suse.attacker = pet.entity.uid;
suse.spellid = 1095;
suse.spelllevel = 4;
suse.x = client.entity.x;
suse.y = client.entity.y;
suse.addtarget(client.entity, 0, null);
client.entity.stigmastamp = time32.now;
client.entity.stigmaincrease = 50;
client.entity.stigmatime = (byte)60;
if (client.entity.entityflag == entityflag.entity)
client.entity.owner.send(constants.stigma(50, 60));
case pettype.looter:
/* #region shield guard
if (!client.entity.containsflag(update.flags.magicshi eld))
spelluse suse = new spelluse(true);
suse.attacker = pet.entity.uid;
suse.spellid = 1090;
suse.spelllevel = 4;
suse.x = client.entity.x;
suse.y = client.entity.y;
suse.addtarget(client.entity, 0, null);
client.entity.shieldstamp = time32.now;
client.entity.shieldincrease = 1.1f;
client.entity.shieldtime = (byte)60;
if (client.entity.entityflag == entityflag.entity)
client.entity.owner.send(constants.shield(50, 60));
case pettype.attacker:
/* #region attacker
foreach (var obj in client.screen.objects)
if (client.entity.dead)
if (obj.mapobjtype == mapobjecttype.monster)
var attacked = obj as entity;
if (attacked.companion || attacked.monsterinfo.guard)
// if (kernel.getdistance(pet.entity.x, pet.entity.y, attacked.x, attacked.y) <= 15)
if (now > pet.entity.attackstamp.addmilliseconds(1000 - client.entity.agility))
pet.entity.attackstamp = now;
if (!attacked.dead)
new game.attacking.handle(null, pet.entity, attacked);
else if (obj.mapobjtype == mapobjecttype.entity)
var attacked = obj as entity;
if (attacked.dead)
if (game.attacking.handle.canattack(client.entity, attacked, null, true))
// if (kernel.getdistance(pet.entity.x, pet.entity.y, attacked.x, attacked.y) <= 15)
if (now > pet.entity.attackstamp.addmilliseconds(1000 - client.entity.agility))
pet.entity.attackstamp = now;
if (!attacked.dead)
new game.attacking.handle(null, pet.entity, attacked);
else if (obj.mapobjtype == mapobjecttype.sobnpc)
var attackedsobnpc = obj as sobnpcspawn;
if (game.attacking.handle.canattack(client.entity, attackedsobnpc, null))
// if (kernel.getdistance(pet.entity.x, pet.entity.y, attackedsobnpc.x, attackedsobnpc.y) <= 15)
if (now > pet.entity.attackstamp.addmilliseconds(1000 - client.entity.agility))
pet.entity.attackstamp = now;
spelluse suse = new spelluse(true);
attack attack = new attack(true);
attack.effect1 = attack.attackeffects1.none;
uint damage = game.attacking.calculate.melee(client.entity, attackedsobnpc, ref attack);
suse.effect1 = attack.effect1;
game.attacking.handle.receiveattack(pet.entity, attackedsobnpc, attack, damage, null);
suse.attacker = pet.entity.uid;
suse.spellid = pet.entity.monsterinfo.spellid;
suse.x = attackedsobnpc.x;
suse.y = attackedsobnpc.y;
suse.addtarget(attackedsobnpc, damage, attack);
pet.entity.owner.sendscreen(suse, true);
case pettype.defender:
/* #region defender
foreach (var obj in client.screen.objects)
if (obj.mapobjtype == mapobjecttype.monster)
var attacked = obj as entity;
if (attacked.monsterinfo != null)
if (attacked.monsterinfo.insight == client.entity.uid || attacked.monsterinfo.insight == pet.entity.uid)
if (now > pet.entity.attackstamp.addmilliseconds(1000 - client.entity.agility))
pet.entity.attackstamp = now;
if (!attacked.dead)
new game.attacking.handle(null, pet.entity, attacked);
else if (obj.mapobjtype == mapobjecttype.entity)
var attacked = obj as entity;
if (attacked.attackpacket != null)
if (attacked.attackpacket.attacked == client.entity.uid || attacked.attackpacket.attacked == pet.entity.uid)
if (now > pet.entity.attackstamp.addmilliseconds(1000 - client.entity.agility))
pet.entity.attackstamp = now;
if (!attacked.dead)
new game.attacking.handle(null, pet.entity, attacked);
#region timers
private idisposable[] timersubscriptions;
private object disposalsyncroot;
owner = null;
pets = null;
private void disposetimers()
lock (disposalsyncroot)
if (timersubscriptions == null) return;
for (int i = 0; i < timersubscriptions.length; i++)
if (timersubscriptions[i] != null)
timersubscriptions[i] = null;
public uint maxallowed = 2;
public gamestate owner;
public safeconcurrentdictionary<pettype, petinfo> pets;
public pet(gamestate client)
owner = client;
pets = new safeconcurrentdictionary<pettype, petinfo>();
timersubscriptions = new idisposable[]
disposalsyncroot = new object();
public void addpet(monsterinformation mob, pettype type = pettype.normal)
if (pets.count == maxallowed)
if (mob.mesh == 847)
type = pettype.stiger;
if (mob.mesh == 850)
type = pettype.attacker;
if (mob.mesh == 848 || mob.mesh == 849)
type = pettype.defender;
if (mob.mesh == 846)
type = pettype.looter;
if (mob.spellid == 0)
mob.spellid = 1002;
if (type != pettype.normal)
var mesh = mob.mesh;
var name = mob.name;
monsterinformation.monsterinformations.trygetvalue (9003, out mob);
mob.mesh = mesh;
mob.name = name;
if (pets.containskey(type))
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = pets[type].entity.uid;
data.id = data.removeentity;
pets[type].entity = null;
petinfo pet = new petinfo();
pet.type = type;
pet.owner = owner;
pet.entity = new entity(entityflag.monster, true);
pet.entity.monsterinfo = new monsterinformation();
pet.entity.owner = owner;
pet.entity.mapobjtype = mapobjecttype.monster;
pet.entity.monsterinfo = mob.copy();
pet.entity.monsterinfo.owner = pet.entity;
pet.entity.name = mob.name;
if (type != pettype.normal)
pet.entity.name = mob.name + "(" + owner.entity.name + ")";
pet.entity.minattack = mob.minattack;
pet.entity.maxattack = pet.entity.magicattack = math.max(mob.minattack, mob.maxattack);
pet.entity.hitpoints = pet.entity.maxhitpoints = mob.hitpoints;
pet.entity.body = mob.mesh;
pet.entity.level = mob.level;
pet.entity.uid = (uint)(owner.entity.uid - (200000 + pets.count));
pet.entity.mapid = owner.map.id;
pet.entity.sendupdates = true;
pet.entity.x = owner.entity.x;
pet.entity.y = owner.entity.y;
pet.entity.pettype = type;
pets.add(pet.type, pet);
owner.sendscreenspawn(pet.entity, true);
// pet.entity.sendspawn(owner);
public void removepet(pettype type)
if (pets.count == 0)
if (pets[type] == null) return;
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = pets[type].entity.uid;
data.id = data.removeentity;
public void clearall()
if (pets.count > 0)
foreach (var pet in pets.values)
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = pet.entity.uid;
data.id = data.removeentity;
pet.entity = null;
بعدين هتبحث عن الكود دا
public languages language = languages.english;
تضيف دا تحته
public copra.pet pet;
بعديت تبحث عن
foreach (var clone in entity.myclones)
هتبدله بي دا
if (entity.myclones.count > 0)
foreach (var item in entity.myclones.values)
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = item.uid;
data.id = network.gamepackets.data.removeentity;
بعدين هتبحث عن الكود
public void die(uint32 killer)
هتلاقي فيه داد
foreach (var clone in myclones)
بدله بي دا
if (myclones.count > 0)
foreach (var item in myclones.values)
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = item.uid;
data.id = network.gamepackets.data.removeentity;
بعيدن هتبحث عن الكود دا
public void die(entity killer)
هتلاقي فيه دا
#region myclones
بي دا
#region myclones
if (myclones.count > 0)
foreach (var item in myclones.values)
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = item.uid;
data.id = network.gamepackets.data.removeentity;
بعدين هتبحث عن الكود دا
public void teleporthouse(ushort mapid, ushort x, ushort y)
هتلاقي فيه دا
if (myclones.count != 0)
foreach (var clone in myclones)
بعيدن هتضور عا الكود دا
public void advancedteleport(bool remove = false)
هتلاقيه في دا
#region teleport with pet & clones
بدله بي دا
#region teleport with pet & clones
if (entityflag == entityflag.entity)
if (myclones.count > 0)
foreach (var clone in myclones.values)
if (clone == null) continue;
if (remove)
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = clone.uid;
data.id = network.gamepackets.data.removeentity;
owner.removescreenspawn(clone, true);
clone.mapid = this.mapid;
clone.x = this.x;
clone.y = this.y;
network.gamepackets.data data = new network.gamepackets.data(true);
data.uid = clone.uid;
data.id = network.gamepackets.data.teleport;
data.dwparam = database.mapstable.mapinformations[mapid].baseid;
data.wparam1 = clone.x;
data.wparam2 = clone.y;
owner.sendscreenspawn(clone, true);
if (owner.pet != null)
if (owner.pet.pets.count > 0)
foreach (var pet in owner.pet.pets.values)
if (pet == null) continue;
if (pet.entity == null) continue;
if (remove)
data data = new data(true);
data.uid = pet.entity.uid;
data.id = network.gamepackets.data.removeentity;
owner.removescreenspawn(pet.entity, true);
pet.entity.mapid = this.mapid;
pet.entity.x = this.x;
pet.entity.y = this.y;
owner.sendscreenspawn(pet.entity, true);
if (remove)
owner.removescreenspawn(owner.entity, false);
#endregion teleport with pet & clones
بعدين هيجلك ايررو في الاخر
شكله كدا
pet.entity.pettype = type;
اعمله //
بس كدا تم حلها ولو لسا في مشاكل كلمني
تمام تسلم بجد هجرب الحل واقولك
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 11:12 PM
تمام تسلم بجد هجرب الحل واقولك
تمام يحبي جرب وكلمني ولو جالك ايرورو كلمني وقولي الايارروور دا جايلك فين في الفويد بالظبط ماشي ؟:emoji2:
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 11:32 PM
تمام يحبي جرب وكلمني ولو جالك ايرورو كلمني وقولي الايارروور دا جايلك فين في الفويد بالظبط ماشي ؟:emoji2:
بعد ما مسحت الفويدات اللي في البكت هاندلر القديمة اللي جالي فيها ايرورات بعد الاضافة بتعتك ظهرلي الايرور دة
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 11:33 PM
اه الكلاس دا امسحه كله
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 11:43 PM
اه الكلاس دا امسحه كله
لا بجد تسلم علي المساعدة وشكرا لييك تم حل المشكلة
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 11:46 PM
في مشكلة ظهرت كمان في الاسكل ان انا لما بموت بيفضلو موجدين ولما بصحا واضرب الاسجل تاني بيكترم زي ما في الصورة
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 11:49 PM
حضرتك لما انت بتموت دا طبيعي هيفضلو صاحين دا طبيعي لازما حد يموتهم
فهمتني لما انت بتصحا يعني بيكترو ؟
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 11:51 PM
حضرتك لما انت بتموت دا طبيعي هيفضلو صاحين دا طبيعي لازما حد يموتهم
فهمتني لما انت بتصحا يعني بيكترو ؟
لما اموت واصحا اضرب الاسكل يطلع شادو كمان
صورة للتوضيح :D
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 11:53 PM
هههههههههههههه دا بوت وله ايه دا
هههه سانيه ساااانيه
لما بتموت وتصحا في نفس الوقت ؟
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 11:55 PM
هههههههههههههه دا بوت وله ايه دا
هههه سانيه ساااانيه
لما بتموت وتصحا في نفس الوقت ؟
ايوة ولما الشادو بيضرب اساسا مش بيجيب ارقام يعني كانو مش بيضرب
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 11:56 PM
هههههههههههههه دا بوت وله ايه دا
هههه سانيه ساااانيه
لما بتموت وتصحا في نفس الوقت ؟
لما رسترتهم بقم بيجيبو ارقام
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-30, 11:57 PM
لما رسترتهم بقم بيجيبو ارقام
يبني يحبيبي يقلبي يروحي
قول المشكله بالظبط ايه بيحصل بالظبط ؟ :1eye::mad:
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 11:57 PM
هههههههههههههه دا بوت وله ايه دا
هههه سانيه ساااانيه
لما بتموت وتصحا في نفس الوقت ؟
المشكلة كدا في ان لما بموت واصحا وضرب الشادو بيكترو
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-30, 11:59 PM
يبني يحبيبي يقلبي يروحي
قول المشكله بالظبط ايه بيحصل بالظبط ؟ :1eye::mad:
المشكلة ان لما الاكونت بيموت واصحا اضرب الاسكلة الشادو يزيد
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-31, 12:03 AM
روح عا الفويد د
public void Die(UInt32 killer)
هتلاقي فيه الكود دا
if (MyClones.Count > 0)
بدله بي دا
if (MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in MyClones.Values)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = item.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
بعدين غور هنا ههههههههههههه
public void Die(Entity killer)
تحت الكود دا
هتلاقي دا
if (Owner.Entity.MyClones.ContainsKey(UID))
لو مش لاقيته ضيف دا تحته ولو لاقيته بدله
if (Owner.Entity.MyClones.ContainsKey(UID))
if (EntityFlag == Game.EntityFlag.Entity)
if (MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in MyClones.Values)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = item.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-31, 12:16 AM
روح عا الفويد د
public void Die(UInt32 killer)
هتلاقي فيه الكود دا
if (MyClones.Count > 0)
بدله بي دا
if (MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in MyClones.Values)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = item.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
بعدين غور هنا ههههههههههههه
public void Die(Entity killer)
تحت الكود دا
هتلاقي دا
if (Owner.Entity.MyClones.ContainsKey(UID))
لو مش لاقيته ضيف دا تحته ولو لاقيته بدله
if (Owner.Entity.MyClones.ContainsKey(UID))
if (EntityFlag == Game.EntityFlag.Entity)
if (MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in MyClones.Values)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = item.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
نفس المشكلة
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-31, 12:31 AM
طيب رد معايا بسرعه عشان ننجز الموضوع دا
افتح كلاس GameState
وابحث عن دا
if (Booth != null)
ضيف دا تحته انت طبعا هتلاقي عندك حاجه مختلفه
if (Entity.MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in Entity.MyClones.Values)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = item.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
Mostafa Shalby
2019-10-31, 12:37 AM
طيب رد معايا بسرعه عشان ننجز الموضوع دا
افتح كلاس GameState
وابحث عن دا
if (Booth != null)
ضيف دا تحته انت طبعا هتلاقي عندك حاجه مختلفه
if (Entity.MyClones.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in Entity.MyClones.Values)
Data data = new Data(true);
data.UID = item.UID;
data.ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.RemoveEntity;
نفس المشكلة
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