مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طلب npc لو سمحتو
2019-10-05, 05:59 PM
ممكن حد يبعتلى npcيجيب Runes دى ابيك او احدد انا كم تدى اتاك وى اتشبى وكدا او حتى شفرا مش لزم ان بى سى شكرا ليكو جدا
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
Hassan Emprator
2019-10-06, 12:44 AM
اتفضل انبي سي دا الي معانا دلوقتي لائسف !
#region ريالك
case 71718:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hay Bro IAm ريالك Seller How Can I Help U ?");
dialog.Option("Runes Random .", 1);
// dialog.Option("Epic Pirate .", 190);
dialog.Option("#Thnx .", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 10000)//السبس
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 10000;//السبس
byte[] Type = new byte[0];
byte Count = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 6);
uint ID = (uint)(Kernel.Random.Next(1, 6) + 4100000);
byte vl1 = 0;
byte vl2 = 0;
byte vl3 = 0;
byte vl4 = 0;
byte vl5 = 0;
if (Count >= 1)
vl1 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 14);
if (vl1 != 0)
Type = new byte[] { (byte)vl1 };
if (Count >= 2)
for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
vl2 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 14);
if (vl2 != vl1)
Type = new byte[] { (byte)vl1, (byte)vl2 };
if (Count >= 3)
for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
vl3 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 14);
if (vl3 != vl1 && vl3 != vl2)
Type = new byte[] { (byte)vl1, (byte)vl2, (byte)vl3 };
if (Count >= 4)
for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
vl4 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 14);
if (vl4 != vl1 && vl4 != vl2 && vl4 != vl3)
Type = new byte[] { (byte)vl1, (byte)vl2, (byte)vl3, (byte)vl4 };
if (Count >= 5)
for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
vl5 = (byte)Kernel.Random.Next(1, 14);
if (vl5 != vl1 && vl5 != vl2 && vl5 != vl3 && vl5 != vl4)
Type = new byte[] { (byte)vl1, (byte)vl2, (byte)vl3, (byte)vl4, (byte)vl5 };
uint[] TypeVl1, TypeVl2, TypeVl3, TypeVl4, TypeVl5;
uint Random1, Random2, Random3, Random4, Random5;
uint Super1 = 0, Super2 = 0, Super3 = 0, Super4 = 0, Super5 = 0;
uint[] Runes = new uint[5] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
if (Type.Length >= 1)
TypeVl1 = RuneItems.xuanbao_rand_attr(ID, Type[0]);
Random1 = (uint)Kernel.Random.Next((int)(TypeVl1[0]), (int)(TypeVl1[1]));
if (Random1 >= TypeVl1[1] - (TypeVl1[1] * 10 / 100))
Super1 = 100;
Runes[0] = Random1 * 1000 + Super1 + Type[0];
if (Type.Length >= 2)
TypeVl2 = RuneItems.xuanbao_rand_attr(ID, Type[1]);
Random2 = (uint)Kernel.Random.Next((int)(TypeVl2[0]), (int)(TypeVl2[1]));
if (Random2 >= TypeVl2[1] - (TypeVl2[1] * 10 / 100))
Super2 = 100;
Runes[1] = Random2 * 1000 + Super2 + Type[1];
if (Type.Length >= 3)
TypeVl3 = RuneItems.xuanbao_rand_attr(ID, Type[2]);
Random3 = (uint)Kernel.Random.Next((int)(TypeVl3[0]), (int)(TypeVl3[1]));
if (Random3 >= TypeVl3[1] - (TypeVl3[1] * 10 / 100))
Super3 = 100;
Runes[2] = Random3 * 1000 + Super3 + Type[2];
if (Type.Length >= 4)
TypeVl4 = RuneItems.xuanbao_rand_attr(ID, Type[3]);
Random4 = (uint)Kernel.Random.Next((int)(TypeVl4[0]), (int)(TypeVl4[1]));
if (Random4 >= TypeVl4[1] - (TypeVl4[1] * 10 / 100))
Super4 = 100;
Runes[3] = Random4 * 1000 + Super4 + Type[3];
if (Type.Length >= 5)
TypeVl5 = RuneItems.xuanbao_rand_attr(ID, Type[4]);
Random5 = (uint)Kernel.Random.Next((int)(TypeVl5[0]), (int)(TypeVl5[1]));
if (Random5 >= TypeVl5[1] - (TypeVl5[1] * 10 / 100))
Super5 = 100;
Runes[4] = Random5 * 1000 + Super5 + Type[4];
ConquerItem itemRunes = new ConquerItem(true);
itemRunes.ID = ID;
ConquerItemInformation ItemInfo = new ConquerItemInformation(ID, (byte)0);
itemRunes.Bound = false;
itemRunes.Runes = Runes;
itemRunes.StackSize = (ushort)1;
itemRunes.Durability = ItemInfo.BaseInformation.Durability;
itemRunes.MaximDurability = ItemInfo.BaseInformation.Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(itemRunes, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
dialog.Text("I need 10k Cps.");
dialog.Option("Ok.", 255);
case 190://epic Weapon
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 1)
if (client.Inventory.Count <= 32)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 1;
client.Inventory.AddSoul(670439, 800810, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Rapier
client.Inventory.AddSoul(671439, 800811, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Pistol
dialog.Text("please make more space in your Inventory");
dialog.Text("you don't have 1 Cps");
2019-10-06, 08:52 AM
اتفضل انبي سي دا الي معانا دلوقتي لائسف !
#region ريالك
case 71718:
switch (npcrequest.optionid)
case 0:
dialog.text("hay bro iam ريالك seller how can i help u ?");
dialog.option("runes random .", 1);
// dialog.option("epic pirate .", 190);
dialog.option("#thnx .", 255);
case 1:
if (client.entity.conquerpoints >= 10000)//السبس
client.entity.conquerpoints -= 10000;//السبس
byte[] type = new byte[0];
byte count = (byte)kernel.random.next(1, 6);
uint id = (uint)(kernel.random.next(1, 6) + 4100000);
byte vl1 = 0;
byte vl2 = 0;
byte vl3 = 0;
byte vl4 = 0;
byte vl5 = 0;
if (count >= 1)
vl1 = (byte)kernel.random.next(1, 14);
if (vl1 != 0)
type = new byte[] { (byte)vl1 };
if (count >= 2)
for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
vl2 = (byte)kernel.random.next(1, 14);
if (vl2 != vl1)
type = new byte[] { (byte)vl1, (byte)vl2 };
if (count >= 3)
for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
vl3 = (byte)kernel.random.next(1, 14);
if (vl3 != vl1 && vl3 != vl2)
type = new byte[] { (byte)vl1, (byte)vl2, (byte)vl3 };
if (count >= 4)
for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
vl4 = (byte)kernel.random.next(1, 14);
if (vl4 != vl1 && vl4 != vl2 && vl4 != vl3)
type = new byte[] { (byte)vl1, (byte)vl2, (byte)vl3, (byte)vl4 };
if (count >= 5)
for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
vl5 = (byte)kernel.random.next(1, 14);
if (vl5 != vl1 && vl5 != vl2 && vl5 != vl3 && vl5 != vl4)
type = new byte[] { (byte)vl1, (byte)vl2, (byte)vl3, (byte)vl4, (byte)vl5 };
uint[] typevl1, typevl2, typevl3, typevl4, typevl5;
uint random1, random2, random3, random4, random5;
uint super1 = 0, super2 = 0, super3 = 0, super4 = 0, super5 = 0;
uint[] runes = new uint[5] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
if (type.length >= 1)
typevl1 = runeitems.xuanbao_rand_attr(id, type[0]);
random1 = (uint)kernel.random.next((int)(typevl1[0]), (int)(typevl1[1]));
if (random1 >= typevl1[1] - (typevl1[1] * 10 / 100))
super1 = 100;
runes[0] = random1 * 1000 + super1 + type[0];
if (type.length >= 2)
typevl2 = runeitems.xuanbao_rand_attr(id, type[1]);
random2 = (uint)kernel.random.next((int)(typevl2[0]), (int)(typevl2[1]));
if (random2 >= typevl2[1] - (typevl2[1] * 10 / 100))
super2 = 100;
runes[1] = random2 * 1000 + super2 + type[1];
if (type.length >= 3)
typevl3 = runeitems.xuanbao_rand_attr(id, type[2]);
random3 = (uint)kernel.random.next((int)(typevl3[0]), (int)(typevl3[1]));
if (random3 >= typevl3[1] - (typevl3[1] * 10 / 100))
super3 = 100;
runes[2] = random3 * 1000 + super3 + type[2];
if (type.length >= 4)
typevl4 = runeitems.xuanbao_rand_attr(id, type[3]);
random4 = (uint)kernel.random.next((int)(typevl4[0]), (int)(typevl4[1]));
if (random4 >= typevl4[1] - (typevl4[1] * 10 / 100))
super4 = 100;
runes[3] = random4 * 1000 + super4 + type[3];
if (type.length >= 5)
typevl5 = runeitems.xuanbao_rand_attr(id, type[4]);
random5 = (uint)kernel.random.next((int)(typevl5[0]), (int)(typevl5[1]));
if (random5 >= typevl5[1] - (typevl5[1] * 10 / 100))
super5 = 100;
runes[4] = random5 * 1000 + super5 + type[4];
conqueritem itemrunes = new conqueritem(true);
itemrunes.id = id;
conqueriteminformation iteminfo = new conqueriteminformation(id, (byte)0);
itemrunes.bound = false;
itemrunes.runes = runes;
itemrunes.stacksize = (ushort)1;
itemrunes.durability = iteminfo.baseinformation.durability;
itemrunes.maximdurability = iteminfo.baseinformation.durability;
client.inventory.add(itemrunes, enums.itemuse.createandadd);
dialog.text("i need 10k cps.");
dialog.option("ok.", 255);
case 190://epic weapon
if (client.entity.conquerpoints >= 1)
if (client.inventory.count <= 32)
client.entity.conquerpoints -= 1;
client.inventory.addsoul(670439, 800810, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//rapier
client.inventory.addsoul(671439, 800811, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//pistol
dialog.text("please make more space in your inventory");
dialog.text("you don't have 1 cps");
شكرا بس عندى دا انا عيز حاجه تجيب البيك على طول دا بيدهالى عشوقي ومبيجبش البيك لو فى شفره ولا حاجه حتى
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