محمد ياسر
2019-04-30, 05:26 PM
كويست بتبدأ كل يوم فى الساعه 17 ودقيقه 25 وممكن تغير الوقت عادى
بعد كدا بتخش الماب بيبدا الكل يضرب فى بعض واول ماواحد يقتل 10
وممكن برضو تغير انو يقتل كام واحد
المهم اول مايقتل عشره يكلم الان بى سى يديلو تيتل Title
اسمو UniqueKiller
وسى بى وطبعا مافيهاش ثغرات ويارب تعجبكم
المهم نخش فى الاضافه بقى علشان مستعجل
اول حاجه الان بى سى
#region TopUniqueKiller
case 2015:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hey there " + client.Entity.Name + " I Can Join u In TopUniqueKiller War U Want?.");
dialog.Option("Yes Please", 1);
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 1:
// if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 17 && DateTime.Now.Minute >= 24 && DateTime.Now.Minute <= 29)
if (Program.uniquepk == true)
Random R = new Random();
int Nr = R.Next(1, 5);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.Teleport(2014, 68, 34);
if (Nr == 2) client.Entity.Teleport(2014, 34, 66);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.Teleport(2014, 50, 50);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.Teleport(2014, 70, 70);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.Teleport(2014, 52, 73);
dialog.Text("TopUniqueKiller Started everyDay at 17:24 Be Careful");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
#region UniquePk
case 2014:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hey there" + client.Entity.Name + " Would you like to claim your Prize?.");
dialog.Option("Yes Please", 1);
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.uniquepoints >= 10)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += Rates.uniquepk;
client.Entity.AddTopStatus((ulong)(((int)TitlePack et.Titles.UniquePk)), DateTime.Now.AddHours(22));
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message("Congratulations ! " + client.Entity.Name + " Won UniquePk War For This Day And Claimed " + Rates.uniquepk + " CPS And UniquePk Title . #05 ", System.Drawing.Color.White, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center), Program.GamePool);
client.Entity.SendSpawn(client, true);
client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 301, 278);
Program.uniquepk = false;
foreach (TrixyProject.Client.GameClient clients in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (clients.Entity.MapID == 2014)
// killer.Teleport(8886, 130, 130);
clients.Entity.Teleport(1002, 300, 278);
clients.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Sorry Player God Luck Next Time ;) "));
dialog.Text("Sorry U Don't have 20 UniquePoint Go Kill Playrs");
dialog.Option("okay", 255);
ضيف ده
public uint uniquepoints = 0;
وبعدين تروح على
وتبحث على
public enum Titles
وتضيف دا
UniquePk = 20,
وبعدين خش على
وتبحث علىpublic bool IsWarTop
وتبدل بي دا
public bool IsWarTop(ulong Title)
return Title >= 11 && Title <= 20;
وبرضو فى
تبحث على
public void Die(Entity killer)
وتضيف دا تحت القوس
if (killer.MapID == 2014)
if (killer.MapID == 2014)
killer.Owner.uniquepoints += 1;
if (killer.Owner.uniquepoints >= 10)
Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratulations, You Have Now " + killer.Owner.uniquepoints + " Points you can claim your prize now!");
npc.OptionID = 255;
Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "You Have Now " + killer.Owner.uniquepoints + " Points Congratz you still need " + (10 - killer.Owner.uniquepoints) + " more!");
npc.OptionID = 255;
شوفتو بقى كنت هنسى الاوتو انفيت
فى world.cs
#region uniqureKiller
// if ()
if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 17 && DateTime.Now.Minute == 23 && DateTime.Now.Second == 59)
Program.uniquepk = true;
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("UniqueKiller War began! Go Twin city [ 272, 359]", Color.Red, Message.TopLeft), Program.GamePool);
foreach (var client in Program.GamePool)
client.MessageBox("UniqueKiller began! Would you like to join?",
p => { p.Entity.Teleport(1002, 272, 359); }, null, 60);
وي دا فى بروجرم
public static bool uniquepk = false;
وي تروح على
وتبحث عن
client.Entity.Y = reader.ReadUInt16("Y");
وتضيف دا
|| client.Entity.MapID == 2014
النافى كات بقى
طبعا مش هحطلكم اكواد توجع ايديكم هحطلكم اكواد قنصل
والى مبيعرفش يفتحو يضغط كليك يمين على اسم القاعده ويختار كلمه Console
وتاخد دول كوبى وباست فى القنصل
INSERT INTO `npcs` VALUES ('2015', '0', '0', 'UniquePk', '0002', '27650', '-1', '1002', '0270', '0357', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '0000', '00', '00', '0000', '00', null);INSERT INTO `npcs` VALUES ('2014', '0', '0', 'UniquePkw', '0002', '27650', '-1', '2014', '0033', '0033', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '0000', '00', '00', '0000', '00', null);INSERT INTO `maps` VALUES ('2014', '700', '0007', '0000');
كويست بتبدأ كل يوم فى الساعه 17 ودقيقه 25 وممكن تغير الوقت عادى
بعد كدا بتخش الماب بيبدا الكل يضرب فى بعض واول ماواحد يقتل 10
وممكن برضو تغير انو يقتل كام واحد
المهم اول مايقتل عشره يكلم الان بى سى يديلو تيتل Title
اسمو UniqueKiller
وسى بى وطبعا مافيهاش ثغرات ويارب تعجبكم
المهم نخش فى الاضافه بقى علشان مستعجل
اول حاجه الان بى سى
#region TopUniqueKiller
case 2015:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hey there " + client.Entity.Name + " I Can Join u In TopUniqueKiller War U Want?.");
dialog.Option("Yes Please", 1);
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 1:
// if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 17 && DateTime.Now.Minute >= 24 && DateTime.Now.Minute <= 29)
if (Program.uniquepk == true)
Random R = new Random();
int Nr = R.Next(1, 5);
if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.Teleport(2014, 68, 34);
if (Nr == 2) client.Entity.Teleport(2014, 34, 66);
if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.Teleport(2014, 50, 50);
if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.Teleport(2014, 70, 70);
if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.Teleport(2014, 52, 73);
dialog.Text("TopUniqueKiller Started everyDay at 17:24 Be Careful");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
#region UniquePk
case 2014:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hey there" + client.Entity.Name + " Would you like to claim your Prize?.");
dialog.Option("Yes Please", 1);
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.uniquepoints >= 10)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += Rates.uniquepk;
client.Entity.AddTopStatus((ulong)(((int)TitlePack et.Titles.UniquePk)), DateTime.Now.AddHours(22));
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message("Congratulations ! " + client.Entity.Name + " Won UniquePk War For This Day And Claimed " + Rates.uniquepk + " CPS And UniquePk Title . #05 ", System.Drawing.Color.White, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center), Program.GamePool);
client.Entity.SendSpawn(client, true);
client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 301, 278);
Program.uniquepk = false;
foreach (TrixyProject.Client.GameClient clients in Kernel.GamePool.Values)
if (clients.Entity.MapID == 2014)
// killer.Teleport(8886, 130, 130);
clients.Entity.Teleport(1002, 300, 278);
clients.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Sorry Player God Luck Next Time ;) "));
dialog.Text("Sorry U Don't have 20 UniquePoint Go Kill Playrs");
dialog.Option("okay", 255);
ضيف ده
public uint uniquepoints = 0;
وبعدين تروح على
وتبحث على
public enum Titles
وتضيف دا
UniquePk = 20,
وبعدين خش على
وتبحث علىpublic bool IsWarTop
وتبدل بي دا
public bool IsWarTop(ulong Title)
return Title >= 11 && Title <= 20;
وبرضو فى
تبحث على
public void Die(Entity killer)
وتضيف دا تحت القوس
if (killer.MapID == 2014)
if (killer.MapID == 2014)
killer.Owner.uniquepoints += 1;
if (killer.Owner.uniquepoints >= 10)
Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratulations, You Have Now " + killer.Owner.uniquepoints + " Points you can claim your prize now!");
npc.OptionID = 255;
Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "You Have Now " + killer.Owner.uniquepoints + " Points Congratz you still need " + (10 - killer.Owner.uniquepoints) + " more!");
npc.OptionID = 255;
شوفتو بقى كنت هنسى الاوتو انفيت
فى world.cs
#region uniqureKiller
// if ()
if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 17 && DateTime.Now.Minute == 23 && DateTime.Now.Second == 59)
Program.uniquepk = true;
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("UniqueKiller War began! Go Twin city [ 272, 359]", Color.Red, Message.TopLeft), Program.GamePool);
foreach (var client in Program.GamePool)
client.MessageBox("UniqueKiller began! Would you like to join?",
p => { p.Entity.Teleport(1002, 272, 359); }, null, 60);
وي دا فى بروجرم
public static bool uniquepk = false;
وي تروح على
وتبحث عن
client.Entity.Y = reader.ReadUInt16("Y");
وتضيف دا
|| client.Entity.MapID == 2014
النافى كات بقى
طبعا مش هحطلكم اكواد توجع ايديكم هحطلكم اكواد قنصل
والى مبيعرفش يفتحو يضغط كليك يمين على اسم القاعده ويختار كلمه Console
وتاخد دول كوبى وباست فى القنصل
INSERT INTO `npcs` VALUES ('2015', '0', '0', 'UniquePk', '0002', '27650', '-1', '1002', '0270', '0357', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '0000', '00', '00', '0000', '00', null);INSERT INTO `npcs` VALUES ('2014', '0', '0', 'UniquePkw', '0002', '27650', '-1', '2014', '0033', '0033', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '0000', '00', '00', '0000', '00', null);INSERT INTO `maps` VALUES ('2014', '700', '0007', '0000');