2019-09-22, 09:39 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اضافة online point كامله
ده ياعني لو الاعب واقف في التون للفتره الي انت اتحدده اياخد نقاط
النقاط ده يبدله من انبي سي
اول حاجه npcs.cs
#region System Online Points
case 14224:
#region -- CPs --
uint CPsTB1 = 150;
uint CPs1 = 250000000;
#region -- CPsTB2 --
uint CPsTB2 = 2000;
uint CPs2 = 2000;
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("All (Heroes) can talk to me to learn about my offers, this offers for OnlinePoints only.");
dialog.Text("Your OnlinePoints Count is : " + client.Player.OnlinePoints + " .");
dialog.Option("VIP7 [5000]", 10);
dialog.Option("500m Cps [500point]", 11);
dialog.Option("250m Cps [250point]", 12);
dialog.Option("1b Cps [1000point]", 13);
dialog.Option("Just passing by.", 255);
#region Vip7
case 10:
if (client.Player.OnlinePoints >= 7000 && client.Player.VIPLevel != 7)
client.Player.OnlinePoints -= 7000;
client.Player.VIPLevel = 7;
dialog.Text("Congratulations. You Get Vip7 for " + 7000 + " Points.");
client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Congratulations. You Get Vip7 for " + 7000 + " Points."));
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have " + 7000 + "Points Come When You Have it ");
dialog.Option("Sorry ", 255); dialog.Send();
#region cps
case 13:
if (client.Player.OnlinePoints >= 1000)
client.Player.OnlinePoints -= 1000;
client.Player.ConquerPoints += 1000000000;
dialog.Text("Congratulations. You Get 1000000000 cps for " + 1000 + " Points.");
client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Congratulations. You Get 1000000000 cps for " + 1000 + " Points."));
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have " + 1000 + "Points Come When You Have it ");
dialog.Option("Sorry ", 255); dialog.Send();
case 12:
if (client.Player.OnlinePoints >= 250)
client.Player.OnlinePoints -= 250;
client.Player.ConquerPoints += 250000000;
dialog.Text("Congratulations. You Get 250000000 cps for " + 250 + " Points.");
client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Congratulations. You Get 250000000 cps for " + 250 + " Points."));
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have " + 250 + "Points Come When You Have it ");
dialog.Option("Sorry ", 255); dialog.Send();
case 11:
if (client.Player.OnlinePoints >= 500)
client.Player.OnlinePoints -= 500;
client.Player.ConquerPoints += 500000000;
dialog.Text("Congratulations. You Get 500000000 cps for " + 500 + " Points.");
client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Congratulations. You Get 500000000 cps for " + 500 + " Points."));
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have " + 500 + "Points Come When You Have it ");
dialog.Option("Sorry ", 255); dialog.Send();
موجود في EntityTable.cs
لو مش موجود ضفوها في EntityTable.cs وملف ال entite في القاعده
في world
#region Cpsonline - Points online By Mohamed X Black
if (client.Entity.Level >= 140)
if (!client.Entity.Dead)
if (Time32.Now > client.Entity.OnlinePointStamp.AddMinutes(15))
uint Cpscount = 0;
client.Entity.OnlinePoints += 1;
client.Entity.OnlinePointStamp = Time32.Now;
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += Cpscount;
client.MessageBox("You Got [1] OnlinePoints For Being Online Those 1 Minutes, Stay online and Gain More - " + Program.NameGame + "",
p => { p.Entity.Teleport(1002, 268, 299); }, null, 60);
الشخصية لازم تكون 140 علشان تاخد نقاط تقدر تحدد المستوي بنفسك
بياخد 1 نقطه كل 1 دفيقه طبعا تقدر تغيرها براحتك
اضافة online point كامله
ده ياعني لو الاعب واقف في التون للفتره الي انت اتحدده اياخد نقاط
النقاط ده يبدله من انبي سي
اول حاجه npcs.cs
#region System Online Points
case 14224:
#region -- CPs --
uint CPsTB1 = 150;
uint CPs1 = 250000000;
#region -- CPsTB2 --
uint CPsTB2 = 2000;
uint CPs2 = 2000;
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("All (Heroes) can talk to me to learn about my offers, this offers for OnlinePoints only.");
dialog.Text("Your OnlinePoints Count is : " + client.Player.OnlinePoints + " .");
dialog.Option("VIP7 [5000]", 10);
dialog.Option("500m Cps [500point]", 11);
dialog.Option("250m Cps [250point]", 12);
dialog.Option("1b Cps [1000point]", 13);
dialog.Option("Just passing by.", 255);
#region Vip7
case 10:
if (client.Player.OnlinePoints >= 7000 && client.Player.VIPLevel != 7)
client.Player.OnlinePoints -= 7000;
client.Player.VIPLevel = 7;
dialog.Text("Congratulations. You Get Vip7 for " + 7000 + " Points.");
client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Congratulations. You Get Vip7 for " + 7000 + " Points."));
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have " + 7000 + "Points Come When You Have it ");
dialog.Option("Sorry ", 255); dialog.Send();
#region cps
case 13:
if (client.Player.OnlinePoints >= 1000)
client.Player.OnlinePoints -= 1000;
client.Player.ConquerPoints += 1000000000;
dialog.Text("Congratulations. You Get 1000000000 cps for " + 1000 + " Points.");
client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Congratulations. You Get 1000000000 cps for " + 1000 + " Points."));
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have " + 1000 + "Points Come When You Have it ");
dialog.Option("Sorry ", 255); dialog.Send();
case 12:
if (client.Player.OnlinePoints >= 250)
client.Player.OnlinePoints -= 250;
client.Player.ConquerPoints += 250000000;
dialog.Text("Congratulations. You Get 250000000 cps for " + 250 + " Points.");
client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Congratulations. You Get 250000000 cps for " + 250 + " Points."));
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have " + 250 + "Points Come When You Have it ");
dialog.Option("Sorry ", 255); dialog.Send();
case 11:
if (client.Player.OnlinePoints >= 500)
client.Player.OnlinePoints -= 500;
client.Player.ConquerPoints += 500000000;
dialog.Text("Congratulations. You Get 500000000 cps for " + 500 + " Points.");
client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "Congratulations. You Get 500000000 cps for " + 500 + " Points."));
dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have " + 500 + "Points Come When You Have it ");
dialog.Option("Sorry ", 255); dialog.Send();
موجود في EntityTable.cs
لو مش موجود ضفوها في EntityTable.cs وملف ال entite في القاعده
في world
#region Cpsonline - Points online By Mohamed X Black
if (client.Entity.Level >= 140)
if (!client.Entity.Dead)
if (Time32.Now > client.Entity.OnlinePointStamp.AddMinutes(15))
uint Cpscount = 0;
client.Entity.OnlinePoints += 1;
client.Entity.OnlinePointStamp = Time32.Now;
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += Cpscount;
client.MessageBox("You Got [1] OnlinePoints For Being Online Those 1 Minutes, Stay online and Gain More - " + Program.NameGame + "",
p => { p.Entity.Teleport(1002, 268, 299); }, null, 60);
الشخصية لازم تكون 140 علشان تاخد نقاط تقدر تحدد المستوي بنفسك
بياخد 1 نقطه كل 1 دفيقه طبعا تقدر تغيرها براحتك