المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : System Lottery Done 100%

2019-04-28, 03:12 PM
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف


عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف


افتح Game state او Game client
وابحث عن

public uint VirtuePoints;

حط تحتها

public DateTime LastLotteryEntry;
public byte LotteryEntries;
public bool InLottery;

افتح Entitytable

وابحث عن

افتح Entitytable

وابحث عن

public static bool LoadEntity

وانزل لحد ما تلاقي كود زي دا

client.HeadgearClaim = reader.ReadBoolean("HeadgearClaim");

حط تحتيه

client.InLottery = reader.ReadBoolean("InLottery");
client.LotteryEntries = reader.ReadByte("LotteryEntries");
client.LastLotteryEntry = DateTime.FromBinary(reader.ReadInt64("LastLotteryEntry"));

في نفس الكلاس زي ما انت ابحث عن

client.ExpBalls = 0;

حط تحته دا

client.LotteryEntries = 0;

هتلاقي تحتهم ده


حط تحته ده


زي ما احنا في نفس الكلاس

ابحث عن ده

public static void ResetExpball

اقفله من السالب و حط تحته ده

public static void ResetLottery(Client.GameState client)
UpdateData(client, "LotteryEntries", 0);

ابحث عن ده

.Set("Class", e.Class)

حط تحته دول

.Set("InLottery", c.InLottery)
.Set("LotteryEntries", c.LotteryEntries)
.Set("LastLotteryEntry", c.LastLotteryEntry.Ticks)

هنفتح فولدر Database وهنعمل كلاس باسم LotteryTable و نمسح كل حاجه فيه و نحط ده ولو عندك برده امسح كل حاجه فيه ال وحط ده

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Conquer_Online_Server.Database
public class LotteryTable
public class LotteryItem
public int Rank, Chance;
public string Name;
public uint ID;
public byte Color;
public byte Sockets;
public byte Plus;
public uint NPCID;

public static List<LotteryItem> LotteryItems = new List<LotteryItem>();
public static void Load()
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("lottery"))
using (var reader = cmd.CreateReader())
while (reader.Read())
LotteryItem item = new LotteryItem();
item.Rank = reader.ReadInt32("Rank");
item.Chance = reader.ReadInt32("Chance");
item.Name = reader.ReadString("Prize_Name");
item.ID = reader.ReadUInt32("Prize_Item");
item.Color = reader.ReadByte("Color");
item.Sockets = reader.ReadByte("Hole_Num");
item.Plus = reader.ReadByte("Addition_Lev");
Console.WriteLine("Lottery items loaded.");

نروح لكلاس Entity
ابحث عن ده

public Time32 FreezeStamp;

حط تحتو دول

public uint LotteryItemID = 0;
public byte LotteryJadeAdd;
public uint LotteryItemPlus;
public uint LotteryItemSocket1;
public uint LotteryItemSoc2;
public uint LotteryItemColor;
public ConquerItem LotteryPrize;

في نفس الكلاس ابحث عن ده

public LotteryTable.LotteryItem LotoItem;

ابحث عن ده

public bool UseItem = false;

حط تحتو ده

public uint LotteryItemSoc1;

ابحث عن ده

mapName = "OfflineTG";

وتحت كلمه break; حط تحتها ده

case 700:
mapName = "LotteryMap";

ابحث عن ده

mapName = "DesertArena";

تحت كلمه break; ارزع ده

case 0x760:
mapName = "LotteryHouse";

هتفتح فولدر Game وتعمل كلاس باسم Lottery

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets;
using Conquer_Online_Server.Interfaces;

namespace Conquer_Online_Server.Game
public class Lottery

public static void LotteryRewardMessage(Conquer_Online_Server.Client. GameState Hero, ConquerItem i)
string str = "";
string str2 = "";
string str3 = "";
if ((Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.ItemQuality)(i. ID % 10) >= Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Elite )
str = "Elite ";
if ((Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.ItemQuality)(i. ID % 10) >= Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Super )
str = "Super ";
if (Conquer_Online_Server.Database.ConquerItemInforma tion.BaseInformations[i.ID].Name.Contains("MoneyBag"))
str = "";
if (i.SocketOne > 0)
str2 = "1-Socket ";
if (i.SocketTwo > 0)
str2 = "2-Socket ";
if (i.Plus > 0)
str3 = "(+" + i.Plus + ")";
string str4 = str + str2 + Conquer_Online_Server.Database.ConquerItemInformat ion.BaseInformations[i.ID].Name + str3;
string msg = string.Format("{0} won a {1} from the Lottery!", Hero.Entity.Name, str4);

if ((Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.ItemQuality)(i. ID % 10) >= Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Elite )
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message(msg, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Message. Talk), Program.Values);

Hero.Send(new Message(msg, System.Drawing.Color.White, Message.Talk));

public static void GiveLotteryPrize(Conquer_Online_Server.Client.Game State Hema)
LotteryRewardMessage(Hema, Hema.Entity.LotteryPrize);
Conquer_Online_Server.Database.ConquerItemInformat ion Itemd = new Conquer_Online_Server.Database.ConquerItemInformat ion(Hema.Entity.LotteryItemID, 0);
//var Itemd = Conquer_Online_Server.Database.ConquerItemInformat ion.BaseInformations[Hema.Entity.LotteryItemID];
ConquerItem Item = new ConquerItem(true);
Item.ID = Hema.Entity.LotteryItemID;

Item.Plus = (byte)Hema.Entity.LotteryItemPlus;
Item.Color = Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.Color.Blue;
if (Hema.Entity.LotteryItemSoc1 > 0)
Item.SocketOne = Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket;
Hema.Entity.LotteryItemSoc1 = 0;
if (Hema.Entity.LotteryItemSoc2 > 0)
Item.SocketTwo = Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket;
Hema.Entity.LotteryItemSoc2 = 0;
Item.Durability = Item.MaximDurability = Itemd.BaseInformation.Durability;

Hema.Inventory.Add(Item, Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAnd Add);

Hema.Entity.LotteryItemID = 0;
Hema.Entity.LotteryJadeAdd = 0;
public static void LuckyBox(uint npcID, Conquer_Online_Server.Client.GameState h, bool jade)
if (jade || h.Inventory.Contains(0xadb50, 3))
if (!jade)
h.LotteryEntries += 1;
h.Activenes.SendSinglePacket(h, Activeness.Types.LotteryTask, h.LotteryEntries);
if ((npcID != 0) && !jade)
_String packet = new _String(true);
packet.UID = npcID;
packet.TextsCount = 1;
packet.Type = _String.Effect;
int rand = Kernel.Random.Next(Conquer_Online_Server.Database. LotteryTable.LotteryItems.Count);
var item = Conquer_Online_Server.Database.LotteryTable.Lotter yItems[rand];
var Itemd = Conquer_Online_Server.Database.ConquerItemInformat ion.BaseInformations[item.ID];
if (Itemd == null || item == null)
goto tryagain;
if (item.NPCID != npcID && Kernel.Rate(70))
goto tryagain;
if (!(Network.PacketHandler.GetPositionFromID(item.ID ) != Network.PacketHandler.Positions.Garment && Network.PacketHandler.GetPositionFromID(item.ID) != 0 && Kernel.Rate(99)))
ConquerItem Item = new ConquerItem(true);
Item.ID = item.ID;
h.Entity.LotteryItemID = item.ID;
h.Entity.LotteryItemPlus = item.Plus;
h.Entity.LotteryItemColor = (byte)Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.Color.Blue;
Item.Plus = item.Plus;
Item.Color = Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.Color.Blue;
if (item.Sockets > 0)
Item.SocketOne = Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket;
h.Entity.LotteryItemSoc1 = 255;
if (item.Sockets > 1)
Item.SocketTwo = Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket;
h.Entity.LotteryItemSoc2 = 255;

Item.Durability = Item.MaximDurability = Itemd.Durability;
// h.Inventory.Add(Item, Game.Enums.ItemUse.Add);
//h.Entity.LotteryPrize = Item;
if ((Item != null))
if (!jade)
if (h.Inventory.Contains(0xadb50, 3))

h.Inventory.Remove(0xadb50, 3);
if (h.Inventory.Contains(0xadb50, 1))

h.Inventory.Remove(0xadb50, 1);

h.Entity.LotteryPrize = Item;
Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Lottery lottery = new Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Lottery
//Chances = (byte)(10 - h.LotteryEntries),
Color = Item.Color,
Plus = Item.Plus,
Prize = Item.ID,
SocketOne = (byte)Item.SocketOne,
SocketTwo = (byte)Item.SocketTwo,
AddJadeChances = h.Entity.LotteryJadeAdd,
Type = Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Lottery. LotteryTypes.ShowGUI

// string msg = string.Format("Error generating lottery prize.", h.Entity.Name, h.Entity.Name);
// h.Send(new Message(msg, System.Drawing.Color.White, Message.Talk));

goto tryagain;
string msg = string.Format("You need 3 Small Lottery Tickets to try at the lottery!", h.Entity.Name, h.Entity.Name);
h.Send(new Message(msg, System.Drawing.Color.White, Message.Talk));

public static void Handle(byte[] Data, Conquer_Online_Server.Client.GameState Client)

Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Lottery lottery = new Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Lottery( Data);
if (Client != null)
switch (lottery.Type)
case Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Lottery. LotteryTypes.Accept:

case Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Lottery. LotteryTypes.AddJade:
if ((Client.Entity.LotteryJadeAdd < 2) && Client.Inventory.Contains(0xadb50, 1))
LuckyBox(0, Client, true);

case Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Lottery. LotteryTypes.Continue:
LuckyBox(0, Client, false);

هنروح لكلاس vipstatus
ابحث عن ده

public enum VIPExtras

حط تحت القوس ده

BonusLottery = 0x8000,

هنروح لفولدر network وبعد كده نفتح فولدر game packets ونعمل كلاس باسم Lottery برده و هقول تاني و اكد لما تعمله امسح الي جواه و حط الي هدهولك و لو عندك امسح الي جواه و حط الي هدهولك

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets
internal class Lottery
private byte[] mData;
public enum LotteryTypes
Accept = 0,
AddJade = 1,
Continue = 2,
SocketOne = 7,
SocketTwo = 8,
ShowGUI = 0x103
public Lottery()
this.mData = new byte[26 + 8];
Writer.Write(26, 0, this.mData);
Writer.Write((ushort)1314, 2, this.mData);
Writer.Write((byte)1, 6, this.mData);

public Lottery(byte[] d)
this.mData = new byte[d.Length];
d.CopyTo(this.mData, 0);

public static implicit operator byte[](Lottery d)
return d.mData;

public byte AddJadeChances
return this.mData[11];
this.mData[11] = value;

public byte Chances
return this.mData[12];
this.mData[12] = value;

public Game.Enums.Color Color
return (Game.Enums.Color)((byte)BitConverter.ToUInt16(thi s.mData, 10));
Writer.Write((ushort)value, 10, this.mData);

public byte Plus
return this.mData[9];
Writer.Write(value, 9, this.mData);

public uint Prize
return BitConverter.ToUInt32(this.mData, 12);
Writer.Write(value, 12, this.mData);

public byte SocketOne
return this.mData[7];
Writer.Write(value, 7, this.mData);

public byte SocketTwo
return this.mData[8];
Writer.Write(value, 8, this.mData);

public LotteryTypes Type
return (LotteryTypes)BitConverter.ToUInt16(this.mData, 4);
Writer.Write((ushort)value, 4, this.mData);

نروح لكلاس packethandler
حط ده تحت اي region ولو مش عارف ابحث عن دا

#region PK Explorer

واقفله من السالب و ارزع تحته ده

#region Lottery (1314)
case 1314:

Game.Lottery.Handle(packet, client);

ابحث عن ده

#region Gates

وحط تحته ده

#region SmallLotteryTicketPack
case 724002:
client.Inventory.Remove(item, Game.Enums.ItemUse.RemoveFromStack);
client.Inventory.Add(711504, 0, 3);

نروح لكلاس npc

#region LadyLuck
case 923:
case 924:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.InLottery)
dialog.Text("Look!~Here~is~the~LuckyBox,~a~kind~of~magical~box~ which~makes~your~dream~come~true.");

dialog.Option("Get~me~out~of~here!", 4);
dialog.Option("Tell~me~more~about~it~please.", 5);
dialog.Option("Exchange~Small~Lottery~Ticket.", 2);
dialog.Option("Really?~I~don`t~believe~it.", 255);
dialog.Text("Welcome to the Lottery Center! There are many Lucky Boxes here, each containing incredible treasures! Pay me 3 Small Lottery Tickets to draw from the Lucky Box in the Lottery Center. You are allowed to enter the Lottery Center and try your luck upto 10");
dialog.Text("~times a day. You will have extra lottery chances if you are a VIP player. If you are new to this place, let me show you around the Lottery Center, first!");

dialog.Option("Let`s~try~my~luck!", 1);
dialog.Option("Exchange~Small~Lottery~Ticket.", 2);
dialog.Option("May~I~know~the~rules~first?", 3);
dialog.Option("How~about~the~VIP~privilege?", 6);
dialog.Option("Nice~to~see~you.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Entity.Level >= 70)
client.InLottery = true;
client.Entity.Teleport(700, 40, 47);

dialog.Text("You may not join the lottery , you need level 70 first.");
dialog.Option("Ahh sorry.", 255);
case 2:
if (!client.Inventory.Contains(711504, 3))
dialog.Text("You don`t have 3 Lottery Tickets to exchange for the Small Lottery Tickets.");

dialog.Option("Oops.", 255);
client.Inventory.Remove(711504, 3);
client.Inventory.Add(3008856, 0, 1);
case 3:
dialog.Text("There are many Lucky Boxes in the Lottery Center. Pay 3 Small Lottery Tickets, and you can draw from the Lucky Box! If you are not satisfied with the item you get, you can pay 1 more Small Lottery Ticket to change the item you drew. However, you can");
dialog.Text("~only pay and change the item for 2 times. Each player is allowed to draw from the Lottery up to 10 times, each day.");

dialog.Option("Okay,~I~see.", 255);
case 4:
client.Entity.Teleport(1036, 219, 193);
client.InLottery = false;
case 5:
dialog.Text("You~have~chance~to~get~whatever~you~desire~from~a~ LuckyBox.~It~May~be~a~Dragonball,~+8~weapon,~or");
dialog.Text("~two-socket~boot,~you~don`t~know~what~you~will~get~from ~the~Box,~it~totally~depends~on~your~luck.~Well,");

dialog.Option("Thanks~a~lot.", 255);
case 6:
dialog.Text("Each player can draw from the Lottery up to 10 times, each day. But if you are a VIP, you will have extra chances to play! Level 1 VIP: 10 extra chances. Level 2 VIP: 20 extra chances. Level 3 VIP: 30 extra chances.");
dialog.Text("~Level 4 VIP: 40 extra chances. Level 5 VIP: 50 extra chances. Level 6 VIP: 60 extra chances.");

dialog.Option("Got~it!", 255);
#region LuckyBox
case 943:
case 937:
case 944:
case 939:
case 931:
Game.Lottery.LuckyBox(client.ActiveNpc, client, false);

افتح نافي كات حط دول في npcs

923 LadyLuck 2 9230 1036 212 188
924 LadyLuck 2 9236 700 40 50
944 lucky box 2 9287 700 45 56
943 lucky box 2 9287 700 56 56
939 lucky box 2 9287 700 45 45
937 lucky box 2 9287 700 51 51
931 lucky box 2 9287 700 56 45

ودة كمان في ملف map في النافي كات

700 700 66124 0

ارفع الجدول دة علي النافي كات

Navicat MySQL Data Transfer

Source Server : localhost_3306
Source Server Version : 50045
Source Host : localhost:3306
Source Database : tq

Target Server Type : MYSQL
Target Server Version : 50045
File Encoding : 65001

Date: 2017-05-18 03:22:25


-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `lottery`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `lottery` (
`id` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`type` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`rank` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`chance` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`prize_name` char(32) NOT NULL default '',
`prize_item` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`color` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`hole_num` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`addition_lev` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of lottery
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('1', '1', '8', '100', '+1Stone', '730001', '1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('3', '1', '8', '100', 'DisguiseAmulet', '723724', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('4', '1', '8', '100', 'LifeFruitBasket', '723725', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('5', '1', '8', '60', 'PenitenceAmulet', '723727', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('7', '1', '8', '70', 'Class1MoneyBag', '723713', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('8', '1', '7', '100', '+2Stone', '730002', '3', '0', '2');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('9', '1', '7', '100', 'ExpPotion', '723017', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('10', '1', '7', '100', 'ExpBall', '723700', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('12', '1', '7', '70', 'Class2MoneyBag', '723714', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('13', '1', '6', '50', 'RefinedMoonGem', '700062', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('14', '1', '6', '10', 'RefinedFuryGem', '700022', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('15', '1', '6', '30', 'RefinedVioletGem', '700052', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('16', '1', '6', '100', '+1StonePack', '723712', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('17', '1', '6', '1', 'MeteorTearPack', '723711', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('18', '1', '6', '70', 'Class3MoneyBag', '723715', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('19', '1', '5', '100', '+3Stone', '730003', '4', '0', '3');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('20', '1', '5', '80', 'RefinedDragonGem', '700012', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('21', '1', '5', '80', 'RefinedPhoenixGem', '700002', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('22', '1', '5', '80', 'RefinedRainbowGem', '700032', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('23', '1', '5', '70', 'Class4MoneyBag', '723716', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('24', '1', '4', '60', 'DragonBall', '1088000', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('25', '1', '4', '80', '+4Stone', '730004', '3', '0', '4');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('26', '1', '4', '100', 'PrayingStone(S)', '1200000', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('27', '1', '4', '100', 'BlackTulip', '723584', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('28', '1', '4', '100', 'SashToken(S)', '722840', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('29', '1', '4', '70', 'Class5MoneyBag', '723717', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('30', '1', '4', '50', 'WhitePhoenix', '181305', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('31', '1', '4', '50', 'BrownPhoenix', '181405', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('32', '1', '4', '50', 'BlackPhoenix', '181505', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('33', '1', '4', '50', 'RedPhoenix', '181605', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('34', '1', '4', '50', 'GreenPhoenix', '181705', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('35', '1', '4', '50', 'BluePhoenix', '181805', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('36', '1', '4', '50', 'PurplePhoenix', '181905', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('37', '1', '4', '50', 'WhiteElegance', '181315', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('38', '1', '4', '50', 'BrownElegance', '181415', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('39', '1', '4', '50', 'BlackElegance', '181515', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('40', '1', '4', '50', 'RedElegance', '181615', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('41', '1', '4', '50', 'GreenElegance', '181715', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('42', '1', '4', '50', 'BlueElegance', '181815', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('43', '1', '4', '50', 'PurpleElegance', '181915', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('44', '1', '4', '50', 'WhiteCelestial', '181325', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('45', '1', '4', '50', 'BrownCelestial', '181425', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('46', '1', '4', '50', 'BlackCelestial', '181525', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('47', '1', '4', '50', 'RedCelestial', '181625', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('48', '1', '4', '50', 'GreenCelestial', '181725', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('49', '1', '4', '50', 'BlueCelestial', '181825', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('50', '1', '4', '50', 'PurpleCelestial', '181925', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('51', '1', '4', '50', 'WeddingGown', '181335', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('52', '1', '4', '50', 'ColorfulDress', '181345', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('53', '1', '4', '50', 'DarkWizard', '181355', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('54', '1', '4', '50', 'PrairieWind', '181365', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('55', '1', '4', '50', 'SongofTianshan', '181375', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('56', '1', '4', '50', 'RoyalDignity', '181385', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('57', '1', '4', '50', 'Daisy', '181395', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('58', '1', '4', '50', 'SouthofCloud', '182305', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('59', '1', '4', '50', 'BonfireNight', '182315', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('60', '1', '4', '50', 'AngelicalDress', '182325', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('61', '1', '3', '80', '+5Stone', '730005', '5', '0', '5');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('62', '1', '3', '100', 'PrayingStone(L)', '1200002', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('63', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperTortoiseGem', '700073', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('64', '1', '3', '100', 'MagicalBottle', '2100045', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('65', '1', '3', '120', 'ExemptionToken', '723701', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('66', '1', '3', '120', 'Class6MoneyBag', '723718', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('67', '1', '3', '70', 'Class7MoneyBag', '723719', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('68', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperWarArmor', '130089', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('69', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperMonkCoronet', '118089', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('70', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperBasaltArmor', '131089', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('71', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperViolentHelmet', '111089', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('72', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperRhinoCoat', '133079', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('73', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperAntlerHat', '113069', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('74', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperConquestGown', '134099', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('75', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperStarCap', '114099', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('76', '1', '3', '70', 'SuperGoldBag', '121189', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('77', '1', '3', '70', 'SuperDragonNecklace', '120189', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('78', '1', '3', '70', 'SuperBlueBracelet', '152189', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('79', '1', '3', '70', 'SuperJadeEarring', '117089', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('80', '1', '3', '70', 'SuperDiamondRing', '150199', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('81', '1', '3', '90', 'SuperJetHeavyRing', '151179', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('82', '1', '3', '70', 'SuperKylinBoots', '160199', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('83', '1', '3', '70', 'SuperCloudBacksword', '421199', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('84', '1', '3', '70', 'SuperRosewoodBow', '500189', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('85', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperThornShield', '900089', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('86', '1', '3', '70', 'SuperRainbowBlade', '410199', '5', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('87', '1', '3', '70', 'SuperLoyalSword', '420199', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('88', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperDemonHook', '430199', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('89', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperLightningWhip', '440199', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('90', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperGoldAxe', '450199', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('91', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperShiningHammer', '460199', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('92', '1', '3', '70', 'SuperSnakeClub', '480199', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('93', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperThunderScepter', '481199', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('94', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperRainbowDagger', '490199', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('95', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperTigerGlaive', '510199', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('96', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperGrimPoleaxe', '530199', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('97', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperPetalLongHammer', '540199', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('98', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperLance', '560199', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('99', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperSilverHalbert', '580199', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('100', '1', '3', '100', 'SuperCopperWand', '561199', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('101', '1', '3', '70', '2Socket-EliteIronBacksword', '421088', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('102', '1', '3', '70', '2Socket-EliteQinBow', '500088', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('103', '1', '3', '70', '2Socket-EliteRattanShield', '900018', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('104', '1', '3', '70', '2Socket-EliteMoonBlade', '410098', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('105', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteFangSword', '420098', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('106', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteAntlerHook', '430098', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('107', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteTwinWhip', '440098', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('108', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-ElitePeaceAxe', '450098', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('109', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteMelonHammer', '460098', '4', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('110', '1', '3', '70', '2Socket-EliteWarClub', '480098', '4', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('111', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteWishScepter', '481098', '4', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('112', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteCaoDagger', '490098', '4', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('113', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteUnionGlaive', '510098', '4', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('114', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteTwinPoleaxe', '530098', '4', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('115', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteGreatLongHammer', '540098', '4', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('116', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteLuckSpear', '560098', '4', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('117', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteGoldHalbert', '580098', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('118', '1', '3', '100', '2Socket-EliteShaolinWand', '561098', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('119', '1', '2', '80', '+6Stone', '730006', '2', '0', '6');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('120', '1', '2', '100', 'MiraculousGourd', '2100025', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('121', '1', '2', '100', 'Sash(L)', '1100009', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('124', '1', '2', '100', '1Socket-EliteDemonArmor', '130058', '5', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('125', '1', '2', '100', '1Socket-EliteGoldCoronet', '118058', '5', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('126', '1', '2', '100', '1Socket-EliteChainedArmor', '131058', '5', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('127', '1', '2', '100', '1Socket-ElitePearlHelmet', '111058', '5', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('128', '1', '2', '100', '1Socket-EliteApeCoat', '133048', '5', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('129', '1', '2', '100', '1Socket-EliteLeopardHat', '113038', '5', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('130', '1', '2', '100', '1Socket-ElitePowerGown', '134058', '5', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('131', '1', '2', '100', '1Socket-EliteSharkCap', '114068', '5', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('132', '1', '2', '70', '1Socket-EliteAmbergrisBag', '121128', '1', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('133', '1', '2', '70', '1Socket-ElitePlatinaNecklace', '120128', '1', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('134', '1', '2', '70', '1Socket-EliteBoneBracelet', '152128', '1', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('135', '1', '2', '70', '1Socket-EliteHeartofOcean', '117068', '1', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('136', '1', '2', '70', '1Socket-EliteJadeRing', '150118', '1', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('137', '1', '2', '90', '1Socket-EliteDarkHeavyRing', '151118', '2', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('138', '1', '2', '70', '1Socket-EliteLightBoots', '160098', '2', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('174', '1', '1', '100', '2Socket-EliteDipperArmor', '130048', '5', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('175', '1', '1', '100', '2Socket-EliteJadeCoronet', '118048', '5', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('176', '1', '1', '100', '2Socket-EliteBrightArmor', '131048', '5', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('177', '1', '1', '100', '2Socket-EliteSyeniticHelmet', '111048', '5', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('178', '1', '1', '100', '2Socket-EliteWolfCoat', '133028', '1', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('179', '1', '1', '100', '2Socket-EliteJackalHat', '113028', '1', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('180', '1', '1', '100', '2Socket-ElitePureGown', '134048', '1', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('181', '1', '1', '100', '2Socket-EliteCloudCap', '114048', '1', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('182', '1', '1', '70', '2Socket-EliteBeanBag', '121098', '1', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('183', '1', '1', '70', '2Socket-EliteGoldNecklace', '120098', '1', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('184', '1', '1', '70', '2Socket-EliteGoldBracelet', '152088', '1', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('185', '1', '1', '70', '2Socket-EliteTasselEarring', '117048', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('186', '1', '1', '70', '2Socket-EliteIvoryRing', '150098', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('187', '1', '1', '70', '2Socket-EliteBoneHeavyRing', '151098', '3', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('188', '1', '1', '70', '2Socket-EliteCrocodileBoots', '160118', '2', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('189', '1', '3', '100', 'BlueDream', '182335', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('190', '1', '3', '100', 'MoonOrchid', '182345', '2', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('191', '1', '3', '100', 'FlyingFeather', '182355', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('192', '1', '3', '100', 'HeavenScent', '182365', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('122', '1', '2', '150', 'Class8MoneyBag', '723720', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('123', '1', '2', '70', 'Class9MoneyBag', '723721', '4', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('139', '1', '1', '120', 'Class10MoneyBag', '723722', '3', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `lottery` VALUES ('140', '1', '1', '70', 'TopMoneyBag', '723723', '3', '0', '0');

روح جدول entities واعمل ديزاين للجدول وعمل زي الصورة دية

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

كدة احنا خلصنا الحمد لله مبروك عليك الوتري فكسيد زي كونكر اونلاين بظبط

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

2019-05-04, 08:14 PM
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف


عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف


افتح game state او game client
وابحث عن

public uint virtuepoints;

حط تحتها

public datetime lastlotteryentry;
public byte lotteryentries;
public bool inlottery;

افتح entitytable

وابحث عن

افتح entitytable

وابحث عن

public static bool loadentity

وانزل لحد ما تلاقي كود زي دا

client.headgearclaim = reader.readboolean("headgearclaim");

حط تحتيه

client.inlottery = reader.readboolean("inlottery");
client.lotteryentries = reader.readbyte("lotteryentries");
client.lastlotteryentry = datetime.frombinary(reader.readint64("lastlotteryentry"));

في نفس الكلاس زي ما انت ابحث عن

client.expballs = 0;

حط تحته دا

client.lotteryentries = 0;

هتلاقي تحتهم ده


حط تحته ده


زي ما احنا في نفس الكلاس

ابحث عن ده

public static void resetexpball

اقفله من السالب و حط تحته ده

public static void resetlottery(client.gamestate client)
updatedata(client, "lotteryentries", 0);

ابحث عن ده

.set("class", e.class)

حط تحته دول

.set("inlottery", c.inlottery)
.set("lotteryentries", c.lotteryentries)
.set("lastlotteryentry", c.lastlotteryentry.ticks)

هنفتح فولدر database وهنعمل كلاس باسم lotterytable و نمسح كل حاجه فيه و نحط ده ولو عندك برده امسح كل حاجه فيه ال وحط ده

using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.linq;
using system.text;

namespace conquer_online_server.database
public class lotterytable
public class lotteryitem
public int rank, chance;
public string name;
public uint id;
public byte color;
public byte sockets;
public byte plus;
public uint npcid;

public static list<lotteryitem> lotteryitems = new list<lotteryitem>();
public static void load()
using (var cmd = new mysqlcommand(mysqlcommandtype.select).select("lottery"))
using (var reader = cmd.createreader())
while (reader.read())
lotteryitem item = new lotteryitem();
item.rank = reader.readint32("rank");
item.chance = reader.readint32("chance");
item.name = reader.readstring("prize_name");
item.id = reader.readuint32("prize_item");
item.color = reader.readbyte("color");
item.sockets = reader.readbyte("hole_num");
item.plus = reader.readbyte("addition_lev");
console.writeline("lottery items loaded.");

نروح لكلاس entity
ابحث عن ده

public time32 freezestamp;

حط تحتو دول

public uint lotteryitemid = 0;
public byte lotteryjadeadd;
public uint lotteryitemplus;
public uint lotteryitemsocket1;
public uint lotteryitemsoc2;
public uint lotteryitemcolor;
public conqueritem lotteryprize;

في نفس الكلاس ابحث عن ده

public lotterytable.lotteryitem lotoitem;

ابحث عن ده

public bool useitem = false;

حط تحتو ده

public uint lotteryitemsoc1;

ابحث عن ده

mapname = "offlinetg";

وتحت كلمه break; حط تحتها ده

case 700:
Mapname = "lotterymap";

ابحث عن ده

mapname = "desertarena";

تحت كلمه break; ارزع ده

case 0x760:
Mapname = "lotteryhouse";

هتفتح فولدر game وتعمل كلاس باسم lottery

using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.linq;
using system.text;
using conquer_online_server.network.gamepackets;
using conquer_online_server.interfaces;

namespace conquer_online_server.game
public class lottery

public static void lotteryrewardmessage(conquer_online_server.client. gamestate hero, conqueritem i)
string str = "";
string str2 = "";
string str3 = "";
if ((conquer_online_server.game.enums.itemquality)(i. id % 10) >= conquer_online_server.game.enums.itemquality.elite )
str = "elite ";
if ((conquer_online_server.game.enums.itemquality)(i. id % 10) >= conquer_online_server.game.enums.itemquality.super )
str = "super ";
if (conquer_online_server.database.conqueriteminforma tion.baseinformations[i.id].name.contains("moneybag"))
str = "";
if (i.socketone > 0)
str2 = "1-socket ";
if (i.sockettwo > 0)
str2 = "2-socket ";
if (i.plus > 0)
str3 = "(+" + i.plus + ")";
string str4 = str + str2 + conquer_online_server.database.conqueriteminformat ion.baseinformations[i.id].name + str3;
string msg = string.format("{0} won a {1} from the lottery!", hero.entity.name, str4);

if ((conquer_online_server.game.enums.itemquality)(i. id % 10) >= conquer_online_server.game.enums.itemquality.elite )
kernel.sendworldmessage(new message(msg, system.drawing.color.red, conquer_online_server.network.gamepackets.message. talk), program.values);

hero.send(new message(msg, system.drawing.color.white, message.talk));

public static void givelotteryprize(conquer_online_server.client.game state hema)
lotteryrewardmessage(hema, hema.entity.lotteryprize);
conquer_online_server.database.conqueriteminformat ion itemd = new conquer_online_server.database.conqueriteminformat ion(hema.entity.lotteryitemid, 0);
//var itemd = conquer_online_server.database.conqueriteminformat ion.baseinformations[hema.entity.lotteryitemid];
conqueritem item = new conqueritem(true);
item.id = hema.entity.lotteryitemid;

item.plus = (byte)hema.entity.lotteryitemplus;
item.color = conquer_online_server.game.enums.color.blue;
if (hema.entity.lotteryitemsoc1 > 0)
item.socketone = conquer_online_server.game.enums.gem.emptysocket;
hema.entity.lotteryitemsoc1 = 0;
if (hema.entity.lotteryitemsoc2 > 0)
item.sockettwo = conquer_online_server.game.enums.gem.emptysocket;
hema.entity.lotteryitemsoc2 = 0;
item.durability = item.maximdurability = itemd.baseinformation.durability;

hema.inventory.add(item, conquer_online_server.game.enums.itemuse.createand add);

hema.entity.lotteryitemid = 0;
hema.entity.lotteryjadeadd = 0;
public static void luckybox(uint npcid, conquer_online_server.client.gamestate h, bool jade)
if (jade || h.inventory.contains(0xadb50, 3))
if (!jade)
h.lotteryentries += 1;
h.activenes.sendsinglepacket(h, activeness.types.lotterytask, h.lotteryentries);
if ((npcid != 0) && !jade)
_string packet = new _string(true);
packet.uid = npcid;
packet.textscount = 1;
packet.type = _string.effect;
Int rand = kernel.random.next(conquer_online_server.database. lotterytable.lotteryitems.count);
var item = conquer_online_server.database.lotterytable.lotter yitems[rand];
var itemd = conquer_online_server.database.conqueriteminformat ion.baseinformations[item.id];
if (itemd == null || item == null)
goto tryagain;
if (item.npcid != npcid && kernel.rate(70))
goto tryagain;
if (!(network.packethandler.getpositionfromid(item.id ) != network.packethandler.positions.garment && network.packethandler.getpositionfromid(item.id) != 0 && kernel.rate(99)))
conqueritem item = new conqueritem(true);
item.id = item.id;
h.entity.lotteryitemid = item.id;
h.entity.lotteryitemplus = item.plus;
h.entity.lotteryitemcolor = (byte)conquer_online_server.game.enums.color.blue;
item.plus = item.plus;
item.color = conquer_online_server.game.enums.color.blue;
if (item.sockets > 0)
item.socketone = conquer_online_server.game.enums.gem.emptysocket;
h.entity.lotteryitemsoc1 = 255;
if (item.sockets > 1)
item.sockettwo = conquer_online_server.game.enums.gem.emptysocket;
h.entity.lotteryitemsoc2 = 255;

item.durability = item.maximdurability = itemd.durability;
// h.inventory.add(item, game.enums.itemuse.add);
//h.entity.lotteryprize = item;
if ((item != null))
if (!jade)
if (h.inventory.contains(0xadb50, 3))

h.inventory.remove(0xadb50, 3);
if (h.inventory.contains(0xadb50, 1))

h.inventory.remove(0xadb50, 1);

h.entity.lotteryprize = item;
conquer_online_server.network.gamepackets.lottery lottery = new conquer_online_server.network.gamepackets.lottery
//chances = (byte)(10 - h.lotteryentries),
color = item.color,
plus = item.plus,
prize = item.id,
socketone = (byte)item.socketone,
sockettwo = (byte)item.sockettwo,
addjadechances = h.entity.lotteryjadeadd,
type = conquer_online_server.network.gamepackets.lottery. lotterytypes.showgui

// string msg = string.format("error generating lottery prize.", h.entity.name, h.entity.name);
// h.send(new message(msg, system.drawing.color.white, message.talk));

goto tryagain;
string msg = string.format("you need 3 small lottery tickets to try at the lottery!", h.entity.name, h.entity.name);
h.send(new message(msg, system.drawing.color.white, message.talk));

public static void handle(byte[] data, conquer_online_server.client.gamestate client)

conquer_online_server.network.gamepackets.lottery lottery = new conquer_online_server.network.gamepackets.lottery( data);
if (client != null)
switch (lottery.type)
case conquer_online_server.network.gamepackets.lottery. lotterytypes.accept:

case conquer_online_server.network.gamepackets.lottery. lotterytypes.addjade:
If ((client.entity.lotteryjadeadd < 2) && client.inventory.contains(0xadb50, 1))
luckybox(0, client, true);

case conquer_online_server.network.gamepackets.lottery. lotterytypes.continue:
Luckybox(0, client, false);

هنروح لكلاس vipstatus
ابحث عن ده

public enum vipextras

حط تحت القوس ده

bonuslottery = 0x8000,

هنروح لفولدر network وبعد كده نفتح فولدر game packets ونعمل كلاس باسم lottery برده و هقول تاني و اكد لما تعمله امسح الي جواه و حط الي هدهولك و لو عندك امسح الي جواه و حط الي هدهولك

using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.linq;
using system.text;

namespace conquer_online_server.network.gamepackets
internal class lottery
private byte[] mdata;
public enum lotterytypes
accept = 0,
addjade = 1,
continue = 2,
socketone = 7,
sockettwo = 8,
showgui = 0x103
public lottery()
this.mdata = new byte[26 + 8];
writer.write(26, 0, this.mdata);
writer.write((ushort)1314, 2, this.mdata);
writer.write((byte)1, 6, this.mdata);

public lottery(byte[] d)
this.mdata = new byte[d.length];
d.copyto(this.mdata, 0);

public static implicit operator byte[](lottery d)
return d.mdata;

public byte addjadechances
return this.mdata[11];
this.mdata[11] = value;

public byte chances
return this.mdata[12];
this.mdata[12] = value;

public game.enums.color color
return (game.enums.color)((byte)bitconverter.touint16(thi s.mdata, 10));
writer.write((ushort)value, 10, this.mdata);

public byte plus
return this.mdata[9];
writer.write(value, 9, this.mdata);

public uint prize
return bitconverter.touint32(this.mdata, 12);
writer.write(value, 12, this.mdata);

public byte socketone
return this.mdata[7];
writer.write(value, 7, this.mdata);

public byte sockettwo
return this.mdata[8];
writer.write(value, 8, this.mdata);

public lotterytypes type
return (lotterytypes)bitconverter.touint16(this.mdata, 4);
writer.write((ushort)value, 4, this.mdata);

نروح لكلاس packethandler
حط ده تحت اي region ولو مش عارف ابحث عن دا

#region pk explorer

واقفله من السالب و ارزع تحته ده

#region lottery (1314)
case 1314:

game.lottery.handle(packet, client);

ابحث عن ده

#region gates

وحط تحته ده

#region smalllotteryticketpack
case 724002:
client.inventory.remove(item, game.enums.itemuse.removefromstack);
client.inventory.add(711504, 0, 3);

نروح لكلاس npc

#region ladyluck
case 923:
Case 924:
switch (npcrequest.optionid)
case 0:
if (client.inlottery)
dialog.text("look!~here~is~the~luckybox,~a~kind~of~magical~box~ which~makes~your~dream~come~true.");

dialog.option("get~me~out~of~here!", 4);
dialog.option("tell~me~more~about~it~please.", 5);
dialog.option("exchange~small~lottery~ticket.", 2);
dialog.option("really?~i~don`t~believe~it.", 255);
dialog.text("welcome to the lottery center! There are many lucky boxes here, each containing incredible treasures! Pay me 3 small lottery tickets to draw from the lucky box in the lottery center. You are allowed to enter the lottery center and try your luck upto 10");
dialog.text("~times a day. You will have extra lottery chances if you are a vip player. If you are new to this place, let me show you around the lottery center, first!");

dialog.option("let`s~try~my~luck!", 1);
dialog.option("exchange~small~lottery~ticket.", 2);
dialog.option("may~i~know~the~rules~first?", 3);
dialog.option("how~about~the~vip~privilege?", 6);
dialog.option("nice~to~see~you.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.entity.level >= 70)
client.inlottery = true;
client.entity.teleport(700, 40, 47);

dialog.text("you may not join the lottery , you need level 70 first.");
dialog.option("ahh sorry.", 255);
case 2:
if (!client.inventory.contains(711504, 3))
dialog.text("you don`t have 3 lottery tickets to exchange for the small lottery tickets.");

dialog.option("oops.", 255);
client.inventory.remove(711504, 3);
client.inventory.add(3008856, 0, 1);
case 3:
dialog.text("there are many lucky boxes in the lottery center. Pay 3 small lottery tickets, and you can draw from the lucky box! If you are not satisfied with the item you get, you can pay 1 more small lottery ticket to change the item you drew. However, you can");
dialog.text("~only pay and change the item for 2 times. Each player is allowed to draw from the lottery up to 10 times, each day.");

dialog.option("okay,~i~see.", 255);
case 4:
client.entity.teleport(1036, 219, 193);
client.inlottery = false;
case 5:
dialog.text("you~have~chance~to~get~whatever~you~desire~from~a~ luckybox.~it~may~be~a~dragonball,~+8~weapon,~or");
dialog.text("~two-socket~boot,~you~don`t~know~what~you~will~get~from ~the~box,~it~totally~depends~on~your~luck.~well,");

dialog.option("thanks~a~lot.", 255);
case 6:
dialog.text("each player can draw from the lottery up to 10 times, each day. But if you are a vip, you will have extra chances to play! Level 1 vip: 10 extra chances. Level 2 vip: 20 extra chances. Level 3 vip: 30 extra chances.");
dialog.text("~level 4 vip: 40 extra chances. Level 5 vip: 50 extra chances. Level 6 vip: 60 extra chances.");

dialog.option("got~it!", 255);
#region luckybox
case 943:
Case 937:
Case 944:
Case 939:
Case 931:
game.lottery.luckybox(client.activenpc, client, false);

افتح نافي كات حط دول في npcs

923 ladyluck 2 9230 1036 212 188
924 ladyluck 2 9236 700 40 50
944 lucky box 2 9287 700 45 56
943 lucky box 2 9287 700 56 56
939 lucky box 2 9287 700 45 45
937 lucky box 2 9287 700 51 51
931 lucky box 2 9287 700 56 45

ودة كمان في ملف map في النافي كات

700 700 66124 0

ارفع الجدول دة علي النافي كات

navicat mysql data transfer

source server : Localhost_3306
source server version : 50045
source host : Localhost:3306
source database : Tq

target server type : Mysql
target server version : 50045
file encoding : 65001

date: 2017-05-18 03:22:25

set foreign_key_checks=0;

-- ----------------------------
-- table structure for `lottery`
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists `lottery`;
create table `lottery` (
`id` int(4) unsigned not null default '0',
`type` int(4) unsigned not null default '0',
`rank` tinyint(1) unsigned not null default '0',
`chance` int(4) unsigned not null default '0',
`prize_name` char(32) not null default '',
`prize_item` int(4) unsigned not null default '0',
`color` tinyint(1) unsigned not null default '0',
`hole_num` tinyint(1) unsigned not null default '0',
`addition_lev` tinyint(1) unsigned not null default '0',
primary key (`id`)
) engine=myisam default charset=utf8;

-- ----------------------------
-- records of lottery
-- ----------------------------
insert into `lottery` values ('1', '1', '8', '100', '+1stone', '730001', '1', '0', '1');
insert into `lottery` values ('3', '1', '8', '100', 'disguiseamulet', '723724', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('4', '1', '8', '100', 'lifefruitbasket', '723725', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('5', '1', '8', '60', 'penitenceamulet', '723727', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('7', '1', '8', '70', 'class1moneybag', '723713', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('8', '1', '7', '100', '+2stone', '730002', '3', '0', '2');
insert into `lottery` values ('9', '1', '7', '100', 'exppotion', '723017', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('10', '1', '7', '100', 'expball', '723700', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('12', '1', '7', '70', 'class2moneybag', '723714', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('13', '1', '6', '50', 'refinedmoongem', '700062', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('14', '1', '6', '10', 'refinedfurygem', '700022', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('15', '1', '6', '30', 'refinedvioletgem', '700052', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('16', '1', '6', '100', '+1stonepack', '723712', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('17', '1', '6', '1', 'meteortearpack', '723711', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('18', '1', '6', '70', 'class3moneybag', '723715', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('19', '1', '5', '100', '+3stone', '730003', '4', '0', '3');
insert into `lottery` values ('20', '1', '5', '80', 'refineddragongem', '700012', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('21', '1', '5', '80', 'refinedphoenixgem', '700002', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('22', '1', '5', '80', 'refinedrainbowgem', '700032', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('23', '1', '5', '70', 'class4moneybag', '723716', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('24', '1', '4', '60', 'dragonball', '1088000', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('25', '1', '4', '80', '+4stone', '730004', '3', '0', '4');
insert into `lottery` values ('26', '1', '4', '100', 'prayingstone(s)', '1200000', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('27', '1', '4', '100', 'blacktulip', '723584', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('28', '1', '4', '100', 'sashtoken(s)', '722840', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('29', '1', '4', '70', 'class5moneybag', '723717', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('30', '1', '4', '50', 'whitephoenix', '181305', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('31', '1', '4', '50', 'brownphoenix', '181405', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('32', '1', '4', '50', 'blackphoenix', '181505', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('33', '1', '4', '50', 'redphoenix', '181605', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('34', '1', '4', '50', 'greenphoenix', '181705', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('35', '1', '4', '50', 'bluephoenix', '181805', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('36', '1', '4', '50', 'purplephoenix', '181905', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('37', '1', '4', '50', 'whiteelegance', '181315', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('38', '1', '4', '50', 'brownelegance', '181415', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('39', '1', '4', '50', 'blackelegance', '181515', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('40', '1', '4', '50', 'redelegance', '181615', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('41', '1', '4', '50', 'greenelegance', '181715', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('42', '1', '4', '50', 'blueelegance', '181815', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('43', '1', '4', '50', 'purpleelegance', '181915', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('44', '1', '4', '50', 'whitecelestial', '181325', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('45', '1', '4', '50', 'browncelestial', '181425', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('46', '1', '4', '50', 'blackcelestial', '181525', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('47', '1', '4', '50', 'redcelestial', '181625', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('48', '1', '4', '50', 'greencelestial', '181725', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('49', '1', '4', '50', 'bluecelestial', '181825', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('50', '1', '4', '50', 'purplecelestial', '181925', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('51', '1', '4', '50', 'weddinggown', '181335', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('52', '1', '4', '50', 'colorfuldress', '181345', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('53', '1', '4', '50', 'darkwizard', '181355', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('54', '1', '4', '50', 'prairiewind', '181365', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('55', '1', '4', '50', 'songoftianshan', '181375', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('56', '1', '4', '50', 'royaldignity', '181385', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('57', '1', '4', '50', 'daisy', '181395', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('58', '1', '4', '50', 'southofcloud', '182305', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('59', '1', '4', '50', 'bonfirenight', '182315', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('60', '1', '4', '50', 'angelicaldress', '182325', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('61', '1', '3', '80', '+5stone', '730005', '5', '0', '5');
insert into `lottery` values ('62', '1', '3', '100', 'prayingstone(l)', '1200002', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('63', '1', '3', '100', 'supertortoisegem', '700073', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('64', '1', '3', '100', 'magicalbottle', '2100045', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('65', '1', '3', '120', 'exemptiontoken', '723701', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('66', '1', '3', '120', 'class6moneybag', '723718', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('67', '1', '3', '70', 'class7moneybag', '723719', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('68', '1', '3', '100', 'superwararmor', '130089', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('69', '1', '3', '100', 'supermonkcoronet', '118089', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('70', '1', '3', '100', 'superbasaltarmor', '131089', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('71', '1', '3', '100', 'superviolenthelmet', '111089', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('72', '1', '3', '100', 'superrhinocoat', '133079', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('73', '1', '3', '100', 'superantlerhat', '113069', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('74', '1', '3', '100', 'superconquestgown', '134099', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('75', '1', '3', '100', 'superstarcap', '114099', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('76', '1', '3', '70', 'supergoldbag', '121189', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('77', '1', '3', '70', 'superdragonnecklace', '120189', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('78', '1', '3', '70', 'superbluebracelet', '152189', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('79', '1', '3', '70', 'superjadeearring', '117089', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('80', '1', '3', '70', 'superdiamondring', '150199', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('81', '1', '3', '90', 'superjetheavyring', '151179', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('82', '1', '3', '70', 'superkylinboots', '160199', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('83', '1', '3', '70', 'supercloudbacksword', '421199', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('84', '1', '3', '70', 'superrosewoodbow', '500189', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('85', '1', '3', '100', 'superthornshield', '900089', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('86', '1', '3', '70', 'superrainbowblade', '410199', '5', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('87', '1', '3', '70', 'superloyalsword', '420199', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('88', '1', '3', '100', 'superdemonhook', '430199', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('89', '1', '3', '100', 'superlightningwhip', '440199', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('90', '1', '3', '100', 'supergoldaxe', '450199', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('91', '1', '3', '100', 'supershininghammer', '460199', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('92', '1', '3', '70', 'supersnakeclub', '480199', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('93', '1', '3', '100', 'superthunderscepter', '481199', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('94', '1', '3', '100', 'superrainbowdagger', '490199', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('95', '1', '3', '100', 'supertigerglaive', '510199', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('96', '1', '3', '100', 'supergrimpoleaxe', '530199', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('97', '1', '3', '100', 'superpetallonghammer', '540199', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('98', '1', '3', '100', 'superlance', '560199', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('99', '1', '3', '100', 'supersilverhalbert', '580199', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('100', '1', '3', '100', 'supercopperwand', '561199', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('101', '1', '3', '70', '2socket-eliteironbacksword', '421088', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('102', '1', '3', '70', '2socket-eliteqinbow', '500088', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('103', '1', '3', '70', '2socket-eliterattanshield', '900018', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('104', '1', '3', '70', '2socket-elitemoonblade', '410098', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('105', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-elitefangsword', '420098', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('106', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-eliteantlerhook', '430098', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('107', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-elitetwinwhip', '440098', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('108', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-elitepeaceaxe', '450098', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('109', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-elitemelonhammer', '460098', '4', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('110', '1', '3', '70', '2socket-elitewarclub', '480098', '4', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('111', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-elitewishscepter', '481098', '4', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('112', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-elitecaodagger', '490098', '4', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('113', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-eliteunionglaive', '510098', '4', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('114', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-elitetwinpoleaxe', '530098', '4', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('115', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-elitegreatlonghammer', '540098', '4', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('116', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-eliteluckspear', '560098', '4', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('117', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-elitegoldhalbert', '580098', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('118', '1', '3', '100', '2socket-eliteshaolinwand', '561098', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('119', '1', '2', '80', '+6stone', '730006', '2', '0', '6');
insert into `lottery` values ('120', '1', '2', '100', 'miraculousgourd', '2100025', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('121', '1', '2', '100', 'sash(l)', '1100009', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('124', '1', '2', '100', '1socket-elitedemonarmor', '130058', '5', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('125', '1', '2', '100', '1socket-elitegoldcoronet', '118058', '5', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('126', '1', '2', '100', '1socket-elitechainedarmor', '131058', '5', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('127', '1', '2', '100', '1socket-elitepearlhelmet', '111058', '5', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('128', '1', '2', '100', '1socket-eliteapecoat', '133048', '5', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('129', '1', '2', '100', '1socket-eliteleopardhat', '113038', '5', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('130', '1', '2', '100', '1socket-elitepowergown', '134058', '5', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('131', '1', '2', '100', '1socket-elitesharkcap', '114068', '5', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('132', '1', '2', '70', '1socket-eliteambergrisbag', '121128', '1', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('133', '1', '2', '70', '1socket-eliteplatinanecklace', '120128', '1', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('134', '1', '2', '70', '1socket-elitebonebracelet', '152128', '1', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('135', '1', '2', '70', '1socket-eliteheartofocean', '117068', '1', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('136', '1', '2', '70', '1socket-elitejadering', '150118', '1', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('137', '1', '2', '90', '1socket-elitedarkheavyring', '151118', '2', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('138', '1', '2', '70', '1socket-elitelightboots', '160098', '2', '1', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('174', '1', '1', '100', '2socket-elitedipperarmor', '130048', '5', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('175', '1', '1', '100', '2socket-elitejadecoronet', '118048', '5', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('176', '1', '1', '100', '2socket-elitebrightarmor', '131048', '5', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('177', '1', '1', '100', '2socket-elitesyenitichelmet', '111048', '5', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('178', '1', '1', '100', '2socket-elitewolfcoat', '133028', '1', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('179', '1', '1', '100', '2socket-elitejackalhat', '113028', '1', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('180', '1', '1', '100', '2socket-elitepuregown', '134048', '1', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('181', '1', '1', '100', '2socket-elitecloudcap', '114048', '1', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('182', '1', '1', '70', '2socket-elitebeanbag', '121098', '1', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('183', '1', '1', '70', '2socket-elitegoldnecklace', '120098', '1', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('184', '1', '1', '70', '2socket-elitegoldbracelet', '152088', '1', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('185', '1', '1', '70', '2socket-elitetasselearring', '117048', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('186', '1', '1', '70', '2socket-eliteivoryring', '150098', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('187', '1', '1', '70', '2socket-eliteboneheavyring', '151098', '3', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('188', '1', '1', '70', '2socket-elitecrocodileboots', '160118', '2', '2', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('189', '1', '3', '100', 'bluedream', '182335', '1', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('190', '1', '3', '100', 'moonorchid', '182345', '2', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('191', '1', '3', '100', 'flyingfeather', '182355', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('192', '1', '3', '100', 'heavenscent', '182365', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('122', '1', '2', '150', 'class8moneybag', '723720', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('123', '1', '2', '70', 'class9moneybag', '723721', '4', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('139', '1', '1', '120', 'class10moneybag', '723722', '3', '0', '0');
insert into `lottery` values ('140', '1', '1', '70', 'topmoneybag', '723723', '3', '0', '0');

روح جدول entities واعمل ديزاين للجدول وعمل زي الصورة دية

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

كدة احنا خلصنا الحمد لله مبروك عليك الوتري فكسيد زي كونكر اونلاين بظبط

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
من فضلك انا عايز اعرف ازاي اتحكم مثلا اخلي صعب انو يطلع استون +6 وكدة اتحكم في سهول وصعوبة الجايزة

2019-05-05, 02:01 AM
من فضلك انا عايز اعرف ازاي اتحكم مثلا اخلي صعب انو يطلع استون +6 وكدة اتحكم في سهول وصعوبة الجايزة

ايوة فاهمك بتعدل علي نسبة الحصول علي الايتمز في الوتري من الحقل chance ودي بقي بتعدل علي جنب الايتمز ال انت عيزوو مثلا +6 ذي منتا قولت تقوم رايح عند خانة chance وتعدل هي بتبقي بلنسبة يعني لو كتب 50 يبقي 50% فهمت وكل ما تزود النسبة تزيد لو خلتها 100 كدة هتيجي مضمون

ًًًصور اهي

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

ابص كدة انا مخلي نسبة ال +6 تبقي 80%

2019-05-05, 12:12 PM
عاااش موضوع مميز

2019-05-05, 12:48 PM
ايوة فاهمك بتعدل علي نسبة الحصول علي الايتمز في الوتري من الحقل chance ودي بقي بتعدل علي جنب الايتمز ال انت عيزوو مثلا +6 ذي منتا قولت تقوم رايح عند خانة chance وتعدل هي بتبقي بلنسبة يعني لو كتب 50 يبقي 50% فهمت وكل ما تزود النسبة تزيد لو خلتها 100 كدة هتيجي مضمون

ًًًصور اهي

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

ابص كدة انا مخلي نسبة ال +6 تبقي 80%
طب انا عايز اعرف كلمة Rank وكلمة Color الي في الصورة دول بتوع ايه
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

2019-05-05, 05:50 PM
عاااش موضوع مميز

حبيبي تسلم :)

2019-05-05, 05:57 PM
طب انا عايز اعرف كلمة rank وكلمة color الي في الصورة دول بتوع ايه

دي لون الايتمز مش مهمة اعملها اي حاجة من 1 الي 5

2019-05-19, 06:28 AM
بقولك يا ميرو عندك حل للمشكله دى فى سورس الاسيوطى
الاول مكنش الايتمز بيظهر تضفت الايتمات الى انت رافعها فى القاعده بقت تظهر لكن برضو مش بيتجى فى الايتمز ومفيش كلمه قبول او رفض ؟؟عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

2019-05-19, 06:29 AM
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

2019-05-19, 01:41 PM
بقولك يا ميرو عندك حل للمشكله دى فى سورس الاسيوطى
الاول مكنش الايتمز بيظهر تضفت الايتمات الى انت رافعها فى القاعده بقت تظهر لكن برضو مش بيتجى فى الايتمز ومفيش كلمه قبول او رفض ؟؟

امش علي الشرح بتاعي كامل المشكلة هتروح اعمل الاضافة من الاول

2019-05-19, 02:04 PM
عشان فى شويه كلمات جابتلى اريور بعد ما عملتها اطيت اشيلها واسيب النظام القديم
متعرفش تحديدا مكان مشكلتى فين

2019-05-19, 04:02 PM
عملتها ونفس المشكله بس فى مشكلاله فى ملف game packets مش قابل الاضفات بتاعتك حتى بعد ام بغير اسم البروجكت بيجيب اخطاء كتير وملهاش اصلاح