محمد ياسر
2019-09-14, 05:11 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الفكره ده سهله جدا جدا جدا مفيش اسهل منه
انك لما تموت وحش يديلك نقاط تتخزن وتبدله من الانبي سي حاجه سهله:D
#region HeroesPoints
case 505467:
//uint CpsCount = 8000000;
//uint CpsPrize = 360;
string item1Name = "GoldPrize";//Item Name
uint item1ID = 2100075;//Item ID....
uint item1Price = 800000;//HeroesPoints needed to get the item.
string item2Name = "SilverPrize";//Item Name
uint item2ID = 2100065;//Item ID....
uint item2Price = 500000;//HeroesPoints needed to get the item.
string item3Name = "BronzePrize";//Item Name
uint item3ID = 2100055;//Item ID....
uint item3Price = 400000;//HeroesPoints needed to get the item.
string item4Name = "VIP 6";//Item Name
//uint item4ID = 728956;//Item ID....
uint item4Price = 800000;//HeroesPoints needed to get the item.
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("All heroes can talk to me to learn about my new items, this items for HeroesPoints only, ");
dialog.Text("Your HeroesPoints Count is : " + client.Entity.HeroesPoints + " .");
dialog.Option("About Heroes Points", 1);
dialog.Option("" + item1Name + " (" + item1Price + " Points).", 2);
dialog.Option("" + item2Name + " (" + item2Price + " Points).", 3);
dialog.Option("" + item3Name + " (" + item3Price + " Points).", 4);
dialog.Option("" + item4Name + " (" + item4Price + " Points) .", 5);
dialog.Option("No Thanks", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Text("This is new system , Each 1 monster you killing it , will get 1 HeroesPoints directly , you can exchange these Points to prizes");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Entity.HeroesPoints >= item1Price)
client.Entity.HeroesPoints -= item1Price;
client.Inventory.Add(item1ID, 0, 1);
_String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = client.Entity.UID;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
str.TextsCount = 1;
dialog.Text("You got " + item1Name + ", your Points now are : " + client.Entity.HeroesPoints + ".");
dialog.Option("Thanks Alot!", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Entity.HeroesPoints >= item2Price)
client.Entity.HeroesPoints -= item2Price;
client.Inventory.Add(item2ID, 0, 1);
_String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = client.Entity.UID;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
str.TextsCount = 1;
dialog.Text("You got " + item2Name + ", your Points now are : " + client.Entity.HeroesPoints + ".");
dialog.Option("Thanks Alot!", 255);
case 4:
if (client.Entity.HeroesPoints >= item3Price)
client.Entity.HeroesPoints -= item3Price;
client.Inventory.Add(item3ID, 0, 1);
_String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = client.Entity.UID;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
str.TextsCount = 1;
dialog.Text("You got " + item3Name + ", your Points now are : " + client.Entity.HeroesPoints + ".");
dialog.Option("Thanks Alot!", 255);
case 5:
if (client.Entity.HeroesPoints >= item4Price)
//client.Entity.VIPLevel = 6;
VipTable.SavePlayer(client, 6, 30);
client.Entity.Update(Network.GamePackets.Update.VI PLevel, 6, false);
Network.GamePackets.VipStatus vip = new Network.GamePackets.VipStatus();
_String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = client.Entity.UID;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
str.TextsCount = 1;
dialog.Text("You got " + item4Name + " For 30 days, your Points now are : " + client.Entity.HeroesPoints + ".");
dialog.Option("Thanks Alot!", 255);
افتح EntityTable.cs ابحث عن
public static bool LoadEntity
ضيف دة
client.Entity.HeroesPoints = reader.ReadUInt32("HeroesPoints");
في نفس الملف ابحث
public static bool SaveEntity
ضيف دة
.Set("HeroesPoints", e.HeroesPoints)
نبحث عن
public void Drop
ضيف دة مكان الي موجود
#region HeroesPoints
if (Name == "TompBat")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "RedDevilL117")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "RedDevilL118")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "HawKing")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "HawkL93")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "WingedSnake")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "Pheasant")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "Birdman")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "Bandit")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "Macaque")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "TombBat")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
او عشان اسهل عليك تضيف لي اي وحش عندك الكودين دول
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
افتح Entity ضيف دة :
public uint HeroesPoints;
شغل النافي كات بقا :
نروح علي Entities دوس كليك امين بعدين DseginTable ضيف صف باسم
HeroesPoints bigint 20
بس كده حاجه سهله جدا
الفكره ده سهله جدا جدا جدا مفيش اسهل منه
انك لما تموت وحش يديلك نقاط تتخزن وتبدله من الانبي سي حاجه سهله:D
#region HeroesPoints
case 505467:
//uint CpsCount = 8000000;
//uint CpsPrize = 360;
string item1Name = "GoldPrize";//Item Name
uint item1ID = 2100075;//Item ID....
uint item1Price = 800000;//HeroesPoints needed to get the item.
string item2Name = "SilverPrize";//Item Name
uint item2ID = 2100065;//Item ID....
uint item2Price = 500000;//HeroesPoints needed to get the item.
string item3Name = "BronzePrize";//Item Name
uint item3ID = 2100055;//Item ID....
uint item3Price = 400000;//HeroesPoints needed to get the item.
string item4Name = "VIP 6";//Item Name
//uint item4ID = 728956;//Item ID....
uint item4Price = 800000;//HeroesPoints needed to get the item.
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("All heroes can talk to me to learn about my new items, this items for HeroesPoints only, ");
dialog.Text("Your HeroesPoints Count is : " + client.Entity.HeroesPoints + " .");
dialog.Option("About Heroes Points", 1);
dialog.Option("" + item1Name + " (" + item1Price + " Points).", 2);
dialog.Option("" + item2Name + " (" + item2Price + " Points).", 3);
dialog.Option("" + item3Name + " (" + item3Price + " Points).", 4);
dialog.Option("" + item4Name + " (" + item4Price + " Points) .", 5);
dialog.Option("No Thanks", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Text("This is new system , Each 1 monster you killing it , will get 1 HeroesPoints directly , you can exchange these Points to prizes");
dialog.Option("Thanks!", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Entity.HeroesPoints >= item1Price)
client.Entity.HeroesPoints -= item1Price;
client.Inventory.Add(item1ID, 0, 1);
_String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = client.Entity.UID;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
str.TextsCount = 1;
dialog.Text("You got " + item1Name + ", your Points now are : " + client.Entity.HeroesPoints + ".");
dialog.Option("Thanks Alot!", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Entity.HeroesPoints >= item2Price)
client.Entity.HeroesPoints -= item2Price;
client.Inventory.Add(item2ID, 0, 1);
_String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = client.Entity.UID;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
str.TextsCount = 1;
dialog.Text("You got " + item2Name + ", your Points now are : " + client.Entity.HeroesPoints + ".");
dialog.Option("Thanks Alot!", 255);
case 4:
if (client.Entity.HeroesPoints >= item3Price)
client.Entity.HeroesPoints -= item3Price;
client.Inventory.Add(item3ID, 0, 1);
_String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = client.Entity.UID;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
str.TextsCount = 1;
dialog.Text("You got " + item3Name + ", your Points now are : " + client.Entity.HeroesPoints + ".");
dialog.Option("Thanks Alot!", 255);
case 5:
if (client.Entity.HeroesPoints >= item4Price)
//client.Entity.VIPLevel = 6;
VipTable.SavePlayer(client, 6, 30);
client.Entity.Update(Network.GamePackets.Update.VI PLevel, 6, false);
Network.GamePackets.VipStatus vip = new Network.GamePackets.VipStatus();
_String str = new _String(true);
str.UID = client.Entity.UID;
str.Type = _String.Effect;
str.TextsCount = 1;
dialog.Text("You got " + item4Name + " For 30 days, your Points now are : " + client.Entity.HeroesPoints + ".");
dialog.Option("Thanks Alot!", 255);
افتح EntityTable.cs ابحث عن
public static bool LoadEntity
ضيف دة
client.Entity.HeroesPoints = reader.ReadUInt32("HeroesPoints");
في نفس الملف ابحث
public static bool SaveEntity
ضيف دة
.Set("HeroesPoints", e.HeroesPoints)
نبحث عن
public void Drop
ضيف دة مكان الي موجود
#region HeroesPoints
if (Name == "TompBat")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "RedDevilL117")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "RedDevilL118")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "HawKing")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "HawkL93")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "WingedSnake")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "Pheasant")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "Birdman")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "Bandit")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "Macaque")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
if (Name == "TombBat")
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
/// return;
او عشان اسهل عليك تضيف لي اي وحش عندك الكودين دول
killer.HeroesPoints += 1;
killer.Owner.Send(new Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "You Received 1 HeroesPoint , For Kill ", this.Name }), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 0x7dc).ToArray());
افتح Entity ضيف دة :
public uint HeroesPoints;
شغل النافي كات بقا :
نروح علي Entities دوس كليك امين بعدين DseginTable ضيف صف باسم
HeroesPoints bigint 20
بس كده حاجه سهله جدا