المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : كويسته المهما اليوميه كامله

محمد ياسر
2019-04-24, 09:32 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
انهرضا جايبلكم موضوع حصري وجامد
وهوا الكويستات اليوميه زي كونكر اون لاين
نخش علي الاضافت اكيد الكويسته عجبتكم

ركزو معايا

نخش علي الشرح يا زميلي

اول حاجة هتفتح الباكت هندل وتضيف دول فيه بدل الي عندك

ونبحث عن
public static void Send_Effect
اقفله بالسالب وبدله بده
public static void Send_Effect(Client.GameState Client, uint data_8, ushort Type, ushort direction, uint LoopTime, string EffectName)
// Send_Effect(Client, 220, 164, 1, 5, "Pick");
//38 + 1 + 8 + EffectName.Length = 47 + EffectName.Length
//Where 38 is the normal 10010 packet length, 1 for the extra byte at offset 38, 8 for the Server Stamp
byte[] Packet = new byte[47 + EffectName.Length];
Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(Packet.Length - 8), 0, Packet);
Writer.WriteUInt16(10010, 2, Packet);
Writer.WriteUInt32(Client.Entity.UID, 4, Packet);
Writer.WriteUInt32(data_8, 8, Packet);
Writer.WriteUInt16(Type, 20, Packet);
Writer.WriteUInt16(direction, 22, Packet);
Writer.WriteUInt32(LoopTime, 32, Packet);
Writer.WriteByte(1, 37, Packet);
Writer.WriteByte((byte)(EffectName.Length), 38, Packet);
Writer.WriteString(EffectName, 39, Packet);

وبعد كدا هتخش علي تابه


وبتحث عن اي سطر من دول
public uint KillArena1 = 0;
public uint KillArena2 = 0;
public uint KillArena3 = 0;
public uint KillArena4 = 0;
public Time32 Cursed;
public int Sentagain { get; set; }
public DateTime MerchantDay;
public DateTime MerchantDate;
public int Merchant { get; set; }
public bool OpenskillSoul;
public bool SuperSkillSoul;

حط تحته اي واحد منهم علطول دول
#region DailyQuests By Mr.Dola
public byte AncestorHonored = 0;
public byte EveryThingHasAprince = 0;
public byte RealiseTheSouls = 0;
public bool RealiseGuards = false;
public byte MangoliasAllAround = 0;
public byte Excrosim = 0;
public bool Spook1 = false;
public bool Spook2 = false;
public bool Spook3 = false;
public int SpiritBeads = 0;
public bool SpiritBeadsQuest = false;

بعد كدا


كلها كامله بجميع ىالايفيكتات

#region DailyQuest
#region DailyQuestEnvoy
case 1994:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("All hereoesn can talk to me to learn about the daily tasks,");
dialog.Text("And go to the required places to accept work");
if (client.Entity.AncestorHonored == 0) { dialog.Option("Honoring The Ancestors[L50].", 1); } else { dialog.Option("Honoring The Ancestors(Done).", 255); }
if (client.Entity.EveryThingHasAprince == 0) { dialog.Option("Everything Has A Price[L60].", 2); } else { dialog.Option("Everything Has A Price(Done).", 255); }
if (client.Entity.RealiseTheSouls == 0) { dialog.Option("Release The Souls[L70].", 3); } else { dialog.Option("Release The Souls(Done).", 255); }
if (client.Entity.MangoliasAllAround == 0) { dialog.Option("Magnolias All Around[L80].", 4); } else { dialog.Option("Magnolias All Around(Done).", 255); }
//dialog.Option("Everything Has A Price[L60]", 5);
if (client.Entity.Excrosim == 0) { dialog.Option("Exorcism[L90].", 6); } else { dialog.Option("Exorcism(Done).", 255); }
if (client.Entity.SpiritBeads == 0) { dialog.Option("Spirit Beads[L100].", 7); } else { dialog.Option("Spirit Beads(Done).", 7); }
dialog.Option("Reset All Quests.", 255);
case 3:
client.Entity.Teleport(1000, 541, 646);
case 6:
client.Entity.Teleport(1036, 246, 151);
#region Honoring
case 1:
if (client.Entity.Level >= 50)
dialog.Text("Go to the Ancestral Hall and worship the Ancestors.");
dialog.Text("Then you will recive a reward.");
dialog.Text("If you've devoted enough, you will have the chance to receive 200 study points and 20 CPS (B) as a bonus Blessing!");
dialog.Option("Go to the Ancestral Hall", 8);
dialog.Option("Leave.", 255);
dialog.Text("You must be lvl 50 Or higher toGo to the Ancestral Hall and worship the Ancestors.");
dialog.Option("Okey.", 255);


case 8:
client.Entity.Teleport(3081, 53, 56);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("You were teleported to the Anceal Hall. what a respectful and solmen place.", Color.White, Message.Talk));
#region EveryThingHasAprince
#region RealiseTheSouls
#region Magnolias All Around
#region Exorcism
#region Spirit Beads
case 7:
dialog.Text("Hey there, SpiritBeadQuest, the task is simple kill mobs to collect their spirits and u shall be rewarded.");
if (client.Entity.SpiritBeadsQuest == false)
dialog.Text("Which quest would you like to start?");
dialog.Option("Normal Bead (2,500 Spirits).", 11);
dialog.Option("Refined Bead (2,000 Spirits).", 12);
dialog.Option("Unique Bead (1,500 Spirits).", 13);
dialog.Option("Elite Bead (1,000 Spirits).", 14);
dialog.Option("Super Bead (500 Spirits).", 15);
dialog.Option("Not intrested", 255);
dialog.Text("But You Have Finished It Today Come Tomorrow.");
dialog.Option("Okey.", 255);
case 11: client.SpiritBeadQ.AcceptQuest(729611); client.Entity.SpiritBeadsQuest = true; break;
case 12: client.SpiritBeadQ.AcceptQuest(729612); client.Entity.SpiritBeadsQuest = true; break;
case 13: client.SpiritBeadQ.AcceptQuest(729613); client.Entity.SpiritBeadsQuest = true; break;
case 14: client.SpiritBeadQ.AcceptQuest(729614); client.Entity.SpiritBeadsQuest = true; break;
case 15: client.SpiritBeadQ.AcceptQuest(729703); client.Entity.SpiritBeadsQuest = true; break;
#region Honoring Ancestors
#region goodmanLui
case 1995:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("When You finish i can send you back to town.if you want if you want to back to twin city, I can send you back.");
dialog.Option("How to worship them?", 1);
dialog.Option(" Back to Twin City.", 2);
dialog.Option("Im just passing by.", 255);
case 1:
dialog.Text("When You enter the Hall. you will see the images of Nuwa,HuangDi and YanDi , Diffrent Ancestors will grant you diffrent Blessing.");
dialog.Option("Worship HuangDi", 3);
dialog.Option("Worship Nuwa", 4);
dialog.Option("WorshipYangDi", 5);
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);

case 2:
client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 421, 377);

case 3:
dialog.Text("HuangDi is a legendary Chinese sovereign and cultral hero. if you worship him, you'll recieve 60 minutes of EXP, 50 Study points and 1 Chi Token. ");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);

case 4:
dialog.Text("Nuwa is known for creating mankind and repairing the wall of heaven . if you worship her, you'll recieve 5 hours of blessing of EXP, 60 minutes of EXP and 1 Chi Token. ");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);

case 5:
dialog.Text("YanDi is another Legendary ruler of Ancient China. if you worship him, you'll recieve 5 hours of blessing of EXP, 50 study points and 1 Chi Token. ");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);


#region HuanDi
case 1996:
case 1997:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("HuangDi is a legendary Chinese sovereign and cultral hero. if you worship him, you'll recieve 60 minutes of EXP, 50 Study points and 1 Chi Token. ");
dialog.Option("Worship him.", 1);
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Entity.AncestorHonored == 0)
if (client.Entity.Y <= 55)
// if (client.Entity.Y <= 55)
PacketHandler.Send_Effect(client, 220, 164, 1, 5, "worship");
uint value = (uint)(5 * 60 * 60);
client.Entity.Update(Network.GamePackets.Update.On lineTraining, client.OnlineTrainingPoints, false);
client.IncreaseExperience(client.ExpBalls += 1, false);
client.Entity.SubClasses.StudyPoints += 50;
client.Inventory.Add(729304, 0, 1);
dialog.Text(" You must stand infront of the Ancestor to Honor Him![Team-Xor]");

dialog.Text(" you have honored the ancestor today please come back tomorrow");
#region Nuwa
case 1998:
case 19991:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Nuwa is known for creating mankind and repairing the wall of heaven . if you worship her, you'll recieve 5 hours of blessing of EXP, 60 minutes of EXP and 1 Chi Token.");
dialog.Option("Worship her.", 1);
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Entity.AncestorHonored == 0)
if (client.Entity.Y <= 55)
PacketHandler.Send_Effect(client, 220, 164, 1, 5, "worship");
uint value = (uint)(5 * 60 * 60);
// client.Entity.Update(Network.GamePackets.Update.On lineTraining, client.OnlineTrainingPoints, false);
client.IncreaseExperience(client.ExpBalls += 1, false);
// client.AddBless(value);
client.Entity.Update(Network.GamePackets.Update.On lineTraining, client.OnlineTrainingPoints, false);
client.Inventory.Add(729304, 0, 1);
client.IncreaseExperience(client.ExpBall, false);
client.Entity.Update(10, "end_task", true);

dialog.Text(" You must stand infront of the Ancestor to Honor Him.");

dialog.Text(" you have honored the ancestor today please come back tomorrow");

#region YanDi
case 1999:
case 199922:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("YanDi is another Legendary ruler of Ancient China. if you worship him, you'll recieve 5 hours of blessing of EXP, 50 study points and 1 Chi Token. ");
dialog.Option("Worship him", 1);
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Entity.AncestorHonored == 0)

if (client.Entity.Y <= 55)
PacketHandler.Send_Effect(client, 220, 164, 1, 5, "worship");
uint value = (uint)(5 * 60 * 60);
// uint value = (uint)(5 * 60 * 60);
client.Entity.Update(Network.GamePackets.Update.On lineTraining, client.OnlineTrainingPoints, false);
client.Inventory.Add(729304, 0, 1);
client.Entity.SubClasses.StudyPoints += 50;
client.Entity.Update(10, "end_task", true);

dialog.Text(" You must stand infront of the Ancestor to Honor Him.");


dialog.Text(" you have honored the ancestor today please come back tomorrow");




#region Realise The Souls
#region GoodMan
case 21456:
//729304 chi token
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Entity.RealiseGuards == false)
dialog.Text("Hello friend. There are many guards in desert had been injured do you want to help them.");
dialog.Option("Of, Caurse.", 1);
else if (client.Entity.Level < 70 && client.Entity.Reborn == 0)
dialog.Text("Sorry, You don't in the best level to cntinue ican't let you do this.");
dialog.Option("Okey.", 255);
else if (client.Entity.RealiseGuards == true)
dialog.Text("Sorry, You are in the quest already.");
dialog.Option("Okey.", 255);
else if (client.Entity.RealiseTheSouls < 8)
dialog.Text("Sorry, You realised just less than 8 soliders.");
dialog.Option("Okey.", 255);
else if (client.Entity.RealiseTheSouls >= 8)
dialog.Text("Congratulations, You will give the souls to me.");
dialog.Option("Okey just take them.", 2);
case 1:
client.Entity.RealiseGuards = true;
client.Entity.RealiseTheSouls = 0;
case 2:
client.Entity.RealiseGuards = false;
client.Entity.RealiseTheSouls = 0;
client.Inventory.Add(729304, 0, 1);

شغل النافي كات بقا
19992 0 0 YanDi 2 19450 -1 3081 61 44
1999 0 0 CenserYandi 2 19490 -1 3081 63 51
19991 0 0 Nuwa 2 19310 -1 3081 52 44
1998 0 0 CenserNuwa 2 19490 -1 3081 54 51
1997 0 0 HuangDi 2 19440 -1 3081 43 44
1996 0 0 CenserHuangDi 2 19490 -1 3081 45 51

1994 0 0 DailyQuestEnvoy 2 19930 -1 1002 297 295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21456 0 0 21456 questday 2 1000 643 537

وبكدا تمام اوي

مش عايز منكو غير دعوة حلوة بالنجاح

2019-04-24, 11:23 AM
طب حلو بس معلش يا حازم قولنا اللى ف النافى كات ده اول حاجه بتاعت ايه وتانى حاجه اييه وتالت حاجه بتاعت ايه يعنى قولنا كل حاجه تتحط فين ف النافى كات وشكرا

محمد ياسر
2019-04-24, 11:29 AM
كلهم في npcs

2019-04-24, 11:32 AM
19992 0 0 YanDi 2 19450 -1 3081 61 44
1999 0 0 CenserYandi 2 19490 -1 3081 63 51
19991 0 0 Nuwa 2 19310 -1 3081 52 44
1998 0 0 CenserNuwa 2 19490 -1 3081 54 51
1997 0 0 HuangDi 2 19440 -1 3081 43 44
1996 0 0 CenserHuangDi 2 19490 -1 3081 45 51

1994 0 0 DailyQuestEnvoy 2 19930 -1 1002 297 295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21456 0 0 21456 questday 2 1000 643 537

كل دول ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ كل شغل النافى كات ف الان بى سى ؟

محمد ياسر
2019-04-24, 11:34 AM
19992 0 0 YanDi 2 19450 -1 3081 61 44
1999 0 0 CenserYandi 2 19490 -1 3081 63 51
19991 0 0 Nuwa 2 19310 -1 3081 52 44
1998 0 0 CenserNuwa 2 19490 -1 3081 54 51
1997 0 0 HuangDi 2 19440 -1 3081 43 44
1996 0 0 CenserHuangDi 2 19490 -1 3081 45 51

1994 0 0 DailyQuestEnvoy 2 19930 -1 1002 297 295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21456 0 0 21456 questday 2 1000 643 537

كل دول ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ كل شغل النافى كات ف الان بى سى ؟

ايو في ال npcs

2024-03-08, 02:29 AM

2024-03-08, 02:30 AM
ايو في ال npcs